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paypayopa-sdk-node's Introduction

Paypay OPA SDK - Node

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So you are a developer and want to start accepting payments using PayPay. PayPay's Payment SDK is the simplest way to achieve the integration. With PayPay's Payment SDK, you can build a custom Payment checkout process to suit your unique business needs and branding guidelines.

When to use QR Code Payments

QR Code flow is recommended normally in the following scenarios

  • Payment to happen on a Tablet
  • Payments on Vending Machines
  • Payment to happen on a TV Screen
  • Printing a QR Code for Bill Payment

Understanding the Payment Flow

Following diagram defines the flow for Dynamic QR Code.

We recommend that the merchant implements a Polling of the Get payment Details API with a 4-5 second interval in order to know the status of the transaction.

Lets get Started

Once you have understood the payment flow, before we start the integration make sure you have:

  • Registered for a PayPay developer/merchant Account
  • Get the API key and secret from the Developer Panel.
  • Use the sandbox API Keys to test out the integration

Install npm package

$ npm i @paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node

Getting Started

Before making any API calls, you must configure your API key, API secret, and which environment you are using.

For a production API key and API secret, use the "PROD" environment name:

'use strict';
const PAYPAY = require('@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node');
    // Use production mode.
    env: "PROD",

    // Specify your production API key and production API secret.
    clientId: API_KEY,
    clientSecret: API_SECRET,

To work in sandbox mode, specify your sandbox API key and API secret, and "STAGING" as the environment name. "STAGING" is the default, so you can also omit the env.

'use strict';
const PAYPAY = require('@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node');
    // Use sandbox mode (this is the default).
    env: "STAGING",

    // Specify your sandbox API key and sandbox API secret.
    clientId: API_KEY,
    clientSecret: API_SECRET,

Create a QR Code

In order to receive payments using this flow, first of all you will need to create a QR Code. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantPaymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique payment transaction id provided by merchant
amount Yes integer <= 11 characters Amount the user has to Pay
codeType Yes string <= 64 characters Please pass the fixed value "ORDER_QR"
orderDescription No string <= 255 characters Description of the Order, Click here to check how it will show up
isAuthorization No boolean By default it will be false, please set true if the amount will be captured later (preauth and capture payment)

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide

let payload = {
    merchantPaymentId: "my_payment_id",
    amount: {
        amount: 1,
        currency: "JPY"
    codeType: "ORDER_QR",
    orderDescription: "Mune's Favourite Cake",
    isAuthorization: false,
    redirectUrl: "",
    redirectType: "WEB_LINK",
    userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/56.0.2924.75 Mobile/14E5239e Safari/602.1"

const response = await PAYPAY.QRCodeCreate(payload);
const body = response.BODY;
console.log(response.STATUS, body.resultInfo.code);

Did you get a 200 SUCCESS response, if yes then you are all set for the next step.

Get Payment Details

Now that you have created a Code, the next step is to implement polling to get Payment Details. We recommend a 4-5 second interval between requests. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantPaymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique payment transaction id provided by merchant

Fetch a particular QR CODE payment details

let merchantPaymentId = 'merchantPaymentId';

const response = await PAYPAY.GetCodePaymentDetails([merchantPaymentId]);
const body = response.BODY;

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide On successful payment, the status in the response will change to COMPLETED In case of a Preauth for Payment, the status in the response will change to AUTHORIZED

Delete a QRCode

So you want to delete a Code that you have already generated. Following can be possible reasons to use this API:

  • User has cancelled the order
  • Ensuring race conditions don't come up in the form user has scanned the QR Code and not made the payment and in the meantime the order expires at your end

Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
codeId Yes string This is given as a response in the Create a QR Code method
const response = await PAYPAY.QRCodeDelete([codeId]);
const body = response.BODY;

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide

Cancel a payment

So you want to cancel a Payment. In most cases this should not be needed for payment happening in this flow, however following can be a case when this might be needed.

  • Polling for Get Payment Details timeout, and you are uncertain of the status

Note: The Cancel API can be used until 00:14:59 AM the day after the Payment has happened. For 00:15 AM or later, please call the refund API to refund the payment.

Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantPaymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique payment transaction id provided by merchant
const response = await PAYPAY.PaymentCancel([merchantPaymentId]);
const body = response.BODY;

Refund a payment

So the user has decided to return the goods they have purchased and needs to be given a refund. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantRefundId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique refund transaction id provided by merchant
paymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The payment transaction id provided by PayPay
amount Yes integer <= 11 characters The amount to be refunded
reason No integer <= 11 characters The reason for refund
let payload = {
    merchantRefundId: 'merchant_refund_id',
    paymentId: 'paypay_payment_id',
    amount: {
        amount: 1,
        currency: 'JPY',
    reason: 'reason for refund',

const response = await PAYPAY.PaymentRefund(payload);
const body = response.BODY;

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide. Please note that currently we only support 1 refund per order.

Capture a payment authorization

So you are implementing a PreAuth and Capture, and hence want to capture the payment later. In this case, please ensure you have passed isAuthorization as true in create a code method. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantPaymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique payment transaction id provided by merchant
merchantCaptureId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique capture transaction id provided by merchant
amount Yes integer <= 11 characters Amount to be captured
orderDescription Yes string <= 255 characters Description of the Capture for the user
let payload = {
    merchantPaymentId: 'merchant_payment_id',
    amount: {
        amount: 1,
        currency: 'JPY',
    merchantCaptureId: 'merchant_capture_id',
    requestedAt: 1587460334340,
    orderDescription: 'Order Shipped, Cake with toppings',

const response = await PAYPAY.PaymentAuthCapture(payload);
const body = response.BODY;

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide.

Revert a payment authorization

So the order has cancelled the order while the payment was still Authorized, please use the revert a payment authorization method to refund back to the user. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantRevertId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique revert transaction id provided by merchant
paymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The payment transaction id provided by PayPay
reason No string <= 255 characters Reason for reverting the payment authorization
let payload = {
    merchantRevertId: 'merchant_revert_id',
    paymentId: 'paypay_payment_id',
    reason: 'reason for revert',

const response = await PAYPAY.PaymentAuthRevert(payload);
const body = response.BODY:

For List of params refer to the API guide :

Fetch refund status and details

So you want to confirm the status of the refund, maybe because the request for the refund timed out when you were processing the same. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantRefundId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique refund transaction id provided by merchant
let merchantPaymentId = 'merchantRefundId';
const response = await PAYPAY.GetRefundDetails([merchantRefundId]);
const body = response.BODY;

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide.

When to use Native Payments

Native Payments is recommended normally in the following scenarios

  • If you want provide your customers with the easiest possible checkout
  • You have the security in place to ensure our mutual customers money is safe (We have a strict evaluation procedure to enforce the same)

Integrating Native Integration

Acquire User Authorization

First of all you need to acquire a user Authorization. Following diagram defines the flow to acquire a user authorization.

In order to acquire an authorization you need to create a JWT Token -

cliam required type description
iss yes string the merchant name
exp yes number The expiration date of the authorization page URL. Set with epoch time stamp (seconds).
scope yes string direct_debit
nonce yes string will be sent back with response for the client side validation
redirectUrl yes string The callback endpoint provided by client. Must be HTTPS, and its domain should be in the allowed authorization callback domains
referenceId yes string The id used to identify the user in merchant system. It will be stored in the PayPay db for reconciliation purpose
deviceId no string The user mobile phone device id. If it is provided, we can use it to verify the user and skip the SMS verification, so as to provide more fluent UX
phoneNumber no string The user mobile phone number
let payload = {
    scopes: [
    nonce: "random_generated_string",
    redirectType: "WEB_LINK",
    redirectUrl: "merchant.domain/path",
    referenceId: "reference_id",
    phoneNumber: "phone_number",
    deviceId: "device_id"
// Calling the method to create the account linking QR Code
const response = await PAYPAY.AccountLinkQRCodeCreate(payload);
const body = response.BODY;

// Printing if the method call was SUCCESS
// Printing the link to the generated QR Code

Once the user has granted authorization, we will return the UserAuthorizationID as a part of the JWT Token in response/ webhook

# Retrieving userAuthorizationId from response JWT
const jwtResponse = PAYPAY.ValidateJWT(token, API_SECRET);
const userAuthorizationId = jwtResponse["userAuthorizationId"];

Unlink a user from the client

Field Required Type Description
userAuthorizationId yes string <= 64 characters The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow
// Calling the method to unlink a Payment
const result = await PAYPAY.unlinkUser([userAuthorizationId]);
const body = result.BODY;

// Printing if the method call was SUCCESS

Did you get SUCCESS in the print statement above, if yes then the API execution has happened correctly. For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide.

