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sbt-crossproject's Issues

Strange Issues in IntelliJ on Mac

Okay, this is a very specific and odd issue. Now, I recognize this is most likely a bug in IntelliJ's Scala plugin and not sbt-crossproject, but since it's specific to sbt-crossproject causing it, I'm hoping you all might know a solution.

On my MacBook Pro I'm experiencing this, but not on my Ubuntu desktop. I've completely cleared existing settings and wiped everything only to have the exact same issue come back.

screen shot 2018-03-18 at 8 31 26 pm

IntelliJ warns me that Some[String] doesn't conform to the expected type of Option[String]. If I investigate by going to the Option definition, I get Scala Native's implementation, but going to Some I get see the standard Scala JVM version. IntelliJ seems to be getting confused about which jars to utilize. What's even more strange is that this is only on my MacBook Pro. This same project on Ubuntu has no problems at all.

You are more than welcome to check out the project to see it:


When converting from "plain" sbt, like

lazy val geom = project.withId("lucre-geom").in(file("geom"))

to cross-project

lazy val geom = crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform).withId("lucre-geom").in(file("geom"))

this fails with

error: value withId is not a member of sbtcrossproject.CrossProject.Builder

Is there a work-around?

Missing dependencies

I am trying to follow the example given in the
and am encountering a problem with missing dependencies.

First of all, thank you for the example!

After doing a direct cut & paste, on "sbt update"
I get:

[warn] 	::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
[warn] 	::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] 	:: org.scala-native#nativelib_native0.1.0-SNAPSHOT_2.11;0.1.0-SNAPSHOT: not found
[warn] 	:: org.scala-native#javalib_native0.1.0-SNAPSHOT_2.11;0.1.0-SNAPSHOT: not found
[warn] 	:: org.scala-native#scalalib_native0.1.0-SNAPSHOT_2.11;0.1.0-SNAPSHOT: not found
[warn] 	:: org.scala-native#nscplugin_2.11.8;0.1.0-SNAPSHOT: not found
[warn] 	::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

My sbt-native build, based on that project's example, seems to be able to fallback to a dated

[info] Resolving org.scala-native#nativelib_native0.1.0-SNAPSHOT_2.11;0.1.0-SNAP[info] Resolving org.scala-native#nativelib_native0.1.0-SNAPSHOT_2.11;0.1.0-SNAPSHOT ...
[warn] Unable to reparse org.scala-native#nativelib_native0.1.0-SNAPSHOT_2.11;0.1.0-SNAPSHOT from sonatype-snapshots, using Thu Dec 01 09:58:21 EST 2016

Looks like a glitch at the project end,

My apology if I am doing something wrong at my end.

Thank you,


Ambigious implicit for `%%%`

I encountered this when trying to add scala-native support to a project, following the instructions in this repo's README. Then I was able to reproduce it in one of the scripted-tests sbt projects under sbt-crossproject-test.

Steps to reproduce:

cd sbt-crossproject-test/src/sbt-test/new-api/cross-dependencies

mkdir -p project
echo "sbt.version=0.13.16" > project/
echo <<EOF > project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js"       % "sbt-scalajs"              % "0.6.19")
addSbtPlugin("org.portable-scala" % "sbt-crossproject"         % "0.3.0")
addSbtPlugin("org.portable-scala" % "sbt-scalajs-crossproject" % "0.3.0")
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native"   % "sbt-scala-native"         % "0.3.3")



[info] Loading project definition from /Users/chris/code/sbt-crossproject/sbt-crossproject-test/src/sbt-test/new-api/cross-dependencies/project
/Users/chris/code/sbt-crossproject/sbt-crossproject-test/src/sbt-test/new-api/cross-dependencies/build.sbt:22: error: type mismatch;
 found   : $12b0424f132c9a6188b8.g.type (with underlying type String)
 required: ?{def %%%(x$1: ? >: String): ?}
Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
 both method toPlatformDepsGroupID in object autoImport of type (groupID: String)org.portablescala.sbtplatformdeps.PlatformDepsGroupID
 and method toCrossGroupID in object AutoImport of type (groupID: String)sbtcrossproject.CrossGroupID
 are possible conversion functions from $12b0424f132c9a6188b8.g.type to ?{def %%%(x$1: ? >: String): ?}
  libraryDependencies += g %%% a % v
/Users/chris/code/sbt-crossproject/sbt-crossproject-test/src/sbt-test/new-api/cross-dependencies/build.sbt:22: error: value %%% is not a member of String
  libraryDependencies += g %%% a % v

