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recog's Introduction

Recog: A Recognition Framework

CI Workflow Verify Workflow

Recog is a framework for identifying products, services, operating systems, and hardware by matching fingerprints against data returned from various network probes. Recog makes it simple to extract useful information from web server banners, snmp system description fields, and a whole lot more.

Recog is open source, please see the LICENSE file for more information.

Table of Contents

  1. Repository split
    1. Default branch rename
  2. Recog library language implementations
    1. Feature parity
  3. Installation
  4. Maturity
  5. Fingerprints
  6. Testing matches
    1. ftp_banners
    2. http_cookies
    3. http_servers
    4. favicons
    5. http_wwwauth
    6. tls_jarm
  7. Contributing

Repository split

On March 31, 2022, the Recog content - XML fingerprint files and utilities - were split from the Recog framework library implementation. The original Recog repository now contains the Recog content and the Recog-Ruby repository contains the Ruby language implementation. The Recog content is included in Recog-Ruby as a git submodule and is nested under the recog directory. All post-split Recog gem versions equal or greater than 3.0.0 will: 1. contain the XML fingerprint directory under the recog directory, and 2. only include the recog_match tool since the other tools are focused on fingerprint management.

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Default branch rename

Along with the repository split the default branch was renamed from master to main. Any clones created prior to these changes will have to be manually updated in your local environment. If you have a fork, navigate to your fork's settings and follow the instructions on renaming a branch to change the default branch to main.

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a

Optionally, run the following command to remove tracking references to the old branch name.

# dry-run to confirm stale references that will be deleted before proceeding
git remote prune origin --dry-run
git remote prune origin

If you previously used the upstream tracking branch upstream-master run the following commands to remove the old branch and create a new upstream tracking branch.

git branch -d upstream-master
git checkout -b upstream-main --track upstream/main

Optionally, run the following command to remove the tracking references to the old upstream branch name.

# dry-run to confirm stale references that will be deleted before proceeding
git remote prune upstream --dry-run
git remote prune upstream

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Recog library language implementations

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Feature parity

Feature ✨ rapid7/recog-ruby rapid7/recog-java runZeroInc/recog-go
Fingerprint verification CLI tool
Fingerprint match CLI tool
Supports base64 encoded examples
Supports filesystem-based external examples
Fingerprint match CPE param interpolation

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Recog consists of both XML fingerprint files and an assortment of code, mostly in Ruby, that makes it easy to develop, test, and use the contained fingerprints. In order to use the included ruby code, a recent version of Ruby (2.31+) is required, along with Rubygems and the bundler gem. Once these dependencies are in place, use the following commands to grab the latest source code and install any additional dependencies.

$ git clone [email protected]:rapid7/recog.git
$ cd recog
$ bundle install

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Please note that while the XML fingerprints themselves are quite stable and well-tested, the Ruby codebase is still fairly new and subject to change quickly. Please contact us (research[at] before leveraging the Recog code within any production projects.

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The fingerprints within Recog are stored in XML files, each of which is designed to match a specific protocol response string or field. For example, the file ssh_banners.xml can determine the os, vendor, and sometimes hardware product by matching the initial SSH daemon banner string.

A fingerprint file consists of an XML document like the following:

<fingerprints matches="ssh.banner">
  <fingerprint pattern="^RomSShell_([\d\.]+)$">
    <description>Allegro RomSShell SSH</description>
    <example service.version="4.62">RomSShell_4.62</example>
    <param pos="0" name="service.vendor" value="Allegro"/>
    <param pos="0" name="service.product" value="RomSShell"/>
    <param pos="1" name="service.version"/>

The first line should always consist of the XML version declaration. The first element should always be a fingerprints block with a matches attribute indicating what data this fingerprint file is supposed to match. The matches attribute is normally in the form of protocol.field.

Inside of the fingerprints element there should be one or more fingerprint elements. Every fingerprint must contain a pattern attribute, which contains the regular expression to be used to match against the data. An optional flags attribute can be specified to control how the regular expression is to be interpreted. See the Recog documentation for FLAG_MAP for more information.

Inside of the fingerprint, a description element should contain a human-readable string describing this fingerprint.

At least one example element should be present, however multiple example elements are preferred. These elements are used as part of the test coverage present in rspec which validates that the provided data matches the specified regular expression. Additionally, if the fingerprint is using the param elements to extract field values from the data (described next), you can add these expected extractions as attributes for the example elements. In the example above, this:

<example service.version="4.62">RomSShell_4.62</example>

tests that RomSShell_4.62 matches the provided regular expression and that the value of service.version is 4.62.

The example string can be base64 encoded to permit the use of unprintable characters. To signal this to Recog an _encoding attribute with the value of base64 is added to the example element. Based64 encoded text that is longer than 80 characters may be wrapped with newlines as shown below to aid in readability.

<example _encoding="base64">

Additionally, examples can be placed in a directory with the same base name as the XML file, in the same directory as the XML file:


They can then be loaded using the _filename attribute:

<example _filename="file1"/>

This is useful for long examples.

The param elements contain a pos attribute, which indicates what capture field from the pattern should be extracted, or 0 for a static string. The name attribute is the key that will be reported in the case of a successful match and the value will either be a static string for pos values of 0 or missing and taken from the captured field.

The value attribute supports interpolation of data from other fields. This is often useful when capturing the value for hw.product via regex and re-using this value in os.product.

Here is an example fromhttp_servers.xml where hw.product is captured and reused.

  <fingerprint pattern="^Eltex (TAU-\d+[A-Z]*(?:\.IP)?)$">
    <description>Eltex TAU model VoIP gateway</description>
    <example hw.product="TAU-72">Eltex TAU-72</example>
    <example hw.product="TAU-1.IP">Eltex TAU-1.IP</example>
    <param pos="0" name="os.vendor" value="Eltex"/>
    <param pos="0" name="os.product" value="{hw.product} Firmware"/>
    <param pos="0" name="os.device" value="VoIP Gateway"/>
    <param pos="0" name="hw.vendor" value="Eltex"/>
    <param pos="1" name="hw.product"/>
    <param pos="0" name="hw.device" value="VoIP Gateway"/>

There is special handling for temporary attributes that have a name starting with _tmp.. These attributes can be used for interpolation but are not emitted in the output. This is useful when a particular product name is inconsistent in various banners, vendor marketing, or with NIST values when trying to generate CPEs. In these cases the useful parts of the banner can be extracted and a new value crafted without cluttering the data emitted by a match.

