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seattlejs's Issues

(Dec. 11 Talk Proposal) Hanging up on Callbacks: Generators in ECMAScript 6

Hanging up on Callbacks: Generators in ES6

While the JavaScript event loop and asynchronous callbacks provide a powerful, easy-to-understand concurrency model - writing applications in continuation-passing style introduces problems of legibility, exception management, and composability. With the introduction of generators in the ECMAScript 6 Draft Specification, programmers can continue to leverage the power of the single-threaded event loop while writing expressive, simple code in a direct, top-down style.


After a stint in Honduras teaching web development with the Peace Corps, Erin landed in Santa Monica where he now writes and codes for Carbon Five. He loves Seattle, arguing with software developers, and soccer (among other things).

Talk Proposal: How to Build DOM Fast While Staying DRY

How do you generate the new DOM necessary for your dynamic views? If you're using a templating system like handlebars, you sacrifice speed for maintainability because you have to use innerHTML to render. innerHTML is both slow and it leaves you no JS hook with which to set up a controller. If you're doing it old school with document.createElement it might be fast, but your code eventually gets soggy.

By abstracting the creation of new DOM into a couple of utility functions that avoid the pitfalls of templating systems, you can quickly generate new DOM faster, with less code, while maintaining your JS hooks that allow for easy controller setup.


Daniel Hug is a front end web developer who enjoys writing modular JS, making mobile friendly web applications, writing algorithms, playing ultimate frisbee, juggling, and a few other things.

[Talk] - Shared Memory Parallel JavaScript

Shared Memory Parallel JavaScript

I'd like to give a Lightning Talk about a module I'm writing for Node.js that adds shared-memory parallel capabilities to JavaScript. Multithreading uses multiple cores to accelerate execution a function or loop within a program without resorting to frameworks for distributed execution or accelerators like GPUs. A modern server may have 16 or more cores sharing over 200GB of memory making multi-threading capabilities similar to clusters of few years ago.

The Extended Memory Semantics (EMS) API provides transactional and other fine-grain synchronization operations that enforce deadlock free execution of any number of threads, persists state to disk, and performs many of the functions of a database without the overhead of a network or dedicated database application. It is complementary to existing tools and can be added to legacy applications and makes possible ad-hoc parallel programming.

Jace Mogill

I have over 20 years experience in High Performance Computing and have tuned or parallelized dozens of applications from weather models to document classification for use on clusters, multithreaded processors, and hybrid architectures.

Talk proposal: Automating rendering performance in browsers

Automating Rendering performance in browsers

Delivering web page content to users as quickly as possible is important. It is equally important to ensure that this downloaded content provides a smooth and responsive user experience. Page scrolls that are Janky, delays when typing in text boxes or choppy animations are just as bad as pages that take a long time to load. Users spend longer using the page than waiting for it to load and we should ensure that the page renders at 60 frames per second at all times.
Most modern web browsers have tools that could help identify the various things that could slow a web page down. However, rapid release cycles make it hard to do regular performance audits.

This talk will cover tools that can help automating runtime performance for web browsers using open source tools like browser-perf and perfjankie.
The talk would also cover how we could generate rendering performance graphs (like this for bootstrap), and how to use it in real projects.

Talk Proposal: Picking an ORM (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Mongo)

Picking an ORM (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Mongo)

I'm currently bootstapping a new startup with our application written in node.js. After some long nights using a schema-less data store (Firebase), we made the decision to go back to PostgreSQL. For the remainder of the talk, I was going to outline our adventure through the ORM landscape and picking an abstraction on top of PostgresSQL. In the end, I'll pontificate about the RDBMS options on node.js, where the weaknesses are and maybe acknowledge Mongo as an ok solution for smallish project.

Dan is a card carrying member of the Society of Old, Curmudgeonly Developers having shipped applications in C++, java, python and node.js since 1997. He's currently trying to launch a new venture, Jetway, and helping to teach the next generation of developers with Code Fellows.

Talk Proposal: Nothing Sounds Quite Like An (ng)808.

Nothing Sounds Quite Like An (ng)808.


Do you like JavaScript? How about music? No? Ok, you should leave now.

For the rest of you hi, thanks for sticking around! I've built a fun little sequenced drum machine using Angular 2, TypeScript, and an audio/sequencing library developed at Splice called Shabu-shabu.

In this talk, I'll show you how it works, and point out some of the cool new features of Angular 2 which has just officially gone beta. I'll also show you how TypeScript can make JavaScript even more fun (and safe) for everyone.

Warning: you may be exposed to higher than usual levels to Planet Rock during this presentation.

About me

My name is Leigh, and I work for Splice. We make tools that help musicians around the world collaborate and stay inspired.

I'm also a musician and DJ myself, but please don't hold that against me.

