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ansible-nginx's Introduction


This role sets up nginx as a web server. PHP support can be enabled using PHP-FPM.

Deploying web content is outside the scope of this role.


If TLS encryption (i.e. HTTPS) is desired, the target system needs to have a suitable X.509 certificate. This roles does not handle deploying certificates.

Role Variables

  • nginx_extra_groups
    A list of groups that the web server system user is added to. This allows granting access to additional resources, such as the private key file. All groups need to exist on the target system; this role does not create them. Empty by default.
  • nginx_extra_packages
    A list of packages that should be installed in addition to those deemed necessary by this role. This can be used, for example, to ensure that certain PHP extensions are present. Empty by default.
  • nginx_extra_use_flags
    A dictionary with additional use flags. The following keys are valid:
    • nginx
    • php
      Each key holds a list of USE flags to enable or disable for the respective software in addition to those deemed necessary by this role. This can be used, for example, to ensure that certain PHP extensions are present. Empty by default. Only used on Gentoo.
  • nginx_php_version
    The PHP version slot to use, i.e. the major and minor version only. If not set, the latest version in portage that is not masked (by keyword, package mask, ...) is used. Only used on Gentoo.
  • nginx_writable_paths
    If the target system uses systemd, the file system is mostly read-only to nginx (and PHP). A list of paths that should be writable can be given in nginx_writable_paths. This typically includes upload paths. Directories containing log files (defined by the appropriate variables) are automatically made writable. By default, no paths are writable.
  • nginx_inaccessible_paths
    If the target system uses systemd, this option takes a list of paths, that should not be accessible at all for nginx (and PHP). Regardless of this option, home directories are made inaccessible and the directories holding TLS private keys are made inaccessible for PHP. Optional.
  • nginx_config_template
    An alternative jinja2 template to generate nginx.conf. The template may extend the default nginx.conf.j2, overriding only certain blocks. Optional.
  • nginx_worker_processes
    The number of worker processes nginx uses to serve requests. Defaults to the number virtual CPUs detected by Ansible.
  • nginx_tls13_only
    If set to true, nginx is configured to support only TLSv1.3. The target system needs to have OpenSSL 1.1 or newer for this to work. If set to false (the default) TLSv1.2 is supported in addition to TLSv1.3.
  • nginx_ciphers
    A string describing the enabled cipher suites as understood by OpenSSL. The default contains only strong AEAD ciphers with PFS.
  • nginx_max_body_size
    Maximum allowable body size in MB. In particular, this limits the maximum size of file uploads. Default is 1, which is usually more than enough for sites that do not accept file uploads.
  • nginx_keepalive_timeout
    The timeout (in seconds) for HTTP keep-alive connections. Defaults to 65 seconds.
  • nginx_gzip_static
    Enable support for pre-compressed static responses. This setting does not globally enable gzip_static in nginx, but does it in a location for certain compressible file types. A script to generate or update the statically compressed files in all defined web roots is installed as /usr/local/sbin/ The handler nginx_update_gzip_static may be notified to run this script. gzip_static can be enabled for custom locations as well, if this is desired. Defaults to true.
  • nginx_gzip_dynamic
    Enable dynamic response compression. Only responses with certain content types and a minimal length are compresses in order to avoid a negative impact on performance. Defaults to true.
  • nginx_access_log
    The global access log file. This can be overwritten per vhost. Defaults to false, which disables logging on the global level.
  • nginx_access_log_options
    Options to the access_log directive, such as buffer (cf. the nginx documentation). Optional.
  • nginx_log_format
    A custom access log format specification. Refer to the nginx documentation on log_format for information on what to put here. Optional.
  • nginx_error_log
    The global log file for errors. This can be overwritten per vhost. If not set, logs go to the systemd journal or syslog, as appropriate.
  • nginx_ocsp_stapling
    Enable or disable OCSP Stapling for all TLS-enabled vhosts. Defaults to true.
  • nginx_security_headers
    This role sets up a number of security relevant HTTP headers. nginx_security_headers is a dictionary that allows tuning their values from the defaults or adding new headers. Keys are header names and values are header values. Optional.
  • nginx_caching_policy
    A dictionary describing the caching policy for each content type. The keys are content types, such as text/html. Regular expressions are also allowed when prefixed with ~ (case-sensitive matching) or ~* (case-insensitive matching). The special value default is for all responses that are not matched by any other key. Values are caching times as accepted by the expires directive (cf. the nginx documentation).
