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facebook-comments-for-wordpress's Introduction

=== Facebook Comments for WordPress ===
Contributors: thinkswan, we8u, .shaun, AlmogBaku, sboddez
Donate link:
Tags: facebook comments, comments, facebook, social graph, posts, pages, discussion, community
Requires at least: 3.0.4
Tested up to: 3.1.1
Stable tag: 3.1.3

Allows your visitors to comment on posts using their Facebook profile. Supports custom styles, notifications, combined comment counts, recent comments widget, etc.

== Description ==

Official site (check for the latest):  || Twitter:

This plugin integrates the Facebook commenting system (new, old or both) right into your website. 
If a reader is logged into Facebook while viewing any comment-enabled page or post, 
they'll be able to leave a comment using their Facebook profile. 


* Styles can all be customized to fit your site's theme (v1 only)
* Number of comments displayed can be adjusted
* Option to post comments directly to a user's Facebook profile page (v1 only)
* Comments can be included on pages only, posts only or both
* Comments can be shown in chronological order or with the most recent comments first (v1 only)
* Facebook comments can be attached to WordPress comments or inserted manually anywhere in your theme
* WordPress comments can be hidden on pages/posts where Facebook comments are enabled
* Comment counts on pages/posts reflect both the Facebook and WordPress comments (v1 only)
* Email notifications can be sent whenever a comment is posted
* facebook notifications can also be sent whenever a comment is posted

== Installation ==

1. Unzip `` to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress (depending on the number of posts on your site, activation may take a moment because the plugin is caching all of your comment counts)
3. Setup the plugin options by using the `Facebook Comments` page (located under the `Settings` menu)

* Note that a `Facebook application ID` is required. For details on how to get one, including a screenshot walkthrough,
  check out
* In order to keep your comments through upgrades, you **must** set a unique `XID`. This `XID` will be maintained when you
  upgrade the plugin

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

If you need help, please refer to the official FAQ at

== Changelog ==

= 3.1.3 =
* Feature: Dark style now available for dark sites with the v2 comment system ("v2 only" option).
* Bugfix: Fixed a bug that was causing comment caching to be slow.

= 3.1 =
`Dev Time: 33hrs`
* Important: I highly recommend using "v2 only", as it is, by far, the most feature-filled. If you have old comments, you can use "Display both v1 and v2 comments"
* Issue: If you see `Warning: is unreachable.`, [make sure your app settings are correct]( (enter `http`­`://` for "Site URL" and `` for "Site Domain", note the lack of http or a trailing slash, this is important)
* Feature: Like button integrated into plugin. Enable on settings page. You can fully customize it there as well.
* Feature: Like button can also be added to the top or bottom of each post on the site's main page (same "like" count as the one in comments)
* Feature: Comment count for 'v2 only' comments now displayed. Customizable on plugin's settings page.
* Settings: Reorganized settings page to make clear what applies to which version of facebook comment system
* Bugfix: Users should no longer see "Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-admin.php on line 71"
* Bugfix: "Comments Closed" should no longer display inappropriately
* Bugfix: The 'delete' link on the dashboard recent comments widget is functional again
* Bugfix: A request to facebook that times out no longer incorrectly asserts that the application ID is incorrect
* Bugfix: No longer dies if facebook is unreachable (i.e., no more "Uncaught CurlException: 6: [...] name lookup timed out thrown on line 622")
* Bugfix: ...and no more "Uncaught CurlException: 1: [...] thrown on line 519"
* Bugfix: Activation should no longer be slow on sites with many comments
* Bugfix: Other small edge case bug fixes

= =
`Dev Time: 18hrs`
* To see what facebook has changed/removed in v2, please read this: Briefly, gone is custom css, dark site, like button. If you want these, select "v1 only" (the default) on the settings page.
* IMPORTANT: WRITE DOWN YOUR XID BEFORE INSTALL THIS. This should be completely unnecessary, but it's just a wise precaution to take.
* Added a notice in the plugin settings which displays your XID from 2.1.2 or before.
* Now displays "Comments Disabled" if comments are disabled for a page/post
* Bugfix: Fixed a conflict with a global variable which was causing the plugin to not load on certain sites.
* Bugfix: The visual editor should work again.
* Bugfix: Those who were unable to activate the plugin should now be able to (see next option).
* Option: Ability to disable comment caching (disabled by default).
* Option: Ability to show only v2 comments. See details on option page.

