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directus-extension-computed-interface's Introduction

npm version


A Directus extension for automatically calculating the value of a field based on other fields of the same item, on the client side.

  • Support templating, arithmetic operations. Concat strings, sum, subtract, multiply, modulo, convert to slug, currency, etc.
  • Can be used as an alias field.
  • Calculation is performed on the client side, so it would not work if the item is created/updated via direct API calls or hooks.
  • Lightweight. No third-party libraries.


npm i directus-extension-computed-interface

Get Started

  1. Go to Settings, create a new field with type string or number.
  2. In the Interface panel, choose Computed interface. There are 8 options:
    1. Template: Similar to M2M interface, determine how the field is calculated. Learn more about syntax in the next section.
    2. Field Mode: Choose how the value is displayed.
      • null: Default option. Show an input with the computed value but still allow manual editing.
      • Display Only: Show the computed value but will not save it to the database. Usually used for alias fields.
      • Read Only: Show an input with the computed value and disallow manual editing.
    3. Prefix: a string to prefix the computed value.
    4. Suffix: a string to suffix the computed value.
    5. Custom CSS: a JSON object for inline style binding. Only works with Display Only and Read Only mode. You can use this option to customize the appearance of the computed value such as font size, color, etc. Example: {"color": "red", "font-size": "20px"}.
    6. Debug Mode: Used for debugging the template. It will show an error message if the template is invalid. It will also log to console the result of each component of the template.
    7. Compute If Empty: Compute the value if the field is empty. This is useful if you want a value to be computed once such as the created date or a unique ID.
    8. Initial Compute: Compute the value when opening the form. This is useful if you want to compute a value based on the current date or other dynamic values.


The template consists of 2 elements: plain strings & expressions.

  • Plain strings are string literal, often used for text interpolation.
  • Expressions can contains operators, field names, numbers & strings. They must be enclosed by {{ and }}.


Sum 2 numbers:

{{ SUM(a, b) }}

Multiply 2 numbers:

{{ MULTIPLY(a, b) }}

Convert string to slug:

{{ SLUG(title) }}

Text interpolation:

/{{ SLUG(title) }}-{{ id }}

Complex calculation:

{{ SUM(MULTIPLY(2, x), b) }}

Literal strings are enclosed by double quotes ("):

{{ CONCAT(file, ".txt") }}

Use . to access nested fields in M2O or M2M fields:

{{ CONCAT(CONCAT(user.first_name, " "), user.last_name) }}

Combine AT, FIRST, LAST, JSON_GET to access nested fields in O2M or JSON fields:

{{ JSON_GET(AT(products, 0), "name") }}
{{ JSON_GET(LAST(products), "price") }}

Note: For M2O, O2M, M2M fields, you can only access the fields of the direct relation. For example, if you have a user field that is a M2O relation to the users collection, you can only access the fields of the users collection. You cannot access the fields of the roles collection even though the users collection has a M2O relation to the roles collection. On the other hand, JSON fields have no such limitation!

Available operators

Type conversion

Operator Description
INT(a) convert to integer
FLOAT(a) convert to float
STRING(a) convert to string
DATE(a) convert to date


Operator Description
SLUG(a) transform string to slug (e.g. "This is a title" โ†’ "this-is-a-title")
CURRENCY(a) format number to currency (e.g. 3000 โ†’ "3,000")


Operator Description
DATE_ISO(a) transform date or date-like object to ISO string
DATE_UTC(a) transform date or date-like object to UTC string
DATE_STR(a) transform date or date-like object to string with format "YYYY-MM-DD"
TIME_STR(a) transform date or date-like object to string with format "HH:mm:ss"
YEAR(a) get year of a date object, similar to getFullYear
MONTH(a) get month of a date object, similar to getMonth
GET_DATE(a) get date of a date object, similar to getDate
DAY(a) get day of a date object, similar to getDay
HOURS(a) get hours of a date object, similar to getHours
MINUTES(a) get minutes of a date object, similar to getMinutes
SECONDS(a) get seconds of a date object, similar to getSeconds
TIME(a) get time of a date object, similar to getTime
LOCALE_STR(a, locale, options) transform date or date-like object to string with locale format, options is a stringified JSON object. Example: LOCALE_STR("2023-01-01", "en-US", "{\"weekday\": \"long\", \"year\": \"numeric\", \"month\": \"long\", \"day\": \"numeric\"}") returns "Sunday, January 1, 2023".


