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example-bot's Introduction

PHP Telegram Bot Example

🚧 Work In Progress 🚧

An A-Z example of Telegram bot using the PHP Telegram Bot library.

This repository aims to demonstrate the usage of all the features offered by the PHP Telegram Bot library and as such contains all example commands. Also, it gives an example setup for both the standard usage and using the PHP Telegram Bot Manager

❗ Important!

  • Most of the commands found here are not to be used exactly as they are, they are mere demonstrations of features! They are provided as-is and any extra security measures need to be added by you, the developer.
  • Before getting started with this project, make sure you have read the official readme to understand how the PHP Telegram Bot library works and what is required to run a Telegram bot.

Let's get started then! 😃

0. Cloning this repository

To start off, you can clone this repository using git:

$ git clone

or better yet, download it as a zip file:

$ curl -o

Unzip the files to the root of your project folder.

1. Making it yours

Now you can choose what installation you would like, either the default one or using the Bot Manager project. Depending on which one you choose, you can delete the files that are not required.

First of all, you need to rename config.example.php to config.php and then replace all necessary values with those of your project.

Default Some of these files require extra configurations to be added. Check hook.php how they are loaded. Thanks to reading the main readme file, you should know what these files do.

  • composer.json (Describes your project and it's dependencies)
  • set.php (Used to set the webhook)
  • unset.php (Used to unset the webhook)
  • hook.php (Used for the webhook method)
  • getUpdatesCLI.php (Used for the getUpdates method)
  • cron.php (Used to execute commands via cron)

Bot Manager Using the bot manager makes life much easier, as all configuration goes into a single file, manager.php.

If you decide to use the Bot Manager, be sure to read all about it and change the require block in the composer.json file:

"require": {
    "php-telegram-bot/telegram-bot-manager": "*"

Then, edit the following files, replacing all necessary values with those of your project.

  • composer.json (Describes your project and it's dependencies)
  • manager.php (Used as the main entry point for everything)

Now you can install all dependencies using composer:

$ composer install

2. Adding your own commands

To use Commands enable the CustomCommands folder in the config.

You can find a few example commands in the Commands folder. Do NOT just copy all of them to your bot, but instead learn from them and only add to your bot what you need.

Adding any extra commands to your bot that you don't need can be a security risk!

To be continued!

example-bot's People


0xeab avatar erfanbahramali avatar gordon01 avatar hitmare avatar jacklul avatar jcomas avatar julianprieber avatar massadm avatar maxiride avatar nabikaz avatar noplanman avatar


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example-bot's Issues

api key value not carried from manager.php

uncommenting and editing this in manager.php :

        'commands' => [
            'paths'   => [
                __DIR__ . '/Commands',
            'configs' => [
                'weather' => ['own_api_key' => 'my_own_api_key_here'],

then running the WeatherCommand result in "api-key not set response", did I do something wrong in settings?

Problems testing the bot...

I started from this example and today tried to make my own bot from this: the set.php was was a success and my files where like the example's one but I just added start command. When I try to start from telegram it doesnt respond... How can I check if the bot is working?

using manager.php result in error

PHP Version
guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.3.0
guzzlehttp/promises v1.3.1
guzzlehttp/psr7 1.4.2 PSR-7
longman/ip-tools 1.2.1
longman/telegram-bot 0.45.0
monolog/monolog 1.23.0 S
php-telegram-bot/telegram-bot-manager 1.2.1
psr/http-message 1.0.1
psr/log 1.0.2

After setting bot username (with and without '@'), api key, and all the required information for webhook running it in browser result in fatal error :
Fatal error: Uncaught TelegramBot\TelegramBotManager\Exception\InvalidAccessException: Invalid access in /var/www/html/botexamples/vendor/php-telegram-bot/telegram-bot-manager/src/BotManager.php:578 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/botexamples/vendor/php-telegram-bot/telegram-bot-manager/src/BotManager.php(130): TelegramBot\TelegramBotManager\BotManager->validateRequest() #1 /var/www/html/botexamples/manager.php(80): TelegramBot\TelegramBotManager\BotManager->run() #2 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/botexamples/vendor/php-telegram-bot/telegram-bot-manager/src/BotManager.php on line 578

Running it from command line using sudo php manager.php a=set works, but example like /whoami doesn't work, and logging filename shows {$bot_username}_debug.log instead of @mybotname_debug.log

However setting it manually using set.php runs just fine (all modules works, log filenames also shown correctly).

Problem with survey

Hi! I am using this template for my custom bot. I need a functionality like the /survey one, but since I am testing it only asks for the name (the first question), i write the name and then nothing happens. It is stuck there. I already h¡gave a look to the database and it is saving the conversation, but only the "state" var. I think it is not coming again from client to bot or viceversa when I write a answert. Could you help me please?

How to call codeigniter instance in command's file ?

[SOLVED] I would like to access Codeigniter functions in one of the command's file. The composer packages reside in codeigniter's application/vendor directory, while this package reside in application/third_party directory.