= 3.0.2 =
* Updated to handle the way WP3.1 updates plugins. see: [this link](

= 3.0.1 =
* Bugfix: Fixed a mistake where settings (including old app ID, secret and xid) weren't being copied from previous installations.
* Feature: Added setting to hide Dashboard Recent Comments admin widget.
* See a demo of facebook's new comment system here:

= 3.0.0 =
`Dev Time: 41hrs`
* Upgraded to use the latest method of getting facebook comments, which means, THREADED COMMENTS! Yay!
* Option: Ability to display recent facebook comments as a widget
* Option: Ability to moderate facebook comments from dashboard
* Both of which can be styled via the stylesheet located in wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/css/facebook-comments-widgets.css
* Bugfix: Changed jQuery call to fix some conflicts users were having with other jQuery-using plugins (such as the fb like plugin)
* Removed dependency on cURL. Now uses wp_remote_get. (note: facebook.php still uses cURL)
* For a complete overview of changes, see

= 2.1.2 =
* Option: Ability to uncheck the **Post comment to my Facebook profile** box by default
* Bugfix: Pre-activation checks have been converted to warnings (if you receive a `Parse error` when activating, please ensure you're running PHP v5.0.0 or higher on your server)

= 2.1.1 =
* Bugfix: Replaced all `file_get_contents()` instances with cURL calls (since some web servers don't allow file fetching by URL for security reasons)
* Bugfix: Combined comment counts now work when comments are included manually (as long as the option is checked)
* The plugin now checks your PHP version (must be v5.0.0 or greater) and ensures you have the cURL extension installed before activating

= 2.1 =
* Bugfix: Removed the option to set widths as a percentage because the JavaScript was breaking the plugin for almost everyone (no more multiple inclusions)
* Bugfix: Switched from PHP's default mail() function to WordPress' built-in wp_mail() function for sending email notifications
* Bugfix: Removed JavaScript logging to ensure the plugin works in Firefox and IE again (these browsers do not have `console.log` defined unless Firebug is installed)
* Your current XID will now be emailed to you when you deactivate the plugin (this allows you to retrieve your site's comments should you ever activate the plugin again)

= 2.0 =
* Option: Send email notifications to the site admin whenever a Facebook comment is posted
* Option: Ability to load the JavaScript SDK the old way (for those of you who experienced issues with v1.6)
* Option: Ability to set the comment box width to `100%`
* Bugfix: Whitespace is now trimmed from the application ID, the application secret, all CSS styles and the XID to prevent loading issues
* Bugfix: Links on the plugin settings page have been updated to point to the correct information on the website now
* Bugfix: Cleaned up various parts of the code (no more PHP notices)
* Comment counts are now cached (no more slow load times on the main page). Depending on the number of posts you have on your site, it may take a few moments to activate the plugin because it retrieves the Facebook comment count for every post during activation for caching
* Added both PHP and JavaScript error logging to make troubleshooting easier
* Both a Facebook application ID **and** an application secret are required for the plugin to work now

= 1.6 =
* Comment inclusion code is now far more lightweight
* Facebook and WordPress comments are now counted together

= 1.5.2 =
* Bugfix: WordPress commenting form should now be properly hidden for most themes
* Bugfix: `type` attribute is now set in the script inclusion (so older browsers will render it properly)

= 1.5.1 =
* Bugfix: Fixes the bug where hiding the WordPress comments caused errors in `foreach()` loops on certain themes
* Moved all stylesheets to `css/` folder and all images to `images/` folder for better organization

