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teamgames's Issues

DOWNLOAD_HEALTHBAR "HotPotato-healthbar" not working

L 05/02/2016 - 04:34:19: [TeamGames/TeamGames.smx] Unknown file prefix "HotPotato-healthbar" (file: "materials/tg/healthbar/100.vmt") !
L 05/02/2016 - 04:34:19: [TeamGames/TeamGames.smx] Unknown file prefix "HotPotato-healthbar" (file: "materials/tg/healthbar/90.vmt") !
L 05/02/2016 - 04:34:19: [TeamGames/TeamGames.smx] Unknown file prefix "HotPotato-healthbar" (file: "materials/tg/healthbar/70.vmt") !
L 05/02/2016 - 04:34:19: [TeamGames/TeamGames.smx] Unknown file prefix "HotPotato-healthbar" (file: "materials/tg/healthbar/50.vmt") !
L 05/02/2016 - 04:34:19: [TeamGames/TeamGames.smx] Unknown file prefix "HotPotato-healthbar" (file: "materials/tg/healthbar/30.vmt") !
L 05/02/2016 - 04:34:19: [TeamGames/TeamGames.smx] Unknown file prefix "HotPotato-healthbar" (file: "materials/tg/healthbar/10.vmt") !

Bug if you put * .sp file in a single folder

In the folder "plugins" I sort of *.sp files in folders, especially the modules, if I put a plug-in or module folder sourcemod / plugins / TeamGames, the plug can not create the setting.

[TeamGames/TG_ChickenHunt.smx] Cannot create file 'addons/sourcemod/configs/colorvariables/plugin.TeamGames/TG_ChickenHunt.cfg' !

1.8 small errors (expected token: ";", but found "return")

SourcePawn Compiler
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase
Copyright (c) 2004-2015 AlliedModders LLC

/home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp(36) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"
/home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp(46) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"
/home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp(56) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"
/home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp(66) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"
/home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp(71) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"
/home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp(76) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"
/home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp(108) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"

7 Errors.


The preparation of the game is given 5 seconds, and if T during the preparation time to write "!refise" or "-" the game does not start.

It is necessary that T could protect themselves from CT that launch games that T could not attack them.

All CTs can create marks

tgm_warden_admins : 1 : : Treat admins as warden.
tgm_warden_fences : 1 : : Only warden can use TG fence.
tgm_warden_games : 1 : : Only warden can use TG games.
tgm_warden_marks : 1 : : Only warden can use TG marks.
tgm_warden_menu : 1 : : Only warden can use TG menu.
tgm_warden_teams : 1 : : Only warden can use TG teams.

confirmation to play

So my jail is set up so that if no CT, the cells are always open and always T respawned.
And at this time when there is no CT admins can run games.
Can you do cvar to the T came out menus (if he wants to play the game)
At the moment when the admin puts the player in the team.
Sorry for bad English.

Fresh install

I just added all files, started server and get this:

L 03/03/2017 - 16:25:12: SourceMod error session started
L 03/03/2017 - 16:25:12: Info (map "workshop/172839288/jb_renegade_v5") (file "errors_20170303.log")
L 03/03/2017 - 16:25:12: [SM] Exception reported: invalid handle 0 (error: 4)
L 03/03/2017 - 16:25:12: [SM] Blaming: TG_PermanentFences.smx
L 03/03/2017 - 16:25:12: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 03/03/2017 - 16:25:12: [SM] [0] WriteFileLine
L 03/03/2017 - 16:25:12: [SM] [1] Line 94, TG_PermanentFences.sp::OnMapStart

Client index 1418041570 is invalid (in Teams.sp)

[SM] Exception reported: Client index 1418041570 is invalid
[SM] Blaming: TeamGames/TeamGames.smx()
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM]   [0] VFormat
[SM]   [1] Line 104, /home/renat/scripting/include/
[SM]   [2] Line 115, Teams.sp::SwitchAllToRedTeam()
[SM]   [3] Line 68, Teams.sp::TeamsMenu_Handler()

SM] Exception reported: Client index 1953784144 is invalid
SM] Blaming: TeamGames/TeamGames.smx()
SM] Call stack trace:
SM]   [0] VFormat
SM]   [1] Line 104, /home/renat/scripting/include/
SM]   [2] Line 115, Teams.sp::SwitchAllToRedTeam()
SM]   [3] Line 68, Teams.sp::TeamsMenu_Handler()

