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ms-2_visit-new-zealand's Introduction

The aim of this project is to provide travel guide for New Zealand and highlight the 5 biggest cities in New Zealand and what to do there. This website has been created for my second milestone project as part of the Diploma in Full Stack Software Development course with Code Institute. The website is responsive on all device sizes.

Table of contents


Please click on the image to open link in a new browser window.


A live demo can be found - here


New Zealand has become the poster child for how to deal with Covid-19. With the early lockdown and strict border measures mean it has suppressed the virus to an astonishing degree. This also means that there will be highly likely travel restrictions for international travelers, so in the mean time before the travel restrictions will be lifted, this website will allow users to search for holiday destinations in New Zealand. The user can search information about tourist attractions, travel agencies, accommodation, museums, car rentals, restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores near the searched locations.

Furthermore, after completing this project, I would be able to showcase my coding skills and knowledge of the HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5, JavaScript and Intractive Frontend Development modules learnt as part of the Code Institute’s FullStack Software Development Diploma Course.

User Stories

  • I want to be able to search for holiday destinations in New Zealand.
  • I want to be able to see tourist attractions and places of interest for the searched destination.
  • I want to be able to search and book accomodations and restaurants for the searched destination.
  • I want to be able to get in touch with the site owner for any queries.


This website will offer travel guide for New Zealand and highlight the 5 biggest cities in New Zealand and what to do there. The website will provide advance user experience in finding holiday destinations in New Zealand along with popular search options made available through the search buttons. It will also advance the site owner's goals of providing useful information to the travelleres, and also exploring the tourist attractions as being an user of the website. The user will be able to contact the site's owner through the contact section and social media links.

1. Strategy

The aim of the project is that the site's owner is looking to provide travel guide for New Zealand and highlight on the 5 biggest cities in New Zealand and what to do there. By building this website, potential travellers will be able to look for information such as tourist attractions, travel agencies, accommodation, museums, car rentals, restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores near the searched locations, through the UX simple, clean and user-friendly site design.

Site owner goals::

  • Highlight what New Zealand has to offer as a travel destination, and encourage tourists to visit and explore the 5 biggest cities there.
  • Provide best and useful information through the search options available underneath the search bar which will uncover various information such as tourist attractions, museums, restaurant, convenience stores etc. to suit the visitors needs and budget.
  • Provide the contact form, so the users be able to get in touch with their queries in relation to their trip.

Customer Goals:

  • Availability of User friendly information on the website such as tourist attractions, museums, restaurant, convenience stores etc.
  • The site to be designed with the priority of mobile devices as this it the most common way of searching for information.
  • Easy to find links to social media accounts to follow the news highlights, tips etc. about the country.
  • Easy to find contact form for any possible enquiries.

2. Scope

  • Website built on the mobile-first approach to be responsive on all devices.

  • A jumbotron section with catchy content to encourage the user to search for a city or town in New Zealand to show more details in relation to tourist attractions, museums, restaurant, convenience stores etc. with the markers displayed on the interactive map.

  • To ensure that the website immediately shows its purpose.

  • Aim to provides users with pure UX design.

  • A contact form that that sends emails to an account using EmailJS.

  • Highlights my current coding skills through the website creation.

3. Structure

  • The website has three different pages, Home page, Why New Zealand?, and Contact Us so to show appropriate information on all pages which will enable users to easily grasp the website content and to navigate easily through the website.

  • Fixed navigation to enhance better user experience and to easily scroll through the different sections and all links are functional which will open the targeted page.

  • Navbar links are collapsable on smaller screen sizes to draw responsiveness and lets users to navigate between different pages without needing to use their browser navigation buttons.

  • Fixed footer provide quick accessibility to social media links to the user.

  • Home page will question users to why to visit New Zealand so to lead them to the search input field, type location, and choose an option by clicking a search button (place type APIs have been hard coded in the search buttons) so to uncover more information near the searched locations.

  • Google Map shows location markers and provides search results list upon the users search and the results list if cleared every time a different option is selected.

  • More details button return more search result items when clicked by the user.

  • The second page shows the image slider carousal which immidiately attracts the users attention when they see beautiful landscapes in New Zealand and the section underneath the carousal highlights the 5 biggest cities in New Zealand and what to do there.

  • The third page includes the Contact form with the following fields: "Full Name", "Email Address" and "Message" which will be required in order to submit the form, "Email" input must be the valid format. User is alerted of correct input if data is invalid. The user will be able to send an email with enquiry about the city via EmailJS. An alert message appears on the window when email is sent successfully or error message if unsuccesful.

4. Skeleton

wireframes mock ups:

  • Wireframes were created using Balsamiq:

    • Wireframes

    • Home

    • Why New Zealand?