= 1.5 =
* Option: WordPress comments can be hidden on pages/posts where Facebook comments are enabled
* Option: Like button can be hidden
* Option: `Facebook Social Plugins` text and icon is hidden
* Option: Custom stylesheet for darker websites can be included (as a result, ability to reference your own custom stylesheet was removed)
* Bugfix: Comments now render properly in Internet Explorer (due to `FBML` reference)
* Added `title` and `url` attributes to the `<fb:comments>` tag so the Like button links to the correct page when clicked
* Facebook comments can now be linked to by appending `#facebook-comments` to the end of a post/page's URL
* Support for 100+ languages is now available (including Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish and all other requested languages)

= 1.4.1 =
* Bugfix: WordPress comments are no longer hidden when the Pages only or Posts only options are selected

= 1.4 =
* Option: Include comments on pages only, posts only or both
* Tested and works properly with WordPress 3.0

= 1.3 =
* Bugfix: Settings/XID are no longer lost when upgrading
* Bugfix: Anonymous posting now works properly
* Option: Allow user to hide the `Facebook comments:` title
* Added `Settings` link to plugin's action links on the `Plugins` page
* Redesigned settings page
* Refactored code to prepare for next release

= 1.2 =
* Bugfix: Facebook comments will be hidden on posts on which WordPress comments are disabled
* Bugfix: Facebook comments are retained through upgrades (you **must** set a XID to keep your comments)
* Feature: add Facebook comments anywhere in your theme by manually inserting `<?php if (function_exists('facebook_comments')) facebook_comments(); ?>` where you'd like them to show up
* Option: Change `Facebook comments:` title to anything you want
* Option: Allow user to reverse the order of the Facebook comments so they're in chronological order (like WordPress comments)
* Option: Allow removal of the grey box behind the composer
* Option: Allow use of external stylesheet to alter the appearance of the Facebook comments section
* Option: Receive Facebook notifications whenever someone posts a comment
* Option: Uncheck `Post comment to my Facebook profile` box by default
* Assorted code maintenance

= 1.1 =
* Fixed bug: Plugin's settings are no longer reset/removed when activating/deactivating other plugins
* New option: Ability to hide the Facebook comments box without having to deactivate the plugin (in case you want to keep
  your settings)
* Minor style changes

= 1.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 3.1.3 =
Option to change style for dark sites for v2 users. Fixed issue causing plugin to be slow/crash for some people.

= 3.1 =
`{33hrs}` See Lots of stuff. You're gonna want this update. Integrated like button, v2 comment count, bugfixes. Upgrade. No, really, do it.

= =
* Upgrade, then pray...
* If you're using any 3.0.x version, this update resolves most issues with those versions.
* Multisite users, this may or may not work for you. If you have it installed on a WP MS site, drop me a line at [email protected], if it's working, or even if it isn't.
* If you have used 2.1.2 or earlier on your site, then the XID from that version will display as a notice on the settings page (wp-admin/options-general.php?page=facebook-comments). This is just a precaution, everything should load automatically
* See changelog for more.

= 3.0.2 =
This update does the same thing as deactivating then reactivating 3.0.1. The reason for this update is that WP3.1 changed the way plugins update. see:

= 3.0.1 =
This update will bring back your xid and fix any other problems you may have had with settings when upgrading to 3.0.0. Sorry for the trouble.

= 3.0.0 =
This update adds a few bug fixes and enhancements, as well as the option to use facebook's new comment system, which enables threading and many other features. Also included in this update are recent comment widgets and the ability to moderate comments on the Dashboard. Note, facebook's new v2 comments are somewhat buggy, see:

= 2.1.2 =
This update adds an option to uncheck the Post comment to my Facebook profile box by default, as well as changing the pre-activation checks to notices to fix the activation issues some people were having. (If you receive a Parse error when activating, please ensure you're running PHP v5.0.0 or higher on your server.)

= 2.1.1 =
This update replaces all file_get_contents() instances with cURL calls. This should bring the plugin back to a healthy state for everyone who doesn't have file fetching by URL enabled on their web server (which was a surprising number of people). Combined comment counts now work when the comments are included manually as well.

