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apache-age-python's Issues

edge queries are not executed in a loop.

When i tried running the following query in the loop, I was able to insert the graphs, but I am not able to create the edges.
here is the code below.
The purpose is to traverse the dom tree and save their properties which can be used for fast modifications when using a templating engine.
Can't the edges be connected based on the ID of the vertices?

import age
from age.gen.ageParser import *

GRAPH_NAME = "text_test"
DSN = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=texttest user=afidegnum password=mypass"

ag = age.connect(graph=GRAPH_NAME, dsn=DSN)

bare = "/home/afidegnum/projects/prototypes/apps/mydemo/resources/bare.html"

from itertools import tee

from lxml import html
tree = html.parse(bare)
lc = [x for x in tree.getiterator()]
def pairwise(iterable):
    "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
    a, b = tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return zip(a, b)

for z, w in pairwise(lc):
    cur = ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Node {name: %s}) RETURN n",  params=(z.tag,))
    sor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Node {name: %s}) RETURN n",  params=(w.tag,))
    b = [x[0].id for x in cur]
    c = [x[0].id for x in sor]
    ag.execCypher("MATCH (c:Person), (p:Person) WHERE = %s AND = %s CREATE (a)-[r:connects]->(b)", params=(b[0], c[0]))

cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH p=()-[:connects]->() RETURN p")
for row in cursor:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <ul class="menu">
      <div class="itm">home</div>
      <div class="itm">About us</div>
      <div class="itm">Contact us</div>
    <div id="idone" class="classone">
      <li class="item1">First</li>
      <li class="item2">Second</li>
      <li class="item3">Third</li>
      <div id="innerone"><h1>This Title</h1></div>
      <div id="innertwo"><h2>Subheads</h2></div>      
    <div id="second" class="below">
      <div class="inner">

Traversal does not provide a nested loop

The code I developed so far, closes the html and other tags prematurely. I need to be able to parse the trees from the graph database and write a nested html code with it. Can you please give a hint on how do i proceed?

def graph_dom(t_id):
    parent = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:node) WHERE id(n) = %s RETURN n", params=(t_id,))
    p = [x[0] for x in parent]
    pp = p[0]["tag"]       
    parent_tag = soup.new_tag(name=p[0]["tag"])
    # d = None
    children = ag.execCypher("MATCH (v:node)-[R:connect]->(V2) WHERE id(v) = %s RETURN V2", params=(p[0].id,))
    print(f"Parent ----------{pp}")
    # print(f"Children: {children}")
    for d in children:
        check_parent = ag.execCypher("MATCH (v:node)<-[R:connect]-(V2) WHERE id(v) = %s RETURN V2", params=(d[0].id,))
        cp = [c[0] for c in check_parent]
        # print(f"{pp}---------------------")
        print(p[0].id, cp[0].id)
        if (p[0].id == cp[0].id):
            children_tag = soup.new_tag(name=d[0]["tag"])


file_soup = soup.prettify()
with open("helloworld.html", "w") as file:

############################################### HTML


Composite data types escaped with few errors

I had an error of not able to insert a dictonary data, I had to pass the value with json_dumps which got escaped.

{'id': 'second', 'class': 'below'} # this gave an error
{"id": "second", "class": "below"} # this got escaped. to {\"id\": \"second\", \"class\": \"below\"}

how do i handle composite data with age-python?

Any way to perform bulk inserts and upserts?

Coming from Neo4J cypher's implementation, I could do the following:

    q = '''
        UNWIND $rows as row
        MATCH (g_child:Group {uid: row.child_uid})
        MATCH (g_parent:Group {uid: row.parent_uid})
        MERGE (g_child)-[:CHILD_GROUP_OF]->(g_parent)
        RETURN count(*) as total

and then
res = neo4j.query(q, parameters = {'rows': r})

This would take a list of dictionaries as rows and unwind them on the server, lighting fast.
Is there any similar way of doing this with AGE? I've looked through documentation and the source code and it doesn't seem to be an option. The closest one is use
with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:
and perform multiple single calls within that cursor, committing at the end.
This is quite slow on large volumes of data (testing on 500K vertices).

