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cdp's Introduction (Continuous Data Protection)

About is a backup script designed for Linux Server backups. is released under GNU GPL v2. By downloading, using and editing you must agree to the terms set forth in the license provided.


  • Web Based Administration Panel
    • Add Backup Servers
    • Add Backup Jobs
    • Add Users
    • Add ACL's
    • View Backups
    • Download Backups
    • Restore Backups
    • Session security (IP Check + inactivity timeout)
  • Json Flat File Database (no MySQL database involved)
  • Backups ran using cron
  • Server authentication using password or RSA key
  • Email notifications (sendmail / SMTP)
  • Backup rotation / auto delete
  • Full Backups
  • Incremental Backups
  • MySQL Backups
  • OpenVZ Node Backups
  • cPanel Account Backups
  • 2-Factor Authentication (Google Authenticator)
  • Backup Encryption (AES-256/GPG)
  • User accounts / ACL's


You may use one of the following commands to install on your storage/backup server. The backup server has to be running CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu, but the server(s) to be backed up may run any linux distrubution.

/usr/bin/env bash <((wget -qO -


/usr/bin/env bash <((curl -sL

If your backup server is running a distribution other than the ones above or you do not want to use Apache, you may install manually using the wiki guide here

The latest version available can be found here. The change log is available here

System/Software Requirements

  • Backup Server (the server to store all backups)

    • Minimal / Fresh OS Installation
    • Linux
  • Host Server (the server to be backed up)

    • File
      • SSH + SFTP
      • tar
      • 99% of servers meet this requirement
    • MySQL
      • MySQL 5
    • OpenVZ
      • SSH + SFTP
      • vzdump
      • lvm2
      • It is recommended that /vz is a logical volume

For more information about, please visit our wiki at Please report any bugs that you have found here We no longer maintain a change log, however you may look at the release notes for changes.

cdp's People


alexandreteles avatar mdzidic avatar nixtren avatar petabyet avatar tombii avatar


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cdp's Issues

Install Hangs - new centOS 6.9 system

Very little feedback during the install process, but I get:

RPMDB altered outside of Yum, which I know I can ignore, but then after a long wait, I see a few rm statements followed by "no such file or directory...." and the console hangs. I left my SSH session up for two hours, with no progress,

If this issue is due to me trying to install via an SSH session, then you need to specify that this needs to be done via CONSOLE ONLY in your instructions.

Installing curl and wget

Some 'minimal' install don't include wget and curl on default.

error after installing cdp

/dev/fd/63: line 122: curl: command not found

how about add curl and wget on apt-get (line 43) / yum (line 63)?

Backing up CT 101 - Unknown option: mode usage: /usr/sbin/vzdump ...

Please kindly let me know if there is any fix for this as im getting on two nodes same error:

Backup job (a4add846bb3813066b8ec61e1be0e379) started
Starting OpenVZ backup
OpenVZ detected
vzdump detected
ProxMox detected

Backing up CT 101
Unknown option: mode
usage: /usr/sbin/vzdump OPTIONS [--all | VMID]

--exclude VMID      exclude VMID (assumes --all)
--exclude-path REGEX    exclude certain files/directories
--stdexcludes       exclude temorary files and logs

--compress      compress dump file (gzip)
--dumpdir DIR       store resulting files in DIR
--maxfiles N        maximal number of backup files per VM
--script FILENAME   execute hook script
--storage STORAGE_ID    store resulting files to STORAGE_ID (PVE only)
--tmpdir DIR        store temporary files in DIR

--mailto EMAIL      send notification mail to EMAIL.
--quiet         be quiet.
--stop          stop/start VM if running
--suspend       suspend/resume VM when running
--snapshot      use LVM snapshot when running
--size MB       LVM snapshot size

--node CID      only run on pve cluster node CID
--lockwait MINUTES  maximal time to wait for the global lock
--stopwait MINUTES  maximal time to wait until a VM is stopped
--bwlimit KBPS      limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per second

mv: cannot stat `vzdump-openvz-*.tgz': No such file or directory

vzdump-101.tgz not found

unable to restore files

When attempting to restore I get

`Backup restore job (cdpme-2016-08-24-09-29-01-79c6aec5d961f136cf3014e9c6407ffd.tar.gz) started
Initiating backup restore...

