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aks-operator's Introduction

Nightly e2e tests


AKS operator is a Kubernetes CRD controller that controls cluster provisioning in Azure Kubernetes Service using an AKSClusterConfig defined by a Custom Resource Definition.


Operator binary can be built using the following command:

    make operator

Deploy operator from source

You can use the following command to deploy a Kind cluster with Rancher manager and operator:

    make kind-deploy-operator

After this, you can also downscale operator deployment and run operator from a local binary.


Running unit tests can be done using the following command:

    make test


We run e2e tests after every merged PR and periodically every 24 hours. They are triggered by a Github action

For running e2e set the following variables and run:

    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID="replace_with_your_client_id"
    export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="replace_with_client_secret"
    export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="replace_with_subscription_id"
    make kind-e2e-tests

A Kind cluster will be created, and the e2e tests will be run against it.

To delete the local Kind cluster once e2e tests are completed, run:

    make delete-local-kind-cluster


When should I release?

A KEv2 operator should be released if

  • There have been several commits since the last release,
  • You need to pull in an update/bug fix/backend code to unblock UI for a feature enhancement in Rancher
  • The operator needs to be unRC for a Rancher release

How do I release?

Tag the latest commit on the master branch. For example, if latest tag is:

  • v1.0.8-rc1 you should tag v1.0.8-rc2.
  • v1.0.8 you should tag v1.0.9-rc1.
# Get the latest upstream changes
# Note: `upstream` must be the remote pointing to `[email protected]:rancher/aks-operator.git`.
git pull upstream master --tags

# Export the tag of the release to be cut, e.g.:
export RELEASE_TAG=v1.0.8-rc2

# Create tags locally
git tag -s -a ${RELEASE_TAG} -m ${RELEASE_TAG}

# Push tags
# Note: `upstream` must be the remote pointing to `[email protected]:rancher/aks-operator.git`.
git push upstream ${RELEASE_TAG}

After pushing the release tag, you need to run 2 Github actions. You can find them in the Actions tab of the repo:

  • Update AKS operator in rancher/rancher - This action will update the AKS operator in rancher/rancher repo. It will bump go dependencies.
  • Update AKS Operator in rancher/charts - This action will update the AKS operator in rancher/charts repo. It will bump the chart version.

How do I unRC?

UnRC is the process of removing the rc from a KEv2 operator tag and means the released version is stable and ready for use. Release the KEv2 operator but instead of bumping the rc, remove the rc. For example, if the latest release of AKS operator is:

  • v1.0.8-rc1, release the next version without the rc which would be v1.0.8.
  • v1.0.8, that has no rc so release that version or v1.0.9 if updates are available.

aks-operator's People


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aks-operator's Issues

Not able to use own vnet with kubenet

It seems that the use of own vnet and subnet is possible only with Azure CNI.
Is there a reason for that?
We would like to use our own vnet and subnets with kubenet CNI.

(SURE-6076) AKS TF-provisioned private cluster import is failing

Issue description:

AKS private cluster import fails with the error: "cannot detect cluster [xxxx] upstream DNS prefix"

Business impact:

Not being able to manage AKS clusters through Rancher.

Troubleshooting steps:

Import a private AKS cluster using the Rancher new AKS cluster Registration command=-> KO (dns error msg)
Create a new private AKS cluster using Rancher UI, and used 'az command-invoke' to register the AKS cluster in Rancher> KO (same error msg)
Create a new private AKS cluster using Azure portal, used Rancher UI to import the cluster without success. Used 'az command-invoke' from az cli, to import the cluster, with no success.
Create a new private AKS cluster using TF, used the Rancher UI to import the cluster => KO 
Verified that Rancher is reachable (curl to Rancher_Server URL and name resolvable), from within a pod of a newly TF-provisioned private AKS cluster
Set Rancher in Debug mode (showed the error message, but no more evidences)

Repro steps:

Provision a private AKS cluster TF, using  azure_rm_provider, using a custom vnet and custom private DNS zone
Import the cluster into Rancher from the UI


Is a workaround available and implemented? yes
What is the workaround: Import the AKS clusters as custom clusters

Actual behavior:

AKS private clusters cannot be imported into Rancher.

Expected behavior:

AKS private clusters with custom networking (existing vnet) and custom private DNS zone can be imported into Rancher.

Files, logs, traces:

Attached is the Rancher debug log, traces of DNS and AKS reachability from on-prem, and the Rancher reachability test from Azure.

