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roxygen2's Introduction

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The premise of roxygen2 is simple: describe your functions in comments next to their definitions and roxygen2 will process your source code and comments to automatically generate .Rd files in man/, NAMESPACE, and, if needed, the Collate field in DESCRIPTION.


# Install roxygen2 from CRAN

# Or the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("pak")


The premise of roxygen2 is simple: describe your functions in comments next to their definitions and roxygen2 will process your source code and comments to produce Rd files in the man/ directory. Here's a simple example from the stringr package:

#' The length of a string
#' Technically this returns the number of "code points", in a string. One
#' code point usually corresponds to one character, but not always. For example,
#' an u with a umlaut might be represented as a single character or as the
#' combination a u and an umlaut.
#' @inheritParams str_detect
#' @return A numeric vector giving number of characters (code points) in each
#'    element of the character vector. Missing string have missing length.
#' @seealso [stringi::stri_length()] which this function wraps.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str_length(letters)
#' str_length(NA)
#' str_length(factor("abc"))
#' str_length(c("i", "like", "programming", NA))
str_length <- function(string) {

When you roxygenise() (or devtools::document()) your package these comments will be automatically transformed to the .Rd that R uses to generate the documentation you see when you type ?str_length.

Learn more

To get started, first read vignette("roxygen2"). Then read more about the specific package component that you want to generate:

  • Start with vignette("rd") to learn how document your functions with roxygen2.

  • vignette("rd-other") discusses how to document other things like datasets, the package itself, and the various pieces used by R's OOP systems.

  • vignette("rd-formatting") gives the details of roxygen2's rmarkdown support.

  • vignette("reuse") demonstrates the tools available to reuse documentation in multiple places.

  • vignette("namespace") describes how to generate a NAMESPACE file, how namespacing works in R, and how you can use roxygen2 to be specific about what your package needs and supplies.

  • For the Collate field in the DESCRIPTION, see ?update_collate().

roxygen2's People


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roxygen2's Issues

"inst" in package skeleton causes R CMD check WARNING

Having "inst" in the following line of roxygenize:

skeleton <- c(roxygen.dir, file.path(roxygen.dir, c("man", "inst")))

causes a warning in R CMD check if the directory is empty:

  • checking package subdirectories ... WARNING
    Subdirectory β€˜inst’ contains no files.

roxygenize modifies author text in the package DESCRIPTION


I currently don't expect roxygen to write out the "Author" field of my package DESCRIPTION. And, back in April @hadley explained that roxygen only writes the collate directive of a DESCRIPTION file.

But I'm running roxygen 2.1 (from CRAN), and as far as I can tell it's re-writing my author field. Below, I've included steps to reproduce the problem, as well as a screenshot of the diff that results. I apologize that reproducing the problem requires cloning down my git repository.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. clone down the granovaGG github repository. At a terminal, type:

    git clone [email protected]:briandk/granovaGG.git
  2. Navigate into your local granovaGG repository and check out this commit (again at a terminal)

    git checkout 80f8f0022ea1a445d434f7211a5c5e249bbed201
  3. From a clean R session, run the following commands, replacing path/to/local/repository with the actual path to your local granovaGG repository:


Expected Behavior

Nothing. The package has already been run through roxygenize, and the author list is formatted as I'd like it. Nothing should change.

Actual Behavior

roxygenize seems to rewrite the DESCRIPTION file. Running step 3 above produces this output in an R session:

> roxygenize("granovaGG")
Updating collate directive in  [redacted]/granovaGG/DESCRIPTION 

And examining the diff in files shows:

Reformatted authorship output in DESCRIPTION file

@slot causes warning: "slot is an unknown key"

In various roxygen tutorials I've come across the @slot tag as the suggested tag for documenting each slot of a particular S4 class. However, it seems this is not actually being supported, in this fork or the current CRAN release of roxygen or roxygen2.

I just found a brief mailing-list post declaring that in fact @slot is not supported, and developers should use an itemized list instead. This seems sub-optimal, so I thought I would see if anyone here has a different opinion.

So which is it?

A -- Itemized list?

B -- @slot works, but with some special version of roxygen that I'm unfamiliar with.

C -- Some alternative tag for specifying slots, like @param, that would accomplish the same thing.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Usage section missing from S4 generic documentation

This is true even if the @Usage tag is provided explicitly (although the Usage section could be generated automagically).

