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age-system's Introduction

Unofficial AGE System for FVTT

Unofficial implementation of AGE System (Green Ronin) for Foundry VTT



Character sheet designed to serve most of AGE System versions. Not all AGE installments are fully implemented. New features are expected to be added over time.


You can now look at AGE System (unofficial) wiki to understand how to use the game system


  • Different color schemes
  • Checkboxes to identify primary and secondary abilities
  • Checkbox to select last ability leveled up
  • Option to use the Dragon AGE specific ability set
  • Support to Toughness, Impact/Ballistic Armor, and Stun/Wound damage
  • Support to Income, Resources, Currency and GP/SP/CP wealth systems
  • Possibility to use a few optional rules (Fatigue, Conviction, Complication/Churn, Serendipity)
  • Possibility to add Conditions on characters (effects must be set manually)
  • Support to track Serendipity (MAGE Companion), Complication (MAGE Companion)
  • Dice so Nice compatible
  • Shift, Alt, Ctrl keys support to change check and damage rolls
  • Drag and drop owned weapons and power to macro bar to create attack shortcuts
  • Add Stunt Die or Focus (or both) to damage roll when rolling damage from chat
  • Point mouse slightly above Tracker or Roller and a Drag Bar will appear. Click and drag to reposition. Right click Drag Bar to return to original position!
  • Supports Vehicles and Spaceships.
  • Active Effects enabled.

Spaceship and Vehicle Controls

You can drag and drop Characters to Veihcles and Spaceships, so these passengers will be able to be selected for roles inside the vehicle/spaceship.


  1. Shift + Click on Attack or Damage rolls trigger GM roll (only GM can see).
  2. CTRL + Click on Damage rolls adds +1D6 to the total.
  3. CTRL + ALT + Click on Damage rolls adds +2D6 to the total.
  4. ALT + Click on Attack, Focus, Ability or Damage rolls to add Roll Options.
  5. Right Click on Focus in the character sheet opens a context menu with options to roll it with another Ability, show on Chat, edit and delete.
  6. Drag and drop a owned Weapon or owned Power to macrobar to create a macro.


A few items have a "Modifiers" section. Modifiers will only apply when the item is equiped/activated (i.e., shield icon in character sheet without opacity). The checkbox must be checked to have the mod active in the item. Bonuses for maneuvers are on top of the normal bonuses granted by the maneuver. Here the description of each one of the Modifiers:

  1. This Item Damage: adds damage when using damage roll for tha particular item (useful only for Weapon and Power & Arcana).
  2. All Damage: adds the damage to all types of damage rolls.
  3. This Item Activation: add a bonus to all use rolls for that item (using the dice icon to roll).
  4. Defense: value added to owners' Defense stats.
  5. Impact Armor: adds to Impact Armor. When Ballistic armor is not used, Impact Armor is the mod to use to add into Armor.
  6. Ballistic Armor: mod ading to Ballistic armor.
  7. Toughness: value added to Toughness stats.
  8. Defend Maneuver: the value here adds to the bonus granted by the Defend maneuver.
  9. Guard Up Maneuver: this mod adds up to the Guard Up bonus.
  10. All-Out Attack: bonus to damage caused by All-Out Attack.
  11. Max Health: added to character's maximum Health.
  12. Max Conviction: added to character's maximum Conviction.
  13. Max PP: added to character's maximum Power Points.
  14. Power Force: added to item's Power Force. Only useful for Power & Arcana.
  15. Aim: extra bonus added to attack rolls when Aim maneuver is used, besides the standard value.
  16. Ability Names: these are play bonuses to the specific Ability.
  17. Speed: adds to Speed Mod field.
  18. Focus: adds bonus to Focus maching the name, as long as the character has the given Focus on its character sheet.
  19. Attack Bonus: adds to attack rolls.
  20. All Test: general bonus adding to all tests, except for attack/damage rolls.



Icons were used from These icons were published under CC BY 3.0 license. Here is a list of all icons used:

Token Stats Icons

Icons made by:


  • French: by Discord users Imposator#8090 & Abdanck#2003.
  • Brazilian Portuguese: by Discord user Leandro_Soares#9067 and me.
  • Spanish: by Discord user ForjaSalvaje#2419.

Change log

0.7.1 [2021-06-01]


  • Updated French localization.
  • Corrected a few typos on Brazilian Portuguese localiztion.
  • Addressed styling issue causing a text fileds to have the same color as background

0.7.0 [2021-05-30]