Operator Description
ABS(a) absolute
SQRT(a) square root
SUM(a) sum an array of numbers
SUM(a, b) a + b
AVERAGE(a) average value of an array of number
SUBTRACT(a, b) a - b
MULTIPLY(a, b) a * b
DIVIDE(a, b) a / b
REMAINDER(a, b) a % b
CEIL(a) returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a.
FLOOR(a) returns the largest integer less than or equal to a.
ROUND(a) rounds to the nearest integer.
ROUND(a, n) rounds number a to n number of decimals, (ROUND(1.23, 1) = 1.2).
MAX(a, b) max value between a and b.
MAX(arr) max value of an array of numbers.
MIN(a, b) min value between a and b.
MIN(arr) min value of an array of numbers.
POWER(a, b) a^b
EXP(a) returns e^a, where e is Euler's number.
LOG(a) returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a.


Operator Description
STR_LEN(str) length of string (deprecated, use LENGTH instead)
LENGTH(str) length of string
FIRST(str) first character of string
LAST(str) last character of string
REVERSE(str) reverse string
LOWER(str) to lower case
UPPER(str) to upper case
TRIM(str) removes whitespace at the beginning and end of string.
CONCAT(strA, strB) concat 2 strings strA and strB.
LEFT(str, count) extract count characters from the beginning of the string str.
RIGHT(str, count) extract count characters from the end of the string str.
MID(str, startAt, count) extract count characters from startAt position of the string str.
ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT(str) encode string to URL component.
REPT(str, count) repeat string count times.
JOIN(arr, separator) join an array of strings with separator.
SPLIT(str, separator) split string str by separator to an array of strings.
SEARCH(str, keyword) search keyword in str and return the position of the first occurrence. Return -1 if not found.
SEARCH(str, keyword, startAt) search keyword in str and return the position of the first occurrence after startAt. Return -1 if not found.
SUBSTITUTE(str, old, new) replace all occurrences of old in str with new.
AT(str, index) get character at index of str.
INDEX_OF(str, keyword) get the position of the first occurrence of keyword in str. Return -1 if not found.
INCLUDES(str, keyword) check if str contains keyword.
SLICE(str, startAt, endAt) extract a part of str from startAt to endAt. endAt can be negative. Similar to slice method of String.


Operator Description
NULL(a) check is null
NOT_NULL(a) check is not null
NOT(a) logical NOT
EQUAL(a, b) a = b
NOT_EQUAL(a, b) a <> b
GT(a, b) a > b
GTE(a, b) a >= b
LT(a, b) a < b
LTE(a, b) a <= b
AND(a, b) logical AND
OR(a, b) logical OR


Operator Description
ARRAY_LEN(a) length of array (deprecated, use LENGTH instead)
LENGTH(a) length of array
FIRST(a) first element of array
LAST(a) last element of array
REVERSE(a) reverse array
CONCAT(a, b) concat 2 arrays a and b.
AT(a, index) get element at index of a.
INDEX_OF(a, element) get the position of the first occurrence of element in a. Return -1 if not found.
INCLUDES(a, element) check if a contains element.
SLICE(a, startAt, endAt) extract a part of a from startAt to endAt. endAt can be negative. Similar to slice method of Array.
MAP(a, expression) apply expression to each element of a and return a new array, each element of a must be an object. Example: MAP(products, MULTIPLY(price, quantity)) returns an array of total price of each product.
FILTER(a, expression) filter a with expression and return a new array, each element of a must be an object. Example: FILTER(products, GT(stock, 0)) returns an array of products that are in stock.
SORT(a, expression) sort a with expression and return a new array, each element of a must be an object. Example: SORT(products, price) returns an array of products sorted by price.


Operator Description
JSON_GET(a, key) get value of key in JSON object a.
JSON_PARSE(a) parse string a to JSON object.
JSON_STRINGIFY(a) stringify JSON object a.