<fingerprint pattern="^foo baz switchThing-(\d{4})$">
  <description>NetCorp NX series switches</description>
  <example hw.product="NX8200">foo baz switchThing-8200</example>
  <param pos="0" name="hw.vendor" value="NetCorp"/>
  <param pos="0" name="hw.product" value="NX{_tmp.001}"/>
  <param pos="2" name="_tmp.001"/>

These temporary attributes are not tracked in the identifiers/fields.txt.

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Testing matches

The following examples make use of bin/recog_match, a simple Ruby command line tool that uses Recog's fingerprint data. Pre-processing is generally required before running Recog, i.e. extracting HTTP header values, etc. All fingerprint data can be found in xml/*.xml.


Fingerprint FTP servers based on the server's banner response after connecting:

# Example plaintext input
echo -n '220 Microsoft FTP Service' | bin/recog_match xml/ftp_banners.xml -

# Example command using nmap
nmap -sV -script=banner -p 21 | grep --color=never '_banner' | cut -d: -f2- | bin/recog_match xml/ftp_banners.xml -

# Example output
MATCH: {"matched"=>"Microsoft FTP Server on Windows XP, 2003 or later without version", "service.vendor"=>"Microsoft", "service.product"=>"IIS", ""=>"IIS", "service.cpe23"=>"cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:-", "os.vendor"=>"Microsoft", ""=>"Windows", "os.product"=>"Windows", "os.cpe23"=>"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows:-", ""=>"220", "service.protocol"=>"ftp", "fingerprint_db"=>"ftp.banner", "data"=>"220 Microsoft FTP Service"}


Using the HTTP Set-Cookie header value to fingerprint an HTTP server:

# Example plaintext input
echo 'laravel_session=eyJ...etc..etc...%3D; expires=Mon, 13-Mar-2023 16:48:58 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; httponly; samesite=lax' | bin/recog_match xml/http_cookies.xml -

# Example cURL command
curl --silent -I http://localhost:9001 | grep --color=never -i '^Set-Cookie:' | cut -d: -f2- | bin/recog_match xml/http_cookies.xml -

# Example output
MATCH: {"matched"=>"Laravel PHP web application framework", "service.vendor"=>"Laravel", "service.product"=>"Laravel", "service.cpe23"=>"cpe:/a:laravel:laravel:-", "service.protocol"=>"http", "fingerprint_db"=>"http_header.cookie", "data"=>"laravel_session=eyJ...etc..etc...%3D; expires=Mon, 13-Mar-2023 16:48:58 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; httponly; samesite=lax"}


Using the HTTP Server header value to fingerprint an HTTP server:

# Example plaintext input
echo -n 'Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)' | bin/recog_match xml/http_servers.xml -

# Example cURL command
curl --silent -I http://localhost:9001 | grep --color=never -i '^Server:' | cut -d: -f2- | bin/recog_match xml/http_servers.xml -

# Example output
MATCH: {"matched"=>"Apache", "service.vendor"=>"Apache", "service.product"=>"HTTPD", ""=>"Apache", "service.version"=>"2.4.38", "service.cpe23"=>"cpe:/a:apache:http_server:2.4.38", ""=>"(Debian)", "service.protocol"=>"http", "fingerprint_db"=>"http_header.server", "data"=>"Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)"}


Using the md5sum of a favicon to identify a running service:

# Example plaintext input
echo -n fe22dd2bb09daccf58256611ac491469 | bin/recog_match xml/favicons.xml -

# Example cURL command
curl --silent http://localhost:8000/favicon.ico | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }' | bin/recog_match xml/favicons.xml -

# Example output
MATCH: {"matched"=>"Drupal CMS", "service.vendor"=>"Drupal", "service.product"=>"CMS", "service.certainty"=>"0.5", "service.cpe23"=>"cpe:/a:drupal:drupal:-", "service.protocol"=>"", "fingerprint_db"=>"favicon.md5", "data"=>"fe22dd2bb09daccf58256611ac491469"}


Using the HTTP WWW-Authenticate header value to fingerprint an HTTP server:

# Example plaintext input
echo -n 'Basic realm="monit"' | bin/recog_match xml/http_wwwauth.xml -

# Example cURL command
curl --silent -I http://localhost:9001 | grep --color=never -i '^WWW-Authenticate:' | cut -d: -f2- | bin/recog_match xml/http_wwwauth.xml -

# Example output
MATCH: {"matched"=>"Minot", "service.vendor"=>"Tildeslash", "service.product"=>"Monit", "service.cpe23"=>"cpe:/a:tildeslash:monit:-", "service.protocol"=>"http", "fingerprint_db"=>"http_header.wwwauth", "data"=>"Basic realm=\"monit\""}


Fingerprint TLS servers based on the server's response to 10 TLS Client Hello packets. Fingerprint based on

# Example plaintext input
echo -n 07d14d16d21d21d07c42d43d000000f50d155305214cf247147c43c0f1a823 | bin/recog_match xml/jarm.xml -

# Example command using Salesforce's JARM against a running Metasploit listener
python3 $code/jarm/ -p 8443 | grep --color=never 'JARM: ' | awk -F: '{ print $2 }' | bin/recog_match xml/tls_jarm.xml -

# Example output
MATCH: {"matched"=>"Metasploit listener", "service.vendor"=>"Rapid7", "service.product"=>"Metasploit", "service.cpe23"=>"cpe:/a:rapid7:metasploit:-", "service.protocol"=>"tls", "fingerprint_db"=>"tls.jarm", "data"=>"07d14d16d21d21d07c42d43d000000f50d155305214cf247147c43c0f1a823"}


