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react-native-tab-navigator's Introduction


A tab bar that switches between scenes, written in JS for cross-platform support. It works on iOS and Android.

This component is compatible with React Native 0.16 and newer.

The look and feel is slightly different than the native navigator but it is better in some ways. Also it is pure JavaScript.

Note: This is not the same TabNavigation component that is used in ExNavigation, the API and implementations are slightly different -- react-native-tab-navigator stands on its own and does not depend on any other navigation library.


For demo, please check the example folder



Make sure that you are in your React Native project directory and run:

npm install react-native-tab-navigator --save


Import TabNavigator as a JavaScript module:

import TabNavigator from 'react-native-tab-navigator';

This is an example of how to use the component and some of the commonly used props that it supports:

    selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'home'}
    renderIcon={() => <Image source={...} />}
    renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image source={...} />}
    onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'home' })}>
    selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'profile'}
    renderIcon={() => <Image source={...} />}
    renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image source={...} />}
    renderBadge={() => <CustomBadgeView />}
    onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'profile' })}>

See TabNavigatorItem's supported props for more info.

Hiding the Tab Bar

You can hide the tab bar by using styles. For example:

let tabBarHeight = 0;
  tabBarStyle={{ height: tabBarHeight, overflow: 'hidden' }}
  sceneStyle={{ paddingBottom: tabBarHeight }}


TabNavigator props

prop default type description
sceneStyle inherited object (style) define for rendered scene
tabBarStyle inherited object (style) define style for TabBar
tabBarShadowStyle inherited object (style) define shadow style for tabBar
hidesTabTouch false boolean disable onPress opacity for Tab

TabNavigator.Item props

prop default type description
renderIcon none function returns Item icon
renderSelectedIcon none function returns selected Item icon
badgeText none string or number text for Item badge
renderBadge none function returns Item badge
title none string Item title
titleStyle inherited style styling for Item title
selectedTitleStyle none style styling for selected Item title
tabStyle inherited style styling for tab
selected none boolean return whether the item is selected
onPress none function onPress method for Item
allowFontScaling false boolean allow font scaling for title
accessible none boolean indicates if this item is an accessibility element
accessibilityLabel none string override text for screen readers
testID none string used to locate this item in end-to-end-tests

react-native-tab-navigator's People


alfonsodev avatar alphasp avatar brentvatne avatar calmyournerves avatar dabit3 avatar gantman avatar gengjiawen avatar ide avatar jadnco avatar janicduplessis avatar joenoon avatar mikelambert avatar mvantellingen avatar polacekpavel avatar ptomasroos avatar qimingfang avatar skevy avatar stylesuxx avatar timzaak avatar xiaoshidefeng avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

react-native-tab-navigator's Issues

install on mac is ok,but on windows is error

D:\workspace\react-native-work\MyApp>npm install react-native-tab-navigator --save
npm WARN install:[email protected] EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'D:\workspace\react-native-work\MyApp\node_modules.staging\nan-9eada15a' ->'D:\workspace\react-native-work\MyApp\node_modules\nan'[email protected] D:\workspace\react-native-work\MyApp+-- [email protected] extraneous`-- [email protected]

npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fseve
[email protected]

[Android] 'hardware menu key' press make Tab Bar disappeared

I found this behavior when change android native code to disable dev menu.
I block-commented the detect menu key part :

    public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        /*if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU && mReactInstanceManager != null) {
            return true;
        return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);

After rerun the app , hit the menu key twice , the TabBar is gone ...
I can't figure out the reason.


  • emulator:GenyMotion/Android 5.0
  • react-native: v0.16.0
  • react-native-tab-navigato: v0.2.13

Javascript code:

'use strict';

import React,{AppRegistry,View,Text} from 'react-native';
import TabNavigator from 'react-native-tab-navigator';

var TabPage = React.createClass({
    return (<View style={{flex:1,top:0,alignItems:'center',justifyContent:'center',backgroundColor:'grey'}}>
            <Text >{this.props.text}</Text>

var App = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      selectedTab: 'tab1',
    return (
      <TabNavigator style={{flex:1,backgroundColor:'green'}}>
        selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'tab1'}
        onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'tab1' })}

          <TabPage text={1}/>
        selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'tab2'}
        onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'tab2' })}
          <TabPage text={2}/>

AppRegistry.registerComponent('Index', () => App);

Doesn't work if renderIcon is blank

I got stuck for a little bit with the example, because I had removed the renderIcons prop. It'd be nice if it could be used without any icons, too.

why this error?

onlyChild must be passed a children with exactly one child.

