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parallax.js's Introduction


Simple parallax scrolling implemented as a jQuery plugin.

Please also check our v2.0.0-alpha! We'd be happy to receive your feedback!

ATTENTION: please use the issue tracker for bug reports and feature requests ONLY! For questions and topics which go along the lines "I cannot get this to work" please turn to for help and use the tag parallax.js. Thank you for your understanding!



npm i --save jquery-parallax.js


yarn add jquery-parallax.js


Please note that although Bower is still maintained, they recommend Yarn for new projects.

$ bower i --save parallax.js


Include parallax.min.js in your document after including jQuery (compatible with jQuery >= 1.7).

<script src=""></script>
<script src="/path/to/parallax.min.js"></script>

Use these CDN links, provided by

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


Please note, that <!DOCTYPE html> on top of your document is required!

Simple version via data attributes

Note: for more complex requirements we recommend using the inner HTML markup below! With that it's possible to use the parallax effect with almost any HTML content

To easily add a parallax effect behind an element, add data-parallax="scroll" to the element you want to use, and specify an image with data-image-src="/path/to/image.jpg".

<div class="parallax-window" data-parallax="scroll" data-image-src="/path/to/image.jpg"></div>

Via JavaScript

To call the parallax plugin manually, simply select your target element with jQuery and do the following:

$('.parallax-window').parallax({imageSrc: '/path/to/image.jpg'});


What parallax.js will do is create a fixed-position element for each parallax image at the start of the document's body (or another configurable container). This mirror element will sit behind the other elements and match the position and dimensions of its target object.

Due to the nature of this implementation, you must ensure that these parallax objects and any layers below them are transparent so that you can see the parallax effect underneath. Also, if there is no other content in this element, you will need to ensure that it has some fixed dimensions otherwise you won't see anything.

.parallax-window {
	min-height: 400px;
	background: transparent;

Also, keep in mind that once initialized, the parallax plugin presumes a fixed page layout unless it encounters a scroll or resize event. If you have a dynamic page in which another javascript method may alter the DOM, you must manually refresh the parallax effect with the following commands:


Using inner HTML for complex content

You can use the following syntax to enable complex content for the parallax:

<div class="parallax-window">
  <div class="parallax-slider">
    <span style="position:absolute; top: 400px; left: 400px;">Some Text</span>
	<p>Some other Content</p>

Please note, that the div with class "parallax-slider" is essential here.

You then need to initialize it through JS and provide the naturalWidth and naturalHeight options in order to be rendered correctly.

    naturalWidth: 600,
    naturalHeight: 400

This also makes it possible to use responsive images in the slider:

<div class="parallax-window">
  <div class="parallax-slider">
    <img src="/path/to/image.jpg" srcset="/path/to/image-400px.jpg 400w, /path/to/image-800px.jpg 800w, /path/to/image-1200px.jpg 1200w" sizes="100vw">


Options can be passed in via data attributes of JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-, as in data-image-src="".

Note that when specifying these options as html data-attributes, you should convert "camelCased" variable names into "dash-separated" lower-case names (e.g. zIndex would be data-z-index="").

Name type default description
imageSrc path null You must provide a path to the image you wish to apply to the parallax effect.
naturalWidth number auto You can provide the natural width and natural height of an image to speed up loading and reduce error when determining the correct aspect ratio of the image.
naturalHeight number auto
position xPos yPos center center This is analogous to the background-position css property. Specify coordinates as top, bottom, right, left, center, or pixel values (e.g. -10px 0px). The parallax image will be positioned as close to these values as possible while still covering the target element.
positionX xPos center
positionY yPos center
speed float 0.2 The speed at which the parallax effect runs. 0.0 means the image will appear fixed in place, and 1.0 the image will flow at the same speed as the page content.
zIndex number -100 The z-index value of the fixed-position elements. By default these will be behind everything else on the page.
bleed number 0 You can optionally set the parallax mirror element to extend a few pixels above and below the mirrored element. This can hide slow or stuttering scroll events in certain browsers.
iosFix boolean true If true, this option will set the parallax image as a static, centered background image whenever it detects an iOS user agent. You also need to set iosDisabled option true to make this option works. Disable this if you wish to implement your own graceful degradation.
iosDisabled boolean true If true, the parallax effect is disabled on iOS devices.
androidFix boolean true If true, this option will set the parallax image as a static, centered background image whenever it detects an Android user agent. You also need to set androidDisabled option true to make this option works. Disable this if you wish to enable the parallax scrolling effect on Android devices.
androidDisabled boolean true If true, the parallax effect is disabled on Android devices.
overScrollFix boolean false (Experimental) If true, will freeze the parallax effect when "over scrolling" in browsers like Safari to prevent unexpected gaps caused by negative scroll positions.
mirrorContainer jQuery Selector body The parallax mirror will be prepended into this container.