0 to Nodebots in 30 Minutes

#0 to Nodebots in 30 Minutes

You can write JavaScript, but what you really want to do is build your own robot army. Before you even know what kind of robots you want to build, this talk will jump start your experiments with JavaScript-driven hardware by showing you how to jump right through the standard Arduino installation and set up, and then working with Node and Johnny-Five. And of course, a hardware demo.

This educational talk will provide a baseline overview of electronic circuitry and a fly-over look at standard Arduino configuration and programming. I'll then cover prerequisite installs such as Node.js, npm, git and Johnny-Five and what advantages they bring to the robotics party. Then I'll move on to the fun stuff - using JavaScript to control an array of LEDs.

Katie Kurkoski

Katie is a web developer and budding robot enthusiast who wants to share lessons learned. She's been coding for the web long enough to remember the magic of the first browsers to give you color-coded syntax in View Source. When not in front of a computer, she can often be found making cool things with glass in the hotshop or smashing pots in search of rupees.

I have a prior commitment on the evening of July 10th. It would be nice to to this in advance of International Nodebots Day ( on July 27th, and I'll just mention that there is not yet a Seattle location for IND.

Lightning Talk Proposal: The only correct script loader ever made

Hey! I'm Brian Beck, I work at Formidable. I've got a quick talk prepared about:

  • How simply loading a .js file is not a solved problem in 2015
  • Yes, your code is probably broken because of this
  • How this situation came to be
  • What we're doing about it

Saving the more interesting links for the talk itself... it'll be a fun one!

[Talk] Introducing Pintjs - a small, concurrent Grunt based build tool for large projects

Introducing Pintjs - a small, concurrent Grunt based build tool for large projects

Over the last few years, Grunt has positioned itself as the best and only front-end build framework. Along with Grunt's rise to near ubiquity, the tooling available has ballooned to 7-11's Super Big Gulp-sized proportions. A typical build file laden with all our tooling can easily start out at ~450 lines. Like anything else, Grunt is starting to show its weakness as it scales and I wrote Pint as an attempt to solve some of these problems.

The Pint Mission:

  • Build should be concurrent by default
  • Build should manage dependencies transparently
  • Build should be well organized
  • Build tasks should be independent from one another

Github: Pint.js Github

  • Regular talk (~30 min)

Eric Baer

I am a full-stack developer with experience in the full software development cycle. I am most passionate about JavaScript development, build automation and web performance and I love what I do! I currently work at Formidable Labs helping build the JavaScript infrastructure of a fortune 50 e-commerce site.

[Talk] Mindflex-Nodecopter

Fly a quad-copter with your brain! I'd like to do a 15 min presentation/demo of my project Mindflex-Nodecopter at the end of the next meetup. After a short talk about the components and a peek at the code, I'd like to invite audience to try out the headsets and
The project uses Node serialport to route data from hacked Mindflex EEG sensor headsets into a Node server that controls AR Drone 2.0 with the ardrone package.

The github is a bit messy, so I'll just link you to the two pertinent files:



Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
[email protected]

[Talk] Web Components bring sanity, efficiency and fun to front-end web development

Web Components bring sanity, efficiency and fun to front-end web development

For the past couple years, Google, Mozilla, and others have been working to define web components: a new suite of HTML specifications that will finally enable a standard component framework for front-end web applications. This technology is now showing up in Chrome and Firefox, and Google's released a compatibility library that allows you to use the technology today on older browsers like IE 10+ and Safari.

Collectively, these standards allow you to create your own custom HTML tags. You define the DOM elements that your component wants to add to the page, but in a way that prevents the outer page from meddling with your elements. You can define the appearance of your component in CSS, and define its behavior in JavaScript. You can easily create components that can be used by others; conversely, you can easily consume and extend components created by others in your own web apps.

This will be a regular talk of 30–60 minutes in length. (Variations of this have been given various times as tech talks. Including demos, there are easily 60 minutes of material to cover, but this could be tightened to a shorter 30 minute overview if desired.)

Jan Miksovsky

Jan is a software designer/developer and entrepreneur. He worked at Microsoft for 15 years, and founded Seattle-area startup Cozi in 2005. In February 2014, he started a new company to focus specifically on building out the web component ecosystem.

Talk Proposal: Moneyball for Performance Metrics

The story behind Moneyball was centered around using metrics— newer, out-of-the-norm metrics— to build a better performing baseball team. This strategy of measurement was wildly successful, squeezing out more wins for less money. That works for baseball, why can’t it work for the web? Focusing on our most commonly measured stats only paints half the picture. In this talk, I’ll use those same ideas to give you better ways to determine the quickness at which users can access your site and help you turn up your speed.

Time estimate: 30 minutes

[talk] Introducing Bower

Introducing Bower

Lightning talk (5-7 minutes)

Why Bower? Managing 3rd party assets for web development is pain in the ass. Bower helps you organize 3rd party assets in one place while managing their dependancies. Removing and upgrading assets are far easier with Bower.

