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ocp_pam_app_dev's Introduction


Making Preperations

Access to RH Registry

oc create secret generic imagestreamsecret --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/home/stkousso/Stelios/sw11/PAAS/Distros/minishift/1.27/minishift-1.27.0-linux-amd64/config.json


  • Installing RHSSO 7.2 Templates & Images

    oc login -u system:admin
    cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev


  • No special prep required if access to external Red Hat Maven repositories is possible and

  • The NEXUS image '' is possible to download


Image Stream

cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev
unzip ./resources/
       oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam
oc create -f ./resources/rhpam72-image-streams.yaml -n openshift
       oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam

Put RHPAM images in place

  • Check existing images (as cluster admin). we need rhpam72

    oc get images |grep rhpam
  • Business Central: A platform for authoring business assets such as data objects, rules, processes, cases, and planning entities.

    oc import-image my-rhpam-7/rhpam72-businesscentral-openshift --confirm -n openshift
  • KIE Server REST services runtime environment for business assets such as business processes, rules, cases, and planning entities.

    oc import-image my-rhpam-7/rhpam72-kieserver-openshift --confirm -n openshift
  • KIE (Standalone) Controller: A component for managing multiple KIE Servers (Process, Decision, Planning) in manage mode.

    oc import-image my-rhpam-7/rhpam72-controller-openshift --confirm -n openshift
  • Smart Router: Load balancing, unified view on available business assets, and aggregation of responses throughout multiple KIE Servers (Process, Decision, Planning).

    oc import-image my-rhpam-7/rhpam72-smartrouter-openshift --confirm -n openshift
  • Business Central Monitoring: A platform for monitoring and management of business assets.

    oc import-image my-rhpam-7/rhpam72-businesscentral-monitoring-openshift --confirm -n openshift

Insert Templates

cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev
oc create -f ./resources/<template-name> -n openshift

Custom Tempates

  • Template Name:

    • location:

    • purpose:

CI/CD PoC Setups

Tools project

oc new-project <YOUR-TOOLS-NAEMSPACE>tools
  1. create nexus + rh proxy repos

    cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev
    oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD>
    oc project tools
    # oc create -f nexus-dc.yaml -n tools
    ./Infrastructure/scripts/ <YOUR-TOOLS-NAEMSPACE>tools <CLUSTER PUBLIC URL>
  2. SSO Setp

    oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD>
    oc project tools
    #oc new-app --template=openshift/sso72-x509-https -p APPLICATION_NAME=cgd-sso -p SSO_ADMIN_USERNAME=ssoadmin -p SSO_ADMIN_PASSWORD=ssoadmin720! -l app=sso -n tools
    ./Infrastructure/scripts/ tools FALSE
  3. jenkins

  4. gogs


DEV Project

  • Business Central Installation/Configuration:

    cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev
    oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD>
    oc project pam-dev
    oc create -f Infrastructure/templates/rhpam72-authoring-stelios-1.yaml
    ./Infrastructure/scripts/ <YOUR-DEV-NAMESPACE>pam-dev <YOUR-TOOLS-NAMESPACE>tools
    KIE Server Check: "curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 --insecure https://secure-cgd-kieserver-<YOUR-DEV-NAMESPACE>.apps.<CLUSTER-NAME>/services/rest/server"
    RHPAM Central Login: rhpamAdmin/rhpamAdmin720
    • Create Project

      • Step 1: Create processes, rules etc.

