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nom's Introduction

nom, eating data byte by byte

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nom is a parser combinators library written in Rust. Its goal is to provide tools to build safe parsers without compromising the speed or memory consumption. To that end, it uses extensively Rust's strong typing and memory safety to produce fast and correct parsers, and provides functions, macros and traits to abstract most of the error prone plumbing.

nom logo in CC0 license, by Ange Albertini

nom will happily take a byte out of your files :)


Hexadecimal color parser:

use nom::{
  bytes::complete::{tag, take_while_m_n},

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Color {
  pub red: u8,
  pub green: u8,
  pub blue: u8,

fn from_hex(input: &str) -> Result<u8, std::num::ParseIntError> {
  u8::from_str_radix(input, 16)

fn is_hex_digit(c: char) -> bool {

fn hex_primary(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, u8> {
    take_while_m_n(2, 2, is_hex_digit),

fn hex_color(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Color> {
  let (input, _) = tag("#")(input)?;
  let (input, (red, green, blue)) = (hex_primary, hex_primary, hex_primary).parse(input)?;
  Ok((input, Color { red, green, blue }))

fn main() {
  println!("{:?}", hex_color("#2F14DF"))

fn parse_color() {
      Color {
        red: 47,
        green: 20,
        blue: 223,


If you need any help developing your parsers, please ping geal on IRC (Libera, Geeknode, OFTC), go to #nom-parsers on Libera IRC, or on the Gitter chat room.

Why use nom

If you want to write:

Binary format parsers

nom was designed to properly parse binary formats from the beginning. Compared to the usual handwritten C parsers, nom parsers are just as fast, free from buffer overflow vulnerabilities, and handle common patterns for you:

  • TLV
  • Bit level parsing
  • Hexadecimal viewer in the debugging macros for easy data analysis
  • Streaming parsers for network formats and huge files

Example projects:

Text format parsers

While nom was made for binary format at first, it soon grew to work just as well with text formats. From line based formats like CSV, to more complex, nested formats such as JSON, nom can manage it, and provides you with useful tools:

  • Fast case insensitive comparison
  • Recognizers for escaped strings
  • Regular expressions can be embedded in nom parsers to represent complex character patterns succinctly
  • Special care has been given to managing non ASCII characters properly

Example projects:

Programming language parsers

While programming language parsers are usually written manually for more flexibility and performance, nom can be (and has been successfully) used as a prototyping parser for a language.

nom will get you started quickly with powerful custom error types, that you can leverage with nom_locate to pinpoint the exact line and column of the error. No need for separate tokenizing, lexing and parsing phases: nom can automatically handle whitespace parsing, and construct an AST in place.

Example projects:

Streaming formats

While a lot of formats (and the code handling them) assume that they can fit the complete data in memory, there are formats for which we only get a part of the data at once, like network formats, or huge files. nom has been designed for a correct behaviour with partial data: If there is not enough data to decide, nom will tell you it needs more instead of silently returning a wrong result. Whether your data comes entirely or in chunks, the result should be the same.

It allows you to build powerful, deterministic state machines for your protocols.

Example projects:

Parser combinators

Parser combinators are an approach to parsers that is very different from software like lex and yacc. Instead of writing the grammar in a separate file and generating the corresponding code, you use very small functions with very specific purpose, like "take 5 bytes", or "recognize the word 'HTTP'", and assemble them in meaningful patterns like "recognize 'HTTP', then a space, then a version". The resulting code is small, and looks like the grammar you would have written with other parser approaches.

This has a few advantages:

  • The parsers are small and easy to write
  • The parsers components are easy to reuse (if they're general enough, please add them to nom!)
  • The parsers components are easy to test separately (unit tests and property-based tests)
  • The parser combination code looks close to the grammar you would have written
  • You can build partial parsers, specific to the data you need at the moment, and ignore the rest

Technical features

nom parsers are for:

  • byte-oriented: The basic type is &[u8] and parsers will work as much as possible on byte array slices (but are not limited to them)
  • bit-oriented: nom can address a byte slice as a bit stream
  • string-oriented: The same kind of combinators can apply on UTF-8 strings as well
  • zero-copy: If a parser returns a subset of its input data, it will return a slice of that input, without copying
  • streaming: nom can work on partial data and detect when it needs more data to produce a correct result
  • descriptive errors: The parsers can aggregate a list of error codes with pointers to the incriminated input slice. Those error lists can be pattern matched to provide useful messages.
  • custom error types: You can provide a specific type to improve errors returned by parsers
  • safe parsing: nom leverages Rust's safe memory handling and powerful types, and parsers are routinely fuzzed and tested with real world data. So far, the only flaws found by fuzzing were in code written outside of nom
  • speed: Benchmarks have shown that nom parsers often outperform many parser combinators library like Parsec and attoparsec, some regular expression engines and even handwritten C parsers

Some benchmarks are available on GitHub.

