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asv-subtools's Issues





Do we have external reference about model-based CORAL?

Hi thanks again for developing such amazing toolkit. I am now looking at the PLDA backend work, including the report from Jiafeng.

I do find very useful information about CORAL, which was originated from here. But that is for feature-based CORAL. In your implementation I believe it is model-based CORAL on PLDA. Do we have any external reference about model-based CORAL?

Thanks in advance.


在使用在线模式训练的时候,使用多卡的时候报错显示join() got an unexpected keyword argument 'throw_on_early_termination',尝试去除throw_on_early_termination参数后,不报错但是模型不训练
报错信息如下,请问有人碰到类似的问题吗,我看作者说有交流群,能否拉我一下,谢谢各位 :)

Issues about get_params_for_score()


I'm trying to train my model based on recipe/voxcelebSRC, but I had a problem at the scoring stage.

In, $enroll_cohort_name.score equals:


But the generated score file appears to be:


Looks like get_params_for_score() in failed to generate the correct $suffix:


suffix=$(echo ${final_file%.*} | sed 's/^'"$inputname"'//g;'s/spk_xvector_mean//g'')

It only removes continuous spk_xvector_mean but is not functional for spk_xvector***_mean.

Best regards,
Ya-Qi Yu

the num_targets and the max label in train.egs.csv are not equal

I try to run the CNCeleb recipe, but a RuntimeError appears:

#### Training will run for 6 epochs.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/kaldi/egs/xmuspeech/sre/subtools/pytorch/libs/training/", line 283, in run
    loss, acc = self.train_one_batch(batch)
  File "/home/ubuntu/kaldi/egs/xmuspeech/sre/subtools/pytorch/libs/training/", line 182, in train_one_batch
    loss = model.get_loss(model_forward(inputs), targets)
  File "/home/ubuntu/kaldi/egs/xmuspeech/sre/subtools/pytorch/libs/support/", line 157, in wrapper
    return function(self, *transformed)
  File "/home/ubuntu/kaldi/egs/xmuspeech/sre/exp/SEResnet34_am_train_fbank40/config/", line 559, in get_loss
    return self.loss(inputs, targets)
  File "/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/subtools/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1102, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/ubuntu/kaldi/egs/xmuspeech/sre/subtools/pytorch/libs/nnet/", line 360, in forward
    return self.loss_function(outputs/self.t, targets) + self.ring_loss * ring_loss
  File "/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/subtools/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1102, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/subtools/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1150, in forward
    return F.cross_entropy(input, target, weight=self.weight,
  File "/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/subtools/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 2846, in cross_entropy
    return torch._C._nn.cross_entropy_loss(input, target, weight, _Reduction.get_enum(reduction), ignore_index, label_smoothing)
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered
CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call,so the stacktrace below might be incorrect.
For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1.
/opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1634272172048/work/aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ operator(): block: [0,0,0], thread: [55,0,0] Assertion `idx_dim >= 0 && idx_dim < index_size && "index out of bounds"` failed.

That means the num_speakers output of FC classifier is less than the label.
And I find the num_targets in exp/egs/train_sequential/info is 2687, while the max label in train.egs.csv is 2711.
So could you please tell me which script generates the exp/egs/train_sequential/info/num_targets?

Is utt2lang or utt2spk used for lid?

I want to validate the recipe "ap-olr2020-baseline". I have some issues at scoring.
I want to know which file is used for language file, utt2lang or utt2spk?

pytorch dataloader

使用dataloader 多线程,但是多线程处于D状态,CPU读取数据慢,导师GPU util 为0, 请问这种情况怎么解决

How to prepare utt2spk utt2lang trails files for asv-subtools/recipe/ap-olr2020-baseline?

Hi @Snowdar ,

The recipe asv-subtools/recipe/ap-olr2020-baseline is designed for language recognition tasks.
So at the data preparation stage, should I put the language label in the utt2spk file or in the utt2lang file?

I am new to language recognition, so I am litter confused about the above codes.

So what file I should use as input for subtools/ to generate the trials file?


发现了一个逻辑漏洞/found a bug

subtools/pytorch/libs/supports/ line 319

At least one of this function's last two variables which are 'force_check' and 'support_unkown' should be true. So that the function can raise an error or refine the new parameters of the individual definition for the default dictionary which will be return.
Or, the params you defined in the main program such as run****.py will be not passed into the methods or classes.


The way to directly get the recognition result.




