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siriusobfuscator's Issues

Error for v0.5.0: ruby/2.2.0/find.rb:42:in `block in find': No such file or directory

I am getting following error when I try to obfuscate the project


1) File Extractor:
STDERR: /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/find.rb:42:in `block in find': No such file or directory (Errno::ENOENT)
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/find.rb:42:in `collect!'
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/find.rb:42:in `find'
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/lib/file-extractor/carthage_determiner.rb:8:in `each'
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/lib/file-extractor/carthage_determiner.rb:8:in `select'
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/lib/file-extractor/carthage_determiner.rb:8:in `find_cartfile_directory'
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/lib/file-extractor/command.rb:90:in `run'
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/claide-1.0.2/lib/claide/command.rb:334:in `run'
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/lib/file-extractor/command.rb:76:in `run'
	from /Users/xxxxxxxx/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/bin/file-extractor:20:in `<main>'


[1.0] Road to "1.0"

This issue describes the roadmap to the first version that we believe is feature-complete enough to be called "1.0".


The version 1.0 of Sirius obfuscator is the version that contains at least initial implementation of all the features that we believe that are crucial for using the tool in the majority of real-world apps.


The roadmap is split into 9 steps, each one of them referenced by the increment on the minor version indicator:

The high-level vision and the actual scope of each one of these versions is described in the linked issues.

[0.8] Road to "Optimization"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 0.8 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


The version 0.8 addresses the various performance issues that arose from choosing to implement obfuscation features in a most straightforward and naive way.

Scope (initial)

  • Use the move semantics in the compiler’s data structures (these are big structures!)
  • Change the structure of Symbols.json and Renames.json so that the symbol lookup would be easier
  • When beneficial, change the standard types and containers that we use from the std implementation to the LLVM implementation
  • Use custom structure(s) for symbols that allow for viewing them based on the desired uniqueness and iteration requirements. Right now we copy sets multiple times to get this behavior

Could not run in xcode 10.2.1

Run below script:
bash Scripts/


` _$s5Basic15LocalFileSystem33_6FEC4E2BAB746063854EC7E201C2329FLLCAA0cD0A2aEP06removeC4TreeyyAA12AbsolutePathVKFTW in FileSystem.swift.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

cp: /Users/apple/Documents/Github/SiriusObfuscator/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx/release/Sirius: No such file or directory`

[0.6] Road to "Crash de-obfuscation"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 0.6 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


The version 0.6 adds one of the crucial features to Sirius obfuscator: ability to transform the crash log from the obfuscated app into the crash log containing the original names. It can be done either after the symbolization or by providing a transformed DSYM file.

Scope (initial, might change on further research)

  • Create script that takes the non-symbolicated crash log, the DSYM file from obfuscated app and Renames.json file and produces the deobfuscated crash log

[0.5] Road to "Objective-C & Swift"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 0.5 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


The version 0.5 provides the initial support for the mixed Objective-C / Swift codebases.

The symbols should be renamed using a shared pool, so that there's no exception neither when using Swift symbol in Objective-C, nor when using Objective-C symbol in Swift.


  • Identifying the Objective-C files from the Xcode project
  • Ability to rename the Objective-C type names in the Objective-C files
  • Renaming of the symbols from Objective-C in the Swift source code
  • Renaming of the symbols from Swift in the Objective-C files

cannot able to get obfuscated code

Getting below error:

  1. File Extractor:
    STDERR: /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/source.rb:17:in require': cannot load such file -- stringio (LoadError) from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/source.rb:17:in create_from'
    from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb:128:in stream=' from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb:117:in initialize'
    from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb:9:in new' from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb:9:in initialize'
    from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/document.rb:287:in new' from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/document.rb:287:in build'
    from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rexml/document.rb:44:in initialize' from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/xcodeproj-1.5.3/lib/xcodeproj/workspace.rb:83:in new'
    from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/xcodeproj-1.5.3/lib/xcodeproj/workspace.rb:83:in from_s' from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/xcodeproj-1.5.3/lib/xcodeproj/workspace.rb:66:in new_from_xcworkspace'
    from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/lib/file-extractor/xcworkspace_extractor.rb:19:in extract_projects_and_dependency_schemes' from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/lib/file-extractor/command.rb:96:in run'
    from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/claide-1.0.2/lib/claide/command.rb:334:in run' from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/lib/file-extractor/command.rb:76:in run'
    from /Users/poojab/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/file-extractor/bin/file-extractor:20:in `'


  1. Symbol Extractor:
    STDERR: Error during JSON file read
    STDOUT: Swift obfuscator symbol extractor tool

TDERR: Error during JSON file read STDOUT: Swift obfuscator symbol extractor tool

Hi ,

While I was running below script /Users/ME/Documents/Workspace/bin/sirius -projectrootpath /UsersME/Documents/Practices/Samples/ObfusTest -obfuscatedproject /Users/ME/Documents/Practices/1.Samples/outsampleObfuscator.
I am getting following error.