Rust version requirements (MSRV)

The 7.0 series of nom supports Rustc version 1.56 or greater.

The current policy is that this will only be updated in the next major nom release.


nom is available on and can be included in your Cargo enabled project like this:

nom = "7"

There are a few compilation features:

  • alloc: (activated by default) if disabled, nom can work in no_std builds without memory allocators. If enabled, combinators that allocate (like many0) will be available
  • std: (activated by default, activates alloc too) if disabled, nom can work in no_std builds

You can configure those features like this:

version = "7"
default-features = false
features = ["alloc"]

Related projects

Parsers written with nom

Here is a (non exhaustive) list of known projects using nom:

Want to create a new parser using nom? A list of not yet implemented formats is available here.

Want to add your parser here? Create a pull request for it!


nom is the fruit of the work of many contributors over the years, many thanks for your help!

nom's People


ayrat555 avatar badboy avatar cad97 avatar calebsander avatar chifflier avatar daboross avatar derekdreery avatar geal avatar guillaumegomez avatar hadronized avatar homersimpsons avatar hywan avatar jansegre avatar joelself avatar juchiast avatar kamarkiewicz avatar kamilaborowska avatar keruspe avatar kpp avatar lu-zero avatar lucretiel avatar meh avatar namsoocho avatar nickelc avatar sourrust avatar tstorch avatar vickenty avatar waelwindows avatar willmurphyscode avatar xiretza avatar


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nom's Issues

tag! and byte arrays

What is the correct way to use tag! with a fixed byte array? tag!([42u8, 42u8]) fails, as AsBytes is not implemented for [u8; 2].

Why uses `IResult` instead `std::result::Result<Status<I, O>, Error>`?

Why uses:

pub enum IResult<I,O> {

why not (for example):

pub enum Status<I, O> {
    Done(I, O),

type Result<I, O> = std::result::Result<Status<I, O>, Error>

because of this there is no possibility to use map_err or try!...
What causes?

Network producer

nom should be able to get data from the network and parse it as soon as it is available

error: macro undefined: 'delimited1!'

Then uses delimited! macro it throw next error:

<nom macros>:8:32: 8:42 error: macro undefined: 'delimited1!'
<nom macros>:8 IResult:: Done ( i1 , _ ) => { delimited1 ! ( i1 , $ ( $ rest ) * ) } } } ) ;

delimited1! and delimited2! macros haven't #[macro_export] attributes

Bit level parsing

Since nom is mostly generic, it should be possible to apply parsers on bit slices. The naive way is to do it like this:

let bv = BitVec::from_bytes(&data[..]);
let bits: Vec<bool> = bits.iter().collect();

This is not very efficient, and a lot of bit level manipulations are calculations, so working with booleans is not the right way. panics when consume() requests more data than available

The run() method currently doesn't check correctly whether the producer has given it enough data to meet what the consume() method requested. You'll drop out of the data collection loop because you are at eof (same thing could happen because of a ProducerError as well), with needed > acc.len(), and then try to get a slice that extends beyond the end of the buffer.

This test case demonstrates the problem:

   struct TestConsumer {
       done : bool

   impl Consumer for TestConsumer {
       fn end(&mut self) {

  fn consume(&mut self, input: &[u8]) -> ConsumerState {
    if self.done {
    }  else if input.len() < 2 {
    } else {
        self.done = true;

   fn failed(&mut self, error_code: u32) {
        println!("failed with error code: {}", error_code);

  fn overrun() {
      let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"a"[..], 1);
      let mut c = TestConsumer{ done: false }; p);
      assert_eq!(c.done, false);

The right thing would probably be to call failed(), but that usually takes error codes produced by the consumer as an argument, so I'm not sure what to do here.

Missing Readme file.

Steps to reproduce: try reading the Readme file.