1Transferring the file

tar (child): /cdpme-2016-08-24-09-29-01-79c6aec5d961f136cf3014e9c6407ffd.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory

tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now

tar: Child returned status 2

tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Success! Backup restored.`

The file cdpme-2016-08-24-09-29-01-79c6aec5d961f136cf3014e9c6407ffd.tar.gz exists in /var/www/files

Backup replication

I know that this is at your ToDo list for CDP, so I want to present you a really good way to make the backup replication using Unison ( ). Unison is a tool that is available for Windows and present at the repositories of many flavors of Unix (Solaris, Linux, OS X, etc.) systems.

So, I will consider that you already have Unison installed (or know how to do this).

First of all you need to setup the UNISON environment variable at path to make sure that UNISON will look for *.prf (profile) files at the correct location, most preferable one that isn't world readable. So we will create the unison directory under /etc/ and add the UNISON variable to the env.:

# mkdir -p /etc/unison/
# touch /etc/profile.d/
# echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' >> /etc/profile.d/ && echo 'UNISON=/etc/unison/' >> /etc/profile.d/
# chmod +x /etc/profile.d/

After that, we need to create a *.prf file to tell unison what will we ask him to do. This files are pretty simple to build and can make unison replicate the backups for more that one server at once. Let me show you a example. First of all we will create the .prf file inside of the /etc/unison/ directory:

# We will set here all directories that we will use
root = /var/www/html/files/my_server_backup_dir
root = ssh://[email protected]//directory/at/other/server
root = ssh://[email protected]//directory/at/other/server

# Obviously, to use SSH without passwords you need to pass the SSH keys to unison and any other SSH argument needed to make a connection to your remote servers.
# If you have a passphrase at your key, you will need to setup ssh-agent or keychain to provide it.
sshargs = -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa -p 2222

# As we want just one-way mirroring from this to the other servers, specify the source replica using "force" as follows.
# Note that the directory that you write here should be present as a root above.:
force = /var/www/html/files/my_server_backup_dir

# We want Unison to run without any user input so we will use "batch" mode.
batch = true

# We don't want to be prompted and will just accept Unison's recommendation:
auto = true

# We will make the times (but not directory modtimes) be propagated.
times = true

Save this file as /etc/unison/ and now you can sync the files at this directory to all server pointed at the *.prf using:


This should provide a exit just like that:

Contacting server...
Connected [//local//home/alice/sync_folder -> //remote_host//home/alice/sync_folder]
Looking for changes
    Waiting for changes from server
Reconciling changes
new file -->            document1.pdf
    <-- new file   my.jpg  
Propagating updates
UNISON 2.40.63 started propagating changes at 21:19:13.65 on 20 Sep 2013
[BGN] Copying document1.pdf from /var/www/html/files/my_server_backup_dir to
[BGN] Copying my.jpg from //remote_host//home/alice/sync_folder to /home/alice/sync_folder
[END] Copying my.jpg
[END] Copying document1.pdf
UNISON 2.40.63 finished propagating changes at 21:19:13.68 on 20 Sep 2013
Saving synchronizer state
Synchronization complete at 21:19:13  (2 items transferred, 0 skipped, 0 failed)

Unison will sync the file permissions and owner:group by default. So, if you are transfering files that will be put at a protected directory, the user that you are using to login at the SSH needs to have the right permissions. You can use all this options directly from a big command line, but this isn't really recomended.

This could be used to make the backup restauration as well. You just need to change the root options to match what you need.


Just a thought a naming, in the User edit form a button is labeled Submit. Most other places would use Save as the label for this.

Consider changing the field label Google Authenticator Key to 2-Factor Authentication Key as Google Authenticator is not the only application that can generate OTP. I personally like Authy as you can sync your accounts between devices and protect the app with a password or pin.