    • Contact Us

    • Website built over three pages:-

    • Home, Why New Zealand?, and Contact Us

    • Fixed navigation bar - Menu headings pointing to individual pages

    • Fixed Footer with Copyright info and Social Media icons

  • Flowchart created using

5. Surface

I have decided on an attractive landing page showcasing hero image with catchy wordings wrapped in a jumbotron, and encouraging users to find out more by typing a location and search through the options to enhance user experience.

  • Header & Footer sections - #516c94 (Queen Blue), this color applies to the header & footer section, and maintains contrast to the landing page, hero image.

  • Buttons - #72A276 (Forest Green Crayola) - This color applies to the buttons background.

  • Buttons - #3c5d40 (Hunter Green) - This color applies to the buttons background on a hover effect.

  • Body color: (#e1e6eb) - This color applies to the body background color.

  • text color: (#fffff) - This color applies to menu headings, section titles and body text maintaining strong, balanced contrasts.


  • "Lato" font (with fall-back font of Sans-Serif) for body headings and text.


The image selection has been carefully chosen to showcase beautiful monuments and landscapes of New Zealand.


Existing Features

  • Designed with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Bootstrap5.

  • Website has three different pages, Home, Why New Zealand?, Contact US.

  • It is a fully responsive website hat allows the user to use it on any device.

Technologies Used

1. Languages

  • HTML5 - the current standard that is used.
  • CSS3 - the current standard that is used.
  • CSS3 - the current standard that is used.
  • JavaScript.

2. Integrations

  • Bootstrap - by linking via Bootstrap CDN to HTML Doc making the design responsive.
  • Font Awesome - Icons for Social Media links in Footer and Tours section
  • Google Fonts - to import typography of the website into the stylesheet file.
  • Google Developers Console to get the APIs used on the site.
  • EmailJS - Java script code given to make Contact Form functional

3. API

This site uses following APIs:

  1. Google Maps JavaScript API used to create the map

    • On the loading of the website, google map show Auckland as being the center location, and the map is restricted to New Zealand which means the user cannot leave New Zealand bounds.
    • The textual information is provided to the user through the landing page to direct the user to the google maps and search for beautiful places in New Zealand.
    • Next to the map, there is a search bar to type location and adjusant to the search bar, there are various buttons which provides the user with different search options such as tourist attractions, travel agencies, accommodation, museums, car rentals, restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores. When buttons are clicked, map is filled with the markers and a results list is generated. Furthermore, when the next button is clicked, a new list is shown along with the new markers on the map.
    • The results list shows name of the business and a clickable google New Zealand search link which opens in a new tab where the user can go ahead and get further information.
  2. EmailJS used to allow the user to send a message via the contact form.

4. Workspace, version control and Repository storage

  • GitPod- Main workspace IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  • Git - Distributed Version Control tool to store versions of files and track changes.
  • GitHub - A cloud-based hosting service to manage my Git repositories.

5. Other

6. IDE Extensions used in GitPod

  • Auto Close Tag
  • Bootstrap 4 CDN Snippet
  • Prettier - Code Formatter
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer
  • Code spell Checker
  • FontAwesome Auto-complete



  • Test carried on the Navbar link which appears on the left of the menu bar to ensure it points to the Home page.

  • Test carried on the Home, Why New Zealand? and Contact Us pages in menu bar to ensure it points to correct page.

  • Test carried on the Social Media icons in the Footer to ensure the specific link opens the correct pages, and in the new tab.

  • Test carried on the Send button on Contact page without filling any information to ensure that the error displays under the text box displaying 'Please fill out this field'.

  • Test carried on the Email input box by entering an invalid email address to ensure that an error displays under the text box displaying 'Please include an @ in the email address'.

  • Test carried on the Emailjs functionality by filling the contact form and clicking submit to ensure that the message is sent by receiving the alert message for successful submission of the message.

  • After passing the JavaScript code from the maps.js through the JavaScript code validator JSHint, one of the warnings appears is:

  1. Two unused variables appeared 18 initialize 100 codeAddressSearch Both the variables are Maps JavaScript APIs functions.

  2. One undefined variable 20 google 29 google 115 google 136 google 202 google 203 google 204 google 205 google 208 google

Again the values are coming from the Maps JavaScript APIs functions.

Testing User Stories

  • I want to be able to search for holiday destinations in New Zealand.

    1. As the website is built with three pages, the home page directs a new user and a returning user to search for beautiful places in New Zealand by typing a location in the search bar and using the search buttons to find information required. The user will be provided with the search results list which would show the busines name and a clickable link, upon clicking the link, the user can find further information to complete their bookings through the google pages.
  • I want to be able to see tourist attractions and places of interest for the searched destination.

    1. The users can choose different search options by selecting different buttons as the buttons are named as per the search types. The user can search information about tourist attractions, travel agencies, accommodation, museums, car rentals, restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores near the searched locations.
  • I want to be able to search and book accomodations and restaurants for the searched destination.

    1. After a completed search, the users are presented with a search results list which contains name of the business and a clickable link which directs the user to a google link of New Zealand with the business details where the user can complete their bookings.
  • I want to be able to get in touch with the site owner for any queries.