The users and maintainers of Recog would greatly appreciate any contributions you can make to the project. For guidelines and instructions please see CONTRIBUTING.MD

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recog's People


adfoster-r7 avatar adungo-r7 avatar alynn71 avatar amcclenaghan-r7 avatar cmccrisken-r7 avatar dabdine avatar dcollado-r7 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dmoinescu-r7 avatar dwelch-r7 avatar egypt avatar ekelly-1898 avatar godofwar1945 avatar gschneider-r7 avatar gwiseman-r7 avatar hdm avatar jhart-r7 avatar jkennedy-r7 avatar jvoisin avatar mdobrska-r7 avatar mkienow-r7 avatar mlaskowski-r7 avatar modoyle-r7 avatar pdeardorff-r7 avatar sdynes-r7 avatar ssikdar-r7 avatar tomsellers avatar tsellers-r7 avatar vmacdougal-r7 avatar zeroorone-huff avatar


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recog's Issues

Automate Github release process

(This is in response to @jhart-r7's email from 2015-02-17 to the recog users)

Travis-CI has integration with the Github release mechanism. You can automate it as outlined here If you don't want travis-ci doing the releases, you could also just add an action to the release task so that rake release both releases to Github and rubygems.

If you mention a rake task more than once, each block is run in the order it is declared

task :release do
  # first action for `rake release`

task :release do
  # second action for `rake release`

There may also be separate tasks for each part of rake release, such as tagging and building and pushing to rubygems and github, in which case you can make the Github release be dependent on the push to git task and the current release task dependent on it

task 'release:github' => 'push-to-git' do
  # do stuff with github API

task release: 'release:github'

x.version and x.version.version in CPE

I'm looking at some fingerprints in Recog, and trying to understand what the subversion (x.version.version , x.version.version.version etc) means in the CPE strings.
In all of the CPEs in Recog only the x.version is used. For example: "cpe:/a:ntp:ntp:{service.version}" .
But, if you search on NVD, you can find a lot of examples when concatenating different subversion yields more accurate results.
In this fingerprint for example:

<fingerprint flags="REG_DOT_NEWLINE,REG_ICASE" pattern='^.*version="ntpd ([^ p]+)(:?p[^ "]+)?[^"]+",.*processor="([^ ]+)",.*system="FreeBSD/?(?:[^ ]+-NETSCALER-([^ ]+))"'>
<description>ntpd running on Citrix Netscaler, which is based on FreeBSD</description>
<example os.arch="i386" os.version="9.3" service.version="4.2.6" service.version.version="[email protected]">
      version="ntpd [email protected] Wed Nov 24 15:54:11 UTC 2010 (1)",
      processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.3-NETSCALER-9.3", leap=00, stratum=3,
<example os.arch="amd64" os.version="10.5" service.version="4.2.6" service.version.version="p3-a">
      version="ntpd 4.2.6p3-a (1)", processor="amd64", system="FreeBSD/8.4-NETSCALER-10.5",
      leap=3, stratum=16, precision=-21, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=1264777.230,
<param name="service.version" pos="1"/>
<param name="service.version.version" pos="2"/>
<param name="service.vendor" pos="0" value="NTP"/>
<param name="service.product" pos="0" value="NTP"/>
<param name="service.cpe23" pos="0" value="cpe:/a:ntp:ntp:{service.version}"/>
<param name="os.vendor" pos="0" value="Citrix"/>
<param name="" pos="0" value="NetScaler"/>
<param name="os.device" pos="0" value="Network Management Device"/>
<param name="os.product" pos="0" value="NetScaler"/>
<param name="os.arch" pos="3"/>
<param name="os.version" pos="4"/>

If I concatenate service.version and service.version.version to the CPE string with colon delimiter, I will get more accurate result, having the "update" field in the CPE as well as the version. (,DEPRECATED&orderBy=CPEURI&namingFormat=2.2)

So here, one can assume service.version.version matches the "update" field on NVD.

On another example I've found, if one will concatenate both fields, but with dot delimiter instead of colon, the result will be a more precise version.
For example:

<fingerprint pattern="^([^ ]+) GroupWise SMTP/MIME Daemon ([^ ]+\.[^ ]+) v([^ ]+) Ready \(C\).* Novell, Inc\. *$">
<description>Novell GroupWise - versions below 5</description>
<example"" service.version="4.1" service.version.version="3"> GroupWise SMTP/MIME Daemon 4.1 v3 Ready (C)1993, 1996 Novell, Inc.</example>
<param name="service.vendor" pos="0" value="Novell"/>
<param name="" pos="0" value="GroupWise"/>
<param name="service.product" pos="0" value="GroupWise"/>
<param name="" pos="1"/>
<param name="service.version" pos="2"/>
<param name="service.version.version" pos="3"/>
<param name="service.cpe23" pos="0" value="cpe:/a:novell:groupwise:{service.version}"/>

Here, when concatenating service.version and service.version.version the result will be "cpe:/a:novell:groupwise:4.1.3" . While this version number specifically doesn't have entries in NVD, if I take the same pattern but with other digits, for example service.version=6.5 & service.version.version=2 so "cpe:/a:novell:groupwise:6.5.2" , it yields different result than using only the first service.version "cpe:/a:novell:groupwise:6.5" on NVD
6.5.2 -,DEPRECATED&orderBy=CPEURI&namingFormat=2.2

6.5 -,DEPRECATED&orderBy=CPEURI&namingFormat=2.2

So 2 questions raise here:

  1. Is the x.version.version (and the other subversion) have a constant meaning on Recog? or they can mean one thing in some cases and other meaning in another? (as can be seen in the examples)
  2. Since on Recog, only the x.version is used but the subversion aren't in CPE strings, this might yield wrong result, is that an expected behavior? In the example above, if I would use Recog CPE string I will get results for vulnerabilities for version 6.5 while the actual version is 6.5.2, according to this patterns, so this might be false positive.


