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rhombus-prototype's Issues

Make every place where binding variables currently appear allow arbitrary match patterns

  • Make every place where binding variables currently appear allow arbitrary match patterns (this requires some thought for handling what is currently things like (define (f x) ..), so maybe we do this in a more limited way or change that way of defining functions to use a new keyword) #41

  • Building on the match allowance, also allow functions to be defined case-by-case, for example maybe using a notation like this (roughly allowed in all internal definition contexts where := is the keyword that triggers this kind of parsing):

      (length '()) := 0
      (length (cons x y)) := (+ 1 (len y))

And, even better, have this turn into define/contract or maybe provide/contract if something like this is written:

    length : (-> list? exact-nonnegative-integer?)
    (length '()) := 0
    (length (cons x y)) := (+ 1 (len y))

from Wishlist of backwards incompatible things for a future Racket2. #33

Wishlist of backwards incompatible things for a future Racket2.

Following text was moved form

some entries below should be logged as separate issues


A Wishlist of backwards incompatible things for a future Racket2.

Note: This is a wishlist. There's no guarantee any of these will be in a Racket2.

  • Remove cond's default else-is-void clause and replace with a default else-is-error.
    Done: #39

  • Change match to recognize clauses based on bindings instead of symbols, and make
    it treat else like cond. #40 Closed as duplicate of #23

  • Make every place where binding variables currently appear allow arbitrary match patterns (this requires some thought for handling what is currently things like (define (f x) ..), so maybe we do this in a more limited way or change that way of defining functions to use a new keyword)
    Done: #36

  • Building on the match allowance, also allow functions to be defined case-by-case, for example maybe using a notation like this (roughly allowed in all internal definition contexts where := is the keyword that triggers this kind of parsing):

      (length '()) := 0
      (length (cons x y)) := (+ 1 (len y))

And, even better, have this turn into define/contract or maybe provide/contract if something like this is written:

    length : (-> list? exact-nonnegative-integer?)
    (length '()) := 0
    (length (cons x y)) := (+ 1 (len y))

Done: #41

  • More prefabs for basic values, especially ones like srclocs where it is useful to make cross phase
    movements easy.
    Done: #42

  • Enable internal definitions everywhere. (Note: this is tricky -- what's "everywhere"?
    Eg, can define id be followed by a definition(s) and then a value? How about in the middle
    of an if? Taken to an extreme, could definitions appear in an application form?)
    #63 (possible dup of #46?)

  • change syntax-case to allow internal definitions (possibly by getting rid of the 'guard' section)

  • Enable the define* form (from racket/package) everywhere
    Done: #46

  • Use keywords in more places, such as unifying member, memv, memf, etc. #65

  • Some syntax that avoids the verbosity in the keyword-apply etc kind of functions in the common case of passing keywords around. #66

  • Some solution to the "no-value" value, which could be such a blessed value, or it could be a way
    to say that some function accepts all the keywords as some other function. (Possibly related to
    the above, of course.) #67

  • struct definition macro that allows

    • naming of the accessors/constructors/etc
    • per-field #:auto values
    • creating a constructor that takes all fields (when #:auto values should be something different)
    • creating a constructor that makes #:auto fields optional keyword arguments
    • make struct have a function-like form that can specify auto values as optionals and/or keywords
    • maybe even allow several constructors with different argument "shapes"
    • more ideas from CL, like a struct keyword that actually use (tagged) lists for the values,
      similar to prefabs (and possibly redundant because of them)
    • like sstruct2
  • Have only either struct or define-struct. Not both. #68

  • Disallow mutation of struct bindings. #69

  • Change integer? to mean exact-integer?. #52

  • Get rid of the arity-at-least struct, and replace it with just an arity that abstracts over the whole arity thing -- always normalizing and includes keyword arity information. Also, make it possible to always use a procedure where an arity is expected. #72

  • Reconsider printing and equality of mutable and immutable variants of data types (vectors,
    hash tables, strings, etc.). Also reconsider the coercion of mutable vectors to immutable
    vectors by datum->syntax. #73

  • Add CLOS-like defmethod (with multidispatch and :before, :after, :around) on Racket classes. #74

