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ruby-bandwidth-iris's Introduction


Build Status

Ruby Client library for IRIS / BBS API

Release Notes

Release Version Notes
1.0.5 Fixed incorrect generation of XML for a Disconnect request
2.0.0 Added importTnOrders, removeImportedTnOrders, inserviceNumbers, and importTnChecker endpoints. This release also changed the response body of BandwidthIris::InServiceNumber.list(). Please make sure to update your code to include this change.
2.0.1 Updated gem dependencies to be less restrictive
2.1.0 Added csrs endpoints
2.2.0 Added loas endpoints to importTnOrders
2.2.0 Added loas endpoints to importTnOrders
2.3.0 Added get_tns_by_order_id to the Orders class
2.4.0.pre Added application management and sippeer products endpoints
2.5.0 Added get_order_response to pull full <OrderResponse> object from API, added id back to order object on get requests. Fixed TN Reservation and updated tests to match reality
2.6.0 Added Emergency Calling Notification, Emergeny Notification Group, Emergency Notification Endpoint, and Alternate End User Identity methods
2.7.0 Added TNOptions endpoints
3.0.0 Removed functionality that causes an error to be raised when some type of error field is returned in the XML body response. This change reduces the situations that cause an error to be thrown to simply be 4XX and 5XX http responses. This change was made to improve communication when an error is found. Please update your code to handle this change.
3.0.2 Fixed an incorrect retrieval of DLDA objects
4.0.0 Removed certify gem. Users will now need to set their own SSL settings
4.1.0 Added support for SIP credentials.

3.x.x release

failed_import_tn_order = "some_id"
    response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.get_import_tn_order(failed_import_tn_order)
    puts response[0]
rescue BandwidthIris::Errors::GenericError => e
    puts e

2.x.x result

Messaging route of External Third Party TNs is not configured.

3.x.x result

{:customer_order_id=>"custom_id", :order_create_date=>Mon, 02 Mar 2020 20:56:48 +0000, :account_id=>123, :created_by_user=>"user", :order_id=>"0f2", :last_modified_date=>Mon, 02 Mar 2020 20:56:48 +0000, :site_id=>123, :subscriber=>{:name=>"Company INC", :service_address=>{:house_number=>123, :street_name=>"Street", :city=>"City", :state_code=>"XY", :zip=>12345, :county=>"County", :country=>"Country", :address_type=>"Service"}}, :loa_authorizing_person=>"Person", :telephone_numbers=>{:telephone_number=>"5554443333"}, :processing_status=>"FAILED", :errors=>{:error=>{:code=>19005, :description=>"Messaging route of External Third Party TNs is not configured.", :telephone_numbers=>{:telephone_number=>"5554443333"}}}, :sip_peer_id=>123}



gem install ruby-bandwidth-iris

Run Tests


bundle install
rake spec

to run the tests


require 'ruby-bandwidth-iris'

# Using  directly
client ='accountId', 'userName', 'password')
sites = BandwidthIris::Site.list(client)

# Or you can use default client instance (do this only once)
BandwidthIris::Client.global_options = {
  :account_id => 'accountId',
  :username => 'userName',
  :password => 'password'

# Now you can call any functions without first arg 'client'

sites = BandwidthIris::Site.list()


There is an 'examples' folder in the source tree that shows how each of the API objects work with simple example code. To run the examples:

$ cd examples
$ cp config.yml.example config.yml

Edit the config.yml to match your IRIS credentials and run the examples individually. e.g.

ruby covered_rate_centers.rb

If the examples take command line parameters, you will get the usage by just executing the individual script.

API Objects

General principles

When fetching objects from the API, it will always return an object that has the client instantiated so that you can call dependent methods as well as update, delete.


site = BandwidthIris::Site.create({siteObject})

# or

site = BandwidthIris::Site.create(client, {siteObject})

Each entity has a get, list, create, update and delete method if appropriate.