= 2.1 =
This update fixes a bug that caused the plugin to break in Firefox, as well as a bug that caused the comments to be included multiple times on some themes. It also removes the width as a percentage feature because it crippled the plugin for nearly everyone.

= 2.0 =
This update introduces both comment count caching (no more slow load times on the main page) and email notifications whenever a Facebook comment is posted. It also includes an option to load the JavaScript SDK the old way (for those of you who experienced issues with v1.6) and an option to set the comment box width to 100%.

= 1.6 =
This update introduces the highly-anticipated combined comment counts feature.

= 1.5.2 =
This update fixes a bug where the WordPress commenting form couldn't be hidden.

= 1.5.1 =
This update fixes a bug where hiding the WordPress comments caused errors with `foreach()` loops.

= 1.5 =
This update provides options to hide the Like button and to hide the WordPress comments section on pages/posts
where Facebook comments are enabled. The comments also render properly in Internet Explorer now.

= 1.4.1 =
This update provides a simple bugfix where WordPress comments were being hidden if the Pages only or Posts only
option was selected.

= 1.4 =
This update ensures compatibility with WordPress 3.0, and also provides an option to include the comments on pages
only, posts only or both.

= 1.3 =
This update adds the option to remove the `Facebook comments:` title, fixes a bug where settings are lost, allows
anonymous posting and provides a brand new configuration page.

= 1.2 =
This update fixes a bug where the Facebook comments are not consistent across upgrades. Also provides new options.

= 1.1 =
This update fixes a critical bug where the plugin's settings are reset or removed every time any other plugin is
activated/deactivated. Also provides new options.

== Known Issues ==

For a short list of known issues, please refer to the official website at

== Upcoming Features ==

For a list of upcoming features, please refer to the official website at

== Screenshots ==

1. The Facebook commenting box, complete with comments.
2. Anonymous posting for users without a Facebook account.
3. Using a custom stylesheet.
4. The plugin settings page.
5. Recent Comments widget
6. Recent Comments widget settings
7. Dashboard recent comments

facebook-comments-for-wordpress's People


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facebook-comments-for-wordpress's Issues

Facebook Comment Count Merging, for other plugin use

I'm having a rough time with this and need help or direction.

I would like for the facebook comments to be counted as the ACTUAL wordpress comments so that I can use other plugin's such as the "most commented" plugin that rely on the wordpress comment count.

Currently the facebook comments can be displayed independently, but this plugin isn't doing anything to adjust the native wordpress comment count. (Which is obviously sad since I have deactivated the wordpress comments in favor of using the FCFWP plugin). Any links to previous solutions or advice is much appreciated!

Thank you all.

Invalid Application ID error

I have just loaded Facebook Comments for WordPress on one of my client's sites and every time I try to activate it, I get the following error on the configuration page: "ERROR! Invalid application ID. Please double check to make sure it is correct. Note that this is not the same thing as your Facebook user ID"

I have checked and rechecked and it is the correct APP id. I even tried creating a new app, no luck. I'm using WordPress v 3.3.1. I have disabled this plugin for now, until I can figure out or find out why the app id isn't being taken. Thanks.

"Like" and "comment" feature not workin

The plugin worked great for a few months until recently whenever someone tried to "Like" a post or leave a comment they weren't able to. I've tried deactivating it and doing a reinstall, but I still have the same problem. I'd like to get this fixed! Thanks

Facebook Comments for WordPress not showing on the site

hi i am the webmaster of and i have added the Facebook Comments for WordPress and it was working fine until yesterday... and today when i logged in non of the articles are showing the comment box nor the comments in them but it does show the like button... i have gone through it over and over but i dont know whats wrong... can anyone help?

"Database Down"


I am getting another error, please advise. Whenever I attempt to post a comment it says:

"Database Down:
Sorry, a temporary error has occurred. Please try again."

