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ui's Introduction


Accessible and customizable components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Source. Use this to build your own component library.



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Please read the contributing guide.


Licensed under the MIT license.

ui's People


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 avatar Sahil Tandon avatar  avatar Guanhua Chen avatar Pavel Šindelka avatar seth avatar  avatar avatar Zhang Ning avatar  avatar Daniel Nýdrle avatar Felipe Ros Segundo Simão avatar sahil. avatar Miklos Lammel avatar K avatar sumeet patil avatar  avatar Lukas Braach avatar Fabien D. avatar Marvin avatar  avatar Emre Isik avatar 夜風 avatar Fathurrachman S W avatar Abhishek Hegde avatar  avatar  avatar Andy Briggs avatar  avatar QuiNz- avatar  avatar adoist avatar André Philip avatar Tropp avatar huh avatar Mateusz Bielak avatar 月月出皎兮 avatar Min avatar Johannes Reiners avatar 雨 avatar Ramazan Burak Güler avatar Mohammad Jamil C. avatar Fahad Hussain Zardari avatar lych1e avatar Aigars (Garisons) Rogozovs avatar Bartosz Podgruszecki avatar Mateusz Leo avatar destinyFvcker avatar XXig avatar Sherry avatar Saad Nadeem avatar  avatar Rahman Islam avatar Ahmed avatar  avatar Marty Alcala avatar Diego Sieg avatar  avatar Kyle Barber avatar  avatar Aaron avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar qingliang jia avatar Melvyn avatar 陈坤 avatar  avatar shadow avatar 之风 avatar Gautam Tata avatar  avatar artdancer avatar Jevgeni avatar  avatar Wang Yijie avatar Tatsuya Sususkida avatar Sleny.Zl avatar Tim Schouten avatar  avatar Sylvain MOUQUET avatar hug0 avatar SORAZZANG avatar  avatar Jake Holman avatar Chima Orji avatar Joe Horn avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER avatar Ahmed avatar Simon Rendon Arango avatar Rexx avatar Michael avatar Berkay Sonel avatar Matheus Gomes avatar Mathieu Drouet avatar pwolf avatar savin avatar


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ui's Issues

Dialog Overflow Behavior

When using the dialog with content larger than the screen height, the dialog gets cut off on top and bottom without the ability to scroll.

Steps to reproduce: Put component with height > screen height inside of Dialog.
Intended behavior: Scroll

First ever Issue, sorry if its unclear. Happy to elaborate.
Thanks a lot for making this open source. It is invaluable!

Component preview requires horizontal scroll

In Firefox Developer edition, on my vertical monitor with a resolution of 1080x1920, previewing the component requires a long horizontal scroll. This problem is not visible at higher resolutions. The issue is occurs in the md and lg breakpoints for much of the range in my testing. The cause appears to be the addition of the aside element messing up the width: 100% calculations used elsewhere.


Support for exit animations on Dialogs, Menus,...

I've been using this component library for a couple of days now, LOVING IT!

The only part that's missing is the exit animations, especially for the dialogs and menu components. They animate-in nicely but they disappear instantly on unmount. I'm somewhat new to radixUI, but I read this from radix which basically uses the data-[state=open/close] attributes to animate the state transitions (and this is what accordions seem to use on this library with animations declared on tw config)

So, is not having exit animations on certain components an intentional design choice?

Cannot build due to "fetch font error"

I ran pnpm install and duplicated the .env.example as .env.local , then got error at pnpm build.

