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preguide's Issues

cmd/preguide: PREGUIDE_SKIP_CACHE should take a regex

At the moment, PREGUIDE_SKIP_CACHE is simply compared against true. However, it would be more useful to be able to re-generate a specific guide whilst skipping the cache, whilst allowing other guides to skip the regeneration phase if there is a cache hit.

We can do this by making PREGUIDE_SKIP_CACHE take a regexp. A value of . skips the cache for all guides.

cmd/preguide: add tighter checks on steps, order etc

At present it is possible for:

  • a script to declare steps that are not reference by the guide - this means that the user might not be able to complete the guide as scripted because steps are "missing"
  • a guide to reference steps out of order from the order in which they are declared in the script - in the same way, this might leave the user in a broken state

We should therefore:

  • enforce that the order of reference from a guide matches the order of declaration
  • that all steps in a script are referenced from a guide are referenced unless explicitly marked as "info only"
  • we might then want to run a version of the script where the "info only" steps are not run to verify they don't impact the integrity of the script

cmd/preguide: improve guide-related errors

For now we have punted proper guide-related error handling. There are various categories of error that we need to handle and report accurately:

  • syntax errors in the markdown/CUE
  • bad references in the markdown
  • CUE errors
  • errors from scripts that fail during the running of preguide, e.g. a step fails
  • ...

All should, where possible, report accurate line number information (in the case of CUE this is somewhat a function of CUE itself reporting accurate error information)

cmd/preguide: full multi language and multi scenario support

More precisely:

  • full multi-language support, i.e. ability to write translations of a guide
  • full multi-terminal support, i.e. the ability to define and use multiple terminals in a guide

This will require:

  • support for conditional scenario blocks within markdown. e.g. assume a guide defines two scenarios, go115 and go114, we might only need/want a block of prose (with directives) for go114. Hence we would wrap that block with <!-- if: go114 --> ... <!-- endif --> (format/name of directive TBD)
  • creating an example to demonstrate how a guide can be multi-language:
    • re-using all the steps from the root language
    • overriding some steps
    • creating new steps from scratch for a new language
  • the ability to specify steps per language per scenario
  • support for linking to guides relative to the current guide's scenario/language. i.e. I want to link from the "Tools as dependencies" guide to the "go generate" guide. In the context of the go115/en instance of the former, we should link to the go115/en instance of the latter. That suggests some sort of coordination between the scenarios defined by certain guides, but then also the ability to template links based on the current scenario/language. This could be achieved by special variables {{{ .PREGUIDE_LANGUAGE }}}' and {{{ .PREGUIDE_SCENARIO }}}'

cmd/preguide: add support to render a specific part of an upload file

In some guides, certain files will be repeatedly "edited". The sequence looks something like this:

  • create the file
  • now make edit 1
  • now make edit 2
  • ...

This requires an #Upload(File) step for each because we don't have a means of specifying edits on the remote session.

Nor would we necessarily want to support specification of edits because it might well leave files in a bad state if the user has also made changes.

However, it doesn't make sense to render the entire file contents to the user each time in the guide.

Instead we should support some means of specifying, via an #Upload(File) step, what part(s) of a file should be rendered.

Ideas include:

  • an array of inclusive line number pairs: [[1,5], [10, 15]]
  • the ability to specify pairs of regexp patterns

Ellipses would be used to indicate un-shown content before/after, e.g.

func main() {
        fmt.Println("main now looks like this")

cmd/preguide: decide on more scaleable approach to sanitisers

We currently have a handful of command-oriented sanitisers hard-coded into the preguide project. For example, one sanitises the output from go test in order to normalise timings from:

$ go test ./cmd/preguide
ok   14.870s


$ go test ./cmd/preguide
ok   0.042s


  • this approach of putting all sanitisers into this project is clearly not scaleable
  • it doesn't allow a step to define what sanitisers should be applied (more generally of course it might be desirable to configure a default set of sanitisers for a series of guides, of a default set for a given scenario etc)

Writing sanitisers in CUE feels wrong. Writing them in Go feels better. The question then is how to extend preguide in this "pluggable" way.