If I publishLocal the sbt plugins and then change the versions in plugins.sbt to use those:

addSbtPlugin("org.portable-scala" % "sbt-crossproject"         % "0.3.1-SNAPSHOT")
addSbtPlugin("org.portable-scala" % "sbt-scalajs-crossproject" % "0.3.1-SNAPSHOT")

then the problem goes away. But that doesn't make any sense to me, because the only commit since the 0.3.0 release was a change to the README!

Any ideas? Am I doing something stupid?

For pure projects, provide way to use only single publish artifact

I'm currently using ScalaJS plugin / latest sbt-crossproject plugin. I have a typical common cross-project that publishes both a commonJVM jar and a commonJS SJS jar. For my project, it takes about 60 seconds to compile each project. I don't have any platform specific files in this project.

If I look at the JVM jar and the SJS jar, they are identical except:

SJS jar has the sjsir artifacts in addition to the class files.

Since ScalaJS is generating class files anyway, why do I need to the commonJVM project at all? Couldn't we have some stricter CrossType.Pure mode where we don't actually create two different projects? Or maybe they're two different projects but we're smarter and only do compilation once and only produce one JAR? For my case, I do not care that my commonJVM jar is going to have useless SJS artifacts. I will gladly put up with that to shave over a minute off my build.

Suggestion for native & JVM pair cross build example

Again, first of all, thank you for the examples & documentation.
I hope to help improve it by reporting my experiences.

To get my feet wet with cross building, I am following the
"Cross-compiling JVM and Native" section of the
It appears to me that the section "In build.sbt:" needs to start with:

import sbtcross.{crossProject, CrossType}
val sharedSettings = Seq(scalaVersion := "2.11.8") // Scala Native only supports 2.11

not simply:

val sharedSettings = Seq(scalaVersion := "2.11.8") // Scala Native only supports 2.11

I admit to being easily lead astray, but the comment // (5) shadow sbt-scalajs' crossProject and CrossType until Scala.js 1.0.0 is released lead me to believe that the import was only necessary when sbt-scalajs was in use. SBT soon disabused me of that notion.

Adding the import makes it easier for people to understand the intent and do a cut & paste
and have it be successful. Happy campers!

Thank you


Bump Scala.js version in sbt-scalajs-crossproject to 0.6.19

Receiving the following error

[warn] 	* org.scala-js:sbt-scalajs:0.6.19 is selected over 0.6.16
[warn] 	    +- default:scalajson-build:0.1-SNAPSHOT (scalaVersion=2.10, sbtVersion=0.13) (depends on 0.6.19)
[warn] 	    +- org.scala-native:sbt-scalajs-crossproject:0.2.0 (scalaVersion=2.10, sbtVersion=0.13) (depends on 0.6.16)

Benchmarks do not run under cross project.

My benchmark task sbt project/bench stop working under cross project. It succeeds but does not execute any benchmark tests.

My build.sbt:

lazy val Benchmark = config("bench") extend sbt.Test

lazy val project= crossProject(JVMPlatform)
    bench := {
      (test in Benchmark).tag(Exclusive).value
    testFrameworks += new TestFramework("org.scalameter.ScalaMeterFramework"),
    libraryDependencies += "com.storm-enroute" %% "scalameter" % "0.17" % "bench",

Can't share main class between JS and JVM builds.

Please consider this project on github:

This bare bones project reproduces an error involving the main class declared with mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("com.example.Main") and .jsSettings(scalaJSUseMainModuleInitializer := true) which does not express itself in the JVM context.

