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There should be a nice piece of documentation describing the overall app functionality, some technical stuff for more complex pieces of code as well as the usage (so the supported commands and key-bindings).

We should probably use GitHub's wiki feature

Process escape sequence in launch path

One example would be to prompt the user, e.g., with the provided command-line "mame.exe {?}", the user would be prompted to enter a rom name.

EDIT: Now that there's a file browser, perhaps "mame.exe {%}" would allow the user to choose a file from the filesystem as a parameter. In this case you'd want it without an extension; maybe another symbol, e.g., {*} includes the extension. And we'd want to have a default rom path in the database for such uses. (I think we already covered that in the SQLite db).

DUPLICATE: Better game library detection where available

Capturing the one issue I had in my fork:

Relying on the Windows Uninstall registry is not ideal when game libraries can be used without it (e.g., after reinstalling Windows, you can just point Steam at an existing library [without reinstalling the games]).

To work around this, we're now ingesting files for Epic, itch, Steam, and Origin. The first 3 seem to be fairly complete solutions at this point, but Origin must currently rely on FindGameBinaryFile() to find the .exe (though if it is in the uninstall registry, it should be able to get it from there).

I've done some research for other platforms which I'll add in the comments.

Ability to launch the launchers

Since launchers are currently required to install games and perform maintenance tasks, allow launching Steam, Epic Game Store, etc. directly.

Epic Game Launcher suggestions

With Epic games, we're currently launching straight from the game's .exe. This is great because (at least on my system) Epic takes forever to load and start a game. However, cloud saves aren't synchronized in this case, and I believe some games have issues with online multiplayer with this method [note to self: check whether this affects Origin, etc.].

Obviously we could (optionally) switch to using the Epic protocol to do the launching (com.epicgames.launcher://).

Another solution that addresses the slow response and games requiring Epic for online play is to allow users to (optionally) use Legendary, a lite command-line Epic client written in Python and compiled to .exe. However, note that syncing isn't automatic there either, and requires a separate command, i.e., you'd need to (optionally) run sync-saves, launch, then sync-saves again.

Not sure how this would be implemented as we move to the 2.0 plugin model (i.e., a separate Legendary plugin and/or plugin-specific configuration options [PlatformAttribute]).

Suggestion: For GLC2, add an information pane

For the proposed GLC2 (cmus-like) interface, since there's some extra unused real estate if images are enabled (assuming the image doesn't just overlay text in the pane), I'm thinking there's perhaps some room to spread out information instead of just using a single-line infobar (I'm imagining that the infobar would be hidden when the infopane is shown).

As pictured in the mock-up below, this could also include info pulled from igdb (for which I'll create a separate issue if we decide to do this).


Intermittent sorting issues


e.g., in the pic above see "*Venetica - Gold Edition" and "*Sanitarium" (the two not-installed games, which should all be listed at the bottom with the other non-installed games. I believe I only see this behavior when new games are added to an existing set of games. After quitting and going back in, sorting appears to be OK again.

Improved vim-like bindings (insert mode)

The insert mode should probably look similar to vim's minibuffer at the bottom of the page. When the user is in navigation mode, the buffer could show important information about the game or platform.

The insert mode should support the following features:

  • Tab completion for searches,
  • Search suggestions

Support for web-based platforms and connecting to services

Should the app be able to connect to online services (such as Humble bundle, Riot games, etc)? I am unsure of the work required and the overall benefit.

Also should the app support signing in into clients such as steam and get a list of all games for the user. This would in theory allow the app to manage all of the user's games and perhaps even allow installation.

Marking this a question since I am unsure what overall benefit there is to this feature as well as the required work (I'm not even 100% sure this is possible with each and every platform, though I think PlayNite does something like that)

Suggestion: Give unrated items a medium rating

Perhaps a game that has not yet been given a user rating should be sorted as a 2.5 out of 5 stars, so that 1 and 2-star games are sorted below them.

This might potentially be accomplished by giving an unsorted item a value of 3, and 1 and 2 star ratings are internally 0 and 1, respectively. Or we could just leave unrated as 0 and have a more complicated sort algorithm.