Looks like same issue vercel/next.js#45080

www:build: Generated 30 documents in .contentlayer
www:build: info  - Creating an optimized production build...
next-template:build: Failed to compile.
next-template:build: pages/_app.tsx
next-template:build: `@next/font` error:
next-template:build: Failed to fetch `Inter` from Google Fonts.
next-template:build: > Build failed because of webpack errors
next-template:build:  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
next-template:build: ERROR: command finished with error: command (/home/linux/Github/ui/templates/next-template) pnpm run build exited (1)
command (/home/linux/Github/ui/templates/next-template) pnpm run build exited (1)

 Tasks:    0 successful, 1 total
Cached:    0 cached, 1 total
  Time:    2m16.794s

 ERROR  run failed: command  exited (1)
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

Next.js 13 appDir support for next-themes

Hi, awesome Job ! I see you used 'next-themes' for the support for the dark-mode. I have the following question, do you came across this problem in development. I use tailwindCSS
With related to "Hydration failed because of the initial UI"

Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 10 40 45


// Styles
import '@styles/global.css';
// Lib
import Providers from '@lib/Providers';

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
  return (
      <html lang="en" suppressHydrationWarning>
        <head />


'use client';

import { ReactNode } from 'react';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'next-themes';

// Context
import { SettingsProvider } from './SettingsContext';

export default function Providers({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) {
  return (

NOTE: In production these message not show

A bit of my thoughts

This project is really great, I love it! Thank you for your efforts!!
To be frankly, it lacks some useful components, like datepicker, breadcrumb, on
May be BaseWeb from Uber can give you some ideas :)

Hopefully, I can see more features in the future!

Dialog box aligns differently on different screens, also modal is aligned using items start initially

This is how the dialog box looks on small screens


The dialog box does not seem to be aligned to 'flex-start' on the small screens and nor are the corners rounded

It works better, in my opinion, on making the following changes:

After the changes suggested above, this is the result:

I would like to congratulate you on this library, especially because I have started actively using this in my projects.

Reach out to me on twitter: @KshitijMohan14

How can I extends the props of a component?

Im trying to extends the props of the accordion component and I'm having some truble getting it done.

For example I would like to have a prop where I can pass a boolean to define where the accordion has borders or not. Something like this

const AccordionItem = React.forwardRef<
	React.ElementRef<typeof AccordionPrimitive.Item>,
	React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof AccordionPrimitive.Item>
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
			props.hasBorder ? "border-b border-b-slate-200" : "",

But I've been trying to extend the props but I having trubble finding a way to do that. Any help?

Use CSS variables to simplify creating dark theme and maybe other themes.

My proposition is to develop semantic colors for light and dark theme, write them into CSS variables and set them in TailwindCSS config This will almost completely automate the creation of a dark theme, since the colors will automatically change from the given variables for the dark and light theme, and another advantage is that it will be possible to add new different themes.