  • New fancy layout for Vehicle sheet.
  • Added notes visible only by GM on each actor sheet (Character, Vehicle, Spaceship).
  • New tabs for Character sheet: Main (game stats), Persona (character notes), Effects (effects applied to character).
  • Main Tab: the usual rollable game stats.
  • Persona Tab: Biography (AKA the old nameless field in the header), Distinctive Features, Languages, Goals and Player & GM Secret Notes (only GM and actor owner can see this field), GM Notes (notes visible only by GM).
  • Effects Tab: a hub for all Conditions, Active Effects and bonuses granted from Items. Conditions, Active Effects and Item Modifiers are managed here. There is a link to open the item sheet granting a particular modifier.
  • Vehicles: "Custom" is now an option for Velocity parameter, which will highlight the appropriate Damage table row.
  • When creating a new token, Bar1 will be set to Health/Fortune and Bar2 will be set as Power (Magic) Points (if using this rule is on) or it will be set to Conditions (if this option is in use). If none is used, Bar2 will not be filled.
  • When a token is created out of a Player Owned character/vehicle/spaceship, token's Disposition will be set to Friendly.
  • Player Owned actors tokens will always be created with the Link Actor Data option checked. It can be changed afterwards.
  • Conditions (The Expanse) are not optional anymore - they are always available.
  • Conditions tooltip now pops up close to mouse pointer.
  • Added new Item Modifiers: Focus, Attack Bonus, All Test. Look at AGE System (unofficial) wiki for more details.


  • Expanded "Range" field for weapons to accomodate bigger numbers.
  • Issue causing modified Ability value to be hidden even when a Modifier was applied to it.
  • Bug freezing Maximum Conviction to 3.
  • Code cleanup.

0.6.5 [2021-05-01]


  • Bug causing spaceship description to disappear when sending to compendium.

0.6.4 [2021-04-26]


  • Breaking bug on French localization.

0.6.3 [2021-04-25]


  • Brazilian Portuguese localization.

0.6.3 [2021-04-25]


  • Brazilian Portugues localization.

0.6.2 [2021-04-24]


  • Updated French localization


  • Tooltip fixed on "Test" button Power & Arcana sheet.
  • Styling on Modifiers and Description tabs on Item sheets.

0.6.1 [2021-04-22]


  • Tracker (Complication, Churn, Serendepity) and Roller can now be dragged, and new position will be memorized. Point mouse slightly above Tracker or Roller and a Drag Bar will appear. Click and drag to reposition. Right click Drag Bar to return to original position!


  • Serendipity tracker now set default value as Deactivated when new world is created.
  • Characters can now be draged to Spaceships.
  • Description field for spaceships now have correct line spaces between paragraphs.
  • Fixed issued preventing Speed to assume values other than 10.

0.6.0 [2021-04-19]


  • Serendipity tracker (Modern AGE Companion).
  • Complication tracker (Modern AGE Companion).
  • Churn tracker (The Expanse RPG).
  • Right Clicking the Age Roller icon will roll 1d6 (use Left Click + Alt to modify the standard 3d6 roll).
  • Added new color sets for character sheet.
  • Added Spaceship as Actor.
  • Added Spaceship Features item, to add Qualities, Flaws and Weapons to spaceships.
  • Hindered/Exausted and Helpless/Restrained conditions now affect Speed parameter accordingly. Contributor: Discord user schlosrat (he/him) #1091.


  • Fixed bug preventing MCE editor to enter editing mode in some Item sheets.

0.5.1 [2021-03-25]


  • Fixed a bug causing Spanish localization to display French text.

0.5.0 [2021-03-25]


  • Added an Age Roller close to hotbar. Click to roll 3d6 and check stunts. Right click to be prompet to add modifier and TN.
  • Added to vehicle sheets: Armor Rating, Cover, Total Passengers Capacity and Custom Damage for Collision/Sideswipe.
  • On vehicles damage table, line representing vehicle's Velocity Class will have bold characters.
  • On Configure Settings it is now possible to configure the flavor text as Health and Fortune.
  • Dice so Nice users can now can select their Stunt Die colorset option on System Settings.


  • Migration issue could cause Conditions not to be created properly on migrated Actors.
  • Bug preventing rolling a Focus using a different Ability (or none).
  • When an Actor is deleted from game/directory, it will also be removed from vehicles' passenger list the next time the sheet is updated.
  • Fixed a bug causing the text field on character sheet header to be innacessible in some browsers.
  • Application will not reload after changing colorsets on "Configure Settings".
  • Color Scheme won't reset when Player changes browser or delete browser historic.
  • "Use Power Points" and "Focus Compendium" settings are now accessible only for GMs.
  • Empty fields in the constant part of damage builder will no longer return "null" on damage formula.

0.4.1 [2021-02-22]


  • Vehicles as Actors - GM and trusted players may drag and drop Actors from directory to add as passengers. All players with Owner privilege of a Vehicle will be able to roll for Maneuvers and Damage.

0.4.0 [2021-02-05]


  • Options to Add Focus to damage and an arbitraty number for Stunt Die now shows up When ALT + Click to roll damage.
  • Powers now have option to roll as Damage or Healing.
  • Added option to indicate a Power as resistable, and add which Ability (Focus) is used to resist.
  • Damage/Healing Powers have a "Resisted Effect" to indicate the damage/healing roll when target resists.
  • Added buttons on chat message to roll "resisted damage/healing" from applicable Powers.
  • Ronin Green color scheme included.
  • Player can select which Ability will be used to check Power's Fatigue - previously all Fatigue checks were based on Willpower.
  • Fatigue chat message now will not show Damage/Fatigue buttons.