Additional notes:

Customer's Rancher server is hosted in an on-premises environment, with an on-prem network.
AKS clusters are private, and deployed in private existing networks (vnet) and custom DNS zone.  On-premises network is connected to Azure networks via ExpressRoute
AKS clusters can be directly managed from the customer's on-prem environment using kubectl with the kubeconfig credentials downloaded via az cli.

Resource group not getting cleaned up after cluster removal

Rancher version: v2.7.5-rc5, aks-operator:v1.1.1

Describe the bug
Resource group not getting cleaned up after cluster removal

To Reproduce

  • Provision AKS cluster with Rancher UI with all default configuration (provide new name for resource group)
  • Once cluster is up & running, check resource groups on AKS
  • Two Resource groups: For Infrastructure & for AKS cluster must be created (with name provided above)
  • Delete the cluster from Rancher UI

Resource group in which AKS cluster resides not getting cleaned up after cluster removal

Expected Result
Entities created by Rancher must be cleaned up after cluster removal

Increase project maintainability

This epic will track tasks for increasing project maintainability:

  • Enable github workflows for this repository
  • Add golang-ci lint workflow
  • #108
  • Add new task to makefile for building operator binary
  • Create Azure services mocks to use for unit tests
  • Set up a basic unit test suite
  • Cover Azure services interactions with unit tests
  • #109
  • #110
  • Create a setup for running E2E tests
  • Start adding E2E tests
  • #111
  • #112

(SURE-5504) Failed to upgrade Kubernetes version of imported AKS from Rancher UI

Issue description:

Failed to upgrade Kubernetes version of imported AKS from Rancher UI.

Repro steps:

  • step1:

Create Kubernetes 1.21.7 cluster with RKE 1.3.3 on Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance.

Install Rancher 2.6.3 and upgrade it to 2.6.8.

  • step2:

Create AKS cluster with this command.

> az aks create -g <resource group name> -n <cluster name> --kubernetes-version 1.22.15 --enable-managed-identity --node-count 1 --enable-addons monitoring --enable-msi-auth-for-monitoring --generate-ssh-keys 
  • step3:

Import AKS cluster from Rancher UI.

Import exisiting -> Azure AKS

  • step4:

Upgrade Kubernetes version of AKS from Rancher UI.

Cluster Management -> Edit Config

Kubernetes version: 1.22.15 -> 1.23.8

Rancher UI shows Kubernetes version v1.23.8 (upgrade.png).

But Azure powershell console shows v1.22.15.

> kubectl get node
NAME                                STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-nodepool1-70363388-vmss000000   Ready    agent   31m   v1.22.15 

Linux shell shows v1.22.15 also with downloaded kubeconfig.

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=ds-azure.yaml get node
NAME                                STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-nodepool1-70363388-vmss000000   Ready    agent   35m   v1.22.15 


Is workararound available and implemented? no

Actual behavior:

Kuberenetes version is not upgraded.

Expected behavior:

Kuberenetes version is upgraded.

Files, logs, traces:

aks-config-operator.log, upgrade.png

Cannot modify AKS if nodepool is == 12 chars long


Issue description:

Microsoft describes as 1-12 characters long for it's linux nodepool as naming convention, whereas in Rancher the limit is 1-11 characters.

If you create a nodepool in Azure portal/Az cli (either system or user) 12 characters long, then the AKS configuration cannot be changed, due to triggering this Rancher nodepool naming limit.

Business impact:

The AKS cluster is stuck and cannot be configured. The nodepools, or kubernetes version or any other configuration cannot be applied as always the "Linux node pool names must be 1-11 characters." is shown in the Rancher UI.

Repro steps:

Create an AKS cluster from Rancher, and create an agent pool.
Create in the Azure portal a 2nd nodepool for the AKS cluster, with a name 12 characters long. Then, in Rancher console the cluster cannot be configured (change labels, upgrade the k8s version, add additional nodepools, change/remove current nodepools). 


Is a workaround available and implemented? yes
What is the workaround: Create an additional nodepool 11chars long, and then delete the previous Nodepool with the 12chars-long name. 

Actual behavior:

Nodepools created with a 12chars-long in AKS via Azure Portal (as Rancher does not allow it), provokes that the cluster configuration cannot be changed.