Ideally we would want to be able to specify, ultimately at the step level, what sanitisers to apply. Much like the existing approach, we would have a derive step that, for a given statement, determines which sanitisers to apply, from the superset specified for that step. If we assume for one second we will go the Go route, then that specification can take the form of a list of references to a type via its import path:

Steps: use_module: en: preguide.#Command & {
	Sanitisers: [""]
	Source: """
mkdir \(Defs.mod2)
cd \(Defs.mod2)
go mod init
go get{{.REPO1}}
go run{{.REPO1}}

Note that the list of sanitisers to apply will always be applied after the sanitising of variables. For example, if we had the following actual output:

$ go get
go: downloading v0.0.0-20200901194510-cc2d21bd1e55

where mod1abcde12345 is a prestep-generated repository name addressable via the variable `REPO1, then the per-step sanitisers would be applied to:

$ go get{{.REPO1}}
go: downloading{{.REPO1}} v0.0.0-20200901194510-cc2d21bd1e55

In the example step, is a reference to a function with the following signature that is used to derive a possibly-nil sanitiser.

import ""

func(stmt *syntax.Stmt) func(envVars []string, output string) string

envVars is the list of variable name templates that resulted from the sanitisation of variables. In the case of the example above that list would be ["{{.REPO1}}"], and we would want a function, say, GoGetFixer to return a sanitiser that normalises the versions to something like:

$ go get{{.REPO1}}
go: downloading{{.REPO1}} v0.0.0-20060102150405-abcde12345

(the date and time here being the time package format reference, the commit sha being a well-defined constant for commits).

At this point we ask ourselves the question: do we just want a func(envVars []string, output string) string sanitiser, or do we optimise for the fact that many sanitisers will be line-based and also support func(envVars []string, output []string) []string?

A couple of options implementation-wise:

  • have preguide recompile and exec "itself" as it discovers it is missing sanitiser implementations
  • have the guide author write a main shim around a preguide implementation package, which includes a map from string sanitiser function references to the actual function

The second option is considerably simpler in implementation terms but slightly harder from a usage perspective (as the guide author writing a custom sanitiser), the first is simpler from a user perspective but considerably more complex from an implementation perspective.

For now we will continue to develop sanitisers in this repository, until such time as a pattern/winning solution clearly presents itself.

cmd/preguide: process markdown process in a parse-execute fashion

Related to play-with-go/play-with-go#6

preguide supports templating of prestep variables. That is to say, {{.ENV}} style templates can appear in markdown and/or script. They get checked/replaced as part of executing preguide, specifically pre the running of any script steps. The output of preguide is then normalised to re-instate these templates, producing a stable, deterministic output.

Jekyll/Hugo also support some form of templating. For Jekyll (via Liquid) this templating takes the form of objects ({{...}}) and tags ({% ... %}). For Hugo it's regular text/template and which variously take the form of {{ ... }}, {{% ... %}} and {{< ... >}}.

By default, a guide defines the ["{{", "}}"] delimiter pair. Therefore, the normalised output of preguide escapes these normalised blocks in {% raw %}.. {% endraw %} blocks so that Jekyll does not interpret them.

However, the story doesn't end there.

Arguably, the guide author should be somewhat aware of the fact that the output of preguide is consumed by Jekyll/Hugo. Not least because preguide itself needs to be aware of that in order to correctly escape the normalised templates.

Indeed, the guide author might want to leverage Jekyll/Hugo template expansion (the site URL for example). To do so they would need to set the guide delimiters to be something other than those used by Jekyll/Hugo, e.g. ["{{{", "}}}"]. The use of the Jekyll/Hugo template would need to be limited to the markdown prose, unsurprisingly, because the script input would not be subject to template expansion pre-running because the preguide step happens earlier in the pipeline. Not only that, literals like {{ might actually be a valid part of the script step and therefore cannot be escaped as input to preguide, else the step would not function as expected.