// tailwind.config.js

module.exports = {
  darkMode: ['class'],
  theme: {
    colors: {
      current: 'currentColor',
      transparent: 'transparent',
      black: '#000',
      white: '#fff',
      background: 'hsl(var(--background) / 1)',
      base: {
        50: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.05)',
        100: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.1)',
        200: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.2)',
        300: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.3)',
        400: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.4)',
        500: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.5)',
        600: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.6)',
        700: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.7)',
        800: 'hsl(var(--base) / 0.8)',
        900: 'hsl(var(--base) / 1)',
      primary: {
        50: 'hsl(var(--primary-50))',
        100: 'hsl(var(--primary-100))',
        200: 'hsl(var(--primary-200))',
        300: 'hsl(var(--primary-300))',
        400: 'hsl(var(--primary-400))',
        500: 'hsl(var(--primary-500))',
        600: 'hsl(var(--primary-600))',
        700: 'hsl(var(--primary-700))',
        800: 'hsl(var(--primary-800))',
        900: 'hsl(var(--primary-900))',
      secondary: {
        50: 'hsl(var(--secondary-50))',
        100: 'hsl(var(--secondary-100))',
        200: 'hsl(var(--secondary-200))',
        300: 'hsl(var(--secondary-300))',
        400: 'hsl(var(--secondary-400))',
        500: 'hsl(var(--secondary-500))',
        600: 'hsl(var(--secondary-600))',
        700: 'hsl(var(--secondary-700))',
        800: 'hsl(var(--secondary-800))',
        900: 'hsl(var(--secondary-900))',
      tertiary: {
        50: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-50))',
        100: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-100))',
        200: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-200))',
        300: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-300))',
        400: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-400))',
        500: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-500))',
        600: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-600))',
        700: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-700))',
        800: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-800))',
        900: 'hsl(var(--tertiary-900))',
      success: {
        50: 'hsl(var(--success-50))',
        100: 'hsl(var(--success-100))',
        200: 'hsl(var(--success-200))',
        300: 'hsl(var(--success-300))',
        400: 'hsl(var(--success-400))',
        500: 'hsl(var(--success-500))',
        600: 'hsl(var(--success-600))',
        700: 'hsl(var(--success-700))',
        800: 'hsl(var(--success-800))',
        900: 'hsl(var(--success-900))',
      highlight: {
        50: 'hsl(var(--highlight-50))',
        100: 'hsl(var(--highlight-100))',
        200: 'hsl(var(--highlight-200))',
        300: 'hsl(var(--highlight-300))',
        400: 'hsl(var(--highlight-400))',
        500: 'hsl(var(--highlight-500))',
        600: 'hsl(var(--highlight-600))',
        700: 'hsl(var(--highlight-700))',
        800: 'hsl(var(--highlight-800))',
        900: 'hsl(var(--highlight-900))',
      warning: {
        50: 'hsl(var(--warning-50))',
        100: 'hsl(var(--warning-100))',
        200: 'hsl(var(--warning-200))',
        300: 'hsl(var(--warning-300))',
        400: 'hsl(var(--warning-400))',
        500: 'hsl(var(--warning-500))',
        600: 'hsl(var(--warning-600))',
        700: 'hsl(var(--warning-700))',
        800: 'hsl(var(--warning-800))',
        900: 'hsl(var(--warning-900))',
/* globals.css */

@layer base {
  :root {
    --background: 0 0% 100%;
    --base: 0 0% 10%;

    --primary-50: 216 100% 97%;
    --primary-100: 214 94% 93%;
    --primary-200: 213 97% 87%;
    --primary-300: 212 96% 78%;
    --primary-400: 213 94% 68%;
    --primary-500: 217 80% 56%;
    --primary-600: 221 83% 53%;
    --primary-700: 224 76% 48%;
    --primary-800: 226 71% 40%;
    --primary-900: 224 64% 33%;

    --secondary-50: 270 100% 98%;
    --secondary-100: 270 100% 95%;
    --secondary-200: 269 100% 92%;
    --secondary-300: 269 97% 85%;
    --secondary-400: 270 95% 75%;
    --secondary-500: 271 91% 65%;
    --secondary-600: 271 81% 56%;
    --secondary-700: 272 72% 47%;
    --secondary-800: 273 67% 39%;
    --secondary-900: 274 66% 32%;

    --tertiary-50: 0 0% 99%;
    --tertiary-100: 240 5% 96%;
    --tertiary-200: 240 6% 90%;
    --tertiary-300: 240 5% 84%;
    --tertiary-400: 240 5% 65%;
    --tertiary-500: 240 4% 46%;
    --tertiary-600: 240 5% 34%;
    --tertiary-700: 240 5% 26%;
    --tertiary-800: 240 4% 16%;
    --tertiary-900: 240 6% 10%;

    --success-50: 136 73% 97%;
    --success-100: 142 83% 93%;
    --success-200: 141 79% 85%;
    --success-300: 142 77% 73%;
    --success-400: 142 69% 58%;
    --success-500: 142 76% 43%;
    --success-600: 142 76% 36%;
    --success-700: 142 72% 29%;
    --success-800: 143 61% 27%;
    --success-900: 144 63% 18%;

    --highlight-50: 55 92% 95%;
    --highlight-100: 55 97% 88%;
    --highlight-200: 53 98% 77%;
    --highlight-300: 50 98% 64%;
    --highlight-400: 48 96% 53%;
    --highlight-500: 45 93% 47%;
    --highlight-600: 41 96% 40%;
    --highlight-700: 35 92% 33%;
    --highlight-800: 32 81% 29%;
    --highlight-900: 28 73% 26%;