Create a payment

In order to take a payment, you will need to send a request to us with the following parameters:

Field Required Type Description
merchantPaymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique payment transaction id provided by merchant
userAuthorizationId Yes string <= 64 characters The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow
amount Yes integer <= 11 characters Amount the user has to Pay
orderDescription No string <= 255 characters Description of the Order, Click here to check how it will show up
let payload = {
    merchantPaymentId: "my_payment_id",
    amount: {
        amount: 1,
        currency: "JPY"
    requestedAt: 1587460334340,
    userAuthorizationId: "my_user_authorization_id",
    orderDescription: "Mune's Favourite Cake",

// Calling the method to create a payment
const response = await PAYPAY.CreatePayment(payload);
const body = response.BODY;

// Printing if the method call was SUCCESS

Did you get SUCCESS in the print statement above, if yes then the API execution has happened correctly.

An optional parameter follows the payload argument to specify the agreeSimilarTransaction parameter, which bypasses the payment duplication check.

// Create a payment.
const response1 = await PAYPAY.CreatePayment(payload, false);

// Attempt to create a second payment with the same amount and a different `merchantPaymentId`:
const response2 = await PAYPAY.CreatePayment({...payload, merchantPaymentId: "second-payment-" +});
// The request was rejected as a suspected duplicate payment:
//   {
//     resultInfo: {
//       message: 'Order is rejected since similar order has been already accepted',
//       codeId: '00200017'
//     },
//     data: null
//   }

// Attempt again, this time using agreeSimilarTransaction=true.
const response3 = await PAYPAY.CreatePayment({...payload, merchantPaymentId: "second-payment-" +}, true);
// The request was accepted because of the agreeSimilarTransaction=true parameter:
//   {
//     resultInfo: { code: 'SUCCESS', message: 'Success', codeId: '08100001' },
//     data: {
//       paymentId: '12345678901234567890',
//       status: 'COMPLETED',
//       acceptedAt: 1641234567,
//       merchantPaymentId: 'second-payment-1641234500',
//       userAuthorizationId: 'abcdef00-1234-5678-90ab-cdefabcd0123',
//       amount: { amount: 100, currency: 'JPY' },
//       requestedAt: 1641234567
//     }
//   }

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide

Get Payment Details

Now that you have created a payment, in case the payment request timeout, you can call get payment details method to know the payment status. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantPaymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique payment transaction id provided by merchant
let merchantPaymentId = 'merchantPaymentId';
const response = await PAYPAY.GetPaymentDetails([merchantPaymentId]);
const body = response.BODY;

// Printing if the method call was SUCCESS, this does not mean the payment was a success
// Printing if the transaction status for the code has COMPLETED/AUTHORIZED

Did you get SUCCESS in the print statement above, if yes then the API execution has happen correctly.

On successful payment, the status in will be COMPLETED For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide

Cancel a payment

So you want to cancel a Payment. In most cases this should not be needed for payment happening in this flow, however following can be a case when this might be needed.

  • Initial create payment timeout and you want to cancel the Payment
  • Get Payment Details timeout, and you are uncertain of the status

Note: The Cancel API can be used until 00:14:59 AM the day after the Payment has happened. For 00:15 AM or later, please call the refund API to refund the payment.

Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantPaymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique payment transaction id provided by merchant
const response = await PAYPAY.PaymentCancel([merchantPaymentId]);
const body = response.BODY;
// Printing if the method call was SUCCESS

Did you get SUCCESS in the print statement above, if yes then the API execution has happend correctly.

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide

Refund a payment

So the user has decided to return the goods they have purchased and needs to be giveb a refund. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantRefundId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique refund transaction id provided by merchant
paymentId Yes string <= 64 characters The payment transaction id provided by PayPay
amount Yes integer <= 11 characters The amount to be refunded
reason No integer <= 11 characters The reason for refund
let payload = {
    merchantRefundId: 'merchant_refund_id',
    paymentId: 'paypay_payment_id',
    amount: {
        amount: 1,
        currency: 'JPY',
    reason: 'reason for refund',
// Calling the method to refund a Payment
const response = await PAYPAY.PaymentRefund(payload);
const body = response.BODY;
// Printing if the method call was SUCCESS

Did you get SUCCESS in the print statement above, if yes then the API execution has happened correctly.

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide. Please note that currently we only support 1 refund per order.

Fetch refund status and details

So you want to confirm the status of the refund, maybe because the request for the refund timed out when you were processing the same. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:

Field Required Type Description
merchantRefundId Yes string <= 64 characters The unique refund transaction id provided by merchant
let merchantPaymentId = 'merchantRefundId'
const response = await PAYPAY.GetRefundDetails([merchantRefundId]);
const body = response.BODY;
// Printing if the method call was SUCCESS

Did you get SUCCESS in the print statement above, if yes then the API execution has happen correctly.