Specifically, although the main method finds its way to the output of fastOptJS, typing sbt run fails with the following error message:

[error] java.lang.RuntimeException: No main class detected.
[error] 	at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:26)
[error] (Compile / bgRun) No main class detected. should describe run commands

Please consider having the describe the run commands for
cross projects.

It has been a long while since I have used an sbt multi-project. The simple
'''sbt run'' in my mind from just having finished the
sbt-native tutorial did not work.
I was in the midst of figuring out the required commands for sbt-cross the hard way
when I came across the scalajs-cross tutorial and rejoiced. Adapting freely from that tutorial (I think I am OK with copyright/license here)
sbt> barJS/run
sbt> barJVM/run
sbt> barNative/run
This addition would get the closer to a "Getting started: see one, do one" state.
Agreed that post-introductory work requires a deeper understanding of sbt, scala-native, &

Thank you for considering this suggestion.


Modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in sbt plugin


sbt version: 1.3.4


Sub project which is an sbt module can not be compiled on 2.13.1.


It compiles fine in 2.13.1



[error] Modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in ProjectRef(uri("file:/fastparseIncompat/"), "projectB"):
[error]    com.lihaoyi:sourcecode _2.12, _2.13
[error]    com.lihaoyi:fastparse _2.13, _2.12
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last projectB / update for the full output
[error] (projectB / update) Conflicting cross-version suffixes in: com.lihaoyi:sourcecode, com.lihaoyi:fastparse

sharedSrcDir should be a setting

In, we have a situation where we want to share the shared directory across different sbt-crossprojects. Currently the shared directory is hardcoded in the CrossType (see

Ideally there should be some "sharedSource" Setting which you can override to make it easy to specify your own

Mid-term: sbt-cross might give hints about handling 2-out-of-3 (m-out-of-N) issues.

Please pardon me if this is the wrong place to raise this issue for
consideration. On other projects, I have been turned back on
StackOverflow for attempting to discuss unreleased software.

At some point down the road, I believe that users of sbt-cross will
encounter a 2-out-of-3, more generally, m-out-of-N, problem
handling source directories, settings, etc. Examples of
solutions which do not fall into combinatorial complexity
will be useful to those users.

To get the existing sbt-cross trio project working with a
main program (1), I had to create a HelloWorld.scala
in each of bar/js/src, bar/jvm/src, and bar/native/src.
The js/src/HelloWorld.scala had to be different (until
I can figure out a better way). The bar/jvm and bar/native
files were identical, which violates DRY. To keep some
sanity, I do want to use symlinks.

Flush from success at getting the sbt-cross trio example
project working (Thank you for the example!), I tried to add
test tree code. Since it is, understandably, too soon for
scala-native to support uTest, I wanted to be prepared
and get up to speed by testing scalaJS vs scalaJVM.
Is there a better place for discussion?

This left me with a situation where I needed to enter
settings common to the scalaJS & scalaJVM sub-projects,
but not the scala-native project. Someday I may
be clever enough to figure out some elegant sbt/scala
code to do this, but for now I duplicated (and the
spirits of my mentors yelled at me, for good reason).

When I set up the testing directories, I ran into
a similar problem. I had to duplicate
the tree in js/src/test to jvm/src/test. Surely
a cause for future, self-inflicted pain.

I can also foresee situations where one would want
scalaJVM & scala-native in the mix and scalaJS out.

With time, I hope to figure out some clever way of
handling these 2-out-of-3 issues without falling into
combinatorial complexity. The sbt settings issue
is probably simpler than the duplicated tree issue.

I mention instances of this issue early on for "back of the brain'
consideration because I think other developers will
run straight into them as the try to stretch from the
well explored & experienced scalaJS/scalaJVM duo
to the nova mundi of scalaJS/scalaJVM/scala-native trio.

Thank you for any suggestions, including
"Please be patient until sbt-cross matures".


  1. At this point, the sbt-native HelloWorld.scala is
    scaffolding and/or a thought experiment. sbt-native
    seems to have a problem and generate null output to stdout.
    In the fullness of time that will get fixed.

