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vue-api-query's Introduction

Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API

This package helps you quickly to build requests for REST API. Move your logic and backend requests to dedicated classes. Keep your code clean and elegant.

🔥 If you use Laravel, this package matches perfectly with spatie/laravel-query-builder.



Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project:

See all contributors


Why another package if we have those? Because currently (march, 2018) they restricted backend response to JSON API specification.


Twitter @robsontenorio

vue-api-query's People


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vue-api-query's Issues

Populate Model from already existing data

How could I have a User object without fetching it from the API? I'm using NuxtJS's Auth Module that fetches the current user during the authentication process. I'd like to get all my logged in user's posts, but don't want to call the API for user again. Any idea?



Can not use keyword 'await' outside an async function

Maybe I misunderstand something, but I get Can not use keyword 'await' outside an async function error when using this code (I am using it inside a quasar-framework installation):


import Project from '../../models/Project'

export default {
  mounted() {
    let project = await Project.find(1);


import { Model as BaseModel } from 'vue-api-query'

export default class Model extends BaseModel {

  // define a base url for a REST API
  baseURL () {
    return 'http://api.simplefin.local/v1'

  // implement a default request method
  request (config) {
    return this.$http.request(config)


import Model from './Model'

export default class User extends Model {
    return 'users'

boot/model.js (similar to main.js)

import { Model } from 'vue-api-query'
import axios from 'axios'

export default async ({ app, router, Vue }) => {
  Model.$http = axios

How to pass arbitrary params to $http instance?

I have a global Axios error handler set up for all calls that use Axios. However, I want vue-api-query calls to handle their own errors. Normally I would handle turning off the global error handler for a specific call like this:

this.$http.get( "/user/1", { handleErrors: false } )

But I don't see a way to add arbitrary params to the calls, only the pre-defined params like "include", "fields", etc. Maybe I'm just missing something?

Thanks for any help!

Inject custom data (store) in Model like $http using Nuxt

Is it possible to inject custom data into the Model, as is done with the axios?

Today with the axios is done like this:

import axios from 'axios'
import { Model } from 'vue-api-query'

// inject global axios instance as http client to Model
Model.$http = axios

I need something like this:

import axios from 'axios'
import { Model } from 'vue-api-query'

 * Adds configured plugin asynchronously.
export default async context => {
  // perform a store action manually
  await'nuxtServerInit', context)

  // inject instance into Model
  Model.$env = { }

  // inject global axios instance as http client to Model
  Model.$http = axios

But when I use inside the Model like this.$env, this does not work, can you tell me if I'm doing it wrong or is it possible to do this in a different way?

Any way to delete multiple items at once in model?

Thanks for making this - works great. Though, I have a question about sending DELETE on a collection. I can get it well here:

        .then(response => {
          modelItems = response;

modelItems loads up with the right information. But the destroy method isn't working. Using Laravel for backend and I have this for destroy() method:

    public function destroy($ids)
        $model = model::whereIn('id', $ids)->delete();

Missing fromResource on nested relations while using find()

I have nested models like
User -> hasMany -> Posts.

When I try to fetch my post record like following:

let user = await User.find(1)
let post = await user.posts().find(myId)

my post will not have _fromResource property present, therefore it's not possible to update it using save() function, while if to use get() - then _fromResource property is present and and model is aware of its nested resource url. Was it done intentionally or just a bug(can submit PR)? For reference:

find() -
get() -

how to get success when I do update or create

Hi robsontenorio , thanks for your library , I've been using it in a new project . I have a problem when I save a model, how can I get status=200 or success for doing redirections, I'm using laravel-query-builder in my backend.

async sendData(){ let proveedor= await ProveedorModel.find(this.rutProvider) proveedor.razon_social =this.nameProvider }
I would like to redirect when save is successfully .

select as

May be if there's an option to do something like [ 'id', { 'title': 'name' } ] ).get() !

which is like select id, title as name from Model

But it's client side, the server returns name, and the client vue-api-query override with the given as attribute

How filter (gt) great than or (lt) less than?

How filter (gt) great than or (lt) less than?

Like spatie/laravel-query-builder example.

