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mandarin-tts's Introduction

Chinese mandarin text to speech (MTTS)

This is a modularized Text-to-speech framework aiming to support fast research and product developments. Main features include

  • all modules are configurable via yaml,
  • speaker embedding / prosody embeding/ multi-stream text embedding are supported and configurable,
  • various vocoders (VocGAN, hifi-GAN, waveglow, melGAN) are supported by adapter so that comparison across different vocoders can be done easily,
  • durations/pitch/energy variance predictor are supported, and other variances can be added easily,
  • and more on the road-map.

Contributions are welcome.

Audio samples

Checkout the demo here eg

Quick start


git clone
cd mandarin-tts
git submodule update --force --recursive --init --remote
pip install -e . f


Two examples are provided here: biaobei and aishell3.

To train your own models, first make a copy from existing examples, then prepare the melspectrogram features using by

cd examples
python -c ./aishell3/config.yaml -w <aishell3_wav_folder> -m <mel_folder> -d cpu

prepare the scp files necessary for training,

cd examples/aishell3
python --wav_folder <aishell3_wav_folder>  --mel_folder <mel_folder> --dst_folder ./train/

This will generate scp files required by config.yaml (in the dataset/train section). You would also need to check that everything is fine in the config file. Usually you don't need to change the code.

Now you can start your training by

cd examples/aishell3
python ../../mtts/ -c config.yaml -d cuda

For biaobei dataset, the workflow is the same, except that there is no speaker embedding but you can add prosody embedding.

More examples will be added. Please stay.


Pretrained mtts checkpoints

Currently two examples are provided, and the corresponding checkpoints/configs are summarized as follows.

dataset checkpoint config
aishell3 link link
biaobei link link

Supported vocoders

Vocoders play the role of converting melspectrograms to waveforms. They are added as submodules and will be be trained in this project. Hence you should download the checkpoints before synthesizing. In training, vocoders are not necessary, as you can monitor the training process from generated melspectrograms and also the loss curve. Current we support the following vocoders,

Vocoder checkpoint github
Waveglow link link
hifi-gan link link
VocGAN link link link
MelGAN link link

All vocoders will be ready after running git submodule update --force --recursive --init --remote. However, you have to download the checkpoint manually and properly set the path in the config.yaml file.

Preparing your input text

The input.txt should be consistent with your setting of emb_type1 to emb_type_n in config file, i.e., same type, same order.

To facilitate transcription of hanzi to pinyin, you can try:

cd examples/aishell3/
python ../../mtts/text/ -t "为适应新的网络传播方式和读者阅读习惯"
>> sil wei4 shi4 ying4 xin1 de5 wang3 luo4 chuan2 bo1 fang1 shi4 he2 du2 zhe3 yue4 du2 xi2 guan4 sil|sil 为 适 应 新 的 网 络 传 播 方 式 和 读 者 阅 读 习 惯 sil

Not you can copy the text to input.txt, and remember to put down the self-defined name and speaker id, separated by '|'.

Synthesizing your waves

With the above checkpoints and text ready, finally you can run the synthesis process,

python ../../mtts/  -d cuda --c config.yaml --checkpoint ./checkpoints/checkpoint_1240000.pth.tar -i input.txt

Please check the config.yaml file for the vocoder settings.

If lucky, audio examples can be found in the output folder.

mandarin-tts's People


ranchlai avatar


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mandarin-tts's Issues


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 7, in
from fastspeech2 import FastSpeech2
File "F:\project\mandarin-tts-master\", line 5, in
from transformer.Models import Encoder, Decoder
File "F:\project\mandarin-tts-master\", line 5, in
import transformer.Models
File "F:\project\mandarin-tts-master\transformer\", line 33, in
class Encoder(nn.Module):
File "F:\project\mandarin-tts-master\transformer\", line 39, in Encoder
AttributeError: module 'hparams' has no attribute 'max_seq_len'


输入VIP出现问题。如何识别英文呢? python ../../mtts/text/ -t "请谢国俊到VIP八诊室就诊"

2022-02-27 19:08:54,545 INFO: processing text1|sil qing3 xie4 guo2 jun4 dao4 VIP5 ba1 zhen3 shi4 jiu4 zhen3 sil|sil 请 谢 国 俊 到 V I P 八 诊 室 就 诊 sil|0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../../mtts/", line 93, in
name, tokens = text_processor(line)
File "/home/xgj/mandarin-tts/mtts/text/", line 41, in call
return self._process(input)
File "/home/xgj/mandarin-tts/mtts/text/", line 35, in _process
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(seg)
File "/home/xgj/mandarin-tts/mtts/datasets/", line 61, in tokenize
tokens = [self.v2i[t] for t in text.split()]
File "/home/xgj/mandarin-tts/mtts/datasets/", line 61, in
tokens = [self.v2i[t] for t in text.split()]
KeyError: 'VIP5'

can you share your training logs and models?

Have to say it's a really good project, and I really want to run this training progress. But my pc is not good enough, which means I cant run this training.
So if you can share your training logs and generated models, I'll really appreciate.