Better support for source dependencies between cross-projects

Here's what I came up with:

def zioUri      = uri("git://")
lazy val zioJVM = ProjectRef(zioUri, "coreJVM")
lazy val zioJS  = ProjectRef(zioUri, "coreJS")

lazy val base = crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform)
  .jvmConfigure(_ dependsOn zioJVM)
  .jsConfigure(_ dependsOn zioJS)

But with a bit of support here, I think it could look like

lazy val zio = CrossProjectRef(
  Map(JSPlatform -> "coreJS", JVMPlatform -> "coreJVM")
lazy val base = crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform)

Add support for cross-classpath dependencies

JSPlatform should be org.scalajs.sbtplugin.JSPlatform, for forward compat with Scala.js 1.x

In Scala.js 1.x, JSPlatform will be defined in the package org.scalajs.sbtplugin. In the transitioning project sbt-scalajs-crossproject, it should therefore be defined in the same place (even if that's evil because a different .jar puts things in the same package), so that the compatibility macro can refer to all the time, and hence be forward-compatible with Scala.js 1.x.

This is a blocker for Scala.js' master branch to migrate to sbt-crossproject.

Plugins can only be enabled for all of the projects

There are a number of plugins that only make sense on a particular platform (e.g. ScalaJSBundlerPlugin). Enabling them on a cross project, makes them active on all projects. This can completely break the incompatible projects. As a workaround, I've had to make separate projects and symlink shared source code in managedSources.

sbt-scala-native 0.3.3 and sbt 1.0

I'm trying to get my code working with Scala Native and followed sbt-crossproject's README:
I rewrote my build.sbt file and added the sbt-crossproject and sbt-scala-native plugins to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-crossproject" % "0.2.2")
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.3.3")

I also set sbt.version=1.0.1 in project/

Running sbt I get:

[warn] 	module not found: org.scala-native#sbt-scala-native;0.3.3
[warn] ==== typesafe-ivy-releases: tried
[warn] ==== sbt-plugin-releases: tried
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn]   /Users/bastian/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/sbt-scala-native/scala_2.12/sbt_1.0//0.3.3/ivys/ivy.xml
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] 	::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] 	::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
[warn] 	::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] 	:: org.scala-native#sbt-scala-native;0.3.3: not found
[warn] 	::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] 	Note: Some unresolved dependencies have extra attributes.  Check that these dependencies exist with the requested attributes.
[warn] 		org.scala-native:sbt-scala-native:0.3.3 (scalaVersion=2.12, sbtVersion=1.0)
[warn] 	Note: Unresolved dependencies path:
[warn] 		org.scala-native:sbt-scala-native:0.3.3 (scalaVersion=2.12, sbtVersion=1.0) (/Users/bastian/projects/question-parser/project/plugins.sbt#L3-4)
[warn] 		  +- default:question-parser-build:0.1-SNAPSHOT (scalaVersion=2.12, sbtVersion=1.0)
[error] sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: org.scala-native#sbt-scala-native;0.3.3: not found

It looks like sbt-crossproject is published for Scala 2.12 and sbt 1.0,
but sbt-scala-native is not.

`name` does not default to the cross-project ID, as it did in Scala.js

lazy val bar =
  crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform, NativePlatform)
      scalaVersion := "2.11.11",
      description := "common settings"

lazy val barJS     = bar.js
lazy val barJVM    = bar.jvm
lazy val barNative = bar.native

The name of barJS, barJVM and barNative is their respective ID, but it should be bar for all projects, as it was in Scala.js' crossProject.

This is important because name makes its way to moduleName, which decides the name of the artifact being packaged and published!

Support for triple cross project with Scala.Js

It should be possible to build a triple build for both jvm, native and JS. Is that possible without adding a dependency on the sjs cross plugin/sjs? Maybe it is better to have another cross build plugin for that case?

does not resolve sbt-native

In my sbt project it does not resolve sbt-native:

