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dotnet.futurum.webapiendpoint.micro's Introduction


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A dotnet library that allows you to build WebApiEndpoints using a vertical slice architecture approach in a structured way. It's built on top of dotnet 7 and minimal apis.

public class GreetingWebApiEndpoint : IWebApiEndpoint
    public void Register(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
        builder.MapGet("/hello", HelloHandler);
        builder.MapGet("/goodbye", GoodbyeHandler);

    private static Ok<string> HelloHandler(HttpContext context, string name) =>
        $"Hello {name}".ToOk();

    private static Ok<string> GoodbyeHandler(HttpContext context, string name) =>
        $"Goodbye {name}".ToOk();

What is a WebApiEndpoint?

  • It's a vertical slice / feature of your application
  • The vertical slice is a self-contained unit of functionality
  • Collection of WebApi's that share a route prefix and version. They can also share things like EndpointFilters, RateLimiting, etc.

Easy setup

  • Add the NuGet package ( futurum.webapiendpoint.micro ) to your project
  • Update program.cs as per here
  • Create a new class that implements IWebApiEndpoint
  • Add the WebApiEndpoint attribute to the class, if you want to specify a specific route prefix and tag
  • Add the WebApiEndpointVersion attribute to the class, if you want to specify a specific ApiVersion
  • Implement the Register method and add minimal api(s) as per usual
  • Optionally implement the Configure method to configuration the WebApiEndpoint


using Futurum.WebApiEndpoint.Micro;
using Futurum.WebApiEndpoint.Micro.Sample;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

       .AddWebApiEndpoints(new WebApiEndpointConfiguration(WebApiEndpointVersions.V1_0))

var app = builder.Build();


if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())



Allows you to configure:

  • DefaultApiVersion (mandatory)
    • This is used if a specific ApiVersion is not provided for a specific WebApiEndpoint
  • DefaultOpenApiInfo (optional)
    • This is used if a specific OpenApiInfo is not provided for a specific ApiVersion
  • OpenApiDocumentVersions (optional)
    • Allowing you to have different OpenApiInfo per ApiVersion
  • VersionPrefix (optional)
  • VersionFormat (optional)
    • uses 'Asp.Versioning.ApiVersionFormatProvider'
builder.Services.AddWebApiEndpoints(new WebApiEndpointConfiguration(WebApiEndpointVersions.V1_0)
    DefaultOpenApiInfo = new OpenApiInfo
        Title = "Futurum.WebApiEndpoint.Micro.Sample",
    OpenApiDocumentVersions =
            new OpenApiInfo
                Title = "Futurum.WebApiEndpoint.Micro.Sample v1"

AddWebApiEndpointsFor... (per project containing WebApiEndpoints)

This will be automatically created by the source generator.




Adds the WebApiEndpoints to the pipeline



Register the OpenApi UI (Swagger and SwaggerUI) middleware




You can map your minimal apis for this WebApiEndpoint in the Register method.

The IEndpointRouteBuilder parameter is already:

  • configured with the API versioning
  • configured with the route prefix
  • been through the optional Configure method in the same class
public void Register(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)

Full example


public class WeatherWebApiEndpoint : IWebApiEndpoint
    private static readonly string[] Summaries =
        "Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching"

    public void Register(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
        builder.MapGet("/", GetHandler);

    private static Ok<IEnumerable<WeatherForecastDto>> GetHandler(HttpContext httpContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
        Enumerable.Range(1, 5)
                  .Select(index => new WeatherForecastDto(DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now.AddDays(index)), Random.Shared.Next(-20, 55), Summaries[Random.Shared.Next(Summaries.Length)]))

File download

[WebApiEndpoint("bytes", "feature")]
public class BytesWebApiEndpoint : IWebApiEndpoint
    public void Register(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
        builder.MapGet("download", DownloadHandler);

    private static Results<NotFound, FileContentHttpResult, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>> DownloadHandler(HttpContext context)
        return Run(Execute, context, "Failed to read file");

        Results<NotFound, FileContentHttpResult> Execute()
            var path = "./Data/hello-world.txt";

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                return TypedResults.NotFound();

            var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            return TypedResults.Bytes(bytes, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, "hello-world.txt");


You can optionally configure the WebApiEndpoint in the Configure method

public void Configure(RouteGroupBuilder groupBuilder, WebApiEndpointVersion webApiEndpointVersion)

This allows you to set properties on the RouteGroupBuilder. This will effect all minimal apis in the Register method.