Unable to resolve module immutable

Thanks for the code, it looks like really awesome.
However, I installed it via the npm command, as you suggest.
But I get the following error:
Unable to resolve module immutable from //node_modules/react-native-tab-navigator/TabNavigator.js: Invalid directory /Users/node_modules/immutable
Even, after installing "immutable" with npm.
Any idea ?

About the layout

It should be in the bottom but sometime the bar to the top,is it a bug?

RN 0.16 Support

I see you added RN 0.16 support for your @exponent/react-native-navigator component (thanks for that, btw).
Will you also add support for react-native-tab-navigator?


style padding error

if we don't set props 'title',tabs still set paddingBottom.I found the answer in line 50 of Tab.js ,should changet let tabStyle = [styles.container, title ? null : styles.untitledContainer]; to let tabStyle = [styles.container, title === undefined ? null : styles.untitledContainer];

TextInput lose focus.

One page has a TextInput component.I want to let it loses focus, at the time of page switching, have what way?

Android - Tab bar is sometimes pushed up by the keyboard

This issue is not happening consistently, but sometimes when using a text input on android the keyboard pushes the tab bar up to the middle of the screen. I'm not sure if this is a bug with this component or with the react native styles in android.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of issue?

Android - Tab bar does not show

Andriod: Tab bar content does not show if we don't specify the height of the container. It comes up only if we give a height to scroll view in case of android.

I cannot specify the height of the scrollabletab view as it can have the dynamic content.

IOS: Another issue is if the height of the second page is more than the first one, then the first page also takes the same height.

wired problem after update to react native 0.16

I got an error with latest tab navigator and react native 0.16:
screen shot 2015-12-07 at 7 54 18 pm
My code:

var TabBar = Platform.OS === 'ios'?React.TabBarIOS:require('react-native-tab-navigator');
var TabNavigator = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      selectedIndex: 0,
        return this.state.selectedIndex===index;
  render: function() {
      //... tabs is just a array of <TabBar.Item/>

      return (
          <TabBar style={{backgroundColor:'black'}}>

Nothing special . I think.
After some hours for searching reason. I found a work around:
in 'TabNavigator.js' , remove export default and use module.exports = TabNavigator; to export the module .
I'm a js newbie , not sure it's a js or react native problem , or just related to this module.

In the child component ,the navigator not work

In my project , I want to use function of navigator in child component of Tabnavigator such as navigator.push.but its doest work.

`_renderTabItem(img,selectedImg, tag, childView) {

    return (           

            selected={this.state.selectedTab === tag}
            renderIcon={() => <Image style={styles.tabIcon} source={img}/>}
            renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image style={styles.tabIcon} source={selectedImg}/>}
            onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: tag })}>

<TabNavigator hidesTabTouch={false} tabBarStyle={tabBarStyle} sceneStyle={sceneStyle}> {this._renderTabItem(HOME_NORMAL, HOME_FOCUS, HOME, <ListPage/>)}
I want in use pop and push etc.error is undefined is not a function (evaluating 'this.props.nav.push({id:name})')

Scene transition notification

I'm trying to figure out how to get some kind notification if the user switches between scenes. I need the notification to stop/pause a video in one if my scenes. Otherwise it continues playing in the background. I didn't find anything in the code or in the doc. Is there some workaround for this or did I miss something.


Can i put these tabs on Top?

Like Title says, i am trying to use this module as topBar Tabs for my Android Application. Tried several Navigator Tabs in the past, 'react-native-scrollable-tab-view' was actually my favourite, but there seems to be a lot of issues especially after updating my RN to 0.15

After RN 16 Update my Tab Navigator won´t work :(

Help! Like the title says, after i have update my react native to 0.16 the TabNavigator won't work. No idea how to explain my issue. THis is the error Message:

screen shot 2015-12-11 at 18 28 09

The TabNavigator is in the renderScene of my Navigator Component....