Thank you,

Facebook Photo Fetcher compatability

Hi there,

It seems that this plugin causes compatability issues with the "Facebook Photo Fetcher" plugin (see

FB Comments for WP works fine, however FB Photo Fetcher doesn't work and gives the following message:
"Warning: Another plugin has included the Facebook API throughout all of Wordpress. I suggest you contact that plugin's author and ask them to include it only in pages where it's actually needed.
Things may work fine as-is, but only if the API version included by the other plugin is at least as recent as the one required by Facebook Photo Fetcher."

Is this something you can have a look into?

Many thanks,

Plugin breaks a theme widget

For some reason, whenever this plugin is active, it is causing the custom "Recent Posts" widget on my website to ignore how many posts it is supposed to show. If you look on my homepage, on the right hand side, and click on the "News" tab... you will see how it is showing every news article I have. I have it set to limit to 3, but when this plugin is active, that gets ignored. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Link -


v2 Setting / View Comments Link Issue / View Comments Text Mod

View Comments link does not bring you to the bottom of the post where the comments are, so you have to scroll after clicking that link

Consider making the View Comments text and style definable in WordPress via FB Comments Settings menu. For example, I would like to have View Comments just say Comments so readers can interpret this to mean they can make a comment or view comments by clicking. The FB blue also does not match my site - the blue is less intuitive here than when you can actually see the FB-styled comments box, once you click through.

the new update breaks theme Settings for Suffusion – 3.7.8

This installed/updated plugin breaks the script in the admin of theme Settings for Suffusion – 3.7.8

It causes the administration area to not appear correctly and aligns all of the sections down the page instead of their proper places.

With the plugin activated it won't let any settings be changed when saved. I did notice that the settings stayed active on the theme if they were active before adding/upgrading this plugin so it does not do anything to break the site out front that I could see.

facebook comments breaks the loop

This plugins breaks the loop, theirby making other themes not work properly.

How to reproduce:

  // In The Loop:
    echo get_the_excerpt();
    echo get_permalink();

This happens because of the following calls:

  • get_the_excerpt() applies the get_the_excerpt filter.
  • this runs wp_trim_excerpt
  • wp_trim_excerpt calls get_the_content() and runs the the_content filter.

And this plugin calls wp_reset_query() in fbc_show_like_index().

"View All # Comments" Anchor just reloads the page

When I select the "Enable native facebook comment count" option, the comment counter shows up correctly. However, when I click the anchor, it just reloads the page and doesn't take me to the comment section. When I hover over the anchor, FireFox just shows the target URL is exactly the same as the page I'm on.

I get this message on the facebook comments.


I get this message under the facebook comments window:
Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features.

+I have comments that appearing and disappearing in deferent browsers or to deferent users.
Parts of them are not in the Comment Moderation Tool and parts of the comments in the Comment Moderation Tool are not in the posts.

+The comments are not published on users wall although the Post comment to my Facebook profile box is checked.

What is going on?
How can I fix that?


Compatibility mode warning

Every theme that I've used this plugin with, I seem to get the following error that appears within the comment box:

"Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features."

Any help would be appreciated.


Unable to reactivate

I discovered that if i deactivate the Plugin i'm not able to reactivate it again. Only solution is to remove and reinstall completely

Plugin cache issue if post has 0 items

I solved a cache issue in the previous version of the plugin, but the last update reversed it. So I thought, lets create an issue. If an item has 0 replies, the plugin won't hit the cache, despite the fact that that a cache record is available. This is caused by wrongly testing if a cache record exists.

The fbComments_combineCommentCounts method uses get_option to check if a wordpress option exists. By definition this method returns a null value if the item does not exist. The if-statement should check for this null value, because if the option exists but returns 0 (zero replies yet), it won't hit the cache, and connects with facebook.

fix: check for null

// Return the cached comment count (if it exists)
if (get_option("fbComments_commentCount_$xid") !== null) {
    return fbComments_getCachedCommentCount($xid, $value);

BUG - Facebook Comments for WordPress


I just upgraded to the latest version of Facebook Comments for WordPress. 3.0. It removed my App ID and App Secret. So I went to Facebook, got the App ID and Secret but it still doesn't work.

