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zippy's Introduction


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Zippy is an implementation of DEFLATE, ZLIB and GZIP data compression formats. Zippy can also create and open Tarballs (.tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .taz) and ZIP archives.

The goal of this library is to be a pure Nim implementation that is small, performant and dependency-free.

Zippy can also be used at compile time. This is great for baking assets into executables in compressed form. Check out an example here.

To ensure Zippy is compatible with other implementations, tests/validate.nim can be run. This script verifies that data compressed by Zippy can be uncompressed by other implementations (and that other implementations can uncompress data compressed by Zippy).

This library works well using Nim's relatively new --gc:arc and --gc:orc as well as the default garbage collector. This library also works using both nim c and nim cpp, in addition to --cc:vcc on Windows.

I have also verified that Zippy builds with --experimental:strictFuncs on Nim 1.4.0.


Simple examples using Zippy can be found in the examples/ folder.


Benchmarks can be run comparing different deflate implementations. My benchmarking shows this library performs very well, a bit faster than zlib in some cases and a bit slower in others. Check the performance yourself by running tests/benchmark.nim.

nim c --gc:arc -d:release -r .\tests\benchmark.nim

The times below are measured on a Ryzen 5 5600X.


Each file is compressed 10 times per run. compress [default]
name ............................... min time      avg time    std dv   runs
alice29.txt ....................... 26.484 ms     26.800 ms    ±0.308   x187
urls.10K ......................... 151.703 ms    153.162 ms    ±1.260    x33 ...................... 3.860 ms      3.923 ms    ±0.061  x1000 ..................... 0.612 ms      0.626 ms    ±0.013  x1000
paper-100k.pdf .................... 10.562 ms     10.724 ms    ±0.198   x464
geo.protodata ...................... 6.395 ms      6.459 ms    ±0.074   x770
gzipfiletest.txt ................... 0.116 ms      0.118 ms    ±0.003  x1000 compress [default]
alice29.txt ....................... 58.134 ms     58.659 ms    ±0.632    x86
urls.10K ......................... 133.600 ms    135.877 ms    ±1.583    x37 ...................... 6.603 ms      6.694 ms    ±0.100   x743 ..................... 0.891 ms      0.908 ms    ±0.016  x1000
paper-100k.pdf .................... 15.185 ms     15.308 ms    ±0.147   x326
geo.protodata ...................... 9.071 ms      9.206 ms    ±0.152   x541
gzipfiletest.txt ................... 0.120 ms      0.127 ms    ±0.009  x1000 compress [best speed]
alice29.txt ........................ 7.776 ms      7.864 ms    ±0.119   x633
urls.10K .......................... 26.690 ms     26.945 ms    ±0.290   x186 ...................... 1.554 ms      1.652 ms    ±0.039  x1000 ..................... 0.178 ms      0.180 ms    ±0.002  x1000
paper-100k.pdf ..................... 4.079 ms      4.175 ms    ±0.109  x1000
geo.protodata ...................... 2.690 ms      2.766 ms    ±0.067  x1000
gzipfiletest.txt ................... 0.055 ms      0.057 ms    ±0.004  x1000 compress [best speed]
alice29.txt ....................... 12.858 ms     13.128 ms    ±0.249   x380
urls.10K .......................... 53.738 ms     54.057 ms    ±0.348    x93 ...................... 2.196 ms      2.239 ms    ±0.030  x1000 ..................... 0.816 ms      0.834 ms    ±0.018  x1000
paper-100k.pdf .................... 12.945 ms     13.054 ms    ±0.117   x382
geo.protodata ...................... 3.516 ms      3.576 ms    ±0.051  x1000
gzipfiletest.txt ................... 0.094 ms      0.098 ms    ±0.007  x1000 compress [best compression]
alice29.txt ....................... 33.339 ms     33.615 ms    ±0.294   x149
urls.10K ......................... 229.325 ms    230.594 ms    ±1.206    x22 ...................... 9.100 ms      9.397 ms    ±0.230   x530 ..................... 0.616 ms      0.628 ms    ±0.015  x1000
paper-100k.pdf .................... 10.989 ms     11.145 ms    ±0.137   x447
geo.protodata ...................... 7.128 ms      7.213 ms    ±0.111   x690
gzipfiletest.txt ................... 0.116 ms      0.118 ms    ±0.005  x1000 compress [best compression]
alice29.txt ....................... 86.257 ms     87.055 ms    ±0.809    x58
urls.10K ......................... 254.322 ms    256.679 ms    ±1.692    x20 ..................... 21.859 ms     22.216 ms    ±0.365   x225 ..................... 0.890 ms      0.915 ms    ±0.028  x1000
paper-100k.pdf .................... 16.940 ms     17.165 ms    ±0.254   x291
geo.protodata ..................... 12.360 ms     12.529 ms    ±0.208   x398
gzipfiletest.txt ................... 0.120 ms      0.129 ms    ±0.011  x1000