It can still be managed as a k8s cluster, deploy applications, storage, monitoring, create projects&namespaces, assign users as cluster Members / Cluster users / project Members / project Owners , and so on, but the Nodepools or any k8s version upgrade or cluster label update is not possible, all fail with the error "Linux node pool names must be 1-11 characters.")

Expected behavior:

Nodepools in Rancher can be created with a 12 chars-long-name. Even creating a nodepool outside of Rancher (Azure portal or Az cli), if it has 12 characters long, the cluster is still manageable through Rancher.

Files, logs, traces:
Attached are screenshots of the bug.

Additional notes:

(SURE-4222) 'clusterRegistrationToken' API endpoint changes breaks customer deployment pipeline

Issue description:

The customer deploys new clusters to AKS using an Azure DevOps pipeline and imports the new clusters using the following curl command

# Step 1: Grab the cluster_id
export rancher_cluster_id=`curl -k $RANCHER_URL/clusters -H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $RANCHER_BEARER_TOKEN" | jq --arg CLUSTER_NAME_JQ "$CLUSTER_NAME" '.data[] | select(.name==$CLUSTER_NAME_JQ) | .id'`

# Step 2: Grab the correct registration command using the aformentioned cluster_id
# The resulting command is run on the controlplane to import the cluster
 curl -k $RANCHER_URL/clusterregistrationtoken -H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $RANCHER_BEARER_TOKEN" \
-d '{"type":"clusterRegistrationToken","clusterId":'$rancher_cluster_id'}' | jq '.command'

After upgrading to v2.6.3, step 2 no longer works. The 'clusterRegistrationToken' endpoint now returns 'null' when accessing the '.command' key.

Actual behavior:

The following curl command returns a 'null' value for Rancher 2.6.3

curl -k $RANCHER_URL/clusterregistrationtoken -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $RANCHER_BEARER_TOKEN" \ -d '{"type":"clusterRegistrationToken","clusterId":'$rancher_cluster_id'}' | jq '.command'


Expected behavior:

The aforementioned curl command should return the registration command as it does in Rancher 2.5.8

(SURE-5510) Unable to upgrade an imported AKS cluster from Rancher GUI

Issue description:

We are trying to upgrade from Rancher GUI an imported AKS cluster (1.22.15 to 1.23.8) but unfortunately, nothing happens and the aks-config-operator is crashing in "CrashLoopBackOff" state.

Repro steps:

create AKS cluster (1.22.11) via terraform or azure portal
rancher 2.6.8 > import existing cluster > upgrade imported cluster from 1.22.11 to 1.22.15 

Is workararound available and implemented? yes
What is the workaround:

steps :

  1. upgrade control planes from Azure GUI and

  2. upgrade workers from Rancher GUI.

Actual behavior:

The upgrade is not happening and the  aks-config-operator is crashing

Expected behavior:

The upgrade should happen without any issues.

Files, logs, traces:

[aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] time="2022-11-02T15:25:45Z" level=info msg="Checking configuration for cluster [azuk8s-devops-aks-dev]" [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] time="2022-11-02T15:25:46Z" level=info msg="Updating kubernetes version for cluster [azuk8s-devops-aks-dev]" [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] E1102 15:25:47.010451 8 runtime.go:79] Observed a panic: "assignment to entry in nil map" (assignment to entry in nil map) [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] goroutine 31 [running]: [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx]


({0x13bd1a0, 0x170e640}) [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] /go/pkg/mod/

[[email protected]/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:75]([email protected]/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:75)

+0x85 [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx]


({0x0, 0x0, 0xc0000b83c0}) [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] /go/pkg/mod/

[[email protected]/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:49]([email protected]/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:49)

+0x75 [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] panic({0x13bd1a0, 0x170e640}

Additional notes:

Github issue: rancher/rancher#37863

(SURE-3392) [RFE] Enable possibility to set private DNS on AKS provisioning

Request description:

Enable the possibility to set private DNS on AKS provisioning cluster.

Actual behavior:

Currently, there is no setting in Rancher to set a private DNS for AKS cluster.

Expected behavior:

Add the possibility to set private DNS on AKS provisioning cluster.

Additional notes:

Customer network infrastructure is more or less the same as the "hub and spoke" on the page:

Customer DNS is centralized in the hub network, and they want to run AKS clusters in spoke networks.
To get it to work, they need to be able to point the AKS clusters to the central private DNS zone. Otherwise, the created AKS cluster's Kubernetes API endpoint address won't resolve, and the cluster will fail to provision, and the VMs can't resolve the Kubernetes API address.