However this doesn't preclude values that look like Jekyll/Hugo templates being valid input/output from script steps. We therefore need to escape such values when generating the output from preguide, specifically the output from directives. However there are currently two problems (with using Jekyll):

  • the Liquid templating engine is, AFAICT, regex-based. Therefore, it cannot handle {{ "{% raw %}" }} because it can't distinguish that from the start of a raw block. This further means that the result of directives (input and output, post prestep variable normalisation) cannot contain {%.*%} blocks (it can't even contain {%) because we cannot escape them for display. Whilst likely rare, this is somewhat unfortunate (particularly in light of the second point)
  • we do not currently use a text/template-style parse+execute approach to consume the markdown prose in preguide. Hence we can't sanitise prose and directive block results separately, it all happens "in one go" once the directives have been replaced. As a consequence, our limitation on the {%.*%} blocks not appearing in directive output spills over to being a general limitation on the markdown prose too

This situation appears (although this issue exists precisely in order to verify this fact) to be better in the Hugo world because they follow a text/template approach to parsing input. If we shift to a text/template parse+execute approach, we can trivially escape the directive blocks separately from prose, and anything that looks like a Hugo template/shortcode be escaped using {{< "{{<" >}} approach. (This probably requires us to configure preguide in some way to avoid it being hardcoded with some description of what and how to escape the result of script blocks.)

Hence we can remove the restriction on {%.%} not appearing in the result of a script block.

Shifting to the text/template parse+execute approach would allow us to normalise:

  • prose by escaping the normalised variable templates only
  • directive results, escaping the normalised variable templates and anything that looks like a Hugo template

all: code tidy up

This code base really needs a serious tidy up. Creating this as an umbrella issue:

  • Add new and fix up existing comments
  • Sort out variable names, what splits into functions etc
  • Add more test cases for sanitisers and comparators (looking at code coverage)
  • ...

cmd/preguide: cache is not invalidated by negating command

If a step contains something like:


but is then changed to:

! false

cmd/preguide does not detect this as a cache miss, because the same bash results.

Whilst in an ideal situation we might optimise by simply ensuring the exit code from the previous run is now as expected, it might be more practical to simply cause a cache miss and re-run for now.

cmd/preguide: add support for semantic comparison of step output modulo line order

Commands like go get do not have deterministic order of output:

--- a/_posts/2020-11-09-using-staticcheck_go115_en.markdown
+++ b/_posts/2020-11-09-using-staticcheck_go115_en.markdown
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ You should already have completed:
 This guide is running using:

 <pre data-command-src="Z28gdmVyc2lvbgo="><code class="language-.term1">$ go version
-go version go1.15.8 linux/amd64
+go version go1.15.15 linux/amd64

 ### Installing Staticcheck
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ Use `go get` to install Staticcheck:
 go: downloading v0.0.1-2020.1.6
 go: found in v0.0.1-2020.1.6
 go: downloading v0.0.0-20200410194907-79a7a3126eef
-go: downloading v0.0.0-20191204190536-9bdfabe68543
 go: downloading v0.3.1
+go: downloading v0.0.0-20191204190536-9bdfabe68543

 _Note: so that this guide remains reproducible we have spcified an explicit version, `v0.0.1-2020.1.6`.

We should add the ability for a step to declare that its output is semantically equivalent modulo line order.

cmd/preguide: move away from docker build of self?

Having to run as part of each main build feels fragile. And potentially unnecessary. From memory, this is required because we can't control how the user has built preguide, and hence can't know whether they have used CGO_ENABLED=0 or not.

Perhaps there is a way in which we can avoid this, by failing preguide in a case where it was built with CGO_ENABLED=1? If so, we could potentially use a "simple" docker image like busybox?

cmd/preguide: refactor docker "self" operation

preguide runs the actual steps for a guide within a container in order to isolate the host system from any potential nasties.