$user = QueryBuilder::for($query)
    ->allowedIncludes('posts', 'permissions')
    ->where('score', '>', 42) **<< this**

Reading the code, this is not possible right now.


Sure, we can create scoped filters, but, a lot of work for a Great/Less than only.

Support for belongsTo relationship

Is there currently a way to support the inverse one-to-many relationship?
Ex. Post belongs to User.

My current need is to extract the User from a given Post id.

In JSON API spec this is represented as
GET /posts/1/user

validation errors on

how can handle validation errors on from backend such as laravel ?

i think if this library has a utility for that, it's awesome

Use nested functions conditionally


In short, I'd like to be able to do the following:

// GET /posts/{id_post}/comments

let comments = await

// Pick any comment from list and edit it

let comment = comments[0]
comment.text = 'Changed!'

// PUT /comments/{id_comment}


// DELETE /comments/{id_comment}

await comment.delete() 


 let post = new Post({title: 'Woo!'})  

 // POST /posts

// POST /posts/{id_post}/comments

let comment = new Comment({text: 'New one for this post'}).for(post)

comment.text = 'Changed!'

// PUT /comments/{id_comment}


// DELETE /comments/{id_comment}

await comment.delete() 

Basically I want to use nested relationships only for the get and post actions, and the base route for find, update, and delete.

The reason for this is because nested routes aren't necessary if you already have the unique ID of the model you want to interact with.

Is there any way to easily override this on all models? It seems like I'd have to re-write quite a bit but maybe I'm missing something!

Right now it doesn't seem possible as once the model is related it keeps the same endpoint.

baseURL in get() is missing when using custom() resource

base = this._customResource || base

BaseURL must be different from your client url in order to see this issue.
example would be:

  • localhost:3000 for the client and
  • project.localhost/api as BaseURL for your API requests.

Suggested fix:

base = this._customResource ? `${this.baseURL()}/${this._customResource}` : base

I could submit a PR if this would help to solve this issue asap.
Also thank you for this amazingly easy to use package.

Update config on individual request

I want to update the axios config per request and hopefully do something like this

    configProperty: configValue
}).then(response => {
    this.users =;
    this.loadingUsers = false;

What can I do to achieve this?

Version 1.1.1 hasn't reached npm/yarn

Hi there!

I try to install version 1.1.1 with patch from peter (967f790) but i get only the response, that 1.1.1 isn't available. I've checked npm and yarn, both has still version 1.1.0.
Can you please submit the version to both repositories?

Thank you!

No apparent way to handle endpoints deeper than two models

Maybe I've missed it, but there doesn't seem to be any way to handle endpoints and relationships deeper than two models. For example, given that I have an App, Build & Dependency model where the endpoint to list all dependencies of a given build of a given app looks like this:


Is there anything planned, or that I missed to handle this endpoint?

Q: Query parameter name customisation

Maybe I have missed it somehow but reading trough your docs I haven't found that you can customise how the parameters are named when sent to the back-end. For example if not working with Spatie ORM package.

Here are my two questions.

  1. Can I customise how vue-query-api generates URL and names parameters? From your docs
// GET /posts?filter[status]=ACTIVE&include=user,category&append=likes&orderBy=-created_at,category_id

let posts = await Post
  .where('status', 'ACTIVE')
  .include('user', 'category')
  .orderBy('-created_at', 'category_id')  

For example if I would like that filter[status] is named filter_by[status] for example.

  1. Can I customise how array parameters are encoded in the URL? For example here is filter by array which in your documentation says its send like this:
//GET /posts?filter[status]=ACTIVE,ARCHIVED

let posts = await Post
  .whereIn('status', ['ACTIVE', 'ARCHIVED'])

I wonder if it's possible to send like this:

//GET /posts?filter[status][]=ACTIVE&filter[status][]=ARCHIVED

Thank you.

how to use custom method in dynamic address?

Thank you for making a good module.
I have a question.

It is a dynamic address set in several words.
/post/category-a, /post/category-b, /post/category-c...

'get()' was implemented using 'custom()'.

// GET /api/post/category-a


But, how do I 'save', 'delete', 'edit'?

