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validation's People


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validation's Issues

Reduce the amount of code repeat on labels

When a value selector has different validation rules and you want to customize the error message with the label you have to provide the label multiple times

  'preference[*][notification][after][timeout]' => array(
     array('required', null, '{label} is required', 'After Timeout'), 
     array('Number', null, '{label} must be a valid number', 'After Timeout'))

Implement a way to reduce this code.

Contribution guide?

Hi, I would like to participate in your project, do you have a contribution guide? to-do list? or some info I could use to help?

I think you maintain compatibility with PHP 5.3 because of WP. Is my assumption right?

Have you consider open a communication line like gitter?

These are some ideas:

  • setup phpunit testing (like phpunit.dist.xml in the root)
  • setup project files more standard (follow pds/skeleton?)
  • fix phpcpd issues
  • improve travis-ci (set sudo false, post code coverage only on one php run)

Regex pattern containing braces parced incorrectly

If i add rule


then i got Regex rule with just (\+7 parsed.

As temporarily workaround i'd preferred to add some rules in list of addMultiple() as Regex instances. But it is also impossible for now :(

Typo in validatorsMap

In line 32 of RuleFactory, there is a typo in Validator::RULE_ARRAY_MIN_LENGTH => 'ArrayMinLengh',. It should be ArrayMinLength.

Only evaluating the first rule?


Either I'm missing something completely obvious or might there be bug in the version 2.1.
It seems that, when passing an array to the add method, it only adds or evaluates the first rule.

    $validator = new Validator();

    $input = ['title' => 'Some title'];

        'title:Title' => 'required',
        'content:Content' => 'required | minlength(5)',

    if ($validator->validate($input)) {
        echo "all good";
    } else {

If you run this code, it returns true even though the content is not included in the $input array. But the funny thing is, even if I change the $input to:

    $input = ['title' => 'Some title', 'content'  => 'foo'];

This still returns true, even though content is less than 5 chars.

What am I missing?


Filtering out unknown elements

It would be awesome if Validator would also filter out unknown elements and provide filtered input.

An example should sched some light:

$data = [
  'id' => '123',
  'email' => '[email protected]',
  'text' => 'some text here',
  'submit' => 'Send',
  'some_value_user_posted' => '123',
  // other unknown/unused fields

$validator = new \Sirius\Validation\Validator();

  'id' => 'required|number',
  'email' => 'required|email',
  'text' => 'required'

  $clean_data = $validator->data();
  // and $clean_data contains only id, email and text, nothing else

undefined method getMessage()

Error: Call to undefined method Sirius\Validation\Validator::getMessage()

the function is not defined in Sirius\Validation\Validator

Integrate Filtration into validation Syntax?

Would it be possible to use filtration inside the same rule syntax?

$validator->add('title', 'required | maxlength(max=255) | minlength(min=10) | sirius(strip_tags)');

Thanks for putting work into this, useful class which I'll be using.

Add a rule to check against white list

Is there a way to check against a list of values inside an array. E.g.

$acceptedValues = array("value1","value2");

Only validate if user input is equal to what's inside an array

bugs on getMessages()

this function only returns erros on the first element when trying to validate a data array(), and the custom error message is not parsed nore taken into account

for something like
array('name', 'required | maxlength(max=25) | minlength(min=3)({label} must have between {min} and {max} characters)(Name)',
'activity', 'required | maxlength(max=25) | minlength(min=3)({label} must have between {min} and {max} characters)(Activity)');

I get

array(1) { ["name"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Sirius\Validation\ErrorMessage)#713 (2) { ["template":protected]=> string(22) "This field is required" ["variables":protected]=> array(1) { ["value"]=> string(0) "" } } } }

"AlphaNumHyphen" did not type control


When i used "AlphaNumHyphen" validator for an array object, php has gave a notice and it's validation returned true.

$object = ['array' => ['field1', 'field2']];
$validation->add('array', 'required');
$validation->add('array', 'AlphaNumHyphen');

"A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Array to string conversion

Filename: Rule/AlphaNumHyphen.php

Line Number: 23"

and return true.