Operator Description
ASUM(a, b) Aggregated sum of O2M field. For example: calculate shopping cart total price with ASUM(products, MULTIPLY(price, quantity)), where products is the O2M field in the shopping cart and price & quantity are 2 fields of products.
AMIN(a, b) Aggregated min of O2M field.
AMAX(a, b) Aggregated max of O2M field.
AAVG(a, b) Aggregated average of O2M field.
AMUL(a, b) Aggregated multiplication of O2M field.
AAND(a, b) Aggregated logical AND of O2M field. Only return true if all values are true.
AOR(a, b) Aggregated logical OR of O2M field. Only return true if at least one value is true.
ACOUNT(a, b) Aggregated count of O2M field. Only count true values. For example: count the number of products that are in stock with ACOUNT(products, GT(stock, 0)), where stock is a field of products.


Operator Description
IF(A, B, C) return B if A is true, otherwise C
IFS(A1, B1, A2, B2, ..., An, Bn) return Bi if Ai is the first to be true, if none of Ai is true, return null


Operator Description
RANGE(start, end, step) create an array of numbers from start to end with step increment/decrement. Example: RANGE(1, 10, 2) returns [1, 3, 5, 7, 9].

Dynamic Variables

There are 2 dynamic variables available that you can use in the expressions:

  • $NOW: return the current Date object. Example: {{ YEAR($NOW) }} returns the current year.
  • $CURRENT_USER: return the current user's id. Example: {{ EQUAL($CURRENT_USER, user) }} checks if the user field is the current user.

directus-extension-computed-interface's People


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directus-extension-computed-interface's Issues

"compute if empty"


I'm using this interface to generate a slug from a title field. I want the slug to be generated only if it hasn't been set yet during record creation. After saving the record, I don't want the slug to update automatically when I modify the title field. However, I still want the ability to manually edit the slug. I tried using the "compute if empty" option, but the slug field still updates whenever I change the title field.

How can I prevent the slug field from automatically updating after the initial save?



M2M relationship computation

Excellent Extension btw :).
Any plans to implement m2m relationship computation (if this is even possible?). I see m2o is available.
If not I'm willing to help fund this item. Do let me know.

Not showing up

I can't get my production server to show up in the create fields list. It shows as active. 10.9.3

Screenshot from 2024-03-05 11-32-32

Any thoughts?


Input 'field' attribute is missing

All other directus input fields have a field attribute. Can you please add it for consistency?
For my use case, this is needed for selecting the input and doing further manipulations in another interface.

add relation column id, because used static 'id', but id relation can be other

if (arrayOfIds.length) {
const relatedCollection = isM2O ? relation.related_collection : relation.collection;
const path = relatedCollection === 'directus_users' ? '/users' : items/${relatedCollection};

				if (relatedCollection) {
					let data;
					if (relatedCollection in itemCache && arrayOfIds.every(id => id in itemCache[relatedCollection])) {
						data = => itemCache[relatedCollection][id]);
					} else {
						**type FilterType = {
							[key: string]: any; 
						let filter_: FilterType = {}
						//console.log('relatedCollection', relatedCollection, relation )
						let id_ = relation?.schema?.foreign_key_column? relation.schema.foreign_key_column : 'id'
						filter_[id_] ={ _in: arrayOfIds.join(',') }**
						data = (await api.get(path, {
							params: { filter: filter_ },


I'm hosting directus using coolify. Unfortunately, when I install the package and restart, coolify pulls a new image, so the packages are gone.
Would it be possible to provide the index.js files that I can put in the folders?
Some extensions provide it and I've installed them successfully by putting the files in the folders. I don't know how to generate them myself, so if you could provide them it would be great.
Thanks a lot!

Sum Values is not working

Hi team,

I'm using Directus v10.4.2 with the version extension 1.8.0

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't do SUM

This is the template I'm doing {{ SUM(alimentacao, outro) }}

When I enter the values, the computed field concat the numbers instead sum.


I'm doing something wrong?

Thank you

Decimal parseInt

Hello, when selecting a decimal value it is always converted to an integer value
I find this in interface.vue

if (['integer', 'decimal', 'bigInteger'].includes(props.type)) {
return parseInt(res) || 0;
if (['float'].includes(props.type)) {
return parseFloat(res) || 0;

I hope it is helpful, thank you

Is it still a it works?