Our current setup for achieving this is a bit janky. So that the user of preguide does not have to have Go installed, we support running a pre-build docker image that includes the equivalent version of preguide to that running:

func (gc *genCmd) addSelfArgs(dr *dockerRunnner) {
bi := gc.buildInfo
// We can only use a published Docker image when we have full version information.
// And even then, we are not guaranteed to be using a commit/version that is
// part of the main branch (which is significant because Docker images are only
// built automatically for main commits/versions).
// Hence we retrain PREGUIDE_DEVEL_IMAGE in order to manually specify when
// preguide should _not_ try to use a remote Docker image. The canonical example
// of this is when we are trying out a branch of preguide in PWG.
if os.Getenv("PREGUIDE_DEVEL_IMAGE") != "true" && bi.Main.Replace == nil && bi.Main.Version != "(devel)" && bi.Main.Version != "" {
dr.Args = append(dr.Args, fmt.Sprintf("playwithgo/preguide:%v", bi.Main.Version))
dr.Args = append(dr.Args,
fmt.Sprintf("--volume=%s:/runbin/preguide", gc.self),

But to handle the fact that sometimes we will find ourselves running a version of preguide where there is not a prebuilt docker image, we use the PREGUIDE_DEVEL_IMAGE environment variable to indicate that the running binary should be mounted and run in a busybox image as the entrypoint. This is pretty poor because the user might be running preguide on a mac, at which point this fails.

We can, however, do better.

  • generate docker images for non-pre-release semver versions of preguide
  • that way, unless the version of self (a running preguide instance can use runtime/debug.BuildInfo to determine this) that is being run is a non-pre-release semver version (in which case a pre-build docker image will be available), we need to build self. i.e. Go is required
  • check the same version information in the running binary to determine whether we are a directory replace or not
  • if we are not (i.e. we have a pre-release semver version), build the current version of self into the preguide user cache directory, e.g. filepath.Join(os.UserCacheDir(), "unity","selfbuilds"), using for content addressing and trimming of the cache
  • otherwise, if preguide is a directory replace, build into the target of the replace (we should .gitignore /.bin or similar)

This way we can always quickly build self for GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 and use the smallest busybox image.

cmd/preguide: switch to sanitising go test output via comparison output

Rather than write 0.042s for every test time, we can instead tolerate some real values. But then use the ComparisonOutput sanitiser to replace all times with XXs. That way, test output is compared modulo the actual test times.

The same approach can be used for benchmarks, where it is even more critical that the model output contains some vaguely sensible timings.

cmd/preguide: ensure that terminal name is CSS-selector compatible

When viewing a guide in the browser, the output is consumed via Jekyll to create an HTML page. That HTML interacts with the PWD SDK. Part of this interaction involves using the terminal name as a CSS selector. There will be, therefore, certain restrictions on what characters can/cannot appear in a terminal name. We should identify these and enforce them in the CUE schema.

Support re-using CUE-defined step with different name

I have the following guide

{{{ step compile }}}
{{{ step change_something }}}
{{{ step compile }}}

Preguide complains that compile is superfluous sicne it has been defined twice since the way that we're defining steps, IIUC it can only have a unique name and a specific order. Do we want to force writers to have to use a unique step name and make the reference in the guide.cue file?

cmd/preguide: HTML escape rendered blocks

If a code block to be uploaded contains something like <nil> "surprising" things happen.

Include a test to verify this. As well as a test that verifies behaviour when using a diff renderer.

cmd/preguide: add support for declaring Diff renderer Pre relative to current step with a non-zero index

e.g. something like

Steps: painkiller_add_fever_advice: preguide.#Upload & {
	Target:   "\(Defs.painkiller_dir)/\(Defs.painkiller_go)"
	Renderer: preguide.#RenderDiff & {Pre: -1}
	Source:   #"""
		package main

		import "fmt"

		//go:generate \#(Defs.gorun) \#(Defs.stringer_pkg) -type=Pill

		type Pill int

		const (
			Placebo Pill = iota

		func main() {
			fmt.Printf("For headaches, take %v\n", Ibuprofen)


Which defines Pre in terms of the previous upload block for the same Target.

cmd/preguide: out package is not stable

When a generated out package is written to disk, this includes a number of maps. Seemingly, going via[email protected]/encoding/gocode/gocodec#Codec.Decode and[email protected]/cue#Value.Syntax we do not end up with deterministic output.