// POST /api/post/category-a
const post = await Post.custom(`/api/post/${categoryCode}`).get();
post.title = 'text';

// DELETE /api/post/category-a

// PUT /api/post/category-a

is not working..

Is there a solution?

Pass Model to asyncData of nuxt

I try to pass a Model to asyncData nuxt and pass it as props to a component.
In the component, I can't access to category.$save(). It seems that Nuxt is remove $https function of the Model. How can we do that?

<component :category="category"/>
data() {
    return {
      category: {},
async asyncData({ params}) {
    const category = await Category.find(
    return { category }


How to add custom X-CSRF-TOKEN header to specific requests? I manged to add it when declaring base model, but I was not able to read and dynamically change the CSRF token value from the Vuex store or local storage. Is it possible to add custom headers when making specific request?

inlciude on .find()

// GET /posts/1

let post = await Post.find(1)

This wont let me chain include() function. Any particular reason why this would not work or be possible? I want to have possibility to include relations here or not.

[QUESTION] - Vuex Integration

Any plans to integrate a vuex store into this library? I.e. once results are retrieved form the API call, it auto saves it to a vuex store?

Possible dependencies/devDependencies defined wrong

Today I updated to package version 1.4.1. Now, when I compile my code, I get:

These dependencies were not found:

* @babel/runtime/helpers/assertThisInitialized in ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/Model.js
* @babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck in ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/StaticModel.js, ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/Parser.js and 2 others
* @babel/runtime/helpers/createClass in ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/Model.js, ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/StaticModel.js and 2 others
* @babel/runtime/helpers/getPrototypeOf in ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/Model.js
* @babel/runtime/helpers/inherits in ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/Model.js
* @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault in ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/index.js, ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/StaticModel.js and 3 others
* @babel/runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn in ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/Model.js
* @babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray in ./node_modules/vue-api-query/build/Builder.js

To install them, you can run: npm install --save @babel/runtime/helpers/assertThisInitialized @babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck @babel/runtime/helpers/createClass @babel/runtime/helpers/getPrototypeOf @babel/runtime/helpers/inherits @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault @babel/runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn @babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray 

I think, there are some dependencies are needed in the "dependencies" section, not "devDependencies".
So far I can reconstruct, the error starts with 1.3.0

data wrapping for single items

It is typical for JSON API's to wrap not only multiple results but also single results in a data key. (Even Laravel's API Resources default to this behaviour.)

For multiple results (arrays of items), vue-api-query automagically works regardless of whether or not the data key wrapper is present.

I feel that for single results there should be the same behaviour.

Backward-compatibility can be ensured by adding a configuration option or optional function argument to enable this behaviour. (Similar to withoutWrapping in Laravel's API Resources. See Eloquent: API Resources)

So, if the backend responds with:

    "data": {
        id: 1,
        firstname: "John",
        lastname: "Doe",
        age: 25

And withWrapping is set to true, the behaviour should be the same as if the response was:

    id: 1,
    firstname: "John",
    lastname: "Doe",
    age: 25

Override resource() for current model instance and make it available for usage with save() / delete()

The current readme informs about .custom(), for use with GET requests: readme - Define your domain models
.custom() is currently not meant to work outside of GET, is this correct? Using it for save() as well is a use-case we would be interested in.

new Example({name:'example'}).custom('alternative/resource').save()
As of version 1.1.0, the above will send a POST request to /Example instead of alternative/resource.

Is this absolutely intended? Or could the .custom() feature be made so .save() respects it as well?
This could also be a workaround for #16

Q: what is the difference between include and append

I am trying to figure out what append does? I get the include, but not sure what append does. From the docs:

Give me the result for a given criteria, include some entities, append extra fields and order the result!