Additional Azure documentation on how to set a custom private DNS zone:


(SURE-5437) AzureGov Cloud Credentials fail to create/provisioning broken

Describe the bug

When creating a cloud-credential for Azure using the AzureUSGovernmentCloud environment option, the creation will fail. When inspecting the logs in the browser, there is an error referencing 'SubscriptionId not found'. The subscription id has been validated to work as the service principal being used in the credential was created using it.

This error is not present when using standard Azure. It is suspected that AzureGov endpoints are not correctly set internally on a dependent tool.

To Reproduce

Create Service Principal in AzureGov using

az ad sp create-for-rbac \ -name="<Rancher ServicePrincipal name>" \ --role="Contributor" \ --scopes="/subscriptions/<subscription Id>" * Sign into Rancher UI>Cluster-Management->Cloud-Credentials and create a new Azure Credential

Select AzureUSGovernmentCloud for the environment
Plug in generated appId into Client-Id field
Plug in generated password into Client-Secret field
Plug in subscription id into Subscription Id field
Click Create, see non-descriptive error
Open Console and inspect Network and fire command again
Inspect Response to see RESTful error describing the unknown subscription Id

Expected Result

Credential Created Successfully

Additional context

When bypassing the cloud credential creation using Terraform, the credential itself will fail to work when creating a cluster and repeat the same 'subscription id not found' error.

Rancher cannot import AKS behind http-proxy & vpn connection to Azure


Issue description:

Rancher  provisions the AKS cluster using the UI, but it does not finish importing it correctly to Rancher. On the Rancher UI , the AKS cluster is stuck on "waiting for API to be available"

Business impact:

Cannot manage AKS clusters from Rancher UI, as the cluster is created but not successfully imported into Rancher. The service account token for the sa "cattle" isn't created.

Troubleshooting steps:


Provisioned an AKS cluster on a different region using Azure Console, and importing into Rancher -> KO
Provision an AKS cluster on a different region using Rancher UI -> KO, cluster is provisioned but not imported into Rancher
Create the "cattle" serviceaccount token with kubectl commands, as this is not created during Rancher agent deployment, but the cattle-cluster-agent pods isn't aware of it.

Repro steps:

Setup an AKS cluster using Rancher UI.
AKS Cluster settings: Attached cluster.yml
AKS cluster is pending API to be available, due to no serviceaccount token is created during the Rancher-agent deployment on the AKS cluster.


Is a workaround available and implemented? yes
What is the workaround: Add the following parameters to the cattle-cluster-agent deployment, it will remain stable, however, any other operation/installation on the cluster, fails due to no connectivity to the AKS API.

Actual behavior:

AKS cluster is not manageable through Rancher, either Rancher-provisioned or Rancher-imported

Expected behavior:

Service account "cattle"'s token is created, the cattle-cluster-agent can talk to the API and the AKS is imported successfully.

Files, logs, traces:

Attached Rancher pod logs, Aks-operator logs, cluster.yml and

spec/aksConfig displaying null values for imported cluster

Rancher version:


Cluster Type: Downstream AKS cluster
Issue also exists for other hosted providers.

Describe the bug
spec.aksConfig displaying null values for most the parameters for imported cluster
Values are being displayed after Editing cluster from UI


  • Import Downstream AKS cluster in Rancher UI and wait for it to be Active
  • Click 'View YAML' for the imported cluster


After Edit cluster:

Found while validating rancher/rancher#42496

Unable to change Node pool mode

Rancher version:


Cluster Type: Downstream AKS cluster

Describe the bug
In rancher/dashboard#8105, user is now allowed to add new System/User node pool.
During edit of nodepools of an already running Active cluster, user can toggle mode of node pool from User to System and vice versa. But the operation is not succeeding.


Found while validating rancher/rancher#42496



[Feature] K8s 1.27 support

issue: rancher/rancher#41840

  • k8s deps bump to 0.27.x required.
  • bump rancher machine to v0.15.0-rancher103
  • need to use latest 1.5.0 rc tag available for rke
  • other dependencies v1.1.1-0.20230831050635-df1bd5aae9df v0.0.0-20230830164424-d684fdeb6f29 v0.0.0-20230901075223-437edb7091f5 v0.0.0-20230831160711-5de27f66385d
  • after that new changes needs to be vendored in rancher

(SURE-2565) Support for managed identity in AKS

See also rancher/rancher#27559

We got an issue when using Rancher to provision Windows nodes using Managed identities for Azure resources (formerly known as Managed Service Identity - MSI).