[error] coursier.ResolutionException: Encountered 5 error(s) in dependency resolution:
[error]     org.scala-native:test-interface_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/test-interface_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]     org.scala-native:nativelib_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/nativelib_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]     org.scala-native:auxlib_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/auxlib_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]     org.scala-native:scalalib_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/scalalib_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]     org.scala-native:javalib_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/javalib_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error] (treesNative / coursierResolutions) coursier.ResolutionException: Encountered 5 error(s) in dependency resolution:
[error]     org.scala-native:test-interface_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/test-interface_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]     org.scala-native:nativelib_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/nativelib_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]     org.scala-native:auxlib_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/auxlib_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]     org.scala-native:scalalib_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/scalalib_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error]     org.scala-native:javalib_native0.3_2.12:0.3.6:
[error]         not found:
[error]             /home/antonkulaga/.ivy2/local/org.scala-native/javalib_native0.3_2.12/0.3.6/ivys/ivy.xml
[error] Total time: 7 s, completed Feb 18, 2018 5:12:00 PM

here is my build.sbt (sbt version 1.1.1)

val sharedSettings = Seq(scalaVersion := "2.12.4")

lazy val trees =
  // (4) select supported platforms
  crossProject(JVMPlatform, NativePlatform)
		libraryDependencies += "org.spire-math" %% "clouseau" % "0.1.0",
		javaOptions += "-javaagent:/home/antonkulaga/Soft/clouseau_2.12-0.1.0.jar",	
		fork := true,
		resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at "",
		libraryDependencies +=  "com.storm-enroute" %% "scalameter-core" % "0.8.2"

lazy val treesJVM    = trees.jvm
lazy val treesNative = trees.native

here are my plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.portable-scala" % "sbt-crossproject" % "0.3.1")
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native"   % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.3.6") 
addSbtPlugin("io.get-coursier" % "sbt-coursier" % "1.0.2")

Note: the resolution problem is not coursier-related, without coursier I get the same problem

Remove annoying printlns in `requireDependencies`

Running the build with this plugin enabled outputs the following log:

Project defines platforms: jvm, js
project core
  discards: native
Project defines platforms: jvm, js
project core
  discards: native
Project defines platforms: jvm, js
project core
  discards: native
Project defines platforms: jvm, js
project core
  discards: native
Project defines platforms: jvm, js
project core
  discards: native
Project defines platforms: jvm, js
project core
  discards: native
project state
  discards: native

I think this is pretty annoying. IMO, the right way to do this is to use the sbt logger and adding a setting key to disable its output. The logic for this (printlns) is in requireDependencies.

Testing doesn't use scala-native compiler

I feel like there has to be a way to get it to work, but at least right now... I cannot figure out how to get the test phase of a project to correctly use the scala-native compiler. I've tried using the utest framework, as well as just a 'main' based entry point in the test project (jsonNative/test:run) and they both yield the same result.

Looks like its missing some classes, then for the ones it does find, it runs into the 'undefined' stubs that the compiler should be able to handle. jsonNative/run works just fine.

EDIT: This is a cross-compile project with scala/scala-js/scala-native, the utest framework works just fine for scala-js and scala.

Here's the branch for my project I'm having issues with:

> ++2.11.8
> jsonNative/test
[info]                  		scala.scalanative.runtime.UndefinedBehaviorError
[info] scala.scalanative.runtime.package$.undefined(package.scala:9)
[info] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class scala.scalanative.native.Tag$

SBT 0.13.13

addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "0.6.14")
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-crossproject" % "0.1.0")
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scalajs-crossproject" % "0.1.0")
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.1.0")

Dependency Resolution in Root Project of Pure Cross Project

The cats-scalatest project set up a Pure cross project for JVM and JS platforms on several Scala versions. Dependency resolution seems to work fine throughout the matrix, except for the root project. The broken config is available for reference on the scalajs-cross-pure-broken branch.

sbt:cats-scalatest> projects
[info] In file: ~/cats-scalatest/
[info] 	 * cats-scalatest
[info] 	   catsScalatestJS
[info] 	   catsScalatestJVM

Running sbt test or sbt compile results in compilation failures in the root (cats-scalatest) project that indicate missing dependencies, e.g.:

[info] Compiling 5 Scala sources to ~/cats-scalatest/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[error] ~/cats-scalatest/src/main/scala/cats/scalatest/EitherMatchers.scala:3:12: object scalatest is not a member of package org
[error] import org.scalatest.matchers.{BeMatcher, MatchResult, Matcher}
[error]            ^

Running sbt catsScalatestJS/compile or sbt catsScalatestJVM/compile both work fine.