如: SSB08870032.wav 文件的最大振幅为1.0116

文件 /mtts/utils/ 第248 、249行
为什么要对wav的振幅向量限制在[-1,1]呢 ?

unable to train biaobei

mandarin-tts/mtts/models/", line 91, in forward
    output = output.permute(1, 2, 0, 3).contiguous().view(sz_b, len_q, -1)  # b x lq x (n*dv)
RuntimeError: cannot reshape tensor of 0 elements into shape [0, 8, -1] because the unspecified dimension size -1 can be any value and is ambiguous

[CONTRIBUTION] Speech Dataset Generator

Hi everyone!

My name is David Martin Rius and I have just published this project on GitHub:

Now you can create datasets automatically with any audio or lists of audios.

I hope you find it useful.

Here are the key functionalities of the project:

  1. Dataset Generation: Creation of multilingual datasets with Mean Opinion Score (MOS).

  2. Silence Removal: It includes a feature to remove silences from audio files, enhancing the overall quality.

  3. Sound Quality Improvement: It improves the quality of the audio when needed.

  4. Audio Segmentation: It can segment audio files within specified second ranges.

  5. Transcription: The project transcribes the segmented audio, providing a textual representation.

  6. Gender Identification: It identifies the gender of each speaker in the audio.

  7. Pyannote Embeddings: Utilizes pyannote embeddings for speaker detection across multiple audio files.

  8. Automatic Speaker Naming: Automatically assigns names to speakers detected in multiple audios.

  9. Multiple Speaker Detection: Capable of detecting multiple speakers within each audio file.

  10. Store speaker embeddings: The speakers are detected and stored in a Chroma database, so you do not need to assign a speaker name.

  11. Syllabic and words-per-minute metrics

Feel free to explore the project at

David Martin Rius

Pinyin doesn't seem to align with hanzi when coming with erhua

firstly, thinks for your great work.
just like the title says, for example:
001464|sil wo3 dou1 hui4 shuo1 er2 hua4 yin1 le5 sp1 zher4 ne5 sp1 mingr2 jian4 sp1 hai2 bu2 cuo4 ba5 sil
001464|sil 我 都 会 说 儿 化 音 了 sp1 这 儿 sp1 呢 明 sp1 儿 见 还 不 sil

[('sil', 'sil'), ('我', 'wo3'), ('都', 'dou1'), ('会', 'hui4'), ('说', 'shuo1'), ('儿', 'er2'), ('化', 'hua4'), ('音', 'yin1'), ('了', 'le5'), ('sp1', 'sp1'), ('这', 'zher4'), ('儿', 'ne5'), ('sp1', 'sp1'), ('呢', 'mingr2'), ('明', 'jian4'), ('sp1', 'sp1'), ('儿', 'hai2'), ('见', 'bu2'), ('还', 'cuo4'), ('不', 'ba5'), ('sil', 'sil')]

'zher4' should respect to '这儿' , and there misses some hanzi in the tail.
do you think it matters?

ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_file) 报错

waveglow/ 里面的 200行 ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_file) 报错:
RuntimeError: unexpected EOF, expected 459824 more bytes. The file might be corrupted.
我的是ubuntu 2020, cuda version:11.3


ImportError: cannot import name 'HiFiGAN' from 'mtts.models.vocoder.hifi_gan' (unknown location)



Key Error when feeding bilingual text

Hi, thanks for your great work! I met the following problem:

python --input="大家好,Transformer是Google提出的一种神经网络架构"
Failed to open text file 大家好,Transformer是Google提出的一种神经网络架构
Treating input as text
Namespace(channel=2, duration=1.0, input='大家好,Transformer是Google提出的一种神经网络架构', output_dir='./outputs/')
loading model from ./checkpoint/checkpoint_500000.pth
loading waveglow...
processing 大家好,Transformer是Google提出的一种神经网络架构
Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache /tmp/jieba.cache
Loading model cost 0.609 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built successfully.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 152, in <module>
    cn_sentence_seq,cn_sentence_aug = utils.convert_cn(cn_sentence)
  File "/content/mandarin-tts/utils/", line 100, in convert_cn
    cn_array = np.array([[cn2idx[c] for c in cn_sentence]])
  File "/content/mandarin-tts/utils/", line 100, in <listcomp>
    cn_array = np.array([[cn2idx[c] for c in cn_sentence]])
KeyError: 'T'

使用git clone 无法获得源代码

error: invalid path 'docs/novel2/hz_0.9_500000_在这儿做啥呢,不能啥玩意儿都带到这里来?.wav'
fatal: unable to checkout working tree
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'

AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'complex'.