Enable line numbers with recog_verify (and possibly other) warn/fail output

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
recog_verify does not produce line numbers, making it difficult to identify which fingerprints are problematic when running the command. For example:

xml/http_servers.xml: WARN: 'Apache' is missing an example that checks for parameter 'service.version' which is derived from a capture group
xml/http_servers.xml: WARN: 'Apache' is missing an example that checks for parameter '' which is derived from a capture group
xml/http_servers.xml: WARN: 'Microsoft IIS 1.0 - 4.0 runs on Windows NT 4.0' is missing an example that checks for parameter 'service.version' which is derived from a capture group
xml/http_servers.xml: WARN: 'Microsoft IIS new, unknown Windows version' is missing an example that checks for parameter 'service.version' which is derived from a capture group
xml/http_servers.xml: WARN: 'Microsoft .NET Remoting and Common Language Runtime (CLR)' is missing an example that checks for parameter 'service.component.version' which is derived from a capture group

Describe the solution you'd like
Make recog_verify produce line numbers when it encounters an issue.

Describe alternatives you've considered

HP-UX and AIX use identical FTP banners; recog incorrectly asserts AIX fingerprint

This is from a known HP-UX system: FTP server (Version Wed Aug 23 03:38:25 GMT 2000) ready.

Unfortunately it is identical in format to one found on an AIX system: FTP server (Version 4.1 Sat Sep 7 14:31:53 CDT 2002) ready.

It isn't currently clear what the product here actually is, but asserting an OS fingerprint from this is definitely not correct.

CPE is tagged as 2.3, but is in 2.2 format

CPE is tagged as 2.3, but is in 2.2 format.

To Reproduce

  1. Look at an XML fingerprint file
  2. Notice that the tag is cpe23
  3. Notice that the actual CPE string has a "cpe:/" in it
  4. CPE 2.3 would have a "cpe:2.3:" format

Would recommend changing this to a 2.2 tag, or update the CPE to 2.3

Forward slashes are inconsistently escaped

#101 for an example. It doesn't seem to matter from a Recog perspective whether or not we escape, but given that the Recog data is used in isolation, we should be consistent with our escaping.

Incorrect NTP fingerprint for F5 BIG-IP

The existing fingerprint is far too loose:

 <fingerprint pattern=".*version=&quot;ntpd ([^ ]+)[^&quot;]+&quot;,\s*processor=&quot;([^ ]+)&quot;,\s*system=&quot;[^ ]+.([^&quot;]+)&quot;" flags="REG_DOT_NEWLINE,REG_ICASE">

When I put this example in, it passes recog_verify but shouldn't:

version="ntpd version = 4.1.0", processor="unknown", system="OpenVMS AXP", leap=0, stratum=4, precision=-11, rootdelay=214.836, rootdispersion=162.916, peer=24756, refid=a.b.c.d, reftime=ffff poll=10, clock=fffff, state=4, offset=39.552, frequency=6.214, jitter=14.150, stability=5.564

EOL 1.9.3 support

2/23/2015, 1.9.3 will be EOL. Metasploit is also making this change (or maybe they did already -- I don't know for sure).

Recog should drop 1.9.3 support too.

How can we use it with Nmap ?

Can you please tell me if it's possible to give nmap xml report to this tool and this project try to recognize the services ?

Update Travis-CI test platforms

Right now Recog is only being tested in Ruby 2.1.5 and JRuby 1.7.x in the Travis-CI builds. Both are quite old (in fact I believe the JRuby version qualifies as ancient). We should add some newer versions to ensure forwards compatibility.

Caveat: Looking into the Travis-CI JRuby issue the other day lead down a rabbit hole that revealed JRuby versions being a pain to deal with currently. Some hoops to jump through could be executing rvm get stable before installing JRuby, or just downloading the JRuby zip from somewhere. Supposedly the docker-based Travis builds have entropy problems that make the rvm route slow still. More investigation is probably required here.

recog_match does not support multiline input banners

recog_match can read banners from STDIN or from a file passed on the command line, but assumes that each line of input is a banner. This complicates working with multiline banners, like NTP:

In this case, /tmp/f contains an example NTP fingerprint taken verbatim from our fingerprints:

$  ./bin/recog_match xml/ntp_banners.xml /tmp/f
FAIL: version="ntpd [email protected] Fri Aug  8 04:08:19 PDT 2003 (1)",
FAIL: processor="i386", system="BIG-IPBIG-IP 4.5PTF-0", leap=3, stratum=16,
FAIL: precision=-16, rootdelay=0.000, rootdispersion=103599.120, peer=0,
FAIL: refid=, reftime=0x00000000.00000000, poll=4,
FAIL: clock=0xd20533b8.903aa79b, state=1, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000,
FAIL: jitter=0.015, stability=0.000

Enforce all fingerprints to require examples

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Fingerprint elements in fingerprint XML files should always contain examples. Work has been done in previous PRs to settle many broken <example> tags. However, several other <fingerprint> XML elements are missing <example> elements altogether. We should enforce that examples are always present.

Describe the solution you'd like

  1. Update all fingerprint files to have an example, even if the data must be mocked (with an XML comment indicating as such).
  2. Update fingerprints.xsd after #410 is merged so that minOccurs on <example> is 1 instead of 0: With this simple change, once #410 lands the XML schema validation logic in recog_verify should automatically flag any missing example elements as an error (thus, giving developers immediate feedback & ensuring CI PR builds fail if one is not included).

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
Clearing out all warnings & errors from the existing XML fingerprint files should help greatly in enforcing strict standards for new fingerprints that are added, and ultimately ensure recog is kept high quality.

Document and improve experience related to fingerprint regular expression flags

As experienced in #74, there is room for improvement as it relates to how fingerprint regular expression flags are handled.

Today, the flags attribute is parsed in such a way that fingerprint authors can use multiple different formats for regular expression flags, and that during recog testing time, the variety of ways in which the flags are specified are normalized to something that Recog, which is written in Ruby, can understand. The issue with this, as we saw in #74, is that if we support multiple methods of specifying the same flag (in this case, REG_MULTILINE is the Java/GNU/perl friendly way and MULTILINE was the Ruby friendly way (per, any product that consumes Recog content must also have the same support for multiple methods of specifying options, or Recog itself needs to provide that mechanism.

