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unik's Introduction

Build and run unikernels

A platform for automating unikernel & MicroVM compilation and deployment

UniK (pronounced you-neek) is a tool for compiling application sources into unikernels (lightweight bootable disk images) and MicroVM rather than binaries.

UniK runs and manages instances of compiled images across a variety of cloud providers as well as locally.

UniK utilizes a simple docker-like command line interface, making building unikernels and MicroVM as easy as building containers.

UniK is built to be easily extensible, allowing (and encouraging) adding support for unikernel/MicroVM compilers and cloud providers. See architecture for a better understanding of UniK's pluggable code design.

To learn more about the motivation behind project UniK, read our blog post, or watch session (Slides). We also encourage you to read this blog about IoT Security.

To stay up-to-date on UniK, follow us at twitter and join us on our slack channel.


Due to the frequency with which features and patches are applied to UniK, we have decided to list these changes by date in our unversioned changelog.


Supported unikernel types:

  • Firecracker: UniK supports compiling GO code into Firecracker MicroVMs
  • rump: UniK supports compiling Python, Node.js and Go code into rumprun unikernels
  • OSv: UniK supports compiling Java, Node.js, C and C++ code into OSv unikernels
  • IncludeOS: UniK supports compiling C++ code into IncludeOS unikernels
  • MirageOS: UniK supports compiling OCaml, code into MirageOS unikernels

We are looking for community help to add support for more unikernel types and languages.

Supported providers:


  • extend unik to build & deploy Kata Containers
  • extend unik to build & deploy FreeRTOS
  • extend unik to build & deploy LinuxKit
  • dynamic volume and application arguments configuration at instance runtime (rather than at compile time)
  • expanding test coverage
  • better code documentation
  • multi-account support per provider (i.e. multiple AWS accounts/regions, etc.)
  • migrate from martini to echo

UniK is still experimental! APIs and compatibility are subject to change. We are looking for community support to help identify potential bugs and compatibility issues. Please open a Github issue for any problems you may experience, and join us on our slack channel


UniK would not be possible without the valuable open-source work of projects in the unikernel community. We would like to extend a special thank-you to Firecracker, rumprun, deferpanic, cloudius systems, mirageos and includeOS.

unik's People


aafrey avatar adam-hanna avatar beriberikix avatar charithe avatar djannot avatar ericwb avatar fiorix avatar gcetusic avatar gmembre-zenika avatar guoxiao avatar hsluoyz avatar ilackarms avatar ilevine avatar ingve avatar jeaye avatar jlaceda avatar leecalcote avatar mathiasmah avatar miha-plesko avatar mswilson avatar nctiggy avatar phenixrizen avatar rstomasalberto avatar ryangalamb avatar sajal avatar thepont avatar urjitbhatia avatar victorklijmeij avatar volltin avatar yuval-k avatar


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unik's Issues

Trying to run the daemon for the 1st time

Getting the following error:

$ sudo unik daemon
INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[] Virtualbox:[{Name:my-vbox AdapterName:vboxnet0 VirtualboxAdapterType:host_only}]} Version:}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider virtualbox with config {my-vbox vboxnet0 host_only} 
INFO[0000] checking if instance listener is alive...    
INFO[0000] listening for udp heartbeat...               
INFO[0000] UDP Server listening on         
INFO[0010] cannot contact instance listener... cleaning up previous if it exists.. 
INFO[0010] compiling new instance listener              
INFO[0022] staging new instance listener image          
INFO[0022] creating boot volume from raw image           raw-image=&{LocalImagePath:/tmp/455626125 StageSpec:{ImageFormat:raw XenVirtualizationType:} RunSpec:{DeviceMappings:[{MountPoint:/ DeviceName:sd0} {MountPoint:/data DeviceName:sd1a}] DefaultInstanceMemory:512 StorageDriver:SCSI VsphereNetworkType:}}
ERRO[0023] running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:74] daemon failed to initialize: {[daemon/daemon.go:80] initializing virtualbox provider: {[virtualbox/virtualbox_provider.go:36] deploing virtualbox instance listener: {[virtualbox/deploy_instance_listener.go:48] building bootable vsphere image for instsance listener: {[virtualbox/stage.go:44] converting raw image to vmdk: {[common/qemu.go:23] failed converting raw image to vmdk: qemu-img: /home/nater/.unik/virtualbox/images/VboxUnikInstanceListener/boot.vmdk: error while converting vmdk: Could not create file: No such file or directory
: {exit status 1}}}}}} 

here is the ~/.unik/daemon-config.yaml file:

    - name: my-vbox
      adapter_name: "vboxnet0"
      adapter_type: host_only

Problem instaling UniK

I am trying to install UniK on my Linux machine. I an running Fedora 23 and have installed Docker rum the make command. Everything seems to go fine until make come to building UniK. Here is the output from make:

Successfully built f16be26089f4
mkdir -p ./_build
docker run --rm -v /home/jonsi/src/UniK/unik/_build:/opt/build -e TARGET_OS=linux projectunik/binary
go install open /opt/build/unik: permission denied
Makefile:113: receptet för målet ”binary” misslyckades (recipe for goal ”binary” failed)
make: *** [binary] Fel 1 (Error 1)

What is the problem?

example build command is impossible

Running unik build --help show this example command:

unik build --name myUnikernel --path ./myApp/src --compiler rump-go-xen --provider aws --mountpoint /foo --mountpoint /bar --args '-myParameter MYVALUE' --force

However, if you try to actually use the rump-go-xen compiler with the aws provider, produces an error:

error=[daemon/daemon.go:240] provider aws does not support compiler rump-go-xen; supported compilers: rump-go-aws|rump-nodejs-aws|osv-java-aws

Just a small thing, but the example command should probably use one of these.

Mention "jq" as a requirement

Installing unik with make fails:

docker pull projectunik/compilers-rump-nodejs-hw-no-stub:
Pulling repository projectunik/compilers-rump-nodejs-hw-no-stub
FATA[0003] Repository not found                         
make: *** [pull] Error 1

But when I run

sudo apt-get install jq

it works. Please mention "jq" as requirement or assert it.

mount boot volume

currently filesystem is loaded into memory at boot time, boot volume is never mounted
this forces us to bake static files into the kernel
this causes the memory footprint to be >= the size of the boot volume

