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PGD agenda adjustment

Adjusted the times a bit on the last bit of the agenda (site and badge update)

4:30pm-5:00pm – Renee Lance. . .”Generate for AEM and PhoneGap: Design Evolution 3.0 - D2W”
Taking design to the digital environment has traditionally been time consuming, resource intensive and something designers and developers have been challenged with since the inception of designing for the web. So what if we had the ability to take design compositions from within Photoshop or Illustrator (or any other design tool if there really is any other) and directly turn them into and app, website or email marketing with a one button click?
Something that seems too good to be true doesn’t it, well maybe not. This talk will show new Adobe innovation still in the labs, which look at streamlining workflows and rapid prototyping for App creation with Adobe AEM and PhoneGap.
5:00pm-5:20pm – Shazron Abdullah. . .”Loading native code (plugins) dynamically for the enterprise”
Hot-code reload for html/css/js is so 2015, everyone can do it. You probably thought you couldn't hot-reload plugin native code, well you were wrong! I'll show you how (and maybe bake a cake).
5:20pm 5:40pm – Ryan Salva . . . . “TBA”

6:00pm-8:00pm – Pub mixer

Add Telerik's workshop content

Telerik workshop: "Cordova Plugins in Action" (Brian Rinaldi & TJ VanToll)

Do you love Cordova plugins? So do we! At Telerik we maintain a Cordova plugins marketplace at, and we’re up to 65 free plugins and counting.

In this workshop you’ll install a wide variety of plugins to see how they work in action. You’ll learn about the various ways you can install and test plugins—from the Cordova CLI, to premium tooling available in the Telerik Platform. Come with a laptop and ready to learn about plugins you can use in your next app.

Add more speakers to PGD EU site

  • Martijn Walraven - Martijn Walraven is a core developer at Meteor Development Group, where he works on mobile support for the Meteor JavaScript app platform, including the Cordova integration. He is also the creator of Meteor iOS, which integrates native iOS apps with Meteor.


  • Brett Rudd - Brett is a cordova committer and also the development team lead for Adobe’s PhoneGap Build. PhoneGap Build allows you to create mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - and then easily compile them for multiple platforms in the cloud. It has built over 2 million apps and assists developers during prototyping, development and all the way through signing and packaging for App Store submittal. Brett has no hobbies.


  • Bruce Lefebvre - same as the US site
  • Eddy Verbruggen - Cordova plugins hacker, Telerik
    Eddy is the author of many PhoneGap plugins. Over the past few years, he created popular plugins such as SocialSharing, Calendar, and Toast. What started as an open source hobby resulted in him teaming up with Telerik with the goal to increase the quality of the Cordova plugin ecosystem. These days, Eddy is the maintainer of the Telerik Verified Plugins Marketplace at

When Eddy is not hacking Cordova or NativeScript plugins, he is working as a cofounder of Combidesk, a Dutch start-up that aims at making connecting cloud API's so easy your mom could do it.



  • Ryan J Salva - same from the US site
  • Nick Van Weerdenburg - same from the US site
  • Denis Radin - same from the old 2015 EU site

Ski day details for PGD US

"After the conference, join us on Saturday, January 30th for a PhoneGap ski day on Utah’s famous mountains. We'll be headed to Sundance Mountain Resort. It's a boutique resort tucked away on 5,000 picturesque acres of wilderness in the shadow of Utah's 12,000-foot Mt. Timpanogos. Join us for skiing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, or relax at one of Sundance's many excellent restaurants."

Update Martin's talk

Update description here:

To this: You want to ship an app you can be proud of, without bugs or defects. You want it delivered quickly. However, the testing process is looked at as simply a ‘necessary evil’ and there is never enough time in the day to test everything manually. Automated testing claims to be the answer but you’ve found
it ‘hard to set up’ and ‘difficult to maintain’. Is going back to pure manual testing the answer? Hiring more resources? What is the right balance between manual and automated testing? Can I make automated testing easier? What are some of the current testing trends? From my experience working with many small and large companies, I hope to share my observations, and answer some of these questions.

Add description for Push Notification workshop

PhoneGap Push Notifications

In this workshop we'll walk through adding push notification capabilities to your application. You'll learn how to set up a Google Cloud Messaging project for Android notifications and adding push capabilities to your iOS certificate and provisioning profiles. You'll gain an understanding of how to register with your remote push service and handle incoming notifications. Advanced topics will include how to add action buttons, responding to silent push notifications and testing using node.js.