You can also configure it differently per ApiVersion.

This ia a good place to add a EndpointFilter


This ia a good place to add a RateLimiting


This ia a good place to add a OutputCache


This ia a good place to add Security


Sandbox runner

Run and RunAsync - Results<...> -> Results<..., BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Comprehensive set of extension methods - WebApiEndpointRunner.Run and WebApiEndpointRunner.RunAsync - to run a method that returns Results<...> in a sandbox. If an unhandled exception is thrown it will be caught and transformed it into a BadRequest<ProblemDetails>.

The Run and RunAsync methods will:

  • If the method passed in does not throw an unhandled exception, then the existing return remains the same.
  • If the method passed in does throw an unhandled exception, then a BadRequest<ProblemDetails> will be returned, with the appropriate details set on the ProblemDetails. The error message will be safe to return to the client, that is, it will not contain any sensitive information e.g. StackTrace.

The returned Results<...> type from Run and RunAsync is always augmented to additionally include BadRequest<ProblemDetails>

Results<TIResult1, TIResult2> -> Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3> -> Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, TIResult4> -> Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, TIResult4, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, TIResult4, TIResult5> -> Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, TIResult4, TIResult5, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Results has a maximum of 6 types. So 5 are allowed leaving one space left for the BadRequest<ProblemDetails>.

Example use

private static Results<NotFound, FileStreamHttpResult, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>> DownloadHandler(HttpContext context)
    return Run(Execute, context, "Failed to read file");

    Results<NotFound, FileStreamHttpResult> Execute()
        var path = "./Data/hello-world.txt";

        if (!File.Exists(path))
            return TypedResults.NotFound();

        var fileStream = File.OpenRead(path);
        return TypedResults.File(fileStream, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, "hello-world.txt");

In this example the Execute method will return:

  • a NotFound if the file does not exist
  • a FileStreamHttpResult if the file exists
Results<NotFound, FileStreamHttpResult>

The Run / RunAsync extension method will change this to add BadRequest<ProblemDetails>.

Results<NotFound, FileStreamHttpResult, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Note: It is recommended to add the following to your GlobalUsings.cs file.

global using static Futurum.WebApiEndpoint.Micro.WebApiEndpointRunner;

This means you can use the helper functions without having to specify the namespace. As in the examples.

Run and RunAsync - (T, Func<T, IResult>) -> Results<IResult, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Extension methods - WebApiEndpointRunner.Run and WebApiEndpointRunner.RunAsync - to run a method that returns T in a sandbox. If an unhandled exception is thrown it will be caught and transformed it into a BadRequest<ProblemDetails>.

The Run and RunAsync methods will:

  • If the method passed in does not throw an unhandled exception, then the Func<T, IResult> will be called with the return value.
  • If the method passed in does throw an unhandled exception, then a BadRequest<ProblemDetails> will be returned, with the appropriate details set on the ProblemDetails. The error message will be safe to return to the client, that is, it will not contain any sensitive information e.g. StackTrace.

The returned T type from Run and RunAsync is always augmented to additionally include BadRequest<ProblemDetails>

(T, Func<T, TResult>) -> Results<TResult, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>> where TResult : IResult

For the Func<T, IResult>, there are a number of built-in success helper functions that can be used. Or you can use your own.

Example use

private static Results<Ok<IAsyncEnumerable<Todo>>, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>> GetAllHandler(HttpContext context, SqliteConnection db)
    return Run(Execute, context, ToOk, "Failed to get todos");

    IAsyncEnumerable<Todo> Execute() =>
        db.QueryAsync<Todo>("SELECT * FROM Todos");

In this example the Execute method returns IAsyncEnumerable<Todo>


The Run / RunAsync extension method with ToOk success helper function passed in will change this to:

Results<Ok<IAsyncEnumerable<Todo>>, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Note: It is recommended to add the following to your GlobalUsings.cs file.

global using static Futurum.WebApiEndpoint.Micro.WebApiEndpointRunner;

This means you can use the helper functions without having to specify the namespace. As in the examples.