    --warning-50: 0 87% 97%;
    --warning-100: 0 94% 94%;
    --warning-200: 0 96% 89%;
    --warning-300: 0 93% 82%;
    --warning-400: 0 97% 71%;
    --warning-500: 0 84% 60%;
    --warning-600: 0 72% 51%;
    --warning-700: 0 74% 42%;
    --warning-800: 0 70% 35%;
    --warning-900: 0 63% 31%;

  .dark {
    --background: 0 0% 8%;
    --base: 0 0% 100%;

    --primary-50: 230 37% 18%;
    --primary-100: 222 87% 29%;
    --primary-200: 223 83% 44%;
    --primary-300: 221 87% 49%;
    --primary-400: 217 81% 56%;
    --primary-500: 213 92% 57%;
    --primary-600: 212 100% 66%;
    --primary-700: 212 100% 74%;
    --primary-800: 214 94% 93%;
    --primary-900: 216 100% 97%;

    --secondary-50: 274 50% 19%;
    --secondary-100: 274 59% 28%;
    --secondary-200: 272 72% 47%;
    --secondary-300: 272 82% 59%;
    --secondary-400: 270 100% 67%;
    --secondary-500: 278 100% 75%;
    --secondary-600: 286 100% 81%;
    --secondary-700: 300 100% 87%;
    --secondary-800: 300 100% 92%;
    --secondary-900: 300 100% 97%;

    --tertiary-50: 0 0% 15%;
    --tertiary-100: 0 0% 20%;
    --tertiary-200: 0 0% 26%;
    --tertiary-300: 0 0% 37%;
    --tertiary-400: 0 0% 45%;
    --tertiary-500: 0 0% 53%;
    --tertiary-600: 0 0% 61%;
    --tertiary-700: 0 0% 73%;
    --tertiary-800: 0 0% 84%;
    --tertiary-900: 0 0% 94%;

    --success-50: 136 59% 13%;
    --success-100: 144 61% 20%;
    --success-200: 143 64% 24%;
    --success-300: 142 80% 32%;
    --success-400: 142 71% 45%;
    --success-500: 142 69% 58%;
    --success-600: 142 77% 73%;
    --success-700: 141 79% 85%;
    --success-800: 142 83% 93%;
    --success-900: 136 73% 97%;

    --highlight-50: 55 47% 17%;
    --highlight-100: 32 81% 29%;
    --highlight-200: 35 92% 33%;
    --highlight-300: 41 96% 40%;
    --highlight-400: 45 93% 47%;
    --highlight-500: 48 96% 53%;
    --highlight-600: 50 98% 64%;
    --highlight-700: 53 98% 77%;
    --highlight-800: 55 96% 90%;
    --highlight-900: 55 92% 95%;

    --warning-50: 0 45% 25%;
    --warning-100: 0 59% 30%;
    --warning-200: 0 46% 47%;
    --warning-300: 0 69% 55%;
    --warning-400: 0 91% 63%;
    --warning-500: 0 100% 69%;
    --warning-600: 0 100% 79%;
    --warning-700: 0 100% 83%;
    --warning-800: 0 100% 87%;
    --warning-900: 0 96% 91%;

  body {
    @apply bg-background text-base-900;


export const Demo = () => (
  <div className="bg-tertiary-100 p-4 text-tertiary-900">Hello World!</div>


☀️ Light theme:


🌙 Dark theme:


Where is the license file?

In readme it says Licensed under the MIT license. But there is no license in place. Is this project even open source?

Input doesn’t work (sometimes)

Attaching a video to better explain this, but sometimes, input fields don’t display what’s being entered, on mobile.