    1. The users submits the contact form in a contact us section, and fill in their details and the message query and click submit. After submitting the form, the users are presented with an alert message stating if their message has been sent successfully and if not, then they need to try again to send the message.

Project barriers and solutions

  • Encountered an issue with the navbar where the navbar menu items wouldn't push down the hero image when the toggled menu bar was clicked, this was due to the height was specified to the navbar heading which was restricting the lowering down of the menu. So the height value was removed from the css style.
  • Encountered an issue with the markers on the map where the markers were not clearing of the map when a different search button was clicked. Solution to the issue was searched through the Maps JavaScript API documentation and clearMarkers() was added.
  • Encountered issues with the HTML validator checker where maps section needed a heading so to resolve this and make the web page highly interactive, earlier jumbotron was removed from the hero image and the heading from their added just on the top of the maps section.
  • Another issue seen in the HTML page was the aria label attribute, researched for the issue and find solution on the stack overflow and so just needed to change aria-describedby to aria label because there was no matching id for it.
  • Encountered issues with the Color Contrast checker where the color contrast of the button background color didn't blended with the white font color, so to resolve this changed the font color to balck, and the cotrast test was passed.

Code validity

Version Control

  • Used Git for version control.


GitHub Pages

This project has been deployed on GitHub Page. To deploy it, follow the steps:

  • All code was written on Gitpod, an online IDE.
  • The code was then pushed to GitHub where it is stored in my Repository.
  • At the top of the Repository, click on the "Settings" Button on the menu.
  • Scroll down the Settings page and find the "GitHub Pages" Section.
  • Under "Source"click on the drop-down, and select the "Master" branch.
  • Once selected, this publishes the project to GitHub Pages and displays the site's url.
  • There is no difference between the deployed version and the development version.
  • There is one API used in this project. The API key is a unique identifier that authenticates requests associated with your project.

To create an API key in Google map API:

You will need your gmail account then you have to create a billing account at

  1. Go to the APIs & Services > Credentials page and get your own account and your own key.
  2. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key. The API key created dialog displays your created API key.
  3. Click Close. The new API key is listed on the Credential page. Remember to restrict the API key before using it in projects.

To ensure EmailJS API works

  1. Set up EmailJS account1. Create an EmailJS account.
  2. Create an email template: click on the Email Template section on the left-hand side.
  3. Click Create new template up at the top.
  4. Choose the blank template.
  5. Fill in the template and mark where the email needs to be sent to.
  6. Click on the Test Button at the top.

Connecting to EmailJS

  1. Go to the EmailJS website and choose documantation tab at the top.
  2. Choose SKD instalation on the left and copy the EmailJS SDK.
  3. Copy the code and paste the code in before the closing/head tag.
  4. Get your user ID - you can get this from the Instrucions page in the EmailJS dashboard.
  5. Paste it into your emailjs.init(). You can copy your custom EmailJS code ().

To fork the GitHub Repository

By forking the GitHub Repository we make a copy of the original repository on our GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original repository by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the Repository.
  2. At the top right of the Repository just above the "Settings" Button on the menu, locate and click the "Fork" Button.
  3. You should have a copy of the original repository in your GitHub account now.

To make a Local Clone

  1. Log in GitHub and locate the Repository.
  2. At the top of the Repository locate the "Code" dropdown menu.
  3. To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "CLONE", make sure "HTTPS" is selected and copy the link then.
  4. Open Git Bash. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
  5. Type git clone and past the URL you copied in Step 3. $ git clone
  6. Press Enter and you local clone will be created.



  • All pictures downloaded from Pixabay, a free resources for stock-photo library.
  • Favicon icon was created using Favicon, a free resource to make favicon icons.


Code Snippets

  • Code Institute - Inspiration for HERO image taken from the mini project 'Whiskey project', later used in MS1 after customisation and now used in MS2 after further customisation.
  • EmailJS documentation and code for sending Emails. Code Institute - tutorial for sending Emails.
  • Bootstrap - Bootstrap code snippets have been used through out the website mainly starter pack, navigation menu bar, cards content container, contact form and Bootstrap classes for styling the elements, providing spacing, margin, padding etc. for the sole purpose of achiving responsiveness behaviour of the website through out all the screen sizes such as mobile, tablet and large screens.
  • Google Maps JavaScript APIs are used to create map, geocoding component restrictions to restrict the search to New Zealand only and to obtain desired search results by using the place types, and near by search creteria achieved through the place search pagination. See below the links to the APIs used.
  • Place Search Pagination
  • Restricting Map Bounds
  • Geocoding Component Restrictions
  • Place Types
  • Stack overflow


I would like to thank:

  • My mentor, Caleb Mbakwe, for his guidance, valuable feedbacks, and encouragement through out the project.

ms-2_visit-new-zealand's People


ranj247 avatar



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