Redhat info for PGD

  1. Title: Supercharge your Hybrid Apps with Microservices for Mobile

Abstract: In this hands-on session, we will first build a simple Cordova based mobile app using the barcode scanner plugin. Then, we’ll build a microservice written in Node.js to retrieve some hard-to-get data.
Along the way, we’ll explore the benefits of this approach, and why hybrid mobile apps are really just an extension of microservices to the client side. Participants only need to bring a laptop with a modern web browser, and will leave the session primed with practical experience building microservices for their mobile apps.

  1. Cian Clarke - Software Engineer, Red Hat Mobile Team

Bio: Cian is a Software Engineer on the Red Hat Mobile Team. An early technologist, he founded his own web consultancy business at 16. Cian was a member of the original FeedHenry mobile team, since acquired by Red Hat.

At Red Hat, Cian builds functionality for the Mobile Application Platform, and also helps with solutions architecture and evangelism. In addition to his day job, he also regularly blogs about the intersection of all things mobile, microservices and Node.js.

Cian is originally from Waterford, Ireland, and currently resides in Boston, Massachusetts.


Add Rangle speakers and workshop info

  1. Name: Evan Schultz

Email: [email protected]




Evan is a passionate software developer with nearly 10 years experience. As a seasoned JavaScript architect he adapts to new technologies, and has contributed to many team-based projects, whilst mentoring other developers. Evan leads and contributes to the’s guidelines, code reviews and training material. He educates peers and clients and writes about development best practices for’s blog,


  1. Name: Bertrand Karerangabo

Email: [email protected]



Bio: Bertrand's a full-stack web developer with extensive experience building complex applications in ReactJS on web & native platforms.


  1. Rangle's workshop info (11:15am-12:15pm timeslot) - Both Evan and Bertrand are giving the workshop

Title/Topic: Hot Updates of your PhoneGap apps using CodePush and Ionic 2


Submitting new builds through the Apple App Store approval process can slow down getting important bug fixes and features to your users. In this workshop, you will learn how to make use of Microsoft's CodePush services to deploy your PhoneGap applications updates directly to users.

At the end of the workshop, attendees will understand the foundations of using CodePush to update their PhoneGap applications.

This workshop will cover:

  • Setting up CodePush
  • Getting started with a basic Ionic 2 Application
  • Hooking up CodePush into your application
  • Managing deployments and rollbacks


  • node
  • git
  • CodePush CLI tools installed
  • ionic2 CLI tools installed
  • Xcode

Add speakers

  • Eric Alli
  • Alex Blom
  • Micheal Brooks
  • Raymond Camden
  • David Frahm
  • Ryan Hanna
  • Mike Hartington
  • Shawn Jansepar
  • Anis Kadri
  • Bruce Lefebvre
  • Simon Macdonald
  • Loki Meyburg
  • Martin Poschenrieder
  • Ryan J Salva
  • Holly Schinsky
  • Dean Haddock
  • Brian Rinaldi
  • TJ VanToll
  • Renée Lance
  • Masahiro Tanaka
  • Shazron Abdullah
  • Garth Braithwaite
  • Don Coleman
  • Jesse MacFadyen
  • Tim Kim

Jed's info

  1. Jed's talk title "PhoneGap and React.js"
    Description: React.js has been changing the way web developers build user interfaces for the web, but what about hybrid mobile apps, where jQuery Mobile and Angular remain the most popular frameworks? In this talk Jed will review the advantages and challenges of React for mobile, why it is an exciting framework to use, and how to integrate the React ecosystem into your development workflow.
  2. Jed's bio: Jed is a founder of Thinkmill, a web and mobile app development agency in Sydney, and has been writing JavaScript since IE6 was new and exciting. A prolific open source contributor, Jed is the driving force behind KeystoneJS - the node.js content management platform - and several major React.js libraries including Elemental UI and TouchstoneJS, which is a UI Framework for hybrid mobile apps.

Pricing update

Fix pricing now that Early Bird has ended

  • Remove "early bird" from registration button
  • Update conference ticket price to €150 + VAT

Sold out workshops

Change the workshop + conference pricing to say "sold out" instead of $150

Add Tim Lancina's talk title/description

Tim Lancina (Ionic) - 10:15am-10:35am on conference agenda

Handling the keyboard in hybrid applications

Many developers encounter problems with the keyboard while building apps, regardless of the platform they're targeting. Whether it's covering content at the bottom of the screen or messing up your app's layout as the browser tries to bring focused elements into view, getting the keyboard to interact nicely with your content, while still having good UX, can be a challenge. This talk will outline some of the problems specific to handling the keyboard in hybrid apps and go over the different approaches to solving those problems.