Rancher provisioning script only handles cases where we authenticate using service principal and will not work properly with managed identity.

Relevant code:

Currently, we have to patch the file in runtime to use az login --identity instead of az login --service-principal

Steps to reproduce (least amount of steps as possible):

Create an AKS cluster without specifying any Service Principal


An AKS cluster is created using the --enable-managed-identity flag.

Other details that may be helpful:

The feature is stable in AKS:

Environment information

Rancher version (rancher/rancher/rancher/server image tag or shown bottom left in the UI): 2.4.4
Installation option (single install/HA): single container

The UI presents mandatory fields to enter the SP for AKS; I propose to add a ratio button where the user can select to create a MI instead.

[SURE-7333] Downstream AKS `Cluster Management > Cluster details` page not displaying accurate message during update



  • Rancher version: 2.7.0
  • Browser type & version: Chrome

Describe the bug

  • When updating a downstream AKS cluster, Cluster Management > Cluster details page does not display accurate message.

To Reproduce

  1. Fresh install of 2.7.0
  2. Provision a downstream AKS cluster
  3. Update downstream AKS cluster
  4. Navigate to Cluster Management > Cluster Details page
  5. Reproduced


  • The following message is seen:
    This resource is currently in a transitioning state, but there isn't a detailed message available.

Expected Result

  • expected to show more detailed message, as seen in AKS operator logs:
    time="2023-03-07T02:10:50Z" level=info msg="Waiting for cluster [REDACTED] to update node pool [REDACTED]"

Screen Shot 2023-03-06 at 6 10 24 PM

[BUG] Trying to edit AKS cluster after credentials expiration/deletion/invalidation does not return a descriptive error message

Rancher Server Setup

  • Rancher version: 2.7.5-rc1
  • Installation option: Helm
    • If Helm Chart, Kubernetes Cluster and version: AKS with Kubernetes v1.25.5

Information about the Cluster

  • Kubernetes version: v1.26.0
  • Cluster Type: AKS cluster

User Information

  • What is the role of the user logged in? Admin

Describe the bug
This issue was found during validation of version 2.7.5-rc1.

When trying to edit a cluster, either created from Rancher UI or imported from Azure, originally provisioned with a set of credentials that is no longer valid (deleted/invalidated/expired), the error message is not very useful and does not point to the source of the problem, which makes it hard to debug if the user is not aware of credentials being unavailable/obsolete.

The error in the UI shows:

[object Object]

To Reproduce

  • Configure a set of credentials creds1 for Azure
  • Using creds1, provision a new AKS cluster from Rancher UI or import an existing cluster created with Azure
  • Delete/Invalidate creds1
  • From Cluster Management try to edit the configuration of the cluster: Cluster Management -> Edit Config -> Next: Configure Cluster

Error will display: [object Object]

Expected Result
The error includes context of what went wrong. Something like Invalid cloud credentials.


Additional context
This issue has been identified for AKS clusters, but may also exist for the other cloud providers.

Unable to deploy AKS cluster due to Rancher generating and appending characters to the node resource group which is too long.


Issue description:

Customer is unable to deploy AKS cluster due to Rancher generating and appending characters to the cluster name 

Business impact:

Unable to deploy AKS cluster using Rancher. 

Troubleshooting steps:

From Rancher UI we do not have an option to provide a node resource group name. Rancher in the backend automatically generates characters and appends them with the name provided in the cluster resource group and creates a node resource group name that is too long. 

Error failed to create cluster: containerservice.ManagedClustersClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: Code="InvalidParameter" Message="The length of the node resource group name is too long. The maximum length is 80 and the length of the value provided is 87. Please see for more details." Target="name" 

We can create an AKS cluster with a shorter name but this is against the naming conventions of CLASS infrastructure.  Example the resource-group CLASS specified was "RG-Test-Kafka-RemoteService-AKS-3". Rancher generates characters with cluster name and region name (MC_RG-Test-Kafka-RemoteService-AKS-3__) which becomes too long and the cluster deployment fails. 

Repro steps:

Create an AKS cluster with a longer name and also provide a larger cluster resource group name. This will fail the cluster deployment. 


Is a workaround available and implemented? yes  
What is the workaround: To provide a shorter name but this cannot be implemented as its against the CLASS naming convention. 