Bootstrapping vSphere provided doesn't work

INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[{Name:vsphere VsphereUser:root VspherePassword:****** VsphereURL: Datastore:DATA11}] Virtualbox:[]} Version:0.0.0}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider vsphere with config {vsphere root ****** DATA11} 
DEBU[0000] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ unik]
DEBU[0001] govc: ServerFaultCode: Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder [DATA11] unik already exists 
WARN[0008] failed running govc datastore.mkdir unik      error=exit status 1
DEBU[0008] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere]
DEBU[0009] govc: ServerFaultCode: Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder [DATA11] unik/vsphere already exists 
WARN[0017] failed running govc datastore.mkdir unik/vsphere  error=exit status 1
DEBU[0017] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere/images]
DEBU[0018] govc: ServerFaultCode: Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder [DATA11] unik/vsphere/images already exists 
WARN[0026] failed running govc datastore.mkdir unik/vsphere/images  error=exit status 1
DEBU[0026] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere/volumes]
DEBU[0027] govc: ServerFaultCode: Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder [DATA11] unik/vsphere/volumes already exists 
WARN[0034] failed running govc datastore.mkdir unik/vsphere/volumes  error=exit status 1
INFO[0034] checking if instance listener base vmdk already exists on vsphere datastore 
DEBU[0034] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc -k -u https://root:******@ --json VsphereUnikInstanceListener]
INFO[0053] deploying vsphere instance listener          
DEBU[0053] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc vm.create -k -u https://root:******@ --force=true --m=256 --on=false -ds DATA11 -net.adapter=e1000 VsphereUnikInstanceListener]
DEBU[0054] govc: default network resolves to multiple instances, please specify 
ERRO[0062] running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:74] daemon failed to initialize: {[daemon/daemon.go:64] initializing vsphere provider: {[vsphere/vsphere_provider.go:45] deploing virtualbox instance listener: {[vsphere/deploy_instance_listener.go:68] creating vm: {[vsphereclient/client.go:131] failed running govc vm.create VsphereUnikInstanceListener: {exit status 1}}}}} 

I've tried to delete the other switches in my vCenter to keep only one, but I still have the error.

I've also trie to manually run the Docker command with -e GOVC_NETWORK=DSwitchExternal to specify the network:

docker run --rm -e GOVC_NETWORK=DSwitchExternal projectunik/vsphere-client govc vm.create -k -u https://root:******@ --force=true --m=256 --on=false -ds DATA11 -net.adapter=e1000 VsphereUnikInstanceListener
govc: not supported (vCenter only)

The error is different, but it still doesn't work.

Non trivial example is moaning about not finding imports

$> unik build --name appImage --path ./ --compiler rump-go-virtualbox --provider virtualbox

--- unik daemon ---

CC=x86_64-rumprun-netbsd-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=rumprun /usr/local/go/bin/go build -buildmode=c-archive -v -a -x gomaincaller.go appmain.go 
DEBU[1498] WORK=/tmp/go-build948203013                  
DEBU[1498] app.go:6:2: cannot find package "app/control" in any of:
DEBU[1498]  /usr/local/go/src/app/control (from $GOROOT) 
DEBU[1498]  /go/src/app/control (from $GOPATH)         
DEBU[1498] app.go:7:2: cannot find package "app/memory" in any of: 
DEBU[1498]  /usr/local/go/src/app/memory (from $GOROOT) 
DEBU[1498]  /go/src/app/memory (from $GOPATH)          
DEBU[1498] app.go:8:2: cannot find package "app/system" in any of: 
DEBU[1498]  /usr/local/go/src/app/system (from $GOROOT) 
DEBU[1498]  /go/src/app/system (from $GOPATH)          
ERRO[1498] error handling request                        error=[daemon/daemon.go:271] failed to compile raw image: {[rump/generic.go:139] running container projectunik/compilers-rump-go-hw: {exit status 1}}

failed to read client configuration file client-config.yaml

unik build --name ecspicsImage --path ./ --compiler rump-go-virtualbox --provider virtual box

ERRO[0000] failed to read client configuration file at /Users/denisjannot/.unik/client-config.yaml\n
Try setting your config with 'unik target HOST_URL' error=open /Users/denisjannot/.unik/client-config.yaml: no such file or directory
ERRO[0000] build failed: open /Users/denisjannot/.unik/client-config.yaml: no such file or directory

I don't find any documentation about this client-config.yaml, so I don't know how to create it

Incorrect link to missing file "docs/" in

On the GitHub page for UniK, in, in the Documentation section, under the Developer Documentation heading, the first link ("UniK's REST API") does not work (the linked-to file "docs/" does not exist in the repo), so GitHub returns a 404 error.

Failed to umount when starting daemon

When starting the daemon I'm still getting this issue:

Jul 07 08:37:55 localhost.localdomain forward-journal[1551]: time="2016-07-07T08:37:55.465927839-04:00" level=info msg="{Action=start, ID=66bf3e7847089c0b5691f5827e05263b52b7aad4858a534b7bb1241c1c0ae67c, Username=root, LoginUID=0, PID=4215, Config={Hostname=66bf3e784708, AttachStdin=false, AttachStdout=true, AttachStderr=true, Tty=false, OpenStdin=false, StdinOnce=false, Env=[ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin RUMPDIR=/usr/local PLATFORM=hw BUILDRUMP_EXTRA= GOROOT=/usr/local/go GOPATH=/go RUMP_BAKE=hw_generic], Cmd={parts:[/bin/sh -c set -x &&     cp /tmp/build/gomaincaller.go /tmp/build/mainstub.c . &&     mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/${ROOT_PATH} &&     cp -r ./* ${GOPATH}/src/${ROOT_PATH} &&     cd ${GOPATH}/src/${ROOT_PATH} &&     GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 CC=x86_64-rumprun-netbsd-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=rumprun /usr/local/go/bin/go build -buildmode=c-archive -v -a -x  *.go &&     RUMPRUN_STUBLINK=succeed x86_64-rumprun-netbsd-gcc -g -o /opt/code/program mainstub.c $(find . -name \"*.a\") &&     rm -f /opt/code/mainstub.c /opt/code/gomaincaller.go &&     rumprun-bake $RUMP_BAKE /opt/code/program.bin /opt/code/program]}, Image=projectunik/compilers-rump-go-hw-no-stub:0.1, Volumes=map[/opt/code:{}], WorkingDir=/opt/code, NetworkDisabled=false, Labels=map[], StopSignal=SIGTERM}, HostConfig={Binds=[/tmp/vbox.instancelistener.378829908:/opt/code], LxcConf={values:[]}, OomKillDisable=false, MemorySwappiness=-1, Privileged=false, PortBindings=map[], PublishAllPorts=false, DNS=[], DNSOptions=[], DNSSearch=[], Devices=[], NetworkMode=default, RestartPolicy={Name:no MaximumRetryCount:0}, ReadonlyRootfs=false, Sysctls=map[], LogConfig={Type:json-file Config:map[]}, ShmSize=67108864}}"
Jul 07 08:37:56 localhost.localdomain forward-journal[1551]: time="2016-07-07T08:37:56.357696286-04:00" level=warning msg="exit status 143"
Jul 07 08:37:59 localhost.localdomain forward-journal[1551]: 