Further proof of this is still lurking in IGNORECASE, which would still be allowed in current Recog but would break any Java/GNU/Perl implementation because REG_ICASE is the preferred method.

I am thinking we should do one of the following:

  1. Pick 1 set of regular expression flags, per the TODO from, such that products consuming recog are responsible for translating Recog's options. Ensure that the Recog tests will properly catch a fingerprint with bad flags.
  2. Ditch flags altogether and require that any regular expression "options" be specified in the regular expression itself. For example, rather than pattern="foo" flags="REG_ICASE", use pattern="(?i:foo)". We can automatically convert all of the existing fingerprints with some simple Ruby Regexp code that computes the new pattern with, old_flags).to_s

Proposal: migrate to hw.serial_number for storing hardware serial numbers

Proposal: Store hardware serial numbers in hw.serial_number instead of

In some cases recog is using to store hardware serial numbers when they are captured from banners. I would like to change this, where appropriate, to a new field hw.serial_number. This would make it more clear as to what is being captured and move the data to a more appropriate context (hw).

In the cases where we have existing vendor specific serial numbers I would duplicate these values in hw.serial_number unless stakeholders indicate that these are not being used at all.

Any feedback on this change would be greatly appreciated!

CC: @hdm @dabdine file created for you

save following as

echo "Installing Recog"
sudo pip install pyyaml
sudo apt install -y ruby-bundler
git clone [email protected]:rapid7/recog.git
cd recog
bundle install
echo "Installation Finished!"

run setup below!

sudo chmod +x *.sh

Fix or remove JRuby test target

JRuby has been failing for a while. We should fix/update the travis-ci config, remove JRuby from testing, and/or allow it to fail without failing the whole build.

It looks like the travis worker is now defaulting to Java 11 and the JRuby version specified is probably not compatible.

Add SMB native LM fingerprints

As indicated by the name, smb_native_os.xml is for fingerprinting devices based on the "native OS" field of the SMB response(s). In trying to provide some testing for rapid7/metasploit-framework#6005, I discovered that the fingerprints in don't work -- these "banners" seem to be taken from the SMB "native LM" field and will not work. It may be the case that other existing fingerprints in that file are also similarly problematic, but I don't believe so.

Assuming this is correct, we should move them to a new file and add the corresponding improvement to metasploit (rapid7/metasploit-framework#6021)

[WIP]Discussion: x.509 Certificates - deterministic handling and fingerprinting.

[WIP] Issue


This issue is intended to serve as a point of discussion related to the effort to standardize our handling of the distinguished name values found in x.509 certificate subject and issuer fields. The intent is to arrive at a field ordering that is

  • portable across programming languages (at least Java, Python, and Go)
  • deterministic even when processing unknown fields

Commentary from HD about handling in Go:

This fingerprint set matches the Subject field of x509 certificates. These x509
certificates may be sourced from any SSL or TLS service. If a particular system
has identical subject and issuer fields, the subject field should be preferred.
The format of the Subject field is built from the x509 distinguished names using
a specific order. This order matches the Go implementation at the URL:
The ToRDNSequence() function builds the string in reverse order:
func (n Name) ToRDNSequence() (ret RDNSequence) {
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, n.Country, oidCountry)
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, n.Province, oidProvince)
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, n.Locality, oidLocality)
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, n.StreetAddress, oidStreetAddress)
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, n.PostalCode, oidPostalCode)
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, n.Organization, oidOrganization)
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, n.OrganizationalUnit, oidOrganizationalUnit)
if len(n.CommonName) > 0 {
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, []string{n.CommonName}, oidCommonName)
if len(n.SerialNumber) > 0 {
ret = n.appendRDNs(ret, []string{n.SerialNumber}, oidSerialNumber)
for _, atv := range n.ExtraNames {
ret = append(ret, []AttributeTypeAndValue{atv})
return ret
All names are separated by commas and any commas inside a name are escaped with a
single backslash character. See RFC 2253 for additional details on formatting.
Practically, most Subjects start with the Common Name (CN=) and then step through
Organization Unit (OU), Organization (O), and then some level of location, but
typically Locality (L) and Country (C). Names are guaranteed to be listed in
the order described above, but may start at any point in the list. For example,
Subjects may start with a Serial Number (SERIALNUMBER=) or even Extra Names, but
these are somewhat rare. Keep this name order in mind when working on these

Commentary and example from HD on handling of extra fields in Go:

The relevant Go code for extra name handling:

			oidString := tv.Type.String()
			typeName, ok := attributeTypeNames[oidString]
			if !ok {
				derBytes, err := asn1.Marshal(tv.Value)
				if err == nil {
					s += oidString + "=#" + hex.EncodeToString(derBytes)
					continue // No value escaping necessary.

				typeName = oidString

In practice this looks like:,OU=VMware Engineering,O=VMware,L=Palo Alto,ST=California,C=US,1.2.840.113549.1.9.1=#0c0f766d636140766d776172652e636f6d

1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 is the OID of the EMAILADDRESS attribute. The value includes the DER bytes, including the Type and Length before the value ([email protected]).

TODO before requesting feedback from others:

  • Build simple Python, Ruby, Go, and Rust tools that connect to an HTTP endpoint and emit the certificate with the least amount of processing
  • Use the tools above to provide reference examples to show the differences


Some example subject values that haven't been accounted for in our prior discussions.


