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bigimageviewer's Introduction


Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso. Even with gif and webp support!


memory usage

pan and zoom gif support
demo gif support

Getting started

Add the dependencies

Note: please put this download url at the first of your repositories part, otherwise, gradle may search in wrong place.

allprojects {
    repositories {

implementation 'com.github.piasy:BigImageViewer:1.8.1'

// load with fresco
implementation 'com.github.piasy:FrescoImageLoader:1.8.1'

// load with glide
implementation 'com.github.piasy:GlideImageLoader:1.8.1'

// progress pie indicator
implementation 'com.github.piasy:ProgressPieIndicator:1.8.1'

// support thumbnail, gif and webp with Fresco
implementation 'com.github.piasy:FrescoImageViewFactory:1.8.1'

// support thumbnail and gif with Glide
implementation 'com.github.piasy:GlideImageViewFactory:1.8.1'


// MUST use app context to avoid memory leak!
// load with fresco

// or load with glide

// or load with glide custom component
BigImageViewer.initialize(GlideCustomImageLoader.with(appContext, CustomComponentModel.class));

Note that if you've already used Fresco in your project, please change Fresco.initialize into BigImageViewer.initialize.

Add the BigImageView to your layout


You can disable display optimization using optimizeDisplay attribute, or BigImageView.setOptimizeDisplay(false), which will disable animation for long image, and the switch between thumbnail and origin image.

Show the image

BigImageView bigImageView = (BigImageView) findViewById(;


Animated image support

Since 1.5.0, BIV support display animated image, e.g. gif and animated webp, to achieve that, you need set a custom ImageViewFactory via biv.setImageViewFactory:

// FrescoImageViewFactory is a prebuilt factory, which use Fresco's SimpleDraweeView
// to display animated image, both gif and webp are supported.
biv.setImageViewFactory(new FrescoImageViewFactory());

// GlideImageViewFactory is another prebuilt factory, which use ImageView to display gif,
// animated webp is not supported (although it will be displayed with ImageView,
// but it won't animate).
biv.setImageViewFactory(new GlideImageViewFactory());

Node: if the image is not gif or animated webp, then it will be displayed by SSIV, the image type is not determined by its file extension, but by its file header magic code.

Thumbnail support

To show a thumbnail before the big image is loaded, you can call below version of showImage:

bigImageView.showImage(Uri.parse(thumbnail), Uri.parse(url));

Note: make sure that you have already called setImageViewFactory.

Shared element transition support (experimental)

Since 1.6.0, BIV has experimental support for shared element transition, but it has following known issues:

  • The shared image may flicker during enter transition, or become white after return transition, when using Fresco, see Fresco issue #1445;
  • The shared image may flicker after return transition, especially after you zoomed SSIV;

You can play with the demo app to evaluate the shared element transition support.

Download progress indicator

bigImageView.setProgressIndicator(new ProgressPieIndicator());

There is one built-in indicator, ProgressPieIndicator, you can implement your own indicator easily, learn by example.


You can prefetch images in advance, so it could be shown immediately when user want to see it.


Save image into gallery

bigImageView.setImageSaveCallback(new ImageSaveCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(String uri) {

    public void onFail(Throwable t) {

// should be called on worker/IO thread

Get current image file

// only valid when image file is downloaded.
File path = bigImageView.getCurrentImageFile();

Image init scale type

You can set the normal image scale type using initScaleType attribute, or setInitScaleType.

value effect
center Center the image in the view, but perform no scaling.
centerCrop Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding). The image is then centered in the view.
centerInside Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding). The image is then centered in the view.
fitCenter Scales the image so that it fits entirely inside the parent. At least one dimension (width or height) will fit exactly. Aspect ratio is preserved. Image is centered within the parent's bounds.
fitEnd Scales the image so that it fits entirely inside the parent. At least one dimension (width or height) will fit exactly. Aspect ratio is preserved. Image is aligned to the bottom-right corner of the parent.
fitStart Scales the image so that it fits entirely inside the parent. At least one dimension (width or height) will fit exactly. Aspect ratio is preserved. Image is aligned to the top-left corner of the parent.
fitXY Scales width and height independently, so that the image matches the parent exactly. This may change the aspect ratio of the image.
custom Scale the image so that both dimensions of the image will be equal to or less than the maxScale and equal to or larger than minScale. The image is then centered in the view.
start Scale the image so that both dimensions of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view. The top left is shown.