  • Add interactive breakpoint in DrRacket debug. One should have REPL at breakpoint #70

  • Have with-output-to-string and friends take a body, not a thunk. The current form is better named call-with-output-to-string, in the general pattern of with-x being syntax and call-with-x being a procedure. #54

  • Have <, > and others take 0 or more arguments (returning #t for the 0 and 1 argument cases). This would allow applying them to lists without fear, which would allow patterns like (define (sorted? l) (apply < l)) #53

  • Rename racket/cmdline to racket/command-line. #56

  • Require that macro literals always be bound. #55

  • Make Matthew's doc-define from ClojureWest keynote real #60

  • Consider having real identifiers for class/object members and use the module/namespace mechanisms to manage these references. Possibly in conjunction with a convention for names that are prefixed or included in others (so that we can have identifiers like frame%:show treated specially). Potentially makes method invocation faster and allows static detection of method-not-found errors. #61

  • Have quasiquote support ... as well as ,@. Among other things, this lets match patterns can be like match "templates" (output expressions) and be like syntax-case etc. #62

More prefabs for basic values

More prefabs for basic values, especially ones like srclocs where it is useful to make cross phase movements easy.

change cond else behaviour

change cond else behaviour;

  • Remove cond's default else-is-void clause and replace with a default else-is-error.
  • Consider changing cond (and match) to use #:else instead of else.
    Author unknown
    Issue creation suggested by @gus-massa in from #33

Make an RFC for immutability and freshness in the standard library

Racket 2 presents a good opportunity to revisit which standard library functions return mutable values and which are guaranteed to return freshly-allocated values.

Spoiler: I think more things should be immutable and freshness should rarely be guaranteed.

My particular pet issue is strings. I don't think I have ever mutated a string except to demonstrate bugs caused by the mutability of strings. I strongly suspect most other Racketeers also reason about strings as though they were immutable. Yet almost every standard library function returns mutable strings: for example, (immutable? (string-append "a" "")) and even (immutable? (string-append "" "")) both return #false. I think that should change. My primary motivation is the ease of reasoning that immutable values provide, but the change might also expose additional optimization opportunities.

The question applies to other datatypes, as well. I suspect bytes may be mutated much more often than character strings, but I would still like better support for working with immutable bytes. For example, path->bytes could return immutable bytes, or else a path->immutable-bytes could be added. Maybe bytes-append should return immutable bytes, or there should be an immutable-bytes-append, or the mutability of the result should depend on the mutability of the arguments (though I personally think that would be confusing, especially in a dynamically-typed context). Basically the same trade-offs exist for vectors.

Make an RFC for naming convention

Per @dedbox's suggestion

Naming Convention

Naming convention Description Example
Ends with ? predicates and boolean-valued functions boolean?
Ends with ! setters and field mutators set!
Ends with % classes game-state%
Ends with <%> interfaces dc<%>
Ends with ^ unit signatures game-context^
Ends with @ units testing-context@
Begins with #% kernel identifiers #%app
Has / "with" (a preposition) call/cc
Begins with make- generative constructors make-pipe
Begins with with- forms that have internal def body with-limits
Begins with call-with- function variants of with- call-with-limits
Begins with current- parameters current-compile
Ends with =? equality functions string=?
Ends with -ref accessors (non-destructive) hash-ref
Ends with -set setters (non-destructive) hash-set
Ends with -set! setters (destructive) hash-set!
Ends with * variants of non-* let*
Ends with /c contracts list/c
Has -> "to" number->string
Has + "and" gen:equal+hash
Begins with gen: generics gen:equal+hash
Begins with prop: properties prop:procedure
Begins with define definition forms define/contract
Ends with -values multiple values variants define-values
Begins with in- sequences in-slice
Begins with splicing- splicing forms splicing-let

Discrepancies / Issues

  • Ends with ?: what about = and <? Should they be renamed to =? and <? (#16)?
  • Begins with #%: what about quote, case-lambda, let-values? These are core forms that are not prefixed with #%. Should there be #% variants so that non-#% variants can support more features (e.g., case-lambda can handle keyword arguments)?
  • Begins with with-: with-input-from-file and with-output-to-file consume thunks rather than body (#54).
  • Should there be a naming convention for effectful functions? (e.g., collect-garbage).
  • There should be splicing-begin (#87)

Let me know if I missed anything, and I will add it to the table.

