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fractalistic's Issues

Fractal::jsonSerialize() triggers a Type error (PHP 7.4.24)

This change done to support PHP 8.1 triggers a Type error.



public function jsonSerialize(): mixed


Return value of Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal::jsonSerialize() must be an instance of Spatie\Fractalistic\mixed, array returned 


  • Fractal::toArray return type is array
  • Fractal::jsonSerialize() return type os mixed

Further details:

  • PHP version: 7.4.24

Paginator links property is either array or object

I've checked in both this repo as well as laravel-fractal and I believe my issue originates here. I'm noticing an issue with the paginateWith method which adds pagination info to the meta key in my json responses.
When there are no links for the pagination the meta property looks like this:

"meta": {
        "pagination": {
            "links": []

When there are, it looks like this:

"meta": {
        "pagination": {
            "links": {
                "next": "[url]"

You can see that in an empty resultset the links property is an array and when set, it's an object. This causes issues for client implementing our API. Any idea on where to fix this?

Question concerning includes

Hello! First off, thanks for the package :) I have a question concerning the includes and the manager. I am trying to do something similar as what's in Fractal's documentation concerning includes and I don't get how I can do with this package.

I would like to have different includes available and be able to include them from the querystring.

Here what Fractal's documentation says:

<?php namespace App\Transformer;

use Acme\Model\Book;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;

class BookTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
     * List of resources possible to include
     * @var array
    protected $availableIncludes = [

     * Turn this item object into a generic array
     * @return array
    public function transform(Book $book)
        return [
            'id'    => (int) $book->id,
            'title' => $book->title,
            'year'    => (int) $book->yr,
            'links'   => [
                    'rel' => 'self',
                    'uri' => '/books/'.$book->id,

     * Include Author
     * @return League\Fractal\ItemResource
    public function includeAuthor(Book $book)
        $author = $book->author;

        return $this->item($author, new AuthorTransformer);

These includes will be available but can never be requested unless the Manager::parseIncludes() method is called:

use League\Fractal;

$fractal = new Fractal\Manager();

if (isset($_GET['include'])) {

With this set, include can do some great stuff. If a client application were to call the URL /books?include=author then they would see author data in the response.

Now, I understand from Fractalistic documentation that I can manually include or exclude relationships, but is there a way to do as in the example above and let it be customizable from the querystring globally?

Using \Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer() on includes file


I've been wondering is there any chance that i can use above class at includes?

For example:

class OrderTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
    public $availableIncludes = ['user', 'items'];

     * A Fractal transformer.
     * @param $resource
     * @return array
    public function transform($resource)
        return [
            'id'         => $resource->id,
            'receiver'   => $resource->receiver,
            'totalPrice' => $resource->totalPrice,
            'address'    => $resource->address,
            'phone'      => $resource->phone,
            'orderedAt'  => $resource->createdAt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

    public function includeUser($resource)
        $resource = $resource->user;

        return $this->item($resource, new UserTransformer);

    public function includeItems($resource)
        $resource = $resource->items;

        return $this->collection($resource, new OrderItemTransformer); // I want to use spatie array serializer here

I need to use those fractal to remove the additional data key on the result.

Here is the result I get:

    "orders": [
            "id": "C170620PVJM6",
            "receiver": "Example",
            "totalPrice": 10,
            "address": "Anywhere near the horizon",
            "phone": "081234567",
            "orderedAt": "2017-06-20 22:42:43",
            "items": {
                "data": [
                        "price": 2,
                        "menu": {
                            "name": "VERY tired of.",
                            "image": {
                                "web": "",
                                "mobile": "",
                                "square": ""
                        "price": 6,
                        "menu": {
                            "name": "Queen jumped up in.",
                            "image": {
                                "web": "",
                                "mobile": "",
                                "square": ""
                        "price": 2,
                        "menu": {
                            "name": "And oh, I wish you.",
                            "image": {
                                "web": "",
                                "mobile": "",
                                "square": ""
    "meta": {
        "pagination": {
            "total": 5,
            "count": 1,
            "per_page": 1,
            "current_page": 1,
            "total_pages": 5,
            "links": {
                "next": ""

