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wallop's Issues

Using goTo to the current slide causes slide to disappear after the transition effect

If you set up custom pagination buttons, have a transition effect enabled and click the same custom pagination button more once then the transition effect occurs (it shouldn't) and the slide disappears. See the following example

This seems to occur because the goTo() function assumes that you are going to a slide that is either above or below the current index and always adds appropriate classes. Adding a simple check to only change the classes if the index number supplied to goTo() is different from the current slide index fixes the problem.

Not working in Safari for Windows

Crossbrowsing test: Works fine in all browsers except on Safari for Windows (7 and 8). The "Next" button do nothing. In Safari for Mac works well.

New modifiers: show & hide

Hey, I liked it very much. Thanks for this beautiful library :)

I have another suggestion.

Previous and Next modifiers are important for directional animations, I know that but some animations don't need them.

Currently we use this:

 .Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--hidePrevious,
 .Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--hideNext {
  visibility: visible;
  animation: fadeOut 450ms cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955) both;

.Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--showPrevious,
.Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--showNext { z-index: 1; }

but this would be cleaner:

 .Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--hide {
  visibility: visible;
  animation: fadeOut 450ms cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955) both;

.Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--show { z-index: 1; }

I think showClass and hideClass options would be great.

What do you think about this?

Wrong behaviour for slider with two slides


While having slider with only two slides and carousel on, you can notice that the isForward variable is always wrong on the second slide. This causes the silder to animate the other direction than expected.

It's the same issue as mentioned in #43, wich was solved only partially.

This happens due to the ambiguity of the next / previous slides. It's the same index (0) in fact and therefore it is impossible to decide the direction here:

var isForwards = (index > this.currentItemIndex || index === 0 && this.currentItemIndex === this.lastItemIndex) && !(index === this.lastItemIndex && this.currentItemIndex === 0);
or here

One option is to determine the direction right in the next() and previous() functions and then use it in goTo().

Anyone has a better idea?

Multiple Sliders with dynamic pages

First of all thanks for this beautiful script, it could really become the unslider without jquery :o)

I had a little bit hard times to work with multiple sliders on a dynamic generated page, but maybe I am missing some points.

The problem is, that you have different CSS-classes for the first slider ("photo-slider"-class) and the first image of a slider ("wallop-slider__item--current"-class). Maybe I am missing the point, but if you create the page with dynamic and optional content, you have to make a lot of counting and indexes in the backend-code (especially in the model) to differenciate between the first and the rest, and additionally you have to make some ugly if-then-that-questions in the view. This leads to quite a big code-overhead.

Usecase: I have a blogpost with 0 images, 1 image (no slider), 2+ images (one slider) or (2+ images)+ (several sliders). This is probably a normal usecase. In the post-data I have to differentiate (which means flag it somewhere in the data) between 1 image, several images (slider) and several sliders. Hard work...

Last point: Maybe it would be easier to work with ids (for instanciating) rather than classes if it comes to multiple sliders?

Now I do it like this:

var allSliders = document.getElementsByClassName('wallop-slider'),
    iterations = allSliders.length;     
for (var i=0; i < iterations; i++)
    if(i > 0)
        var sliderId = allSliders[i].id;
        new WallopSlider('.'+sliderId);     

I'm not a pro, so maybe I'm misunderstanding. And it works very good at the end, but with quite an ugly backend-code...

Uncaught (in promise) Error

The error is An instance of Wallop with this selector already exists. I am using Wallop in my FeathersJS app and I am dynamically generating my UI with JavaScript. I instantiate Wallop in my render code and it everything works well. When I leave the tab and go back to it, I see this error and my slides are nowhere to be found.

I'm just referencing the wallop.min.js file. Should I be using npm instead (if so, how do I use it in the frontend)?

EDIT: Adding the Wallop-item--current class to the first item in my carousel makes it at least look presentable when the Wallop instance breaks...which gives me an idea, brb.