$CI &= get_instance() does not work in command file.

Please help. TQ

Read the command

Hi, and thanks for the fantastic bot code. I need to send a massage on a channel with an inline button that contains a url like: tg://resolve?Domain=mybot&start=onecommand

I would need to read the "onecommand" as i have to process it depending on its content. How can i do that?

What should i change to make the bot read "onecommand" as a command even if it doesn't start with "/"?

Thanks in advance

survey command not working as expected

When i type /survey command, its asking for "Type your name:" question. After i write the the text nothing happens.
I tested on php 7.4.3.


/servey command database error

i created database using structure.sql from bellow link

but when i send /survey command i got bellow error

[17-Feb-2018 19:44:39 Asia/Calcutta] PHP Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'media_group_id' in 'field list' in vendor/longman/telegram-bot/src/DB.php on line 905

Remove or update ShortenerCommand.php because of discontinued Botan service

I was looking arround in the example commands directory and came accros the ShortenerCommand.php example at
I see the example uses Botan which has been discontinued according to the readme of the core project:
According to this pull request it would have been removed in the development branch: #31 Schouldn't the change be merged to the master branch too?
Maybe the example can replaced by another shortener service?

I'm sorry if this question may sound stupid to you. I'm not quite an expert with git and Github.

It's not working...

I create the bot just like the one in the example... I even set the webhook using manager.php but it doesnt work: if I try to give /start command it doesnt respond...

SurveyCommand not working with 0.48 Telegram Bot Core

Just recently update using "composer update" (and adding is_bot field in user table), now bot core is version 0.48 and telegram bot manager 1.2.2, when trying SurveyCommand after first question the bot didn't step to next question, is there incompability on conversation with the latest core?

Upload doesn't work


I am configuring the bot to try to build my bot, but I cannot make the upload works... I have configured database, upload paths, etc, but after the upload the bot does not reply. When i send /upload command it replies with "Please upload the file now", after the upload I cannot get any response.

I'm using PHP7.4.

In the apache logs I can see that apache responds with a 200 response code and I have no PHP errors :-(

Working with Groups

first of all, thank you for the good example as a base for devs.
I'm trying to use newchatmembers and leftchatmember commands. I assigned my bot as admin for a group, but no messsages on chat after joinin or leaving the group.
Do the functions really work?

Command doesn't work

Hello, please help. My Start command stopped working a month ago. In the beginning of April I've upgraded OS server successfully and I've updated your php-telegram-bot (source code and DB). Everything looks to be working fine, but commands. I've checked everything but I can't find the error

Here is my start command:

namespace Longman\TelegramBot\Commands\SystemCommands;

use Longman\TelegramBot\Request;
use Longman\TelegramBot\DB;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\ServerResponse;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Commands\SystemCommand;

 * Переопределение системной команды /start
class StartCommand extends SystemCommand {

	protected $name = 'start';
	protected $description = 'Подключение к боту';
	protected $usage = '/start';
	protected $version = '1.0.0';
	protected $private_only = true;

	public function execute(): ServerResponse {
	    try {
    		$message = $this->getMessage();
    		$chatid = $message->getChat()->getId();
                $text = "";
    		return Request::sendMessage([
	    } catch (TelegramException $e) {
		return Request::emptyResponse();

My hook:

	public function actionHook() {
		// Load composer
		require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
		try {
			$BOT_NAME = Yii::$app->params["telebot"];
			// Create Telegram API object
			$telegram = new Telegram(Yii::$app->params["telekey"], $BOT_NAME);

			$commands_paths = [

			$mysql_credentials = require('../config/dbot.php');

			//set bot admin
			$USER_ID = ---------; //получить у @myidbot

			    new Logger($BOT_NAME, [
                    (new StreamHandler(Yii::getAlias("@app").'/botlog/debug.log', Logger::DEBUG))->setFormatter(new LineFormatter(null, null, true)),
                    (new StreamHandler(Yii::getAlias("@app").'/botlog/error.log', Logger::ERROR))->setFormatter(new LineFormatter(null, null, true)),
			    new Logger($BOT_NAME."_updates", [
                    (new StreamHandler(Yii::getAlias("@app").'/botlog/update.log', Logger::INFO))->setFormatter(new LineFormatter(null, null, true)),
		} catch (TelegramException $e) {
			// Silence is golden!
			// log telegram errors
			//echo $e->getMessage();

Before handle I set commands path and check it - via this line:


But in the debug.log I see a message:

[2022-05-11T09:44:26.745532+00:00] zvezdo_bot.DEBUG: 1 [] []

It means that commands path haven't set. But why? What's wrong and how to fix it?

genericmessage handles one time

It is more question than issue.

You have named action 'genericmessage' in Group/GenericmessageCommand.php and in Message/GenericmessageCommand.php.
When execute() apply only one method will action.
Is it something i didn't understand or it's normal behavior?