When I attempt to leave a comment on a blog post, it says: "Your Facebook comments would normally appear here, but you haven't set a valid application ID or application secret yet. Go set them now".

It was working before I upgraded. website:

Thank you,

Duplicate post on home page after installing plugin

Many users are facing this issue, they have mentioned it on the site in your comments too.

After activating the plugin, there are duplicate posts on the home page, of the top-most post. If the plugin is deactivated, the duplicate post disappears. It is possible this is due to a conflict with some other plugin.


The form is not responsive, any idea how to achieve this? It totally breaks my site layout?

Thank you.

Fatal error on Recent Comments Widget

When activating the Facebook Recent Comments Widget a fatal error is displayed:
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/content/13/5806813/html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-recentcomments.php on line 244

Plugin version: 3.1.3
WP version: 3.2.1

Error also displayed when all other plugins disabled.
Changing theme to Twenty Ten didn't help either. Again, all plugins disabled.

Facebook Comments on posts do work.

BUG - plugin upgrade wipes all settings (including XID!)

It might be good to warn others before upgrading that they should take a backup of their XID (the upgrade wiped mine). Thankfully, I could retrieve it from my SQL backups, but others won't be so lucky.

Thanks for the work on this guys, but this one is worth fixing fast (I can imagine the headaches it could casue :-) ).

Comments not appearing on *pages* but appearing on posts

After I enable the plugin I discovered that the Comments section does not appear anymore for Pages. It still appears properly for posts.

I mention that the comments are enabled globally and for the specific pages I tested.

Plugin causing every 2nd image to go blank with ProPhoto blog

This is whats happening on my blog. I believe that the FB Comments for WP is the culprit here, as the devs at ProPhoto told me to deactivate plugins one by one to see what is causing the issue.

The devs at ProPhoto said:

"I looked into this quite a bit and see the same issue in Safari (not in Firefox or Chrome though) and it looks like something is pushing your 2nd, 3rd, etc, etc posts on your home page outside of the 'content-wrap' div, which is throwing off the styling rules and as such, the image theft protection is appearing as a separate blank image before the actual image, which is why you're seeing blank space, image, blank space, image, etc. The image theft protection is not overlaying and again, this is because all posts other than your first are being marked up screwy.

As such, try disabling all of your plugins (by going to "Plugins" in your WordPress admin area) to see if that resolves the problem. If it does, turn them back on one by one to see which one was the culprit, and then, if you can live without that one, do so. Otherwise contact the plugin author for help, or look for a different plugin to accomplish the same task. "

Just wanted to report this.

Incompatibility with Display Avatars plugin

I don't know whether the issue lies within Facebook Comments or Display Avatars but they're not playing nicely together. The html code gets mangled and destroys the look of my posts and widgets.
I'm a developer but I haven't got any experience in WP dev so I'll try to explain what's going on. You're extracting the post title and using it to set the title attribute of your fb:comments element. The problem is that the Display Avatars plugin stuffs a div into the post title so Facebook comments tries to set the title attribute to a block of html code, and this is what is mangling my pages.
I don't know anything about WP internals or best practises so I don't know if this is something that you need to fix or if Display Avatars is behaving badly.

I hope this is helpful.


Ash Willis

Fail to activate

When I try to activate the Facebook-comments for wordpress I get the following error:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 128 bytes) in /home/MYWEBPAGEs/public_html/wp-includes/load.php on line 569

Also it seems to slow down significantly my VPS. which has 2gb memory.

I love the plugin but my site is dead slow and it seems it is from this plugin.

Comment count not display correct number of comments

I've recently integrated Facebook comments for WordPress and everything is working as expecting with the exception of the comment count.

It continues to show "0 comments" when there are approximately 7 comments.

FB.Event' is null or not an object

When loading this plugin, the following error is created:

Message: 'FB.Event' is null or not an object

Then the Facebook Comment does not longer work.

FB.Event.subscribe('comments.add', addedComment); is in facebook-comments-display.php

This has been tested in:

IE 7
IE 8
IE 9
FF 4
Opera 11
Safari 5

Is have been tested in a live setup, but also on a clean WP installation without any other plugins.