Migrate games to database solution

Using JSON to store information about the games has worked quite well, but I don't feel like it's the best approach. Those are some of the constraints I have observed:

  • In order to modify anything, the app essentially rewrites the entire JSON file with data stored in the memory. (You can imagine how many times the file might be written to)
  • The app needs to read the entire JSON file and keep it in memory which means more memory usage when additional games and attributes are introduced
  • There is no backwards compatibility between versions.

A lightweight database implementation will bring the following benefits:

  • Reduce the memory use, the app will only load the information it currently needs,
  • Backwards compatibility. The app will be able to use the same database regardless of future versions (it will need to handle DB schema changes)
  • Better performance. No longer needing to parse the JSON for pre-emtively load all data and no longer needing to modify the file with every small change.

The best candidate for this feature is liteDB which apparently only requires a small DLL

The following features will need to be implemented:

  • A DB core implementation (singleton design pattern?)
  • Implement game reading and writing functionality
  • Constant database schema. This could be a file which the program would use or a hard-coded/constant source file. With each launch the program will check the database and create it (if not found) or apply any missing tables/columns
  • Migrate the data from JSON to the database on startup. I imagine this feature would be present in the next version only (so that we can remove any unused code) and after that a small, dedicated, application would be created

Refer to the 'Database migration' projects page for bugs and user stories

Change description "Origin" to "EA"

It looks like EA is finally deprecating the Origin app/branding in favor of EA Desktop which has been in beta for some time. IIRC, this may only be a cosmetic change for us.

Improved game tags and aliases

Each game should be able to support N number of tags and aliases.

An alias is:

  • A short identifier to manipulate the game (launch, uninstall, toggle favourite, etc) from the command-line args or insert mode
  • Unique to the game

A tag is:

  • A keyword which groups multiple games together
  • Allows the app to display games with similar tags in a single folder

This extension of the existing functionality should probably be implemented after the database implementation is done (otherwise it would have to be implemented twice)

Got "Index was outside the bounds of the array" after doing a search.

This is really just a reminder for myself, I'll take a look when I get a chance.

I had a platform selected, but the behavior does not appear to be consistent.

Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at GameLauncher_Console.CConsoleHelper.HandleNavigationMenu(Int32 nStartY, Int32 nStopY, ConfigVolatile cfgv, Hotkeys keys, Colours cols, Boolean setup, Boolean browse, String& game, String[] options) in C:\Users\enuss\source\repos\GLC\GameLauncher_Console\GameLauncher_Console\ConsoleHelper.cs:line 0
   at GameLauncher_Console.CConsoleHelper.DisplayMenu(ConfigVolatile cfgv, Hotkeys keys, Colours cols, String& game, String[] options) in C:\Users\enuss\source\repos\GLC\GameLauncher_Console\GameLauncher_Console\ConsoleHelper.cs:line 511
   at GameLauncher_Console.CDock.MenuSwitchboard(ConfigVolatile cfgv, Hotkeys keys, Colours cols, Boolean& setup, Boolean& browse, String& path, String& gameSearch, Int32& nSelectionCode) in C:\Users\enuss\source\repos\GLC\GameLauncher_Console\GameLauncher_Console\Dock.cs:line 1021
   at GameLauncher_Console.CDock.MainLoop(String[] args) in C:\Users\enuss\source\repos\GLC\GameLauncher_Console\GameLauncher_Console\Dock.cs:line 283
   at GameLauncher_Console.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\enuss\source\repos\GLC\GameLauncher_Console\GameLauncher_Console\Program.cs:line 34

Add Robot Cache Client

Yet another launcher. It's interesting and controversial what they're doing, but it's finally available in the U.S., and it looks easy enough to do. Again, I'll be adding it to GameCollector first. EDIT: See GameCollector4 branch.

