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strings's Introduction

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A set of useful methods for working with strings such as align, truncate, wrap, and many more.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'strings'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install strings


  • No monkey-patching String class
  • Functional API that can be easily wrapped by other objects
  • Supports multibyte character encodings such as UTF-8, EUC-JP
  • Handles languages without white-spaces between words (like Chinese and Japanese)
  • Supports ANSI escape codes
  • Flexible by nature, split into components


1. Usage

Strings is a module with stateless function calls which can be executed directly or mixed into other classes.

For example, to wrap a text using wrap method, you can call it directly:

text = "Think not, is my eleventh commandment; and sleep when you can, is my twelfth."
Strings.wrap(text, 30)
# =>
#  "Think not, is my eleventh\n"
#  "commandment; and sleep when\n"
#  "you can, is my twelfth."

or using namespaced name:

Strings::Wrap.wrap(text, 30)

2. API

2.1 align

To align a given multiline text within a given width use align, align_left, align_center or align_right.

Given the following multiline text:

text = <<-TEXT
for there is no folly of the beast
of the earth which
is not infinitely
outdone by the madness of men

Passing text as first argument, the maximum width and :direction to align to:

Strings.align(text, 40, direction: :center)
# =>
#  "   for there is no folly of the beast   \n"
#  "           of the earth which           \n"
#  "           is not infinitely            \n"
#  "     outdone by the madness of men      "

You can also pass :fill option to replace default space character:

Strings.align(text, 40, direction: :center, fill: '*')
# =>
#  "***for there is no folly of the beast***\n"
#  "***********of the earth which***********\n"
#  "***********is not infinitely************\n"
#  "*****outdone by the madness of men******"

It handles UTF-8 text:

text = "ラドクリフ\n、マラソン五輪\n代表に1万m出\n場にも含み"
Strings.align_left(text, 20)
# =>
#  "ラドクリフ          \n"
#  "、マラソン五輪      \n"
#  "代表に1万m出        \n"
#  "場にも含み          \n"

2.2 ansi?

To check if a string includes ANSI escape codes use ansi? method like so:

# => true

Or fully qualified name:

# => true

2.3 fold

To fold a multiline text into a single line preserving white-space characters use fold:

Strings.fold("\tfoo \r\n\n bar")
# => "foo  bar"

2.4 pad

To pad around a text with a given padding use pad function where the seconds argument is a padding value that needs to be one of the following values corresponding with CSS padding property:

[1,1,1,1]  # => pad text left & right with 1 character and add 1 line above & below
[1,2]      # => pad text left & right with 2 characters and add 1 line above & below
1          # => shorthand for [1,1,1,1]

For example, to pad sentence with a padding of 1 space:

text = "Ignorance is the parent of fear."
Strings.pad(text, 1)
# =>
#  "                                  \n"
#  " Ignorance is the parent of fear. \n"
#  "                                  "

You can also pass :fill option to replace default space character:

text = "Ignorance is the parent of fear."
Strings.pad(text, [1, 2], fill: "*")
# =>
#  "************************************\n"
#  "**Ignorance is the parent of fear.**\n"
#  "************************************"

You can also apply padding to multiline content:

text = <<-TEXT
It is the easiest thing
in the world for a man
to look as if he had
a great secret in him.

Strings.pad(text, 1)
# =>
#  "                         \n"
#  " It is the easiest thing \n"
#  " in the world for a man \n"
#  " to look as if he had \n"
#  " a great secret in him. \n"
#  "                         "

The pad handles UTF-8 text as well:

text = "ラドクリフ、マラソン"
Strings.pad(text, 1)
# =>
# "                      \n"
# " ラドクリフ、マラソン \n"
# "                      "

2.5 sanitize

To remove ANSI escape codes from a string use sanitize:

# => "foo"

or namespaced:

# => "foo"

2.6 truncate

Please note this API will change in the next release and will be replaced by the strings-truncation component. See the Components section for more information.

You can truncate a given text after a given length with truncate method.