Fix Holly's workshop format

In this workshop we'll walk through creating an app from start to finish. Throughout the process we'll gain an understanding of:

  • Common mobile app development paradigms (navigation, view stacks)
  • Popular mobile framework options
  • Mobile UI design patterns (flat vs. material design)
  • Performance tips
  • App configuration (preferences, permissions, icons/splashscreens)
    And more!

Add Mobify's workshop content

Mobify Workshop: "Build the Amazon App"

A workshop on quickly building a hybrid app with feature parity to Amazon's app with a mix of native and web interfaces

In this workshop we will guide you through building a commerce-enabled app with feature parity to the Amazon iOS app using a combination of web and native components using Astro, our latest SDK built on top of Cordova.

Tentative Agenda

*Subject to change

  • 8:30am-9:00am - Registration and breakfast
  • 9:00am-9:15am – Michael Brooks... “PhoneGap kick off”
  • 9:15am-9:50am – Eric Alli. .“Mind the Gap: Supercharge your PhoneGap workflow”
    Developing a complex and sustainable PhoneGap app can present many challenges. As your app grows, a seamless development workflow is crucial. Can you efficiently deploy and test in different environments? What are your pain points when implementing new functionality? How can you organize all the facets of your app with minimal effort?

Mind the gap focuses on some of the ways you can create a development workflow that automates these inefficiencies, boosts scalability and most of all, preserves developer sanity.

  • 9:50am-10:10am – Martin Poschenrieder... “Automated App Testing: A pain or cure?”
    At testmunk we have been working with many popular apps by helping them ship better apps faster. We have automated testing for various Phonegap/Cordova apps (as well as others), allowing for quick detection of layout issues and crashes.

In this talk I'd like to touch on some of the testing challenges developers/QAs come across due to today’s large device and OS fragmentation, and how automated testing can ease some of these issues.

I will also show some examples of how developers can quickly set up their own automated tests and run them on a large set of devices

  • 10:10am-10:30am – Shawn Jansepar and Loki Meyburg (Mobify) “Finding the sweet spot - blending the best of native and web”
    Choose the best technology for the job. Too often projects begin as hybrid apps, but switch to native for performance reasons. But it’s almost never the case that all features of your app need to be fully native. Today, many apps such as Amazon, Basecamp, Yelp and more take a blended approach. We'll guide you through case studies of how we build high performance apps that blend the best of native and web and highlight lessons we've learned along the way.
  • 10:30am-10:40am – BREAK
  • 10:40am-11:00 – Mike Hartington (Ionic). . . . . “Ionic: Version 2 and Beyond”
    “Ionic 1.0 has enabled many web developers to become mobile app developers. With the arrival of Angular 2 and its changes, and with ES6 being finalized, development has been improved yet again. How will that impact Ionic? In this session, we’ll compare Ionic 1 and Ionic 2 and go over what we've learned, what improvements we're making to Ionic, and how easy it will be to develop apps with Ionic 2.”
  • 11:00am-11:25am – Dean Haddock. . . . . . “The Story of an App: How StoryCorps Built and Launched the Beta Platform and What We've Learned So Far”
    Dean Haddock shares the story of the StoryCorps app, from early prototypes to the TED Prize and beyond.
  • 11:25am-12:05pm – Alex Blom. . . . “PhoneGap Applications with Ember: Lessons learned”
    The benefits of hybrid applications are obvious (less code, simpler code, iterate faster). Developers often make quick pace, boot their app and then hit a wall trying to make it 'feel native'.

This talk will discuss lessons learned & optimization techniques from having built many apps with Ember & phonegap.

While this talk uses Ember & Ember packages, the tools and techniques discussed generically apply to any Phonegap application.
12:05pm-12:25pm – Masahiro Tanaka (Asial Corporation)... “Using Monaca Cloud to enhance Cordova development”