Module Team Games is also a module for LR (Hosties2)

For example, these games also would be very useful in LR
Or please do based on these plug-ins for standalone HOSTIES2

Client index -1 is invalid

I think in
need to add
if (....&& iClient > 0 && warden_iswarden(iClient))
return true;


[SM] Exception reported: Client index -1 is invalid
[SM] Blaming: sm_jail_csgowarden.smx()
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [0] IsClientInGame
[SM] [1] Line 448, /home/home/GIT/sm_warden/scripting/sm_jail_csgowarden.sp::Native_IsWarden()
[SM] [3] warden_iswarden
[SM] [4] Line 107, /home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp::CheckWardenAccess()
[SM] [5] Line 74, /home/home/GIT/TeamGames/addons/sourcemod/scripting/modules/TG_Warden.sp::TG_OnPlayerTeam()
[SM] [7] Call_Finish
[SM] [8] Line 158, Teams.sp::SwitchToTeam()
[SM] [9] Line 362, Teams.sp::ClearTeam()
[SM] [10] Line 125, Api.sp::Native_ClearTeam()
[SM] [12] TG_ClearTeam
[SM] [13] Line 120, /home/home/GIT/t2_lr_cfg/addons/sourcemod/scripting/jail_t2lrcfg.sp::lr()

Server dopping after update

So basically, when CT spawn C4 it drops the server, any updates on how to fix it?(Teamgames menu - Spawn bomb)

Add please cvar sm_rebel_enable, need to disable sm_r sm_rebel commands

For Example

public Action:Command_Rebel(iClient, iArgs)
    if (Client_IsValid(iClient)) {
        if (CVAR == 0) {
            CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-IsDisabled");
        } else if (GetClientTeam(iClient) != CS_TEAM_T) {
            CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-PrisonersOnly");
        } else if (!IsPlayerAlive(iClient)) {
            CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-AliveOnly");
        } else if (!TG_IsPlayerRedOrBlue(iClient)) {
            CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-InTeamOnly");
        } else {

    return Plugin_Handled;

And new key "2" for tg_game_rebelattack
// Action taken when red/blue T attack CT during game
// 0 = no dmg & no rebel
// 1 = no dmg & make rebel
// 2 = dmg & no rebel

HotPotato Issues

The game HotPotato after the death of a HotPotatoplayer a bomb is not removed, but new hot potato is created. As a result, it created a lot of bombs, and it is not clear which of the bombs is a hot potato.

It would be nice to make a bomb, which has a model of a hot potato
for example:

SetEntityModel(bomb_ent, "HotPotatoModel");

Where HotPotatoModel == models\props_junk\watermelon01.mdl or models\props_misc\bread-4.mdl or models\gibs\hgibs.mdl for exapmle

And that from the hot potato to the "holder" of potatoes was a line

TE_SetupBeamPoints (posHotPotato, posHolder, ...........);
TE_SendToClient (allclients);

HotPotato tips to player

Can you make a hint to the player with potatoes? (PrintHintText)
For example: if the player threw the potatoes then it will be written that he picked it up and threw another player. Because a lot of beginners do not understand the meaning of the game when it launches commander.


i would be happy with a new ConVar. something like:
tg_noneteam_attack - Can Ts in **none team** attack each other even if there is no game?
I misread alltime tg_team_attacks "excluding". Would be very helpful for my project.
Thanks in advance!

Friendly fire for CTs

I would have a new ConVar request.
I'm not happy with this part:

// CT can't hurt CT
if (iAttackerTeam == CS_TEAM_CT && iVictimTeam == CS_TEAM_CT)
return Plugin_Handled;

I used by mistake an old modified version of TG for all my testings and forgot about this part. To keep compatibility with MyJailbreak I wrote this little plugin to toggle your friendly fire system #20 . But now I ran in the issue for CTs in a FreeForAll or "teammates_are_enemies round". stupid me.

Would be nice to have a Cvar to toggle CTs friendly fire or include this in tg_team_none_attack or maybe even a native? Or maybe you got a better idea to handle this conflict, instead of toggling cvars.
Much Thnks!