Given the following text:

text = "for there is no folly of the beast of the earth " +
       "which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men"

To shorten the text to given length call truncate:

Strings.truncate(text, 20) # => "for there is no fol…"

or directly using the module namesapce:

Strings::Truncate.truncate(text, 20) # => "for there is no fol…"

If you want to split words on their boundaries use :separator option:

Strings.truncate(text, 20, separator: ' ') # => "for there is no…"

Use :trailing option (by default ) to provide omission characters:

Strings.truncate(text, 22, trailing: '... (see more)')
# => "for there...(see more)"

You can also specify UTF-8 text as well:

text = 'ラドクリフ、マラソン五輪代表に1万m出場にも含み'
Strings.truncate(text, 12)   # => "ラドクリフ…"

Strings::Truncate works with ANSI escape codes:

text = "I try \e[34mall things\e[0m, I achieve what I can"
Strings.truncate(text, 18)
# => "I try \e[34mall things\e[0m…"

2.7 wrap

To wrap text into lines no longer than wrap_at argument length, the wrap method will break either on white-space character or in case of east Asian characters on character boundaries.

Given the following text:

text = "Think not, is my eleventh commandment; and sleep when you can, is my twelfth."

Then to wrap the text to given length do:

Strings.wrap(text, 30)
# =>
#  "Think not, is my eleventh\n"
#  "commandment; and sleep when\n"
#  "you can, is my twelfth."

Similarly, to handle UTF-8 text do:

text = "ラドクリフ、マラソン五輪代表に1万m出場にも含み"
Strings.wrap(text, 8)
# =>
#  "ラドクリ\n"
#  "フ、マラ\n"
#  "ソン五輪\n"
#  "代表に1\n"
#  "万m出場\n"
#  "にも含み"

Strings::Wrap knows how to handle ANSI codes:

ansi_text = "\e[32;44mIgnorance is the parent of fear.\e[0m"
Strings.wrap(ansi_text, 14)
# =>
#  "\e[32;44mIgnorance is \e[0m\n"
#  "\e[32;44mthe parent of \e[0m\n"
#  "\e[32;44mfear.\e[0m"

You can also call wrap directly on Strings::Wrap:

Strings::Wrap.wrap(text, wrap_at)

3. Extending String class

Though it is highly discouraged to pollute core Ruby classes, you can add the required methods to String class by using refinements.

For example, if you wish to only extend strings with wrap method do:

module MyStringExt
  refine String do
    def wrap(*args)
      Strings.wrap(self, *args)

Then wrap method will be available for any strings where refinement is applied:

using MyStringExt


However, if you want to include all the Strings methods:

require 'strings/extensions'

using Strings::Extensions

4. Components

Strings aims to be flexible and allow you to choose only the components that you need. Currently you can choose from:

Component Description API docs
strings-ansi Handle ANSI escape codes in strings. docs
strings-case Handle case transformations in strings. docs
strings-inflection Inflects English nouns and verbs. docs
strings-numeral Express numbers as word numerals. docs
strings-truncation Truncate strings with fullwidth characters and ANSI codes. docs


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Strings project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Copyright (c) 2017 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE for further details.

strings's People


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strings's Issues

ruby 2.7 warnings

Tons of warnings coming up when I test our gem against ruby 2.7:

.../strings-0.1.7/lib/strings.rb:19: warning: The last argument is used as the keyword parameter
.../strings-0.1.7/lib/strings/align.rb:39: warning: for `align' defined here
.../strings-0.1.7/lib/strings/align.rb:42: warning: The last argument is used as the keyword parameter
.../strings-0.1.7/lib/strings/align.rb:85: warning: for `align_center' defined here
.../strings-0.1.7/lib/strings.rb:19: warning: The last argument is used as the keyword parameter
.../strings-0.1.7/lib/strings/align.rb:39: warning: for `align' defined here
.../strings-0.1.7/lib/strings/align.rb:42: warning: The last argument is used as the keyword parameter
.../strings-0.1.7/lib/strings/align.rb:85: warning: for `align_center' defined here

probably more, with the output above limited by our usage of the gem.

`Strings.truncate` returns string with length 1 less than it should

Thank you for making this gem and your other terminal-friendly gems (tty, pastel, etc). I'm a fan of your work! 😃

Describe the problem

When truncating a string containing only single-width characters and no ansi codes, I noticed that it returns one less character than it should (even including the trailing character). For example, when I specify to truncate to 6 characters and add empty trailing, I receive back only 5 characters, not 6.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Version 0.2.1

irb(main):008:0> require 'strings'
=> true
irb(main):009:0> Strings::VERSION
=> "0.2.1"
irb(main):010:0> Strings.truncate("+-----+", 7, trailing: '')
=> "+-----+"
irb(main):011:0> Strings.truncate("+-----+", 6, trailing: '')
=> "+----"

Actual behaviour

When truncate_at is set to 7 above, it returns 7 characters. However, when I set it to 6, I actually only get back 5 characters.