Jason Kim

I am a software engineer working for Rhapsody/Napster in Seattle.

Assemble + Github pages = Magic!

Static site generators and Github pages are becoming all the rage. Developers are beginning to see how much they can get out of a static html site using modern tools and tech such as Assemble, Grunt, html5, CSS3, Lo-Dash, Handlebars, Github pages. This is a talk covering some neat tricks and lessons learned as I redesigned my own personal portfolio site on the cheap and how to get the most of out static sites hosted on Github pages.

  • Regular talk (~30 min)

Hank Yates

My name is Hank and I love to build things.

My passion lies in robust client applications with a rich user experience. I love writing Javascript, writing tests, pushing my commits, and moving a story to done. I believe in making a beautiful user experience. I believe in creating a product that helps people, in any way possible.

[Talk] - Accessibility of Web Components

Accessibility of Web Components

Tons of people are talking about Web Components. The goals of Web Components include such awesome things as built-in encapsulation, client-side templates and the ability to create your own HTML tags. (<taco-button>, anyone?) But before we create the next generation of soulless <div> tags, we should consider the role of semantics in shiny, new technologies. In this talk, we'll discuss web accessibility in a bleeding-edge way to illustrate that accessibility conversations don't have to be boring or old-school.

This is a regular, 30-minute talk.

Marcy Sutton

Marcy Sutton is a developer at Substantial in Seattle. She's also an instructor and co-chair of the Seattle chapter of Girl Develop It, a nonprofit organization focused on teaching women the skills of software development. She just gave a talk on Accessibility of the Shadow DOM at JSConf Australia and has a Netmag article on this topic due out any day now.

IndexedDB, a database in your browser

Talk proposal for IndexedDB.

An introduction to IndexedDB, and how it can help you build rich web applications. Would include:

  • quick historical overview of persistence in the browser and where we are now
  • short intro to IndexedDB and use cases
  • current browser support and pending support
  • cross-browser storage limits
  • intro to IndexedDB API
  • simple example(s)
  • abstraction libraries that take away the pain of using the API
  • introduction of a small, composable library providing a clean interface with ES6 promises
  • example using abstraction library

[Talk] - Making the Web Interactive with Leap Motion

Making the Web Interactive with Leap Motion

Leap Motion generated a lot of excitement pre-launch, but a lot of people have since written it off. But guess what? It works for web development! I don't think this is something people need to learn, but it's a ton of fun to build web apps that you can interact with using just your hands.

Although I can talk a fair amount about this, it's not a whole lot of fun unless people have devices to follow along with. Since we can't expect people to buy devices just for this, I think the best format is a lightening talk (maybe a regular talk, but I'd need some persuasion). I'd like to talk through a couple high-level points about the Leap and the code behind a simple chrome app that uses it.


Hakon works at Madrona Venture Group, a Seattle-based venture capital firm. He loves building stuff.

Related Content:

Social Profiles:

Talk Proposal: Speech Recognition in the Browser

Speech Recognition in the Browser

Mouse and keyboard are not the only ways how we can communicate with our devices. We already talk to our phones, gaming consoles, and some desktop applications. However, there are very few web applications that understand our speech. The bleeding edge versions of most popular web browsers are starting to support the most natural user input. Let’s take a look at Web Speech API, and learn how to add voice commands to web applications using pure JavaScript. Maybe it would be also worth to respond to users with voice using Web Synthesis API?

What you will learn:

  • What is Web Speech API
  • How to add speech recognition to website
  • What browsers support speech recognition, and to what extent
  • How to emit voice with Web Synthesis API


Jakub Jedryszek works for Microsoft as Software Engineer. Currently he is working on the Azure Portal – the largest and most complex Single Page Web Application in the World written in TypeScript. He is a founder of dotNetConfPL – online conference for .NET Developers. His blog is at

Before Microsoft Jakub developed a Model-Driven Development and Verification Approach for Medical Devices, while working for SAnToS Lab. He was also working as Web Developer for SMT Software, Division of Communications and Marketing at Kansas State University, and PGS Software.

Talk Proposal: Back to the Static

Back to the Static

By going Back to the Static, websites become faster and more secure, reliable, and portable. Web developers no longer need to rely on heavy, database-driven content management systems to maintain world-class websites. Rather, they can now relatively easily develop compelling sites through using a static site generator. And, when you need a more dynamic feature, you can use external independently managed services to load the necessary data, ensuring that your base pages can still be served quickly.

During my talk, I will highlight how my team at ExtraHop Networks has been architecting a strategy for moving away from WordPress to a static site. We have been using Metalsmith and Grunt to ensure we have a full JavaScript stack. I will show how we first implemented a hybrid solution to prove that a static site would deliver the speed performance we wanted, and still be maintainable by our marketing team.