Executes FluentValidation and DataAnnotations

IValidationService<ArticleDto> validationService


private static Results<Ok<ArticleDto>, ValidationProblem, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>> ValidationHandler(HttpContext context, IValidationService<ArticleDto> validationService,
                                                                                                        ArticleDto articleDto) =>
                     .Map(() => new Article(null, articleDto.Url))
                     .ToWebApi(context, ToOk, ToValidationProblem);


Calls FluentValidation

IFluentValidationService<ArticleDto> fluentValidationService


private static Results<Ok<ArticleDto>, ValidationProblem, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>> FluentValidationHandler(HttpContext context, IFluentValidationService<ArticleDto> fluentValidationService,
                                                                                                              ArticleDto articleDto) =>
                           .Map(() => new Article(null, articleDto.Url))
                           .ToWebApi(context, ToOk, ToValidationProblem);

public class ArticleDtoValidator : AbstractValidator<ArticleDto>
    public ArticleDtoValidator()
        RuleFor(x => x.Url).NotEmpty().WithMessage("must have a value;");


Calls DataAnnotations validation

IDataAnnotationsValidationService dataAnnotationsValidationService


private static Results<Ok<ArticleDto>, ValidationProblem, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>> DataAnnotationsValidationHandler(HttpContext context,
                                                                                                                       IDataAnnotationsValidationService dataAnnotationsValidationService,
                                                                                                                       ArticleDto articleDto) =>
                                    .Map(() => new Article(null, articleDto.Url))
                                    .ToWebApi(context, ToOk, ToValidationProblem);

Uploading file(s) with additional JSON payload

Upload single file and payload

Use the FormFileWithPayload type to upload a single file and a JSON payload

    private static Task<Results<Ok<FileDetailsWithPayloadDto>, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>> UploadWithPayloadHandler(HttpContext context, FormFileWithPayload<PayloadDto> fileWithPayload)
        return Result.TryAsync(Execute, () => "Failed to read file")
                     .ToWebApiAsync(context, ToOk);

        async Task<FileDetailsWithPayloadDto> Execute()
            var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
            await using var stream = File.OpenWrite(tempFile);
            await fileWithPayload.File.CopyToAsync(stream);

            return new FileDetailsWithPayloadDto(fileWithPayload.File.FileName, fileWithPayload.Payload.Name);

Upload multiple files and payload

Use the FormFilesWithPayload type to upload multiple files and a JSON payload

    private static Task<Results<Ok<IEnumerable<FileDetailsWithPayloadDto>>, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>> UploadsWithPayloadHandler(
        HttpContext context, FormFilesWithPayload<PayloadDto> filesWithPayload)
        return Result.TryAsync(Execute, () => "Failed to read file")
                     .ToWebApiAsync(context, ToOk);

        async Task<IEnumerable<FileDetailsWithPayloadDto>> Execute()
            var fileDetails = new List<FileDetailsWithPayloadDto>();

            foreach (var file in filesWithPayload.Files)
                var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                await using var stream = File.OpenWrite(tempFile);
                await file.CopyToAsync(stream);

                fileDetails.Add(new FileDetailsWithPayloadDto(file.FileName, filesWithPayload.Payload.Name));

            return fileDetails;

Full compatibility with Futurum.Core

Comprehensive set of extension methods to transform a Result and Result<T> to an TypedResult.

  • If the method passed in is a success, then the IResult will be returned.
  • If the method passed in is a failure, then a BadRequest<ProblemDetails> will be returned, with the appropriate details set on the ProblemDetails. The error message will be safe to return to the client, that is, it will not contain any sensitive information e.g. StackTrace.