Actual behavior:

The customer is unable to deploy AKS cluster due to Rancher generating and appending characters to the node resource group which is too long.

Expected behavior:

Rancher should provide an option to pass the node resource group name in the Rancher UI while deploying AKS cluster. This option is available in Azure CLI method and the customer is expecting the same from the Rancher side. 

(SURE-5510) Unable to upgrade an imported AKS cluster from Rancher GUI

Issue description:

We are trying to upgrade from Rancher GUI an imported AKS cluster (1.22.15 to 1.23.8) but unfortunately, nothing happens and the aks-config-operator is crashing in "CrashLoopBackOff" state.

Repro steps:

create AKS cluster (1.22.11) via terraform or azure portal
rancher 2.6.8 > import existing cluster > upgrade imported cluster from 1.22.11 to 1.22.15 

Is workararound available and implemented? yes
What is the workaround:

steps :

  1. upgrade control planes from Azure GUI and

  2. upgrade workers from Rancher GUI.

Actual behavior:

The upgrade is not happening and the  aks-config-operator is crashing

Expected behavior:

The upgrade should happen without any issues.

Files, logs, traces:

[aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] time="2022-11-02T15:25:45Z" level=info msg="Checking configuration for cluster [azuk8s-devops-aks-dev]" [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] time="2022-11-02T15:25:46Z" level=info msg="Updating kubernetes version for cluster [azuk8s-devops-aks-dev]" [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] E1102 15:25:47.010451 8 runtime.go:79] Observed a panic: "assignment to entry in nil map" (assignment to entry in nil map) [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] goroutine 31 [running]: [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx]


({0x13bd1a0, 0x170e640}) [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] /go/pkg/mod/

[[email protected]/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:75]([email protected]/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:75)

+0x85 [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx]


({0x0, 0x0, 0xc0000b83c0}) [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] /go/pkg/mod/

[[email protected]/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:49]([email protected]/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:49)

+0x75 [aks-config-operator-7dc976c58c-n8cvx] panic({0x13bd1a0, 0x170e640}

Additional notes:

Github issue: rancher/rancher#37863

(SURE-4646) Rancher deletes unmanaged objects

Issue description:

Rancher deletes VNET created outside of Rancher upon cluster deletion if VNET is empty

Business impact:

We have managment VNET by terraform and some peering in our onprem networks manualy by Network Team. So in that case if Rancher delete VNET, we need recreate this, and Network Team need repair peering.

Reproduction steps:

Delete AKS cluster using VNET not created by Rancher but only used by Rancher AKS cluster

Customer reports these are the steps taken:

  1. Create VNET on Azure with Terraform
  2. Create new kubernetes cluster with Terraform and import as a downstream cluster into Rancher
  3. Delete imported downstream cluster and see VNET destroyed


Recommended that customer tag VNET objects to skip deletion, but they said locking resources in azure would be problematic.

Actual behavior:

Rancher deletes VNET objects if there are no resources using it after a cluster is deleted

Expected behavior:

Rancher ignores Azure VNET objects not created by Rancher

Deprecation warnings for in logs

Rancher version:


Cluster Type: Downstream AKS cluster
Issue may also exists for other hosted providers.

Describe the bug
Deprecation warnings for in Rancher pod logs while performing CRUD operations


W0810 08:17:11.341671      38 warnings.go:80] Cluster is deprecated; use Cluster
W0810 08:17:38.902696      38 warnings.go:80] MachineSet is deprecated; use MachineSet
W0810 08:19:13.335649      38 warnings.go:80] MachineDeployment is deprecated; use MachineDeployment
W0810 08:19:58.448549      38 warnings.go:80] MachineHealthCheck is deprecated; use MachineHealthCheck
W0810 08:21:18.464801      38 warnings.go:80] Machine is deprecated; use Machine
W0810 08:23:16.904796      38 warnings.go:80] MachineSet is deprecated; use MachineSet
W0810 08:25:48.450469      38 warnings.go:80] MachineHealthCheck is deprecated; use MachineHealthCheck
W0810 08:26:10.343897      38 warnings.go:80] Cluster is deprecated; use Cluster
W0810 08:26:34.337982      38 warnings.go:80] MachineDeployment is deprecated; use MachineDeployment

Found while validating rancher/rancher#42496

(SURE-4131) Error handling and logging for creating AKS cluster without permissions to create tags

See also rancher/rancher#36982

Issue description:

User attempted to create an AKS cluster with two tags. Appears user's account does not have permissions to create tags on an AKS cluster and rancher's aks operator was stuck in a loop retrying tag creating every 1-2 seconds.