Separately, what is the suggested way to UPSERT the data (MERGE in Neo4j implementation)? Or do we need to manually verify for existence/duplicate before creating?

not all arguments converted during string formatting

I'm greeted with the following error where I am finding it hard to trace. I'm suspecting it's from the recursive function. the same error appears in the previous example you gave #7

and the recursion kept printing the same result over and over

def node_list(node):
    for child in node.iterchildren():
for n in dom_tree.iter():

<Element head at 0x7f87a057bf40>
<Element body at 0x7f87a05656d0>
<Element head at 0x7f87a057bf40>
<Element body at 0x7f87a05656d0>
<Element head at 0x7f87a057bf40>
<Element body at 0x7f87a05656d0>
<Element head at 0x7f87a057bf40>
<Element body at 0x7f87a05656d0>

here is the complete log report

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
~/.virtualenvs/orgs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/age/ in execCypher(conn, graphName, cypherStmt, cols, params)
    106     try:
--> 107         cursor.execute(stmt, params)
    108         return cursor

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

SqlExcutionError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_63525/ in
1 for n in dom_tree.iter():
----> 2 node_pick(n)

/tmp/ipykernel_63525/ in node_pick(node)
1 def node_pick(node):
2 # parent = node
----> 3 cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (t:node {tag: %s} ) RETURN id(t)", params=(node.tag))
4 eid = cursor.fetchone()[0] # get last inserted ID
5 ag.commit()

~/.virtualenvs/orgs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/age/ in execCypher(self, cypherStmt, cols, params)
157 def execCypher(self, cypherStmt:str, cols:list=None, params:tuple=None) -> ext.cursor :
--> 158 return execCypher(self.connection, self.graphName, cypherStmt, cols=cols, params=params)
160 def cypher(self, cursor:ext.cursor, cypherStmt:str, cols:list=None, params:tuple=None) -> ext.cursor :

~/.virtualenvs/orgs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/age/ in execCypher(conn, graphName, cypherStmt, cols, params)
112 except Exception as cause:
113 conn.rollback()
--> 114 raise SqlExcutionError("Excution ERR[" + str(cause) +"](" + stmt +")", cause)

SqlExcutionError: ("Excution ERR[not all arguments converted during string formatting](SELECT * from cypher('text_test', $$ CREATE (t:node {tag: %s} ) RETURN id(t) $$) as (v agtype);)", TypeError('not all arguments converted during string formatting'))

import json
from lxml import etree
from itertools import tee
from lxml import html
bare = "/home/afidegnum/projects/prototypes/apps/mydemo/resources/bare.html"
dom_tree = html.parse(bare)

import age
from age.gen.ageParser import *
GRAPH_NAME = "text_test"

DSN = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=texttest user=mydemo password=demo123"
ag = age.connect(graph=GRAPH_NAME, dsn=DSN)

def node_pick(node):
# parent = node
cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (t:node {tag: %s} ) RETURN id(t)", params=(node.tag))
eid = cursor.fetchone()[0] # get last inserted ID
for child in node.iterchildren():
cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (t:node {tag: %s} ) RETURN id(t)", params=(node.tag))
xid = cursor.fetchone()[0] # get last inserted ID
ag.execCypher("MATCH (c:node {id: %s}), (p:node {id: %s}) CREATE (c)-[r:childOf}]->(p)", params=(eid, xid))

for n in dom_tree.iter():

the demo html 

######### bare.html
<!doctype html>

    About us
    Contact us
  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • This Title





    sample code setGraph

    ag = age.setGraph(GRAPH_NAME)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 1, in
    AttributeError: module 'age' has no attribute 'setGraph'

    Did you mean:
    ag = age.Graph(GRAPH_NAME)

    Excution ERR['int' object does not support indexing]

    I'm trying to run a recursive query that will enable me to process the nodes which can be used for additional operations, and came across the error above:
    when I tested individual queries, they works perfectly

    def graph_nodes(tag_id):
        top = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:node) WHERE id(n) = %s RETURN n", params=(tag_id,))
        x = [r[0] for r in top]
        children = ag.execCypher("MATCH (v:node)-[R:connect]-(V2) WHERE id(v) = %s RETURN V2", params=(x[0]).id,)
        for c in children:
    cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:node {tag: 'html'}) RETURN n")    
    t = [x[0].id for x in cursor]
    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    ~/.virtualenvs/orgs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/age/ in execCypher(conn, graphName, cypherStmt, cols, params)
        106     try:
    --> 107         cursor.execute(stmt, params)
        108         return cursor
    TypeError: 'int' object does not support indexing
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    SqlExcutionError                          Traceback (most recent call last)
    /tmp/ipykernel_117955/ in <module>
         11 t = [x[0].id for x in cursor]
         12 print(t[0])
    ---> 13 graph_nodes(t[0])
    /tmp/ipykernel_117955/ in graph_nodes(tags)
          3     x = [r[0] for r in top]
          4     print(x[0]["tag"])
    ----> 5     children = ag.execCypher("MATCH (v:node)-[R:connect]-(V2) WHERE id(v) = %s RETURN V2", params=(x[0].id,)
          6     for c in children:
          7         print(c)
    ~/.virtualenvs/orgs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/age/ in execCypher(self, cypherStmt, cols, params)
        157     def execCypher(self, cypherStmt:str, cols:list=None, params:tuple=None) -> ext.cursor :
    --> 158         return execCypher(self.connection, self.graphName, cypherStmt, cols=cols, params=params)
        160     def cypher(self, cursor:ext.cursor, cypherStmt:str, cols:list=None, params:tuple=None) -> ext.cursor :
    ~/.virtualenvs/orgs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/age/ in execCypher(conn, graphName, cypherStmt, cols, params)
        112     except Exception as cause:
        113         conn.rollback()
    --> 114         raise SqlExcutionError("Excution ERR[" + str(cause) +"](" + stmt +")", cause)
    SqlExcutionError: ("Excution ERR['int' object does not support indexing](SELECT * from cypher('text_test', $$ MATCH (v:node)-[R:connect]-(V2) WHERE id(v) = %s RETURN V2 $$) as (v agtype);)", TypeError("'int' object does not support indexing"))