PHP Version: 5.6
Sirius/validation: 2.1.2

No message when json_encode($validator->getMessages())

Scenario: I'm developing an API-centric application so every form submission are done in AJAX. The response headers are application/json so I need to json_encode the data. But that causes the messages in the validator to output nothing.

I have a dirty workaround for this.

     * Format messages and make them string for json output.
     * @param array $messages
     * @return array
    protected function formatMessagesForJsonOutput(array $messages)
        $formatter = function ($value)
            return (string) $value[0];

        return array_map($formatter, $messages);

It would be great if the library automatically convert the error messages into string for json_encode.

getMessages returns unformatted message

Hi when I try to retrieve errors with $validator->getMessages()

I get a unformatted response. I've reverted back to an older version where this does not happen.

I'm referring to this part: {label} is required

        [0] => Sirius\Validation\ErrorMessage Object
                [template] => {label} is required
                [variables] => Array
                        [label] => Name
                        [value] => 


            'name:Name' => 'required | maxlength(100)',
            'username:Username' => 'required | maxlength(100)',

file upload and date


Hi I am using the latest version of this and trying to validate an uploaded file and date like so:

			'learner-name:Name' => 'required',
			'learner-license:License number' => 'required',
			'learner-email:Email' => 'required | email',
			'learner-mobile:Mobile' => 'required | minlength(11)',
			'learner-ted:Theory expiry date' => 'date',
			'learner-dlp:License Photo' => 'upload\required | upload\image',
			'course-id:Course not chosen' => 'integer'

The date field throws an error:
Warning: date() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given any format I send gives that warning.
And the file upload never gets evaluated, am I missing something?

Get rid of ensureRequiredItems() method

Because we have conditional required rules we need to set item values to NULL for those rules as well. This is prone to error, so we need to work with whatever data we receive and not set NULL values when some items are missing

RequiredWith and extra validation not working as expected

Hello, I'm creating a middleware that implements your validation. Unfortunately, I'm having issues with a mixed validation.
Hopefully, you can help me out.
My rules are:

$validator = new \Sirius\Validation\Validator();
        'latitude' => ['requiredWith(longitude)', 'number'],
        'longitude' => ['requiredWith(latitude)', 'number']

$result = $validator->validate([]);
var_dump($result); // Returns false

In theory, the number rule should be checked for both latitude and longitude, if any of the two is passed, but it reality it does not and validate returns false.

Am I setting the rules incorrectly or is this the expected behaviour?

I'm running version 2.2, PHP 7.1

A warning thrown in php 8.1.7

Bug Report

BC Break yes
Version 3.0.2 and dev-master


nothing fancy, i'm just trying to validate an array and the error (warn) happen.
and this is the log.

Deprecated: Return type of Sirius\Validation\RuleCollection::attach($rule, $data = null) should either be compatible with SplObjectStorage::attach(object $object, mixed $info = null): void, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/boku/Public/php-sandbox/adr-skeleton/vendor/siriusphp/validation/src/RuleCollection.php on line 8

Deprecated: Return type of Sirius\Validation\RuleCollection::getHash($rule) should either be compatible with SplObjectStorage::getHash(object $object): string, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/boku/Public/php-sandbox/adr-skeleton/vendor/siriusphp/validation/src/RuleCollection.php on line 30

How to reproduce

i have this code in slim 4 controller and serve it with php (PHP 8.1.7) dev server.

$input = [

$this->valid->add('email', ['required', 'email']);
$data = $this->valid->validate($input);


length / regex not working as expected


I'm trying out Sirius/Validation for the first time but experiencing an issue or two.