Note: SSIV only support centerCrop, centerInside, custom and start, other scale types are treated as centerInside, while other scale types may be used by animated image types.

Failure image

You can set a local failure image using failureImage attribute, or setFailureImage.

It will displayed using an ImageView when the image network request fails. If not specified, nothing is displayed when the request fails.

Failure image init scale type

You can set the failure image scale type using failureImageInitScaleType attribute, or setFailureImageInitScaleType.

Any value of ImageView.ScaleType is valid. Default value is ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER. It will be ignored if there is no failure image set.

Tap to retry

When failure image is specified, you can tap the failure image then it will retry automatically. That's the default behavior, you can change it using tapToRetry attribute, or setTapToRetry.

Image load callback

You can handle the image load response by creating a new ImageLoader.Callback and overriding the key callbacks

ImageLoader.Callback myImageLoaderCallback = new ImageLoader.Callback() {
    public void onCacheHit(int imageType, File image) {
      // Image was found in the cache

    public void onCacheMiss(int imageType, File image) {
      // Image was downloaded from the network

    public void onStart() {
      // Image download has started

    public void onProgress(int progress) {
      // Image download progress has changed

    public void onFinish() {
      // Image download has finished

    public void onSuccess(File image) {
      // Image was retrieved successfully (either from cache or network)

    public void onFail(Exception error) {
      // Image download failed

Then setting it as the image load callback


The onSuccess(File image) is always called after the image was retrieved successfully whether from the cache or the network.

For an example, see

Cancel image loading

BIV will cancel image loading automatically when detach from window, you can also call cancel to cancel it manually.

You can also call BigImageViewer.imageLoader().cancelAll(); in an appropriate time, e.g. Activity/Fragment's onDestroy callback, to cancel all flying requests, avoiding memory leak.

Full customization

You can get the SSIV instance through the method below:

public SubsamplingScaleImageView getSSIV() {
    return mImageView;

Then you can do anything you can imagine about SSIV :)

Note: you should test whether SSIV is null, because the image could be a gif, then it won't be displayed by SSIV.

Custom SSIV support

You can even use your own custom SSIV, by calling biv.setImageViewFactory(), passing in a factory that override createStillImageView, and return your custom SSIV.

Custom Glide components support

You can use your custom Glide's components. If you have customized your Glide's configuration, you are able to apply that configuration to BIV too, to do that you only have to initialize BIV in this way:

BigImageViewer.initialize(GlideCustomImageLoader.with(appContext, CustomComponentModel.class));

Where CustomComponentModel.class is the Glide's model component. That's it!

For more detailed example, please refer to the example project.


  • Handle permission when you want to save image into gallery.

  • When you want load local image file, you can create the Uri via Uri.fromFile, but the path will be url encoded, and may cause the image loader fail to load it, consider using Uri.parse("file://" + file.getAbsolutePath()).

  • When using with RecyclerView or ViewPager, the recycled BIV doesn't know it should clear the loaded image or reload the image, so you need manually notify it in some way, see issue 107, and issue 177.

  • Crash on Android 4.x device? You could force gradle to use a specific version of OkHttp (some version earlier than 3.13.0), by adding this block to your module's build.gradle, please note that it should be added at the top level, not inside any other block:

    configurations {
      all {
        resolutionStrategy {
          eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
            if ( == 'com.squareup.okhttp3' &&
                'okhttp') {
              // OkHttp drops support before 5.0 since 3.13.0
              details.useVersion '3.12.6'

Why another big image viewer?

There are several big image viewer libraries, PhotoDraweeView, FrescoImageViewer, and Subsampling Scale Image View.

They both support pan and zoom. PhotoDraweeView and FrescoImageViewer both use Fresco to load image, which will cause extremely large memory usage when showing big images. Subsampling Scale Image View uses very little memory, but it can only show local image file.

This library show big image with Subsampling Scale Image View, so it only uses very little memory. And this library support using different image load libraries, so it's full featured!

If you are interested in how does this library work, you can refer to this issue, and Subsampling Scale Image View.


Memory usage of different libraries:

- PhotoDraweeView FrescoImageViewer BigImageViewer
4135*5134 80MB 80MB 2~20 MB


  • GlideImageLoader
  • Save image file to gallery
  • Optimize long image showing effect, thanks for razerdp
  • Optimize "double tap to zoom" effect, thanks for razerdp
  • Loading animation
  • Downloading progress
  • Thumbnail support
  • Component to display image list, with memory optimization
  • Fail image
  • Retry when fail
  • PicassoImageLoader, track this issue

Those features are offered by image load libraries, and they should be easy to implement, but I don't have enough time currently. So your contributions are welcome!

