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jmail's Introduction

Hi, I'm Rohan 👋

I'm a software engineer at Box who also enjoys traveling and exploring. I'm passionate about many things, and writing good code is just one of them! View my website and blog here.

Check out my most popular open source library, JMail.

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jmail's Issues

domain valition error while validating using mx records(JMail.validator().requireValidMXRecord();)

Is this bug report about an incorrectly validated email address?

  • Yes

If yes, what is the email address?
[email protected]

  • Invalid

If no, please describe the bug

Additional context

I have added JMail into my project And I have passed a email address ([email protected]) which I have validated in my project using ( JMail.validator().requireValidMXRecord(); ) is giving me out put false which means it is invalid .but while I am using ( it is showing it as valid email address

Validation reason is incorrectly called FAILED_CUSTOM_VALIDATION

Is this bug report about an incorrectly validated email address?

  • Yes
  • [ X ] No

If no, please describe the bug

When validating an email address in the following manner, the validation failure message is incorrect:

String invalidDomain = "[email protected]";
var result  = javaJMail.validator().requireOnlyTopLevelDomain(TopLevelDomain.DOT_COM).validate(invalidDomain);

This returns a FailureReason.FAILED_CUSTOM_VALIDATION. There should be a failure reason to match the validation here done on this domain. Perhaps a FailureReason.INVALID_TOP_LEVEL_DONAIN would be appropriate.

Additionally, if passing to the above validation, it still returns the FAILED_CUSTOM_VALIDATION reason. However, there is already an existing "MISSING_TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN" that should be used here instead when used in conjunction with the requireOnlyTopLevelDomain(), as this implies that a TLD is required.

Finally, as a side thought on this, it would be nice to be able to add a custom failure reason, perhaps along with the custom validator?

public EmailValidator withRule(Predicate<Email> rule, String failureReason);

Then, instead of these predicates being stored as a Set, they could be stored as a Map along with their failure reason.


index 0,length 0
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: index 0,length 0
at java.base/java.lang.String.checkIndex(
at java.base/java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.charAt(
at java.base/java.lang.StringBuilder.charAt(
at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.internalTryParse(
at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.tryParse(
at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.isValid(

E Error [email protected] .
index 0,length 0
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: index 0,length 0
at java.base/java.lang.String.checkIndex(
at java.base/java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.charAt(
at java.base/java.lang.StringBuilder.charAt(
at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.internalTryParse(
at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.tryParse(
at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.isValid(

public class TestJMail1
public static void main( String[] args )
isValid( "[email protected] (MNO)" );
isValid( "ABC.DEF@GHI. (MNO)" );
isValid( "[email protected] . " );

System.exit( 0 );


private static boolean isValid( String pInput )
if ( JMail.isValid( pInput ) )
System.out.println( "+ eMail " + pInput + " is valid" );

    return true;

  System.out.println( "- eMail " + pInput + " is not valid" );
catch ( Exception err_inst )
  System.out.println( "\n\nE Error " + pInput );

  System.out.println( err_inst.getMessage() );

  err_inst.printStackTrace( System.out );

  System.out.println( "\n" );

return false;


IPv4 validation allows non-standard digit characters

Is this bug report about an incorrectly validated email address?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, what is the email address?

  • Valid
  • Invalid

If no, please describe the bug
Let's consider something like:


and it validates successfully. Looks like java is more lenient when it comes to numbers than I thought: invoking Integer.parseInt("1২7") returns 127 ( is 2 in Bengali).

I suppose this example should not be considered a valid ipv4 (actually it affects ipv6 too) address?

Additional context

Provide option to unquote localparts when normalising

If a quoted localpart only contains a string that would be valid as an unquoted localpart, it would be useful to have an option to have normalisation return the localpart unquoted e.g. with the option enabled:

"test.1" would normalise to [email protected]
"test..1" would remain as "test..1" (because consecutive . can only appear in a quoted localpart)

The use case for this is detecting duplicate email addresses.