Each file is uncompressed 10 times per run. uncompress
alice29.txt.z ...................... 3.405 ms      3.475 ms    ±0.077  x1000
urls.10K.z ........................ 15.832 ms     16.154 ms    ±0.343   x308
rfctest3.z ......................... 0.737 ms      0.762 ms    ±0.017  x1000
randtest3.z ........................ 0.068 ms      0.069 ms    ±0.001  x1000
paper-100k.pdf.z ................... 2.678 ms      2.703 ms    ±0.037  x1000
geo.protodata.z .................... 1.191 ms      1.222 ms    ±0.013  x1000 uncompress
alice29.txt.z ...................... 3.531 ms      3.602 ms    ±0.064  x1000
urls.10K.z ........................ 15.045 ms     15.333 ms    ±0.328   x325
rfctest3.z ......................... 0.452 ms      0.486 ms    ±0.034  x1000
randtest3.z ........................ 0.065 ms      0.069 ms    ±0.006  x1000
paper-100k.pdf.z ................... 2.208 ms      2.246 ms    ±0.048  x1000
geo.protodata.z .................... 0.897 ms      0.926 ms    ±0.035  x1000


nimble test

To prevent Zippy from causing a crash or otherwise misbehaving on bad input data, a fuzzer has been run against it. You can do run the fuzzer any time by running nim c -r tests/fuzz.nim and nim c -r tests/stress.nim

API: zippy

import zippy

const NoCompression

NoCompression = 0

const BestSpeed

BestSpeed = 1

const BestCompression

BestCompression = 9

const DefaultCompression

DefaultCompression = -1

const HuffmanOnly

HuffmanOnly = -2

type CompressedDataFormat

Supported compressed data formats

CompressedDataFormat = enum
 dfDetect, dfZlib, dfGzip, dfDeflate

func compress

Compresses src and returns the compressed data.

func compress(src: seq[uint8]; level = DefaultCompression; dataFormat = dfGzip): seq[
 uint8] {.raises: [ZippyError].}

template compress

Helper for when preferring to work with strings.

template compress(src: string; level = DefaultCompression; dataFormat = dfGzip): string

func uncompress

Uncompresses src and returns the uncompressed data seq.

func uncompress(src: seq[uint8]; dataFormat = dfDetect): seq[uint8] {.raises: [ZippyError].}

template uncompress

Helper for when preferring to work with strings.

template uncompress(src: string; dataFormat = dfDetect): string

type ZippyError

Raised if an operation fails.