Expected result: the readme file explains what this is about.
Actual result: there is no readme file.

Public named functions/parsers

I guess re-exporting would be an alternative to adding a public export option to named parsers. What do you think of adding something like named!(pub foo<&u8>, ...)?

The consumed field in Await is confusing

Right now, the consume() method has to calculate every time how much data has been consumed. This complicates the code and makes it error prone.

One solution could be returning the remaining input, and let the run() method calculate how much data has been consumed.

Provide some way to access nom::Needed values

I know the documentation says (for now the value is ignored, but it should indicate how much is needed), but it seems like most built-in parsers return reasonable values for this, and it would be super nice to be able to use when returning a ConsumerState::Await value from a consumer.

I would think this would be as simple as:

nom::IResult::Incomplete(x) => {
    let x = match x {
        nom::internal::Needed::Size(x) => x,
        nom::internal::Needed::Unknown => 1,
    ConsumerState::Await(0, x)

But alas, this does not work, due to Needed::Size and Needed::Unknown both being private variants. (error: variantSizeis private)

It would be nice to make at least Needed::Size public, or to add a possible_size(&self) method which would return Option<usize>.

Bit sized parsers

Most of the parsers work on byte arrays, but IResult is completely generic, so accepting BitVecas input should be possible.

Difference with Parsec nomenclature

Some of Parsec's functions are available in nom, but not all of them, and not always with the same name:

Junk in the cargo package source

nom 0.3.10 has lots of large files in the cargo package source -- a 5 MB mp4 and more files olddoc, oldsrc (see at the end for file listing). (removed)

This is a reminder that cargo includes all non-ignored files in your working directory when you publish โ€” look at git status before you publish.

(I downloaded all crates and I started to grep for junk)

Producers produce fixed size chunks

There are cases where we do not know how much data we need at first, but after getting a header, we know what chunk size would be optimal.
Making the producers able to produce arbitrarily sized chunks could be useful

Consumer::run doesn't stop after ConsumerState::ConsumerError is returned

If you return ConsumerError from Consumer::consume, Consumer::run will essentially run in an infinite loop. I think this is due to the empty match branch in

Consumer::run() should ideally stop execution (at least stop calling Consumer::consume with invalid data) when this happens. With the current behavior, it's impossible to recover from parsing invalid data using a Consumer.

alt!() is not commutative

I came across something interesting when writing a parser to match a string literal with escape sequences.

Consider this code:

// ~~~ String literal parser and auxiliary parsers ~~~
named!(not_escaped_seq<&[u8], &[u8]>, take_until_either!(&b"\\\""[..]));
named!(escaped_seq, alt!(tag!("\\r") | tag!("\\n") | tag!("\\t") | tag!("\\\"") | tag!("\\\\")));
named!(string_literal<&[u8], String>,
           tag!("\"") ~
           s: many0!(map_res!(alt!(escaped_seq | not_escaped_seq), from_utf8)) ~
           || {
                                                          |mut accum, slice| {

It matches string literals that can contain any of the escaped sequences listed in escaped_seq. This parser works as expected, however, switching the order of the options in alt!(escaped_seq | not_escaped_seq) makes the parser unable to recognize any string literal that contains at least an escape sequence.

That is, replacing this line:

           s: many0!(map_res!(alt!(escaped_seq | not_escaped_seq), from_utf8)) ~


           s: many0!(map_res!(alt!(not_escaped_seq | escaped_seq), from_utf8)) ~

Breaks the parser. Here are 2 test cases:

    fn single_str_scalar_value() {
        let input = &b"\"a string literal\""[..];
        let res = str_scalar_value(input);
        assert_eq!(res, Done(&b""[..], "a string literal".to_string()));        

    fn single_str_scalar_value2() {
        let input = &b"\"A backslash in quotes: \\\"\\\\\\\"\""[..];
        let res = str_scalar_value(input);
        assert_eq!(res, Done(&b""[..], "A backslash in quotes: \"\\\"".to_string()));       

The former passes with both versions; the latter fails with the 2nd version of the parser (the parser returns an Error). In general, any string with an escaped sequence is not recognized by the 2nd version of the parser.

Shouldn't alt be commutative?