// GET /posts?filter[status]=ACTIVE&include=user,category&append=likes&orderBy=-created_at,category_id

let posts = await Post
  .where('status', 'ACTIVE')
  .include('user', 'category')
  .orderBy('-created_at', 'category_id')  

vue dependency

Is this tied specifically to vue? Is there anything that prevents us from running this in another javascript framework?

hasMany relation not fetched / Alternative name for primaryKey needed

I've defined following models:


import {
    Model as BaseModel
} from "vue-api-query"

export default class Model extends BaseModel {

    // define a base url for a REST API
    baseURL() {
        return Vue.axios.defaults.baseURL.replace(/\/$/, "");

    // implement a default request method
    request(config) {
        return this.$http.request(config)


import Model from './Model'
import ProductLinks from './ProductLink'

export default class Product extends Model {
    resource() {
        return 'products'

    ProductLinks() {
        return this.hasMany(ProductLink)


import Model from './Model'

export default class ProductLink extends Model {
    resource() {
        return 'productLinks'

Now I query:

this.product = await Product.find(6);

which resulting in http://.../products/6, works!


this.productLinkList = await this.product.ProductLinks().get();

which resulting in http://.../products/undefined/productLinkLists, does NOT work!

Investigation into that problem show really fast the problem: In that case, "product" hasn't a "id" field as primaryKey, instead it has a field "folderId". Quick & Dirty solution could be, rewrite code for using "id" but I think, there should be a option, define a alternative primaryKey for a model (like laravel for example it offers).

I'll dive into the code, maybe I can support a patch for it!

Can I read baseURL from Nuxt .env?

Do I really have to explicitly define base URL again in the base model definition?

My nuxt.js configuration already sets axios parameters like base url etc.


Any way to access the resource() field?

I am trying to create a Repository class that receives a Model class in its constructor.
Is there any way to get the resource() string from a Model class?

How to get API response from save() method

One question. Do I need to use "promise" way to get response from Save() method. Any reason why Save() would not return API response? Instead of it it returns the model object itself.


TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined

Hi, first of all, congratulations on the api.
I have a problem in the first test, it is generating without errors but when I execute the method below the error in the line of the message GET: [Vue Warn: Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: Can not read property 'get' of undefined"

methods: {
GetMunicipio() {
let municipios;
.then((response) => {
municipios = response;

How to get a nested resource without getting the parent?

Say I want to get the posts for ID user 1, "/users/1/posts". However, I have no need to get the actual user object, "/users/1" first. Is there a built-in way to do this? I didn't have luck trying to run User.find(1).posts().get() for example. Any other way to accomplish this without the unneeded API call?

Custom Request Header

Thanks for the nice package, but I think still we need to append some custom header with the request for example if we need to send form data with the request like binary files so we need to set the Content-Type header to multipart/form-data or even if we need some other custom headers like X-ApplicationId or etc.
It would be nicer if you add a function for this feature like bellow!

let user = new User(data, headers);;


Q: How do I add properties to `this` on models correctly?

I had trouble defining custom properties on the models, maybe you have a
best-practice approach for me on this, as my current fix is a workaround.

I went and added a custom property to my base class for vue-js-api models
(I have a getter and setter as well):


  constructor(...args) {
    this._myProp = "";
    return this;

Initializing a Model with the constructor resulted in exceptions in the browser console.


  // This throws an error in the console, that `.include()` is not a function
  await MyModel
    .then( response => () {} )

I realised later that adding the constructor did something bad.
Consider your Model's constructor:


  constructor(...atributtes) {

    if (atributtes.length === 0) {
      this._builder = new Builder(this)
    } else {
      Object.assign(this, ...atributtes)

The else portion there skips initializing this._builder - probably because you assume
it is of on of your Models and already has a _builder. But in this case it's called
from my custom constructor.

I fixed adding _builder in the constructor of my base class, which
is of course not future-proof. It currently works for my use-cases.

    // Added after the call to super()
    this._builder = new Builder(this);

Q: Am I adding the custom constructor incorrectly? Is there an alternative
way to add properties to this?

PS: The correct spelling is attributes, not atributtes.
Is this intentional? Or is this an ES6 thing where attributes is a reserved word?
Maybe you are handling an unknown number of butts with atritis?
In that case it should be atriButts :)

Edit: Formatting

Creating child fails, wrong data is passed to relation

Relating to #52 (I'm not allowed to reopen that ticket) I post it as new issue.