ZippyError = object of ValueError

API: zippy/tarballs

import zippy/tarballs

type EntryKind

EntryKind = enum
 ekNormalFile = 48, ekDirectory = 53

type TarballEntry

TarballEntry = object
 kind*: EntryKind
 contents*: string
 lastModified*: times.Time

type Tarball

Tarball = ref object
 contents*: OrderedTable[string, TarballEntry]

proc addDir

Recursively adds all of the files and directories inside dir to tarball.

proc addDir(tarball: Tarball; dir: string) {.raises: [ZippyError, OSError, IOError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, ReadIOEffect].}

proc clear

proc clear(tarball: Tarball)

proc open

Opens the tarball file located at path and reads its contents into tarball.contents (clears any existing tarball.contents entries). Supports .tar, .tar.gz, .taz and .tgz file extensions.

proc open(tarball: Tarball; path: string) {.raises: [IOError, ZippyError, ZippyError], tags: [ReadIOEffect].}

proc open

Opens the tarball from a stream and reads its contents into tarball.contents (clears any existing tarball.contents entries).

proc open(tarball: Tarball; stream: Stream) {.raises: [IOError, ZippyError, OSError], tags: [ReadIOEffect].}

## **proc** writeTarball

Writes tarball.contents to a tarball file at path. Uses the path's file extension to determine the tarball format. Supports .tar, .tar.gz, .taz and .tgz file extensions.

proc writeTarball(tarball: Tarball; path: string) {.raises: [ZippyError, IOError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

proc extractAll

Extracts the files stored in tarball to the destination directory. The path to the destination directory must exist. The destination directory itself must not exist (it is not overwitten).

proc extractAll(tarball: Tarball; dest: string) {.raises: [ZippyError, OSError, IOError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect, WriteDirEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc extractAll

Extracts the files in the tarball located at tarPath into the destination directory. Supports .tar, .tar.gz, .taz and .tgz file extensions.

proc extractAll(tarPath, dest: string) {.raises: [IOError, ZippyError, OSError], tags: [
 ReadIOEffect, ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, WriteDirEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc createTarball

Creates a tarball containing all of the files and directories inside source and writes the tarball file to dest. Uses the dest path's file extension to determine the tarball format. Supports .tar, .tar.gz, .taz and .tgz file extensions.

proc createTarball(source, dest: string) {.raises: [ZippyError, OSError, IOError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

API: zippy/ziparchives

import zippy/ziparchives

type EntryKind

EntryKind = enum
 ekFile, ekDirectory

type ArchiveEntry

ArchiveEntry = object
 kind*: EntryKind
 contents*: string

type ZipArchive

ZipArchive = ref object
 contents*: OrderedTable[string, ArchiveEntry]

proc addDir

Recursively adds all of the files and directories inside dir to archive.

proc addDir(archive: ZipArchive; dir: string) {.raises: [ZippyError, OSError, IOError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, ReadIOEffect].}

proc clear

proc clear(archive: ZipArchive)

proc open

Opens the zip archive file located at path and reads its contents into archive.contents (clears any existing archive.contents entries).

proc open(archive: ZipArchive; path: string) {.raises: [IOError, ZippyError, ZippyError], tags: [ReadIOEffect].}

proc open

Opens the zip archive from a stream and reads its contents into archive.contents (clears any existing archive.contents entries).

proc open(archive: ZipArchive; stream: Stream) {.raises: [IOError, ZippyError, OSError], tags: [ReadIOEffect].}

proc writeZipArchive

Writes archive.contents to a zip file at path.

proc writeZipArchive(archive: ZipArchive; path: string) {.raises: [ZippyError, ZippyError, IOError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

proc extractAll

Extracts the files stored in archive to the destination directory. The path to the destination directory must exist. The destination directory itself must not exist (it is not overwitten).

proc extractAll(archive: ZipArchive; dest: string) {.raises: [ZippyError, OSError, IOError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect, WriteDirEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc extractAll

Extracts the files in the archive located at zipPath into the destination directory.

proc extractAll(zipPath, dest: string) {.raises: [IOError, ZippyError, OSError], tags: [
 ReadIOEffect, ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, WriteDirEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc createZipArchive

Creates an archive containing all of the files and directories inside source and writes the zip file to dest.

proc createZipArchive(source, dest: string) {.raises: [ZippyError, OSError, IOError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

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