The data in Incomplete is not used right now

Most of the Incomplete(usize) instances return 0 right now. Here are the possible fixes:

  • remove the field entirely, and let the calling code manage data aggregation automatically. This is easy (and corresponds to how the current code works).
  • return a sum type, something like Unknown|Size(usize). This adds more code in pattern matches, but it handles the case where we do not know how much data should be returned, and the case where we know, and the calling parser can augment it

There is still the problem that parsers are just functions, and do not have a value attached for the minimal data size they could need.

Still, returning a needed size is useful in cases where you need to seek, or load a large part of a file in memory, instead of chunking.

Is it possible to use namespaced functions in chain!()?

When using chain!(), using space works, but not nom::space: error: no rules expected the token::``.

Would it be possible to support this, or is this impossible/too complicated with the current macro system and the way chain!() is built? It would be nice to not have to use all functions to use in chain.

This is mostly a question of whether this is currently possible, it isn't really needed if it isn't possible.

Document ConsumerState variant values

Although there are comments describing the variants of ConsumerState::Await and ConsumerState::Seek in, there are no documentation comments on these variants, and thus no indication at all as to what these variants do in the documentation.

Fixing this would be as simple as adding /// (amount_consumed, buffer_needed) before Await and /// (consumed, new_position, buffer_needed) before Seek. That wouldn't be very much documentation, but it would be hugely useful for those trying to figure out ConsumerState from just looking at documentation.

Make a size_buffer combinator

Currently, we have length_value taking the first byte as length then absorbing a buffer of that size, and length_value! taking the result of the first parser as count, then applying the second parser that many time.

There should be a combinator whose argument is a parser returning a number, then returning a buffer of that size (to be able to use be_u16, be_u32 and others as size parser).

How get values from pusher! macro?

I used pusher!() macro with FileProducer. But generated code doesn't return parser results.
For example, I have

pub struct Test {...}
named!(parse_test<&[u8],Test>, ...)

I want get [Test] or iterable object of Test sequence.
Does nom have appropriate macro or example?

Channel producer

It should be possible to build a producer from an incoming channel, to parse data sent from another thread

Separate naming of rules from definition of rules

Simple enough; it'd really just be the following + the closure-based stuff:

macro_rules! named (
    ($name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty>, $rule:tt) => (
        fn<$i,$o>( i: $i ) -> IResult<$i,$o> {
            ($rule)( i )
    ($name:ident, $rule:tt) => (
        named!( $name<&[u8], &[u8]>, $rule )

If you wanted to be really fancy, you could abstract the _parser! stuff like so:

macro_rules! parser (
    (alt, $i:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => ( alt_parser!( $i | $rest ) );

and then replace $rule:tt and ($rule)( i ) with $rule:ident, $($rest:tt)* and parser!( $rule, i, $rest ) in named.

Then you'd be able to say named!( foo, take, 3 ) and it wouldn't even have any closure overhead ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

take_until_either! returns error when bytes aren't found

named!(xxx, take_until_either!("!."));

fn test_take_until_either() {
//thread 'test_take_until_either' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)` (left: `Error(Position(14, [49, 50, 51]))`, right: `Incomplete(Unknown)`)'

I'd expect the result of the above to be Incomplete(Unknown) because it's unknown how much more must be read until any of the bytes are found. Is the error result correct?

Also compare this to take_until...

named!(xxx2, take_until!("end"));

fn test_take_until() {
//thread 'test_take_until' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)` (left: `Incomplete(Size(4))`, right: `Incomplete(Unknown)`)'

Many macros could declare closures rather than just functions

As a quick example, a rewritten alt!()

macro_rules! alt (
    ($name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty>, $($rest:tt)*) => (
        fn $name(i:$i) -> IResult<$i,$o>{
            alt_parser!(i | $($rest)*)
    ($($rest:tt)*) => ( | i | { alt_parser!(i | $($rest)*) } );

Just one additional line, and now omitting the name allows it to be used in value position.

Error(u32) is not used currently

An error code might not be the best way to represent that something went wrong. Returning an accumulation of sub parser errors could indicate what parsing path failed, instead of a global parsing error.

`alt!` + `map!` + `call!` strange behavior

alt! + map! + call! have strange behavior.