This would seem to suggest that gocodec should take some sort of option to sort map values during decoding (because there is order in cue.Value values).

Until this is fixed we will see some extraneous diffs in generated out packages.

Future work

An umbrella issue for future work:

  • Upgrade to latest CUE. This will likely be a prerequisite for steps that follow
  • Add support for conditional blocks in markdown, conditional on the scenario like <!-- if: go115 -->...<!-- end -->
  • Full multiple terminal support
  • Full multiple scenario support
  • Create an example showing how to define that one language defaults steps from another, but then refines a couple
  • Add support for defining steps at the most granular level, i.e. per language per scenario. And also ensure that defaulting etc works for names etc
  • Sanitise JSON returned by a prestep
  • CUE-related

Allow to set statement error?

Sometimes, you want to showcase a step where some of the source statements could produce an error. The way to solve that today is through some hackery to assert the code in the step i.e:

Steps: gopher_update_fail: preguide.#Command & {
	Source: """
cd \(Defs.gopher_dir)
# We launch this in a subshell to assert the status code
code=$(\(Defs.cmdgo.get) -u -v \(Defs.public_mod)@main; echo $?)

# Assert that status code is correct or fail
[ $code == 2 ] || false

Does it even make sense to provide a way to allow the user to specify that some statements are expected to output a specific code?

cmd/preguide: enforce correctness, vet/style rules etc

It should be possible to parameterise preguide with a set of style rules that can catch vet/lint like errors in markdown or the CUE script.


  • all git directories should be clean at the end of the guide
  • all Go projects should have formatted code etc
  • all modules should "pass" gorelease, unless configured otherwise
  • consistent use of single or double quotes
  • spell checking
  • ...

cmd/preguide: support decorators

Placeholder for decorator support.

We currently vary the output of a step in the declaration of a step itself:

Steps: step1: preguide.#Upload & {
Target: "/home/gopher/"
Renderer: preguide.#RenderLineRanges & {
Lines: [[2,2]]
Source: """
This is some markdown `with code`
Another line
A third line

This is wrong. Applying ellipsis, or rendering a specific range of lines, is a purely presentational thing.

We should therefore be doing this in "decorators" that modify the result of the step function. Something like:

{{ step "step0" | lineRange [[2,2]] }}
  • Add support for decorators
  • Convert all existing renderers to decorators

deps: upgrade to the latest CUE

When the new evaluator work stabilises, upgrade preguide and all reverse dependencies (gitea and play-with-go) to use the latest CUE version (currently using v0.2.2). We are currently relying on a number of workarounds, and in any case there will no longer be any active development on the old evaluator.

cmd/preguide: support more efficient development of guides

We need to be able to:

  • control which guides are regenerated, via a -run regexp, go test -run-style flag, that can also takes its value from an env var
  • pass arbitrary flags to a container when running a guide. For example, when developing a guide that does some particularly heavyweight downloading and then building of Go requirements, providing a named volume via -v and environment variables that set GOMODCACHE and GOCACHE will massively speed up iterations of a guide's development

preguide: next steps for preguide schema

At a high level we want to:

  1. move to definition of #TerminalName to constrain _#stepCommon.Terminal
  2. move to a more complete definitions of Steps: [name=string] that allows specialisation at language and/or scenario
  3. move away from the negative constraint on

For 1 we should be able to do:


#StepTypeUploadFile:  #StepType & 4

#Guide: {

	#Step: (#Command | #CommandFile | #Upload | #UploadFile ) & {
		Name:     string
		StepType: #StepType
		Terminal: string

	#stepCommon: {
		Name:     string
		StepType: #StepType
		Terminal: #TerminalName


	#TerminalNames: [ for k, _ in Terminals {k}]
	#TerminalName: *#TerminalNames[0] | or(#TerminalNames)

	// Terminals defines the required remote VMs for a given guide
	Terminals: [name=string]: #Terminal & {
		Name: name

But given we chose to have package instances themselves "implement" preguide.#Guide, then we need some way to be able to refer to the embedded definitions #Command etc (because they are effectively definitions on the instance of preguide.#Guide, given that they are defined in terms of regular fields of preguide.#Guide).