Exception in EA Desktop platform (PureOrigin.API)

Recently I started seeing this exception:

ERROR: Could not convert string to DateTime: 1977-**-**. Path 'pid.dob', line 9, position 24. | Newtonsoft.Json
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadDateTimeString(String s)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDateTime()
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadForType(JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateObject(Object newObject, JsonReader reader, JsonObjectContract contract, JsonProperty member, String id)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateObject(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateValueInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.ToObject(Type objectType, JsonSerializer jsonSerializer)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.ToObject(Type objectType)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.ToObject[T]()
   at PureOrigin.API.OriginAPI.GetInternalUser()
   at PureOrigin.API.OriginAPI.LoginAsync()
   at GameLauncher_Console.PlatformEA.GetOwnedGames(String email, SecureString password, String id) | API error for EA owned games.

The exception is in PureOrigin.API, a NuGet package that I added originally to get owned not-installed Origin games, but after #66 was resolved, it's now only used to get the proper game titles for EA Desktop. However, it looks like EA just altered their API slightly so now the user's birthdate shows ** for month and day, and since this is no longer a valid value for a DateTime, PureOrigin.API is hitting an Exception (and yes, I'm 45 years old). It's an easy fix to comment out the birthdate field or change it to a string (and I've done the latter in a fork). Unfortunately, PureOrigin.API was recently archived by its author, so I can't submit a pull request.

Of the various methods of how to proceed from here, I think I'm leaning towards adding PureOrigin.API as a subtree and a dependent project of the solution. I'll make a separate PR [ #70 ].

Unit test project

Would be nice to get a unit test project going so that bugs and new features could be tested more efficiently.

Support for additional platforms


  • Twitch [finally deprecated completely]


  • Arc
  • Game Jolt Client
  • Humble App
  • Legacy Games Launcher
  • Microsoft Store
  • Oculus
  • Paradox Launcher
  • Plarium Play
  • Riot Client
  • RobotCache
  • Rockstar Games Launcher
  • Game Center

Follow selection after re-sort

If, e.g., the user changes a game's rating while in rating-sort mode, the selection should move to the game's new position.

Binary release should be distributed as .exe alone

Thanks for posting v1.2.0, @Solaire !

Note, however, that we don't need all of the stuff you've included in the .rar, as the .exe that is the result of the dotnet publish is all that's necessary for a release (since we're setting PublishSingleFile and IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract in the .csproj to True). The downside of this approach is that a RuntimeIdentifier must be specified so you don't get the "AnyCPU" possibility (and I've set it to win-x86 instead of -x64 for... reasons).

Note that I've played with these related settings and SelfContained, PublishTrimmed, and PublishReadyToRun need to be set to false.
IncludeAllContentForSelfExtract could be set to true for release but it makes debugging harder.
I've also set EnableCompressionInSingleFile to true, which isn't supported in .NET 5, but looks like a nice feature in .NET 6.

While I'm looking at this, it looks like we should probably remove the BootstrapperPackage includes for .NET Framework 4.7.2 and 3.5.

C++ re-implementation

Should the app be re-implemented in C++?


  • Better performance,
  • Support for additional features such as mouse events (courtesy of ncurses)
  • It would work on more shells


  • A lot of work

GUI project

Pretty much all of the major features have been implemented into the console version. Work could be started on a GUI version - this version would use most of the existing backend logic while adding support for things such as:

  • Configuration editor and using .ini files;
  • Modular GUI;
  • Ability to run games 'silently' where possible (without launching the platform client);

Small issue with 1.1.0 release description

In the description of 1.1.0 release, it mentions "/" is the default key to switch to insert mode. Actually, "\" switches to insert mode, while "/" (or F3) does a search (the latter being much better at the moment since it does fuzzy searches).

Support for multiple Steam folder location

Tested on the version
I'm sorry for not testing it on a newer version but the is no more standalone (#58) and don't work on my machine anymore

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Steam allows to use multiple folders for installing & storing games.
If I'm not mistaking, GLC scan only for the first one so games from the second (or third, ...) location are never found.

In the Steam UI, you can find it in settings > Download :

In the system file, the information can be found (and parse) here :

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\libraryfolders.vdf

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like that GLC scan all Steam folders so no games are left behind :)

Reading this file :

for (; nLibs <= STEAM_MAX_LIBS; ++nLibs)
I guess the case should be handled.