Facebook comments for wordpress - fail to activate


after installing the plug-in on my wp plugin folder, i'm getting this error message :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /homez.403/sportsma/www/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-recentcomments.php on line 122

Can you please advise ?

Thank you,


jquery error with qTranslate - Editor breaks

with the latest version 3.02 the post/page editor with qTranslate breaks with these JS Errors:,editor&ver=3b407d97d17331d0a0504fc192da2618
jQuery is not defined
[Break On This Error] jQuery(document).ready(function(b){var...("afterWpautop",[c]);return}};
switchEditors is undefined
[Break On This Error] switchEditors.go = function(id, lang) {

qTranslate is quite popular, before todays update it worked fine

$options global

The use of a global variable called $options caused issues with another plugin - the $options array was overwritten before the facebook block was output, causing a strange 'You have not entered your app id/secret yet!' message.

The simple-but-ugly solution I used was doing a quick
sed -i 's/$options/$fbc_options/g' *.php

to replace every $options by $fbc_options - which is a much uniquer name.

ajax load post conflict

in homepage if you set the ajax load of posts (in exapmple with the free theme Sight)
you will encounter some issues like duplicated posts only on some of them.

It could be usefull to separate this behaviour from homepage and posts, so you could manage display of posts in homepage as you prefer and use also Facebook comments for wordpress

It doesn't work on IE8.0 and Chrome 10

I'm using the latest version of that plugin.
It doesn't work on IE 8.0 and Chrome 10.0.648.204 I get only the "Like" button
In IE there is an error "FB is undefined"

Facebook debugger found issues

We've been having some issues with the plugin at

Running the Facebook debugger found the following issues on one of our pages, but the same issues apply for each page with moderated comments:

Input URL or Access Token
Scrape Information

Response Code: Fetched URL: Canonical URL:
Errors That Must Be Fixed
Object Invalid Value:
Missing Required Property:
Missing Required Property:
Missing Required Property:
Object at URL '' of type 'article' is invalid because the given value '[email protected]' for property 'fb:admins' could not be parsed as type 'fbid'.
The og:url property is required, but not present. The og:type property is required, but not present. The og:title property is required, but not present.
Like Button Warnings That Should Be Fixed
Inferred Property: og:image missing. og:image meta tag is necessary for Facebook to render a News Feed story that generates a high clickthrough rate.
Raw Open Graph Document Information
Meta Tag: Meta Tag: Meta Tag: Meta Tag: Meta Tag: Meta Tag: See exactly what our scraper sees for your URL

Plugin blocks Manage Widget Screen

With the Widget enabled it is not possible for me to rearrange or delete parts of the Widget menu. But the problem occurs only on the right Sidebar. After deactivating the Plugin all works fine.

Can Not Reactivate Plugin

I was having issues with the plugin so I deactivated it (as suggested) and attempted to reactivate it and nothing happens. The page eventually times out and does not activate. I tried deleting the plugin folder and re-uploading it to my server, but the plugin will just not activate.

Any help or ideas?

options filter


I love the plugin. Thanks for all the effort developing it.

I have a small request. I'm using wptouch pro for mobile. I'd like to be able to modify the options I have set but only when the mobile theme is loaded.

In my copy of the plugin I added $fbc_options = apply_filters('fbc_display_options', $fbc_options); right below line 177 of facebook-comments-display.php.

This allows me to add a filter in my mobile theme to modify the options.

It would be great if you could add this, or something like it, to a future release so I don't have to worry about it being overwritten when I do an update.

Thanks again.

v2 dark theme not working....

I've updated to comments version 3.1.3 and activated v2 and all dark themes. While the like button dark theme does work (makes the font brighter), ticking the just added dark theme option appears to change nothing, the comment box remains light grey, the already existing comments remain too dark to read, and the "facebook social plugin" box remains bright grey.

An example can be found here:

Again, this is with the "just added Use colors more easily visible on a dark website" option ticked.


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