I would have expected compile or cats-scalatest/compile to call the platform-specific projects' compile tasks, not execute one of its own.

FWIW, I noticed that setting the Scala version using ++ excludes the core project:

sbt:cats-scalatest> ++ 2.11.12 -v
[info] Setting Scala version to 2.11.12 on 2 projects.
[info] Switching Scala version on:
[info]     catsScalatestJVM (2.11.12, 2.12.10, 2.13.1)
[info]     catsScalatestJS (2.11.12, 2.12.10, 2.13.1)
[info] Excluding projects:
[info]   * cats-scalatest (2.12.10)
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to cats-scalatest (in build file:~/cats-scalatest/)

Maybe cats-scalatest should be excluded more broadly, and it's not for some reason?

We worked around the issue by switching to a Full cross project on the primary branch. The broken config is preserved on the scalajs-cross-pure-broken branch. (There is no platform-specific code for this project, so ideally it will switch back to Pure once we figure out what's going wrong.)

"shared" project does not appear with CrossType.Full

My cross-project is setup like this:

lazy val my_cross_project = crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform).
  settings(scala_210_211 ++ commonSettings).
            name := "my.crossproject"
  jvmSettings(java7Settings ++ jvmSpecificSettings).
              jsDependencies += "org.webjars.npm" % "d3" % "5.4.0" / "d3.js" minified "d3.min.js",
              scalaJSUseMainModuleInitializer := false,
              skip in packageJSDependencies := false

lazy val my_cross_projectJVM = my_cross_project.jvm
lazy val my_cross_projectJS = my_cross_project.js

I get the js and jvm projects, but not the shared one. What am I missing?

support scala-js 1.0.0-M1

[info] Compiling 5 Scala sources to /home/travis/build/xuwei-k/scalaz/project/target/scala-2.10/sbt-0.13/classes...
exception when typing scalajscrossproject.ScalaJSCrossPlugin.autoImport/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$Select
bad symbolic reference. A signature in ScalaJSCrossPlugin.class refers to term impl
in package org.scalajs.sbtplugin which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling ScalaJSCrossPlugin.class. in file /home/travis/build/xuwei-k/scalaz/project/build.scala
scala.reflect.internal.Types$TypeError: bad symbolic reference. A signature in ScalaJSCrossPlugin.class refers to term impl
in package org.scalajs.sbtplugin which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling ScalaJSCrossPlugin.class.
	at scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler$Scan.toTypeError(UnPickler.scala:847)
	at scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler$Scan$LazyTypeRef.complete(UnPickler.scala:854)
	at scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler$Scan$LazyTypeRef.load(UnPickler.scala:863)
	at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.typeParams(Symbols.scala:1489)

/cc @sjrd

Shared resource directory is ignored

The resource directory in the "shared" folder is not added to project resourceDirectories. This is a problem especially for CrossType.Pure as all resource directories for this layout are in the "hidden" .<platform> folder.

Ideally, resource directories should be treated in the same way as source directories are.


import sbtcrossproject.{crossProject, CrossType}

lazy val foo =
  crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform)

lazy val `foo-jvm` = foo.jvm
lazy val `foo-js`  = foo.js

SBT shell:

sbt:tmp> show fooJVM/sourceDirectories
[info] * /private/tmp/foo/.jvm/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /private/tmp/foo/.jvm/src/main/scala
[info] * /private/tmp/foo/.jvm/src/main/java
[info] * /private/tmp/foo/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /private/tmp/foo/src/main/scala
[info] * /private/tmp/foo/.jvm/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
sbt:tmp> show fooJVM/resourceDirectories
[info] * /private/tmp/foo/.jvm/src/main/resources
[info] * /private/tmp/foo/.jvm/target/scala-2.12/resource_managed/main

Cross-publishing problems

I am attempting to cross-build and publish a project for all three architectures.