  • 12:25pm-1:15pm – LUNCH
  • 1:15pm-1:35pm – Ryan J. Salva (Microsoft Visual Studio)
  • 1:35pm-2:15pm – Jed Watson
  • 2:15pm-2:35pm – Ray Camden. . . . . . . . . . . . “When the heck is 4/8/2016?”
    This talk will cover basic internationalization, globalization issues with Cordova apps. I'll talk about the Globalization plugin (and how to work around the async nature of the plugin), the Intl class, and other options. Also, I'll discuss why you should give a damn as a developer.
  • 2:35pm-2:55pm –
  • 2:55pm-3:25pm – Bruce Lefebvre. . . . . . . . . . . . “Making Enterprise Sh_t”
    Does the idea of writing enterprise software conjure up images of bland user interfaces, XML-based configuration, and IE8 compatibility? The folks on Adobe’s Experience Manager Apps team have been working hard at avoiding these stereotypes, while building a platform for delivering and managing mobile apps for enterprise customers. This talk will provide a glimpse into the following:
    What are the perks of including a content management system in my app dev arsenal?
    Which tools are available for me to take full advantage of Adobe’s Marketing Cloud solutions?
    As a developer, what open source goodness can I try out today?
  • 3:25pm-3:45pm – Crosswalk
  • 3:45pm-4:00pm – BREAK
  • 4:00pm-4:30pm – Ryan Hanna. . .“Build and Market Your App: Small Team Success”
    This talk will provide the tools and methodologies to help any solo developer or small team build and then market their app to ensure it has the best chance for success.

We'll take a transparent look at the early beginnings of Sworkit to where it is now. From a single developer to a team of 10 employees, and from 10 downloads to 10 million. This talk will be a combination of the development and marketing lessons learned and implemented along the way.

  • 4:30pm-5:10pm – Renee Lance. . .”Generate for AEM and PhoneGap: Design Evolution 3.0 - D2W”
    Taking design to the digital environment has traditionally been time consuming, resource intensive and something designers and developers have been challenged with since the inception of designing for the web. So what if we had the ability to take design compositions from within Photoshop or Illustrator (or any other design tool if there really is any other) and directly turn them into and app, website or email marketing with a one button click?
    Something that seems too good to be true doesn’t it, well maybe not. This talk will show new Adobe innovation still in the labs, which look at streamlining workflows and rapid prototyping for App creation with Adobe AEM and PhoneGap.
  • 5:10pm-5:30pm – Shazron Abdullah... "Loading native code (plugins) dynamically for the enterprise"
    Hot-code reload for html/css/js is so 2015, everyone can do it. You probably thought you couldn't hot-reload plugin native code, well you were wrong! I'll show you how (and maybe bake a cake).
  • 5:30pm 5:50pm – TJ VanToll (Telerik). . . . “Session: Cordova Plugin Roundup”
    In last few years Cordova plugins have become the cornerstone of many high-quality Cordova and PhoneGap applications. In just the last year, we at Telerik have grown our curated Cordova plugins marketplace from small handful of plugins to now 65 and counting. In this talk you’ll learn about the latest greatest in the Cordova plugin world, including plugins for the Apple Watch, Mapbox maps, and a whole lot more.
  • 6:00pm-8:00pm – Pub mixer

Add PGD EU workshop schedule/descriptions

  1. PhoneGap Essentials (Holly Schinsky)
    In this workshop we'll learn the essential building blocks needed for building apps with PhoneGap while actually building a fully functioning app. Some concepts we'll cover include:
    Common mobile app development paradigms (navigation, view stacks)
  • Mobile UI design patterns (flat vs. material design)
  • Performance tips
  • App debugging
  • App configuration (preferences, permissions, icons/splash screens)
  • Using plugins
  1. Plugins are Everything, and Everything is a Plugin! (Jesse MacFadyen)
    Jesse has been writing PhoneGap plugins since before there were plugins. In this deep dive workshop Jesse will cover all the requirements of making great plugins, from conception to testing to publishing. He will also share some secrets from his bag'o'tricks and demonstrate some interesting uses for plugins you may not have thought of. Come ready to build!
  2. Embedding PhoneGap in a native app (Anis Kadri and Eddy Verbruggen)
    Many developers choose to build native navigation and transitions into their apps but use webviews for the main content, allowing them to realize a large cost and time savings while making their app available to a wider range of users quickly. This approach also provides the ability to push timely updates without app store approval hassles. With this model, only a small native code-base needs to be maintained per platform, and it’s typically the static elements of the app rather than the main content, thus more manageable.
  3. Workshop: PhoneGap Build (Ryan Willoughby)
    Let the people who work on PhoneGap Build show you how to use the service efficiently, hands on. You'll learn how to build a simple cross-platform mobile app with Build, how to add and use plugins, and how to sign your apps for publishing to app stores, all while avoiding platform SDKs. We'll welcome questions, feature requests and feedback for improving the service.
  4. App Privacy and Security for PhoneGap Developers (Steve Gill)
    Our mobile devices are rich targets packed full of sensors, and ripe for the harvesting of personal information. All too often, developers on deadlines leave security and privacy concerns until the last minute, or don’t get around to them at all. This workshop will show not only the importance of security and privacy, but some basic steps we as developers can take to ensure our apps are a safe place for our users (not to mention keeping the app safe from those same users). From avoiding XSS, understanding the whitelist and CSP, to ensuring that what data we do collect is kept safe. This workshop will give you a better understanding of how to ensure privacy and security are a part of your app from day one.
  5. PhoneGap Push Notifications (Simon MacDonald)
    In this workshop we'll walk through adding push notification capabilities to your application. You'll learn how to set up a Google Cloud Messaging project for Android notifications and adding push capabilities to your iOS certificate and provisioning profiles. You'll gain an understanding of how to register with your remote push service and handle incoming notifications. Advanced topics will include how to add action buttons, responding to silent push notifications and testing using node.js.
  6. App Submission (Shazron Abdullah)
    This workshop will cover best practices when submitting an app
  7. Augmented reality apps with PhoneGap (Andreas Schacherbauer)
    Abstract: In this workshop we will what augmented reality has to offer and how to integrate AR functionality into your PhoneGap/Cordova app. We will have a look how to create AR experiences using Wikitude's JavaScript API.