Cannot work with librosa 0.8.0 as specified by

    from . import datasets, models, text
  File "/home/mandarin/mtts/models/", line 1, in <module>
    from . import decoder, encoder, postnet, vocoder
  File "/home/mandarin/mtts/models/vocoder/", line 1, in <module>
    from .hifi_gan import HiFiGAN
  File "/home/mandarin/mtts/models/vocoder/hifi_gan/", line 1, in <module>
    from .hifi_gan import HiFiGAN
  File "/home/mandarin/mtts/models/vocoder/hifi_gan/", line 11, in <module>
    from .meldataset import MAX_WAV_VALUE
  File "/home/mandarin/mtts/models/vocoder/hifi_gan/", line 7, in <module>
    from librosa.util import normalize
  File "/home/mandarin/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/librosa/", line 211, in <module>
    from . import core
  File "/home/mandarin/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/librosa/core/", line 9, in <module>
    from .constantq import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
  File "/home/mandarin/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/librosa/core/", line 1059, in <module>
  File "/home/mandarin/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/", line 305, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(__former_attrs__[attr])
AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'complex'.
`np.complex` was a deprecated alias for the builtin `complex`. To avoid this error in existing code, use `complex` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.complex128` here.
The aliases was originally deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance see the original release note at:

The leak of audio folder

Hi Author,

During testing, I notice the audio folder is leaked, and I got it from original FastSpeech2 reop to make the demo working.
Could you upload that package?





$ python ../../mtts/ -d cuda --c config.yaml --checkpoint ./checkpoints/checkpoint_1240000.pth.tar -i input.txt
usage: [-h] [-i INPUT] [--duration DURATION] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] --checkpoint CHECKPOINT
[-c CONFIG] [-d {cuda,cpu}] error: ambiguous option: --c could match --checkpoint, --config

菜鸟需要aishell3_wav_folder和mel_folder 里的资料

Sorry if I am asking the repeated question as I am just a beginner.

I followed the readme until the requires two folders where I believe there are training data from some other websites. I would appreciate if you could share the link for place where I can download the data, or you could email me the information via [email protected]

Thank you very much.


Not you can copy the text to

Not you can copy the text to input.txt, and remember to put down the self-defined name and speaker id, separated by '|'.





Runtime Error: Error in loading state_dict for FastSpeech2

@ranchlai 感谢分享!按照readme,一步一步运行会报错:

loading model from ./checkpoint/checkpoint_500000.pth
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 123, in
model = build_model().to(device)
File "", line 50 in build_model
File "/usr/local/lib/....../, line 1224, in load_state_dict

Runtime Error: Error in loading state_dict for FastSpeech2

Miss key(s) in state_dict: "decoder.speaker_fc.weight"
size mismatch for encoder.position_enc: copyinga param with shape torch.size([1, 10
01,256]) from checkpiont, the shape in current model is torch.size([1, 2001, 256])。
size mismatch for encoder.src_word_emb.weight: copying a param with shape torch.size
([1612,256])Erom checkpoint,the shape in current model is torch.size([1915,256])。
size mismatch for encoder.cn_word_emb.weight: copying a param with shape torch.size(
[4135,2561)From checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.size([4502,256])。
size mismatch for decoder.position_enc: copyinga param with shape torch.size([1, 10
01,2561) from checkpoint,the shape in current model is torch.size([1, 2001, 256])/content/


unable to pronounce some pinyins

hello, I was generating wavs from your project with your pretrained models and was generating some audios.
However, I was faced with the following error.

2021-10-21 20:35:45,624 INFO: processing 413|sil e2 cuo2 shan1 sil|sil 峨 痤 山 sil|10
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../../mtts/", line 98, in <module>
    name, tokens = text_processor(line)
  File "/mnt/data1/jungwonchang/projects/mandarin-tts/mtts/text/", line 44, in __call__
    return self._process(input)
  File "/mnt/data1/jungwonchang/projects/mandarin-tts/mtts/text/", line 38, in _process
    tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(seg)
  File "/mnt/data1/jungwonchang/projects/mandarin-tts/mtts/datasets/", line 69, in tokenize
    tokens = [self.v2i[t] for t in text.split()]
  File "/mnt/data1/jungwonchang/projects/mandarin-tts/mtts/datasets/", line 69, in <listcomp>
    tokens = [self.v2i[t] for t in text.split()]
KeyError: 'cuo2'

after debugging, I found out there was some pinyin sequences that you guys did not offer.

(Pdb) 'cuo2' in self.v2i.keys()

think you guys might update some pinyin sequences!

btw, thanks for the great project!

Download Waveglow error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/project/TTS/mandarin-tts/", line 126, in
waveglow = download_waveglow(device)
File "/home/project/TTS/mandarin-tts/", line 164, in download_waveglow
waveglow = torch.hub.load('./waveglow/DeepLearningExamples-torchhub/', 'nvidia_waveglow',source='local')
File "/home/anaconda3/envs/torch1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/", line 345, in load
repo_dir = _get_cache_or_reload(github, force_reload, verbose)
File "/home/anaconda3/envs/torch1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/", line 121, in _get_cache_or_reload
repo_owner, repo_name, branch = _parse_repo_info(github)
File "/homeg/anaconda3/envs/torch1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/", line 111, in _parse_repo_info
repo_owner, repo_name = repo_info.split('/')
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

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