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rustpython's Issues

Create a webassembly demo

Somehow it should be easy to port rustpython to the web using the wasm backend of rust. We require a sort of manual / script on how to do this and a nice website which is automatically updated with the latest version of rustpython.

Comparison operations aren't considered valid in function arguments

As evidenced by:

$ python -c 'print((1,2) == (1,2))'
$ cargo run -- -c 'print((1,2) == (1,2))'
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
     Running `/home/daniel/personal_dev/RustPython/target/debug/rustpython -c 'print((1,2) == (1,2))'`
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "UnrecognizedToken { token: Some((15, EqEqual, 16)), expected: [\"\\\")\\\"\", \"\\\",\\\"\", \"\\\"in\\\"\", \"\\\"|\\\"\"] }"', libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

Imports are searched for relative to cwd, not relative to the importing file

To reproduce:

mkdir reproducer
echo "import spam" > reproducer/
python reproducer/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "reproducer/", line 1, in <module>
    import spam
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'spam'
cargo run reproducer/

We, incorrectly, don't error in this situation.

Panic when running on files that don't end with a newline


$ echo 'print(4)' >
$ cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.09s
     Running `target/debug/rustpython`
$ echo -n 'print(4)' >
$ cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
     Running `target/debug/rustpython`
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "UnrecognizedToken { token: None, expected: [\"\\\"!=\\\"\", \"\\\"%\\\"\", \"\\\"%=\\\"\", \"\\\"&\\\"\", \"\\\"&=\\\"\", \"\\\"(\\\"\", \"\\\")\\\"\", \"\\\"*\\\"\", \"\\\"**\\\"\", \"\\\"**=\\\"\", \"\\\"*=\\\"\", \"\\\"+\\\"\", \"\\\"+=\\\"\", \"\\\",\\\"\", \"\\\"-\\\"\", \"\\\"-=\\\"\", \"\\\".\\\"\", \"\\\"/\\\"\", \"\\\"//\\\"\", \"\\\"//=\\\"\", \"\\\"/=\\\"\", \"\\\":\\\"\", \"\\\"<\\\"\", \"\\\"<<=\\\"\", \"\\\"<=\\\"\", \"\\\"=\\\"\", \"\\\"==\\\"\", \"\\\">\\\"\", \"\\\">=\\\"\", \"\\\">>=\\\"\", \"\\\"@\\\"\", \"\\\"@=\\\"\", \"\\\"[\\\"\", \"\\\"\\\\\\\\n\\\"\", \"\\\"]\\\"\", \"\\\"^\\\"\", \"\\\"^=\\\"\", \"\\\"and\\\"\", \"\\\"as\\\"\", \"\\\"in\\\"\", \"\\\"is\\\"\", \"\\\"not\\\"\", \"\\\"or\\\"\", \"\\\"|\\\"\", \"\\\"|=\\\"\"] }"', libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

Implement the builtin 'ord' function.

This is a good instant reward issue ๐Ÿ‘

Go to the file vm/src/ and implement the builtin_ord function.

See the documentation for its description:


Sub-classes of `str` appear to just operate as aliases of `str`

>>>>> class String(str):
.....     def foo(self):
.....         return "foo"
>>>>> String()
>>>>> String().foo()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File <unknown>, line 0, in <module>
AttributeError: RefCell { value: [PyObj class "str"] } object has no attribute foo
>>>>> type(String())
<class 'str'> 

Lazily load rust stdlib modules

Currently we will initialise all Rust stdlib modules on start-up; it would be preferable to only load modules once they are actually imported, to reduce the amount of work we do at startup (and memory usage throughout the process).

Implicit string concatenation is not supported

$ python -c 'print("foo" "bar")'

