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gridbugs's Issues

Interop issue with percentage margins/paddings on grid items

This is a well known interop issue that happens in both Flexbox and Grid.
Firefox resolves the percentage margins/padidngs on items against their respective dimension (so different from what happens in regular blocks where they are always resolved against width).
However, Chromium follows the same than blocks.
See Chromium bug #229568.

The spec allows both behaviors:

Percentage margins and paddings on grid items can be resolved against either:

  • their own axis (left/right percentages resolve against width, top/bottom resolve against height), or,
  • the inline axis (left/right/top/bottom percentages all resolve against width)
    And has a note to avoid use percentage margins/paddings for grid items.

Simple example to reproduce the issue:
In Firefox the top and bottom margins are 10px, while the left and right are 20px.
In Chromium all of them are 20px.

BTW, there are use counters in Chromium to detect the usage of percentage margins/paddings in flex items:

Chrome: grid track does not stretch to height of scaled images

See an example here:

Situation: I created a layout with an auto-width grid column. A grid area which spans the top track contains images. The images are styled to float left with a percentage width and auto height.

Bug: In Chrome (tested with v62), the top grid track does not stretch in height to fit the auto-height images. Instead the grid track gets the height of the original, un-scaled image. In Firefox (tested with v56) the top grid track does stretch to the height of the images. The cause seems to be a combination of an auto-width grid column and stretched images.

Expected (by me) behavior: What Firefox does.

Issue #15 is about a height bug too, but I believe this is not the same bug. Excuse me if this turns out to be a duplicate.

Resizing issue row-height in Chrome

In the above example I've made a simplified version of our project.

On other browsers like Firefox, the height of .ui-content-div will enlarge when the content is enlarged by clicking on Larger, but will return to the original size when clicking on Smaller.

In Chrome, when you make the content larger by clicking on Larger, it will still get larger; however, when the content is made smaller by clicking on Smaller, .ui-content height does not return to the original size.

Best is to check this in both browsers with a small screen width, as it's a bit complicated to explain but quite noticeable visually.

Grid content sizing bug (no interop between Firefox and Chrome)

I just ran into a bug relating while creating a grid like this:

|          Header           |
|   Nav  |      Content     |
|        |                  |

The grid has a set size, say 200px.
The Nav has a height which depends on it's children. Should the nav exceed the grid size, scrollbars must appear within the nav.

This codepen illustrates the issue:

  • Firefox displays nav properly when a min-height:100% is used in CSS, whereas in Chrome/Opera the nav breaks out of the grid boundaries.
  • The reverse happen when height:100% is set on the nav (and no min-height) - broken in Firefox, OK in Chrome/Opera.
  • When max-height:100% is set, both Firefox and Chrome behave correctly, but Chrome seemingly doesn't update the Nav's height properly causing layout issues. If I change the window size, the sizing corrects itself. This is a different bug, which I'm still trying to reproduce reliably.

This issue is also filed here:

CSS grid doesn't support word-wrap, overflow-wrap and hyphens properties

Long words don't break to the next line where template column widths are defined with fr units

Codepen #1: (word-wrap / overflow-wrap)

Codepen #2: (hyphens)


  1. use minmax() function instead of fr units. eg:

grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 1fr); instead of

grid-template-columns: 1fr;

  1. use the word-break property
    For chrome: word-break: break-word is sufficient, but firefox requires word-break: break-all - which has the unwanted effect of breaking words in the middle.

For reference, see:

height: 100% changes a calculation based on sibling's intrinsic vs. explicit height

I couldn't tell if this was related to other bugs, although I think there are similar % calculations that may be related.

Basically, I discovered that, within a grid, a "cell's" child's height calculation for 100% changes if other content within that cell has its height set explicitly vs. intrinsically. In other words, the grid item is the exact same visible height, but if content has an explicit height, then sibling element's 100% calculation will act differently vs. the content having an intrinsic height of the same value.

Bug filed:

Grid-row/column properties with calc fail in Firefox

Steps to reproduce:


  • First block uses plain numbers in grid-column-start
  • Second block uses calc() for the same column-start position
  • Third block uses custom properties
  • Fourth block uses calc with custom properties (the likely use-case)

Actual results: In Firefox, blocks 2 and 4 (using calc) ignore the given value, and start in the default column.