All properties are underscored and low-cased for Ruby readability, and are converted on the fly to the proper case by the internals of the API when converted to XML.

Available Numbers

list = BandwidthIris::AvailableNumber.list(query)

Available NpaNxx

list = BandwidthIris::AvailableNpaNxx.list({:area_code => "818", :quantity =>5})


list = BandwidthIris::City.list({:available => true, :state =>"CA"})

Covered Rate Centers

BandwidthIris::CoveredRateCenter.list({:zip => "27601"})

Disconnected Numbers

Retrieves a list of disconnected numbers for an account

BandwidthIris::DiscNumber.list({:area_code => "919"})

Disconnect Numbers

The Disconnect object is used to disconnect numbers from an account. Creates a disconnect order that can be tracked

Create Disconnect

order = BandwidthIris::Disconnect.create("Disconnect Order Name", ["9195551212", "9195551213"])

Add Note to Disconnect

order.add_note({:user_id => "my id", :description => "Test"})

Get Notes for Disconnect



Create Ddla

dlda_data = {
  :customer_order_id => "Your Order Id",
  :dlda_tn_groups => [
    :dlda_tn_group => {
      :telephone_numbers => ["9195551212"],
      :subscriber_type => "RESIDENTIAL",
      :listing_type => "LISTED",
      :listing_name => {
        :first_name => "John",
        :last_name => "Smith"
      :list_address => true,
      :address => {
        :house_number => "123",
        :street_name => "Elm",
        :street_suffix => "Ave",
        :city => "Carpinteria",
        :state_code => "CA",
        :zip => "93013",
        :address_type => "DLDA"


Get Dlda

dlda = Bandwidth::Dlda.get("dlda_id")

Get Dlda History


List Dldas

BandwidthIris::Dlda.list({:telephone_number => "9195551212"})

Import To Account

This path is generally not available to Bandwidth accounts, and as such is not documented in this API

In Service Numbers

List InService Numbers

BandwidthIris::InServiceNumber.list({:area_code => "919"})

Get InService Number Detail




data = {
  :customer_order_id => "A test order",
  :lidb_tn_groups => {
    :lidb_tn_group => {
      :telephone_numbers => ["8048030097", "8045030098"],
      :subscriber_information => "Joes Grarage",
      :use_type => "RESIDENTIAL",
      :visibility => "PUBLIC"

Get Lidb


List Lidb

BandwidthIris::Lidb.list({:telephone_number => "9195551212"})

LNP Checker

Check LNP

numbers = ["9195551212", "9195551213"]
full_check = true
BandwidthIris::LnpChecker.check(numbers, full_check)

LSR Orders

Create LSR Order

data = {
  :pon => "Some Pon",
  :customer_order_id => "MyId5",
  'sPID' => "123C",
  :billing_telephone_number => "9192381468",
  :requested_foc_date => "2015-11-15",
  :authorizing_person => "Jim Hopkins",
  :subscriber => {
    :subscriber_type => "BUSINESS",
    :business_name => "BusinessName",
    :service_address => {
      :house_number => "11",
      :street_name => "Park",
      :street_suffix => "Ave",
      :city => "New York",
      :state_code => "NY",
      :zip => "90025"
    :account_number => "123463",
    :pin_number => "1231"
  :list_of_telephone_numbers => {
    :telephone_number => ["9192381848", "9192381467"]


Get LSR Order


List LSR Orders

BandwidthIris::LsrOrder.list({:pon =>"Some Pon"})

Update LSR Order

order.requestedFocDate = "2015-11-16"

Get LSR Order History


Get LSR Order Notes


Add LSR Order Note

note = {:user_id => "my id", :description => "Test"}


Create Order

order_data = {
  :name => "A Test Order",
  :site_id => 1111,
  :existing_telephone_number_order_type => {
    :telephone_number_list =>
        :telephone_number => ["9195551212"]



Get Order

order = BandwidthIris::Order.get("order_id")