Alright, turns out that if I just comment out

for (var i = 0; i < selectorPool.length; i++) {
  if (selectorPool[i] === selector) {
    throw new Error('An instance of Wallop with this selector already exists.');

in the unminified version of Wallop and use that, I don't run into any issues. I'm running with that.

Bug in slide animation in Google Chrome on Mac OS

See for yourself - video, pictures move asynchronously in Google Chrome. Tested on Mac OS 10.8.2 and 10.9.3.
I know that this is a bug in Google Chrome on Mac OS, but my english is pretty bad, so can you do a proper bugreport about this to Chromium project?

goTo, previous, next and transition effects [bug]


I running with FF 33 under Ubuntu 14.10 and when I add some transition effect the previous, next and goTo buttons don't work property.

I've fallowed the goTo buttons instruction from the docs

For example, I add wallop-slider--slide.css in head and wallop-slider--slide class to photo-slider div. The slide go foward with next button in the first load but when I try to go back using previous button it doesn't work, same behavior with goTo buttons, in the first load I can go to second picture but after it stops working. In the firebug console don't show anything.

Using wallop-slider--scale is weird. The effect just works going back, from the first picture to the second the effect doesn't happens. And when I am in a picture and click in the goTo button of same picture that I am the picture trigger the effect but the image disappears, like doing the effect from the image to the background, maybe the fix for this is disable the goTo button of the current picture.

The generate code is like this:

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/imovel_wallop-slider.css" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/imovel_wallop-slider--scale.css" />
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12">
            <div class="photo-slider wallop-slider wallop-slider--scale">
                <ul class="wallop-slider__list">
                   <li class="wallop-slider__item wallop-slider__item--current">
                       <img src="path/to/image">
                   <li class="wallop-slider__item">
                       <img src="path/to/image2" />
                <button class="wallop-slider__btn wallop-slider__btn--previous btn btn-lg btnws btnws--previous" disabled="disabled"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></span></button>
                <button class="wallop-slider__btn wallop-slider__btn--next btn btn-lg btnws btnws--next"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></span></button>
        <script src="/js/WallopSlider.js"></script>
        <script src="/js/script_ws.js"></script>


(function () {
    'use strict';

    // New isntance of WallopSlider
    var photoSlider = new WallopSlider('.photo-slider');
    // goTo API Usage
    var goToBtnClicked = function () {
        var slideNumber = this.getAttribute('data-goto-slide');

    // Loop through buttons and attach click listener
    var goToBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.goto');
    for (var i = 0; i < goToBtns.length; i++) {
        goToBtns[i].addEventListener('click', goToBtnClicked);


When I don't use any effect everything works fine.

Slider breaks if no prev/next buttons are set

If there are no prev/next buttons set, eg. because you just want to slide to specific slides, the script breaks.

Quick solution would be something along the lines of:

if( buttonNext != null ) {
 // add events

Multiple slides animation

I've got a setup with multiple sliders on a page all using a slide animation. The issue is that only one actually animates as the other ones seem to get their classes stripped (they still advance but without animation)
It seems the issue happens due to the addClass code in WS.goto() or possibly the removeAllHelperSettings.

Do you have any insights on what is happening there?

Error when reaching end of items

I get this error when using the pagination buttons (both previous/next) and reaching the end of all the items:

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': 2 arguments required, but only 1 present.

It points me to the WallopProto.updatePagination method. I will investigate this and try to fix it but I thought you should know. Have you experienced this before?

Implement Autoplay Option

Implement an autoplay option (e.g. called autoPlay), which is a boolean that says whether the slider should slide automatically. There should also be another option (e.g. called interval), which is an integer that says after how many ms the slide should change when autoplay is enabled. That would be really cool :-)

Thanks for your work!

Issue in IE

Thanks for making this, it's great. However I ran into the following issue when implementing today and wondering if you have some thoughts?