  • nginx_extra_options
    A dictionary with additional options. The following keys are valid:
    • nginx (for the main part in nginx.conf)
    • nginx_http (for the http block in nginx.conf)
      Each key in turn holds a list of options for the respective configuration file or file section.
  • nginx_vhosts
    A list of dictionaries describing vhost configurations. Each vhost is written to a separate configuration file on the target system. For each list entry, the following keys are valid:
    • filename
      The name of the file to hold the vhost configuration. Mandatory.
    • template
      Path to the jinja2 template file for this vhost. See nginx_config_template. Optional.
    • server_name
      A list of host names for this vhost. The first vhost for a ip and port combination is the default one and accepts all names not set on any other vhosts. Optional.
    • ip
      The IP address this vhost listens to. This can be used to make nginx reachable on a specific network interface only. Defaults to *, i.e. all interfaces.
    • port
      The TCP port on which this vhost is reachable. Defaults to 443 when use_tls is set and 80 otherwise.
    • unencrypted_port
      When use_tls is set, this port is configured to accept unencrypted HTTP connection. All connections are redirected to HTTPS. Optional.
    • use_tls
      Whether to enable TLS (i.e. HTTPS) for this vhost. Defaults to false.
    • tls_cert
      Path to a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate for this vhost. The file needs to exist and be readable by the nginx user. Mandatory if use_tls is set, ignored otherwise.
    • tls_cert_key
      Path to the PEM-encoded private key file for the certificate. The file needs to exist and be readable by the nginx user. Mandatory if use_tls is set, ignored otherwise.
    • use_php
      Whether to enable PHP for this vhost. Defaults to false.
    • root
      Path to the web root directory for this vhost. Mandatory, except in some special configurations.
    • index
      Index file names, separated by spaces. Defaults to index.php index.html index.htm (where index.php is omitted if use_php is not set).
    • security_headers
      A dictionary containing vhost-specific overrides of nginx_security_headers. Optional.
    • disabled_security_headers
      A list of header names that should not be set for this vhost. Optional.
    • error_page
      A list of error pages for specific status codes. Refer to error_page in the nginx documentation for information on the format. Optional.
    • access_log
      Sets the access log for this vhost. This can be overwritten in locations. If not set, the global access log file (cf. nginx_access_log) is used.
    • error_log
      Sets the error log for this vhost. If not set, the global error log file (cf. nginx_error_log) is used.
    • static_assets
      A regular expression that matches all URLs of static assets. The default value should match most common file types.
    • log_static_assets
      If set to false, access to static assets (cf. static_assets) is not logged. Defaults to true.
    • static_extra_options
      A list of additional configuration options for the location block that handles static assets (cf. static_assets). Optional.
    • extra_options
      A list of additional configuration options for this vhost. Optional.
    • php_extra_options
      A list of additional configuration options for the location block that handles PHP URLs. Only used when use_php is true. Optional.
    • blocked_locations
      A list of paths relative to the web root directory that should not be served via HTTP (a 404 is returned). The web server still has access to these files and may include them server-side. This is useful, for instance, for configuration files and packaging artifacts. The paths are interpreted as prefixes, i.e. all files and directories with these prefixes match. Locations beginning with = override this and can make blocked path available.
    • locations
      A dictionary of location configurations. Keys are location matching patterns as understood by nginx (cf. the location directive in the nginx documentation). In short, they are matched against the URL relative to the web root directory and may be a prefix string (possibly prefixed with = or ^~) or a regular expression (prefixed with ~ or ~*). Each location key in turn holds a dictionary containing the configuration for this location. The following keys are valid for locations:
      • return
        This can be used to always return a specific status code. See return in the nginx documentation for further information.
      • gzip_dynamic
        Specifically enable or disable dynamic response compression for this location. Boolean. See also: nginx_gzip_dynamic.
      • gzip_static
        Specifically enable or disable support for pre-compressed responses. Boolean. See also: nginx_gzip_static.
      • access_log
        Sets the access log for this location. If not set, the vhost's access log file is used.
      • extra_options
        A list of additional configuration optional options for this location.

The following options are specific to PHP and are only used if at least one vhost has use_php set.