This code work. See to closure in map!:

named!(range<&[u8], Range>,
            start: take_char ~
            tag!("-") ~
            end: take_char,
            || {
                debug!("range: (start, end): ({:?}, {:?})", start, end);
                Range {
                    start: start,
                    end: end,
        ) |
            |c| {
                debug!("range: c: {:?}", c);
                Range {
                    start: c,
                    end: c,

If we try to wrap closure in map! by call!, it will not work:

            call!(|c| {
                debug!("range: c: {:?}", c);
                Range {
                    start: c,
                    end: c,


src/ 212:14 error: unexpected end of macro invocation
src/             })

But if we use map! without alt! it have different behavior. Next code work:

named!(literal<&[u8], Expr>,
        call!(|cs| {
            debug!("literal: cs: {:?}", cs);
            Expr::Literal {
                chars: cs,

Without call! it not work:

named!(literal<&[u8], Expr>,
        |cs| {
            debug!("literal: cs: {:?}", cs);
            Expr::Literal {
                chars: cs,


src/ 220:10 error: expected ident, found |
src/         |cs| {

Take remaining bytes.

Right now I'm doing this:

named!(verbatim(&'a [u8]) -> &'a str, map_res!(
    alt!(take_until_either!("|^*$#") | rest),

fn rest(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
    IResult::Done(&i[i.len()..], i)

I need to take until one of those characters happens, or read up to the end and finish parsing. Is there a better way to do it currently?

Bit field parsers

As mentioned by @rrichardson in UpstandingHackers/hammer#64 (comment), parsers that transform from bit positions to a tuple of fields would be useful:

pub fn be_bits_1<'a, A>(i: &[u8], u8) -> IResult<'a,&[u8], (A)>
pub fn be_bits_2<'a, A, B>(i: &[u8], u8, u8) -> IResult<'a,&[u8],( A, B )>
pub fn be_bits_2<'a, A, B>(i: &[u8], u8, u8, u8) -> IResult<'a,&[u8],( A, B, C )>.
//.. up to 8 or so and also for le

// + a small bit of  macro magic to streamline the chaining 

// So to parse something like a TCP header, one would do something like: 
    src_prt::  be_u16 ~ 
    dst_prt :  be_u16 ~ 
    seq_num: be_u32 ~
    ack_num: be_u32 ~
    (offs, _, flags) : be_bits_3( 4, 3, 9 ) ~ 
    blah: blah ~

nom consuming 100% cpu

I am exploring the possibility of switching to nom in a project I am working on. I am not fully familiar with nom yet, so please bear with me.

For starters, I was trying to come up with a parser that matches strings of the form [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*. I wrote this:

extern crate nom;

use std::str::from_utf8;

use nom::{alpha, alphanumeric};
use nom::{IResult, Needed};
use nom::IResult::*;

named!(identifier<&[u8], String>,
           h: map_res!(alpha, from_utf8) ~
           t: many0!(alt!(alphanumeric | tag!("-") | tag!("_"))),
           || {
               let  s = h.to_string();
               t.into_iter().fold(s, |mut accum, slice| {
                   accum.push_str(from_utf8(slice).unwrap()); accum })}));

And I tested it with:

    fn id_name() {
        let a_setting = &b"miles"[..];
        let res = setting_name(a_setting);
        assert_eq!(res, Done(&b""[..], "miles".to_string()));

When I run cargo test my PC completely hangs. With top I can see that it starts consuming more and more CPU and memory until the entire system is completely unusable and I have to hard reset.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this the best way to make a parser to match this type of strings?

Example parsers

We currently have a few example parsers. In order to test the project and make it useful, other formats can be implemented. Here is a list, if anyone wants to try it:

count_fixed! macro doesn't seem to expand properly

Hi there,

I tried fixing this myself, but I don't understand why it's not working - sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž

Essentially, this works (in a chain!):

        e_res2:     count_fixed!( call!(le_u16), u16, 10 ) ~

But this does not, despite this macro case:

        e_res2:     count_fixed!( le_u16, u16, 10 ) ~

Here's where I'm using it, if that's helpful.

Add "switch" parser combinator macro

It's quite common pattern in binary protocols to use input[0] as message type and the remaining as the message body. Proposed to add macro for the following "switch" parser:

fn parse (i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], T> {
    match takeN!(i) {
        IResult::Done(i, o) => {
            match o {
                1 => parse_a(i),
                2 => parse_b(i),
                3 => parse_c(i),
                _ => IResult::Error(Err::Code(1))
        IResult::Error(e) => IResult::Error(e),
        IResult::Incomplete(n) => IResult::Incomplete(n),

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