Talk Proposal: JavaScript on AWS Without Servers using JAWS

JavaScript on AWS Without Servers using JAWS

JAWS is a 100% free and open-source framework for building serverless applications using Amazon Web Services' Lambda, API Gateway, and more. Lambda's event-driven model offers tremendous cost savings and colossal horizontal scaling ability. Now, JAWS helps you build and maintain entire event-driven/serverless applications using Lambda.

This new way of running services allows you to get started with a simple and cheap infrastructure that scales to serve hundreds or thousands of requests per second without any intervention.

I'm a software engineer that has been working on the web for over ten year. I've used many different frameworks and languages on the server and in the browser. Recently I've been experimenting with and contributing to JAWS. I've also written a couple blog posts on JAWS and hosting Web Applications with JAWS

The presentation will be based off of the AWS Re:invent slides for JAWS

Talk Proposal: CouchDB: A Serious Backing Store on Serious Earth

So, this is a talk I want to give:

In @HenrikJoreteg's talk about six months(?) ago, he mentioned you can build an app with PouchDB that works entirely in-browser. Henrik's talk was more of a general call-to-arms about building what I might term as "primarily client-side" apps - I want to give a deep dive talk about one aspect of that, which I would consider the biggest hurdle to entering this paradigm right now: understanding the unconventional semantics of CouchDB, which are imitated by PouchDB.

About a week ago, when I was first starting to really give CouchDB a second look, I tweeted that "CouchDB users are this collection of aliens that communicate telepathically to describe the mechanisms available to model data when using it", as a way of conveying my frustration with the conventional self-serving "Introduction to CouchDB"-style talk: they tend to spend a bunch of time on REST like it's a novelty (rather than a boring implementation detail that doesn't even apply for PouchDB), and then jump directly to intricate details like what the signature of an emit in a map function should be. The choir who goes to this kind of talk to be preached to all nod, as if the speaker had superliminally transmitted all the slides that explain how CouchDB querying is done with views consisting of map functions defined in design documents.

(Not to get down on the CouchDB people: this is a problem I have with almost all "Introductions" in tech, which is why I've been writing my own epic-scale Lean Notes for years.)

I've been writing my own guide to learning CouchDB for the last four days or so: the meat of this presentation would essentially be a summary of the bullet points from that guide, one that does not skip over the details that are obvious to people who already live and breathe CouchDB, along with an honest admission of the common, necessary features (like managing accounts with password recovery) that CouchDB completely fails to account for (which you can solve, using a partial standalone app / daemon alongside your database).

I'd also talk a bit about the history of client-side data (the not-quite-perfect evolutionary path from cookies to localStorage to WebSQL to IndexedDB), and why you'd want to use PouchDB instead of IndexedDB directly (considering I'm the kind of guy who usually never reaches for an abstraction library).


I'm Stuart P. Bentley, and I've been developing using HTML5 for three or four years (depends on how seriously you're counting). I have a mostly-green GitHub contribution graph, and a whole bunch of repos on GitHub (somewhere above 100 - it's a bunch under my personal account, and a bunch more projects under their own organizations).

Talk Proposal: Nitrogen.js


Nitrogen.js is a nifty open source project that facilitates interconnected devices and takes care of most of the big problems you're going to run into right off the bad when you're trying to get your fridge to talk to your car to talk to your dog's collar for whatever cool reason you've got to do all of that.

I'm a Microsoft employee who writes JavaScript and loves everything from the bottom of the stack (little hardware gizmos) to the top (the cloud)... or do I have that upside down? Whatever. The only thing I like more than writing code is talking about writing code. So there you have it.

Interested in something a little ways out like March 2015.

Talk Proposal: Observables Everywhere

Observables Everywhere


Learning new syntax or even a new language is, oddly, easier than learning new paradigms. Observables are a new paradigm that overturns a lot of ceremony we've grown accustomed to. It does away with imperative event handling and it entirely obsoletes promises.

Reactive Extensions (Rx), the technology that empowers Netflix as well as Angular 2, is an observable library that has a ton to offer, and yet has an easy on-ramp. It feels small, light, and simple - the way good code should.

I'm going to show you how easy it is not only to include the Rx library, but also to start integrating it into the way you think and work.

About Me

I studied Computer Engineering and Mathematics in school a long time ago, and have thoroughly enjoyed my career course ever since - primarily teaching and software development and primarily on the web stack. I gained experience in education, aerospace manufacturing, and insurance, and eventually joined Microsoft with the goal of informing and inspiring software developers. I authored my first book CSS for Windows 8 App Development, published a couple of courses on, and try to keep up with audiences via my blog and my Twitter feed @codefoster. When I’m not working, I’m working on maker projects, spending time with my wife and two sons, hiking and camping, sailing, scuba diving, or working on house projects.