screen shot 2016-04-07 at 3 16 23 pm

Rangle's info for PGD

  1. Speaker: Nick Van Weerdenburg - Founder,

Bio: Nick is’s founder, first developer, and now leads the company’s business development and strategy activities. Nick first did server-side JavaScript in 1997 and has 15 years of experience in web software in diverse roles and industries. He is a firm believer in the thin-server, full-JavaScript stack and an active speaker, delivering about a dozen talks each year. To hear more from Nick, follow him on Twitter at @n1cholasv.


  1. Speaker: Chris Gosselin - full-stack developer,

Bio: Chris is a full-stack developer at, a Toronto-based development firm, where he works on creating high-end enterprise mobile apps. Chris' interest in coding started as a teen when he created a variant of a popular board game for his programming class. Since then he has contributed to various open source projects, growth-hacked a startup, and worked extensively on both server-side and client-side projects. When he’s not programming he enjoys rock climbing.


  1. Rangle's talk title and description (need to update site and badge schedule) -

Talk Title: Fixing Continuous Delivery for Mobile.

Talk Description: Manual builds and app store approval lags make it near impossible to have an effective mobile continuous delivery process. In turn, this hurts our attempts to be truly Agile with our mobile projects.

The solution? Per-pull request deployment through CircleCI, CodePush and a custom CodePush loader in your app. This enables hands-free, automated deployment from commit to a user device, radically changing your testing, validation, and your user feedback processes.

  1. Rangle's workshop title and description (need to update the site and workshop schedule for printouts)

Workshop Title: Memory Leaks in Hybrid Mobile Apps.

Workshop Description: An investigation into how memory leaks effect hybrid applications and how to track them down.

Workshop speakers

  1. (Mobify) Build the Amazon App - Shawn Jansepar and Loki Meyburg
  2. (Telerik) Cordova plugins in action - TJ VanToll and Brian Rinaldi
  3. No speaker or description from yet
  4. No speaker or description for Redhat yet
  5. Crosswalk workshop speaker - Alexis Menard - Software Engineer, Intel
    Bio: Alexis Menard is a software engineer working at Intel in Oregon as part of the Open Source Technology Center. Here his main focus is on the ever evolving Web Platform, which includes work on W3C standards as well as Blink/Chromium. In the latter projects, he serves as both developer and code reviewer. Alexis is also working on Crosswalk, an HTML5 runtime/webview for Android and Windows where he does a bit of everything. Prior to Intel, Alexis worked on QtWebKit and WebKit itself at the Brazilian Nokia research center known as INdT. Before moving to Brazil, Alexis worked out of Norway, mostly on the Qt framework as a part of Nokia (former Trolltech). He is also a former KDE contributor where he contributed mostly to Plasma, the desktop shell of KDE.


  1. Crosswalk workshop - Title: "Hands on: Create advanced apps with the Crosswalk runtime”
    Abstract: Join Crosswalk architect, Alexis Menard, in a hands-on lab where you will discover how to leverage the power of Crosswalk in your web and hybrid applications and take advantage of the latest web innovations across Android, iOS, and Windows.
  2. Quickly install and build with Crosswalk and Cordova.
    - Create an app for Android and Windows using Crosswalk-app-tools
    - Learn advanced features in your application can run across platforms
  3. Crosswalk session speaker - Bob Spencer - Software Architect, Intel
    Bio: Bob Spencer is a software architect in Intel's Open Source Technology Center where for the past decade his work has been centered on open source developer tools and SDKs. He is the community manager on the Crosswalk Project team. In his free time he will be biking, backpacking, or hanging with his family.