      • Step 2: since no CI-CD we will distribute KJARs directly from 'Business Central' into NEXUS to achieve this

        • Add on any new project in the settings.xml (see '' output log) the following for distribution to NEXUS (Note: <id>nexus</id> MUST match the'<servers><server><id>nexus</id>' in *Infrastructure/templates/settings.xml

        • 'Deploy' from 'Business Central' into the KieServer and confirm that KieContainer is started by looking for the appropriate container-alias

          curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X GET "" --insecure -H  "accept: application/xml"
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
          <response type="SUCCESS" msg="List of created containers">
          	<kie-container container-alias="retail-proc-1" container-id="retail-proc-1_1.0.0" status="STARTED">
          	        <content>Container retail-proc-1_1.0.0 successfully created with module com.cgdretailprocesses:retail-proc-1:1.0.0.</content>
          	    <scanner status="DISPOSED"/>
          • Check NEXUS where now the KJAR(s) would have been uploaded to and where the DEV KieServer has been configued to download them from Definitions*


Uploaded KJARs to NEXUS

  • Go to Business Central *Menu -→ Execution Servers" & Click on the Remote Servers (only one available) too see the KieContainers created from the deployed KJARs

KieContainers active on DEV KieServer

  • 'Find' the process in the deployed KJAR (ie. the runnalable RHPAM projet) by using from the previous result the alias or id of the KieContainer (container-alias="retail-proc-1" container-id="retail-proc-1_1.0.0")

    curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X GET "" --insecure -H  "accept: application/xml"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  • 'Execute' against the KieContainer by starting a new process

    • Using the alias

      curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 --insecure -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/xml" -H  "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type>    <entries>        <entry>            <key>age</key>            <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\"                    xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value>        </entry>        <entry>            <key>person</key>            <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">                <name>john</name>            </value>        </entry>    </entries></map-type>"
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    • Using the container-id

      curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 --insecure -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/xml" -H  "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type>    <entries>        <entry>            <key>age</key>            <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\"                    xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value>        </entry>        <entry>            <key>person</key>            <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">                <name>john</name>            </value>        </entry>    </entries></map-type>"
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    • To see the current deployed process definitions Menu -→ Process Definitions

Process Definition Diagram

  • To see the current deployed process definitions Menu -→ Process Instances

See KIESERVER Process Instances

PROD Project

Non-CICD RHPAM Setup with Internal DBs

cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev
oc project pam-prod
oc create -f Infrastructure/templates/rhpam72-prod-stelios-1.yaml
./Infrastructure/scripts/ <YOUR-DEV-NAMESPACE>pam-prod <YOUR-TOOLS-NAMESPACE>tools

Resulting Installation

Deploying, Executing, Monitoring, Managing Process Projects in PROD

  • Step 1: Login to Business Central Monitor (above) and inspect the deployments on the different Server Configuration (Templates). There should be 3 (see below)

RHPAMCentral Monitor

  • Step 2: There are no Deployment Units (ie. KJARs with processes/rules to deploy) as they exist remotely on the nexus server. With the cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 selected press Add Deployment Unit and add (as per screenshots) the KJAR (based on your project’s Group Artifact Version -GAV- details-) the KJAR you wish deployed in the GROUP Of KIESERVERs that will use RHPAM template configuration cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1

RHPAMCentral Add new Project to KIE Server

RHPAMCentral Monitor

  • Use the "Start" button to initialize the RHPAM Process project (KieContainer) inside the KIESERVERs (should get a gree

RHPAMCentral Monitor

  • Side note: The JARs are downloaded locally at '/opt/eap/standalone/data/kie/maven-repository/' in the container

    • Step 3: Retrieve ALL Active KieContainers (ie. projects to execute processes against) using the Smart Router rather than individual KIESERVER cluster groups

      # curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/xml"
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <response msg="List of created containers" type="SUCCESS">
          <kie-container container-alias="" container-id="morgages" status="STARTED">
      	<content>Container morgages successfully created with module com.cgdretailprocesses:mortgage-rules-1:1.0.0.</content>
            <scanner status="DISPOSED"/>
  • Retrieve Available processes in KieContainer

    # curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/xml"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  • Check the Smart Router configuration manually

    oc rsh cgd-retail-smartrouter-1-7f2cw
    $ cat /opt/rhpam-smartrouter/data/kie-server-router.json
      "containerInfo": [{
        "alias": "mortgage-rules-1",
        "containerId": "morgages",
        "releaseId": "com.cgdretailprocesses:mortgage-rules-1:1.0.0"
      "containers": [
        {"mortgage-rules-1": [""]},
        {"morgages": [""]}
      "servers": [{"cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1": [""]}]
  • Step 4: Execute process com.cgdretailprocesses.loanapproval on KieContainer morgages and KIESERVERs cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 via the Smart Router configuration manually

    curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/xml" -H  "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type>    <entries>        <entry>            <key>age</key>            <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\"                    xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value>        </entry>        <entry>            <key>person</key>            <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">                <name>john</name>            </value>        </entry>    </entries></map-type>"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    Check the logs of the pod running the 'morgages' KieContainer
    # oc logs -f cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1-1-wqsp
    10:27:27,105 INFO  [] (default task-1) Container morgages (for release id com.cgdretailprocesses:mortgage-rules-1:1.0.0) successfully started
    10:27:27,164 INFO  [org.kie.server.router.client.KieServerRouterEventListener] (default task-1) Added '' as server location for container id 'morgages'
    11:06:25,368 INFO  [stdout] (default task-1) LOAN APPROVED

Installing PRODUCTION environment with SINGLE external Database Server for proceses


  • You have logged on to your project in the OpenShift environment using the oc command as a user with the cluster-admin role.

  • For Oracle use the DB driver which can be found in this repository

  • For IBM DB2 or Sybase you have downloaded the JDBC driver from the database server vendor. More in documentation here

  • Install the source code for the custom build,

    cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev
    oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD>
           oc project pam-prod
    unzip ./resources/
    cd ./resources/templates/contrib/jdbc
    [root@bastion jdbc]# ll
    total 12
    -rwxrwxr-x. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 3012 Jan 18 09:37
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user   65 Jan 18 09:37 db2-driver-image
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user   65 Feb 15 13:20 derby-driver-image
    -rwxrwxr-x. 1 ec2-user ec2-user  459 Jan 18 09:37
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user   65 Jan 18 09:37 mariadb-driver-image
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user   65 Feb 15 13:20 mssql-driver-image
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user   65 Feb 15 13:20 oracle-driver-image
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 1933 Jan 18 09:37
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user   65 Jan 18 09:37 sybase-driver-image

Preparing RHPAM image For MariaDB, mariadb-driver-image

  • Change to subdirectory: mariadb-driver-image

    • Run the build #../ [] [--artifact-repo=] [--image-tag=1.1 ]

      cd ./resources/templates/contrib/jdbc/mariadb-driver-image/
      ../ --registry=docker-registry.default.svc:5000
      --> Creating resources with label build=rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift ...
 "rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift" created
 "rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift" created
      --> Success
      • Note to self: If user has no cluster-admin binding giving bindings is required, eg:

        oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin developer --rolebinding-name=admin
    • Check for the newly built RHPAM2 image/ImageStream rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift which contains mariadb database driver

      # oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift
      rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift            docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift
      # oc describe is rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift -n openshift
      Name:                   rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift
      Namespace:              openshift
      Created:                4 minutes ago
      Labels:                 build=rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift
      Docker Pull Spec:       docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift
      Image Lookup:           local=false
      Unique Images:          1
      Tags:                   1
        no spec tag
        * docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift@sha256:6d330a9aa901c47e9937ed16732d46ceb000ae20a73afdb8b952d6249d5abdaf
            About a minute ago

Preparing RHPAM image for Oracle Database, mariadb-driver-image

  • Change to subdirectory: oracle-driver-image

    • #../ [] [--artifact-repo=] [--image-tag=1.1 ]

      cd ./resources/templates/contrib/jdbc/oracle-driver-image/
      ../ --artifact-repo="" --registry=docker-registry.default.svc:5000
      --> Creating resources with label build=rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift ...
 "rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift" created
 "rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift" created
      --> Success
    • Check for the newly built RHPAM2 image/ImageStream rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift which contains oracle database driver