Expected behaviour

I expect when truncate_at is 6, it should cut the string off after 6 non-ansi characters (when empty trailing character specified). This appears to be what the examples in the README here show? Is this a bug or is the documentation correct? I see the specs test in some places check for one less character than truncate_at implying it might not be inclusive, but the docs (and behavior when specifying 7 above) seem to disagree.

I will make a branch that adds some tests for this case (and updates a few others) to fix the perceived issue. Let me know if my understanding is correct and I can issue a PR. Thank you!

Describe your environment

  • OS version: macOS Big Sur (11.6)
  • Ruby version: 2.6.3
  • Strings version: 0.2.1

"index out of string" error in `Strings.wrap`

Describe the problem

Strings.wrap throws an IndexError.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz   \e[1m\e[35m zzzzzzz\e[0m  \e[1m\e[35mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz",

Actual behaviour

	 8: from /usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings.rb:109:in `wrap'
	 7: from /usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings/wrap.rb:29:in `wrap'
	 6: from /usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings/wrap.rb:29:in `map'
	 5: from /usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings/wrap.rb:30:in `block in wrap'
	 4: from /usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings/wrap.rb:111:in `format_line'
	 3: from /usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings/wrap.rb:142:in `insert_ansi'
	 2: from /usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings/wrap.rb:142:in `reverse_each'
	 1: from /usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings/wrap.rb:158:in `block in insert_ansi'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/strings-0.2.1/lib/strings/wrap.rb:158:in `insert': index 56 out of string (IndexError)

Expected behaviour

What did you expect to happen?

Describe your environment

  • OS version: Debian 10.9
  • Ruby version: ruby 2.6.6p146 (2020-03-31 revision 67876) [x86_64-linux]
  • Strings version: 0.2.1

Wrapping strings with multiple ascii color styling segements mangles string contents

Describe the problem

This library(and the whole tty ecosystem) is awesome and I really like it, although I found a cornercase that also pollutes tty-box library of yours. I tried to use pastel colored strings inside the box and it failed with an error because it would not correctly process them. I will submit another issue and PR for tty-box on that problem. After I patched the problem with tty-box, I found that there was another problem lying in strings library. Strings that have multiple ascii color styling segments are getting trashed by Strings.wrap call, so they are displayed improperly in the box.

Why this is a valid usecase

I am using your library as a skeleton for my social simulation game-like console application. One of the parts of this application includes a console ncurses interface with a map to display current state of the world. Some of the information is better communicated to the user using color, so I'd like have an ability to color each tile independently which is now not possible.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Strings.wrap("#") +"#"), 1) # =>
# #
# �
# [
# 3
# 2
# m
# #

Actual behaviour

Strings with multiple ascii color styling segments get mangled and unacceptable to use.

Expected behaviour

Strings with multiple ascii color styling segments are correctly wrapped as in the case with single segment with style encoding.

screenshot from 2019-02-02 13-58-06

Describe your environment

  • OS version: Ubuntu 18.04.1
  • Ruby version: 2.5.1
  • Strings version: 0.4.1

sanitize removes brackets that it should not

Describe the problem

When the ANSI sequence is directly wrapped in brackets the brackets are removed from the output.

Steps to reproduce the problem

require 'strings-ansi'

str1 = "[\e[1;34mINFO\e[m] Scanning for projects..."
str2 = "[ \e[1;34mINFO\e[m ] Scanning for projects..."
puts str1
puts str2
puts Strings::ANSI.sanitize(str1)
puts Strings::ANSI.sanitize(str2)

Actual behaviour

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ INFO ] Scanning for projects...
INFO Scanning for projects...
[ INFO ] Scanning for projects...

Expected behaviour

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ INFO ] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ INFO ] Scanning for projects...

Describe your environment

  • OS version: Linux (Fedora 38)
  • Ruby version: 3.1.4
  • strings (0.2.1)
  • strings-ansi (0.2.0)

Support for dasherize, underscore, classify, and perhaps more

I often find myself reimplementing patterns for dasherizing, underscoring, and classifying strings (this not an exhaustive list, there are plenty more). Would this library be an appropriate place for these types of functions to live? If not, do you have plans for a strings-* library where function like these would fit?

Issue with the docs

TL;DR: The docs mention the :separator option and shows an example, but the example doesn't use the :separator option.

I'll just post the image:

Screenshot from 2020-08-19 10-57-46

Nice work, by the way!

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