  1. Crosswalk session - "The Crosswalk Advantage – a powerful runtime for your Cordova Apps"
    Abstract: Discover how to add advanced capabilities to your PhoneGap applications with very little effort. The Crosswalk runtime gives your application the ability to use the newest, just-released features on all platforms with predictable behavior.
  2. Asial workshop is being given by Masa Tanaka

PG Day EU speakers

  1. Remy Sharp -
  2. Masahiro Tanaka, CEO of Asial Corporation

Masa is the CEO of Asial Corporation, the company behind Japan's #1 hybrid app development tools, Monaca and Onsen UI. He started his company as a pioneer in web and mobile communities in Japan, writing numerous PHP books and initiating Cordova meetups. Masa still maintains a leadership role within mobile and IoT communities in Japan and overseas as a hybrid app development vanguard and framework trendsetter.

massie bio

  1. Dean Haddock (same from US site)
  2. Simon MacDonald (same from US site)
  3. Holly Schinsky (same from US site)
  4. Jesse MacFadyen (same from US site)
  5. Anis Kadri (same from US site)
  6. Steve Gill (same from US site)
  7. Shaz Abdullah (same from US site)
  8. Sani Yusuf - Sani runs a startup called HAIBRID that uses cross-platform mobile development techniques to create innovative ​mobile ​ solutions. Sani also co-manages the Ionic UK community in UK and has had stints with companies like Microsoft, Huddlebuy & Anritsu in the past. ​ @saniyusuf


  1. Kerri Shotts - Kerri Shotts is an IT consultant specializing in mobile hybrid application development. She has used PhoneGap/Cordova for several years while developing enterprise apps for her clients. She is the author of five books about PhoneGap. She serves as a moderator on the PhoneGap Google Group. Kerri is also a photographer and loves caffeine, art, music, and Minecraft.
    Twitter: @photokandy


  1. Niels Leenheer - Niels is a founder of Salonhub and creates web applications for a living. He has been using PhoneGap professionally for the last five years. In his free time he runs one of the largest Open Device Labs in the world, created the website and has recently given a number of talks about Smart TV and game console browsers. He loves to research obscure browsers and submit bug reports.


  1. Ryan Willoughby - Software Engineer, Adobe
    Ryan works on PhoneGap Build and Cordova. He recently watched The Mist and threw a can of Old Milwaukee at the television in frustration. Not the bourbon sour though.


  1. Brett Rudd - waiting on info
  2. Steve Gill - (comment below)

Add Dean's talk title and description

Add to conference schedule as well:

4:25pm-5:05pm - Dean Haddock . . . . . . . . . . “The Story of an App: How StoryCorps Built and Launched the Beta Platform and What We've Learned So Far”
Dean Haddock shares the story of the StoryCorps app, from early prototypes to the TED Prize and beyond.

Workshop info

We're changing things up this year for PhoneGap Day EUers and having 2 separate tracks of workshops with a "choose your own adventure" theme. We'll have great content running all day in two different rooms so you can pick and choose what topics you'd like to get some hands-on experience with. The PhoneGap team and other community experts will be running workshops on everything from plugin development to embeddable webviews.

Important: workshop location is different than the conference venue

Pakhuis De Zwijger
Piet Heinkade 179
1019 HC Amsterdam

photo of the venue:

Public transport information:

“To reach the workshop venue, go to Central Station and take tram 26. It’s located very close to the second stop; you can see it from the tram."

PhoneGap Day EU 2016 site

PGD EU 2016 - May 19th Amsterdam

Same ticket banner - ticket prices TBD (Need to confirm with PPK on Early Bird pricing soon)


One part conference. One part celebration.
Join PhoneGap and Cordova experts from around the world to hear what’s new in web and mobile development. Get the inside scoop on emerging frameworks and technologies and learn valuable tips and tricks to help with your next project. This is one of the best opportunities to network and learn from top industry leaders, meet with members of the PhoneGap team, hear the latest PhoneGap news, and find out what’s coming next!

Need help justifying your trip? Download our “Letter to your Boss” document



Interested in speaking? Fill out our Call for Speakers form -


Dive deeper into PhoneGap by attending the conference workshops on Friday, May 20th.
We’re changing up workshops this year so you can choose your own adventure. We’ll have great content going all day where you can choose from different workshop tracks depending on your interests and skill-level. We’ll have something for everyone whether you’re a PhoneGap beginner or a seasoned expert.


Announcing soon!