Expected results: In Chrome, all four blocks start and end at the same place, spanning from grid-line 3 through grid-line 7.

This seems like a bug to me, but I reported it a few months ago, and Mozilla has labeled it wontfix. Maybe I'm missing something? As far as I can tell, this isn't defined in the spec one way or the other.

Repeat notation with a track listing and a grid-gap calculates incorrectly at Webkit/Blink

In Webkit & Blink, if we have something like

.grid {
  repeat(auto-fill, minmax(64px, 1fr) minmax(64px, 1fr));
  grid-gap: 1em;

Or: repeat() with an auto-fill/auto-fit, multiple minmax() and a grid-gap cause overflow due to incorrect grid items' widths computations. The bigger the grid-gap, the bigger the problem.

Test case: (appears not on every viewport width, could need to be resized)

Edge - Stacking grid items on top of one another

I've created a grid in CSS using progressive enhancement to use inline-block, then flexbox and then CSS Grid. The system works in all browsers except for Microsoft Edge.

In Edge the grid items are being stacked on top on one another. The code I have for CSS Grid is written inside a @supports tag which Edge seems to think it supports.

I'm not entirely sure where the problem is occurring or if the problem is part of my codebase but it works across all of the other modern browsers.

iOS browsers not containing content in grid cell marked as overflow:auto


I think I’ve found a bug in iOS browsers when rendering CSS Grid Layouts. So, I thought I would submit it here. I have created a CodePen to demonstrate the bug.

The Pen renders a 1-column, 1-row, single area grid that contains a single cell with 20 lines of text in a element flagged as overflow:auto.

Running the Pen in iOS v10.3.3 on the iPad using Safari renders the cell showing all 20 text lines, no scrolling is triggered. This is also the same error seen using Chrome v60.3112.19 or Firefox v8.2 on the iPad.

Running this Pen on OSX v10.11.6, using Firefox (not Safari or Chrome) renders the cell correctly showing only the first few text lines with scrolling enabled to see the other lines.

Running this Pen on Win10 v1703, or Android v7.1.2, using Chrome, or Firefox renders the cell correctly showing only the first few text lines with scrolling enabled to see the other lines.

I have not found a workaround to fix this Pen code, but I did find a workaround in my full-blown project code in iPad portrait mode, with 3 rows in 1 column. There I could fix this by changing: “grid-template-rows: 1fr 54px 1fr;” to: “grid-template-rows: minmax(200px, 1fr) 54px minmax(200px, 1fr);”.

Interestingly, when in iPad landscape mode, with a media query switch to 2 rows in 2 columns, the error never did show up in my project code.

Bruce Martin

iOS not containing content in grid cells with an overflow:auto

In a single column layout, iOS does not contain content in grid cells with an overflow:auto property. This bug is present in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox browsers running in iOS on an iPad. This PEN demonstrates the bug.

Run this PEN in any browser on an iPad and you’ll see the first and third grid areas rendered showing all 17 rows of the element’s content. This is not the expected result.

Run this PEN in any other browser (that supports CSS Grid Layout) on any other device and you’ll see the first and third grid areas rendered showing 6 rows of content in a scrollable window. This is the expected layout.

Extra overflow-x on mobile devices

I tried using grid to build my personal website.
On mobile, I always get the x-axis scroll bar, even tho there is no content there.

To see what I'm talking about, go to and inspect in mobile view (or visit it on a mobile device)

Even tho the body is 100% viewport width, it still has an x-scroll.

The solution is to put "display:block and margins/paddings: 0" on the grid container, but that of course kills the grid.

Safari doesn't seem to support max-content in repeat()

The code:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(4, max-content);

The demo:

In Chrome and Firefox, the 4 grid items are centered in in a single row, while in Safari for iOS 10.3.3, they're laid out vertically as if there is no grid layout. Afaik, all <track-list> values, including max-content, are supported in the repeat() notation.

As a workaround, switching from max-content to auto seems to work fine. If I'm reading the spec correctly, auto is like max-content with the exception that it allows tracks to shrink to a certain point, based on a specified min-width/min-height value.

do you remove bugs?

hi, thank your for the buglist :) my question: do you remove bugs that are resolved, respectively fixed?