> **time="2016-07-07T08:37:59.166769641-04:00" level=warning msg="failed to cleanup ipc mounts:\nfailed to umount /var/lib/docker/containers/66bf3e7847089c0b5691f5827e05263b52b7aad4858a534b7bb1241c1c0ae67c/shm: invalid argument\nfailed to umount /var/lib/docker/containers****

> /66bf3e7847089c0b5691f5827e05263b52b7aad4858a534b7bb1241c1c0ae67c/mqueue: invalid argument"

Jul 07 08:37:59 localhost.localdomain forward-journal[1551]: time="2016-07-07T08:37:59.166817216-04:00" level=error msg="Error unmounting device 66bf3e7847089c0b5691f5827e05263b52b7aad4858a534b7bb1241c1c0ae67c: UnmountDevice: device not-mounted id 66bf3e7847089c0b5691f5827e05263b52b7aad4858a534b7bb1241c1c0ae67c"
Jul 07 08:37:59 localhost.localdomain forward-journal[1551]: time="2016-07-07T08:37:59.167013784-04:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.21/containers/66bf3e7847089c0b5691f5827e05263b52b7aad4858a534b7bb1241c1c0ae67c/start returned error: Cannot start container 66bf3e7847089c0b5691f5827e05263b52b7aad4858a534b7bb1241c1c0ae67c: [8] System error: read parent: connection reset by peer"

ARM support

On the blog post it is mentioned that experimental ARM support is added. How would I build/run UniK on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B?

windows support

need to add windows support for make binary
(or make-less install since windows doesn't run make)

Can't download

Access is denied:

unik daemon --debug
INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[{Name:vsphere VsphereUser:root VspherePassword:****** VsphereURL: Datastore:DATA11}] Virtualbox:[]} Version:0.0.0}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider vsphere with config {vsphere root ****** DATA11} 
DEBU[0000] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ unik]
DEBU[0009] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere]
DEBU[0018] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere/images]
DEBU[0027] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere/volumes]
INFO[0035] checking if instance listener base vmdk already exists on vsphere datastore 
DEBU[0035] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc -k -u https://root:******@ --json VsphereUnikInstanceListener]
INFO[0054] vsphere instance listener vmdk not found, attempting to download from  error=stat vsphere-instancelistener-base.vmdk: no such file or directory
 243 / ? [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=----------------------]   2.43%0 
download complete
INFO[0055] 243 bytes written                            
INFO[0055] uploading vsphere-instancelistener-base.vmdk 
DEBU[0055] running command                               command=[docker run --rm -v /root/unik:/root/unik projectunik/vsphere-client govc import.vmdk -ds DATA11 -k -u https://root:******@ vsphere-instancelistener-base.vmdk unik/vsphere-instancelistener-base.vmdk]
DEBU[0057] govc: stat vsphere-instancelistener-base.vmdk: no such file or directory 
[15-05-16 20:15:06] Uploading... OK      
ERRO[0065] running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:74] daemon failed to initialize: {[daemon/daemon.go:64] initializing vsphere provider: {[vsphere/vsphere_provider.go:45] deploing virtualbox instance listener: {[vsphere/deploy_instance_listener.go:62] copying instance listener vmdk: {[vsphereclient/client.go:203] failed running govc import.vmdk unik/vsphere-instancelistener-base.vmdk: {exit status 1}}}}} 

python3.5 unikernel with boto3

I am not 100% sure if I'm doing the packaging wrong or if my experiences behaviour is "as to be expected". I've created a simple python program acting as a HTTP server and utilizing the boto3 library to access a S3 bucket. This works as expected with python3.5 on my local computer.

I can build and deploy the unikernel on Amazon EC2.

Problem is, that I cannot execute the program. The exception (caught by my python exception handler as it wasn't displayed within the EC2 image's system output on the AWS console) shows an No module named multiprocessing exception during boto3 initialization. Does this mean that the python rumprun unikernel does not support multiple processes/threads and thus does not implement multiprocessing or have i packaged my kernel wrong? (so I'm also not sure where to ask --- unik or rumprun).

A "normal" deployment (without s3) works as expected! thanks for your work

getting started page. a few questions.

the url is 👍

I am a golang programer and use Docker, but some things on this page are a little unclear for me, and so maybe others. SO here we go with a few things that came up for me:

  1. Does this work ok with Docker for Mac (This is the one that does not need virtual box). ?
    I tried it and it worked, but would be good for others to know.
    Docker for Mac is beta and invite only at the moment btw.
  2. QEMU for OSX. A bit of googling shows me about 5 different ways to install this. Its not a world i have played in yet.
    So what to do ? Maybe you could link to a "blessed" way of installing ?

BTW i have done 2 IOT related projects in the past and this project looks really great. There are lots of gotchas architecturally that are unique to that space.

document make binary

The documentation is only referring to do the build with make, this will download many large containers. make binary allows to only build unikand the container will be downloaded on demand.

How to debug build issues ?

I'm trying to build a Go program:

GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 /Users/denisjannot/Syncplicity/Documents/Dev/go/bin/godep save .
unik build --name ecsproxyImage --path ./ --compiler rump-go-virtualbox --provider virtual box
INFO[0000] running unik build                            args=[] compiler=rump-go-virtualbox force=false host=localhost:3000 mountPoints=[] name=ecsproxyImage path=./ provider=virtualbox
INFO[0000] App packaged as tarball: /Users/denisjannot/.unik/050277923

ERRO[0097] build failed: [cmd/build.go:95] building image failed: {[client/images.go:54] failed with status 500: [daemon/daemon.go:254] failed to compile raw image: {[rump/generic.go:116] Returned non zero status}} 

When I look at the daemon logs:

INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[] Virtualbox:[{Name:virtualbox AdapterName:vboxnet3 VirtualboxAdapterType:host_only}]} Version:0.0.0}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider virtualbox with config {virtualbox vboxnet3 host_only} 
[martini] listening on :3000 (development)
INFO[0023] Created container                             binds=[/Users/denisjannot/.unik/217224120:/opt/code] cmd=[] id=6b60dcb0414131322deaa4015058c97f1f33129371c00d2a92b2a7b16822486b
ERRO[0117] Container exit status non zero                status=1
ERRO[0118] 8+ cp /tmp/build/gomaincaller.go /tmp/build/mainstub.c .
+ [ -d Godeps ]
'+ GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 godep restore
Tgodep: [WARNING]: godep should only be used inside a valid go package directory and
Xgodep: [WARNING]: may not function correctly. You are probably outside of your $GOPATH.
/godep: [WARNING]:  Current Directory: /opt/code
godep: [WARNING]:   $GOPATH: /go
?+ CC=x86_64-rumprun-netbsd-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=rumprun /usr/local/go/bin/go build -buildmode=c-archive -v -a -x config.go diskcache.go ecsproxy.go gomaincaller.go sign.go utils.go
mkdir -p $WORK/runtime/_obj/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /usr/local/go/src/runtime
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/runtime.a -trimpath $WORK -p runtime -+ -buildid 65d4f2b5556374f639e61da82890c23c9c8d6ba5 -D _/usr/local/go/src/runtime -I $WORK -pack -asmhdr $WORK/runtime/_obj/go_asm.h ./alg.go ./arch1_amd64.go ./arch_amd64.go ./atomic_amd64x.go ./atomic_pointer.go ./cgo.go ./cgocall.go ./cgocallback.go ./chan.go ./compiler.go ./complex.go ./cpuprof.go ./cputicks.go ./debug.go ./defs1_rumprun_amd64.go ./env_posix.go ./error.go ./extern.go ./hash64.go ./hashmap.go ./hashmap_fast.go ./heapdump.go ./iface.go ./lfstack.go ./lfstack_amd64.go ./lock_sema.go ./malloc.go ./mbarrier.go ./mbitmap.go ./mcache.go ./mcentral.go ./mem_rumprun.go ./mfinal.go ./mfixalloc.go ./mgc.go ./mgcmark.go ./mgcsweep.go ./mgcwork.go ./mheap.go ./mprof.go ./msize.go ./mstats.go ./netpoll.go ./netpoll_kqueue.go ./os1_rumprun.go ./os1_rumprun_amd64.go ./os2_rumprun.go ./os_rumprun.go ./panic.go ./panic1.go ./parfor.go ./print1.go ./print1_write.go ./proc.go ./proc1.go ./race0.go ./rdebug.go ./rune.go ./runtime.go ./runtime1.go ./runtime2.go ./select.go ./sema.go ./signal1_unix.go ./signal_amd64x.go ./signal_rumprun.go ./signal_rumprun_amd64.go ./signal_unix.go ./sigpanic_unix.go ./sigqueue.go ./slice.go ./softfloat64.go ./sqrt.go ./stack1.go ./stack2.go ./string.go ./string1.go ./stubs.go ./stubs2.go ./symtab.go ./sys_x86.go ./time.go ./trace.go ./traceback.go ./type.go ./typekind.go ./typekind1.go ./unaligned1.go ./vdso_none.go ./wbfat.go ./zgoarch_amd64.go ./zgoos_rumprun.go ./zversion.go
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/asm -o $WORK/runtime/_obj/asm.o -trimpath $WORK -I $WORK/runtime/_obj/ -I /usr/local/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_rumprun -D GOARCH_amd64 ./asm.s
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#cd /usr/local/go/src/net/textproto
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$mkdir -p $WORK/mime/multipart/_obj/
$cd /usr/local/go/src/mime/multipart
/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/mime/multipart.a -trimpath $WORK -p mime/multipart -complete -buildid 662918a3bfc399b62f83b5ae9fd5727b85db468e -D _/usr/local/go/src/mime/multipart -I $WORK -pack ./formdata.go ./multipart.go ./writer.go
'mkdir -p $WORK/net/http/internal/_obj/
mkdir -p $WORK/net/http/
'cd /usr/local/go/src/net/http/internal
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/net/http/internal.a -trimpath $WORK -p net/http/internal -complete -buildid 6936b0f44c0bf44ac69914dd31f4d187afff8ed1 -D _/usr/local/go/src/net/http/internal -I $WORK -pack ./chunked.go
mkdir -p $WORK/net/url/_obj/
cd /usr/local/go/src/net/url
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/net/url.a -trimpath $WORK -p net/url -complete -buildid bfe63b3e1d944231af10456b841c67d445fd68bb -D _/usr/local/go/src/net/url -I $WORK -pack ./url.go
mkdir -p $WORK/path/_obj/
cd /usr/local/go/src/path
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/path.a -trimpath $WORK -p path -complete -buildid 125cee6fe7f5f9b26224557ce9caf1ea092caaf4 -D _/usr/local/go/src/path -I $WORK -pack ./match.go ./path.go
mkdir -p $WORK/net/http/_obj/
cd /usr/local/go/src/net/http
z/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/net/http.a -trimpath $WORK -p net/http -complete -buildid 784a26fe2e9512d046cc985b89fa59e8be19a259 -D _/usr/local/go/src/net/http -I $WORK -pack ./client.go ./cookie.go ./doc.go ./filetransport.go ./fs.go ./header.go ./jar.go ./lex.go ./request.go ./response.go ./server.go ./sniff.go ./status.go ./transfer.go ./transport.go
4mkdir -p $WORK/
+mkdir -p $WORK/
*cd /go/src/
8/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -complete -buildid 7e26b3019bee5fe34cf02bee59a2c6b9b91e8a72 -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -I /go/pkg/rumprun_amd64 -pack ./attempt.go ./aws.go ./client.go
0mkdir -p $WORK/
%mkdir -p $WORK/
&cd /go/src/
I/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -buildid 93d66984d58fcf79c05109846530c6931dd05e6f -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -pack -asmhdr $WORK/ ./cpuid.go ./detect_intel.go ./generate.go
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/asm -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -I $WORK/ -I /usr/local/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_rumprun -D GOARCH_amd64 ./cpuid_amd64.s
ipack r $WORK/ $WORK/ # internal
9mkdir -p $WORK/
.mkdir -p $WORK/
/cd /go/src/
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -buildid 4e068caff435b97764c9b8ea3e01ef0696a8f91a -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -I /go/pkg/rumprun_amd64 -pack -asmhdr $WORK/ ./copy.go ./crc32_amd64.go ./deflate.go ./fixedhuff.go ./huffman_bit_writer.go ./huffman_code.go ./inflate.go ./reverse_bits.go ./snappy.go ./token.go
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/asm -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -I $WORK/ -I /usr/local/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_rumprun -D GOARCH_amd64 ./crc32_amd64.s
{pack r $WORK/ $WORK/ # internal
0mkdir -p $WORK/
&cd /go/src/
:/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -buildid 687086cb4955c557b4696f8a74ed17781cee6b66 -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -pack -asmhdr $WORK/ ./crc32.go ./crc32_amd64.go
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/asm -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -I $WORK/ -I /usr/local/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_rumprun -D GOARCH_amd64 ./crc32_amd64.s
ipack r $WORK/ $WORK/ # internal
8mkdir -p $WORK/
.cd /go/src/
8/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -complete -buildid 0f9f62311c81b277de4cfd7a4664ad2887081b73 -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -I /go/pkg/rumprun_amd64 -pack ./gunzip.go ./gzip.go
"mkdir -p $WORK/hash/adler32/_obj/
"cd /usr/local/go/src/hash/adler32
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/hash/adler32.a -trimpath $WORK -p hash/adler32 -complete -buildid 4218a12a23bf5ef2a3ecf03df2084fafdbd97359 -D _/usr/local/go/src/hash/adler32 -I $WORK -pack ./adler32.go
8mkdir -p $WORK/
.cd /go/src/
:/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -complete -buildid 87ccc704d05d301cf408d8d0409b18a2a669f1d1 -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -I /go/pkg/rumprun_amd64 -pack ./reader.go ./writer.go
mkdir -p $WORK/html/_obj/
cd /usr/local/go/src/html
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/html.a -trimpath $WORK -p html -complete -buildid da3b2ebf9001d33e33130ce112be7bb1a47cb7ac -D _/usr/local/go/src/html -I $WORK -pack ./entity.go ./escape.go
#mkdir -p $WORK/runtime/debug/_obj/
#cd /usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug
/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/runtime/debug.a -trimpath $WORK -p runtime/debug -buildid 31e387fb2708ca844b17a3cfac5f18583fc6bbd0 -D _/usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug -I $WORK -pack -asmhdr $WORK/runtime/debug/_obj/go_asm.h ./garbage.go ./stack.go ./stubs.go
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/asm -o $WORK/runtime/debug/_obj/debug.o -trimpath $WORK -I $WORK/runtime/debug/_obj/ -I /usr/local/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_rumprun -D GOARCH_amd64 ./debug.s
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/asm -o $WORK/runtime/debug/_obj/stubs.o -trimpath $WORK -I $WORK/runtime/debug/_obj/ -I /usr/local/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_rumprun -D GOARCH_amd64 ./stubs.s
jpack r $WORK/runtime/debug.a $WORK/runtime/debug/_obj/debug.o $WORK/runtime/debug/_obj/stubs.o # internal
1mkdir -p $WORK/
#mkdir -p $WORK/
'cd /go/src/
/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -complete -buildid d70334e733a06fd3e180eedf7739e7b6ac44b3b3 -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -I /go/pkg/rumprun_amd64 -pack ./args.go ./bytebuffer.go ./bytesconv.go ./bytesconv_64.go ./client.go ./compress.go ./cookie.go ./doc.go ./fs.go ./header.go ./http.go ./peripconn.go ./server.go ./status.go ./stream.go ./strings.go ./tcpdialer.go ./timer.go ./uri.go ./userdata.go ./workerpool.go
;mkdir -p $WORK/
,mkdir -p $WORK/
~go build no buildable Go source files in /go/src/
/mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
%cd /go/src/
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -complete -buildid 7374dfc9e2171be9515e0f878bdeefd50f842371 -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -pack ./ratelimit.go
?mkdir -p $WORK/
+mkdir -p $WORK/
5cd /go/src/
2/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -complete -buildid 6e1de6a1212a850f946645020e9635f1ef4b3991 -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -pack ./consistenthash.go
8mkdir -p $WORK/
.cd /go/src/
/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -complete -buildid b0fe937b4ca8ade120867f6b313c15bdc3fdd81e -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -pack ./hashtag.go
'mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /go/src/
?/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -complete -buildid bbfbbd82f79428cd0fc4d7f394581442abbf5621 -D _/go/src/ -I $WORK -I /go/pkg/rumprun_amd64 -pack ./cluster.go ./cluster_pipeline.go ./command.go ./commands.go ./conn.go ./doc.go ./error.go ./multi.go ./parser.go ./pipeline.go ./pool.go ./pubsub.go ./redis.go ./ring.go ./script.go ./sentinel.go ./unsafe.go