Het Compagnietheater -


Interested in sponsoring? Email Jen Gray at [email protected]

Code of Conduct

Update Privacy workshop

App Privacy and Security for PhoneGap Developers

Our mobile devices are rich targets packed full of sensors, and ripe for the harvesting of personal information. All too often, developers on deadlines leave security and privacy concerns until the last minute, or don't get around to them at all. This workshop will show not only the importance of security and privacy, but some basic steps we as developers can take to ensure our apps are a safe place for our users (not to mention keeping the app safe from those same users). From avoiding XSS, understanding the whitelist and CSP, to ensuring that what data we do collect is kept safe. This workshop will give you a better understanding of how to ensure privacy and security are a part of your app from day one.

Change Asial to Monaca - post workshop

  1. Asial Corporation workshop - change to "Monaca" instead of "Asial"

Optimizing Performance and User Interface
Masa Tanaka (Monaca)

Abstract: Performance was a major concern among hybrid app developers for many years, which has been dramatically improved by the computing power and the performant web views. However, it does not mean you can build an app that runs smoothly without any prior knowledge. This session will describe some of the best practices to analyze, measure and improve the app, ensuring its better user experience.

  1. Change Masahiro Tanaka's title to: CEO, Monaca

Add speakers to PGD EU site

  • Nick Van Weerdenburg (same as US site)
  • Denis Radin - Front-end engineer working on "embedded JavaScript" in Liberty Global (Ziggo, UPC) passionate about performance optimization. Launching JavaScript into space and stratosphere in spare time and believe this is a sunrise of interactive revolution. Blogging at, mastering, hosting http://React.Amsterdam


  • Andreas Schacherbauer, Head of SDK - [email protected]
    Bio: Andreas has been developing Wikitude's augmented reality SDK from the ground up. He leads the SDK engineering group within Wikitude and is actively developing the first PhoneGap Plugin for augmented reality for more than 4 years.


PhoneGap Day EU conference agenda

8:30am-9:00am - Registration and breakfast
9:00am-9:15am – Simon MacDonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “PhoneGap Kickoff”
9:15am-9:55am – Kerri Shotts . . . . . . . . . . . . “Common PhoneGap Gotchas”
Your users deserve a great experience when they launch your app! Be sure to avoid these common gotchas! The talk would focus on various practices that one should use to avoid a poor user experience, including responding to device events, slow/fast taps, providing affordances, faster animations, designing responsively, a quick touch on security, and also how to handle network connectivity (or lack thereof).
9:55am-10:15am – Denis Radin . . . “Do we still need a server? P2P web applications distribution on mobile landscape”
WebRTC becomes first class citizen on web platform and opens us vast sea of possibilities. P2P applications distribution is one of them which can reduce operational costs (by reducing server load and latency) and decentralize access to web content by building self maintainable CDN of user`s devices. So what should we expect from this technology and how big is impact of using P2P distributed content for mobile web world?
10:15am-10:35am – Tim Lancina (Ionic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Ionic V2”

10:35am-11:00am – BREAK

11:00am - 11:20am – Eddy Verbruggen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”TBD”
11:20am-11:40am – Bruce Lefebvre . . . . . . . . . “Quantifiable performance”
It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when that lightning fast, yet smooth as silk app of yours started showing it's first signs of jank. First a dropped frame, next a choppy animation.. In this talk we'll introduce tools and processes that you can use today to start metering the performance of your app in key scenarios, helping you identify issues before your users do. We'll get there with the help of Appium, wd, browser-perf, and perfjankie.
11:40am-12:00pm - Martijn Walraven . . . . . . . “Progressive enhancement for mobile apps: exploring the continuum between Cordova and React Native”
Rather than looking at Cordova and React Native as two separate technologies that mobile developers have to choose between, these approaches can be seen as part of a continuum that allows for progressive enhancement. It should be possible to build apps from a shared codebase that work out of the box on both desktop and mobile devices, but that can be iterated on to get you all the way to a fully native user experience for the parts where this makes sense.

The React programming model is especially suited for this, both because of its focus on composability, and because it has shown that a JavaScript UI framework does not have to be dependent on the DOM. This talk will explore how this model makes it possible to reuse components between web and native platforms, and may even allow for ways to seamlessly mix native views and web elements within a single component tree. It will also discuss ongoing work on establishing a common API surface for accessing device-native features.
12:00pm-12:20pm – Nick Van Weerdenburg (Rangle) . . . “Fixing Continuous Delivery for Mobile”
Manual builds and app store approval lags make it near impossible to have an effective mobile continuous delivery process. In turn, this hurts our attempts to be truly Agile with our mobile projects. The solution? Per-pull request deployment through CircleCI, CodePush and a custom CodePush loader in your app. This enables hands-free, automated deployment from commit to a user device, radically changing your testing, validation, and your user feedback processes.