If you have a pull request you would like to submit, please ensure that you update the minified version of the library along with your code changes. This project uses uglifyjs to perform code compression.

Please use the following command:

uglifyjs parallax.js --comments -m -c -o parallax.min.js


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 PixelCog Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


parallax.js's People


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parallax.js's Issues

Image sizing not correct

I've noticed that for whatever reason, data-natural-height and data-natural-width does not pass the values correctly and that the image displayed is really out of proportion. I'm working with a 1024x256 image, but parallax.js expands the image way out of proportion. I am using mostly default settings for testing


Image 1 is the image as loaded via parallax and image 2 is loaded without. They are both the same sized frame, but for some reason, image 1 (with parallax) is overly zoomed in. Any ideas? Or am I missing a setting?

position, positionX & positionY not working

At the moment custom values for position, positionX & positionY are not working. I've debugged a bit and found out that my settings are always overwrited with "center".

    imageSrc: 'image.jpg',
    position: 'left bottom', // not working
    positionY: 'bottom', // not working
    positionX: 'left' // not working

Performance issues / image flickering

Has anyone noticed issues in Firefox with the images flickering? On the demo page, one of the images may disappear while scrolling. All you see is the white background. When you stop scrolling, the image appears. This only happens occasionally. Sometimes it works totally fine. I can't figure out what is causing it.

I took a video to show the issue.

Images not static on Android

As on Spotify page the images are static as on IOS. For example the parallax effect renders rather slow. So I've added a fix for that as in IOS.

Destroy Function or Fallback on small viewport

Any chance to add a destroy function or defer to the fallback when the viewport is below a certain width?

I love the fallback that exists for touch devices, it would be great to have that same fallback for when the viewport for no-touch devices goes below a specified width.

This could be achieved manually if there was a destroy/reinit function



First your script is wonderful.

But I'm having a problem, I have a div with 500px in height at the top of the page when I use the bottom position option, still remains much below the image area, I can not adjust to it to rise more.

Thank you.

Prevent img load for non displayed elements

Essentially i'm just trying to figure out a way of providing lower res images for smaller screens. I want to use a lower res-static background for everything smaller than a set width,Ideally i'd like to do this with straight CSS, but would be happy to use the inbuilt solution if theres a way of providing lower res images.

Is their anyway to prevent the loading of the image if the window is display:none; for example?
That way i could do the rest with css and the large image isn't going to be loaded.

Attempting to Pair with Animsition

Hi, this is an awesome plugin and is working great, it's the best one I have found.
I am fairly new at using jQuery and was wondering if its a possibility to pair it with an Animsition fade.

Basically, when the page loads, the parallax images load instantly and all my other html/css elements fade on top and it is not a seamless transition. Is there someway to delay the loading of the parallax images or a least make it not instantaneous.

Its probably a stretch and may be hard to implement but any help is welcome, thanks.


fixed navigation jumping sections

Sup dude!

Love the script, and glad you've sourced it for the masses... I had one issue, however... I created a fixed nav at the top, obviously with the hopes it would stay fixed while scrolling and the parallax effect would be all the same for the backgrounds below. But when I scroll down the page, my nav "jumps" to the top of the next parallax background when it comes into page view. After which it scrolls up with the page to the top, where it sits fixed for a moment as I had planned, only to "jump" again when the next parallax section comes.

Does that make sense?

I noticed it works fine in IE. Is this just a Chrome bug then?

Do you know the fix?



!DOCTYPE tag required - add to doco?

I discovered/realised Parallax.js fails without a !DOCTYPE declaration. This is not mentioned anywhere in the docs; perhaps because you expected developers like me to be writing valid HTML... :)

Regardless, this caused significant pain and lengthy trial and error on my end. Would you consider adding even a hint in your docs that doctype/fully valid html is needed?


not working in IE 11?