render: function () {
    var self = this;
    console.log('TabsAndroid render');
    return (
        <View style={{flex:1}}>
                subtitle={toolbarTitle (self.state.selectedTab)}


    return (
            tabBarStyle={{ padding: 10, backgroundColor: VALUES.COLOR.COLOR_BLUE, height: tabBarHeight, top:0 }}
            sceneStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent', paddingBottom: tabBarHeight }}>
                selected={self.state.selectedTab === 'network'}
                renderIcon={() => <Image style={{width: 25, height:25}} source={require('../../Images/ic_network_icon_dark.png')} />}
                renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image style={{width: 25, height:25}} source={require('../../Images/ic_network_icon_light.png')} />}
                onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'network' })}>
                <View style={{flex: 1, marginTop: marginTop}}>
                selected={self.state.selectedTab === 'news'}
                renderIcon={() => <Image style={{width: 25, height:25}} source={require('../../Images/ic_news_icon_dark.png')} />}
                renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image style={{width: 25, height:25}} source={require('../../Images/ic_news_icon_light.png') } />}
                onPress={() => self.setState({ selectedTab: 'news' })}>
                <View style={{flex: 1, marginTop: marginTop}}>
                selected={self.state.selectedTab === 'tabThree'}
                renderIcon={() => <Image style={{width: 25, height:25}} source={require('../../Images/ic_pickup_icon_dark.png')} />}
                renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image style={{width: 25, height:25}} source={require('../../Images/ic_pickup_icon_light.png')} />}
                onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'tabThree' })}>
                <View style={{flex: 1, marginTop: marginTop}}>
                selected={self.state.selectedTab === 'more'}
                renderIcon={() => <Image style={{width: 25, height:25}} source={require('../../Images/ic_further_icon_dark.png')} />}
                renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image style={{width: 25, height:25}} source={require('../../Images/ic_further_icon_light.png') } />}
                onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'more' })}>
                <View style={{flex: 1, marginTop: marginTop}}>

Add Implementation Example

Hi James,

So I tried implementing the tab bar very similar to how it is explained on but I get errors. I enabled the babel options. An example of how to implement this component would be sweet. I tried the following code:

            <View style={styles.appContainer}>
                <TabBar selectedTab={this.state.selectedTab} barTintColor="rgba(74,74,74,0.8)" tintColor="white" >
                        selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'home'}
                    }} style={}>
                        selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'search'}
                    }} style={}>
                        selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'lists'}
                        <Lists />
                        selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'profile'}
                    }} style={}>
                        selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'settings'}
                    }} style={}>

screen shot 2015-09-09 at 8 23 24 pm

Thank you!

renderIcon doesn't work

renderIcon={() => <Image source={require('image!home')} style = {styles.size}/>}
renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image source={require('image!home')} style = {styles.size}/>}

onPress method failure

I had install react-native-tab-navigator and import it.
When i run react-native run-ios or react-native run-android, it can display success.
but click the item, didn't change the item color and the children view.
Isn't it onpress failure?
react-native and react evrsion are :

    "react": "^0.14.8",
    "react-native": "^0.25.1",

the component code :

        selected={this.state.selectedTab === tag}
        renderIcon={() => icon_normal}
        renderSelectedIcon={() => icon_onpress}
        onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: tag })}>

all props are useful, how can i to solve the problem?

0.16.0 Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string

2015-12-06 15:39:32.406 [error][tid:com.facebook.React.RCTExceptionsManagerQueue] Unhandled JS Exception: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object.

I got this Exception when use<TabNavigator></TabNavigator> , in react-native 0.16.0

for android ,tabbar can't hide

when i used route for change activity,I can go to another activity,but tabbar is still showed.How I can hide the bar,how Can I do in the child activity?

Animate the tab changes

Where might I look if I want to modify this code to animate the tab changes. I dont want side scrolling that scrollable tab view has, i like touching the tabs only. But, I 'd like to animate / smooth transition instead of the instant transition now.

How might this be possible?

(i know scrollable tab view can lock, still, I prefer to use this package - react native tab navigator).

Babel 6.4.x failure

react-native-tab-navigator/TabBar.js. A semicolon is required after a class property

Easy fix, just add the semicolon after the propTypes.

Warning due to a upgrade react-native to 0.26 [using key props]

I attempt to upgrade to react-native 0.26 but a warning message appears.
I explain you my workflow :

  • react-native: 0.26
  • react: 15.0.2
  • react-native-router-flux: #master

The warning message is

Warning: Element: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (

on this line

According to, using key props is not a good idea.

Styling tab item possible?

I would like to giving different styles (ie, backgroundColor) to each tab container, even different style depends on selected or not. is it possible?