[Meta-issue] clarify how this repo works

@jeapostrophe We have a lot of discussions in Github's Issues. Now what?

  • When should one submit an RFC PR?
  • Should discussion be on the PR or issues?
  • How are discussion on PR and issues different?
  • How to keep discussion on PR and issues in sync?
  • Could there be an RFC PR without an issue?
  • When does a PR get merged? Is that considered an approval?
  • etc.

Github Issues also have labels. Can we make use of it to make organization easier?

Make an RFC for writing compound data literals

For how to write built-in data structures with reader syntax rather than function calls. Current examples compound data literals in Racket include #hash([a . 1] [b . 2] [c . 3]) for hash tables and #(1 2 3) for vectors.

Examples in other languages include {'a 1 'b 2 'c 3} for hash tables in Clojure, [1 2 3] for vectors in Clojure, (1, 2, 3) for tuples in Haskell, and [1, 2, 3] for lists is Haskell.

One thing I think should be considered is getting rid of auto-quoting in elements, and instead allowing expressions in elements. For example if #(elem ...) makes vectors, #((+ 1 2)) should be equivalent to (vector 3) and not (vector (list '+ 1 2)).

Make an RFC for removing car and cdr (and probably cons)?

We are not using IBM 704 anymore. Let's find a new name that makes more sense, and make students more relatable.

Because of an unfortunate temporary lapse of inspiration, we couldn't think of any other names for the 2 pointers in a list node than "address" and "decrement", so we called the functions CAR for "Contents of Address of Register" and CDR for "Contents of Decrement of Register".

After several months and giving a few classes in LISP, we realized that "first" and "rest" were better names, and we (John McCarthy, I and some of the rest of the AI Project) tried to get people to use them instead.

Alas, it was too late! We couldn't make it stick at all. So we have CAR and CDR.
-- Steve Russell

Make an RFC for pattern-matching

The current match form has a some things that some people want to change, but can't because of backwards compatibility, such as:

  1. patterns could be more hygienic, so list, cons, var, ? etc. should be recognized by binding, with literals instead of datum-literals

    (struct cons [first rest])
    (match (cons 1 '()) [(cons x y) x]) ;=> 1 instead of error

    Cross-reference with #30

  2. else could be more like cond's else to mark the last clause, instead of binding a pattern variable

    (match #f 
      [1 "one"]
      [else (cond [#f "absurd"] [else "else"])])
    ;=> "else" instead of #<void>

    else would be recognized by binding, not by datum, in accordance with (1)

  3. identifier-patterns could be allowed if they have a match-transformer binding

    (define-data List Empty (Cons first rest)) ; Empty defined as identifier match-transformer
    (match (Cons 1 Empty) [Empty "empty"] [(Cons x y) x]) ;=> 1 instead of "empty"
  4. patterns could be allowed in more binding positions, such as function parameters, let bindings, and for-iteration bindings

    (let ([(list x y z) (list 1 2 3)]) x) ;=> 1

    Cross-reference with #36

  5. syntax patterns from syntax-parse could be integrated into normal match patterns

    (match #'(m 1 2 3)
      [#'(_ e:expr ...) #'(begin (println e) ...)])
    ;=> #<syntax (begin (println 1) (println 2) (println 3))>

    [This doesn't seem like it has a lot of support]

  6. patterns that use expressions within them such as app, ?, and == could be able to refer to previous pattern variables bound within the same overall pattern, like syntax-parse allows

    (match (list 1 2)
      [(list x (? (>=/c x) y)) y]) ;=> 2
  7. patterns for matching keywords could be forced to use quote as in '#:kw so that #:kw without the quote can be reserved for special pattern syntax without introducing ambiguity

    (match (list '#:kw 3) [(list '#:kw x) x]) ;=> 3

    where the quote in '#:kw is required for both the expression and the pattern

  8. allow for defining new variables or matching new patterns in between the main pattern and a #:when clause, similar in utility to syntax-parse's #:with pat expr, for-loop's [id (in-value expr)], or data/monad do-notation's arbitrary internal-definitions in between bind clauses

    (match (list 1 2)
      [(list x y)
       ; something like `#:with z (+ x y)` or `(define z (+ x y))`
       #:when (integer? z)

    suggested by @sorawee as part of (5) combining with syntax-parse, but it could be independent of that

Make an RFC about "expanders everywhere"

Many positions in old Racket macros are not expandable, like the arguments of a lambda; whereas most positions in new macros are, like match patterns. A more exhaustive use of expanders would make the language more extensible.