提交 / Soumettre / Submit

Your app is awesome - that's why you're working on it - but it's only in English, and speakers of other languages should experience it too. Localization is a hard, sprawling, topic (like a strip-mall full of pawn-shops and payday-loans) and too large for 1 talk. What I do hope to show, however, is how a friend and I were able to implement a few different languages in our app. Specifically in our nodejs view-templates, server-errors, the various emails we bug people with, and in our client. We had fun learning about all this, and somehow sharing this kind of thing makes it more fun. I am of course fucking terrified of public speaking, but hopefully this saves some of my friends in SeattleJS a few weeks of pain.

Max Nachlinger ("Nach" like "Bach", but I will answer to "natch-ling-r") <-- people who put up with me all day

Talk Proposal: Abstract Syntax Trees

I recently gave a talk about abstract syntax trees at the UtahJS conference. I'd also be happy to give it at SeattleJS sometime. Here was the proposal as I originally submitted it to them:

A lot of us came to JavaScript without a strong background in computer science. Ever find yourself recoiling in fear when someone starts talking about algorithms? It turns out when building websites we don't often have to reach to these concepts to be successful. Despite this the past few years have definitely taught me that computer science has a lot to offer UI programmers. From Angular embracing dependency injection and the React world with its Immutable objects and Dom-diffing techniques, it turns out computer science has a lot to teach UI developers. One concept that's been the most influential in the last few years of JS tooling is the abstract syntax tree.

Abstract syntax trees are everywhere. They power the JS in your browsers. They're in your minifiers. They're in your linters. They power webpack and browserify and babel and so many other tools that make up the modern web stack. And you've probably never heard of them before.

Let me show you how abstract syntax trees work.

We'll look at some simple examples of linters and babel plugins and help you envision the power that trees can bring into your programs. Come join me on an exciting journey down the AST rabbit hole and never program the same way again.

Time estimate: 30 minutes (but could go on forever...)

July Meetup Topic proposal

Mariners NMEA Black Box

Discover how a Raspberry Pi and full-stack JavaScript can help mariners with better decision making. I will introduce the needed modules for parsing NMEA sentences using a TCP client. I will show how a local boat network can display useful log information as well as how Node.js, MongoDB and the front-end application works.

Root project (currently in progress with no release yet):

Tony Bentley is a sailor and JavaScript engineer currently working on

Tony Bentley

Talk Proposal: Building Command Line Apps in JavaScript

Howdy folks!
I have an idea for a talk that I wanted to show you, and I think it is a lot more interesting to see than I can put into a few sentences.

Here is a video of the explanation and the not-at-all finished product. If this is something you find neat, I would love to come in and discuss how anyone can create powerful cli tools in javascript!

Talk Proposal: Getting started with Elm

Elm is a compile-to-javascript language that offers "the best of functional programming in your browser".

It's also one of the inspirations of the ReactJS Redux framework and Angular 2.0.

I will talk about:

  • Why I chose to learn Elm and why you might consider it, too.
  • My development environment and workflow
  • Demonstrate how you can get started with it
  • and point to more great resources available to help.

Lightning Talk Proposal: Multi-Client Sync Strategies

Multi-Client Sync Strategies

This talk will cover three different strategies for keeping multi-user documents in sync with each other allowing for real-time collaboration, with a specific focus on how Operational Transform works. This talk is being given tonight at BrooklynJS.

Slides are available:

Hi! I'm Todd Kennedy and I'm the CTO of a small start up called Scripto where we make multi-user editors and software for creating and producing television.

Lightning Talk Proposal: How real is the virtual dom ?

How real is the virtual DOM ?

React as a javascript framework is incredibly fast, thanks to the virtual DOM. This was demonstrated during the recent ReactJS conference with the DBMonster app. In this talk, we will objectively look at the implementations of React and other frameworks, and use performance metrics to look under the hood of each of these frameworks, how how concepts like virtual DOM or eventing influence rendering performance numbers.
We will also look at frameworks like Radium and how computing/setting inline styles can impact performance, the effect of this idea, when taken to other frameworks.


About me

Lightening Talk Proposal: Angular D3 chart directives made with the miso d3.chart library

Angular D3 chart directives made with the miso d3.chart library

The topic isn't new or groundbreaking, it's just a project that I have been working on which combines the use of AngularJS with D3.js and miso d3.chart library to create composable charts that are easily extended. The reason this pattern is interesting is because both Angular and D3 have their own DOM updating patterns which do not play well with one another out of the box. The pattern I am presenting takes advantage of Angular to create self contained configurable directives that manage DOM manipulations and data retrieval while relying on the miso d3.chart library for drawing and updating the D3 SVG's.

You can see the project code here.

About me:

I currently lead the front end of an analytics application at Apollo Education Group in Seattle. For the past two years I have been working with AngularJS full time and recently added D3 to the list about 4 months ago. I also organize the Seattle Ladies JS meetup group.