{exception} Object doesn't support this action

and it points to:

WallopProto.createCustomEvent = function () {
    var _this = this;
    this.event = new CustomEvent('change', {
      detail: {
        parentSelector: _this.selector,
        currentItemIndex: Number(_this.currentItemIndex)
      bubbles: true,
      cancelable: true

Fade demo + Nav Button disable

Hey, this is more related to the examples you provided I guess but just in case you'd like to correct it anyway:

  • in the js
    this.buttonNext.setAttribute('disabled'); should be
    this.buttonNext.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
    Same for buttonPrevious
  • in the fade css there needs to be a fadeIn effect on show-previous/next otherwise forward (next) navigation doesn't fade.

Thanks for the great slider btw!

Include main in bower.json too

First of all, many thanks for Wallop, I use it for tons of various tasks recently ๐Ÿ™

On one of these projects we handle dependencies with bower, and I have a gulp task that pick the main files based on the bower.jsons and moves them during the build process. For Wallop this is currently not happening, because there is no "main": specified.

Can you add this please?

Problem with restarting autoplay

Hey mate!

Firstly, thank you so much for this very useful plugin!

I've added an autoplay function and I'm trying to add a restart after the user clicks on his keyboard on the left or right arrow. Problem, if you click more than once on one of the arrow, the slide goes weird ^^

Here is a pen of my work :

Don't hesitate to press more than twice the arrow of your keyboard to see the problem.

Thanks by advance for any help :-)

slider autoplay

Hello. Tell me please how to make your slider spin automatically. Many thanks.


Could you please state what is the license of wallop-slider's script files, css files and other files?

How about multiple columns?

Current version has one column. Sometimes we need two or more columns in carousel and even we need different column count when responsive.

Do you plan to add multiple columns feature?

Fix documentation of wSCarousel

Hey Pedro,
there is a small error on the Wallop webpage I believe my PR introduced. In the advanced code example options-object, the wSCarousel option is assigned with a = instead of a : and the S should be a capital letter. Had a giant brain fart there, sorry!

Scale method needs some extra styling

I'm just checking out the examples with the default styles (animations.html in v2.1.4) and noticed that the Scale method leaves behind some invisible boxes that obscure the controls. I only played with it very briefly (AKA it can probably be done in a cleaner fashion), but I fixed the issue by containing the slides inside an additional div and implementing some overflow:hidden; and z-index styles.

Carousel TRUE

Well, I'm working with the wSCarousel: true setting...

Minor Issue: The website documents it as wsCarousel! (Note the lowercase "s")


Previous button becomes disabled on first slide


// Update prev/next disabled attribute
WallopProto.updatePagination = function () {
    if ((this.currentItemIndex + 1) === this.allItemsArrayLength && this.options.wSCarousel !== true) {
        this.buttonNext.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
    } else if (this.currentItemIndex === 0 && this.options.wSCarousel !== true) {
        this.buttonPrevious.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');


Classes are applied incorrectly when looping around (previous from first does not work)


// Callback for when previous button is clicked
WallopProto.onPreviousButtonClicked = function () {
    if(this.currentItemIndex + 1 === 1 && this.options.wSCarousel === true) {
    } else {
        this.goTo((this.currentItemIndex + 1) - 1);

wrong vendor prefixes in fold animation
@-webkit-keyframes foldright {
0% {
-webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg);
@-moz-keyframes foldright {
0% {
-webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg);
@-ms-keyframes foldright {
0% {
-webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg);
@Keyframes foldright {
0% {
transform: rotateY(90deg);
should be:
@-webkit-keyframes foldright {
0% {
-webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg);
@-moz-keyframes foldright {
0% {
-moz-transform: rotateY(90deg);
@-ms-keyframes foldright {
0% {
-ms-transform: rotateY(90deg);
@Keyframes foldright {
0% {
transform: rotateY(90deg);

Store "direction"

In order to have proper circular animations (sliding carousel) we need to know if the user is navigating forwards or backwards.

A direction variable must be implemented to store the direction value.
This will ensure the correct classes are added to the next or previous items based on the direction of the user.

If anyone is willing to take this up and need more info, let me know. Otherwise, I'll crack on with this as soon as I do.

Will assign it to myself if i start progress.