ERRO[0118] error handling request                        error=[daemon/daemon.go:254] failed to compile raw image: {[rump/generic.go:116] Returned non zero status}

So, it looks like the issue comes from the redis module. But how can I troubleshoot that ?

Lacking documentation on UDP broadcasting

So I'm trying to implement NodeJS compiler for OSv. Managed to come pretty far, but I'm stuck with UDP broadcast error appearing during unik build and unik run:

failed to retrieve ip for instance ... instance may be running but has not responded to udp broadcast

I could not find any documentation about what and when does instance need to UDP broadcast.

Compiling new instance listener fails

unik daemon --debug
INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[{Name:vsphere VsphereUser:root VspherePassword:****** VsphereURL: Datastore:DATA21}] Virtualbox:[]} Version:0.0.0}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider vsphere with config {vsphere root ****** DATA21} 
DEBU[0000] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA21 -k -u https://root:******@ unik]
DEBU[0002] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA21 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere]
DEBU[0005] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA21 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere/images]
DEBU[0008] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc datastore.mkdir -ds DATA21 -k -u https://root:******@ unik/vsphere/volumes]
INFO[0010] checking if instance listener is alive...    
INFO[0010] listening for udp heartbeat...               
INFO[0010] UDP Server listening on         
INFO[0020] cannot contact instance listener... cleaning up previous if it exists.. 
DEBU[0020] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc vm.power --off=true -k -u https://root:******@ VsphereUnikInstanceListener]
DEBU[0022] govc: vm 'VsphereUnikInstanceListener' not found 
DEBU[0024] running command                               command=[docker run --rm projectunik/vsphere-client govc vm.destroy -k -u https://root:******@ VsphereUnikInstanceListener]
DEBU[0025] govc: vm 'VsphereUnikInstanceListener' not found 
INFO[0026] compiling new instance listener              
INFO[0027] Created container                             binds=[/tmp/510914362:/opt/code] cmd=[] id=5f44f9499c9ac55f64fc785e9a87537c0a8885a8278fb44fd0c18b1a70853c40
DEBU[0054] finished kernel binary at /tmp/510914362/program.bin 
DEBU[0054] running command                               command=[docker run --rm --privileged -v /tmp/447900497:/opt/vol/ -v /dev/:/dev/ projectunik/boot-creator -d /opt/vol/ -p program.bin -a {"cmdline":"program.bin -prefix unik_vsphere","net":{"if":"wm0","type":"inet","method":"dhcp"},"blk": {"source":"dev","path":"/dev/sd1a","fstype":"blk","mountpoint":"/data"}}]
DEBU[0055] time="2016-05-16T19:35:11Z" level=debug msg="calling CreateBootImageWithSize" args="{\"cmdline\":\"program.bin -prefix unik_vsphere\",\"net\":{\"if\":\"wm0\",\"type\":\"inet\",\"method\":\"dhcp\"},\"blk\": {\"source\":\"dev\",\"path\":\"/dev/sd1a\",\"fstype\":\"blk\",\"mountpoint\":\"/data\"}}" imgFile="/opt/vol/vol.img" kernelFile="/opt/vol/program.bin"  
DEBU[0055] time="2016-05-16T19:35:11Z" level=debug msg="created sparse file" imgFile="/opt/vol/vol.img"  
DEBU[0055] time="2016-05-16T19:35:11Z" level=debug msg="attaching sparse file" imgFile="/opt/vol/vol.img"  
DEBU[0055] time="2016-05-16T19:35:11Z" level=debug msg="running losetup -f" cmd=losetup device="/opt/vol/vol.img"  
DEBU[0055] time="2016-05-16T19:35:11Z" level=debug msg="losetup -f failed" cmd=losetup device="/opt/vol/vol.img" out="losetup: could not find any free loop device\n"  
DEBU[0055] time="2016-05-16T19:35:11Z" level=fatal msg="exit status 255"  
ERRO[0057] running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:74] daemon failed to initialize: {[daemon/daemon.go:65] initializing vsphere provider: {[vsphere/vsphere_provider.go:46] deploing virtualbox instance listener: {[vsphere/deploy_instance_listener.go:36] compiling instance listener source to unikernel: {[rump/rump.go:35] creating boot volume from kernel binary: {[rump/generic.go:138] running container projectunik/boot-creator: {exit status 1}}}}}} 