Talk Proposal: Adding Azure search to your app

Adding Azure Search to your app

Search is often one of the default methods of navigating in a web/mobile app. Quality of search can make or break things like engagement, return visits, conversions etc. But building an maintaining a good search experience is difficult, and the tools available are either very expensive, or have extremely steep learning curves. Azure Search is a new search SAAS offering that substantially lowers the barrier to entry. I'd like to do a live coding lab with the group where we take an application and build some cool search features step by step, like auto-complete/suggestions, faceting, visualizations, etc. I really enjoyed participating in the react workshop (in February maybe?) that followed a similar format. I'd plan on providing a github project that the group could use to follow along, and would likely build the demo application in react (although I'm open to suggestions). I've built some simple search UI in react in the past and would love the chance to expand on it:

I've given a meetup talk on Azure Search in the past. Here is the summary I used as well as the slide deck that went with it. When given the option, I much prefer live coding demos than PPT.

summary used for previous meetups:

Many applications use search as the primary interaction pattern for their users. When it comes to search, user expectations are high. Users expect great relevance, suggestions, and solid linguistics that effortlessly handle spelling mistakes, near-instantaneous responses, multiple language, faceting, and more. During this presentation, Evan Boyle (Engineer on Azure Search) will take a mobile application with a SQL backend and show just how easy it is to add a rich full text search experience with Azure Search.


Evan Boyle is an Engineer for Microsoft's Azure Search. Evan has experience in a variety of fields including security research, data visualization, and predictive analytics. Evan is currently responsible for the management and monitoring experience in the new Azure portal.

Talk Proposal: Seven5

Jose suggested I ping you (carter) about this:

Seven5: A whipping boy for javascript lovers?

[I've given a talk at a "friendly" meetup, Seattle GoLang Meetup, that generated some interest. Perhaps an unfriendly audience would generate more?]

In this talk, I’ll discuss a toolkit I have been working on for the last few years called Seven5. Seven5 is interesting to both Go developers and Javascript developers because it takes the unique position of adopting Go as the language for both the client and server side of a modern web application. The key aspects that I’ll cover in this talk:

  • How does the compilation of a Go client-side program work
  • How to use Seven5 to expose a rest service (server-side)
  • How to use Seven5’s Ajax support to consume a rest service (client side). Think channels!
  • How to use Seven5’s attributes and constraints to make dynamic feedback in the browser. No callback spaghetti!
  • How to use Seven5’s tree construction tools to build complex web displays on the fly.

I’d love to have Javascript experts in attendance to point out areas where the tool could be improved by piggy-backing on existing Javascript libraries. But be warned: You may leave a convert to static typing…

Ian Smith currently bangs on the home row keys (aoeu, htns) at Igneous Systems. He seems to alternate between loudly complaining about the quality of the coffee and loudly complaining about the quality of web tools available to him. Prior to his current loitering he has worked at numerous startups in the Bay area, Seattle, and Paris France. In the long distant days of the twentieth century he killed time at Xerox PARC and slept in the terminal rooms at Georgia Tech. He may, in fact, have no qualifications whatsoever.

Talk Proposal: Building Large Scale Web Applications with TypeScript

Building Large Scale Web Applications with TypeScript

JavaScript has evolved significantly since the time it was first introduced 20 years ago. Today, JavaScript is the most popular programming language that allows to build large scale applications both on the client and on the server side. However, maintaining large codebases becomes more, and more challenging.

In this talk I will show how TypeScript helps to build and maintain large scale web applications. I will also present the tools to work with TypeScript, how to take advantage of TypeScript while working with AngularJS 2, and lessons learned during work on the Azure Portal.


Jakub Jedryszek works for Microsoft as Software Engineer. Currently he is working on the Azure Portal – the largest and most complex Single Page Web Application in the World written in TypeScript. He is a founder of dotNetConfPL – online conference for .NET Developers. His blog is at

Before Microsoft Jakub developed a Model-Driven Development and Verification Approach for Medical Devices, while working for SAnToS Lab. He was also working as Web Developer for SMT Software, Division of Communications and Marketing at Kansas State University, and PGS Software.

Evolution of JS development workflows

Hello SeattleJS!

I'd love to give a presentation about javascript development workflows evolution, using my story of vivagraph - one of the fastest graph drawing libraries on the web. Library is currently entered into the next cycle: ngraph.

In presentation I'll give an overview of how we used to write our javascript code, how many developers write it today, and what is becoming more and more popular on the edge. Presentation should be 30 minutes long (including time for questions).

Sponsor Request: Q2 2016

Company Name: Hired

We love the Seattle tech scene and would love to have the opportunity host and support the Seattle developer community!

Hired is on a mission to get everyone a job they love, starting with in-demand tech roles. We've built a marketplace in Seattle that has helped candidates get connected to companies such as Zillow, Moz, and Qumulo.