Can't use removeEventListener

In componentWillMount, I add an event listener to Wallop.

this.wallop = new Wallop(document.querySelector('.Wallop'));
this.wallop.on('change', this.handleWallopChange);

In componentWillUnmount, I want to remove the listener

this.wallop.$selector.removeEventListener('change', this.handleWallopChange);

This doesn't work since Wallop's implementation of on uses an anonymous function. Is it possible to use the callback event instead and perhaps add an off method? Thanks.

Weird transition bug using fade transition

So I have this weird transition bug when using the fade transition. The fade transition works as expected on all images except the last one. When the last image should be fading to the first image, the fading is failing. There is a flash instead of a smooth fade.

I encountered this on a website I'm building, and it took me some time to locate the cause. The bug seems to only occur if there is a wrapping div with a background color set. Did I say it was a weird bug?

To illustrate I cloned your Codepen with the simple fade transition:

And just added a wrapping div with a background color:

If you try my forked version (tested in Safari and Chrome) you should see the transition bug when the last image is fading to the first.

I have no idea why this is happening. I have tried some workarounds with css but with no luck.

Do you have any idea?

Auto Start

Hi, Can you give an example of how to have wallop auto start and loop through the slides? this is what carousel is for? thanks

Issue in Firefox

I have also noticed that in Firefox it doesn't like it when setAttribute only has one argument i.e.


throws the following error:

TypeError: Not enough arguments to Element.setAttribute.

changing to the below removes the error:


Doesn't work for form elements

Hi, as <form> elements have a length they can't be used as Wallop containers because of this:

if (selector.length > 0) {  
  throw new Error('Selector cannot be an array, Refer to Usage documentation:');
} else {
  this.$selector = selector;

Any thoughts how we could like to deal with it? Something like if (selector.tagName !== 'FORM' && selector.length > 0) { perhaps?

Great module by the way, works really well otherwise!

Checks for Pull requests generally fail

As you can see here, Travis CI does always fail on Pull request. It's a bit confusing to see the checks for a PR fail although it's absolutely fine.

Would be nice to see this fixed ๐Ÿ‘

Previous slides block the current slides when you use wallop--fade.css

Hello, I love this library but I think improving this tiny detail could make it even better.

If the current slide have buttons or a div with scroll they won't work unless you send the previous slides back (z-index: 0) at the end of the animation.

You'll probably find a better solution but changing this in the wallop--fade.css fixed the issue for me:

.Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--hidePrevious,
.Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--hideNext { z-index: 2; }*/
.Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--showPrevious,
.Wallop--fade .Wallop-item--showNext { z-index: 1; }

/========== FADE ANIMATIONS ==========/
@-webkit-keyframes fadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 2;
99% {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 2;
100% {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 0;
@-moz-keyframes fadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 2;
99% {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 2;
100% {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 0;
@-ms-keyframes fadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 2;
99% {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 2;
100% {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 0;
@Keyframes fadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 2;
99% {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 2;
100% {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 0;

Add destroy method

#25 mentions adding a destroy method. As I haven't found a destroy method in the codebase, I propose to add one, because it's a very useful feature when implementing Wallop in RWD projects.

Exercise code doesn't disable buttons

The downloadable wallop-slider-exercise throws the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': 2 arguments required, but only 1 present.

Due to the following line:
this.buttonNext.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); (same for buttonPrev).

Needs changing to:
('disabled', 'disabled'); or ('disabled', true);

Code in master branch is correct.

Version 2

Release Version 2.

Add to bower and manage tags
Create variations of the slider - backbone, angular, browserify...
Add destroy method
Add observer option (won't attach click handlers, etc. only observe you user can have full control via API)
Modify goTo to use proper indexing (starting at 0)
Cleanup repo
Re-do website and documentation
The way HammerJS did it is cool:

Wallop is not a constructor

I try init Wallop:

import Wallop from 'Wallop'

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  const wallopEl = document.querySelector('.Wallop')
  const Wallop = new Wallop(wallopEl)

And receive error Uncaught TypeError: Wallop is not a constructor

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