    import age report an error

    when I execute command:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python3-dev libpq-dev
    pip install --no-binary :all: psycopg2
    pip install antlr4-python3-runtime
    pip install apache-age-python,
    when import age, report an error:

    Nodes not printing, error: line 1:100 missing '::path' at '<EOF>'

    apache-age-python returns an error over result formatting.
    from the AGEviewerer, this query successfully prints the results as right-left nodes containing the list of the right nodes as shown below:

              SELECT * from cypher('text_test', $$
              MATCH (V:node)-[connect]->(V2:node)
    			WITH V as parent, COLLECT(V2) as children
              RETURN parent, children
    $$) as (parent agtype, children agtype);

    and the result below:

    {"id":844424930131987,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"id\": \"second\", \"class\": \"below\"}"}}	[{"id":844424930131988,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"class\": \"inner\"}"}}]
    [{"id":844424930131987,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"id\": \"second\", \"class\": \"below\"}"}},{"id":844424930131978,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"id\": \"idone\", \"class\": \"classone\"}"}},{"id":844424930131974,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"ul","attrib":"{\"class\": \"menu\"}"}}]
    {"id":844424930131971,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"meta","attrib":"{\"charset\": \"UTF-8\"}"}}]
    {"id":844424930131985,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"id\": \"innertwo\"}"}}	[{"id":844424930131986,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"h2","attrib":"null"}}]
    {"id":844424930131978,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"id\": \"idone\", \"class\": \"classone\"}"}}
    [{"id":844424930131985,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"id\": \"innertwo\"}"}},{"id":844424930131983,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"id\": \"innerone\"}"}},{"id":844424930131979,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"ul","attrib":"{\"class\": \"listing\"}"}}]
    {"id":844424930131974,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"ul","attrib":"{\"class\": \"menu\"}"}}
    	[{"id":844424930131977,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"class\": \"itm\"}"}},{"id":844424930131976,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"class\": \"itm\"}"}},{"id":844424930131975,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"class\": \"itm\"}"}}]
    {"id":844424930131988,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"class\": \"inner\"}"}}	
    {"id":844424930131983,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"div","attrib":"{\"id\": \"innerone\"}"}}	[{"id":844424930131984,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"h1","attrib":"null"}}]
    {"id":844424930131979,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"ul","attrib":"{\"class\": \"listing\"}"}}	[{"id":844424930131982,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"li","attrib":"{\"class\": \"item3\"}"}},
    {"id":844424930131981,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"li","attrib":"{\"class\": \"item2\"}"}},{"id":844424930131980,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"li","attrib":"{\"class\": \"item1\"}"}}]
    {"id":844424930131969,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"html","attrib":"{\"lang\": \"en\"}"}}	[{"id":844424930131973,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"body","attrib":"null"}},{"id":844424930131970,"label":"node","properties":{"tag":"head","attrib":"null"}}]

    while using the same procedure on apache-python-age, here is the resulting output.

    import psycopg2 
    import age
    GRAPH_NAME = "text_test"
    DSN = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=texttest user=afidegnum password=chou1979"
    conn = psycopg2.connect(DSN)
    age.setUpAge(conn, GRAPH_NAME)
    def get_tree(n_id):
        """ Get the trees"""
        with conn.cursor() as cursor:
            try :                    
                SELECT * from cypher(%s, $$
                MATCH (V:node)-[r:connect]->(V2:node)
    			WITH r as nodes,  COLLECT(V2) as children
              RETURN nodes, children
    $$) as (nodes agtype, children agtype);
                """, (GRAPH_NAME,))
                for row in cursor:
            except Exception as ex:
    node_id = 844424930131969

    here is the result obtained:

    __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'cause'
    line 1:189 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:408 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:682 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:910 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:1138 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:1370 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:1602 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:1832 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:2026 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:2239 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'
    line 1:2433 mismatched input '::vertex' expecting '::edge'

    Care to look into it ?

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