When you submit PR, please conform the code style of this project, which is customized from Square Android style.

bigimageviewer's People


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bigimageviewer's Issues

Error inflating class com.github.piasy.biv.view.BigImageView

Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #21: Binary XML file line #21: Error inflating class com.github.piasy.biv.view.BigImageView
at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(


我加载一张小图 图片宽高都小于屏幕 结果无法缩放 我想问下是SSIV的问题 还是BigImageViewer的问题



OutOfMemory when bitmap cache is under pressure

I think you need to implement bitmap caching inside of SubsamplingScaleImageView, cause it may be that SubsamplingScaleImageView will have OOM exception on a devices with large screens and small amount of RAM.





ViewPager 使用BigImageViewer 时,造成大量内存无法释放。

在Adapter 中的代码如下

    public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
        String viewType = list.get(position).getType();
        if ("html".equals(viewType)) {
            WebView view = new WebView(context);
            view.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
                public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
                    view.loadUrl(url);// 根据传入的参数再去加载新的网页
                    return true;// 表示当前webview可以处理打开新网页的请求,不用借助系统浏览器
            WebSettings settings = view.getSettings();
            view.addJavascriptInterface(new Isjs(), "clds");

//            views.add(position,view);
            return view;
        } else {
            BigImageView view = new BigImageView(context);

            Uri uri = Uri.parse(list.get(position).getPath());
            Uri suouri = Uri.parse(list.get(position).getPath());
//            view.showImage(suouri,uri);

            view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {

            return view;

Request Features Callbacks

I try to controller view states image resources... I need capture events

Please add Callbacks support in future:

OnRequestImageSuccesfull -> when donwload image.
OnRequestImageError -> when error download image.
OnRequestImageCache -> when image is retrieve cache.
OnRequestImageCacheError -> when image poblem retieve cache.


在我的项目中无法引用您的这个项目,不知道是什么情况?我的gradle版本是3.1的,用的也是classpath ''这个版本,可是会报Error:Connection refused: connect

scroll thumbnail in zoom mode?


cancel action?

Please provide a cancel action, if image is not finish the loading, then user click back, it might produce some weird issue, so could you provide a cancel action for us, that we could use this method to cancel loading, cancel the callback or some... or even something important ** to release memory properly**

BigImageView is leaking Memory

I am initializing BigImageViewer with

According to LeakCanary, the com.github.piasy.biv.view.BigImageView.mContext is leaking memory.

Any Ideas?





Error: Could not find com.github.piasy:BigImageViewer:1.2.0.


dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ''
    compile ''

    compile 'com.github.piasy:BigImageViewer:1.2.0'
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }


Error:Could not find com.github.piasy:BigImageViewer:1.2.0.
Required by:
<a href="searchInBuildFiles">Search in build.gradle files</a>

Clear cache?

Hi, I'm using your app to load images that are being changed on the server every few minutes and I'd like to load new ones. Unfortunately, when an image is loaded with this library, it is stored in the cache and you can't view new image. I'd suggest you to add something like bigImageView.useCache(false);. Currently, I'm using this code to clear cache, but it's not perfect, I guess... (cache clearing provided by the library would be better):

protected void onStop(){
protected void onDestroy() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
public static void trimCache(Context context) {
    try {
        File dir = context.getCacheDir();
        if (dir != null && dir.isDirectory()) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
public static boolean deleteDir(File dir) {
    if (dir != null && dir.isDirectory()) {
        String[] children = dir.list();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            boolean success = deleteDir(new File(dir, children[i]));
            if (!success) {
                return false;
    return dir.delete();


BigImageViewer加了rxjava 与 rxpermissions的依赖,作用仅仅是判断和请求一下存储时的权限。但我认为这个请求权限的动作不该由BigImageViewer这个框架来完成。仅仅为了一个权限加上了一个很大的rxjava2库。还会导致与其他使用rxjava1.x导致不兼容。



Progress and thumbnail support proposal

As more and more people reach out this library, I'd like to share my thoughts about these two features before coding.


Fresco support progress notification, so it's easy to add it in FrescoImageLoader, but Glide doesn't support this feature yet. So we need use OkHttp intercepter to get progress, here is a example.