The grid containers maximum height in Chrome is 30'000px

Just made a grid with 3 columns and around 250 elements with different heights. The containers auto calculated maximum height in Chrome seems to be 30'000 px, the last 50 elements don't fit in the container and so they are not able to span over the rows they need...

[SUGGESTION] gridbugs is not a replacement for StackOverflow

We ran into getting multiple issues with people using the repo as though it were stackoverflow. I'd recommend putting a section in your intro to see your gridbyexample for tips/tricks and if they need help on something to post that to Stack Overflow or similar resource, that will allow you to quickly close the issues and link to an anchor in your readme rather than explaining that over and over.

align-items: center not working as expected in Firefox or Chrome when child elements use percentage for max-height.

I was incorporating CSS Grid into my header layout and discovered that in Firefox and Chrome align-items: center doesn't work as expected when the child element using a percentage for max-height. My practice has been to use max-height: 100% and width: auto to fit logos into site header. It doesn't look like I can do this using grid. It does appear to work in Safari.


iOS not containing content in grid cells marked as overflow:auto

In a single column layout, iOS does not contain content in grid cells with an overflow:auto property. This bug is present in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox browsers running in iOS on an iPad. This PEN demonstrates the bug.

Run this PEN in any browser on an iPad and you’ll see the first and third grid areas rendered showing all 17 rows of the element’s content. This is not the expected result.

Run this PEN in any other browser (that supports CSS Grid Layout) on any other device and you’ll see the first and third grid areas rendered showing 6 rows of content in a scrollable window. This is the expected layout.

`repeat` with `auto-fill`, `minmax` and max-value being a `percentage` overflows instead of wrapping



Considing the following:

grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(<X>px, <Y>%));
for example: grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(400px, 25%));

Expected behaviour:

Items are at least Xpx (eg 400px), but at most take Y% (eg 25%) of the grid.
When Xpx is bigger than Y% (eg with grid-width 800px -> 400px > 25%), Xpx is used ( "If max < min, then max is ignored and minmax(min,max) is treated as min.")
Therefore the auto-fill will create at most Y% columns (eg 4 columns at 25%, 5 columns at 20%, 10 columns at 10%, ...), but there might be fewer, given the width of the grid (eg for a grid with with 800px and X = 400, there should be two).
Each column is at least Xpx (eg 400px).
This way items wrap nicely and no item is placed auto-side the grid.

Observed behaviour:

There are more grid-columns created than fit the grid. To be exact, there are always as many columns created as would fit the maximum-value (25% -> 4 columns, 20% -> 5 columns, ...).
Each column takes the minimum-value as width (in the example above 400px).
This makes the grid overflow! It also prevents the intended wrapping.

Note that by above logic the following should holds true:

"If max < min, then max is ignored and minmax(min,max) is treated as min."
width: 800px;

grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(400px, 25%));
Should equal
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 400px);

minmax(400px, 25% [of 800px])) = minmax(400px, 200px)) = 400px


Observed in Firefox (67.0.2 (64-bit)) and Chrome (Version 74).

Partial workaround

Use flexbox (display: flex on wrapper) with wrapping (flex-wrap: wrap on wrapper) and max-width: 25%, min-width: 400px, width: 100vw (all on child; potentially add box-sizing: border-box to fit all four items despite of borders).
Downsides: Item's can't be placed at certain positions in the grid. Items can't stretch in height (span 2 + dense grid).

Webkit: Vertical writing-mode with margin on auto width column renders too large

Reduced Test Case:

I was using writing-mode: vertical-rl to create a vertical headline down the left side of the page. I created two columns using grid-template: auto / auto 1fr;. After the page was published, a viewer pointed out that it was broken in Safari; the headline was centered in the page with a skinny column down the right side.

In Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, the first column expands only enough to fit the width of the content (which I believe is the intended behavior of auto). In Webkit (I have not been able to personally test with an "official" copy of Safari on a Mac), there are huge margins being added to more-or-less center the content in the view port.

I have margin: 0 auto set on the first column; this is for smaller screen widths to center the heading at the top of the page. Removing either the margin or the writing-mode makes the problem disappear.

The workaround I am using is to add margin: 0 inside a media query.

Firefox, Edge don’t stretch `fit-content()` tracks by default


.grid {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(3, fit-content(100px));


I’ve noticed that in Firefox and Edge 16 (the upcoming version with full Grid support), when you have a bunch of columns clamped with fit-content(), the columns don’t stretch when there is more space available in the grid container. In Chrome, they do.