RequestFrame2 error 130: cannot coerce functions to values on sm

SourcePawn Compiler
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase
Copyright (c) 2004-2015 AlliedModders LLC

/home/home/scripting/include/ : error 130: cannot coerce functions to values
/home/home/scripting/include/ : warning 237: coercing functions to and from primitives is unsupported and will be removed in the future

After 770fded

Compilation error...

I have problem with compile this plugins and default compiled version crash sometimes when some game start, which one i dont know.

Sourcemod - 1.10 - build 6510
Metamod - 1.11 - build 1145
TG version - "" //edit by shanapu"

// D:\*\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\ : fatal error 196: deprecated syntax; see
// Compilation aborted.
// 1 Error.

Host_Error: Index error writing string table baseline downloadables

Server is crashing when someone tries to join.
Sourcemod Version:
Error: Host_Error: Index error writing string table baseline downloadables
Accelerator: IS3X-RBI4-ZE4T

If I leave only TeamGames.smx, TG_MoreMarks.smx and TG_Warden.smx it works fine.

I will test module by module to check if it's a specific module.

imperfection in Hot Potato

If T is picked up by another bomb, then he will not be able to throw the hot potato. It is necessary to make a ban on the recruitment of other bombs.

Missing 2 files in extras

Hello !
I don't see cables when I create fences and I found those lines in my logs.
Those files are missing in extras folder.

[TeamGames.smx] File 'materials/cable/bf_rope.vmt' (prefix '[FenceMaterial 1.0 255 255 255 255]') not found!
[TeamGames.smx] File 'materials/cable/bf_rope.vmt' (prefix '[PermanentFeces-Material 1.0 255 255 255 255]') not found!
[TeamGames.smx] File 'materials/cable/bf_rope.vtf' (prefix '') not found!

[phrases]"{1} moved all players to red team!" after "Everyone into Red team"

please do so when you move into the team, the message is dispatched to chat with one at all players, not for each player individually.
for example:
sharen Player 1 moved in the red team
sharen Player 2 moved in the red team
sharen moved 3 player in the team red
sharen moved 4 player in the team red
do this way:
sharen moved all the players in the team red

I've already done the blank phrases:

    "PlayerMove-RedTeamALL" // msg for all players when player {1} moved all players to team red
        "#format"   "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} moved all players to{tg-redteam} red {default} team!"
        "ru"        "{1} переместил всех в команду {tg-redteam} красных!"
    "PlayerMove-FiftyFiftyAll" // msg for all players when player {1} moved all players to both teams
        "#format"   "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} divided into 2 teams all!"
        "ru"        "{1} поделил всех на 2 команды!"
    "PlayerMove-NoneTeamAll" // msg for all players when all players was moved out of any team
        "en"        "All players expelled from the team!"
        "ru"        "Всех игроков исключили из команды!"

P.S. and additionals for ru translation

support DevZones

Please do (as a module) For CT could start the game only when all T will be in a certain zone.
Because many CT start the game right away as a prisoner out of the cells, and can start playing even if one of the prisoners escaped. What could spoil the gameplay.

For example:
"Football" //The game can begin only when all the T will be in one of these zones

If a CT wants to play, and some of the prisoners had escaped, he leaves a message: "To start the game Take all the prisoners in one of these areas:
Gameroom " DevZones
Of course, if the server admin is not lazy and will place the zone on each map.
A note the zone using Dev Zones is a case for 5 minutes

Or just before the game to check whether all the prisoners next to each other or someone escaped.

emergency StopGame

Please do so that CT can quickly and emergency stop the game.

ForExample sm_stopgame or with Bind-actions

Game Preparation wish with the issue of weapons

Do so in games weapons were issued at the expense of 3, not at the beginning of reference.
And so it turns out that the account of all the T 3 are targeting each other in the head.
Or is it better to the account of 3 players thawed, and a moment later they were given weapons.

Native "RemoveEdict" reported: Edict 1107 (1107) is not a valid edict

[SM] Native "RemoveEdict" reported: Edict 1107 (1107) is not a valid edict
[SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "TeamGames/TeamGames.smx":
[SM]   [0]  Line 96, HealthBar.sp::RemoveHealthBar()
[SM]   [1]  Line 45, HealthBar.sp::UpdateHealthBar()
[SM]   [2]  Line 365, TeamGames.sp::Hook_OnTakeDamagePost()

the game is that the healthbars remain after the game

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