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nfdump2clickhouse's Introduction


Tooling to insert nfcapd files into a clickhouse database.


The nfdump / nfsen combination is widely used to collect (nfdump), analyze (nfdump) and visualize (nfsen) network traffic. Once setup properly it really helps network and/or security teams in their daily work. Nfsen provides a nice graphical view on network data and allows you to drill down in the data for analysis.

One drawback - at least if used for security analysis - is that it is very slow if you want to analyze historical data over longer periods of time. For example: if it turns out at some point that a specific IP address is connected to an 'evil actor', you would like to find out if there has been contact with that IP address over the past X days, weeks or even months.

But analyzing historical data in those cases with a specific nfdump filter/profile is painfully slow, even with the newer (multi-threaded) version of the toolset. This is not because of a design flaw in nfdump, but simply because nfdump/nfsen combo was never designed with that specific use case in mind. The way it works is by aggregating and filtering data as it comes in and storing the results of those, ready for you to view and analyze.

But if you know where to look (or better: when), then you can use nfdump to home in on that specific timeslice and use nfsen again to visualize/analyze further. Even if you then do need further filtering to drill down, the filtering will be that much quicker because the 'window' (amount of data to process) is already much much smaller!

The question then quickly becomes: is there a better way to hunt down appearances of specific IP address(es) in netflow data so that we can 'target' those time windows with nfdump?

This of course is analogous to finding a needle in a haystack; which is exactly what an analytical database is designed to do: processing large volumes of data either for analysis or for finding specific occurrences. In order to do that you need to have the relevant data in an analytical database to start with, which is where nfdump2clickhouse comes in!

It is obvious from the name that clickhouse is the analytical database of choice. Simply because it is easy to install (or dockerize) on a fairly standard (but preferably big and powerful) VM or machine, without the need to setup and manage entire clusters; as some other big(gish) data 'solutions' will have you do (which seems rather silly and over the top if the only goal is to be able to pinpoint timeframes for further analysis).

What it does

nfdump2clickhouse converts raw flow data (nfcapd files) as they come in, into parquet files and inserts those into clickhouse.
Just the raw data without aggregation or filtering. No more, no less. That is it.

The image below (adapted from a paper describing the principe of operation of nfdump tools), shows the relationship between nfdump/nfcapd, nfdump2clickhouse and clickhouse:

  • nfcapd receives the netflow input streams from the various sources (ident1 through ident3 in the figure) and stores them on disk. It does this in a time based fashion by rotating and renaming the output file every n minutes (typically 5 minutes) and renaming the output file with the time stamp (YYYYMMddhhmm) of the interval. So a file named nfcapd.202305081205 contains data from the 8th of May 2023 12:05 onwards (for 5 minutes, so data until 12:09:59).

  • nfdump2clickhouse watches the directories where the nfcapd files are stored for these rotations (renaming actions) and converts those freshly stored files. First to CSV format (using nfdump) and subsequently to parquet format. It then invokes the clickhouse-client to ingest the resulting parquet file into the clickhouse database.

nfdump2parquet process

Only the fields from the netflow records that are relevant for the goal are converted and ingested into clickhouse. These are listed below, with their data type in the clickhouse database:

name description data type
ts Start time of the flow DateTime
te End time of the flow DateTime
sa Source IP address String
da Destination IP address String
sp Source port UInt16
dp Destination port UInt16
pr Protocol (e.g. 'TCP' or 'UDP') String
flg Flags (if pr is 'TCP') String
ipkt Number of packets in this flow UInt64
ibyt Number of bytes in this flow UInt64
smk Source mask UInt8
dmk Destination mask UInt8
ra IP address of the router/network device that exported this flow information String
in Input interface number UInt16
out Output interface number UInt16
sas Source AS number UInt16
das Destination AS number UInt16
exid Exporter id UInt16
flowsrc Additional label added by nfdump2clickhouse.
Can be set in the config file per flow exporter

Please be aware that since the conversion takes place directly from the nfcapd files stored (before any aggregation and/or filtering), this means that flows are 'one-sided'; so a connection between a webbrowser X and a webserver Y will show up as two flows: one with IP address and port of X as a source and those of Y as a destination, and one flow that covers the other way around. This is also why the opkt and obyt fields from netflow records aren't stored, since they will always be zero because of this.

In practice this is not a problem, since the purpose is to identify timeframes where communication with a malicious host has taken place. So if you know that some external IP address was abused as a C2 server in a specific timeframe (say last month), you can simply search for all source IP addresses of flows that have that IP address as a destination within the last month.