Thanks for your time and work on CDP!


MySQL DB backup

When you select MySQL, I want to backup all DBs but it says I must enter at least 1DB even though it says Leave tables empty if you want a backup of all tables.

Editing Users does not work as expected

Editing users currently does not work as expected. I see the following issues:

  1. 2-Factor Authentication information about being enabled in not being displayed in the table on top. Originally it displayed disabled in the table but after enabling it, even if I disable it still displays enabled. I checked the db-users.json and found that it is disabled(false in the code below).
  2. 2-Factor Authentication information about being enabled is not being displayed properly when you edit an existing user. On a fresh install this displays disabled. However after enabling it and then disabling it in always shows enabled. See the code in point 3 below. There you can see that the false from above has changed to a true, only by clicking edit and then submit.
  3. Blank submissions in both the password and the Google Authenticator Key fields are non handled properly. In both cases it should use the current values but instead it saves empty values. This will lock you out. See the code from the db-user.json file below. All I did was click the edit button by a user then the Submit button.

CDP tries to encrypt a blank password #33 is a related issue.

The way things are now any change to the users account by clicking the submit button will mean that a new 2-Factor Authentication key must be generated and then entered into the app that your are using to generate the OTP.

I hope this is all understandable and helpful!


Permission Denied.

can not chdir(/var/spool/clientmqueue/): Permission denied
Message could not be sent.
Mailer Error: Could not instantiate mail function.

Incremental backup would auto-delete full version backup

I setted a backup job to backup a folder about 3.4G, auto-delete was set to 30 days.
But it didn't do a full backup every 30 days, all files under /var/www/files are small than 60M.
There is no full version backup.
I don't know how restore works but 30*60M < 3.4G
I think it need to keep two full version backup to make it possible to restore to any given day within 30 days.

Use framework

I recommend that when you get to a point that you think this app needs a rewrite, that you look at using a framework to structure it. I personally use Yii2, but there are many options.

MVC keeps things very clean and generally frameworks help prevent common security holes.

Security injection concerns

Hi there,

I dont mean to sound rude, but in my opinion its extremely bad practice to do any shell_exec on php code, there are many ways you can go about avoiding this among your project.

There are a fair few holes in the project and a bunch of real bad practices too, I would suggest to relook at the code base if you plan on hiding this as more then just a prototype/POC project but actual production friendly :)

Anyways for proof of concept when a user is logged in:;%20cat%20/etc/passwd

list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/bin/sh
gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh

All the best :)

Better Individual File Security

It doesn't really matter if someone goes directly to your config.php file, as it should never "echo" anything out to the page. However, if you must deny access to files such as this being viewed directly, consider doing this better as such:

In index.php (or the normal entry points):

define('CDP', true);

In files you want to deny direct access to:

if (!defined('CDP'))
  exit; // Show a 403 here?

You should not wrap your entire script in an if, just bail out!

I can't log me in

When I edit the password of an user or add a new user in user management, I am not able to log me in with this data. Even if the password and the username is right. I can't log me in.

I get only this error: Login failed.

backup full machine?

have tried two different Servers (different locations with Debian/ubuntu fresh install + cdp) to backup whole Linux Clients (source "/")

when i try to create a manual backup gzip stops at around 113 mb and no data gets transfered. have tried to backup 2 different Linux Clients (haphost and core i7 6gb ram ...

can anyone help me?

"Backup Now" doesn't work


I've setup test environment.
I'm trying to do Full backup via web interface (Backup Now) and it doesn't work, but If I try manually run cron.php via terminal it works well.

I noticed difference in cdp debug output...