Error in BotManager.php line 65 unexpected '?'

Hi there,

i'm trying to user ure php telegram bot and i got this error code in my apache log file:

[Thu Feb 08 13:39:39.778757 2018] [:error] [pid 31072] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?' in /vendor/php-telegram-bot/telegram-bot-manager/src/BotManager.php on line 65

I am using this PHP 7.0.27-0+deb9u1

This is the function what my apache/php is curious about (marked it with double **):

public function __construct(array $params)
    // Initialise logging before anything else, to allow errors to be logged.
    **$this->initLogging($params['logging'] ?? []);**

    $this->params = new Params($params);
    $this->action = new Action($this->params->getScriptParam('a'));

    // Set up a new Telegram instance.
    $this->telegram = new Telegram(

What can i do to avoid this error?

Thanks for your help in advance!

survey only asks first question

I cloned the example bot. Each command is working properly except the survey.
It asks the name and i reply then nothing happens.

How to return keyboard by query callback?

I have an inline keyboard with callback data. I want to change this keyboard on pressing one of its buttons after operating callback data.
How to do this?

  • $this->replyToChat is not working in CallbackqueryCommand.
  • I can't find any documentation for this case.

Update database with commands

i am working on expense manager bot , i already have laravel website for this , i want to control my databse with bot commands, for example to add record or update etc,
is this bot suppport the functionality to do so ,
if so which function i have to use.??

Infinity send messages to user

I created a sample app same as this project and using bot-manager, after run handle action via browser (l parameter = 2000), the bot sends too many messages (Avg 30 in a minute) to the user (me).
when I run handle action, the bot starts to send messages defined in StartCommand class.
why did this happen?
why doesn't command class handle requested commands from users?

[SOLVED] hide inlinekeyboard after click

i made this code

      /* inlinekeyboard */
      $keyboard_buttons = [
        new InlineKeyboardButton(['text' => $ico_enab.' Enabled', 'callback_data' => "switchcam;".$row['camera_name'].';enable']),
        new InlineKeyboardButton(['text' => $ico_disab.' Disabled', 'callback_data' => "switchcam;".$row['camera_name'].';disable']),
      $inline_keyboard = new InlineKeyboard($keyboard_buttons);

it is possible to hide the keyboard (or delete entire message) wher user click a button?

Error in handle


i have error in hook.php

Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException: Duplicate update received! in /var/www/

I'm used webhook method.
please help me

cron.php not working


I'm trying to test cron.php but I can't get it to work.

I see that, according to the line 35 comment 'Check hook.php for configuration code to be added here.', I should insert extra hook.php configurations, but it still doesn't work.

I create the new Telegram instance, activate admins, activate Mysql, add the command path, but still nothing... Could you see a complete code example of cron.php?


Buttons for a bot

Good afternoon, I beg you to help me, is it possible to somehow attach the code to the button, I'm new to php and according to your guide I can't figure out how to make a button with this function. I would be very grateful for help

 * User "/newfollowup" command
class NewfollowupCommand extends UserCommand
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'newfollowup';

     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Add a new followup to a ticket on GLPI via TelegramBot.';

     * @var string
    protected $usage = '/newfollowup <ticket_id>**<text>';

     * @var string
    protected $version = '1.0.0';

     * Command execute method
     * @return \Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\ServerResponse
     * @throws \Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException
    public function execute()
        $message   = $this->getMessage();
        $chat_id   = $message->getChat()->getId();
        $user_chat = $message->getFrom()->getUsername();
        $text      = trim($message->getText(true));
        $response = \PluginTelegrambotTicket::newFollowup($chat_id, $user_chat, $text);
            $response = 'Command usage: ' . $this->getUsage();
        $data = [
            'chat_id' => $chat_id,
            'text'    => $response,

        return Request::sendMessage($data);

GenericCommand.php generate errors in log

This 49 line in execute() method in class GenericCommand sometimes get null on edited and liked messages in supergroup chats
$message = $this->getMessage();
And then next line generating error message because is no any methods in null.
$user_id = $message->getFrom()->getId();

Is this error of this example implimentation of core and we must check is there any mesage. Or Core bot must never exectute() method on edited or liked messages with null message?

botAddedInChat() is not working

When I tried "NewchatmembersCommand.php", I found my bot sent welcome message whether new member is a bot or not.

If changes the code below, it works as expect.
from (line 51)
if (!$message->botAddedInChat()) {
if (!$member->getIsBot()) {

Please check. Any idea or advice would be highly appreciate.

Thanks in advance.

How do I trigger an action for non-command messages (no starting with a slash)?

Hello 😄

For some reason, I'd like my bot to send a peanut Gif to every message in a conversation containing the word "peanut".
However, I couldn't find any way to do this as I am only able to create commands for message starting with a slash (e.g. /start, /help, ...).

Is there any way to trigger an action to arbitrary messages as well?

Thank you

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