This isn’t a big problem, since, when I’m restricting the max size with fit-content(), I don’t want the tracks to extend beyond this size, so I can just set justify-content: start to disable stretching explicitly.

Chrome width resize bug


MacBook Pro 15" - macOS 10.12.5 - Chrome 60.0.3112.113 (64bit)


Content will not reduce width inside a grid with fixed/fluid/fixed width columns when container is narrowed.

Steps to reproduce

Create page with the following HTML/CSS.

<div class="grid flf">
  <div class="element">Fixed</div>
  <div class="element">Fluid</div>
  <div class="element">Fixed</div>
.grid {
  background: lightpink;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: 200px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  width: 98vw;

.flf {
  grid-template-columns: 200px 1fr 200px;

.element {
  background: lightblue;
  color: #000;
  grid-row: 1;
  height: 200px;
  outline: 1px solid black;
  width: 200px;
  &:nth-child(2) {
    margin: auto;

Widen, then narrow, the viewport and witness the content not resize with the container.




Specifying grid-template-columns using only percentages overrides box sizing

When using CSS grid and specifying columns as percentages, it ignores box sizing

Is this intentional? I couldn't find much on this issue but because I am used to using percentages with margins and padding I thought grid would be similar. I'm not sure if this affects grid-template-rows either.

I know you can write grid-template-columns: 50% 1fr instead of grid-template-columns: repeat(2,50%) but it's just force of it feels nicer to me to just write repeat (2, 50%).

row span and auto positionning in Firefox

Here I try to layout 8 divs automatically, based on their row span definition.
Row heights appears to adapt well for the first 5 rows. But then, all the subsequent rows seem to have the height of the 5th row. The consequences are the blank spaces in the 4th and 5th divs.

The behavior seems good on Blink. It compresses the rows/divs as I expect.

max-height in chrome is ignored while align-items: baseline


Windows 10 - Chrome 60.0.3112.113 (64bit)


In Chrome max-height: 0 is ignored when align-items: baseline applied to grid.

Steps to reproduce

Create page with the following HTML/CSS.

<div class="grid hidden">

<div class="grid hidden baseline">
  align-items: baseline;

  max-height: 0px;

  margin: 20px;
  display: grid;
  overflow: hidden;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);

.grid > div{
  background: #ff6b6b;
  color: white;

.grid, .grid > div{
  outline: 1px dashed grey;

Because of class .hidden, which applies max-height: 0, both grids are supposed to be hidden, but one with baseline is not.


Grid overflow doesn't fit

When I used the grid setting
.menu {
     grid-column: 1 / 3; <-------------

And the content
.contento {
     grid-column: 3 / -1; <-------------

And resizing it's overflowed

But, this is the only configuration that works using number 2.
If you change the number it does not fit and always overflow to other box when you resize.

.menu {
     grid-column: 1 / 2; <-------------

And the content
.contento {
     grid-column: 2 / -1; <-------------


Wrapped pre element in a grid container grows column albeit overflow being auto/scroll

(I’m not sure whether that’s a bug or as per specification. Atleast for me, it is unexpected.)

  1. An element specifies display: grid and some maximum width (e.g. 400px)
  2. A child pre element has overflow: auto or overflow: scroll. If it overflows, it triggers scrollbars. The one grid column will then grow to the specified maximum width
  3. Now, another pre element is wrapped in another element (it’s no longer a direct child of the grid container). It has the same properties as the other pre element. If it overflows, it grows as wide as its content demands. The one grid column will then grow just as wide.

Is this to be expected?

Let me know if additional info is needed. :)

Issue with chrome not calculating cell height/overflow correctly for nested grid

I have a pretty simple header/content/footer grid setup with an additional sidebar column. That sidebar is made of another grid containing it's own header and content cells. I want the two content areas (main and sidebar) to scroll vertically and never overflow the parent grid's height.

Please see:

In Firefox the .sidebar-content div shows a vertical scrollbar (which it how I want it to look and behave) while in Chrome there is no such scrollbar and the content overflows, and then forces the parent grid to overflow horribly.

Anyone see this issue before and/or have any ideas of a simple workaround?

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