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nv's Issues

Global application shortcut potentially interferes with CS4

Reported by Floris van Lint:
When using illustrator cs4 while also having notational velocity open, modifier keys such as shift, control and alt no longer work as expected in illustrator.
Quitting notational velocity restores expected functionality.

Bookmarks Window Behavior

To avoid catching Command - W and Command - ~, the Bookmarks window should be treated as a proper floating utility panel, not as a full-fledged NSWindow. Furthermore, the Bookmarks window shortcut should hide the window as well if it's currently visible.

Remove scrod.mode1v3 and scrod.pbxuser files from the repo

Those are per-user xcode settings files hence not useful for anyone other than user scrod.

Those files are often changed by xcode and generate huge diffs (unnecessary noise).

Also, if there ever was another person whose account was 'scrod', his changes done by xcode would conflict with those in the repo.

Also *.mode1v3 and *.pbxuser could be added to .gitignore so that git doesn't flag them as new files.

Rich Text (Styles, Color) Formatting?

While I love NV's minimalism, I could use one more feature--the ability to view text & background colors.

Full rich-text support would turn NV into a perfect alternative to TextEdit. I wonder if it's not available b/c a conscious decision, or b/c it's not possible with other features in place. I don't know anything about programming, but I'm willing to take a look!

"New Note in NV" Service

I find the "Paste as New Note" functionality great. What would be incredible would be to extend that to the Services menu, so I could highlight any text and create it as a new note in NV immediately.

Optional dock/menu icon


I would really like to be able to have NV appear as a small icon in my menu and have the ability to disable the dock icon. I think then it would be a great background app for keeping track of notes!


allow typing in super/subscript

I use this wonderful program to make scientific notes for myself -- I appreciate the fact that text substitutions work perfectly but it would be useful to be able to enter text as super/subscript.

Question: is a single encrypted database a good idea for very many notes?

I use NV to make all kinds of notes for myself, and keep the database (single encrypted file) synced/backed up using Dropbox. I was wondering how NV makes additions/alterations to this database -- does every change require Dropbox to sync the entire file (bandwidth intensive) or can it detect only the part that changed? If the former is the case, can NV have a storage option where every note is stored as a separate encrypted file? I don't care if theoretically a snooper can find out how many notes I have.

A wish... Linux port

The philosophy behind NV seems to be similar to many Linux users' reasons for using certain distros. Thus, as a Linux user, I hereby announce my wish that NV were ported and made available as Linux binaries.

option to dim note-titles pane

can an option be added to dim the contents of the note titles pane, until some text is entered into the search pane? this is useful because if another person is present when I want to bring up a note, that person finds it harder to see what my recent note titles are.

Creating new notes with auto-select option turned on

Not sure if this is a bug or a feature working as intended. When "auto-select notes by title when searching" is turned on, I cannot create new notes with titles that match the first few words of an existing note title.

To reproduce:

  • Create a note with the title Task, the first.
  • Type Task into the search/title area, followed by a backspace to remove the title auto-complete.
  • Hitting Return will select the existing note.

Having cleared the auto-complete, I was expecting to create a new note with a shorter title.

Feature Request: Add optional syntax-highlighting

I think it would be really awesome to have syntax highlighting in the text-box. It would make NV a good tool for collecting code-snippets.

It would also be an easement for those who use markdown or similar to format their notes.

Wishlist: Open Meta

Hi there. I use spotlight and tagging a lot. For example I tag all files related to some project and keep safedSearch for each active project. Would be nice if I could keep my notes there too.

Are there any plans to store open meta tags in the exported files?

Feature Request: Landscape Mode

Add an option to the preferences to toggle the display of note list and note contents from the default vertical arrangement to a horizontal setup with the note list on the left and the note contents on the right.

This would take better advantage of the landscape orientation of most PC monitors and correspond to Simplenote's Landscape Mode and a similar option in JustNotes.

Support colon characters in filename

Notational Velocity replaces / with : when storing notes in the filesystem. This matches Finder conventions, and the transformation is retained round-trip (i.e. if a new note is created externally by adding a file to the filesystem, any :s in its name are interpreted and displayed as /s within NV upon import). To support this, NV replaces : characters with -, but this is not preserved round-trip, because of the obvious ambiguity with literal - characters.