My Problem is, that new objects can not created over a relation. For me it looks like a wrong behaviour of vue-api-query. When I do

      let childValues= {
        val: 'test1',
        sequence: 'test2'
      await this.mainRecord
        .then(response => {

(which I think is the right syntax) I get a exception

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

When I inspect the error, it is thrown in the axios library in the transformRequest method, line 50 (lib/defaults.js) by stringify method.

    if (utils.isObject(data)) {
      setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/json;charset=utf-8');
      return JSON.stringify(data);

Inspecting with chrome shows me, the content of data is childRecord {_builder: Builder) which looks to me its wrong. When I do a call with existing data, i see a json like formatted content. Same when I create directly a mainChild: data contains json.

In my sample on the top I would expect, data contains

        val: 'test1',
        sequence: 'test2'

but it isn't so somehow the given data is passed wrong.

My defined models:

import Model from '../../../Model'
import ChildRecord from './ChildRecord';

export default class Type extends Model {
    primaryKey() {
        return 'Id';

    resource() {
        return 'mainRecord'

    ChildRecord() {
        return this.hasMany(TypeValueList)


import Model from '../../../Model'

export default class Type extends Model {
    primaryKey() {
        return 'Id';

    resource() {
        return 'childRecord'

when where item is null

when this.executeAfter, this.executeBefore, this.description are Null.
let schedule = await CampaignSchedule
.where('execute_after', this.executeAfter)
.where('execute_before', this.executeBefore)
.where('description', this.description)
this will generate a request as so

my situation will prefer to have such request, instead.

the reason is filtering with arguments of nothing basically mean without filters.

the question is, is there a clean way to ignore the 'Where' filter, while the filter is Null or undefine (similar to how Axios implement params )?

thanks in advance

Get specific object by other field than id

Hello, nice package.

One question I have, how can I call the following route? /cities/bucharest/ bucharest beeing a slug in my table.

I want to query the api with the slug not with the id and the find method won't work in this case. The custom method could be a solution for this, but I'll have to do something like this City.custom('cities/' + slug).first() and it's not that pretty

There could be other solution or should I just stick with the custom method approach?

JSON Spec Pagination Support

Hi, great package really good 👍 Came across something that may be worth supporting.

The package has an alternative way of setting up the pagination where you install and the pagination adheres to the JSON API spec.

The pagination supported in this plugin won't handle this out of the box, you can get around it by providing the custom params.

params({ 'page[number]': page, 'page[limit]': limit })

Ideally there would be a toggle to switch to this mode or some way to globally customize the param names used by the Parser to handle it.

parameterNames is ignored

The method parameterNames mentioned in the readme is ignored. I want to change the params to json:api specification (for use with

import { Model as BaseModel } from 'vue-api-query'

export default class Model extends BaseModel {

  // define a base url for a REST API
  baseURL () {
    return this.$http.defaults.baseURL

  // Overwrite parameter names because of json:api spec
  parameterNames () {
    return {
      include: 'include',
      filter: 'filter',
      sort: 'sort',
      fields: 'fields',
      append: 'append',
      page: 'page[number]',
      limit: 'page[size]'

  // implement a default request method
  request (config) {
    return this.$http.request(config)

Tried to console.log inside parameterNames and it never gets called (baseUrl and request get called)

Callbacks that get called before and after requests?


First of all, as someone who was pretty new in the Vue game and previously used ugly axios calls in every component, this makes everything much prettier, so thanks for that!

Now, I was wondering, is there a possibility to use callbacks like beforeRequest & afterRequest or something that you can either define in the Base Model.js or in any of the Submodels?

Some background to understand my use case:
I am using which basically draws a Loading spinner over the entire screen while a specific variable is set to true.

While it works perfectly fine like this:

        async mounted() {
           * Fetches all Services
          this.$parent.isLoading = true;
 = await Service.get();
          this.$parent.isLoading = false;

It would be much prettier with callbacks defined in the models.


Creating child to parent fails

In my project I fetch a record "mainRecord". That has a relation to "childRecords".

When I want create now a new childRecord with that,

      let childRecord = new this.mainRecord.childRecord({
        val: null,
        sequence: null
        .then(response => {
        .catch(error => {

it fails with:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'childRecord' of undefined

Whats wrong with my code? Fetching, updating and deleting of childRecords is working without any problem. Only creating fails, maybe because i am using the wrong syntax.

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