Running uniK build on OS X fails with 'unik target --host HOST_URL'

I'm attempting to bring up uniK on OS X. Docker version Docker version 1.10.3, build d12ea79c9de6d144ce6bc7ccfe41c507cca6fd35 from macports.

Starting the daemon the first time produces:

 ./_build/unik daemon
INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[] Virtualbox:[{Name:my-vbox AdapterName:vboxnet0 VirtualboxAdapterType:host_only}]} Version:}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider virtualbox with config {my-vbox vboxnet0 host_only}
INFO[0000] checking if instance listener is alive...
INFO[0000] listening for udp heartbeat...
INFO[0000] UDP Server listening on
INFO[0010] cannot contact instance listener... cleaning up previous if it exists..
INFO[0010] compiling new instance listener
INFO[0043] staging new instance listener image
INFO[0043] creating boot volume from raw image           raw-image=&{LocalImagePath:/Users/josephwinston/.unik/935062965 StageSpec:{ImageFormat:raw XenVirtualizationType:} RunSpec:{DeviceMappings:[{MountPoint:/ DeviceName:sd0} {MountPoint:/data DeviceName:sd1a}] DefaultInstanceMemory:512 StorageDriver:SCSI VsphereNetworkType:}}
INFO[0050] creating base vmdk for unikernel image        id=VboxUnikInstanceListener name=VboxUnikInstanceListener size=30
INFO[0050] image created succesfully                     image={VboxUnikInstanceListener VboxUnikInstanceListener 30 VIRTUALBOX 2016-05-27 18:45:19.822318415 -0500 CDT {raw } {[{/ sd0} {/data sd1a}] 512 SCSI }}
INFO[0050] running instance of instance listener         image-id=VboxUnikInstanceListener
INFO[0052] creating volume from raw image                raw-image=/Users/josephwinston/.unik/838063535
INFO[0054] listening for udp heartbeat...
INFO[0054] UDP Server listening on
WARN[0084] error encountered, ensuring vm and disks are destroyed  error=[virtualbox/deploy_instance_listener.go:142] failed to retrieve instance listener ip. is unik instance listener running?: {[common/get_instance_listener_ip.go:18] getting instance listener ip timed out after 30s}
ERRO[0084] running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:75] daemon failed to initialize: {[daemon/daemon.go:80] initializing virtualbox provider: {[virtualbox/virtualbox_provider.go:36] deploing virtualbox instance listener: {[virtualbox/deploy_instance_listener.go:57] launching instance of instance listener: {[virtualbox/deploy_instance_listener.go:142] failed to retrieve instance listener ip. is unik instance listener running?: {[common/get_instance_listener_ip.go:18] getting instance listener ip timed out after 30s}}}}}

Maybe the timeout needs increasing since running again with or without the --debug causes the daemon to run without exiting with an error.

However, attempting to build a client fails with

unik build --name myImage --path ./ --compiler rump-go-virtualbox --provider virtualbox
ERRO[0000] failed to read client configuration file at /Users/josephwinston/.unik/client-config.yaml\n
Try setting your config with 'unik target --host HOST_URL'  error=open /Users/josephwinston/.unik/client-config.yaml: no such file or directory
ERRO[0000] build failed: open /Users/josephwinston/.unik/client-config.yaml: no such file or directory


Benchmarks comparing a standard app deployment vs a unik enabled app deployment may be compelling, specifically with regards to memory utilization.

Nothing actionable here, just an idea for the future as this (rather awesome) project matures.

Permission Denied when starting Daemon

Environment Centos 7:
Logs.txt attached

Problem Description:
The following error when running unik daemon --debug --trace --logfile logs.txt

running command command=[docker run --rm -e -v /tmp/vbox.instancelistener.016186420:/opt/code --name=ff0941ad-7761-4ca8-8855-c2aa0e372820 projectunik/compilers-rump-go-hw-no-stub:0.1]
DEBU[0002] util.LogCommand.func2[util/log.go:95]

  • cp /tmp/build/gomaincaller.go /tmp/build/mainstub.c .
    DEBU[0002] util.LogCommand.func2[util/log.go:95]
    cp: cannot create regular file './gomaincaller.go': Permission denied
    DEBU[0002] util.LogCommand.func2[util/log.go:95]
    cp: cannot create regular file './mainstub.c': Permission denied
    DEBU[0018] util.LogCommand.func2[util/log.go:95]
    Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 0096d1dcd42ad362e862dfa7f4f0574e17f4be03ae18f13a21a0b47deefb6704: [8] System error: read parent: connection reset by peer
    ERRO[0018] main.main[unik/unik.go:9]
    running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:86] daemon failed to initialize: {[daemon/daemon.go:90] initializing virtualbox provider: {[virtualbox/virtualbox_provider.go:45] deploing virtualbox instance listener: {[virtualbox/deploy_instance_listener.go:38] compiling instance listener source to unikernel: {exit status 1}}}}

unik build "compile: signal: killed"

I'm still getting a signal killed message during the build process of a fairly complex go code base (as mentioned in #27).