Expected result:

    "orders": [
            "id": "C170620PVJM6",
            "receiver": "Example",
            "totalPrice": 10,
            "address": "Anywhere near the horizon",
            "phone": "0123123123",
            "orderedAt": "2017-06-20 22:42:43",
            "items": [
                        "price": 2,
                        "menu": {
                            "name": "VERY tired of.",
                            "image": {
                                "web": "",
                                "mobile": "",
                                "square": ""
                        "price": 6,
                        "menu": {
                            "name": "Queen jumped up in.",
                            "image": {
                                "web": "",
                                "mobile": "",
                                "square": ""
                        "price": 2,
                        "menu": {
                            "name": "And oh, I wish you.",
                            "image": {
                                "web": "",
                                "mobile": "",
                                "square": ""
    "meta": {
        "pagination": {
            "total": 5,
            "count": 1,
            "per_page": 1,
            "current_page": 1,
            "total_pages": 5,
            "links": {
                "next": ""

Right now I'm using league fractal array serializer and use foreach to remove "data" key inside items.

ParentScope identifier is set null

Actual Behavior

I have a resource named Portfolio that includes another resource called Company. So there's a relationship between Portfolio and Company. When the Company is included in the Portfolio resource I need to show some data which is not displayed in another context. In order to check the context in the CompanyTransformer, I need the parentScopes to be properly set. But the Scope for the Portfolio resource is created with a null identifier.

Expected Behavior

The Scope for the Portfolio resource (which is the parentScope for Company) should have an identifier instead of null.


spatie/fractalistic 2.7.1
spatie/laravel-fractal 5.3.2

Additional Details

When the wrapper method createData located in Fractal.php line 380 calls createData from the manager, the scopeIdentifier parameter is not passed, so the Scope returned has a null identifier.

Proposed Solution

To pass the scopeIdentifier string (Could be the resourceName) as the second parameter when createData is called in the line 408.

return $this->manager->createData($this->getResource(), $this->resourceName);

A unit test could be

/** @test */
public function it_uses_an_identifier_for_the_scope()
    $scope = $this->fractal
        ->collection($this->testBooks, new TestTransformer(), 'books')

    $this->assertEquals('books', $scope->getIdentifier());

Support for fractal 0.16

Are there any incompatibilities with league/fractal 0.16? If not, what about allowing that version, too?

Response code attachment?

Hello. I have a proposition regarding Fractal and response codes. If you feel like it is more Laravel connected, I'll make sure to move this issue there.

The problem

Fractal's main responsibility is to change given array into given format. But. By many (or almost everyone) it is (ab)used to create JSON responses in our APIs.

return fractal()
    ->transformWith(new UserTransformer)

And this is awesome. There is just one problem though. It does everything except adding a status code into our response. And that is understandable, considering Fractal's main goal, but it makes creating responses with status codes pretty hairy:

return response()->json(
        ->item('These credentials do not match our records.')
        ->transformWith(new ErrorTransformer)
        ->serializeWith(new ArraySerializer)
, 401);


My proposal is to add a public method to attach status codes like so:

return fractal()
    ->item('These credentials do not match our records.')
    ->transformWith(new ErrorTransformer)
    ->serializeWith(new ArraySerializer)

// and/or

return fractal()
    ->item('These credentials do not match our records.')
    ->transformWith(new ErrorTransformer)
    ->serializeWith(new ArraySerializer)

This would generate a JSON response attaching provided status code.


Whilst making responses in Laravel is easy (it is opinionated, the method's/function's/class' names are known. The method would be just a wrapper for response()->json()) in a generic package as this the response would need to be generated, either by a passed-in ResponseFactory, or by our own ResponseManager.