Get Order Response

The order response object contains more details returned in the GET /orders/order-id API.

order = BandwidthIris::Order.get_order_response(client, "101")
completed_number = order.completed_numbers[:telephone_number][:full_number]

List Orders


Order Instance Methods

// get Area Codes

// add note to order
note = {:user_id => "my id", :description => "Test"}

//get Npa Nxxs

// get number totals

// get all Tns for an order
##Use the below method to grab TNs via an already existing Order ID##

// get order history

// get order notes

Port Ins

Create PortIn

data = {
  :site_id =>1234,
  :peer_id => 5678,
  :billing_telephone_number => "9195551212",
  :subscriber => {
    :subscriber_type => "BUSINESS",
    :business_name => "Company",
    :service_address => {
      :house_number => "123",
      :street_name => "EZ Street",
      :city => "Raleigh",
      :state_code => "NC",
      :county => "Wake"
  :loa_authorizing_person => "Joe Blow",
  :list_of_phone_numbers => {
    :phone_number => ["9195551212"]
  :billing_type => "PORTIN"

portin_response = BandwidthIris::PortIn.create(data)

Get PortIn

portIn = BandwidthIris::PortIn.get("portin_id", callback)

PortIn Instance methods


PortIn File Management

# Add File

# Update File

# Get File

# Get File Metadata

# Get Files

Port Out

List PortOuts

query = {:status => "complete"}
list = BandwidthIris::PortOut.list(query)

Get PortOut

portout = BandwidthIris::PortOut.get("portout_id")

Rate Centers

List Ratecenters

query = {:available => true, :state => "CA"}

SIP Peers

Create SIP Peer

A Sip Peer is what is called Location in the web UI.

data = {
  :peer_name => "A New SIP Peer",
  :is_default_peer => false,
  :short_messaging_protocol =>"SMPP",
  :site_id => selectedSite,
  :voice_hosts =>
      :host => [{
        :host_name => ""
  :sms_hosts =>
      :host => [{
        :host_name => ""
  :termination_hosts =>
        :termination_host =>[{
        :host_name => "",
        :port => 5060



Get SIP Peer

sipPeer = BandwidthIris::SipPeer.get("sippeer_id")

List SIP Peers


Delete SIP Peer


SipPeer TN Methods

# get TN for this peer

# get all TNs for this peer

# Update TNs for this peer
tns = {:full_number => "123456", :rewrite_user => "test"}
sipPeer.update_tns(number, tns)

#  Move Tns to new peer
numbers_to_move = ["9195551212", "9195551213"]


Create A Site

A site is what is called Sub-Account in the web UI.

site = {
  :name =>"A new site",
  :description =>"A new description",
  :address => {
    :house_number => "123",
    :street_name => "Anywhere St",
    :city => "Raleigh",
    :state_code =>"NC",
    :zip => "27609",
    :address_type => "Service"
site = BandwidthIris::Site.create(site)

Get A Site

site = BandwidthIris::Site.get("site_id")

Updating a Site

site.update({:name => "New name"})

Deleting a Site


Listing All Sites


Site SipPeer Methods

# get Sip Peers

# get Sip Peer

# create Sip Peer
sip_peer = {:name =>"SIP Peer"}


Create Subscription

subscription = {
  :order_type => "orders",
  :callback_subscription => {
    :URL => "",
    :user => "userid",
    :expiry => 12000

Get Subscription


List Subscriptions


Subscription Instance Methods

# update subscription
updatedData = {:order_type => "portins"}

# delete subscription


Get TN

tn = BandwidthIris::Tn.get("9195555555")

List TNs


TN Instance Methods

# Get TN Details
tn = tn.geti_tn_details()

# Get Sites

# Get Sip Peers

# Get Rate Center

TN Reservation

Create TN Reservation


Get TN Reservation

tn = BandwidthIris::TnReservation.get("tn_reservation_id")