Is there anyway to debug the problem further. I've checked for obvious things:

  • no longer importing runtime packages
  • no _linux (etc) source files
  • no os specific build flags

cannot start unik daemon

$ unik daemon
INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[] Virtualbox:[{Name:my-vbox AdapterName:vboxnet0 VirtualboxAdapterType:host_only}]} Version:}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider virtualbox with config {my-vbox vboxnet0 host_only} 
INFO[0000] checking if instance listener is alive...    
INFO[0000] listening for udp heartbeat...               
INFO[0000] UDP Server listening on         
INFO[0010] cannot contact instance listener... cleaning up previous if it exists.. 
INFO[0010] compiling new instance listener              
INFO[0027] staging new instance listener image          
INFO[0027] creating boot volume from raw image           raw-image=&{LocalImagePath:/tmp/321211110 StageSpec:{ImageFormat:raw XenVirtualizationType:} RunSpec:{DeviceMappings:[{MountPoint:/ DeviceName:sd0} {MountPoint:/data DeviceName:sd1a}] DefaultInstanceMemory:512 StorageDriver:SCSI VsphereNetworkType:}}
INFO[0028] creating base vmdk for unikernel image        id=VboxUnikInstanceListener name=VboxUnikInstanceListener size=30
INFO[0028] image created succesfully                     image={VboxUnikInstanceListener VboxUnikInstanceListener 30 VIRTUALBOX 2016-05-27 14:03:10.961261137 +0000 UTC {raw } {[{/ sd0} {/data sd1a}] 512 SCSI }}
INFO[0028] running instance of instance listener         image-id=VboxUnikInstanceListener
ERRO[0029] running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:75] daemon failed to initialize: {[daemon/daemon.go:80] initializing virtualbox provider: {[virtualbox/virtualbox_provider.go:36] deploing virtualbox instance listener: {[virtualbox/deploy_instance_listener.go:57] launching instance of instance listener: {[virtualbox/deploy_instance_listener.go:69] failed creating raw data volume: {rename /tmp/vol.img /tmp/682554120: operation not permitted}}}}} 
$ more ~/.unik/daemon-config.yaml
    - name: my-vbox
      adapter_type: host_only
      adapter_name: vboxnet0

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Do not exit if instance listener fails to boot

This is a change to the design of UniK to not require the instance listener to be running. Unik should attempt to launch instance listener, and if it cannot run, give a warning to the User that ENV variables and getting instance ips will be disabled (but unik will otherwise will run normally)

Page not found

Hi, i've started the Daemon, all good, it says listening on port 3000 but when i try to do a build i get a 404 not found message. This is the demo http server application.

$ unik build --name myImage --path ./ --compiler rump-go-virtualbox --host --provider virtualboxclear

INFO[0000] running unik build args= compiler=rump-go-virtualbox force=false host= mountPoints=[] name=myImage path=./ provider=virtualboxclear
INFO[0000] App packaged as tarball: /tmp/sources.tar.gz.326852486

ERRO[0000] build failed: [cmd/build.go:94] building image failed: {[client/images.go:54] failed with status 404: 404 page not found

`unik run` help suggest bogus `--memory` option

The example usage command from unik run --help is:

unik run --instanceName newInstance --imageName myImage --vol myVol:/mount1 --vol yourVol:/mount2 --env foo=bar --env another=one --memory 1234


$ unik run --imageName go-httpd-aws --instanceName go-httpd-aws-1 --memory 1234
FATA[0000] unik failed                                   error=unknown flag: --memory

Running NodeJS fails if importing bcrypt

Tried to compile and run NodeJS server with 226 dependencies in node_modules, all being installed with npm:

unik build --name myImage --path ./ --compiler rump-nodejs-virtualbox --provider virtualbox
unik run --instanceName myInstance --imageName myImage --instanceMemory 1024

Both commands finish fine, also when I run unik instances I can se myInstance running.

However, visiting instance's IP I always get This site can't be reached response on both application port 8000 and logs port 9876. I managed to narrow down the problem to the following line:

var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

Any idea about why 225 dependencies work fine, but bcrypt breaks everything?
I've double checked that
1 node server.js works locally
2 node version is 4.3.0 in my local environment and in rump

Fix long description of commands under cmd/

The indentation inside the long description of commands and subcommands under cmd/ causes malformed output to console:

$ unik
Unik is a tool for compiling application source code
    into bootable disk images. Unik also runs and manages unikernel
    instances across infrastructures.

    Create a client configuration file with 'unik target'

    You may set a custom client configuration file w
    ith the global flag --client-config=<path>

Usage: ...

There cannot be a \t in the source code.

testing suite

along with some kind of CI pipeline (travis, concourse)

daemon --logfile fails if file DNE

$ unik daemon —debug=true --logfile=ukd.log
ERRO[0000] running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:57] failed to open log file ukd.log for writing: {open ukd.log: no such file or directory}

Running touch ukd.log and re-running the above works. Seems like it would be more friendly if unik simply created the file if needed.

If this behavior is desired, fixing it might make a good entry-level project, so I can take a stab at it and submit a PR as time allows.

make install failed with the following error in Ubuntu 14.04 and go1.6.2 linux/amd64

09f25a7c0a80: Already exists 
8744e409c7c6: Already exists 
38c2b4340567: Already exists 
Digest: sha256:55414520cb2761f4d1eccb9ad9fa3d119e64a97e39d63da5d3a5f3a7c64cd244
Status: Downloaded newer image for projectunik/compilers-rump-base-common:latest
unik.go:4:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
    /usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /home/joepython/code/golang/src/ (from $GOPATH)
unik.go:5:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
    /usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /home/joepython/code/golang/src/ (from $GOPATH)
make: *** [install] Error 1

$ docker images |grep ^proj
projectunik/vsphere-client               latest              de0a39ecd7e8        10 hours ago        1.005 GB
projectunik/compilers-osv-java           latest              5d7bedccc067        10 hours ago        1.281 GB
projectunik/image-creator                latest              814a509c133a        13 hours ago        248.3 MB
projectunik/boot-creator                 latest              a06aa083628c        13 hours ago        249 MB
projectunik/compilers-rump-go-xen        latest              2daf73fb56d0        13 hours ago        2.066 GB
projectunik/compilers-rump-go-hw         latest              d0e6eeee5f1c        13 hours ago        2.372 GB
projectunik/compilers-rump-base-xen      latest              f2820da4b61c        4 days ago          1.451 GB
projectunik/compilers-rump-base-hw       latest              d9f87b121edc        4 days ago          1.757 GB
projectunik/compilers-rump-base-common   latest              3e7fab8770df        4 days ago          732.3 MB

$ go version
go version go1.6.2 linux/amd64

Can't use a vsphere provider

I've configured the daemon-config.yaml:

    - name: vsphere
      vsphere_user: root
      vsphere_password: xxxxx
      datastore: DATA11
      default_instance_memory: 512
version: 0.0.0

Then, here is the error I get when trying to launch the daemon:

INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[{Name:vsphere VsphereUser:root VspherePassword:xxxxx VsphereURL: Datastore:DATA11}] Virtualbox:[]} Version:0.0.0}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider vsphere with config {vsphere root xxxxx DATA11} 
WARN[0032] failed running govc datastore.mkdir unik      error=exit status 1
WARN[0065] failed running govc datastore.mkdir unik/vsphere  error=exit status 1
WARN[0097] failed running govc datastore.mkdir unik/vsphere/images  error=exit status 1
WARN[0129] failed running govc datastore.mkdir unik/vsphere/volumes  error=exit status 1
INFO[0129] checking if instance listener base vmdk already exists on vsphere datastore 
ERRO[0194] running daemon failed: [cmd/daemon.go:63] daemon failed to initialize: {[daemon/daemon.go:64] initializing vsphere provider: {[vsphere/vsphere_provider.go:45] deploing virtualbox instance listener: {[vsphere/deploy_instance_listener.go:33] lsing on folder 'unik': {[vsphereclient/client.go:279] failed running govc unik: {exit status 1}}}}} 

This is the URL of my vCenter. I've also tried with or with the ESXi host, but I always of this error.