When looking for the logs, I saw that :

06/11/2022 18:00:49 : ERROR: La clé donnée était absente du dictionnaire. | mscorlib    à System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
   à System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   à GameLauncher_Console.CRegScanner.GetSteamGames(List`1 gameDataList, Boolean expensiveIcons) | ERROR: Malformed STEAM file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\libraryfolders.vdf

Might be another issue then... don't hesitate to close this one if not appropriate.

Many thanks for your hard work! 🙌

Display new games in a separate category

After user-initiated scan is complete, the app should display all newly added games in a separate category 'New Games' to allow the user to see which games have been discovered and modify aliases, tags and flags without having to manually seek them out.

The 'New Games' category should be temporary, only shown after scanning and should disappear when the application is launched next time

Support for non-installed games

I have been porting the platform game detection to separate plugin projects (plus refactoring to improve overall code quality), and it got me thinking about support for non-installed games?

As far as I'm aware many platforms don't support installing games outside of their client (a quick google search for Steam got me nothing). Even if the big ones (Steam, Gog, Epic) offer some way, we can't guarantee that all will.

That brings me to my question. Should be support non-installed games? Given the above, I don't see the benefit of showing them to the user, since they can't really do anything with them. In version 2 of the app, uninstalled games will be kept in the database to preserve the statistics and the settings, but won't be shown in the app until the user installs them again.

Encapsulate the CGame frequency modifiers

At the moment, any code with access to the CGame class is able to increment and decrement the frequency counters of an instance. While it's not something urgent, it would be a safe and good practice to encapsulate the two functions 'IncrementFrequency()' and 'DecimateFrequency()' so that they can only be called from the outer CGameData class (similarly to how the class can only instantiated from CGameData)

Additional command line options

Some suggestions:

  • /U "My Game" : Uninstall game
  • /D "My Game" : Create desktop shortcut
  • /A "My Game" "alias" : Change alias

GLC 2.0

I'd like to start working on version 2.0 of GLC. The reason it's 2.0 and not 1.x is mostly due to a brand new TUI and moving from .NET framework to .NET core (more details below). I will be doing some research into it but I think I would like to basically re-write GLC as a new .NET core project (obviously the original project will remain here until we are happy with 2.0) - also I think I have been away from the project for so long that I'm finding it quite difficult to actually implement new features. So here is my proposal for version 2.0 features and changes:

  • New project built on .NET Core (now simply called .NET)
    • Microsoft is not really supporting the framework any more
    • I'd like to potentially have a working Linux version (Porting to C/C++ will take way too much time and .NET is cross-platform)
    • Will have to see if the required libraries and stuff are available (Json, SQLite, etc) but I'm confident they are
  • Use database to store games and platforms
  • Create a brand new TUI and command handling
    • I have been using cmus for some time which is a command-line music player for linux; I think the interface is pretty good and I think we should go in that direction (cmus supports 5 or 6 different 'views' so we can implement that too).
    • The interface would show the platforms and all its' games in a single view along with some information about currently highlighted game.
    • Mouse events could be added as some point but it's not a priority

In terms of the work required, I don't think it'll be too much since a lot of the features have been implemented and can be copied over (as much as .NET core will allow it that is) and some stuff will not be needed due to the SQL handling searching and sorting.

@Nutzzz Let me know what do you think about the idea as a whole. I might have missed some important features

GLC2 platform discussion

As you, @Solaire , have mentioned a few times, the idea for GLC 2.0 is to separate platforms into plugins. I've got a couple of questions:

  1. What will this look like in practice, i.e., do you have the idea that this will be like Playnite or GOG Galaxy, where these are going to be maintained in separate repositories (potentially by separate individuals)? How will users discover these plugins? Would the user have to download each separately, and copy them to their plugin folder? We could have various built-in automation methods and/or websites to handle these things, but that seems like it adds a lot of work for both us and our users for minimal benefit.