Check out some of the open source stuff we've worked on:

Contact Info

Skye Wang
[email protected]

Talk Proposal: Reducing Per-Function Development/Test Costs with Encapsule Filter library.

Summary of Encapsule/jbus-common-filter

jbus-common-fiter was designed to make it possible for single developers, or small teams, to pound out production-worthy subsystems in JavaScript to, for example, stuff into Dockerized Node.js containers. Or, into your favorite HTML5 SPA.

The library specifically targets JavaScript functions providing a mechanism to automate function I/O validation/shaping logic via declarative JSON contracts.

Filters "wrap" a function you write with automated data validation/shaping and error handling logic that bolster its defensive (input stage) and offensive (output stage) capabilities.

This "wrapping" reduces per-function development and maintenance costs by eliminating ancillary function subroutines that ensure the fidelity of data I/O to/from a function's core algorithm. And, this in turn reduces the per-function cost of test development and maintenance.

The system works by requiring developers to declare their function I/O contracts using terse JSON documents called "Filter Specs". Not only is this far more efficient than writing the equivalent logic, but it can be done before any code is written. Or, while the project is in-flight.

Runtime I/O validation/shaping is handled transparently by the Filter library for all functions processed through the library's main function factory method, create. Filter accomplishes this by using developer-specific Filter Spec JSON documents to adapt its runtime validation/shaping behavior to match each function's unique requirements.

Name: Chris Russell
Twitter: (personal) (work)


Talk proposal: Using web components in production at the Seattle Times

Web components have been right on the edge of production-readiness for several years now, to the point where many people have simply given up on them. At the Seattle Times, we've found that with a little bit of polyfilling, we can have the benefits of custom elements today, and we're using them all over our site, and on our special projects. This talk will cover the basics of web components, talk about the ones we're using currently (<leaflet-map>, <responsive-frame>, and more), create a simple component, and then discuss the possible pitfalls that come with life on the bleeding edge.

Talk proposal: Cloud IDEs



Recorded presentation video looks like it's not going to happen 😦

Developing on Chromebooks: Cloud IDEs and the Chrome Dev Editor

When I tell people the majority of my coding over the last two years has been within a web browser, they tend to be surprised and intrigued, with lots of questions. "Is that really viable?" "Isn't it slow?" "What does coding in your browser get you?"

In this talk, I'll do some development with my Chromebook, while addressing questions like these (especially the last one). I'll demonstrate testing and deployment with Cloud9 and Heroku, as well as local development for Chrome extensions using the Chrome Dev Editor. I'll also talk about the few areas where I need to go outside of ChromeOS for my needs, and how these can be addressed (crouton, legacy-bios booting off of a USB device).


I'm Stuart P. Bentley, and I've been using Cloud9 almost exclusively for all my development work since December 2012. I have a mostly-green GitHub contribution graph, and a whole bunch of repos on GitHub (116 non-fork repos on my user account, plus many more kept under organizations like

Most of my workspaces on Cloud9 are public, so you can see my work in progress on any of my projects at

[Talk] - Prototypal Inheritance

Prototypal Inheritance, Quickly

A quick overview of prototypal inheritance, how to think about it, and how it affects JavaScript developers.

This'll be a 10-15 minute talk.
Rough slides are here:

Having recently moved to Seattle from Ottawa, Canada, Christian is spending his summer interning at Amazon.

[Talk] - Static Single Page Apps - the good, bad, and the ugly

Static Single Page Apps - the Good, Bad, and the Ugly

HTML5 single page apps present an opportunity to fundamentally improve the way developers approach building web experiences. Advances like eliminating full page refreshes, CSS3 transition animations, progress indicators, and asynchronous API calls all contribute to a more pleasant, native feeling user experience. Increasingly it's possible to build sophisticated web apps that are comprised entirely of static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS without the need to write and maintain any server code at all.

However this model of app delivery presents new challenges including SEO, authentication, and protection of API access keys. In this talk I'll walk through some of the challenges and techniques for addressing them. Additionally I'll demonstrate the developer experience on the Aerobatic platform which was specifically designed to optimize the delivery of HTML5 single page static apps.

Regular talk (~30 min)

David Von Lehman

I'm a personalization software architect at the Nordstrom Data Lab. My day job entails building recommender systems like this one. Outside of work, when not chasing my kids around, I'm working on a cloud platform for delivering modern HTML5 single page apps called Aerobatic.

Talk Proposal: Lightning Fast, Cross Platform, Development with MeteorJS

Lightning Fast, Cross Platform, Development with MeteorJS

MeteorJS is one of today's hottest JavaScript platforms and is proudly a top 10 GitHub project (in terms of stars). With Meteor, developers are able to write applications 3 – 10 times faster and with much less code. The platform allows for rapid prototyping and development, which is critical for any modern day application.