Business impact:

No system feedback on why provisioning AKS cluster is stuck

Troubleshooting steps:

Viewed aks-config-operator logs (see attached)

Repro steps:

Create an AKS cluster, specify one or more tags. Make sure Azure account used does not have permissions to create tags on an AKS cluster.


Is workararound available and implemented? yes
What is the workaround: Manually add tags to the AKS cluster using the Azure portal or removing the tags from the AKS cluster on the rancher UI.

Actual behavior:

AKS cluster is stuck with waiting for provision, or also seeing this throttling error (likely due to aggressive attempts to update tags:

time="2022-02-21T23:10:00Z" level=error msg="error syncing 'cattle-global-data/c-w9h6r': handler aks-controller: containerservice.ManagedClustersClient#UpdateTags: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: Code=\"PatchResourceGroupError\" Message=\"Reconcile resource group failed with client error. Details: ResourceGroupReconciler retry failed: Category: ClientError; SubCode: SubscriptionRequestsThrottled; Dependency: Azure Resource Group; OrginalError: Code=\\\"SubscriptionRequestsThrottled\\\" Message=\\\"Number of write requests for subscription 'e7739666-3f36-4271-97ed-eff50e997132' exceeded the limit of '1200' for time interval '01:00:00'. Please try again after '303' seconds.\\\"; AKSTeam: Unknown, Retriable: false.\", requeuing"

Seeing continuous attempts to upgrade tags:

time="2022-02-22T00:19:31Z" level=info msg="Checking configuration for cluster [aks-dev-canadacentral]"
time="2022-02-22T00:19:32Z" level=info msg="Updating tags for cluster [aks-dev-canadacentral]"
time="2022-02-22T00:19:34Z" level=info msg="Checking configuration for cluster [aks-dev-canadacentral]"
time="2022-02-22T00:19:35Z" level=info msg="Updating tags for cluster [aks-dev-canadacentral]"
time="2022-02-22T00:19:37Z" level=info msg="Checking configuration for cluster [aks-dev-canadacentral]"
time="2022-02-22T00:19:38Z" level=info msg="Updating tags for cluster [aks-dev-canadacentral]"

Expected behavior:

aks-config-operator should log why it is not able to Update tags, if it failed
aks-config-operator can continue to re-attempt updating tags, but it should have an incremental backoff so it doesn't throttle the whole Azure subscription
An error should be propagated to the user UI. Something along the lines of - "Cluster could be provisioned. Failed to update tags. Error: "

IHME receives an error when importing a AKS cluster


Issue description:

We are attempting to import an existing AKS cluster to Rancher to make the management interface more consistent for users. When trying to import the cluster, we get the following message: 

Validation failed in API: a Config field must be set is required

Steps to reproduce

  • From the Rancher dashboard, click import existing
  • Select Azure AKS
  • An example of how this was filled out is in the screenshot attached to the case
  • Click Create
  • Error is presented

They tried switching off the AKS driver from cluster mgmt., enabling it again, and attempting the steps again, and the same error is presented.


Is workararound available and implemented? no

Actual behavior:

The user receives an error when trying to import an AKS cluster.

Expected behavior:

The user can import a new AKS cluster.

Additional notes:

We do have an active Azure AKS driver in Cluster mgmt > Drivers, and that is the error message we’re seeing when we hit “create” in the import page. The user I’m using has global admin permissions.

Related GitHub issue:


(SURE-5339) Upgrading downstream AKS clusters not working for both control plane and worker node pools.

Issue description:

Upgrading downstream AKS clusters not working for both control plane and worker node pools

Business impact:

Unable to upgrade downstream clusters means it can't follow along with release schedule

Troubleshooting steps:

Re-create environment in AKS and import into Rancher

Repro steps:

step 1: attempt to upgrade downstream 
step 2


Is workararound available and implemented? no
What is the workaround: n/a

Actual behavior:

Throws back errors due to not being able to fulfill a particular parameter

Expected behavior:

Upgrade process completes successfully on downstream clusters

Support creating release PR when release.yaml is empty

Following what was done with the other hosted providers, edit the update-rancher-charts script to support creating a release PR against rancher/charts when release.yaml is empty, since this file is cleaned periodically.

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