$ cargo run -- -c 'print("foo" "bar")'                                                                                                                  STASH master  [ 20:08:55 ]
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
     Running `/home/daniel/personal_dev/RustPython/target/debug/rustpython -c 'print("foo" "bar")'`
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "UnrecognizedToken { token: Some((14, String { value: \"bar\" }, 18)), expected: [\"\\\"!=\\\"\", \"\\\"%\\\"\", \"\\\"%=\\\"\", \"\\\"&\\\"\", \"\\\"&=\\\"\", \"\\\"(\\\"\", \"\\\")\\\"\", \"\\\"*\\\"\", \"\\\"**\\\"\", \"\\\"**=\\\"\", \"\\\"*=\\\"\", \"\\\"+\\\"\", \"\\\"+=\\\"\", \"\\\",\\\"\", \"\\\"-\\\"\", \"\\\"-=\\\"\", \"\\\".\\\"\", \"\\\"/\\\"\", \"\\\"//\\\"\", \"\\\"//=\\\"\", \"\\\"/=\\\"\", \"\\\":\\\"\", \"\\\";\\\"\", \"\\\"<\\\"\", \"\\\"<<=\\\"\", \"\\\"<=\\\"\", \"\\\"=\\\"\", \"\\\"==\\\"\", \"\\\">\\\"\", \"\\\">=\\\"\", \"\\\">>=\\\"\", \"\\\"@\\\"\", \"\\\"@=\\\"\", \"\\\"[\\\"\", \"\\\"\\\\\\\\n\\\"\", \"\\\"]\\\"\", \"\\\"^\\\"\", \"\\\"^=\\\"\", \"\\\"and\\\"\", \"\\\"as\\\"\", \"\\\"in\\\"\", \"\\\"is\\\"\", \"\\\"not\\\"\", \"\\\"or\\\"\", \"\\\"|\\\"\", \"\\\"|=\\\"\"] }"', libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

REPL crashes on Windows newlines

When I execute cargo run and type 1<ENTER> on the REPL, the parser crashes:

Welcome to the magnificent Rust Python 0.0.1 interpreter
>>>>> 1
thread 'main' panicked at 'Not impl Some('\r')', parser\src\

This is somehow related to Windows newlines (\r\n), so I'll try to come up with a PR which fixes this issue on Windows.

Implement Locals Builtin

Running the locals builtin function causes a type exception

>>>>> locals()
thread 'main' panicked at 'Object doesn't have a type!', vm/src/

Should bytecode contain PyObjectRef references to constants?

It could be argued that bytecode objects may refer to python objects which are immutable, such as tuples, None and integers.

This would mean that the bytecode::Constant enum would disappear:

This would also mean that the bytecode class becomes depending upon the vm. This might be a downside, so we cannot separate the bytecode package into a seperate package, but on the other hand, I like the idea of referring to PyObjectRef objects straight from bytecode.

This is a voting issue, what do you think?

__name__ is not recognized

If I want to write:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Hello, world!")

I can run this with Python3 but not with RustPython. It fails with this error:

emacs-mbp% cargo run --release
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.11s
     Running `target/release/rustpython`
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 1, in <module>
NameError: Has not attribute '__name__'
thread 'main' panicked at 'Exception: RefCell { value: [PyObj instance] }', src/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

Create converters from cpython bytecode

We need converters from cpython's bytecode into rustpython bytecode. The sourcefile can be found in py_code_object/src/ The idea is to take cpython bytecode (which differs per cpython version) and convert it into rustpython bytecode.

Cargo run failure

cargo run is failing on my windows 7 machine.
I am using rust 1.26. I am getting this error

error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'iterator_step_by': unstable replacement of Range::step_by (see issue #27741)
  --> vm\src\obj\
56 |         self[start..stop].iter().step_by(step).cloned().collect()
   |                                  ^^^^^^^

error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'iterator_step_by': unstable replacement of Range::step_by (see issue #27741)
   --> vm\src\obj\
220 |         self[start..stop].chars().step_by(step).collect()
    |                                   ^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors. 

The active toolchain is stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (default).

How to document this project?

This is gonna be some sort of a poll. So the question is, how to write proper documentation for this project. Both rust and python have documentation options. For rust, there appears to be some rust format tool, which is the default. For python there is readthedocs and sphinx.

I now see the following options:

  • Document the project in readthedocs with sphinx
  • Document the project in rust
  • Do both options and mix

Proposals are welcome, we can vote them with the like options!