DropdownMenu doesn't load default classes CSS

Hi! in the <DropdownMenu /> component, CSS classes aren't load in the final <div> element.
Captura de Pantalla 2023-02-19 a la(s) 22 45 10

As you can see I am using <DropdownMenuSeparator /> withour classes and the final div is empty, but if I add classes by my own, its loads only my custom classes.
Captura de Pantalla 2023-02-19 a la(s) 22 49 11
Captura de Pantalla 2023-02-19 a la(s) 22 49 31

I added in lib folder the utils.ts file, but I dont undertand the why it is not working. This is happeding with all childs of <DropdownMenu />

Thank you.

Unable to apply local fonts to PopoverContent

I am using the Popover.tsx component, and while the behavior and Tailwind styling are functioning correctly, I am experiencing difficulties applying local fonts to the component. Despite adding the font-sans class to all classNames within the Popover component and its child components, the utility class does not seem to affect any content inside PopoverContent. PopoverTrigger applies the custom font-family without any issues.

Please find the relevant code snippets below.


'use client'

import * as React from 'react'
import * as PopoverPrimitive from '@radix-ui/react-popover'

import { cn } from '@/lib/utils'

const Popover = PopoverPrimitive.Root

const PopoverTrigger = PopoverPrimitive.Trigger

const PopoverContent = React.forwardRef<
  React.ElementRef<typeof PopoverPrimitive.Content>,
  React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof PopoverPrimitive.Content>
>(({ className, align = 'center', sideOffset = 4, ...props }, ref) => (
        'animate-in data-[side=bottom]:slide-in-from-top-2 data-[side=top]:slide-in-from-bottom-2 data-[side=right]:slide-in-from-left-2 data-[side=left]:slide-in-from-right-2 border-gray-3 z-50 rounded border bg-white p-4 font-sans text-gray-900 shadow-md outline-none',
PopoverContent.displayName = PopoverPrimitive.Content.displayName

export { Popover, PopoverTrigger, PopoverContent }

Component usage (redacted for clarity):

          {/* FILTER TRIGGER */}
            <Button variant="ghost">
              <SlidersHorizontal size={20} strokeWidth={1} className="mr-2" />

          {/* FILTER CONTENT */}
            <div className="font-sans">
              {/* INACTIVE SDGs */}
              <h4 className="font-sans text-base">SDGs</h4>

Here is the rendered result:
Cap 2023-03-23 00 35 49 -  Google Chrome (Resolve—Convergence)@2x

Here is my _app.js where the local fonts are loaded (redacted for clarity):

import localFont from 'next/font/local'
import PlausibleProvider from 'next-plausible'

import '@/styles/globals.css'

const CMUSerif = localFont({
  variable: '--font-cmu-serif',
  src: [
      path: '../assets/fonts/cmu-serif-roman.woff',
      weight: '400',
      style: 'normal',

const HKGrotesk = localFont({
  variable: '--font-hk-grotesk',
  src: [
      path: '../assets/fonts/HKGrotesk-Light.woff2',
      weight: '300',
      style: 'normal',


function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      <main className={`${CMUSerif.variable} ${HKGrotesk.variable} font-sans`}>
        <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp

Any help or tips are appreciated 🙌

Usage of `Checkbox` and `Switch` with react hook form

When using the register method of react hook form, the component does not change the state of the provided form.

export default function Survey() {
  const {
    formState: { errors },
  } = useForm<{isDesktop: boolean}>();
 // ....
 return (<form>
      <Label htmlFor="isDesktop">Are you using a desktop version of our app?</Label>
      <Checkbox {...register("isDesktop")} />

Date related inputs (date, range, calendar, etc) using react-aria

Hi there!

Have you consider adding date related inputs (single date, range, calendars)?

react-aria has a great set of hooks to build accesible date fields:

Date pickers are notoriously difficult to implement, leave alone make them fully accessible and so I think it will take a while for radix-ui to catch up in this aspect. What do you think?