Failure Reason incorrect

Is this bug report about an incorrectly validated email address?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, what is the email address?
[email protected]

  • Valid
  • Invalid

Reason given for failure is incorrect. Reason should be DOMAIN_PART_ENDS_WITH_DASH but is ENDS_WITH_DOT.

Add ability to get the ASCII only version of an Email

Please describe the feature that you are requesting

Some email addresses have internationalized domain names. Mail servers are supposed to handle these by converting them to their ASCII equivalent, but some old mail servers may not be doing this. Therefore, it would be helpful if JMail can provide a way to get the ASCII equivalent email address of a parsed email address.

The goal is to create a method on the Email object that would return an ASCII/UTF8 only version, like so:

Email parsed = JMail.validator().tryParse("test@faß.de").get();

String asciiOnly = parsed.toAscii();

Additional context


Note that the IDN.toAscii() method uses an out of date standard, IDNA2003. We need to implement the latest standard, INDA2008.

Please either make EmailValidator immutable or support clone()

Hey Rohan,

In Simple Java Mail I started replacing the email library with JMail, but I noticed one principle that Simple Java Mail relies on that is not possible with JMail: the guarantee that once a value is passed in, it cannot change after that. And as a general principle, I think this important to have in any software design. To support my point I would like to remind you that many code checkers like Spotbugs (FindBugs)/Sonar etc. also complain if you just pass in say an array that can be mutated outside of the method it is passed in.

Would you please make EmailValidator either immutable (the fluent/builder api returns a new instance on each call) or supporting clone() so I can clone it in my own api?

invalid address returning true

Is this bug report about an incorrectly validated email address?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, what is the email address?

  • Valid
  • Invalid

If no, please describe the bug
This returns true but should return false
ret = JMail.isValid("agadgf@fsaf");

Additional context

Question: preceding zeros in IPv4 address

Is this bug report about an incorrectly validated email address?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, what is the email address?

  • Valid
  • Invalid

If no, please describe the bug
Should e.g. 0127.0.0.1 be considered a valid address? Or even 0000000127.0.0.1? Now it validates correctly - what do you think?

Additional context

Feature request: some sort of email normalization?

Given the quite loose definition of the email standard forms, it could be useful to provide some sort of normalization of the Email object, to render it in a way that most people commonly recognize as a plain and bare email address.
That would be equivalent to stripping comments, optional parts, etc.:
email.localPartWithoutComments() + "@" + email.domainWithoutComments().
This feature could be useful for example when we not only want to validate the address as a mail recipient, but use it as some sort of identifier (for example in login systems).

Add changelog file

Is there a changelog available? I'm not seeing a 'Wiki' page or other changelog page on the jmail github project or jmail site.

When validation fails, provide a reason to the caller

[An enhancement, not a bug]

Whenever an email fails to pass validation, no information is provided to the caller about what the problem was. Was there an invalid character in the domain? Were there multiple "@" characters? Was the "@" character missing? Was there no ending domain (part after the last dot?). Something else?

I recommend adding some way for the caller to get back a string that describes the problem. These descriptions are mostly available in the code in the form of comments ("email cannot be more than 320 chars", "email cannot start with '.'", "email cannot end with '.' or '-'", etc.) but not available to the caller. Ideally the descriptions would be understandable to a naive end user.

In comparison, does a MUCH better job of providing a description of the exact cause of the problem, but that project is getting a bit stale.

Make timeout configurable for DNS MX record lookup

There are 2 obscure extra properties that control the initial timeout and retries in JNDI.

  • com.sun.jndi.dns.timeout.initial - the default is 1000 (ms)
  • com.sun.jndi.dns.timeout.retries - the default is 4

These go in the env Hashtable passed to InitialDirContext.

Currently, checking if an MX record exists for a domain like is super bad for performance. Since user input cannot be trusted, perhaps this could be configurable.

Awesome lib, btw. 💯

Add documentation for all default validation rules

This library is great! I would very much like to use it in a project I'm working on but I can't find any documentation that spells out each of the validation rules that it enforces. Do you have a list somewhere that I just missed?