Debugger for Unikernel feature

Qemu: has a gdb stub debugger which is a source level debugger. It also enables freezing the CPU.
Vmware Fusion: has gdb stub support, it is not freezing the cpu but we use a work around: we add an infinite loop to the beginning of the code, and the debugger releases it after it is attached.
Virtual Box: have their own debugger. It supports symbols.
Raspberry Pi: has a jtag interface that can be enabled. using a program like OCD, we can use gdb to do source level debugging.

We will bake it in to UniK and support a debugger based on the provider.

How to set GOPATH correctly

I've correctly defined the GOPATH env variable and $GOPATH/bin is in the PATH, but I get the following error:

$ unik build --name ecspicsImage --path ./ --compiler rump-go-virtualbox --provider virtual box

INFO[0000] running unik build args=[] compiler=rump-go-virtualbox force=false host=localhost:3000 mountPoints=[] name=ecspicsImage path=./ provider=virtualbox
INFO[0001] App packaged as tarball: /Users/denisjannot/.unik/328098395

ERRO[0018] build failed: [cmd/build.go:95] building image failed: {[client/images.go:54] failed with status 500: [daemon/daemon.go:254] failed to compile raw image: {[rump/generic.go:116] Returned non zero status}}

And on the daemon side:

INFO[0352] Created container binds=[/Users/denisjannot/.unik/160396933:/opt/code] cmd=[] id=6ec8ef34dda379339dd16cf3e05ed54cd44e9a71952a796a4f1c102b3df15910
ERRO[0365] Container exit status non zero status=1
ERRO[0365] 8+ cp /tmp/build/gomaincaller.go /tmp/build/mainstub.c .

  • [ -d Godeps ]
    '+ GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 godep restore
    Tgodep: [WARNING]: godep should only be used inside a valid go package directory and
    Xgodep: [WARNING]: may not function correctly. You are probably outside of your $GOPATH.
    /godep: [WARNING]: Current Directory: /opt/code
    godep: [WARNING]: $GOPATH: /go
    ?godep: WARNING: Go version (go1.5) & $GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 wants to enable the vendor experiment, but disabling because a Godep workspace (Godeps/_workspace) exists
    ?+ CC=x86_64-rumprun-netbsd-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=rumprun /usr/local/go/bin/go build -buildmode=c-archive -v -a -x ecspics.go gomaincaller.go s3.go
    Qecspics.go:17:3: cannot find package "" in any of:
    A /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    7 /go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
    Iecspics.go:18:3: cannot find package "" in any of:
    9 /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    / /go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
    Necspics.go:19:3: cannot find package "" in any of:

    /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    4 /go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
    Mecspics.go:20:3: cannot find package "" in any of:
    = /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    3 /go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

ERRO[0365] error handling request error=[daemon/daemon.go:254] failed to compile raw image: {[rump/generic.go:116] Returned non zero status}

Do I need to set the GOPATH inside the Unik Instance Listener VM ?

dmsetup failed

Environment: Mac OS X El Capitan v 10.11.4

This is the second time that I'm installing unik.
The first time I could get it running.
The one difference that I know is that I'm using Docker for Mac right now.
When I'm trying to run the unik daemon, I'm getting the error that dmsetup failed.

The logs are attached in the following file.

Thank you for looking into this.

Running unikernels in Docker


Is it possible to deploy and run a unikernel in Docker? If not, is this something that can be added to the roadmap? We heavily leverage docker and the ability to create and deploy a minimal image is very appealing. If we can build images on our dev systems using unik and deploy them on our other systems, that would be quite appealing.

binary is saved in root

when making the binary the unik binary is saved in /_build instead of <current folder>/_build

mkdir -p ./_build
docker run --rm -v /_build:/opt/build -e TARGET_OS=linux -e CONTAINERVER=0.1 projectunik/binary
Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. Either use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` or use `--storage-opt dm.no_warn_on_loop_devices=true` to suppress this warning.
GOOS=linux go build -ldflags "-X" .
#docker rmi -f projectunik/binary
echo "Install finished! UniK binary can be found at /_build/unik"
Install finished! UniK binary can be found at /_build/unik

C# Support

First of all thanks for this great tool
Second: is there any possibility to add C# to the list ?


VirtualBox remote desktop extension support

adding an option to enable the remote desktop extension would allow to have a look at the Virtualbox instance console, even without having a graphical desktop.
Enabling VRDE can be done with following command, if the VM is powered off:

sudo VBoxManage modifyvm "VboxUnikInstanceListener" --vrde on


WARN[0000] failed to read virtualbox state file

Trying to build the example go rumprun unikernel (as described here I am running this on a mac using docker for mac beta (is this even supported?).

When I run the unik daemon I get the following output:

$> unik daemon
INFO[0000] daemon started                                config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[] Virtualbox [{Name:vsphere-1 AdapterName:vboxnet0 VirtualboxAdapterType:host_only}]} Version:}
INFO[0000] Bootstrapping provider virtualbox with config {vsphere-1 vboxnet0 host_only} 
WARN[0000] failed to read virtualbox state file at /Users/matt/.unik/virtualbox/state.json, creating blank virtualbox state  error=[state/base_state.go:36] error reading save file /Users/matt/.unik/virtualbox/state.json: {open /Users/matt/.unik/virtualbox/state.json: no such file or directory}
[martini] listening on :3000 (development)

When I run the unik build command I get the following output:

$> unik build --name goImage --path ./ --compiler rump-go-virtualbox --provider virtualbox
INFO[0000] running unik build                            args=[] compiler=rump-go-virtualbox force=false host=localhost:3000 mountPoints=[] name=goImage path=./ provider=virtualbox
INFO[0010] App packaged as tarball: /Users/matt/.unik/159192136

ERRO[0044] build failed: [cmd/build.go:95] building image failed: {[client/images.go:54] failed with status 500: [daemon/daemon.go:254] failed to compile raw image: {Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?}} 

Minor CLI UX issue: '--f'


I am right now in the ContainerDays Boston workshop and noticed something when I fired unik up. It is a minor thing, but just something I wanted to note when you can look at it.


you use '--f' for the location of the config file, but the '--' is convention for longhand, like '--file'. I made the mistake of doing -f (the conventional shorthand) and found it a bit confusing.

Again, really enjoying this, but wanted to note the usability issue right now before I forget.

Thank you for the demo!


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