Storage requirements

To get a rough estimate of the amount of space you need to reserve, the rule of thumb is that 1 billion flows take roughly 25GB of disk space (40 million flows/GB).

As an example: if your network produces 2 billion (2000 million) flows per day on average, and you want to store 90 days worth of flows, that would work out as (2000/40) x 90 = 4500GB (roughly 4.5TB, assume 5TB to be on the safe side)


Only works on linux.

Tested on debian and ubuntu.

The way it is setup now means that the nfdump toolset and netflow data need to be on the same machine as nfdump2clickhouse. In practice this need not be a problem if your netflow machine is already big and beefy enough.

If it needs to be on a separate machine, you can most likely change the invocation of 'clickhouse-client' to connect to a clickhouse database on another server.

Alternatively you can use a tool such as samplicator to duplicate/reflect netflow stream(s) to multiple destinations, one to your normal setup and one to the new machine specifically for this purpose. Of course then the netflow data needs to be processed by nfdump on the new machine as well, but without the need to store/keep the historical netflow data.

Setting up


nfdump (version)

The nfdump toolchain needs to be installed, which should be no problem when everything is running on the same (netflow processing) machine anyway.

Nfdump is used by nfdump2clickhouse for the first step in converting nfcapd files to parquet: exporting nfcapd files to CSV format. But how nfcapd exports to CSV depends on the version. You can get the version by typing:

nfdump -V

versions <= 1.7.4

For nfdump releases up to (and including) 1.7.4 simply setting the output format to csv (-o csv) will export all fields into CSV. This is the default working mode assumed by nfdump2clickhouse, so nothing needs to be done in this case.

versions >1.7.4 (or compiled from source)

For versions newer than 1.7.4 (currently only relevant if you compile/install directly from the nfdump repository) the default CSV output will only export a limited number of fields. This in turn means that processing this CSV fails since it contains fewer columns than expected. Luckily the newer version also adds the ability to specify which fields to include in the CSV output (older versions don't support this).

To indicate nfdump2clickhouse that it should specifically state the fields to be exported into CSV, the -u argument needs to be added if invoking nfdump2clickhouse directly from the command line (without config file) or the line use_fmt=True to the config file in the DEFAULT section (see also the provided conf.default example).



The quickest, easiest and preferred way - if you have docker engine installed from the docker repositories - is to spin up a clickhouse docker container by issuing a docker compose up -d command in this directory. The resulting clickhouse instance will have no password set, but it is only reachable from the localhost. It will also be automatically restarted after reboot.

If you really do want to install clickhouse directly on your machine, you can follow the setup instructions at to setup a clickhouse server. Note that nfdump2clickhouse assumes that the default user can be used without password, so ensure this is the case and that clickhouse can only be reached from localhost!


!!!Do NOT install clickhouse-client from your distros' repositories. That verion is too old to work!!!

Follow the instructions to install from DEB or RPM packages, but only install the client package (e.g. sudo apt-get install -y clickhouse-client).

If you have the server (container) running, the client can be started with clickhouse-client and should connect to the clickhouse server automatically.

Creating the database and table

Is done automatically by nfdump2clickhouse itself.


Python virtual environment

Create a Python virtual environment by issuing the following commands from the base directory of nfdump2clickhouse:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: You might get an error message at the first step. In which case the venv python package is not installed yet. In that case install it first by doing:

sudo apt install python3-venv 

Then follow the steps for creating the virtual environment again


Activate the virtual environment by running:

source /venv/bin/activate

Executing without arguments gives the list of options


Error: No basedir or imports provided. Provide either a basedir, imports or a configuration file

usage: [-h] [-b basedir] [-d database.table] [-j # of workers] [-f flowsrc] [-c config file]
                            [-l log file] [-i IMPORTS [IMPORTS ...]] [-u] [--debug] [-V]

Watches a directory (and its subdirectories) for new nfcapd files appearing,
 converts them to parquet and inserts into clickhouse.

Only files named 'nfcapd.YYYYMMDDHHMM' are picked up, thereby effectively ignoring files currently being generated by the nfdump tools.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b basedir            Base directory to watch for nfdump files
  -d database.table     Database and table to use, specified as <db>.<table>.
                        Default is test.testflows if not specified
  -j # of workers       Number of workers (processes) to start for conversion.
                        Defaults to 1 if not specified.
  -f flowsrc            Additional flowsrc name stored in the flowsrc column
  -c config file        load config from this file. 
                        If a config file is specified then all
                        other command line options are ignored
  -l log file           Log to the specified file instead
                        of logging to console.
  -i IMPORTS [IMPORTS ...], --import IMPORTS [IMPORTS ...]
                        nfcapd file(s) to convert and import, globbing supported
  -u                    nfdump version newer than 1.7.4 use a different default csv output format
                        in which case a format string must be used for conversion to csv.
                        If you get errors along the lines of:
                        'ERROR - CSV parse error: Expected 48 columns, got 10'
                        try again with this argument supplied.
  --debug               show debug output
  -V, --version         print version and exit