我看olr2021-baseline 语种分类用了xvector embedding + LDA + LR 的方法,但是xvector在训练的时候用 softmax 输出每个语种的概率 计算CE进行训练的。为什么在inference的时候不直接用xvector 的 softmax的输出?




how to prepare our own data?

hello XMU Speech Lab, Thank you so much for the great work you shared.
I wonder how to prepare our own data? Preparing wav.scp, utt2spk and spk2utt like Kaldi formats?
I couldn't get information about data preparing in README. Looking forward to answer.
best wishes

train the standard xvector model on VoxCeleb1 trainset

I try to train the standard xvector model on VoxCeleb1 trainset using the script with 4 GPUs. And I completely use the default parameters in except for the weight decay changed to 5e-1 (I also tried 3e-1), but the result EER is only 3.531% for 21 epoch far embedding with PLDA backend. Unable to achieve 3.028% reported at the bottom of Is there something I overlooked or what I need to modify?

run Voxceleb Recipe [Speaker Recognition]

When running Voxceleb Recipe [Speaker Recognition], I met the error as shown below. I am not sure where the codes in "" wrong to make this type error. Thank you for your help!

(xmuspeech) tcao7@c06:~/kaldi/egs/xmuspeech/voxceleb1$ subtools/ --stage=0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 282, in
utils.init_multi_gpu_training(args.gpu_id, args.multi_gpu_solution, args.port)
TypeError: init_multi_gpu_training() takes from 0 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given


请问一下,当使用命令 subtools/ --gpu-id=0,1 --stage=3 --endstage=3 ,也就是 python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --gpu-id=0,1 --port 2345 --stage=3 --endstage=3 时,出现如下warning和error,可能是环境还是哪里出现问题导致多卡初始化失败呢?

issues about speaker info and language info usage in OLR2020 Baseline

When we are training the baseline system, we are wondering what to use as the speaker information.
Can we ask that when you are training the ivector system, did you change spkid to langid in spk2utt and utt2spk file? Or just used the original spk info to train an UBM and i-vector extractor. Whatever the condition is, when we train the classifier, I think we should use languages as the labels, is there any problem if we use speaker info to train an i-vector extractor and classify the vector to some languages?




Pytorch version: 1.10.0
Cuda version: 11.1
nccl version: 2.10.3
driver version: 470.63.01
OS version: Ubuntu 18.04


[ Frank Discussion 1 ] Training Strategy

Welcome to discuss the training strategy here.

There are two typical training strategies, "SGD + Reduce Learning Rate on Plateau" and "Adam + Warm Restarts".

SGD + Reduce Learning Rate on Plateau

(1) Training slowly but could make a good generalization.
(2) The parameters of ReduceLROnPlateau should be set carefully, such as patience and learning rate scale.

Adam + Warm Restarts

(1) It is not clear to set the T for Warm Restarts.
(2) It is dizzy to make sure how many times the Restarts should be.

In fact, I am still not sure how the value of weight decay influences the results when training with these two strategies. And are there any other factors decide the final performance when comparing the two strategies?

Welcome to comment and share your experiments.


WARNING (nnet3-train[5.5]): ConstrainOrthonormalInternal() Ratio is nan (should be >=1.0);component is tdnnf10.liner
ASSERTION_FAILED (net-trian [5.5]: ConstrainOrthonormalInternal() Assertion failed: (ratio > 0.9)

online训练提示标签越界问题:Assertion `idx_dim >= 0 && idx_dim < index_size && "index out of bounds"`

subtools/pytorch/pipeline/preprocess_wav_egs.sh中调用的subtools/pytorch/pipeline/onestep/get_raw_wav_chunk.py中的get_chunk_egs函数是先对整个dataset生成utt2spk_int文件(dataset.generate("utt2spk_int") ),然后划分trainset, valid集合(trainset, valid = dataset.split(args.valid_num_utts, args.valid_split_type))。当某个说话人仅有1条utt且runEcapaXvector_online.py中limit_utts=1时,说话人可能就被全部划分进valid集合,从而导致train的实际人数减少,但标签最大值仍为整个数据集的最大值。

Issues about evaluation results (Cavg and EER) of baseline system of OLR2020 Challenge

We want to ask two questions about the evaluation results of OLR2020 Challenge baseline system.

1、Cavg and eer of task1 using test data AP19-OLR-channel

We noticed that in Table 2, the official results of task1 using i-vector is: Cavg--0.2965 EER%--19.40. But we get a results like: Cavg--0.2997, EER%--29.91. We are doubting that is there any probability that the official results have mistakenly put a wrong EER% number into Table 2. Just like the pictures below, we find that the EER number 19.40% present not only in Table2, but Table3, of the same task, and the Cavg and EER in Table3 are not too far different which is opposite to Table2. And in other literatures using Cavg and EER as their evaluation criterion, we also barely see any circumstances that has such a big difference between the two number. We hope the members of official would check the results, thanks!