Web output:



Backup completed in 9 seconds.
Processing backup auto-delete

Terminal output:


Backup completed in 14 seconds.
Processing backup auto-delete

Mysql Backup


When trying to backup a database on a remote server im getting the below error

Warning: mysql_connect(): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0 in /var/www/html/cron.php on line 211
Message has been sent

I can telnet into the remote server on port 3306 / ping / checked password


ssh over rsa on centos not working

Apr 14 14:04:25 eu sshd[524398]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Apr 14 21:35:24 eu sshd[950575]: Received disconnect from 11:

"Backup Now" fail as fopen got permission denied

after add backup jobs, run as root manually with command is OK, but click the Backup Now in the job, always fail, seems permission issue when create backup .tar.gz file under files folder.
I've already chmod 777 files, and chown -R www-data:www-data to the cdp folder,
also enable the fopen in php.ini as below.
allow_url_fopen = On
allow_url_include = On

but always failed, any suggestion how to configure the permission?

Backup task is running in the background
Warning: fopen(cdpme-2014-11-12-06-47-20-4bfbb1c2f*********f5f61fb5a.tar.gz): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/****/public/cdp/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php on line 2026

Warning: rename(cdpme-2014-11-12-06-47-20-4bfbb1c2f*********f5f61fb5a.tar.gz,/var/www/**/public/cdp/files/cdpme-2014-11-12-06-47-20-4bfbb1c2f*******f5f61fb5a.tar.gz): No such file or directory in /var/www/****/public/cdp/cron.php on line 130

Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /var/www//public/cdp/files/cdpme-2014-11-12-06-47-20-4bfbb1c2f**_f5f61fb5a.tar.gz in /var/www/_**/public/cdp/cron.php on line 139

Cpanel backup file name is not the same as the one that ftp_get tries to download


I have still to make one backup with this program I tried via ssh and it is not working I will fill a separate issue for this if needed. I am still trying to get some output as to why this is not working.

I am getting the following in the email after the backup attempt.

Backup job (8543a3c0704cfb6d3b8eff592ca6539d) started
Starting cPanel backup
Backup started, waiting for it to finish
Backup found, continuing
Creating temporary FTP account for backup transfer
Temporary FTP Account created
Error downloading backup

I ran this via the cron jobs in Webmin which gave this helpful information:

Output from command /usr/bin/php /home/meos/domains/ 8543a3c0704cfb6d3b8eff592ca6539d ..
    [type] => 2
    [message] => ftp_get(): Error opening cdpme-2016-01-22-19-35-31-backup-1.22.2016_19-15-25_meosch.tar.gz
    [file] => /home/meos/domains/
    [line] => 474
Message has been sent

I investigated and found that 3 backup files had been created but not with the full file name like above: cdpme-2016-01-22-19-35-31-backup-1.22.2016_19-15-25_meosch.tar.gz

$ ls -l |grep .tar.gz
-rw------- 1 meosch meosch 2678233622 Jan 22 20:20 backup-1.22.2016_19-15-25_meosch.tar.gz
-rw------- 1 meosch meosch 2678206087 Jan 22 20:38 backup-1.22.2016_19-33-42_meosch.tar.gz
-rw------- 1 meosch meosch 2678263759 Jan 22 20:40 backup-1.22.2016_19-35-31_meosch.tar.gz

cdpme-2016-01-22-19-35-31-backup-1.22.2016_19-15-25_meosch.tar.gz is not equal to backup-1.22.2016_19-15-25_meosch.tar.gz

Not sure were I could have configure this wrong that it would do this.

An help in getting this working would be appreciated!


CDP tries to encrypt a blank password

When editing a user in the 'Users' page, the password box says "Only enter if you want to change the password". If this is left as blank, CDP will try to encrypt a blank password (or some other behaviour), changing the password hash and locking you out.

backup all mysql databases

It would be nice to have a mysql backup give the option of backing up all databases, maybe by specifying a defined keyword in the directories text box.

I can code this, if you would like to .