The way of running nfdump2clickhouse in normal operation is as a service and with a config file, but for testing basic operation you can specify a (one) directory to watch from the command line, optionally providing a database and table and/or flowsrc name as well. For basic testing simply provide a directory to watch (where nfcapd files are stored) from the command line, e.g.:

./ -b /data/live/router1

For nfdump version > 1.7.4 use:

./ -b /data/live/router1 -u

This creates a test database (named 'test' appropriately) and a flows table called 'testflows'. At the next rotation of nfdump, you should see logging appear that converts the new nfcapd file and inserts it into the database.

Shut down nfdump2clickhouse by pressing Ctrl+C.


You need to specify the directories to watch and the database and table to use in the nfdump2clickhouse.conf file, see the .default example provided. e.g.:

# By default logs to console.
# Specify a log file to log to file instead

# Default db.table to insert it into clickhouse
# Note you can specify different tables per watchdir!
# All created automatically

# TTL in days, older flows are automatically removed
# Defaults to 90 if unspecified

# If your nfdump version is newer than 1.7.4


# Normally one process per watch should be sufficient.
# If conversion takes longer than rotation time (normally 5 minutes)
# then you can specify the numbers of workers for this watch explicitly

The name of the config section is used as the 'flowsrc' value for every flow ingested into the database from that watch. So in the above example, all flows coming from the watch directory will have a flowsrc value of 'router1'.

The default is to have one flows table where flows from all sources are stored. If you have a special use case for storing flows separately for each source, then you can specify a different database and table to use in each section.

By default flows are stored for 90 days. More specifically this means that all flows that have a 'te' value that is more than 90 days ago will be deleted automatically by clickhouse. You can specify a different TTL by setting ch_ttl to a different value (as shown in the example above). This makes it easier to comply with GDPR requirements, but only if you choose your TTL wisely of course.

Installing as service

Although you can start nfdump2clickhouse by hand, installing it as a service is preferred for normal operations as it ensures it is started automatically if you need to reboot.

Simply invoke the install script with sudo:

sudo ./

This will install and start the service. You can ensure the service is running by checking the log file specified in the config file or by running

systemctl status nfdump2clickhouse

Example queries

If you are familiar with SQL you should have no trouble querying the database for relevant data, for help and clickhouse SQL specifics you can consult their documentation.

Below are some example queries to get started. These assume you are using the relevant database ('nfsen' by default), which you can select in the clickhouse-client with use nfsen;

Find all flows starting after 2024-01-01 with a destination IP and destination port 100:

select * from flows where ts>'2024-01-01' and da='' and dp=100;

Find all flows starting after 2024-01-01 coming from network, with destination IP and destination port 100:

select * from flows where ts>'2024-01-01' and isIPAddressInRange(sa, '') and da='' and dp=100;

Find all flows starting after 2024-01-01 with a destination IP either or and destination port 100:

select * from flows where ts>'2024-01-01' and da in ('', '') and dp=100;

nfdump2clickhouse's People


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Valerio Lomanto avatar  avatar Pavel Valach avatar  avatar  avatar Melvin Koelewijn avatar



nfdump2clickhouse's Issues

Environment dependencies help!!!

Glad to meet you here author! Something stuck my way to use this tool.
I'll appreciate that you can provide the environment dependencies with detail information(the version of apache arrow, gcc and so on), when execute 'pip install -r requirements.txt'.
Now, it print

/usr/include/arrow/visit_type_inline.h:54:5: error: no matching function for call to 'arrow::py::{anonymous}::ObjectWriterVisitor::Visit(const arrow::LargeListType&)'
/tmp/pip-install-vp0fn98s/pyarrow_f6be98e2356e4bb2aa13f3634566ad3a/pyarrow/src/arrow/python/ note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
      /tmp/pip-install-vp0fn98s/pyarrow_f6be98e2356e4bb2aa13f3634566ad3a/pyarrow/src/arrow/python/ note: candidate: 'template<class Type> arrow::enable_if_timestamp<Type, arrow::Status> arrow::py::{anonymous}::ObjectWriterVisitor::Visit(const Type&)'
       1234 |   enable_if_timestamp<Type, Status> Visit(const Type& type) {

on it's compiling process.

Thank you!

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