This is a particular problem in use cases where notes are frequently created outside of NV, e.g. when syncing with Simplenote.

Given the utility and frequency of : in naming for a search-based app (e.g. "Idea: my idea"), it would be very valuable if Notational Velocity supported some naming scheme which allowed safe round-trip support of : characters.

I propose that : characters be round-tripped to the filesystem as a much less common character. \ is a universally renderable and type-able character which is very rare in real-world usage. The other obvious alternative would be to use a more rare character in some reasonable unicode range, but this runs the risk of being more confusing, more challenging to type, less likely to render correctly in some situations (if the character is not supported by the display font in a given context), etc.

Feature Request: auto hard word wrap at specified column

Actually add a line break when typing. This is useful for line-by-line movements and using the text in other programs that don't expect long lines.

Related feature request would be to wrap the current paragraph/line with ^Q or some-such.

Feature Request: export into a single file

I have NV set up to save notes to individual files. When I export, I'd like the option of exporting to a single file. Some sort of note separator would need to be available too, so that they are not all squished together.


NV does not remember storage options

Each time I open NV, it changes the storage format back to a database, despite the fact that I had specified it as simple text files during the previous session. I exited NV normally, so it is not due to a crash on exit.

Feature Request: Edit "Date Added" and "Date Modified"

It would be nice to have a way to edit the "Date Added" field so that old notes imported from another source could be back-dated and thus sorted in the proper sort order. On import of plain text files, it might be sensible to set both the Date Added and Date Modified to the file system equivalents.

Select previous note when deleting note

If there are several notes in the list when deleting a note, the note before the deleted note should get focus. Compare with

This makes it more straightforward to prune your notes.

Add link to web site in application

Hi, there's no way to access the web site from the app. A bit of googling does the trick, but its nice to let people know where to go to find more info.

A link to the github would be good too.

Global application shortcut ignores alternative keyboard layouts

As reported by JC:

I've noticed something that may be considered a bug in Notational Velocity: When setting a shortcut key to activate NV, it ignores the fact that my keyboard has been set to a Dvorak layout, and instead reads the physical key: e.g. if I press what is to me Control-L when setting the key, NV will interpret that as Control-P, which is what the physical QWERTY key is.
This is using Version 2.0 β1 (3).

Option to print multiple notes as single document

Currently, when printing multiple selected notes, Notational Velocity places each one on a separate page. There should an application-specific checkbox in the print options dialog to use as few pages as possible when printing multiple notes.

file:/// URL archiving bug

When archived under 10.6, the use of certain classes of file:/// URLs in a note body can prevent the entry from being unarchived, ultimately preventing deserialization of the Notes & Settings file.

Temporary workaround: don't try to construct clever file:/// URLs.

Uh oh. All my notes disappeared

Sorry to gum up the bug database with support requests, but, whilst I wasn’t looking, Notational Velocity seems to have lost all my notes.

I upgraded to version 2, and that worked fine, but (possibly after a machine restart this morning), Notational Velocity is empty when I open it up.

~/Library/Application Support/Notational Data/ has three files in it:

  • Interim Note-Changes (0 KB)
  • Notes & Settings (4 KB)
  • Notes & Settings (old version from 2.0b) (45 KB)

I’m thinking that last one probably has my notes in it, but Notational Velocity can’t import it, and the content isn’t readable when opened in a text editor (I think I set my notes to be encrypted).

Any ideas how to get my notes back?

Keep Bulleting Indentation in .rtf Import

I used TextEdit to create lots of notes store in .rtf format which are bulleted and indented. NV will import these with their bullets but does not keep the indentation, which is inconvenient.

Make the search box rounded

It would be more pleasant to look at. I also heard once that rounded corners are easier on the brain.

Secondly, I know the emphasis is on keyboard interaction, but a (x) in the search box to clear the search and view all notes would be nice.

Syncing NV to Simplenote through a proxy

First, thanks for the great app.

Second: I'm trying to sync to simplenote via NV from behind a corporate proxy. In the preferences screen, I'm getting the "green dot" that says my credentials are OK ... but when I go back to the main window, gives the error message "Simplenote internet unavailable". When I put in incorrect login info, I do indeed get a bad credential message.