I have a field o2m, I write in a calculated field ASUM(feedback, rating)
I'm getting 0 all the time. The add-on is no longer being developed, right? And in directus 9 it doesn't work?

Feature request/check

Should computes field be calculated on entry open event ? It will be useful because now it calculate only if something changes.

Also it only calculate result and input to field but after entry save the value not saved to db. Is it expected result ? The value saved only in case field mode not set to Read Only or Display Only

Not working in directus 10.3.0

Is it available for directus 10.3.0?

I tested simple formula {{ SUM(1,2) }} and nothing calculated in interface.

Also tested simple {{ currency(1000) }}. Nothing converted.

I use self hosted directus in docker, db is postgresql.

Documentation on field names

The documentation could use more examples and get started & syntax sections. In particular, it would be nice if there was information about how to format field names in the syntax section. It seems that you can look for related fields. but the syntax for nested relations escapes me. I looked at the code and it looks like we're getting the relationship functions from Directus. Do they have any documentation on this we could link out to?

Possible new Relational Operators

We have a case when we need to display MAX and MIN for related table, currently I don't see a way to get it. Possible solution would work same a ASUM, just with MAX and MIN, AMAX and AMIN, and possibly other operators.

How can i save fields from M:N relation?

Hi there,

Thanks for your extension! I'm trying to make a shopping cart inside directus:


How can i capture the selected values from a table relationship? Do you have another idea to do a shopping cart inside directus app?

Date manipulation

is it possible to add date manipulation functions like DATEADD (datepart , number , date ) from SQL or DateTime.AddYears(Int32) from C#?
Usecase: I have purchase date and waranty is 2 years. Just simply add 2 years to the purchase date.


How to overwrite computed value?

Great extension! I would like to use it to suggest a date one year in the future, given a certain start date. I succeeded in formulating the template, but when I want to overwrite the computed value, it re-computes (and therefore resets) its value on each keystroke.

field: my_date (format: DD.MM.YYYY)
computed field: future_date
template: {{ CONCAT(LEFT(my_date,6),SUM(INT(RIGHT(my_date,4)),1)) }}

my_date: 14.03.2023
future_date: 14.03.2024 (computed)
want to overwrite with 15.12.2024

but when I overwrite the computed field, it won't work. Neither does copy & paste. Is there a workaround by any chance?

Computed Field are not getting date from DateTime Field


I'm using Directus 10.5.2 and now the computed fields are not getting dates

Create DateTime Field with name date
Create Computed Field

use the formula {{ YEAR(date) }}

When you set a date, the computed field should show the year of the selected date, but doesn't return anything.

I saw in the browser console this beaver


If you use the formula {{ YEAR($NOW)}} the field returns the correct year 2023


Can you help me understand if I do something wrong?

Thank you

Lateral String


I know you have stated that lateral string does not work, but is there any turnaround for it?
I have created the below computed value and i need it to run when discount_type is "value", how can i reach this?

{{IF(EQUAL(discount_type, "value"), SUM(subtotal, discount_value), subtotal)}}


[Suggestion] Add IF-like IFS

How about adding IFS.
It's in spreadsheet programs.
It has the same effect as overlapping IFs.

e.g.) IFS (conditions, values, conditions, values, ....)

Compute on the collection table level


Is it possible to force computing the value on the collection level?
I know it might be an expensive operation, but say I am willing to delay displaying the data until this is computed.

CURRENCY(a) format option not working properly

Hi team, thanks for such great extension

I found a bug with the CURRENCY() formatting syntax feature

I use Directus 10.7.2 and Postgres 15

When I use CURRENCY() on a FLOAT field, it only return the first two digits (excluding everything after the first thousand separator

i,e I have 16000, it should display "16,000". However it only display: "16"

Calculations not work for decimal data type

Using directus 10.5.3 Need accurate calculations when using sum on decimal data type field getting weird concatenation when displaying as a string in the computational field or no calculations at all.

Please help.


Updating empty values

If you clear the input of the original field, the computed interface may throw a error because [].replace cannot exists, for example.
Or, if we clear a number field, the computed value may emit a "NaN" string, instead of null.