Thumbnail image need also to be loaded, but it could be loaded into normal ImageView or SimpleDraweeView. I want to implement this feature in loader module.

With Fresco loader, we know whether a request will hit or miss the cache, we can skip the thumbnail loading if we hit the cache.

But with Glide loader, we couldn't know whether a request will hit or miss the cache, but a cache hit won't trigger HTTP request, so we could start loading the thumbnail when the HTTP request starts.

fix memory leak






fix Fresco progress problem


NPE on ProgressPieIndicator.onProgress

There are times that onProgress throws a NullPointerException when the view has been destroyed but there is still a runnable pending.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.filippudak.ProgressPieView.ProgressPieView.setProgress(int)' on a null object reference
at com.github.piasy.biv.indicator.progresspie.ProgressPieIndicator.onProgress(
at com.github.piasy.biv.view.BigImageView$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(



Why minSdkVersion = 16?

First of all, thank you for this great lib!

I'd like to use it in my project, but the problem is that minSdkVersion has set to 16. I've copied classes into my project which requires minSdkVersion = 15 and there is no errors? There is mess around after self copying classes rather than aar.

Could you please support older minSdkVersion as much as possible?

Crash on ProgressView

03-04 19:23:06.687 16550-16550/com.pisces.xsplash.debug E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.pisces.xsplash.debug, PID: 16550
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.filippudak.ProgressPieView.ProgressPieView.setProgress(int)' on a null object reference
at com.github.piasy.biv.indicator.progresspie.ProgressPieIndicator.onProgress(
at com.github.piasy.biv.view.BigImageView$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)


// 诶多,那个直接写中文了,感觉表述更直观


1 - 巨图加载偶现卡顿(作者已经优化过,这里只分享一下



如果是使用Subsampling 默认参数的话,就会有上述问题。



 DisplayMetrics metrics = this.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
 float averageDpi = (metrics.xdpi + metrics.ydpi) / 3.0F;
 imageView.setMinimumTileDpi((int) averageDpi);

2 - 关于默认双击放大图片到全图




   private SubsamplingScaleImageView.OnImageEventListener onImageEventListener = new SubsamplingScaleImageView.OnImageEventListener() {
        public void onReady() {
            if (largeImageView == null) return;
            float result = 0.5f;
            int imageWidth = largeImageView.getSWidth();
            int imageHeight = largeImageView.getSHeight();
            int viewWidth = largeImageView.getWidth() - largeImageView.getPaddingLeft() - largeImageView.getPaddingRight();
            int viewHeight = largeImageView.getHeight() - largeImageView.getPaddingTop() - largeImageView.getPaddingBottom();
            boolean hasZeroValue = false;
            if (imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0 || viewWidth == 0 || viewHeight == 0) {
                result = 0.5f;
                hasZeroValue = true;
            if (!hasZeroValue) {
                if (imageWidth <= imageHeight) {
                    result = viewWidth * 1.0f / imageWidth * 1.0f;
                } else {
                    result = viewHeight * 1.0f / imageHeight * 1.0f;
            if (!isLoadedLargeImage && !hasZeroValue) {
                isLoadedLargeImage = true;
                SubsamplingScaleImageView.AnimationBuilder animationBuilder = null;
                if ((imageHeight * 1.0f / imageWidth * 1.0f) > 1.5f) {
                    animationBuilder =
                        largeImageView.animateScaleAndCenter(result, new PointF(imageWidth / 2, 0))
                } else {
                    largeImageView.animateScaleAndCenter(result, new PointF(viewWidth / 2, viewHeight / 2))
                if (animationBuilder != null) {
            if (Math.abs(result - largeDoubleImageScale) < 0.2f) {
                result += 0.2f;

Question: how does it work?

Does it do downsampling again and again on the same file, or does it load all into JNI, and then just pick the pixels it needs ?

Or maybe it has the option to choose from them ? I mean, it would be a waste to downsample all the time, when you can have it all in the RAM (without being afraid of OOM) ...



Can't set signature (Glide)

Glide.with(mActivity).load(mediaItem.getUri()) .skipMemoryCache(true) //.asBitmap() //.imageDecoder(new StreamBitmapDecoder(mActivity, DecodeFormat.PREFER_ARGB_8888)) .thumbnail(0.4f) .dontAnimate() .signature(mediaItem.getSignature()) .into(photoView);


I need to set the signature because I edited my photo and need to reset the glide cache.

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