I suspect it's something to do with the proxy, but I can access then site directly via a browser without issue. Tried looking around for a log or something, but no luck. Not sure if this is user or app error, but would love some advice. Thanks.

Settings and notes location

Keep settings and other program related files in the app support folder, while I can choose to have my .txt note files in another folder.
My folder should have just the note files, and not the "Notes & Settings" and "Interim Note-Changes" and such.

Export date added as creation date when changing storage type

I immediately found Notational Velocity a good fit for my note taking and retrieval style. I quickly amassed a fair number of notes. I've now decided I want to import my previous collection of notes into Notational Velocity. I would also like to store and read the files as plain text so I can search them with Spotlight and other tools.

The problem is that when I switch the preferences for store and read notes on disk as: from Single Database to Plain Text FIles all the plain text files are exported with the creation and modification times set to the current time. It would be great if Notational Velocity would write the files using this information when exporting the database.

Actually, it would be ideal if Notational Velocity, would both import and export the creation and modification time. This way the filesystem metadata could remain useful for both imported and exported files.

Link to a note with a URL

I'm not sure how viable this is, but I'd love to be able to copy a URL that would open a specific note in notational velocity. I.e. nv://title

The way this has worked in other applications is, for example, highlight the note title, hit cmd-c to copy and paste it elsewhere. This would be useful, for example, in a task tracker application, when I have notes to add to a task, or when information related to the task is stored in NV.

The work around I'm using at the moment, since I'm using text files as my storage format, is to jump to the note in finder and link to it using a file:// URL. This works, but I end up having to view/edit the note in my text editor instead of Notational Velocity.

Accented characters in note body

I can not introduce accented characters (like á é í ó ú) in the note body but I can in the note title.

Four of the combining accents (á, à, â, ä) in my keyboard (Spanish) can not be typed, but the letter ñ (which is a key by its own in the spanish keyboard) works without problem. I can also use the combining accent ~ without problems: it shows ~ with the yellow background, and then I can type a vocal or the letter n (as expected). I can also type almost all of the extended character set of my keyboard (using Alt/Option or Shift+Alt/Option). I have no problem introducing the problematic characters using the character palette.

OS: 10.6.1
NV: 2.0 ß

Shift-tab key binding when tab key set to Indent lines

When the tab key is set to "Indent lines" in Preferences, shift-Tab behaviour should be to back-tab, rather than change fields back to the "search" field.

This would be more consistent with the traditional tab behaviour in other applications.

Per-file encryption

I think this should be a fairly straightforward request... let me selectively encrypt notes when using individual file modes. Why? Simple, I store my notes in a git repo (using markdown) so I can access them remotely here on GitHub... but there are a few specific notes I'd like to encrypt.

Un-highlight search text without having to edit the note

When you search for a term, the relevant notes are brought up in the list and when you select one, the search term is highlighted in the note. It would be nice to be able to clear the highlighting without having to start typing in the note.

Move Notes & Settings file

Would it be possible to move the settings file out of the database folder? I have been using a syncing service called simpletext (by Hog Bay software) which can sync all the text files in the NV folder; the only issue is it refuses to sync when non-text files are in the same folder. If I could simply put the settings file in a different folder, it would solve this problem.

Add left margin to note list

First of all, thanks for the best note app! And now for the complaint:

The note content area has a (small) left margin. The upper note list area doesn't (or it's very small). Both margins should be identical. (The same width as the gray area on the left side of the input box could be nice.)

Now it not only looks sloppy, but margins enhance readability. Personally I'd prefer a really large one, but matching the current bottom area would also be great :-)


send to text

A great feature would be to send a text of any given note to your mobile phone.

Create Note Groups

While I understand that NV is striving for simplicity, I feel that it would be much more useful if notes could be sorted into groups. As a student, I would like to take class notes with NV and be able to keep my notes for each class separate for organization purposes. Perhaps the user could define just a few groups to appear as tabs at the top of the application. These tabs would then filter the search to only search within their groups. Effectively, groups would work like having a few separate NV databases.

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