  • Bug causing chat message causing damage/fatigue rolls from unliked tokens to roll from Actor.
  • Bug preventing Talent degree to display on character sheet.
  • Restyled chat message buttons.

v0.3.1 [2021-01-26]


  • Incorrect link on system.json preventing system to update automatically using FoundryVTT software.

v0.3.0 [2021-01-25]


  • Press Alt key when rolling a roll check to bring menu with options to set TN, add modifier and Attack to Damage trade off (this one only when rolling weapon attacks).
  • When targeting a token and rolling an weapon attack, roll will be check versus target's Defense (attack selecting multiple tokens warns user to select only one token to attack).
  • When attacking a token or when rolling versus a TN, chat card will show "Success" or "Miss" - if the check is a "Miss", stunt points will not be generated.
  • Default macro (when dragging Power or Weapon to macro bar) behaviour is rolling the Item without prompting for a dialog box. Setting second argument to "true" after in the macro script it will prompt user for roll options (i.e., it will simulate the Click + Alt on character sheet roll).
  • When rolling damage, use Alt + Click to open menu to input extra damage options (extra dice and flat bonus/penality).
  • Added 4 and 12 hours option for casting time.


  • Rolling Focus with another Ability from Focus' context menu now functional.
  • Fixed labeling on Cost field of equipment should "Purchase TN" instead of "Cost".
  • Styling on Power sheet causing PP cost field to disapear.
  • Data migration issues when preventing Speed mod to be include to some items.

v0.2.4 [2021-01-21]


  • French localization by Discord user Imposator#8090.


  • Version issue on 0.2.3 causing it to behave as 0.2.2.

v0.2.3 [2021-01-20]


  • When selecting a input field, the text will be focused for quick edit.


  • Issue causing worlds created on versions 0.2.1 and earlier not compatible to version 0.2.2.

v0.2.2 [2021-01-17]


  • Added Speed Modificator.
  • Added Settings option to include Conditions (actual rolls and characteristics modificators not included).
  • When rolling damage from chat, added options to add Focus, Stunt Die or both to damage.


  • Arcana/Power Fatigue rolls were previously based on Power's key Ability, no reverted to Willpower.
  • Fixed "yards" abbreviation to "yd" on grid map.

v0.2.1 [2021-01-10]


  • Focus context menu (to edit, remove, show and roll with another Ability) is working again.

v0.2.0 [2021-01-09]


  • Header from chat cards when rolling items shows different text.
  • Option to use GP / SP / CP as a wealth type.
  • Support to drag Weapons and Powers to marcobar.
  • Cost and Minimum STR fields now accepts text input.
  • Extra field on weapon chards to input max/long range.


  • Removed unnecessary arguments from ageRollCheck.
  • When equip/activate icon is clicked on character sheet, only this element is updated on Item object and not the whole entity.

v0.1.1 [2021-01-05]


  • Minimum and compatible versions updated on system.json.



  • Checkbox to indicate primary Abilities.
  • Option to hide primary Abilities checkbox if not used.
  • Option to use Impact and Ballistic armor or generic Armor.
  • Added field in character sheet to track Threshold during Advanced Tests.
  • Shield icon working to equip/activate items. Unequiped/unactive items do not add bonuses to character.
  • Added custom icons for each item type and character, and users are allowed to change them as they please.


  • Fixed an error causing Currency input to be disabled.
  • Added missing Membership sheet template.
  • Fixed styling issue causing all item name container to be slightly shorter than other sheet rows.


  • Included Ancestry/Race/Origin field with selection on Settings
  • Added option to change label between Profession/Class
  • Damage formula for items know support no Ability selected
  • Added a horizontal line to


  • Added functional color schemes for Modern AGE, Fantasy AGE, Threefold and Dragon AGE books.
  • Fixed bug causing Talent item to be reset when dragging it to character sheet.
  • Fixed bug causing Ability values disappearing from character sheet.


  • Added damage type (stun, wound, impact, ballistic, penetrating) on damage roll char card.


  • Added Settings menu to swap setting specific data (Fatigue, Power Points, Fatigue, Conviction, Currency, Income, Resources, Toughness).
  • Dragon AGE and Core AGE abilities are now supported, only select the desired at Settings.
  • Added settings to change game mode (Gritty, Pulp, Cinematic), but no practical changes on the system.
  • Added setrings to change color schemes, but not functional (current system scheme is the "Modern Blue").

Features to be implemented

  • Create stat block view for characters (based on NPC stats on AGE books).
  • Add Dynamic Effects support to Actors.
  • Add support to Organizations (as Actors).

Known bugs

  • When adding <button></button> on Chat Message, clicking it causes Foundry client to refresh (currently, buttons a made out of div/span).
  • When selecting and Focus on the list instead of typing, 2 error messages appear on console - it seems FoundryVTT expects <input type="text"/> to be filled in by typing only. No code breaking outcomes, tho.
  • Shift + Click on Focus context menu to roll with another Ability won't trigger GM roll.

age-system's People


vkdolea avatar schlosrat avatar lipefl avatar

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