Unlike some other JavaScript frameworks (Angular/React/Node), MeteorJS is a full stack JavaScript platform including server and client components. Both server and client side code is written completely in JavaScript. This presentation will quickly compare the various platforms and frameworks and where Meteor fits best.

We'll review some stories from startups in the Seattle area that have changed to Meteor over the past year and see how it affected the pace of their development. For example, one local company had a current software solution with approximately one million lines of code; when they re-wrote the app in Meteor it resulted in only 100,000 lines of code. In another case, a startup spent three years developing a mobile application; late last year they switched over to Meteor and re-wrote the entire app in about 3 months. These are just a few examples of stories we will share of local Meteor success.

The final portion of the talk will be a live coding exercise to show how fast it is to get started with MeteorJS and create projects that run across web and mobile environments.


I am an JavaScript and .NET developer with more than 15 years experience. For more than a year I have been developing using MeteorJS and have helped various companies in the area get started on the platform. In addition to development, I also help support the Meteor Seattle community with various events in the area.

Meteor Website

Host Request: Q2 at Adobe

Company info

  • Name of company / Adobe
  • Address / 801 N 34th Street, Seattle WA 98103
  • Neighborhood / Fremont

A short explanation of why you'd like to host

We’d like to host for a variety of reasons. We are always hiring, and raising awareness of Adobe as a great place to work in Seattle is definitely one of our objectives. We would, of course, refrain from aggressively soliciting applicants during the event.

Culturally, Adobe has a long tradition of community involvement, including open source contributions, hosting meetups and user groups, and charitable work as well. Numerous Adobe employees are SeattleJS members, and it’s only fair that we do our part by taking care of the hosting on occasion. Ideally we’d do so regularly, perhaps once per quarter.

Contact Info

Aiko Llin
[email protected]


Talk proposal: OpenSeadragon, Zoomhub and

OpenSeadragon, Zoomhub and

These three projects are all about open-source, zoomable images, hosted in the cloud and viewable using JavaScript. I'll talk a little about their history (including the fact that my co-collaborators recently managed to get Microsoft to hand over instead of discontinuing it), how they work, and how they work together.

Melinda Minch has been in the software industry for nine years, having worked at companies like Microsoft, Getty Images, and Tableau Software. Currently she is taking a break to do open source and volunteer work, as well as a lot of gardening and homebrewing.

Talk proposal: Enhanced static site generation with react, react-router, and gulp plugins.

Enhanced static site generation with react, react-router, and gulp plugins.

Proposal for the February meetup

Piggybacking on the talk from last month around the benefits of static sites, I wanted to demonstrate an approach I've explored that feeds markdown files through a series of a combination of custom and publicly available gulp plugins leveraging ReactJS+react-router some front matter+markdown files to create "server rendered" ReactJS components/markup as static pages.

Client side JS containing the same React components will then sync with the static markup using a check-sum that won't force a re-render on initial load. Then, utilizing react-router, one can navigate through other blogs posts/pages fetching a remote static JSON file (also generated from a gulp plugin) to load subsequent pages faster than requesting a full page reload. If JS isn't enabled in the browser, the server side rendering (navigation included) will still work with no adjustment necessary.

I can provide access to a private repo upon request. Some of my public repos have gulp plugins that I've written as a part of my workflow.


I've been working for NBC News Digital for almost three years helping out with .NET, document databases, and JavaScript on both the server and client. Sites I've helped build include, (youtube video from EmberJS meetup), and using both EmberJS and/or Node. I have familiarity with the benefits and drawbacks with various rich client side library approaches.

Talk Proposal - Exponent and React Native

Exponent and React Native - How write native stuff for iPhone and Android using just JavaScript

The talk is about Exponent, which is something I'm working on that lets developers use just JavaScript to write feeling experiences on iOS and Android. You can go from zero to having your first Exponent project running on your phone in less than 5 minutes.

Exponent is 2 pieces of software -- some desktop software you run on your computer, and a client you run on your phone. When you're running the desktop software, you can edit JavaScript in your text editor, and our software will turn it into a bundle
that the Exponent client can interpret.

Exponent is built on top of React Native, an open source project from Facebook, which targets the popular React JS framework at native views on both iOS and Android. This means you can easily take anything you write in Exponent and package it into an app you submit to the Apple App Store and/or Google Play.

Here is an video of me giving a talk about an early version of this project at React Rally in Utah

Reverse chronological Bio

I'm working on a startup called Exponent which I hope to talk about. Before that, I cofounded Quora which is a question-and-answer service. Before that, I worked at Facebook as an engineer and manager and worked on a bunch of things including the Facebook Platform and Facebook Connect. Before that, I lived in Seattle and worked at as an SDE. I went to Harvard for college and grew up in Pittsburgh.

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.