  "C": "US",
  "CN": "",
  "L": "Palo Alto",
  "O": "VMware, Inc",
  "OU": "VMware ESX Server Default Certificate",
  "ST": "California",
  "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
  "unstructuredName": "1617207215,564d7761726520496e632e"

businessCategory, jurisdictionC , jurisdictionL, jurisdictionST

  "C": "DE",
  "CN": "",
  "L": "Hannover",
  "O": "TUI AG",
  "ST": "Niedersachsen",
  "businessCategory": "Private Organization",
  "jurisdictionC": "DE",
  "jurisdictionL": "Charlottenburg",
  "jurisdictionST": "Berlin",
  "serialNumber": "HRB 000"


  "name": "AR2220-Self-Signed-Certificate-2102352934DMGA000458"


  "CN": "00:09:52:05:b9:73",
  "O": "Auerswald",
  "description": "Vendor=Auerswald;SN=0000000000;MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;DevClass=PBX;DevTyp=COMpact5200"

From Microsoft Active Directory, DC

  "CN": "",
  "DC": "va",
  "OU": "devices"

Add RuboCop (linter) workflow

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Make it easier for contributors and maintainers to ensure code adheres to a proper style and format.

Describe the solution you'd like
Run RuboCop on push to main branch and on pull requests.

  • Add .rubocop.yml configuration to the root directory for controlling RuboCop’s behaviour
  • Add workflow .github/workflows/rubocop.yml that runs RuboCop on push and pull_request

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

recog requires Ruby version >=2.1. even though its already present

Installing recog version 2.0.6 using the command sudo gem install recog -v '2.0.6' gives the following error:

ERROR:  Error installing recog:
    recog requires Ruby version >= 2.1.

even when Ruby version is >= 2.1.

Here's the output of ruby --version

$ ruby --version
ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [i686-linux]

and the output of gem env

$  gem env
RubyGems Environment:
  - RUBY VERSION: 2.3.0 (2015-12-25 patchlevel 0) [i686-linux]
  - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/Spike/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0
  - USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/Spike/.gem/ruby/2.3.0
  - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /home/Spike/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin/ruby
  - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /home/Spike/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin
  - SPEC CACHE DIRECTORY: /home/Spike/.gem/specs
  - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DIRECTORY: /home/Spike/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/etc
    - ruby
    - x86-linux
     - /home/Spike/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0
     - /home/Spike/.gem/ruby/2.3.0
     - :update_sources => true
     - :verbose => true
     - :backtrace => false
     - :bulk_threshold => 1000
     - /home/Spike/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin
     - /home/Spike/.rbenv/libexec
     - /home/Spike/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin
     - /home/Spike/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin
     - /home/Spike/.rbenv/shims
     - /home/Spike/.rbenv/bin
     - /home/Spike/.rbenv/bin
     - /usr/local/bin
     - /usr/bin
     - /bin
     - /usr/local/games
     - /usr/games
     - /home/Spike/.rvm/bin
     - /home/Spike/.rvm/bin

Even the Ruby version for root is 2.3.0

# ruby --version
ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [i686-linux]
# gem env
RubyGems Environment:
  - RUBY VERSION: 2.3.0 (2015-12-25 patchlevel 0) [i686-linux]
  - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /root/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0
  - USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /root/.gem/ruby/2.3.0
  - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /root/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin/ruby
  - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /root/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin
  - SPEC CACHE DIRECTORY: /root/.gem/specs
  - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DIRECTORY: /root/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/etc
    - ruby
    - x86-linux
     - /root/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0
     - /root/.gem/ruby/2.3.0
     - :update_sources => true
     - :verbose => true
     - :backtrace => false
     - :bulk_threshold => 1000
     - /root/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin
     - /root/.rbenv/libexec
     - /root/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin
     - /root/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin
     - /root/.rbenv/shims
     - /root/.rbenv/bin
     - /usr/local/sbin
     - /usr/local/bin
     - /usr/sbin
     - /usr/bin
     - /sbin
     - /bin

Invalid escape sequence (unicode)

The file telnet_banners.xml contains a \u0000 sequence which is invalid for certain Regexp implementations (for example, Go). This should probably be changed to \x00 instead.

Strict or Flexible Version Matching?

The HTTP server header fingerprints file (xml/http_servers.xml) currently contains 19 patterns that use ((?:\d+\.)+\d+ to match the service version. A successful match of the pattern requires, at a minimum, a major.minor style version number. A major only style version number will fail to match. For example, using the CherryPy pattern we can see the version portion of the pattern requires, at a minimum, a version number that contains two digits separated by a period.

$ echo 'CherryPy/3.1.2' | bin/recog_match.rb xml/http_servers.xml -
MATCH: {"service.vendor"=>"CherryPy", "service.product"=>"CherryPy", ""=>"CherryPy", "service.version"=>"3.1.2", "data"=>"CherryPy/3.1.2"}

$ echo 'CherryPy/3.1' | bin/recog_match.rb xml/http_servers.xml -
MATCH: {"matched"=>"Web server component of CherryPy web application framework.", "service.vendor"=>"CherryPy", "service.product"=>"CherryPy", ""=>"CherryPy", "service.version"=>"3.1", "data"=>"CherryPy/3.1"}

$ echo 'CherryPy/3' | bin/recog_match.rb xml/http_servers.xml -
FAIL: CherryPy/3

I have not fully investigated all of the HTTP server header fingerprints or other fingerprint files, but I think this is an important topic to discuss and determine a best practice for the project. The patterns I introduced in #16 use ((?:\d+\.)*\d+) which allows for flexible version number matching. I prefer more flexible patterns as eases maintenance of the fingerprints to some degree.

Adding fingerprint coverage for Maria DB Enterprise

Nexpose was unable to fingerprint MariaDB - Enterprise as noted in the log trace below. Looking at the banners.xml file, enterprise is not showing in the list. Below is the fingerprint for Maria DB to hopefully be added in the mysql_banners.xml.

2017-02-15T11:26:26 [INFO] [Thread: xx.x.x:54810/TCP] [Site: Test site] [mysql.banners] Matching against banner: 5.5.5-10.1.21-MariaDB-enterprise
2017-02-15T11:26:26 [INFO] [Thread: x.x.x.x:54810/TCP] [Site: Test site] [mysql.banners] No matching fingerprint found for banner: 5.5.5-10.1.21-MariaDB-enterpris

MariaDB MariaDB Enterprise Edition 5.5.34-MariaDB-enterprise 5.5.5-10.1.21-MariaDB-enterprise

Fingerprint for MariaDB 0ubuntu0

Hi team,

I'm looking to add coverage for MariaDB 0ubuntu0. I working off #155 . From the scan log, we received the following version from the banner request.