  1. Symbol Extractor:
    STDERR: Error during JSON file read
    STDOUT: Swift obfuscator symbol extractor tool
    XXXComputerName:~ ME$

Xcode Version:10
Swift :4.2 (Pure Swift project).
Kindly help me regarding this .

[1.0] Road to "Polishing"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 1.0 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


The version 1.0 is the first feature-complete release. All the remaining bugfixes, minor improvements, small refactors that we believe should be part of 1.0 should be addressed here.

Scope (initial)

  • SymbolExtractor and Renamer are path-case-sensitive
  • Add tests to the SymbolWithRange comparator
  • Link Clang Format to compiler fork
  • Ability to use the iOS SDK in the obfuscator tests

`configure_with_plist': [!] Xcodeproj doesn't know about the following attributes {"inputFileListPaths"=>[], "outputFileListPaths"=>[]} for the 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase' isa. (RuntimeError)

Hi,i have a error, can you help me ?
➜ Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109 ./bin/sirius -projectrootpath /Users/linyunyue/Workspace/久沐/KongkongiOS/KongkongVoice -obfuscatedproject /Users/linyunyue/Workspace/久沐/KongkongiOS/confuse -namemappingstrategy random -keepintermediates -inplace -verbose

Welcome to Sirius - Swift Obfuscator


  1. File Extractor:
    STDERR: /Users/linyunyue/Downloads/Obfuscator_2018-04-24_115109/bin/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/xcodeproj-1.5.3/lib/xcodeproj/project/object.rb:321:in `configure_with_plist': [!] Xcodeproj doesn't know about the following attributes {"inputFileListPaths"=>[], "outputFileListPaths"=>[]} for the 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase' isa. (RuntimeError)
    If this attribute was generated by Xcode please file an issue:

[0.2] Road to "Open source"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 0.2 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


Version 0.2 is the first version that is completely open sourced. By the "completeness" of open sourcing I mean that not only the source code is open, but also:

  • the development process is public,
  • the issue tracker is public,
  • the plans for future work are public,
  • the CI is integrated with the public repository and the results of build and test are public.


[0.3] Road to "Multiple Swift versions"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 0.3 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


Version 0.3 allows for obfuscating projects written in various Swift language version.

The initial release should support:

  • Swift 4.0.3 (Xcode 9.2)
  • Swift 4.1 (Xcode 9.3)
  • Swift 4.1.2 (Xcode 9.4)
  • Swift 4.2 (Xcode 10)


[0.4] Road to "Multi-target projects"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 0.4 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


The version 0.4 expands the usage of Sirius obfuscator to multi-target projects. It's especially important for:

  • ability to run tests after obfucation (to ensure that the obfuscation process have not caused any regressions)
  • apps with extensions
  • apps modularized with the use of frameworks


  • Renaming in the test targets
  • Renaming in the extensions
  • Renaming in the frameworks
  • (bugfix) Ensure that the generated obfuscated name has no name collision with any symbol that already exists in the app

[0.9] Road to "User interface"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 0.9 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


The version 0.9 focuses on user experience of Sirius obfuscator. It cleans up the interface, allows for deeper customization and helps with the seamless usage of the tool

Scope (initial)

  • Ability to pass additional compiler flags through the main obfuscator CLI
  • Integration of Verification suite with ObfuscatorTool by additional flag that performs verification after obfuscation
  • Tab-completion for the obfuscator CLI tools for the most popular shells (bash, fish, zsh)
  • Provide the brew cask for installing the Sirius obfuscator

[0.7] Road to "Missing Swift constructs"

This issue presents the roadmap for the version 0.7 of Sirius obfuscator tool.


The version 0.7 expands the space of Swift constructs that are properly identified and supported by the Sirius obfuscator.

Scope (initial)

  • Solving the #if / #else / #endif problem by taking the bodies of the if-branches and resolving them independently
  • Ensure on renaming of functions and computed properties which satisfy the requirements from multiple protocols that all these protocols are from our module. If not, no rename
  • Support renaming of the names in backticks
  • Renaming of the local variables
  • Renaming enum case associated values

Casting issue in "'Utility.ArgumentParserError' (0x1032616f0) to 'ShellOut.ShellOutError'"

When i set up this system, I have completed all process but when i run my final command on terminal, i got below issue.

bin/sirius -projectrootpath /Users/admin/Desktop/YatinTest -obfuscatedproject /Users/admin/Desktop/TEST [-namemappingstrategy] [-keepintermediates] [-inplace] [-verbose]


Could not cast value of type 'Utility.ArgumentParserError' (0x1032616f0) to 'ShellOut.ShellOutError' (0x103219780).
Abort trap: 6


Here is details -

YatinTest - is my test project which i want to convert.
TEST - is a folder where i want to store encrypted code.

Also From where i can get list.

Please help me out to resolve this issue.

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