Delete TN Reservation


Hosted Messaging

Create Import TN Order

import_tn_order = {
    :customer_order_id => "id",
    :site_id => "12345",
    :sip_peer_id => "23456",
    :subscriber => {
        :service_address => {
            :city => "city",
            :house_number => "1",
            :street_name => "Street",
            :state_code => "XY",
            :zip => "54345",
            :county => "County"
        :name => "Company INC"
    :loa_authorizing_person => "Test Person",
    :telephone_numbers => {
        :telephone_number => ["5554443333"]
response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.create_import_tn_order(import_tn_order)
puts response

Get Import TN Orders

response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.get_import_tn_orders({
    :createdDateFrom => "2013-10-22T00:00:00.000Z",
    :createdDateTo => "2013-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"}
puts response

Get Import TN Order By ID

response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.get_import_tn_order("id")
puts response

Get Import TN Order History

response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.get_import_tn_order_history("id")
puts response

Check TNs Portability

response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnChecker.check_tns_portability({
    :telephone_numbers => {
        :telephone_number => ["5554443333", "5553334444"]
puts response

List InService Numbers (2.0.0 release)

response = BandwidthIris::InServiceNumber.list()
puts response[0]
#{:total_count=>2, :links=>{:first=>"Link=<>;rel=\"first\";"}, :telephone_numbers=>{:count=>2, :telephone_number=>["5554443333", "5554442222"]}}

Get Remove Imported TN Orders

response = BandwidthIris::RemoveImportedTnOrders.get_remove_imported_tn_orders({
    :createdDateFrom => "2013-10-22T00:00:00.000Z",
    :createdDateTo => "2013-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"
puts response

Get Remove Imported TN Order

response = BandwidthIris::RemoveImportedTnOrders.get_remove_imported_tn_order("order_id")
puts response

Get Remove Imported TN Order History

response = BandwidthIris::RemoveImportedTnOrders.get_remove_imported_tn_order_history("order_id")
puts response

Create Remove Imported TN Order

remove_imported_tn_order = {
    :customer_order_id => "custom string",
    :telephone_numbers => {
        :telephone_number => ["5554443333", "5554442222"]

response = BandwidthIris::RemoveImportedTnOrders.create_remove_imported_tn_order(remove_imported_tn_order)
puts response

Get LOAs

response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.get_loa_files("order_id")
puts response[0][:result_message]
puts response[0][:file_names] #this can be a single string (if there's 1 file) or an array of strings (if there's multiple files)

Upload LOA

Valid mime_types can be found on the Dashboard API Reference under /accounts /{accountId} /importTnOrders /{orderid} /loas

Mime types are expected to be in the format x/y, such as application/pdf or text/plain

BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.upload_loa_file("order_id", "binary_file_contents", "mime_type")
f = open("loa.pdf", "rb")
file_content =

BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.upload_loa_file("order_id", file_content, "application/pdf")

Download LOA

Note: Make sure to grab the desired file ID from the response of BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.get_loa_files("order_id") in the field response[0][:file_names]

f = open("write.pdf", "wb")
response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.download_loa_file("order_id", "file_id")

Replace LOA

BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.replace_loa_file("order_id", "file_id", "binary_file_contents", "mime_type")

Delete LOA

BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.delete_loa_file("order_id", "file_id")

Get LOA Metadata

response = BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.get_loa_file_metadata("order_id", "file_id")
puts response[0][:document_name]
puts response[0][:file_name]

Update LOA Metadata

metadata = {
    :document_name => "file_name",
    :document_type => "LOA"
BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.update_loa_file_metadata("order_id", "file_id", metadata)

Delete LOA Metadata

BandwidthIris::ImportTnOrders.delete_loa_file_metadata("order_id", "file_id")


Create CSR Order

csr_data = {
    :customer_order_id => "order id",
    :working_or_billing_telephone_number => "5554443333"

response = BandwidthIris::Csr.create(csr_data)
puts response[0][:order_id]