2、The way calculates Cavg in open-set identification task

We are using the formular like the picture above to calculate Cavg in each task. But we find something that we don't understand in the python code which gives a prior probability greater than 1 in task2 which is an open-set task.
In task1, we have 6 languages in both enrollset and testset, and it gives a prior probability of 0.5 for target-language, and 0.1 for each non-target-languages. There is no problem here. It computes Cavg like
In task2, we have 6 languages in testset but 3 in enrollset. The program sees lang_num as 3, and get prior probability of each non-target-language of 0.25. But what is odd is that the program sees the other 3 languages which are not in enrollment as another non-target-language and gives it a prior probability of 0.25. I have already followed each step of this code and get some of the parameters showed below. The code is like

line 113 p_nontarget = (1 - p_target) / (lang_num - 1)  # lang_num=3, p_nontarget=0.25
line 114 target_cavg[lang] = p_target * p_miss + p_nontarget*sum(p_fa)  # p_fa is a list, length is 3, p_fa[2] represents false alarm probability of the overall of three languages not in enrollset

Finally it computes Cavg like
where Ln(n=3) represents the overall of those languages not in enrollset. So from the formular above, we get an entire prior probability of 0.5+0.25*3=1.25 which is greater than 1. I don't konw is there any misunderstanding on this formular or how the program works...Could you please give us some hints on this?

Yizhou Peng


Hello, when I replaced the TDNN model with in your model for Transfer learning, the following errors occurred during scoring. All but the loss layer were migrated. I hope to get your answer. Looking forward to your reply.Thank you.

ERROR (ivector-compute-plda[5.5]:Cholesky() Cholesky decomposition failed. Maybe matrix is not positive definite.

[ Stack-Trace: ]
/home/yqc/kaldi-master/src/lib/ const+0xb42) [0x7f68e936c732]
ivector-compute-plda(kaldi::MessageLogger::LogAndThrow::operator=(kaldi::MessageLogger const&)+0x21) [0x564450bdc4e9]
/home/yqc/kaldi-master/src/lib/ const&)+0x1b1) [0x7f68e95d73d1]
/home/yqc/kaldi-master/src/lib/ [0x7f68e9a7399a]
/home/yqc/kaldi-master/src/lib/*)+0x1c6) [0x7f68e9a75e00]
/home/yqc/kaldi-master/src/lib/ const&, kaldi::Plda*)+0x195) [0x7f68e9a76617]
ivector-compute-plda(main+0xd13) [0x564450bdb86d]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f68e894bc87]
ivector-compute-plda(_start+0x2a) [0x564450bdaa7a]




问题:若$vectordir/$set/log/文件夹下有未清理的plda.log且plda.log中有ERROR,errorNum=$(grep ERROR $vectordir/$set/log/*.log | wc -l)会将plda的error误统计为”it means you lose many vectors which is so bad thing and I suggest you to extract vectors of this dataset again“。 建议:若为了统计特征提取数有误,可设置errorNum=$(grep ERROR $vectordir/$set/log/extract.*.log | wc -l) (好像用文中写的issue字会出错,下图是原文)



执行recipe下的sh文件时,相对路径寻找有很多的问题,尤其以找不到. subtools/*.sh文件这样的问题居多,因为recipe下没有subtools文件,我只能把subtools路径加入到PATH里,然后把代码改成. *.sh才能执行。不知道是我那里没设置好,还是您的代码相对路径存在问题

Do we have a clear reference on ResNET34 settings?

Hi and big kudos to your asv-subtool with both academic and practical contributions!

I found the ResNET34 setting in the toolkit does not have a clear reference. While for other x-vector networks references are quite clear, can I have such for this model please? Maybe from your group?

By saying ResNET34, I am talking about this implemented class.

Errors when do AS-Norm

Hi, thank you for this great tools, when i run voxcelebSRC recipe, i met some errors when do as-norm, they are:

  1. can't find score file error(name error, i have fixed it);
  2. when get subset of train set for cohort set, should also get subset of xvector of train set(i have fixed it);
  3. when i chose cohort_method="mean",i get an error like 2,but i can't fix it because i don't understand how this method do, so can you fix it? or you can provide some references for me, maybe i can implement it and pr.
    Thx !!!