  • nginx_php_process_manager
    What process manager to use for PHP's resource pool. One of static, dynamic or ondemand. The default is dynamic.
  • nginx_php_max_children
    The maximum number of PHP processes to run simultaneously. This is the limit for the number of requests that can be served simultaneously by PHP. The default is 5, but should usually be changed.
  • nginx_php_min_spare_children, nginx_php_max_spare_children
    If nginx_php_process_manager is dynamic, PHP keeps a number of spare processes to quickly handle new connections. These two settings put a limit on the number of spare processes. When using a different process manager, these settings have no effect. The defaults are 1 and 3, respectively, but should usually be changed.
  • nginx_php_process_idle_timeout
    If nginx_php_process_manager is ondemand, keeps idle processes alive to serve further requests. This sets the time (in seconds) after which idle processes are killed to free up resources. This setting is ignored when using a different process manager. The default is 10 seconds.
  • nginx_php_user
    The name of the system user account to run PHP as. Defaults to the same account as nginx.
  • nginx_php_group
    The name of the system group to run PHP as. Defaults to the same group as nginx.
  • nginx_php_max_requests
    Respawn PHP processes after handling this number of requests. The default value 0 disables this.
  • nginx_php_timeout
    The maximum time (in seconds) for PHP requests to be processed. Defaults to 30 seconds.
  • nginx_php_status_path
    URL-path to the PHP status page, which displays information about the FPM pool. The status page will be made available on every vhost that uses PHP and does not define a location with the same path. By default, this is not set, i.e. there is no status page.
  • nginx_php_ping_path
    URL-path to the PHP ping page. This page returns status code 200 and the body pong if PHP-FPM is working. The ping page will be made available on every vhost that uses PHP and does not define a location with the same path. By default, this is not set, i.e. there is no ping page.
  • nginx_php_monitor_ips
    A list of IP addresses that can access the ping and status pages. If this is not set, access is not restricted.
  • nginx_php_timezone
    The system's time zone. Can also be set using the variable timezone.
  • nginx_php_error_log
    The log file for PHP errors. Defaults to syslog.
  • nginx_php_enabled_functions
    This role disables a number of functions in PHP that are a common source of security issues or allow system access. To prevent breaking applications, nginx_php_enabled_functions can hold a list of functions that should explicitly not be disabled. Empty by default.
  • nginx_php_extensions
    A list of PHP extensions to load, such as curl or gd. Extensions that are not part of the PHP distribution are automatically installed using the target system's package management. This may not work in all cases. Empty by default.
  • nginx_php_zend_extensions
    A list of PHP Zend extensions to load, such as opcache. Extensions that are not part of the PHP distribution are automatically installed using the target system's package management. This may not work in all cases. Empty by default.
  • nginx_php_extra_options
    Additional configuration options for PHP. This variable is a dictionary with the following keys:
    • php-fpm (for the global section of php-fpm.conf)
    • php-fpm_pool (for the pool section of php-fpm.conf)
    • any other key is added to php.ini as a section named like the key
      The values are in turn dictionaries where keys are PHP configuration options for the appropriate section and values are the corresponding configuration values.


This role does not set up TLS certificates and therefore depends on a role that generates and deploys them, if HTTPS support is desired.

Example Configuration

The following is a short example for some of the configuration options this role provides:

  - '/var/www/example/uploads'
  - '/mnt/backups'
nginx_max_body_size: 16
  Content-Security-Policy: "default-src 'none'"
  X-Frame-Options: 'DENY'
  default: off
  text/css: 7d
  ~image/: 1h
  - filename: example.conf
    use_tls: true
    unencrypted_port: 80
    tls_cert: "/etc/ssl/private/{{ inventory_hostname }}.pem"
    tls_cert_key: "/etc/ssl/private/{{ inventory_hostname }}.key"
    use_php: true
    root: '/var/www/example/'
    access_log: '/var/log/nginx/example/access.log'
      - 'rewrite ^(/download/.*)/media/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.mp3 last'
      - '/config'
      - '/backups'
      - '\.zip$'
        access_log: false
        gzip_static: true
          - 'index index.html'
        return: 403
  - 'phpinfo'
  - 'curl'
  - 'gd'
    emergency_restart_threshold: 3
    request_terminate_timeout: 10
    precision: 16
    variables_order: 'GPCS'
    allow_url_include: true
    bcmath.scale: 16
  Session: 'SessionID'



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