12:20pm-1:20pm – LUNCH

1:20pm-2:00pm - Remy Sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”The state of the gap”
PhoneGap is a polyfill, and the ultimate purpose of PhoneGap is to cease to exist" – Brian LeRoux, SPACELORD!1!! at Adobe, 2012.

Clearly PhoneGap, and Cordova are still required today, but when is it really needed? Did the web ever catch up? Do we always need to turn to a PhoneGap shell for all our solutions?
2:00pm-2:20pm - Masa Tanaka (Monaca) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “TBD”
2:20pm-2:40pm - Sani Yusuf . . ”Hybrid Apps Powering African Mobile Solutions”
With one of the youngest and fast growing populations around, it is a great opportunity to shine a light on how developers in the developing world (Africa) are changing the world with Hybrid solutions. This talk was inspired by months travelling in Africa meeting real developers using Hybrid technologies. This talk will also highlight some of the goodness they are doing and also discuss some challenges faced by these innovators like slower internet connections & supporting legacy mobile devices.
2:40pm-2:55pm - Brett Rudd . . . . . . . . . . . . “What's new with PhoneGap Build”
2:55pm-3:15pm – Ryan J Salva (Microsoft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “TBD”

3:15pm-3:45pm – BREAK

3:45pm-4:05pm – Niels Leenheer . . . . . . . “Making apps for the big screen”
When PhoneGap was first released, its goal was to become obsolete. On mobile that never happened. However, if you want to create an app for a Smart TV, set-top box or game console, you will find web apps are almost always natively supported. And in many cases it is the only way to build apps. This talk will focus on the different platforms that are out there, the SDKs that you can use, and the practical problems you are going to encounter when you port your apps to the big screen.
4:05pm-4:25pm – Raphael Kubo Da Costa (Crosswalk) . . “Crosswalk Project Empowers PhoneGap apps”
The Crosswalk Project web runtime gives web applications a predictable environment to run in with world class performance. Use new, cutting-edge, or experimental APIs and extensions and deploy complex web applications with confidence. This sessions explores how Crosswalk solves fragmentation challenges across the full range of target mobile devices, improves web app performance, and opens up opportunities to use new APIs for 3D cameras, WebVR, and more. Adding the Crosswalk pluggable webview has never been easier. So much goodness for so little work!
4:25pm-5:05pm - Dean Haddock . . . . . . . . . . “Case Study: StoryCorps app”
5:05pm-5:20pm - Shazron Abdullah . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Closing Remarks”

5:30pm networking pub mixer

Add Eddy Verbruggen's talk title and description

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Eddy Verbruggen - ”Comparing Dutch Banking App Architectures”
Let's be honest. Cordova doesn't immediately come to mind when you want to build an app used daily by millions of users to manage their bank accounts. However, there may be good reasons to do so and in this session we'll explore the why and how of 3 recent approaches medium and large Dutch banks have taken.
I'll share my first-hand experience and opinion about these approaches and extract a few tips and tricks that can be applied to Cordova apps in general.

Add Canonical speaker, workshop info

  1. David Barth - Engineering Manager, Product Strategy, Canonical
    Bio: David heads up the Webapps Team at Canonical, the makers of Ubuntu. David and his team’s involvement in Ubuntu app development is centered on the integration of web technologies into the core of the Ubuntu platform. This includes the development of the Oxide project, a modern webview optimized to run on Ubuntu, the Ubuntu Cordova port, and more generally JS frameworks related to developing apps and "scopes" on Ubuntu.


  1. Workshop info for Canonical (3:45pm-4:45pm timeslot)
    Title: Developing Cordova apps on Ubuntu devices

Description: We'll walk you through the basics of getting a development environment ready for Cordova on Ubuntu, talk about specific aspects of the Ubuntu application model and security, and run a couple of demos to illustrate the capabilities of the platform and of the Ubuntu Oxide webview. With Ubuntu spanning across Desktop, mobile and IOT with converged laptop / tablet device, this will be the opportunity to see how Cordova apps can literally stretch across form factors.

Add description for Embedding Natively

Embedding Natively: The Hybrid Sweet Spot

Many developers choose to build native navigation and transitions into their apps but use webviews for the main content, allowing them to realize a large cost and time savings while making their app available to a wider range of users quickly. This approach also provides the ability to push timely updates without app store approval hassles. With this model, only a small native code-base needs to be maintained per platform, and it’s typically the static elements of the app rather than the main content, thus more manageable.

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