Ubuntu 14

Backup task has been started, please do not close this window
Warning: fopen(cdpme-2014-12-07-22-49-28-eb57afb248107.tar.gz): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/libs/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php on line 2026

Warning: rename(cdpme-2014-12-07-22-49-28-eb57afbab88107.tar.gz,/var/www/files/cdpme-2014-12-07-22-49-28-eb5104c07.tar.gz): No such file or directory in /var/www/cron.php on line 186

Warning: file_get_contents(/var/www/files/cdpme-2014-12-07-22-49-28-eb57afb18107.tar.gz): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/cron.php on line 191
Message has been sent

Backup not working

I installed cdp on fresh server, and add server from ovz, mysql to cpanel and create Backup Jobs, i added and cron jobs for all backup jobs but none of the backups cant finish example logs are below

Backup completed in 44 seconds.
Processing backup auto-delete

but on panel that backup give none file found

this is log for cpanel
Starting cPanel backup
Backup started, waiting for it to finish
Backup is not available yet, waiting 30 seconds and re-try.
Backup found, continuing
Creating temporary FTP account for backup transfer
Temporary FTP Account created
Error downloading backup

same or simillar is for any type of backup that I try...

Can you tell me what is problem, or how to solve this.
P.S. Backup server IP adress is whitelisted on all servers for backup,

View backup contents and restore specific file or directory

Please, make CDP provide a way to see the files inside backups and restore backups in a per file/dir way Ex.: I want to see if /etc/any.conf exists and restore it to the original node or for other.

Tar provides a way to list all files inside a tarball. You can find it at tar man(1) doc:

tar -tvf archive.tar
# List all files in archive.tar verbosely.

This should work for compressed files as well. Just put the flag that matches the compression algorithm that you have used:

$ tar -ztvf sometarfile.tar.gz


$ tar -jtvf sometarfile.tar.bz2

or any other algorithm.

If you are compressing with gzip or just putting files together without compressing it, you can use less:

$ less sometarfile.tar.gz

Less provides a very graceful output, just like ls -l. And tar does have a function to pull just one file or directory from one archive too:

$ tar -zxvf sometarfile.tar.gz somedir/subdir/justafile

If you want to pull a dir you just use the same command but point to the dir path inside the tar file. Note that you dont use a / at the beginning of the internat tar dir path:

$ tar -zxvf sometarfile.tar.gz somedir/subdir/

This works for any compression algo. used to compress the tarball. You can extract all files that match a wildcard inside the tar file:

tar -zxvf sometarfile.tar.gz --wildcards --no-anchored '*.conf'

Or the same wildcard inside a specific dir:

tar -zxvf sometarfile.tar.gz somedir/subdir/ --wildcards '*.conf'

Thank you for your time.

MySQL Backup not working

Hey PetaByet, great script. After I chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/ everything was working great. The script pulls the remote directory we specify. However we have been unable to get your script to actually pull down MySQL (we have everything configured correctly for remote access on the other side).

It will only pull the first 339 bytes of the MySQL database:

DROP TABLE wp_yith_wcwl;

CREATE TABLE wp_yith_wcwl ( ID int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, prod_id int(11) NOT NULL, quantity int(11) NOT NULL, user_id int(11) NOT NULL, dateadded timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (ID), KEY product (prod_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

The e-mail report says:

Backup job (df340171bc723ec40ac5b19de0b5fc23) started Starting SQL backup MySQL query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

We are running MySQL 5.5 with cPanel on this specific test server.

Thank you.

Dependancy Detection / Reporting

Simple enough really, if you require GD, check for it.

if (!function_exists('gd_info')){
  die('PHP Extension GD is required!');

Fatal error: Allowed memory size

When running a file backup i'm getting the error

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 3145728000 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1773227473 bytes) in /var/www/html/libs/phpseclib/Crypt/Base.php on line 1350

What settings would need to be changed to correct this


curl not installed

/dev/fd/63: line 122: curl: command not found

Update your script to also install curl :)


this script has many bugs a list of them:

i can get the password by opening url

you cant disable 2FO Key its always enabled

if you change your password it does not change it!

Make a repo for the install scritp

Create another repo to put the install script inside. That way other users can contribute with it as well and you make more clear to everyone what you are doing to it, when and how. It's not a difficult job, so, i hope that you accept this advice :)

Alias Feature

Can you please write an Alias Feature, instead of selecting IP Address From Drop Down have it as

Server1 - (IP Address)

will make it a lot easier to select Servers to Backup.

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