Appreciate your guidance. Thank you

Nomatching fingerprint found for banner: 5.5.5-10.0.31-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.2

Installed software (from Administrative credentials): SoftwareFingerprint [[certainty=1.0][description=Ubuntu mariadb-client-10.0 10.0.31-0ubuntu0.16.04.2][family=null][product=mariadb-client-10.0][softwareClass=null][vendor=Ubuntu][version=10.0.31-0ubuntu0.16.04.2]]

package libmysqlclient20 has source: mysql-5.7
deb:libmysqlclient20 version:5.7.19-0ubuntu0.16.04.1

<fingerprint pattern="^(\d{1,2}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,4})-MariaDB-\dubuntu\d\.(\d{1,2}\.\d\d)[\.\d]*(?:-log)?$">
<description>MariaDB MariaDB on Ubuntu 16.04</description> <example service.version="5.7.19" os.version="16.04">5.5.5-10.0.31-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.2</example> <param pos="1" name="service.version"/> <param pos="0" name="service.vendor" value="Oracle"/> <param pos="0" name="" value="MySQL"/> <param pos="0" name="service.product" value="MySQL"/> <param pos="0" name="os.vendor" value="Ubuntu"/> <param pos="0" name="" value="Linux"/> <param pos="0" name="os.product" value="Linux"/> <param pos="2" name="os.version"/> </fingerprint>

recog_standard crashes when identifier files are missing.

Describe the bug
bin/recog_standardize crashes when trying to process a file that does not exist.

Sometimes values are added to the identifier files and then they are removed from the fingerprints later without cleaning up the identifier files. bin/recog_standardize doesn't remove orphaned entries.

If, instead, it were to create missing files then that would make it easy for contributors to ensure the accuracy of files in identifiers/ by simply deleting all of the txt files and running the tool with the -w flag.

Additionally, it would be nice to have a flag that just does this for us for any file that recog_standardize is processing.

To Reproduce

$ rm identifiers/vendor.txt 

$ ruby bin/recog_standardize -w xml/*
Traceback (most recent call last):
	2: from bin/recog_standardize:52:in `<main>'
	1: from bin/recog_standardize:10:in `load_identifiers'
bin/recog_standardize:10:in `readlines': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /Users/something/git/recog/identifiers/vendor.txt (Errno::ENOENT)

Expected behavior
recog_standardize creates any missing files

Add schema for recog content

Today we do some validation like things all over the place, recog_verify, recog_match, some unit tests, some cucumber tests. We should remove anything that is better served in a schema and add it that way instead.

Add more comprehensive SNMP fingerprints based on sysObjectID, sysObjectID, is a supported method of fingerprinting through recog with xml/snmp_sysobjid.xml. The descriptions for the values returned by sysObjectID are publicly available to varying degrees but not in a way that is easily consumed by recog.

@hmoore-r7 suggested a parallel Sonar scan for sysDesc and sysObjectID as one way to beef up what is in snmp_sysobjid.xml.

Why some os types under os.product and not

I couldn't find any explanation for the fingerprints parameters names, so I'm raising this here.
In the below example, why is "VxWorks" which is a type of OS is under os.product while other fingerprints have their OS type under shouldn't this be under as well?
What is the logic behind putting these values under these parameters names? If I'll have to make a guess VxWorks OS family would be something like RTOS (which will include other OS in this family like FreeRTOS and ThreadX)

<fingerprint pattern="IPSSH[-_]([\d\.p]+).*$"> <description>VxWorks with version information</description> <example os.version="6.9.0">IPSSH-6.9.0</example> <param pos="0" name="os.vendor" value="Wind River"/> <param pos="0" name="os.product" value="VxWorks"/> <param pos="1" name="os.version"/> <param pos="0" name="os.cpe23" value="cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks:{os.version}"/> </fingerprint>*

Fingerprint for MariaDB Xenial


I'm looking to see how we can add coverage for MariaDB Xenial. I did find a fingerprint for a version of MariaDB that are very similar but I'm not familiar with the process of creating it. From the scan log, we received the following version from the banner request.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Scan log:

No matching fingerprint found for banner: 5.5.5-10.1.23-MariaDB-1~xenial
Installed software (from Administrative credentials): 
SoftwareFingerprint [[certainty=1.0][description=Ubuntu libmysqlclient18 10.1.23+maria-1~xenial][family=null][product=libmysqlclient18][softwareClass=null][vendor=Ubuntu][version=10.1.23+maria-1~xenial]]
package libmysqlclient20 has source: mysql-5.7
deb:libmysqlclient20 version:5.7.19-0ubuntu0.16.04.1

From looking mysql_banner xml file:

<fingerprint pattern="^(?:\d{1,2}\.\d{1,3}\.[a-f\d]{1,3}-)?(\d{1,2}\.\d{1,3}\.[a-f\d]{1,4})-MariaDB.+~wheezy(?:-log)?$" flags="REG_ICASE">
    <description>MariaDB MariaDB on Debian 7.0 (wheezy)</description>
    <example service.version="5.5.37">5.5.37-MariaDB-1~wheezy-log</example>
    <example service.version="10.0.11">10.0.11-MariaDB-1~wheezy-log</example>
    <example service.version="10.0.14">5.5.5-10.0.14-MariaDB-1~wheezy-log</example>
    <param pos="1" name="service.version"/>
    <param pos="0" name="service.vendor" value="MariaDB"/>
    <param pos="0" name="" value="MySQL"/>
    <param pos="0" name="service.product" value="MariaDB"/>
    <param pos="0" name="os.vendor" value="Debian"/>
    <param pos="0" name="" value="Linux"/>
    <param pos="0" name="os.product" value="Linux"/>
    <param pos="0" name="os.version" value="7.0"/>

Thank you!