I verified with a test package that it only appears to apply to S4 Generic documentation, not vanilla function docs. I solved the issue in my real package by reverting my roxygen2 installation to an older custom fork of roxygen2:

The \Usage{ } section is completely missing from the .Rd files when built using the latest roxygen/klutometis version, but built fine with my older static roxygen2 build.

This is clearly a bug and an S4 issue.

quote aliases?

it seems that aliases are quoted when they contain special characters; I looked at the the documentation of %in%, its alias was \%in\% (no quotes but % was escaped). The alias for substr<- is not quoted either.

Preserve spaces @examples

It would be nice if there was a way to preserve formatting in examples section. Right now all leading spaces are eaten :(

Missing collate

Roxygen should use default collation if Collate field not present in DESCRIPTION.

Replace questionable characters in filenames


##' Substitutions of questionable characters with a hacker-joke to
##' boot.
  `$`='cash',                           # sigil
  '`'='backtick',                       # let's add another ` to
                                        # rectify syntax highlighting
                                        # in emacs; thanks.

##' \code{NULL} if empty-string.
##' @param string string to check
##' @return \code{NULL} or identity
nil_if_lambda <- function(string)
  if (nchar(string)) string else NULL

##' Translate file-system-questionable characters (i.e. punctuation
##' within ASCII).
##' @param filename the filename to translate
##' @return the translated filename
translate_questionable_characters <- function(filename), collapse="-"),
                   function(punctuation, letters)


Roclet for development dependencies

Roclet which adds a field "Build-Depends" in the DESCRIPTION file with roxygen2 (and additional packages like testthat, devtools, etc. if used).

documentation for useDynLib missing

The documentation for useDynLib seems to be missing.
In addition, one page with all tags would be useful in the documentation.



@docType data

Should automatically:

  • @keyword dataset
  • @format X by X data frame
  • @usage mydata

`@usage` is removed from data documentation

For docType data, the usage is removed for some reason, which is not a correct behaviour. Here is a test case (usage becomes NULL):

test_that("@docType data does not remove @usage", {
  out <- roc_proc_text(roc, "
    #' Title.
    #' @name abc
    #' @docType data
    #' @usage data(abc)

  expect_equal(get_tag(out, "usage")$values, "data(abc)")

what about `@link`?

I often write \code{\link[pkg]{function_name}} in the documentation, so I would love to see something like @link pkg:function_name in roxygen (when pkg is omitted, we just generate \code{\link{function_name}}). This is similar to @family but allows cross references to other packages. If @link is implemented, we may want it to be automatically put into \seealso{} as well.

Currently it is still not completely clear to me how to register a custom parser like this.

error sourcing the R files (probably environment issue)

in one of the R files I have something like this, that defines a temporary function in order to define a static variable:

f<- function(){
   .a<- 0
     .a<<- .a + x
f2<- f()

When running roxygenise on this I get the error:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'f' not found

If on removes the call to rm, there is no error.

> traceback()
12: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
11: eval(assignee, env)
10: parser(call, env)
9: FUN(X[[1L]], ...)
8: lapply(src_refs, parse.srcref, env = env)
7: force(code)
6: parse_cache$compute(c(env_hash, readLines(file, warn = FALSE)),
           src_refs <- attributes(parse(srcfile$filename, srcfile = srcfile))$srcref
           pre_refs <- prerefs(srcfile, src_refs)
           if (length(src_refs) == 0)
           src_parsed <- lapply(src_refs, parse.srcref, env = env)
           pre_parsed <- lapply(pre_refs, parse.preref)
           stopifnot(length(src_parsed) == length(pre_parsed))
           mapply(c, src_parsed, pre_parsed, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
5: FUN("/home/renaud/Documents/tmp/test/R/fun.R"[[1L]],
4: lapply(paths, parse.file, env = env, env_hash = env_hash)
3: unlist(lapply(paths, parse.file, env = env, env_hash = env_hash),
       recursive = FALSE)
2: parse.files(r_files)
1: roxygenise(".")

Unwanted quotation marks around aliases with commas

This affects especially S4 method documentation, which has an alias naming convention that builds on the generic using no-space commas as delimiter to indicate the signature, and ending with "-method" without the quotes. (

The quotes are probably necessary during internal text-handling, but need to be removed from the final \alias{ } tag in the Rd file.