Some important notes:

  • react-aria provides hooks instead of componentes as building block, and so the primitives to build will have a source code that will look different from those built with radix-ui.
  • there are some extra dependencies to install to use some hooks (i.e. react-stately, @internationalized/date)

I have experience using react-aria (I've built some calendar inputs at work) and I could contribute maybe starting with simpler cases like DateField and TimeField. For the others, a good set of defaults should be discussed.

Docs website navigation sluggish

Just a little feedback, navigating between components in the docs seems surprisingly sluggish. Not sure how easy a fix this is but it would great if it checking out the components was a snappier experience!

updating the repo?

is there some way to easy pull new updates / new components that are added to the library?

since it's not released as a package

Add Font instructions when adding to an existing project

After adding the library to 2 different projects I stumbled upon the problem in both on how I add the font variable to my application for the default tw config to work.
I always had to check out the template in order to copy the next config and the _app.tsx from there.

The following content should be added to the install instructions.


To add a font to your project you have to install @nextjs/font and add the following to your next.config.js:

const config = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  experimental: {
    fontLoaders: [
        loader: "@next/font/google",
        options: { subsets: ["latin"] },

Then declare the CSS variable in your \_app.tsx

import { Inter as FontSans } from "@next/font/google"

const fontSans = FontSans({
  subsets: ["latin"],
  variable: "--font-sans",
  display: "swap",

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
      <style jsx global>{`
	   :root {
		--font-sans: ${};
      <Component {...pageProps} />

Position of switch issue

Love the look of this! Just saw this example on the demo site using Firefox 108 on Linux Pop!_OS 22.


You can see the button looks like it's hanging outside a little. Super minor, so not really a big deal, but I figured I'd report it anymore.


Tooltip should utilize portal for content

Hello, superb library!

Because the tooltip utilizes divs, but divs aren't valid descendants of paragraphs (view this stackoverflow discussion), if someone where to use tooltip in a paragraph tag, they would get the error

Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <div> cannot appear as a descendant of <p>.

Thanks to the radix discord, I suggest wrapping the content in the tooltip portal like so:

const TooltipContent = React.forwardRef<
  React.ElementRef<typeof TooltipPrimitive.Content>,
  React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof TooltipPrimitive.Content>
>(({ className, sideOffset = 4, ...props }, ref) => (
        "z-50 overflow-hidden rounded-md border border-slate-100 bg-white px-3 py-1.5 text-sm text-slate-700 shadow-md animate-in fade-in-50 data-[side=bottom]:slide-in-from-top-1 data-[side=top]:slide-in-from-bottom-1 data-[side=left]:slide-in-from-right-1 data-[side=right]:slide-in-from-left-1 dark:border-slate-800 dark:bg-slate-800 dark:text-slate-400",
TooltipContent.displayName = TooltipPrimitive.Content.displayName

This allows the content to be rendered in a different scope, avoiding the invalid descendants issue and retaining the styling and semantics as far as I can tell.

Classname 'origin-top-center' is not a Tailwind CSS class

In the navigation-menu component, the 'origin-top-center' class is used in `NavigationMenuPrimitive.Viewport'. I have installed everything required in the installation instructions but my editor is still claiming it's not a valid class. I am not sure if this could have to do with the navbar dropdown not being centered or not, but it seems to be an error regardless. (if this is not responsible, how do I make the dropdown go underneath the button instead of stuck to the left?)

const NavigationMenuViewport = React.forwardRef<
  React.ElementRef<typeof NavigationMenuPrimitive.Viewport>,
  React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof NavigationMenuPrimitive.Viewport>
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
  <div className={cn("absolute left-0 top-full flex justify-center")}>
        "origin-top-center relative mt-1.5 h-[var(--radix-navigation-menu-viewport-height)] w-full overflow-hidden rounded-md border border-slate-200 bg-white shadow-lg data-[state=open]:animate-in data-[state=closed]:animate-out data-[state=open]:zoom-in-90 data-[state=closed]:zoom-out-95 dark:border-slate-700 dark:bg-slate-800 md:w-[var(--radix-navigation-menu-viewport-width)]",