      # oc get is rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift -n openshift
      NAME                                 DOCKER REPO                                                                     TAGS      UPDATED
      rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift   docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift   1.1       47 seconds ago
      [root@master1 oracle-driver-image]# oc describe is rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift -n openshift
      Name:                   rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift
      Namespace:              openshift
      Created:                About a minute ago
      Labels:                 build=rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift
      Docker Pull Spec:       docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift
      Image Lookup:           local=false
      Unique Images:          1
      Tags:                   1
        no spec tag
        * docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift@sha256:e0720bec08445941b2944914f967433c2e093d54bad353c74de1082f289ba954
            About a minute ago

Installing PROD with external mariadb database

Non-CICD RHPAM Setup with Single External DB

  • Pre-requisites

    • Pre-Requisite-1: The images have been built and are available, as follows:

      # oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam72-kieserver
      rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift            docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift            1.1                            29 hours ago
      rhpam72-kieserver-openshift                    docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-openshift                    1.1,1.1-2,latest + 3 more...   3 days ago
      rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift             docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift             1.1                            28 hours ago
    • Pre-Requisite-2: A Database with the following settings is in place

      Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'rhpamocp'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'rhpamocp';
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  • Initiate Installations

    oc new-project pam-prod-mariadb
    oc create -f Infrastructure/templates/rhpam72-prod-EXTERNAL-mariadb-stelios-1.yaml
    ./Infrastructure/scripts/ pam-prod-mariadb tools <MARIADB_HOST_NAME> <MARIADB_DB_NAME> <MARIADB_DB_USER> <MARIADB_DB_PWD>

Installing PROD with external Oracle (to be done on-site)

  • Pre-Requisite-1: The images have been built and are available, as follows:

    # oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam72-kieserver
    rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift            docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-mariadb-openshift            1.1                            29 hours ago
    rhpam72-kieserver-openshift                    docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-openshift                    1.1,1.1-2,latest + 3 more...   3 days ago
    rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift             docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam72-kieserver-oracle-openshift             1.1                            28 hours ago
  • Pre-Requisite-2: A Database with the following settings to have been created

    oc new-project pam-prod-oracle
    oc create -f Infrastructure/templates/rhpam72-prod-EXTERNAL-oracle-stelios-1.yaml
    ./Infrastructure/scripts/ pam-prod-oracle tools <ORACLE_HOST_NAME> <ORACLE_DB_NAME> <ORACLE_DB_USER> <ORACLE_DB_PWD>

Setting & Utilizing Openshift Autoscaler

  • Create an Horizontal Autoscaler for the cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 deployment to scale between one and five replicas and set it to scale up when the CPU utilization reaches 1%.

    oc autoscale dc/cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 --min 1 --max 5 --cpu-percent=1
    • It takes several minutes for the HPA to collect enough metrics to present a current status.

      In a separate window, create work for the pod and monitor the environment:
      ROUTE=curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/xml" -H  "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type>    <entries>        <entry>            <key>age</key>            <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\"                    xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value>        </entry>        <entry>            <key>person</key>            <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">                <name>john</name>            </value>        </entry>    </entries></map-type>"
      for time in {1..15000}
         echo time $time
         curl ${ROUTE}
  • Create an Horizontal Autoscaler for the cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 deployment to scale between one and five replicas and set it to scale up when the CPU utilization reaches 1%.

    oc autoscale dc/cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 --min 1 --max 5 --cpu-percent=1
    ROUTE=curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/xml" -H  "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type>    <entries>        <entry>            <key>age</key>            <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\"                    xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value>        </entry>        <entry>            <key>person</key>            <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">                <name>john</name>            </value>        </entry>    </entries></map-type>"
    for time in {1..15000}
       echo time $time
       curl ${ROUTE}

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