I tryed the script and it is working in chrome. But in IE11 the first time it is not working (you don't see any picture) when you reload the page. then you see the pictures. if you clear the browser historie and cache, then again.

thanks peter

My image is in the CSS file

Hello there!

I must your script looks amazing! But i have a problem....
The image i'm trying to enable parallax.js on is in my CSS file... and i have several other images in the same file i'd to have a parallax effect on.
The IDs for the different classes are wrapped up in div tags in my HTML, this is the code for the header ID etc:

    background: url(../images/banner.jpg) no-repeat center top;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;
    position: relative;
    text-align: center;

I have tried to use JS method, and as i expected it did not work....

Should i try to put the image source in the "div="header"" nest and hope for the best or is there any other solution?

Thanks in advance!

Elements with Dynamic Heights

In our system, we have sections that can change height dynamically. I would like to use parallax on some of these sections, but as the heights change, there's overlap in the parallax images. It looks like there is a resize function in parallax.js that adjusts the height of the parallax mirror. Is there any way to manually cause the parallax layers to redraw/update size in my event handler?

Repeating pattern sizing


I was experimenting with some repeating background patterns and currently, the pattern image is just blown up in size to create room for the parallax effect.

I was wondering if there is any way to have parallax effect using a repeating pattern as the background?

Feature Request: Set class for .parallax-mirror

It would be great if while setting <div data-parallax="scroll" data-image-src="/path/to/image.jpg"></div>, one could also set data-class="classy_image". This would append classy_image to the class of the fixed position element, making something like: <div class="parallax-mirror classy_image" ...><img src="... /></div>. Then, one could access and style the images themselves - adding filters, opacity, etc.

Interference with existing fixed elements in Chrome

In Chrome, when I enabled this plugin my fixed positioned header started scrolling as soon as one of my parallax elements was made visible. When none were visible, the header redrew itself and acted correctly again.

Removing transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) from the parallax code fixed the issue, but so did adding the transform to my existing header. Perhaps just a troubleshooting note telling people to add this to their CSS would help others who come across this issue.

Computed height does not include padding

If your target container has top/bottom padding, then the computed height of its parallax element will be too short (not taking padding into account). Changing line 167 to use outerHeight instead of height fixed the issue for me.

Cant make it work with WordPress Function Reference

Hi, awesome work, but I'm a bit of a problem implementing it with WordPress function: get the post thumbnail

The code:

<div class="headerwrap parallax-window" data-parallax="scroll" data-image-src="<?php the_post_thumbnail( $size, $attr ); ?> ">

But doesn't seem to work, anyone know a workaround/fix or even if this is possible?

Question on Positioning


I'm working on a site right now and seem to be running into a pitfall with the positioning. If you look at and size the browser down (more towards a mobile width) the background images end up not extending 100% to the right. I've uploaded some pretty big images too over 5k in with and 2k in height.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? Please let me know.

IE11 issue

After some troubleshooting, I really have no explanation for this, but wanted to file the issue anyway in case someone else had the same trouble.

In IE11 only (Chrome/Firefox are fine) I noticed that the parallax images were hidden until the page was scrolled down further than where they should have appeared.

In troubleshooting, I found that in render(), parallax.winHeight was always zero, skewing the math. Further troubleshooting revealed that while the setup function was being called, $(win).on('load') would never execute due to some order of operations issue(?) in IE.

I moved the majority of the code (the event binding) from setup() to the Constructor and things started working again.

I added additional logging to try and further reduce what was happening, which led me to assume the order of things differs from Chrome to IE11.


  • Constructor is called
  • setup() is called
  • $(window).on('load') from the Constructor is fired
  • $(window).on('load') from setup() is fired


  • Constructor is called
  • $(window).on('load') from the Constructor is fired
  • setup() is called

IE11 never fires the load events from setup().

It's strange because your demo site works fine and I have yet to figure out how my site differs.

I'll update when my site is live to provide an example. For now, I've just moved the load logic to the Constructor.

Positioning elements with CSS transforms where possible

Not really an issue, but I was wondering if you plan on adapting the plugin to use CSS transforms to position the mirror elements (rather than top) in modern browsers? Spotify's site itself does this now, and I've found it does improve the overall smoothness of the page when you've got multiple elements.