Replace CSR Order

csr_data = {
    :customer_order_id => "order id",
    :working_or_billing_telephone_number => "5554443333"

response = BandwidthIris::Csr.replace("csr_id", csr_data)
puts response[0][:order_id]

Get CSR Order

response = BandwidthIris::Csr.get("csr_id")
puts response[0][:order_id]

Get CSR Order Notes

response = BandwidthIris::Csr.get_notes("csr_id")
puts response[0][:note][0][:id]

Add CSR Order Note

note_data = {
    :user_id => "id",
    :description => "description"

BandwidthIris::Csr.add_note("csr_id", note_data)

Update CSR Order Note

note_data = {
    :user_id => "id",
    :description => "description"

BandwidthIris::Csr.update_note("csr_id", "note_id", note_data)

Application Management

Create Application

data = {
  :service_type => "Messaging-V2",
  :app_name => "Name",
  :msg_callback_url => ""
application = BandwidthIris::Applications.create_application(data)
puts application

Get Applications

applications = BandwidthIris::Applications.get_applications()
puts applications[0]

Get An Application

application = BandwidthIris::Applications.get_application("id")
puts application

Partially Update An Application

data = {
  :app_name => "Name2"
application = BandwidthIris::Applications.partial_update_application("id", data)
puts application

Completely Update An Application

data = {
  :service_type => "Messaging-V2",
  :app_name => "Name2",
  :msg_callback_url => ""
application = BandwidthIris::Applications.complete_update_application("id", data)
puts application

Remove An Application


List Application Sippeers

sippeers = BandwidthIris::Applications.get_application_sippeers("id")
puts sippeers[0]

SipPeer Products

Get Origination Settings

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.get_origination_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Create Origination Settings

data = {
  :voice_protocol => "HTTP"
puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.create_origination_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Update Origination Settings

data = {
  :voice_protocol => "HTTP"
BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.update_origination_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Get Termination Settings

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.get_termination_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Create Termination Settings

data = {
  :voice_protocol => "HTTP"
puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.create_termination_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Update Termination Settings

data = {
  :voice_protocol => "HTTP"
BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.update_termination_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Get Sms Feature Settings

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.get_sms_feature_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Create Sms Feature Settings

data = {
  :sip_peer_sms_feature_settings => {
    :toll_free => true,
    :protocol => "HTTP",
    :zone_1 => true,
    :zone_2 => false,
    :zone_3 => false,
    :zone_4 => false,
    :zone_5 => false
  :http_settings => {}

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.create_sms_feature_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Update Sms Feature Settings

data = {
  :sip_peer_sms_feature_settings => {
    :toll_free => true,
    :protocol => "HTTP",
    :zone_1 => true,
    :zone_2 => false,
    :zone_3 => false,
    :zone_4 => false,
    :zone_5 => false
  :http_settings => {}

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.update_sms_feature_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Delete Sms Feature Settings

BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.delete_sms_feature_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Get Mms Feature Settings

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.get_mms_feature_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Create Mms Feature Settings

data = {
  :mms_settings => {
    :protocol => "HTTP"
  :protocols => {
    :HTTP => {
      :http_settings => {}

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.create_mms_feature_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Update Mms Feature Settings

data = {
  :mms_settings => {
    :protocol => "HTTP"
  :protocols => {
    :HTTP => {
      :http_settings => {}

BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.update_mms_feature_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Delete Mms Feature Settings

BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.delete_mms_feature_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Get Mms Feature Mms Settings

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.get_mms_feature_mms_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Get Messaging Application Settings

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.get_messaging_application_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Update Messaging Application Settings

data = {
  :http_messaging_v2_app_id => "4-d-4-8-5"

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.update_messaging_application_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Get Messaging Settings

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.get_messaging_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id")

Update Messaging Settings

data = {
  :break_out_countries => {
    :country => "CAN"

puts BandwidthIris::SipPeerProducts.update_messaging_settings("site_id", "sippeer_id", data)