  2. Note that the EA Desktop fix for #66 was based mostly on GameFinder's wiki, but not so much on its code. After examining it further, however, I found there were a lot of aspects that I liked, and thought it would be nice to use its various NuGet packages as references (there are separate ones for each store handler). I thought this would simplify things for us, and it would be nice to share the burden of discovering/fixing breaking changes for the various launchers/APIs. But the current implementation is rather limited for our purposes, and it only supports a few platforms. In this issue, I asked to what extent @erri120 would be interested in--with my help--increasing the scope of his project for uses like ours, and he was, quite understandably, loath to do so. So I've been toying with a rebranded fork (with attribution) of his project here: GameCollector. I'm learning some new tricks from examining his code, and I've started by moving to a generic record type with more fields, and adding additional handlers. However, at this point I'm wondering how well this might or might not dovetail with your plans for GLC2.

No longer displays Unicode characters

Even though the .json shows the appropriate escaped code (e.g., \u00AE or \u2122), when titles are displayed, ® (R) becomes "r", ™ (TM) becomes "T".

This is despite "Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;" in Program.cs.

IIRC, prior to 1.1.0 these characters were displayed correctly.

EA: New installed games aren't found

Though games that had been installed with Origin continue to work in the EA app, it looks like EA has changed the method of storing data so GLC is now not detecting newly installed games as installed.

GameFinder's wiki offers a couple of solutions.

Export game shortcuts

The app should allow the user to export multiple games as shortcuts to a given location. Initially, the implementation would only work on single games or a folder (eg. steam) but in the future it could handle selecting multiple games a a time (would need additional features in navigation mode)

Better game library detection where available

Making sure this issue is captured from my fork (Nutzzz#1):
Relying on the Windows Uninstall registry is not ideal when game libraries can be used without it (e.g., after reinstalling Windows, you can just point Steam at an existing library [without reinstalling the games]).

EDIT: I managed to come up with solutions by ingesting files/databases for Steam, Epic, itch, Amazon, Origin, and Indiegala (though Origin is currently only a partial solution since I'm not currently getting the .exe name unless the uninstall entry also exists, and FindGameBinaryFile(), especially in its current state, gets the wrong .exe a lot of the time. And Indiegala currently always relies on FindGameBinaryFile().

Investigations into the other platforms are in the comment below.

In list mode, show small icons to left

This feature is partly implemented. To test the current state, set num_list_icons_max_size_in_characters to 2, and flag_single_column_list_is_default to True (for the latter, you can also use the ] or [ keys to switch between grid and list).

Unfortunately, it seems we need to redraw all icons below the currently chosen position when moving up and down the list. It can take a while for Windows to cache all the icons, but given that it (sometimes) works pretty well.

Current issues:

  1. Sometimes when going between platform and game, all or most icons aren't displayed. This often happens with paging up and down as well. Based on my experience with the larger selection icon, we might just need to throw in a short delay between clearing the screen and attempting to show the icons.
  2. It doesn't do the right thing If paging is disabled and items overflow the window.
  3. We should constrain the y-size to 1 and not try to maintain aspect ratio.

Fetch game metadatas (images, ...) with external database


Might be a little bit related to this issue : #44

As a developer, I want to build a frontend based on games detected by GLC and stored on glc-games.json which display games metadatas (mostly images but why not rating, ...).

Proposed evolution

Add a command line support to launch a new process "fetchForGameMetadata"

This process would do the following:

  1. Download the (free & opensource) whole database in json with this url : (100MO)
  2. (Optionnal) Optimize the database by filtering on "platform == 1" only to get only PC games and not other platforms (to go from 90k games to 18k games).
  3. Iterate on each detected games locally and match with title (transformed into a slug for better match) from the database. If a match is found, add and store game metadata on glc-games.json

NB : the DB dump don't give image urls, however, we can guess it with ID.
God of War => id = 96733
Image =>
Based on this page it will work 98.54% of the time (boxart-front).

Thanks a lot for your awesome work, you guys rocks! I've a small personnal project to build a light TV frontend to launch games which support game pad controller, touch inputs,... I could not do it without your works. FYI, not finished, need to be opensourced.

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