Feature Request: Slideshow?

Love the plugin first of all. I have one request tho, the ability to do a slideshow. Many of my clients love the parallax effect, but they want it in a slideshow as well. Any thoughts?

Gray space

Not sure exactly if this is an issue on my end or yours but I am getting white space on the bottom of the page in Chrome.


Wondering your thoughts on having a few callbacks on this. Maybe a few like:


This would allow lots of flexibility for creating smooth animations.

I've noticed that there is a delay of having the .parallax-slider image show up even when using a plugin like wait for images.

Height getting set to 0

Any ideas why the script is not setting the height based off the natural height data attribute?


I am using bower to pull in the parallax.js dependency and Grunt to compile (jQuery is before the other list of required components), and then minifying the script - which shouldn't be the issue?

Problem with fixed menu (Chrome, Bootstrap)


Parallax.js seems to have a bug. I build my website in Firefox where everything works great. Then I checked other browsers (Internet Explorer, Safari & Chrome). In Chrome, the fixed (bootstrap) main-menu was no longer fixed. It started moving upwards when scrolling (only in Chrome).

After reading another post, I removed 'transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)' from the script. It somewhat improved it (menu stays at the top at first), but it is still very much buggy. For instance, there will be 2 menu-bars when you scroll back to the top from the bottom.

Edit: My fault. Transform is used twice in the script. Initially I only deleted the first one. After deleting the second one, the behavior in Chrome is now identical to other browsers.


Had it working perfectly but now it appears to clash when on the same page as flexslider.

my suspicion is that the parrallax initialises and does its page height calculations, then the flexslider loads and changes the page height but parrallax isn't updated with the new page height. Thats why removing the flex slider worked, thats why no css fixes it and thats why a small window adjustment fixes it because there is a onresize tied to it. We just have to force it post flexslider

Edit options dynamically

Is it possible to edit options after first initializing parallax on elements?

Like I initialize parallax on element by

            imageSrc: 'img/background.jpg',

And then I would like to disable parallax (for example, after clicking on button 'disable-parallax')


So, is it possible?

parallax stuttering in IE on scroll

Hi, great piece of script! However I'm having an issue in IE. Version 10 and 9 the parallax stutters when scrolling up and down. Is there a fix for this or can it be switched off for IE?

Not working on ipad


I can´t get this plugin work static on ipad.
Can you help me please?

Its working!
I have to remove the "encodeURIComponent".
Because this was replacing the slash for "%2", and then could not find the images.


if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
  if (this.iosFix && !this.$'img')) {
      backgroundImage: 'url(' + encodeURIComponent(this.imageSrc) + ')',
      backgroundSize: 'cover',
      backgroundPosition: this.position
  return this;


if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
  if (this.iosFix && !this.$'img')) {
      backgroundImage: 'url(' + this.imageSrc + ')',
      backgroundSize: 'cover',
      backgroundPosition: this.position
  return this;

Static image on Android shows nothing

While the parallax effect works perfectly on the desktop version of the web page, it shows nothing on a mobile device (Android, Samsung Galaxy S3). The plugin is used within a Wordpress theme.

As I understand, the images should be viewed as static if no settings are passed. Passing setting androidFix to either true or false does not change the outcome.

Safari support

If you were not aware, your current implementation is not supported in the Safari browser.

Bug differents between packed and unpacked version

parallex.min.js didn't work for me on the IPad. The problem was that the background image that isset when using a IPad is encoded (backgroundImage:"url("+encodeURIComponent(this.imageSrc)+")) in the packed version, but not in the unpacked version. Removing the encode function fixed my problem.

Bug during scroll on Firefox and Safari

Hello, I have a bug on firefox during scrolling:

I have a parallax on my newsletter section, I have set a top red border (to better observe the problem) and when I scroll to top, the image parallax move and go out of the div container (during scrolling, after it's ok).

Problem in image:
Normal page:

Have you a solution please ?
Else in extra, it's possible to set a background from css and use parallax ?


Fallback for no js users

What if user don't have javascript enabled. Blank screen is not very pretty especially becouse I have white text on top of parallax box. Setting background on div under make parallax.js not working at all.

You have any solution?

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