Emergency Notification Recipients

Create Emergency Notification Recipient

data = {
  :description => "Email to Bldg. 3 Front Desk",
  :type => "EMAIL",
  :email_address => "[email protected]"

enr = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationRecipients.create_emergency_notification_recipient(data)
puts enr

Get Emergency Notification Recipients

enrs = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationRecipients.get_emergency_notification_recipients()
puts enrs

Get Emergency Notification Recipient

enr = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationRecipients.get_emergency_notification_recipient("id")
puts enr

Replace Emergency Notification Recipient

data = {
  :description => "Email to Bldg. 3 Front Desk",
  :type => "EMAIL",
  :email_address => "[email protected]"

enr = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationRecipients.replace_emergency_notification_recipient("id", data)
puts enr

Delete Emergency Notification Recipient


Emergeny Notification Group

Create Emergency Notification Group Order

data = {
  :customer_order_id => "value",
  :added_emergency_notification_group => {
    :description => "description",
    :added_emergency_notification_recipients => {
      :emergency_notification_recipient => [
          :identifier => "123"

order = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationGroups.create_emergency_notification_group_order(data)
puts order

Get Emergency Notification Group Orders

orders = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationGroups.get_emergency_notification_group_orders()
puts orders

Get Emergency Notification Group Order

order = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationGroups.get_emergency_notification_group_order("id")
puts order

Get Emergency Notification Groups

groups = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationGroups.get_emergency_notification_groups()
puts groups

Get Emergency Notification Group

group = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationGroups.get_emergency_notification_group("id")
puts group

Emergency Notification Endpoint

Create Emergency Notification Endpoint Order

data = {
  :customer_order_id => "123",
  :emergency_notification_endpoint_associations => {
    :emergency_notification_group => {
      :identifier => "456"

order = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationEndpoints.create_emergency_notification_endpoint_order(data)
puts order

Get Emergency Notification Endpoint Orders

orders = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationEndpoints.get_emergency_notification_endpoint_orders()
puts orders

Get Emergency Notification Endpoint Order

order = BandwidthIris::EmergencyNotificationEndpoints.get_emergency_notification_endpoint_order("id")
puts order

Alternate End User Identiy

Get Alternate End User Information

aeuis = BandwidthIris::AlternateEndUserIdentity.get_alternate_end_user_information()
puts aeuis

Get Alternate Caller Information

aeui = AlternateEndUserIdentity.get_alternate_caller_information("id")
puts aeui

TN Option Orders

Get TN Option Orders

orders = BandwidthIris::TnOptions.get_tn_option_orders()
puts orders

Get TN Option Order

order = BandwidthIris::TnOptions.get_tn_option_order("order_id")
puts order

Get TN Option Order (error)

  order = BandwidthIris::TnOptions.get_tn_option_order("error_id")
rescue BandwidthIris::Errors::GenericError => e
  puts e

Create PortOut Passcode

data = {
  :customer_order_id => "custom order",
  :tn_option_groups => {
    :tn_option_group => [
        :port_out_passcode => "12abd38",
        :telephone_numbers => {
          :telephone_number => ["2018551020"]

order = BandwidthIris::TnOptions.create_tn_option_order(data)
puts order

Create Call Forward Number

data = {
  :customer_order_id => "custom order",
  :tn_option_groups => {
    :tn_option_group => [
        :call_forward => "2018551022",
        :telephone_numbers => {
          :telephone_number => ["2018551020"]

order = BandwidthIris::TnOptions.create_tn_option_order(data)
puts order

Enable SMS

data = {
  :customer_order_id => "custom order",
  :tn_option_groups => {
    :tn_option_group => [
        :sms => "on",
        :telephone_numbers => {
          :telephone_number => ["2018551020"]

order = BandwidthIris::TnOptions.create_tn_option_order(data)
puts order

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