Include JAR files for download alongside GitHub Releases

Please describe the feature that you are requesting

I'd really like to use this library but the way I've imported other libraries to my project is by pasting in the .jar files
I'm not using Maven to build it, so the current "Installation" section for JMail doesn't work for me

Would it be possible to share the JAR files for running this?

Apologies if this is a silly question or if I'm missing something obvious, and/or there's another way to go about importing this library without needing JAR files

Additional context

I'm using Java 11, IDE is NetBeans 13, Apache Ant to build

IllegalArgumentException when validating email address ending with "High Octet Preset" control character

Using JMail 1.3.2 to validate an email address ending with a "High Octet Preset" control character, e.g. JMail.isValid("[email protected]\u0081"); fails with:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.text.ParseException: A prohibited code point was found in the inputcom�
	at java.base/
	at java.base/
	at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.isValidIdn(
	at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.lambda$tryParse$0(
	at java.base/java.util.Optional.filter(
	at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.tryParse(
	at com.sanctionco.jmail.JMail.isValid(
Caused by: java.text.ParseException: A prohibited code point was found in the inputcom�
	at java.base/
	at java.base/
	... 74 more

I guess that is not the expected behavior, or am I wrong?

By the way: Thank you very much for developing JMail! It is the best Java E-Mail validation library.

Improve email address normalization

Please describe the feature that you are requesting

Currently, calling the normalized() method on an Email object will return the address without any comments. Version 1.6 introduced the option to strip quotes if the address will still be valid after removal.

There are other things that would make the user experience much better. This feature is more suited for a major version upgrade so that defaults can be adjusted.


  1. Make quote-stripping the default behavior, with an option to disable.
  2. Lowercase all characters in the address by default. While technically email servers could treat the local-part of addresses as case-sensitive, this is not typical and not done by the major email servers (e.g. Gmail). Additionally, according to RFC Name servers and resolvers must compare [domains] in a case-insensitive manner. Add an option to disable.
  3. Add an option to remove . (dot) characters from the local-part. Gmail allows any number of dot . characters in the local-part of the address. Technically we could also have two . (dot) characters in a row in the local-part for Gmail addresses. As an aside, an option could be added to the base JMail validation to allow two (or more) dots in a row.
  4. Add an option to remove any sub-addressing or tagged-addressing. Many mail servers support adding to the end of the local-part a + sign (or in rare cases a - sign, or even more rare an arbitrary character), followed by characters, and the mail will be sent to the same address. Normalization should be able to optionally remove these, and users should be able to specify the separator character.

Additional context
Library with interesting features:

Question: E-Mail Address with local part containing only slashes valid?

Is [email protected] a valid e-mail address?

JMail says it is valid, but both Postfix and Apache James reject it. Resulting in:

javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses;
  nested exception is:
	com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPAddressFailedException: 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax
	at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.rcptTo(
	at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(

when I use Java Mail to try to deliver it to these e-mail servers.

By the way: Thank you very much for providing JMail.

Support for configuring non-ascii characters to be invalid

Please describe the feature that you are requesting

It seems to me that email servers / SMTP servers often (normally?) do not support non-ascii characters in local part or domain, even in countries where it is common with non-ascii characters in names (such as æ, ø, å in Norway).
It would be really nice with a feature for configuring non-ascii characters not to be valid.
E. g., "jø[email protected]" should fail.

Additional context

Empty quoted local-part should be valid

Is this bug report about an incorrectly validated email address?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, what is the email address?


  • Valid
  • Invalid

If no, please describe the bug

Additional context

Add ValidationRule to disallow whitespace in the local-part and domain

Using JMail 1.4.0 this test passes:

void test() {
    assertTrue(JMail.isValid("a@b .com"));
    assertTrue(JMail.isValid("a. [email protected]"));

Are these valid email addresses?

The first one lead to a javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Domain contains control or whitespace in string ''a@b .com'' when I try to use it with java mail.

By the way: Thank you very much for providing JMail. It is the best java libary to validate e-mail adresses! 👍

Incorrect email

Is this bug report about an incorrectly validated email address?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, what is the email address?

  • Valid
  • Invalid

If no, please describe the bug

Additional context

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