Triple-quoted strings are not supported

$ cargo run -- -c 'print("""foo""")'
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
     Running `/home/daniel/personal_dev/RustPython/target/debug/rustpython -c 'print("""foo""")'`
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "UnrecognizedToken { token: Some((10, String { value: \"foo\" }, 14)), expected: [\"\\\"!=\\\"\", \"\\\"%\\\"\", \"\\\"%=\\\"\", \"\\\"&\\\"\", \"\\\"&=\\\"\", \"\\\"(\\\"\", \"\\\")\\\"\", \"\\\"*\\\"\", \"\\\"**\\\"\", \"\\\"**=\\\"\", \"\\\"*=\\\"\", \"\\\"+\\\"\", \"\\\"+=\\\"\", \"\\\",\\\"\", \"\\\"-\\\"\", \"\\\"-=\\\"\", \"\\\".\\\"\", \"\\\"/\\\"\", \"\\\"//\\\"\", \"\\\"//=\\\"\", \"\\\"/=\\\"\", \"\\\":\\\"\", \"\\\";\\\"\", \"\\\"<\\\"\", \"\\\"<<=\\\"\", \"\\\"<=\\\"\", \"\\\"=\\\"\", \"\\\"==\\\"\", \"\\\">\\\"\", \"\\\">=\\\"\", \"\\\">>=\\\"\", \"\\\"@\\\"\", \"\\\"@=\\\"\", \"\\\"[\\\"\", \"\\\"\\\\\\\\n\\\"\", \"\\\"]\\\"\", \"\\\"^\\\"\", \"\\\"^=\\\"\", \"\\\"and\\\"\", \"\\\"as\\\"\", \"\\\"in\\\"\", \"\\\"is\\\"\", \"\\\"not\\\"\", \"\\\"or\\\"\", \"\\\"|\\\"\", \"\\\"|=\\\"\"] }"', libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

Note that the unrecognized token is "foo", so the first "" of the opening quotes have been parsed as the empty string (which shouldn't be immediately followed by another string, hence the error).

Implement the builtin `format` function.

This is a large task. Head over to vm/src/ and implement the builtin_format function. Try to start with a simple example and extend from there.

Also add a snippet in the tests/snippets directory to test your implementation.

Enable `is` comparisons for True and False


>>> True is True
>>> False is False
>>> t = not False
>>> t is True
>>> t is False


>>>>> True is True
>>>>> False is False
>>>>> t = not False
>>>>> t is True
>>>>> t is False

Constructed ints/floats can't access their values

Both of these statements cause panics:


when they should be supported. The panics look like this:

thread 'main' panicked at 'Inner error getting int', vm/src/

(This also stops int/float subclasses from being usable; there's no way to instantiate them.)

Expand the standard library

The standard library is now located in the Lib folder. Many modules are still missing (if not all).

If you would like to contribute, this is an easy start. Have a look at the cpython or pypy standard library. Take care about eventual copy rights.

Support relative imports

#54 implements most (perhaps all?) of the import syntax, but it doesn't include support for relative imports (e.g. from .foo import bar, from ..spam import eggs).

Can't call __new__ directly to create instances.

This should work, but doesn't:

int.__new__(int, 5)

I think type.__new__ gets called instead of int.__new__, given this:

>>>>> object.__new__(object) 
<class 'type'>

I was pretty sure there was a problem with getattribute, but I've been waiting for a good example to fix.

Implement the top level binary

The top level project should be able to just cargo run

We need to:

  1. Make the parser and VM crates
  2. Make parser emits VM-compatiable bytecode
  3. Connect them in the top level project src

Tuple comparison not supported

$ python -c 'if (1,2) == (1,2): print("matching")'
$ cargo run -- -c 'if (1,2) == (1,2): print("matching")'
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
     Running `/home/daniel/personal_dev/RustPython/target/debug/rustpython -c 'if (1,2) == (1,2): print("matching")'`
thread 'main' panicked at 'TypeError in COMPARE_OP: can't compare [PyObj tuple] with [PyObj tuple]', vm/src/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

Arithmetic operations lose type data

This code:

x = 1

produces this output:

<class 'int'> 
<class 'type'>

This is caused by VirtualMachine._sub (and its compatriots) using self.get_type() as the type of the new object, rather than using the type information from the arguments.

Explicitly mention Version of CPython Syntax supported

Right now, while it is implicitly understood we are targeting Python-3, it's a good idea to be explicit about it. At-least should be updated to mention this.

This should also help us target compliance, Python's Test suits etc.

Single element tuples not supported

$ python -c 'print((1,))'
$ cargo run -- -c 'print((1,))'
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
     Running `/home/daniel/personal_dev/RustPython/target/debug/rustpython -c 'print((1,))'`
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "UnrecognizedToken { token: Some((0, Rpar, 0)), expected: [\"\\\"(\\\"\", \"\\\"+\\\"\", \"\\\"-\\\"\", \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"\\\"None\\\"\", \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"\\\"[\\\"\", \"\\\"lambda\\\"\", \"name\", \"number\", \"string\"] }"', libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

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