Support Icon Fonts - iconType option

Currently, it is assumed that an Image component is used for the icon, and will throw a warning if a different component is used (since the tintColor style is not supported for other types of components).

Since icon fonts are also widely used, would you be open to creating a new iconType option that allowed you to specify text or image (the default), and would only add the default tintColor style if the type was an image?

Thanks again for all your hard work

Long lists optmise tab switching

I was wondering if anyone had manage to optimise tab switching when displaying long lists.

I'm having difficulty doing this I get a significant lag. I'm sure the issue is linked to the listview component and it's problems with long lists. I was wondering though if there was a way to somehow keep each tab in memory to improve this.


Is it possible to change the active color for icons

Thanks for implementing this, it's been great so far. I'm wondering how to set the active/inactive colors for icons. For TabBarIOS, there was a tintColor prop. So for the below example, how would I change the icon for the A tab to white instead of blue? Thanks in advance for your help.

screen shot 2015-10-29 at 8 56 51 am


Hey could you update the readme file with like how to install and compile using babel ? it is not that clear


Right way to style the badge?

The way I am now doing this now is:

Import the Badge module
import Badge from './node_modules/react-native-tab-navigator/Badge';

In the TabNavigator.Item I add it int the renderBadge function like this:
<TabNavigator.Item renderBadge={() => <Badge style={styles.tabBarBadge}>1</Badge>} </TabNavigator.Item>

Would it be possible to expose the Badge in the TabNavigator? Like the TabNavigator.Item

Icons are assumed to be Image components

It would be nice to be able to render any component with the renderIcon and renderSelectedIcon properties. Using <Text /> or <View /> works fine, but this warning pops up:

Warning: Failed propType: Invalid key `tintColor` supplied to `View`

I ran into this while implementing react-native-vector-icons - which uses <Text />.

Ability to add an id to tabs item and pass it to its onPress handler

Hi guys,

I'm currently using your lib but I'm not a big fan of how the onPress handler is currently working.
I'm going to fork to make some changes about this as the project I'm working on would greatly benefit from these, and I thought you might be interested in some of these ideas.

First, to be clear, I like the idea of adding a maximum of flexibility by letting dev specify an handler on every tab item. But when you want to perform the same action every time you press on a tab, this is quite an unneeded overhead to me.

In this case having the possibility to pass the onPress handler to the top wrapper could be nice.


<TabNavigator onPress={() => alert('Pressed')}>

Of course, having this behaviour is useless if you can't change the selected scene, that's why on top of this change I would allow for a name or id property to be added on the TabNavigator.Item component. This way the onPress handler would be able to receive it as an argument and we could easily change the selected tab by using it.


<TabNavigator onPress={(event, tabId) => this.setState({activeTab: tabId})}>
  <Item id="tab1" selected={this.state.activeTab === 'tab1'}>...</Item>
  <Item id="tab2" selected={this.state.activeTab === 'tab2'}>...</Item>

To keep the granularity, we can make this so if the onPress handler is not on the Item then we fallback on the top level one. If no id or name property is placed on the Item then it would be undefined as the second argument. This would also ensure the api is backward compatible.

Please tell me your thoughts on this and I could make a PR on this repo, enabling us to not having to maintain a fork.


How should the initialTab be set

Hey there.

In my Tab Component i set the initialTab in my getInitialState as follows:

getStateFromStore: function () {
    return {
        selectedTab: 'tab1'

I use two Tabs with the TabNavigator, the problem i have now, is that when i set it initial to tab1 it jumps "sometimes" from tab2 to tab1. I tried setting nothing because i thought it might be handles in the react-native-tab-navigator component.
Actually i hope someone can show me their solution i just coudn´t figure out how to set the initial selectedTab so there is no jumping around

My TabNavigators:

            tabBarStyle={{padding: 10, backgroundColor: `white`, height: tabBarHeight, top:0, borderBottomWidth: 0.5, borderBottomColor: `grey`}}
            sceneStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'red', paddingBottom: tabBarHeight }}>
                selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'tab1'}
                titleStyle={{fontSize: 16, fontWeight: 'bold'}}
                onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'tab1' })}>
                <View style={{flex: 1, marginTop: marginTop}}>
                selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'tab2'}
                titleStyle={{fontSize: 16, fontWeight: 'bold'}}
                onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'tab2' })}>
                <View style={{flex: 1, marginTop: marginTop}}>

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