Erik Castellanos

Deprecated CPEs

Describe the bug
I noticed deprecated CPEs in the XML fingerprints.

Looking at /xml/http_servers.xml
Definition for IIS 8.5 (for example) includes:

As stated in the other bug I opened, this is in cpe 2.2 format. Converting it to CPE 2.3 as follows:


Submit it to NVD:*

Response is as follows:

Essentially unrecognized. There was a deprecation window where the service returned a "deprecatedBy" flag that told how to update the CPE.

Using the replacement CPE:*

{"resultsPerPage":20,"startIndex":0,"totalResults":1,"result":{"dataType":"CPE","feedVersion":"1.0","cpeCount":1,"feedTimestamp":"2021-02-19T03:43","cpes":[{"deprecated":false,"cpe23Uri":"cpe:2.3:a:microsoft:internet_information_services:8.5:::::::*","lastModifiedDate":"2018-12-11T18:56Z","titles":[{"title":"Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 8.5","lang":"en_US"}],"refs":[{"ref":"","type":"Product"}],"deprecatedBy":[],"vulnerabilities":[]}]}}

If cpeCount is 0, there is a problem with the CPE. Might also be good to keep an eye on the deprecatedBy response when performing validation checking.

You can pull down the entire CPE 2.3 dictionary for validation checking here:

If you decide to stick with CPE 2.2 format, you can validate against the diction located here:

Hope this is helpful info. Cheers!

warning pops up regularly from recog in the context of metasploit framework

This warning has begun regularly occurring within metasploit framework's msfconsole:

recog-1.0.27/lib/recog/fingerprint/regexp_factory.rb:33: warning: nested repeat operator '+' and '?' was replaced with '*' in regular expression

It seems to appear randomly (not necessarily in response to any particular action being done in framework), so it is not clear what to do to reproduce it yet.

Add tests to ensure portability of regex syntax

There are some regexes using Ruby's \h syntax for hexadecimal values, but in other runtimes \h means horizontal whitespace. These regexes will not match correctly outside of Ruby. Instead we should be using [a-f\d] (unless someone has a better idea).

There should be test coverage to ensure that the regexes are not relying on special Ruby-only features so we can avoid any issues with this in the future.


New anti-DoS patterns break Go regexp support with: invalid repeat count: `{0,1024}`

Describe the bug

The recent change to use {0,maxLength} prefixes broke Recog use under Go since 1024 is above the maximum limit of 1000.

To Reproduce

This Go code reproduces the problem with the new fingerprints:

package main

import (

func main() {
        regexp.MustCompile(`^\s{0,1024}APC FTP server ready\.$`)
$ go run main.go
panic: regexp: Compile(`^\s{0,1024}APC FTP server ready\.$`): error parsing regexp: invalid repeat count: `{0,1024}`

goroutine 1 [running]:
regexp.MustCompile(0x781970, 0x22, 0xc0000200b8)
        C:/Program Files/Go/src/regexp/regexp.go:311 +0x15f
        C:/Users/Developer/go/recog-go/r/t.go:8 +0x3d
exit status 2

To fix the issue, change 0,1024 instances to 0,1000

wrong attribute name ?


It seems a wrong attribute is used in the file ftp_banners.xml, at line 363 of tree state 75e3f80

<param pos="0" name="service.fvendor" value="PureFTPd"/>

It seems that name should be service.vendor in place of service.fvendor (check the "f" letter)


Unify Recog HTTP and UPnP SSDP Server header fingerprinting

These two files both match against Server headers, but for our purposes the protocols are identical and as such should be using the same fingerprint files. Having them separate is a maintenance headache and can cause misfingerprints on one or the other.

Add a faster, non-linear way to match Recog signatures

From past experience with recog, using the API against a large dataset gets slow, mostly because all you can do is linear scan all of the signature regexes against every one of your matching items. Each new signature adds linear time to the run.

This might break the more advanced matchers, but if there were a way to do boyer-moore matching or something similar to compile regexes into a single matcher that doesn't have to start over and run multiple passes, like an IDS or DPI device would do, it would probably speed things up a good amount.

Incorrect formatted xml fingerprint not caught by recog_verify

A malformatted fingerprints with a pos greater than 0 and a "value" attribute passes the recog_verify.
The fingerprint below passes the verify without an error or warning but is not imported by the protocol-fingerprinter and nexpose.

   <fingerprint pattern="^Darwin (\S*) \S* Darwin Kernel Version 7.(\d+).\d+: .*RELEASE_\S* ?\s* (\S* ?\S*)$">
      <description>Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther)</description>
      <example"mac-10-3-s-u" os.version.version="0">Darwin mac-10-3-s-u 7.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.0.0: Wed Sep 24 15:48:39 PDT 2003; root:xnu/xnu-517.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh</example>
      <param pos="1" name=""/>
      <param pos="0" name="os.vendor" value="Apple"/>
      <param pos="0" name="" value="Mac OS X"/>
      <param pos="0" name="os.product" value="Mac OS X"/>
      <param pos="0" name="os.device" value="General"/>
      <param pos="3" name="os.arch" value="Power Macintosh"/>
      <param pos="0" name="os.version" value="10.3"/>
      <param pos="2" name="os.version.version"/>
      <param pos="0" name="os.certainty" value="0.9"/>

hw.device vs os.device


I was confused by two fields: hw.device / os.device

seems like they all hold some device information from host

<param pos="0" name="hw.device" value="Printer"/>
<param pos="0" name="os.device" value="Printer"/>

but what different between them ? which one should I use ?


regex fail to work on example

<fingerprint pattern="^(?m)TiMOS-[CB]-([\S]+) (?:both|cpm)/([\w]+) ALCATEL (SR [\S]+) Copyright.*Login:\s*$" flags="REG_MULTILINE">

Decoded example is:
"TiMOS-C-12.0.R12 cpm/hops64 ALCATEL SR 7750 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Alcatel-Lucent.

Banner Shortened For


and when testing on any regex tester seems there is no match...
is there any processing done to the example before testing?

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