My proposition is to make this functionality only into Laravel's package, while it would be too messy to include it in this generic package.


I suggest creating a helper method ->respond($statusCode) that would generate a HTTP JSON Response. I suggest doing that in Laravel's variant of this package, but I throw it here as it may be a good idea to include it in a more generic package.

P.S. I really appreciate you making Fractal even better than it already is.

include depth


I was wondering if it's possible to set and include depth. I have an API with might return a large collection of data. I know I can paginate but that's just not sufficient enough.

I handle sports data statistics so let's say I have a paginated response with 25 seasons on a page. the season entity has and option to include fixtures which on it's turn has the possibility to include a lineup, events, stats etc.

you can image that, since a season has around 380 fixtures, the response can be big. especially when including more related includes.

so I was wondering if it's possible to set a max depth to set it for example to 1 so that on a given endpoint only fixtures can be included and all other related includes are not handled.

or would there be any other solution to achieve such?

Incorrectly determines datatype for single item

Imagine this code:

$one_book = [
    'id' => '1',
    'title' => 'Hogfather',
    'yr' => '1998',
    'author_name' => 'Philip K Dick',
    'author_email' => '[email protected]',
    'characters' => [['name' => 'Death'], ['name' => 'Hex']],
    'publisher' => 'Elephant books',

Fractal::create($one_book, new BookTransformer())->toArray();

Results in:

TypeError: Argument 1 passed to BookTransformer::transform() must be of the type array, 
string given, called in .../vendor/league/fractal/src/Scope.php on line 407

This is because determineDataType() assumes that if you are passing an array, then you must be trying to transform to a Collection.

Arguably, most people are going to pass in objects instead of arrays as the first argument of Fractal::create() if they are trying to transform an Item. But -- even as you do in the tests -- there is nothing stopping someone from transforming an array to an Item.

I think the only way to determine correctly if passed data represents an Item or a Collection (or a Primative, with Fractal 0.17.0) is if the data is an array of the same type of object: an array of arrays, or an array of objects, or an array of primitives. This is probably not super performant. :(

Invalid return value for resource

Hi all.

I'm using transformer and includes. But if I return NullResource I'm getting an empty array instead of the null value.



Why I'm getting an empty array instead null ?

Thanks for advice.

Setting `withResourceName` results in an empty ParamBag for Includes.

I'm not yet sure if this issue ultimately rests on Fractalistic or the underlying Fractal package. Will close if I determine this is the inappropriate place for this issue.

When \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract::callIncludeMethod calls the \League\Fractal\Scope::getIdentifier method the resulting identifier is "incorrect" IF \Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal::withResourceName was called to set a "top level identifier". It's "incorrect" in the sense that \League\Fractal\Manager::getIncludeParams method has no entry for the resulting identifier.

Code example:

url: /api/v1/abcd/users/36?include=comments:status_in(deleted)

return fractal($user, $transformer, new JsonApiSerializer($base_url))
                ->respond($status, $headers);

Then in \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract::callIncludeMethod

protected function callIncludeMethod(Scope $scope, $includeName, $data)
        $scopeIdentifier = $scope->getIdentifier($includeName);
        // resulting `$scopeIdentifer` is `abcd-users.comments`
        $params = $scope->getManager()->getIncludeParams($scopeIdentifier);
        // `$params` is empty as the manager only has `includeParams` for `comments` (not `abcd-users.comments`).