This approach by definition requires us to embed the preguide.#Guide definition in a script file. Which currently causes us to run into cuelang/cue#565.

For 2, we should be able to move to a definitions of Steps that looks something like this:

#Guide: {
	#Step: {
		// ...

	#Scenario: {
		Name:  string
		Image: string

	Scenarios: [not(_#Language)]: #Scenario & {
		Name: name

	_#ScenarioName: or([ for name, _ in Scenarios {name}])

	Languages: [...#Language]
	_#Language: or(Languages)

	for scenario, _ in Scenarios for _, language in Languages {
		Steps: "\(scenario)": "\(language)": [string]: #Step

	_#StepName: not(_#Language) & not(_#ScenarioName) & string

	// Now we know that _#Language, _#ScenarioName and _#StepName
	// are disjoint sets

	// Allow specification of steps at any level of granularity
	Steps: [name=_#StepName]: #Step & {
		Name: name
	Steps: [_#Language]: [name=_#StepName]: #Step & {
		Name: name
	Steps: [_#Language]: [_#ScenarioName]: [name=_#StepName]: #Step & {
		Name: name
	Steps: [_#ScenarioName]: [name=_#StepName]: #Step & {
		Name: name
	Steps: [_#ScenarioName]: [_#Language]: [name=_#StepName]: #Step & {
		Name: name

	// Default finer granualrities from coarser ones

	Steps: [_#Language]: [name=string]:     *Steps[name] | #Step
	Steps: [_#ScenarioName]: [name=string]: *Steps[name] | #Step

	Steps: [lang=_#Language]: [_#ScenarioName]: [name=string]:     *Steps[lang][name] | #Step
	Steps: [scenario=_#ScenarioName]: [_#Language]: [name=string]: *Steps[scenario][name] | #Step

	// Constrain that the finest granularity of step should be consistent
	// regardless of how it is specified
	Steps: [scenario=_#ScenarioName]: [lang=_#Language]: [name=string]: Steps[lang][scenario][name]

#Language: "en" | "fr" // etc

This change is contingent on change 1, however. Because we need to drop our ok-based check on terminal names:

#ok: true & and([ for s in Steps for l in s {list.Contains(#TerminalNames, l.Terminal)}])

And it also requires us to have some answer on how we constrain _#ScenarioName to not be a language code. Two options on that front:

// Option 1
Scenarios: [#Language]: _|_

// Option 2
#ScenarioName: not(or(#Language))

This is covered in cuelang/cue#571.

The second change is also contingent on:

  • the JSON Schema semantics of pattern fields being adopted
  • resolution of cuelang/cue#577

With this second change we can effectively require that every step is well defined for every language in every scenario (via judicious use of defaults). That saves us ever having to implement that fallback logic in Go (although we could do if we don't get a solution to cuelang/cue#577). Under this proposal, languages are listed by the guide author; scenarios are declared along with the images they require. Therefore, we simply need to walks Steps to find all step names, at which point we have our universe to iterate.

One thing worth bearing in mind at this point is whether it is ever possible/required to only have a step defined for a specific scenario. If so, what does this mean?

cmd/preguide: use random seed for "random" output

In order to handle non-idempotent output (e.g. a pseudoversion for a published commit) we use a block like:

 Steps: golist_greetings: preguide.#Command & { 
 	InformationOnly: true 
 	RandomReplace:   "v0.0.0-\(_#StablePsuedoversionSuffix)" 
 	Source:          """ 
 		go list -m -f {{.Version}} \(Defs.greetings_mod) 

This is less than ideal because each pseudoversion ends up with the same "random" value.

Instead, we could use the guide name as a seed for a pseudo random generator.

This would give reproducible random sequences, where each value would be different. Hence, the user would enjoy a slightly more realistic experience if they see a number of pseudoversions, for example.

(Those pseudoversions will still differ from the actual output, but that's more easily explained).

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