Feature: Close Functionality for Dialog Component

Right now there's no such wrapper code available in the docs for close functionality in Dialog component. I have tried to implement the same and it's working all fine.

const DialogClose = React.forwardRef<
  React.ElementRef<typeof DialogPrimitive.Close>,
  React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof DialogPrimitive.Close>
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
DialogClose.displayName = DialogPrimitive.Title.displayName

This can be used like the snippet shown below

      <DialogTitle>Are you sure absolutely sure?</DialogTitle>
        This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete your account
        and remove your data from our servers.
      {/* this is how it can be used */}
      <DialogClose />

Hope this helps! Happy to have a chat around this issue/feature-request.

Multi select ?

Hi there ✋🏼

thanks for this amazing components !

Is there a way to select multiple data with the Select component ?

Thanks !

Tooltip trigger onMobile

I would like to ask how does tooltip work on mobile devices? Because when i tried to use it there it does not work. Is there some solution for this to trigger tooltip when user clicks on trigger?

Undefined value using select with react hook form


I don't know why my form submission doesn't pass the validation check using react hook form and radix select primitive.
After selecting a value, this one still undefined and the resolvers do it's job telling me the field is required.

The form :



Any idea ?

main-nav overflows at `md` breakpoint.

This may not be a big deal or even worth adjusting, as devices may not fall into this specific pixel range. However, I saw this while working on another issue and thought I'd file it in case.

At the md breakpoint, the content in the <MainNav> component overflows the screen at the lower end of the breakpoint range.


Compatibility with Preact


Just wondering if anyone tried using the components with Preact. If not, I'd be happy to try it out and report back 🙂

Image Lightbox Zoom

It's a very important component for portfolio/photo/social websites but existing solutions are way too heavy with complex gallery/navigation functionality. Right now I'm using a hacky solution on top of modified Dialog component and while it works, it's not very elegant.

How to handle theme/color changes?

Using tailwind, there are a lot of mentions of different colors (i.e. bg-slate-900, bg-red-500 etc.).
With 'slate' being the 'primary' color.
Let's say my primary colors is a blue, how would I go about changing that?
From my current understanding, I would have to go through every single file and change every single occurrence of slate,
which is difficult, as slate may in some cases refer to a 'border' and not a primary color.

What would be the suggested way to deal with this issue?

Export all the components?


Why not export everything so users can just yarn add shadui then import { AlertDialog, AlertDialogAction } from 'shadui'?

Menubar component breaks if you move around too fast

When you move your cursor over the menu bar component, it stops displaying the dropdown once you start moving the cursor too fast. It doesn't show the dropdown again until you click a menu element.

Tested this in chrome.

CleanShot 2023-01-26 at 12 30 57

Add position prop to toaster

Any plans on adding a 'position' prop that could be passed when using the useToast hook?
Something similar to react-hot-toast ⬇️
toast('Hello World', { position: 'top-center', });

Typescript Unsafe Assignment

Getting typescript errors when adding components:

const TooltipProvider: FC<TooltipPrimitive.TooltipProviderProps>
Unsafe assignment of an `any` value.eslint[@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment](

[bug]: Select content breaking the page structure

When using the select component, opening the select content completely breaks the entire page, and I don't know if the problem is actually the component itself or if I forgot something when implementing it.

the code for it is the following:

          <SelectTrigger className="w-full">
            <SelectValue placeholder="Select" />
            <SelectItem value="DEPRIVED">Deprived</SelectItem>
            <SelectItem value="KNIGHT">Knight</SelectItem>
            <SelectItem value="MAGE">Mage</SelectItem>
            <SelectItem value="CLERIC">Cleric</SelectItem>
            <SelectItem value="ARCHER">Archer</SelectItem>

And this is the behavior that I get when clicking the trigger.

Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 15 19 41

Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 15 20 00

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