Have <, > and others take 0 or more arguments

  • Have <, > and others take 0 or more arguments (returning #t for the 0 and 1 argument cases). This would allow applying them to lists without fear, which would allow patterns like (define (sorted? l) (apply < l))

Extracted from the old racket2 wiki. #33

I think this can be merged to racket1.

Drop more guarantees about new object allocations

Drop more guarantees about new object allocations: for example, allow (append lst '()) to return lst, and the same for other list, string, bytes, vector functions (drop 0 items from the end of a list. substring and regexp-replace that don't change a string, etc).
@elibarzilay 3 Oct 2012

Make an RFC for supporting define* in internal-definition context

Originally from @jeapostrophe

Enable the racket/package define* form everywhere

Personally, I use define in internal-definition context a lot. In most cases, however, I don't want letrec, but just want let. The reason I didn't use let is that I want to avoid excessive indentation.

But there are cases that define doesn't work well as a replacement for let. E.g.,

(define (f x)
  (define x (max x 0))
  (* x x))


(define (f x)
  (let ([x (max x 0)])
    (* x x)))

It would be nice if we can write:

(define (f x)
  (define* x (max x 0))
  (* x x))

which effectively transforms the code into the latter one. Note that it shouldn't require a wrapper macro like package-begin over define*.

define-values/match-define/match-define-values counterparts should be provided as well.

What do we do about equality?

Racket newcomers are immediately confronted with four equality operators:

  • equal?, which does what you'd expect most of the time
  • =, which does what you'd expect if you're used to IEEE numbers
  • eq?, which looks like "the magic fast pointer comparison / reference equality operator"
  • eqv?, which just looks bizarre

I think we should simplify this in racket2 Rhombus. Here's a hypothetical straw proposal:

  • Keep equal? and =
  • Get rid of eqv?
  • Rename eq? to something like same-object-reference? and tuck it away in the corner of the docs, to make it clearer that you should only use this if you have a very good reason to

Is this feasible? Can we do better?

Make RFC about module paths, including insane submod packing idea

In Racket 1, there are some strange rules about module paths. For example a refers to a/main, but a/b doesn't refer to a/b/main if a/b is a directory. I also find it awkward that a/b/c is different than (submod a/b c). It feels like it is exposing the "implementation" of b.

In Racket 2, I'd like a a/b/c is like a search path that refers to a/b/c/main.rkt (or index, or something similar), a/b/c.rkt, (submod a/b c), (submod (submod a b) c), whichever exists first.

Change integer? to mean exact-integer?

  • Change integer? to mean exact-integer?.

Extracted from the old racket2 wiki. #33

If the old integer? primitive were removed, how hard is to write it in racket1/racket2? Floating point calculations are sometime more tricky than expected.

(Perhaps we can collect here some similar renaming in the numerical tower.)

Make RFC to rename functions related to boxes

For historical reasons the functions related to box have inconsistent names with other things like hash or vectors. What about renaming them:

unbox -> box-ref

set-box! -> box-set!

new function? -> box-set

make-weak-box -> weak-box

weak-box-value -> weak-box-ref

make-ephemeron -> ephemeron

ephemeron-value -> ephemeron-ref (?)

new function? -> ephemeron-key (Is there a good reason to avoid this?)

The .zo and .dep files should be invisible to the user

The .zo and .dep files should be invisible to the user
They should be created, deleted, invalidated, and processed generally without needing to form part of the user's mental model or workflow. Look at how python does this. It'd be lovely to make explicit calls to raco make (or even raco setup??) unnecessary.

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