Version: 2.2

In my case, the length(10,32) and regex() are not validating as expected:



    use Sirius\Validation\Validator;

    $data =<<<EOD
        "method": "create",
        "backend": {
            "client": "my&"
    $data = json_decode($data,true);

    $validator = new Validator();
    $validator->add('method', 'required');
    $validator->add('method', 'inlist', array('list'=>array('create',)));
    $validator->add('backend', 'arraylength', array('min'=>1,'max'=>1));
    $validator->add('backend[*]client', 'required');
    $validator->add('backend[*]client', 'length', array('min'=>10,'max'=>32));  // FAILS TO VALIDATE
    $validator->add('backend[*]client', 'regex', '/^[a-z0-9-]+$/');  // FAILS TO VALIDATE

    if ($validator->validate($data)) {
        print "OK\n";
    } else {

        // send the error messages to the view


I'd appreciate any pointers.


Rule GreaterThan(0) is not work

And another rules that may contain value 0 as param are not working (likely).
This is related for rules that declared as a string.
Cause, see
ValueValidator::parseRule() -
AbstractRule::normalizeOptions() -


if (isset($matches[1][0]) && $matches[1][0]) {

may be replace to

if (isset($matches[1][0]) && $matches[1][0] !== '') {


if (! $options) {

I don't know how to fix it correctly.

Improve IDE support

Use constants for the rules

$validator->add('email_address', Validator::RULE_EMAIL);

build-in rule URI throw exception in PHP 7.3

When use build-in ruls Url in PHP 7.3 , it will throw Exception:

filter_var(): explicit use of FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED and FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED is deprecated



From PHPMailer/PHPMailer#1551 , I hope this patch can help you fix this bug:

Index: vendor/siriusphp/validation/src/Rule/Url.php
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- vendor/siriusphp/validation/src/Rule/Url.php	(date 1560607388394)
+++ vendor/siriusphp/validation/src/Rule/Url.php	(date 1560607388394)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     public function validate($value, $valueIdentifier = null)
         $this->value   = $value;
-        $this->success = (bool) filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED);
+        $this->success = (bool) filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);
         return $this->success;

Implement some conditional rules

  1. RequiredWith (when another item is present/not null)
  2. RequiredWithout - inverse to 1
  3. RequiredWhen (when another item has a specific value)

Validation failing for empty values

Unless I am missing something, most rules should not be validated (or validation should return true) if the input is null or an empty string (except for Required, Length and some others).

Here is an example where Email, AlphaNumeric, AlphaNumHyphen and Alpha is failing validation, but is not required:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$input = [
  'name' => 'Christiaan',
  'email' => '',
  'address' => [
    'line_1' => '',
    'line_2' => '',
    'country' => ''


$validator = new Sirius\Validation\Validator;

  ->add('name', ['Required', 'AlphaNumeric'])
  ->add('email', ['Email'])
  ->add('address[line_1]', ['AlphaNumeric'])
  ->add('address[line_2]', ['AlphaNumHyphen'])
  ->add('address[country]', ['Alpha'])


<pre><?php print_r($validator->getMessages()); ?></pre>


    [email] => Array
            [0] => Sirius\Validation\ErrorMessage Object
                    [template:protected] => This input must be a valid email address
                    [variables:protected] => Array
                            [value] => 



    [address[line_1]] => Array
            [0] => Sirius\Validation\ErrorMessage Object
                    [template:protected] => This input can contain only letters and digits
                    [variables:protected] => Array
                            [value] => 



    [address[line_2]] => Array
            [0] => Sirius\Validation\ErrorMessage Object
                    [template:protected] => This input can contain only letters, digits, spaces, hyphens and underscores
                    [variables:protected] => Array
                            [value] => 



    [address[country]] => Array
            [0] => Sirius\Validation\ErrorMessage Object
                    [template:protected] => This input can contain only letters
                    [variables:protected] => Array
                            [value] => 




Post back fields

Hello there, thanks for the brilliant library. I wanted to know if there is a built in way to post back passed values to the form if some fail validation e.g. in a form of 3 inputs 2 passed and 1 failed, when the user returns to the form after validation the passed fields are already filled in. Hope that makes sense. Cheers

Rule Length incorrect

in code of rule Length, in function validate, use incorrect class for max and min validator
$maxValidator = new MinLength();
$minValidator = new MaxLength();

need use MaxLength for $maxValidator, and MinLength for $minValidator

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