The following example S4 extension of the "show" method illustrates the problem:

' @name show

' @Aliases show show,helloworld-method

' @doctype methods

' @Rdname show-methods

' @export

setMethod("show", "helloworld", function(object){
cat("Hello World!")

Is translated by the latest version of roxygen2 to the following Rd file:

\title{Show the helloworld class to standard output.}
\item{object}{A \code{helloworld} object.}

I have also created an example package and put on github: ( ) . It builds and loads fine, but throws the following errors during because the S4 methods appear undocumented (even though they are):

  • checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
    Undocumented S4 methods:
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'array'
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'character'
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'function'
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'helloworld'
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'integer'
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'list'
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'logical'
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'matrix'
    generic 'helloworld' and siglist 'numeric'
    generic 'print' and siglist 'helloworld'
    generic 'show' and siglist 'helloworld'
    All user-level objects in a package (including S4 classes and methods)
    should have documentation entries.

don't escape aliases that have already been escaped

Here is a test case:

test_that("don't escape aliases that have already been escaped", {
  out <- roc_proc_text(roc, "
    #' Title
    #' @aliases \\%a\\%
    '%a%' <- function(x, y) x + y")[[1]]
  expect_equal(format(get_tag(out, "alias")), "\\alias{\\%a\\%}\n")

Bad wrapping of long character arguments

When there is a default argument of class character, there is sometimes a extra "\n" character in the \usage section which leads to a "Mismatches argument default value" warning in R CMD check.

R code:

##' foo
##' @param a a
##' @param b b
##' @param c c
foo <- function(a = "sdmldsflkjmsqdlkfjk", b = "fmqlk", c = "\n\np. \n\n") {

\usage section:

  foo(a = "sdmldsflkjmsqdlkfjk", b = "fmqlk", c = "\n\np.

Please not the newline for the 'c' argument.

R cmd check:

* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING
Codoc mismatches from documentation object 'foo':
  Code: function(a = "sdmldsflkjmsqdlkfjk", b = "fmqlk", c = "\n\np.
  Docs: function(a = "sdmldsflkjmsqdlkfjk", b = "fmqlk", c = "\n\np.\n
  Mismatches in argument default values:
    Name: 'c' Code: "\n\np. \n\n" Docs: "\n\np.\n  \n\n"

documentation for useDynLib missing

The documentation for useDynLib seems to be missing.
In addition, one page with all tags would be useful in the documentation.




I guess this is not commonly used, but we may want to implement it as well. Currently I do not know how to do it, since it involves with nested parsing: @subsection can be nested within other sections.

@method should guess

If generic and class name not supplied, should guess by splitting function name into pieces by fixed("."). First piece is generic, last pieces is class name.

`@name` should be escaped as well

Currently aliases are escaped, but names are not. Here is a test case:

roc <- rd_roclet()
test_that("names escaped, not quoted", {
  out <- roc_proc_text(roc, "
    #' Title
    '%a%' <- function(x, y) x + y")[[1]]
  expect_equal(format(get_tag(out, "name")), "\\name{\\%a\\%}\n")

Develop demo roclet

A roclet which creates the demo/00index file based on a "@demo description" tag in the .R demo files.

Develop bibtex roclet

Roclet which enables bibtex citations; e.g.,

' @references

' @bibitem Venables+Ripley-2002

Somewhere on the way to the final Rd file, the @bibitem tag should be replaced with the corresponding bibtex-entry:

Venables and Ripley. Modern Applied Statistics with S. Springer. ISBN 0-387-95457-0, 2002.

Error in normalizePath(path, winslash ...


roxygenize(package.dir="/home/beb/Dropbox/dev/package",roxygen.dir="/home/beb/Dropbox/dev/package", copy.package=FALSE,, overwrite=TRUE)

Error Message:

Error in normalizePath(path, winslash = "/") :
unused argument(s) (winslash = "/")

no need to quote S3 class names?

This gives S3method(plot,\"function\") but function should not be quoted:

roc = namespace_roclet()
roc_proc_text(roc,"#' @S3method plot function\nNULL")

It is caused by an unnecessary call to quote_if_needed(), I think.

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