When I run sbt +publishLocal, sbt also publishes it for 2.10. In Scala.js, the manual advises to define a root project. When I do so, cross-publishing works for all projects but Scala Native (it doesn't respect the overridden scalaVersion and uses the 2.12 version instead).

Also, I needed to specify the root path with .in(file(".")), but according to the README it should also work without.

There are test cases in my shared sub-project and sbt test tries to compile them for Scala Native. As there is no testing interface for Scala Native, I expected the tests to be ignored altogether.

You can find my latest build.sbt here.

Ordering of `jsConfigure` call breaks CrossType configuration

Depending on whether .jsConfigure call is placed before or after .settings, the cross type/directory configuration changes.

Repository with a reproduction set up here.


  • sbt = 1.2.8
  • sbt-crossproject = 0.6.0
  • sbt-scalajs-crossproject = 0.6.0
  • sbt-scalajs = 0.6.26

Given this build.sbt:

import sbtcrossproject.CrossPlugin.autoImport.{CrossType, crossProject}

val good = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform)
  .settings(scalaVersion := "2.12.8")

val bad = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform)
  .settings(scalaVersion := "2.12.8")

Results in correct sourceDirectories for the project where .jsConfigure is after .settings:

$ sbt 'show goodJVM/sourceDirectories' 'show goodJS/sourceDirectories'
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/.jvm/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/.jvm/src/main/scala
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/.jvm/src/main/java
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/src/main/scala
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/.jvm/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/.js/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/.js/src/main/scala
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/.js/src/main/java
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/src/main/scala
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/good/.js/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main

And bad sourceDirectories where .jsConfigure is before .settings (looks like CrossType.Full configuration?):

$ sbt 'show badJVM/sourceDirectories' 'show badJS/sourceDirectories'
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/jvm/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/jvm/src/main/scala
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/jvm/src/main/java
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/shared/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/shared/src/main/scala
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/jvm/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/js/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/js/src/main/scala
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/js/src/main/java
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/shared/src/main/scala-2.12
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/shared/src/main/scala
[info] * /tmp/sbt-crossproject-jsConfigure-issue/bad/js/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main

Modernize build

Builds using .scala are less favoured than using sbt. We may want to go towards that direction

multiple shared modules

Hello, I am trying to set up a cross JS/JVM project that also includes macros.

Is there any way to have two shared sub-projects? One for macro definitions (to be compiled before it's used) and one for shared code between JS and JVM?

This is a rough idea of what I am trying to achieve:

lazy val macros = (project in file("macros"))
lazy val shared = (project in file("shared")).dependsOn(macros)
lazy val js = (project in file("js")).dependsOn(macros, shared)
lazy val jvm = (project in file("jvm")).dependsOn(macros, shared)

Thanks in advance. should describe two expected src directory layouts

Please consider having describe, early on, the
expected source directory layout. This is especially
tricky for a reader because there two layouts are used.

Reading from the top down, the first encountered layout
is for the trio project. If I understand correctly, the
.crossType(CrossType.Pure) // [Pure, Full, Dummy], default: CrossType.Full
causes the bar/.js, bar/.jvm, bar/native, shared, form to be used. Since
these are hidden directories, it makes it exceedingly hard to
figure out.

Since I like prove out my understanding, I usually start simple
and work my way to more complex. I jumped into the second,
duo example before I attempted the trio example. It took
more work than I expected, but I figured out the expected
bar/jvm, bar/native, shared directory structure. This gives
nice, visible directories.

When I extended my duo project to the trio project
described in the, sbt could no longer
find my source code. After ratting around, I discovered
that this is because the duo project defaulted to 'CrossType.Full'.
The trio project had an explicit 'CrossType.Pure', which expected
a different source directory structure.

As both scala-cross & my understanding of it mature, I hope
to understand when one would use a Full & when one would
use a Pure. For now, I am using Full seems to work, so I
am using it to allow me to see my directories.

The good ascii art in file CrossType.scala helped me get the
trio project up and running. Adding that art to the
would, I believe, ease the way of other early & potential adopters.

Thank you for considering this suggestion. As always, thank you
for sbt-cross. I have learned from following the


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