The returned type from ToWebApi is always augmented to additionally include BadRequest<ProblemDetails>

Result<T> -> Results<T, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Result<Results<TIResult1, TIResult2>> -> Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Result<Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3>> -> Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Result<Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, TIResult4>> -> Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, TIResult4, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Result<Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, TIResult4, TIResult5>> -> Results<TIResult1, TIResult2, TIResult3, TIResult5, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>>

Results has a maximum of 6 types. So 5 are allowed leaving one space left for the BadRequest<ProblemDetails>.

How to handle successful and failure cases in a typed way with TypedResult

You can optionally specify which TypedResult success cases you want to handle. This is useful if you want to handle a specific successes case differently.

You can specify which TypedResult error cases you want to handle. This is useful if you want to handle a specific error case differently.

If you have a success case, you must pass in the the success helper function first, then the failure helper functions.

There can only be 1 success helper function, but there can be multiple failure helper functions.

Example use

The ToWebApi extension method will change the method return type to add BadRequest<ProblemDetails>, with the appropriate details set on the ProblemDetails. The error message will be safe to return to the client, that is, it will not contain any sensitive information e.g. StackTrace.

You can then pass in additional helper functions to deal with successes and failures and these will change the return type to the appropriate TypedResult's.

ToOk is a function that will convert a T to an Ok<T>.

ToValidationProblem is a function that will convert a ValidationResultError to a ValidationProblem.

Full Example

private static Results<Ok<ArticleDto>, ValidationProblem, BadRequest<ProblemDetails>> ValidationHandler(HttpContext context, IValidationService<ArticleDto> validationService,
                                                                                                        ArticleDto articleDto) =>
                     .Map(() => new Article(null, articleDto.Url))
                     .ToWebApi(context, ToOk, ToValidationProblem);

Success and Failure helper functions

If you have a success case, you must pass in the the success helper function first, then the failure helper functions.

There can only be 1 success helper function, but there can be multiple failure helper functions.

Note: It is recommended to add the following to your GlobalUsings.cs file.

global using static Futurum.WebApiEndpoint.Micro.WebApiResultsExtensions;

This means you can use the helper functions without having to specify the namespace. As in the examples.

Success helper functions


Converts a T to an Ok<T>.



Converts a () to a Created.


By default it will take the location from the HttpContext.Request.Path.


Converts a T to a Created<T>.

This can be overridden by passing in a string.



Converts a () to a Accepted.


By default it will take the location from the HttpContext.Request.Path.


Converts a T to a Accepted<T>.

By default it will take the location from the HttpContext.Request.Path.

This can be overridden by passing in a string.


Failure helper functions


If a ResultErrorKeyNotFound has occured then it will convert it to a NotFound<ProblemDetails>, with the correct information set on the ProblemDetails.



If a ResultErrorValidation has occured then it will convert it to a ValidationProblem, with the correct information set on the HttpValidationProblemDetails.


Comprehensive samples

There are examples showing the following:

  • A basic blog CRUD implementation
  • The ToDo sample from Damian Edwards here
  • AsyncEnumerable
  • Bytes file download
  • EndpointFilter on a specific WebApiEndpoint
  • Exception handling
  • Result error handling
  • File(s) upload
  • File(s) upload with Payload
  • File download
  • OpenApi versioning
  • Output Caching
  • Rate Limiting
  • Security with a basic JWT example on a specific WebApiEndpoint
  • Validation - DataAnnotations and FluentValidation and both combined
  • Weather Forecast
  • Addition project containing WebApiEndpoints


Convention Customisation

Although the default conventions are good enough for most cases, you can customise them.


This is used to get the OpenApiInfo for each WebApiEndpointVersion.



This is used to configure the OpenApi JSON endpoint for each WebApiEndpointVersion.



This is used to configure ApiVersioning and ApiExplorer.

There is an overload of AddWebApiEndpoints that takes a generic type of IWebApiVersionConfigurationService.


Use this instead



This is used to get the metadata for each WebApiEndpoint.

The metadata contains:

  • PrefixRoute
  • Tag
  • WebApiEndpointVersion

The default strategy is WebApiEndpointMetadataAttributeStrategy.


This uses the following attributes:

  • WebApiEndpointAttribute - for 'PrefixRoute' and 'Tag'
  • WebApiEndpointVersionAttribute - for 'WebApiEndpointVersion', can have multiple

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