Using `withResourceName` makes fractal include parameters not working


$fractal = Fractal::create($users, new UserTransformer())->withResourceName('users');

In League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract at callIncludeMethod method we get the following result:

// this line will get 'users.posts' as identifier
$scopeIdentifier = $scope->getIdentifier($includeName);

// this line will try to find include params for 'users.posts' identifier instead 'posts'
$params = $scope->getManager()->getIncludeParams($scopeIdentifier);

But League\Fractal\Scope object is being built like this:

League\Fractal\Scope Object
    [availableIncludes:protected] => Array
            [0] => posts
    [scopeIdentifier:protected] => users
    [manager:protected] => League\Fractal\Manager Object
            [requestedIncludes:protected] => Array
                    [0] => posts
            [includeParams:protected] => Array
                    [posts] => Array
                            [limit] => Array
                                    [0] => 5,
                                    [1] => 1,

As you can see League\Fractal\Manager will not find the posts include params because getIncludeParams method will look for users.posts key instead.

Exception in ArraySerializer

I got an exception in ArraySerializer.
For ex.: "local.ERROR: Declaration of Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer::collection(string $resourceKey, array $data): array must be compatible with League\Fractal\Serializer\ArraySerializer::collection(?string $resourceKey, array $data): array"

In the collection method, you need to add question mark before: "string $resourceKey" which invoke the exception,
because the method changed in "League\Fractal\Serializer\ArraySerializer"
To fix it, you need to add a question mark:
public function collection(?string $resourceKey, array $data): array in


Replacing docblocks with type hints

Hey, I was wondering if the docblocks in Fractal.php can be replaced with typehints. Example:


class Fractal implements JsonSerializable
    /** @var \League\Fractal\Manager */
    protected $manager;

    /** @var int */
    protected $recursionLimit = 10;

    /** @var string|\League\Fractal\Serializer\SerializerAbstract */
    protected $serializer;

    /** @var string|callable|\League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract */
    protected $transformer;

    /** @var \League\Fractal\Pagination\PaginatorInterface */
    protected $paginator;

    /** @var \League\Fractal\Pagination\CursorInterface */
    protected $cursor;

    /** @var array */
    protected $includes = [];


class Fractal implements JsonSerializable
    protected Manager $manager;

    protected int $recursionLimit = 10;

    /** @var string|\League\Fractal\Serializer\SerializerAbstract */
    protected SerializerAbstract $serializer;

    /** @var string|callable|\League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract */
    protected $transformer;

    protected PaginatorInterface $paginator;

    protected CursorInterface $cursor;

    protected array $includes = [];

Would it also make sense to drop PHP 7.4 support for this and add union types where necessary?

Happy to work on the PR for this!

PHP 8.1 deprecations


There are PHP 8.1 deprecations that this package doesn't account for. One of them is with JsonSerializable:

During inheritance of JsonSerializable: Uncaught ErrorException: Return type of Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal::jsonSerialize() should either be compatible with JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize(): mixed, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /app/vendor/spatie/fractalistic/src/Fractal.php:458
Stack trace:
#0 /app/vendor/spatie/fractalistic/src/Fractal.php(13): Tests\TestCase::{closure}()

null return error

I had my ArraySerializer overriden to avoid "[]" values on ->null() to just return null

public function null(): ?array
    return null;

After upgrading from 2.9.1 -> 2.9.4 I get this error

TypeError: Return value of Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal::jsonSerialize() must be of the type array, null returned in file /var/www/app/vendor/spatie/fractalistic/src/Fractal.php on line 463

#0 [internal function]: Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal->jsonSerialize()
#1 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/JsonResponse.php(80): json_encode(Array, 0)
#2 /var/www/app/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/JsonResponse.php(54): Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse->setData(Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal))
#3 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/JsonResponse.php(32): Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse->__construct(Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal), 200, Array, false)
#4 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(818): Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse->__construct(Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal))
#5 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(789): Illuminate\Routing\Router::toResponse(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request), Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal))
#6 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(721): Illuminate\Routing\Router->prepareResponse(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request), Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal))
#7 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(128): Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing{closure}(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request))
#8 /var/www/app/app/Core/Http/Middleware/Country.php(19): Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request))

Custom Scope injection

I want to use a custom Scope implementation.
The League's package allows using it by injecting a custom ScopeFactory into the Manager.
I don't see a way to do this since Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal creates an instance without arguments.

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