Interface should compute if NULL

I had countless trials and errors before I figured this out, I am sure a lot of people go through the same. I actually thought something was wrong with the extension itself.

  • To reproduce this, create a collection with fields a and b and save an item for it.
  • Now modify the collection and add a computed field c that adds a and b.
  • Go back to the collection item and notice the field doesn't show anything.

I thought that something was wrong with my syntax and tried changing to different templates etc, it only worked when I use relation fields (because it had to do something before it displays), which is how I figured out that the interface is calculating this lazily. I now understand that it only calculates when a and b are changed. But a and b already had values. Since this is a new compute field it should initialize by doing what is expected of it.

What I think this should do is, it should initially calculate if its own value is NULL, meaning that it has never done anything before. If it's not NULL then there is a cached value there and it should then lazily wait for changes.

Question: ASUM in Many-to-Many relationship

Hello folks, I have a question that I can't solve by myself.
I have a many-to-many relatioship as below:

  • products

    Column Type
    id UUID
    name text
    price decimal
  • orders

    Column Type
    id UUID
    user FK to directus_users table
  • orders_products

    Column Type
    id UUID
    order_id FK to orders table
    product_id FK to products table


I have a doubt how I can write a syntax to compute the field like this sql query:

    orders AS o
INNER JOIN orders_products_1 AS op
    ON ( = op.orders_id)
INNER JOIN products AS p
    ON (op.products_id =

My goal is, when I add the product should calculate the total of order.

Not support multiple computed interface in one item

directus version:
how to reproduce the problem:
create a new table test
add one input field named "h" ,type int
create three computed fields:
{{ MULTIPLY(3,h) }}
{{ MULTIPLY(4,h) }}
{{ MULTIPLY(5,h) }}
when submitted, only c's value will be submitted, a and b will be empty

no value for $CURRENT_USER

no value for {{ STRING($CURRENT_USER.staff_no) }} and also {{ YEAR($NOW) }} in field ..
using "directus-extension-computed-interface": "^1.4.0",

Sum more than two fields


First thanks for the plugin which is something I was searching for.
I am facing an issue if I want to add more than two fields.
In my case I have 6 fields to add. I tried several combination but dit not manage to make it work.

Again thank you that is a very useful extension.

Issue with relational calculated field

When using relational ASUM(a, b) we are getting "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()", we can't figure it out, what is causing it. We are using 10.2.0 version of Directus.

Update: We have modified name of id column, and that is what the problem was. Your name of ID column must be ID.

Field Mode Read Only doesn't show an input field

Hi, as far as I understood from the guide we have 3 fields mode:

  1. null: Default option. Show an input with the computed value but still allow manual editing.
  2. Display Only: Show the computed value but will not save it to the database. Usually used for alias fields.
  3. Read Only: Show an input with the computed value and disallow manual editing.

However I tried all the modes and the only one that shows an input field is the null mode, whilte the Display Only and Read Only show a label. I thought that the Read Only field was going to show a disabled input field.

Am I missing something?

Usage : In display conditionnal

Thanks for this really good Module.
Can we use it for display conditionnal, one way or another ?

I would like to use GT(A,B) and if true, show it in red color for example.

ASUM Method BUG when editing value

Hi,when I change the price value, for some reason, the final price is the product price twice but when I complete the item and return to edit, it changes to the right value as shown in the following video



displayOnly prevents computed value to be updated

Checking the code, when props.displayOnly is true, we dont emit our new computed values, just show on the screen.
I think that's not the expected behavior, displayOnly should means that you can't directly edit the field, but you still wish that the value will be saved on database.

Question: Calculate date values

Hey :)

First: awesome extension, thanks.

I've got a question before testing in the field. Does the extension also work with dates? So I saw I can parse values to ISO Dates, but would it be possible to use those for something like SUBTRACT("2022-11-10", "2022-11-08") expect to be 2?

Best regards

Unexpected Error when Primary Key Field Name is not `id`

Took me a little while to debug, but looks like the primary key field name id is hard coded in the extension.

I was trying to calculate against a field via a M20 relationship and the foreign table primary key field was set to uuid instead of id.

Not sure if you can look up the primary key field name and use that or if you have to add an additional input field to allow us to specify the primary key field name. Or alternatively document that as a requirement.


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