**[Auto find] Your vectortype is xvector

[Notice] It will set the default config task3_enroll[task3_enroll task3_enroll task3_test] for lda, submean and whiten, if used.
allsets:task3_enroll task3_test task3_enroll task3_enroll task3_enroll task3_test task3_enroll task3_enroll task3_enroll task3_test
[ lr ]
ivector-normalize-length --scaleup=false scp:exp/pytorch_xvector/far_epoch_21/task3_enroll/xvector.scp ark:exp/pytorch_xvector/far_epoch_21/task3_enroll/xvector_norm.ark
LOG (ivector-normalize-length[5.5.8041-a8c6]:main() Processed 21580 iVectors.
LOG (ivector-normalize-length[5.5.804
1-a8c6]:main() Average ratio of iVector to expected length was 44.3168, standard deviation was 3.67065
ivector-compute-lda --dim=100 --total-covariance-factor=0.1 ark:exp/pytorch_xvector/far_epoch_21/task3_enroll/xvector_norm.ark ark:data/mfcc_20_5.0/task3_enroll/utt2spk exp/pytorch_xvector/far_epoch_21/task3_enroll/transform_100.mat
LOG (ivector-compute-lda[5.5.8041-a8c6]:main() Read 21580 utterances, 0 with errors.
LOG (ivector-compute-lda[5.5.804
1-a8c6]:main() Computing within-class covariance.
LOG (ivector-compute-lda[5.5.8041-a8c6]:main() 2-norm of iVector mean is 0.771824
LOG (ivector-compute-lda[5.5.804
1-a8c6]:ComputeLdaTransform() Stats have 21580 speakers, 21580 utterances.
ASSERTION_FAILED (ivector-compute-lda[5.5.804~1-a8c6]:ComputeLdaTransform() Assertion failed: (!stats.Empty())

[ Stack-Trace: ]
/home/lanhaile/kaldi/src/lib/ const+0x808) [0x7f4b1168e35c]
/home/lanhaile/kaldi/src/lib/ const*, char const*, int, char const*)+0x59) [0x7f4b1168eda3]
ivector-compute-lda(kaldi::ComputeLdaTransform(std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, kaldi::Vector, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > const, kaldi::Vector> > > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > const, std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > > > > > const&, float, float, kaldi::MatrixBase*)+0x705) [0x40d38f]
ivector-compute-lda(main+0xd6e) [0x40e6eb]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4b09e2a840]
ivector-compute-lda(_start+0x29) [0x40ca89]

ivector-transform exp/pytorch_xvector/far_epoch_21/task3_enroll/ scp:exp/pytorch_xvector/far_epoch_21/task3_enroll/xvector.scp ark:exp/pytorch_xvector/far_epoch_21/task3_enroll/xvector_lda100.ark
ERROR (ivector-transform[5.5.804~1-a8c6]:Read() Failed to read matrix from stream. : Expected "[", got EOF File position at start is -1, currently -1

[ Stack-Trace: ]
/home/lanhaile/kaldi/src/lib/ const+0x808) [0x7fbf6bdd735c]
ivector-transform(kaldi::MessageLogger::LogAndThrow::operator=(kaldi::MessageLogger const&)+0x11) [0x40a709]
/home/lanhaile/kaldi/src/lib/, bool, bool)+0x1a82) [0x7fbf6c020f76]
/home/lanhaile/kaldi/src/lib/ kaldi::ReadKaldiObject<kaldi::Matrix >(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > const&, kaldi::Matrix*)+0x239) [0x7fbf6c298bdc]
ivector-transform(main+0xeb) [0x409681]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fbf64573840]
ivector-transform(_start+0x29) [0x4094c9]

kaldi::KaldiFatalErrorawk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `exp/pytorch_xvector/far_epoch_21/task3_test/lr_task3_enroll_task3_test_lda100_submean_norm.score' for reading (No such file or directory)
Tansforming score to table done.**


I noticed the WARNNING in the source code for :

    .. warning::
        In distributed mode, calling the :math`set_epoch(epoch) <set_epoch>` method at
        the beginning of each epoch **before** creating the :class:`DataLoader` iterator
        is necessary to make shuffling work properly across multiple epochs. Otherwise,
        the same ordering will be always used.

so we should add data.train_sampler.set_epoch(this_epoch) at the begin of every epoch? zhihu

Mixup object has no attributor 'lam'

Hi, Thanks for great job. I have tried to use Mixup Learning Strategies,
but I got an Error which says:
Mixup object has no attribute 'lam'
I think this may be an implementation bug.







(2)关于acc的对比上,其实没有绝对的正比关系,acc更多的要考虑过拟合问题来审视。同时,应该以valid set的acc进行对比,trainset的acc对比意义会少很多。损失函数急速下降上升,可能是因为你画的trainset的loss,因为trainset的loss计算有惩罚的部分(要想获得真实loss,需要重复计算,这个一般不考虑,费时间),而惩罚在不断增加,所以这个loss是不可靠的,或许你可以看看validset。

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