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2rd avatar haonra ye avatar Zhuang Li avatar  avatar  avatar Shi Yanjiang avatar Xiaosen Zheng avatar  avatar Qian Yunchong avatar QinLuo avatar Zheng Chu avatar Gurumurthi V Ramanan avatar  avatar  avatar Jianbiao Mei avatar Christian avatar  avatar  avatar Motoki Wu avatar  avatar skykiseki avatar Bo Pan avatar Zirui Song avatar  avatar  avatar andy avatar  avatar rainSpring avatar 小赵要努力 avatar Zean Ma avatar Jeff Carpenter avatar KarriLett avatar Harryis Wang avatar seven_seven avatar Yunshui Li avatar  avatar Xiangming (Brian) Gu avatar yutianchen avatar Qingyun avatar  avatar Yifeng Ding avatar  avatar Qian avatar jdi146 avatar brick-pid avatar Bing avatar ShelterW avatar Zhou Tuo avatar Daxiong avatar  avatar hoshi-hiyouga avatar waby avatar Zhaorui Yang avatar FengHZ avatar  avatar Evan avatar Tianyu Pang avatar  avatar


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sdft's Issues

question about training paradigm

Hi, this is a very interesting work! One thing I don't understand is whether the self-distillation is rewriting using Llama2-chat and further fine-tuning Llama2-chat as well, or is it just fine-tuning Llama2?

Issue Replicating Paper Results with scripts/gsm8k/


I've been attempting to replicate the results presented in your paper by using the provided script located at scripts/gsm8k/ Despite following all the instructions and ensuring that my setup matches the recommended configuration, I'm unable to achieve the results as reported in the paper.

Fine-tuning using sdft

Evaluation on gsm8k:
Accuracy for math: 387 / 1319 = 29.34%

Evaluation on multiarith:
Accuracy for math: 146 / 180 = 81.11%

Evaluation on OpenFunctions:
Accuracy for openfunction: 25 / 112 = 22.32%

Could you please provide any insights or suggestions that might help in correctly replicating the results? Am I missing an update or a crucial step in the process?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards





Evaluation on gsm8k:
Accuracy for math: 26 / 1319 = 1.97%

Evaluation on multiarith:
Accuracy for math: 4 / 180 = 2.22%


Evaluation on gsm8k:
Accuracy for math: 18 / 1319 = 1.36%

Evaluation on multiarith:
Accuracy for math: 3 / 180 = 1.67%

Evaluation on OpenFunctions:
Accuracy for openfunction: 8 / 112 = 7.14%


Package Version Editable project location

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Hello, I followed the instructions to download the LLamA-Factory and bigcode into a directory, and then run the file under the alpha directory, but an error occurred. Could you please tell me what the problem is and how to solve it?
屏幕截图 2024-03-19 090858

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