For details of all the request and response parameters , check our API Documentation guide.

Error Handling

PayPay uses HTTP response status codes and error code to indicate the success or failure of the requests. With this information, you can decide what error handling strategy to use. In general, PayPay returns the following http status codes.

HTTP 2xx

200 Everything works as expected.

201 The requested resource(e.g. dynamic QR code) was created.

202 Means the request is received, and will be processed sometime later.

HTTP 4xx

400 This status code indicates an error because the information provided in request is not able to be processed. The following OPA error code may be returned.

  • INVALID_PARAMS The information provided by the request contains invalid data. E.g. unsupported currency.

  • UNACCEPTABLE_OP The requested operation is not able to be processed due to the current condition. E.g. the transaction limit exceeded.

  • NO_SUFFICIENT_FUND There is no sufficient fund for the transaction.

401 This status code indicates an authorization error. The following OPA error code may be returned.

  • UNAUTHORIZED No valid api key and secret provided.

  • OP_OUT_OF_SCOPE The operation is not permitted.

404 This status code indicates that the requested resource is not existing in the system.

429 This status code indicates that the client sent too many requests in a specific period of time, and hit the rate limits. You should slow down the request sending or contact us to rise your limit.

HTTP 5xx


This status code indicates that something went wrong on the PayPay side. A few OPA error code could be returned.

  • TRANSACTION_FAILED This code means the transaction is failed on the PayPay side. You can create new transactions for the same purpose with reasonable backoff time.

  • INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR This code means that something goes wrong, but we don't know exactly if the transaction has happened or not. It should be treated as unknown payment status.

502,503,504 Treated as unknown payment status.


The recommended timeout setting is specified in each API. The most important one is for the payment creation api, where the read timeout should not be less than 30 seconds. When timeout happens, it should be treated as unknown payment status.

Handle unknown payment status

There are two ways to react with this situation:

  • Use the query api to query the transaction status. If the original transaction was failed or not found in PayPay, you can start a new transaction for the same purpose.
  • Or, you can cancel the transaction, if the cancel api is provided. After the cancellation is accepted, you can start a new transaction for the same purpose.

Response code list

Common response code

Status CodeId Code Message
200 08100001 SUCCESS Success
202 08100001 REQUEST_ACCEPTED Request accepted
400 08100006 INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMS Invalid request params
401 08100023 OP_OUT_OF_SCOPE The operation is not permitted
401 08100016 UNAUTHORIZED Unauthorized request
404 08100007 OPA_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND OPA Client not found
429 08100998 RATE_LIMIT Too many requests
500 08100026 SERVICE_ERROR
500 08101000 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Something went wrong on PayPay service side
503 08100999 MAINTENANCE_MODE Sorry, we are down for scheduled maintenance

Create a QRCode

Status CodeId Code Message
400 01652073 DUPLICATE_DYNAMIC_QR_REQUEST Duplicate Dynamic QR request error
400 00400060 PRE_AUTH_CAPTURE_UNSUPPORTED_MERCHANT Merchant do not support
400 00400061 PRE_AUTH_CAPTURE_INVALID_EXPIRY_DATE Provided Expiry Date is above the allowed limit of Max allowed expiry days
400 01650000 DYNAMIC_QR_BAD_REQUEST Dynamic QR bad request error

Get payment details

Status CodeId Code Message
400 01652075 DYNAMIC_QR_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND Dynamic QR payment not found
400 01650000 DYNAMIC_QR_BAD_REQUEST Dynamic QR bad request error

Delete a QRCode

Status CodeId Code Message
400 01652074 DYNAMIC_QR_ALREADY_PAID Dynamic QR already paid
400 01650000 DYNAMIC_QR_BAD_REQUEST Dynamic QR bad request error
404 01652072 DYNAMIC_QR_NOT_FOUND Dynamic qr code not found

Cancel a Payment

Status CodeId Code Message
400 00200044 ORDER_NOT_REVERSIBLE Order cannot be reversed
500 00200034 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Request timed out

Refund a payment

Status CodeId Code Message
400 00200004 INVALID_PARAMS Invalid parameters received
400 00200013 UNACCEPTABLE_OP Order cannot be refunded
400 00200014 UNACCEPTABLE_OP Multiple refund not allowed
400 00200015 INVALID_PARAMS Invalid refund amount
400 01103027 CANCELED_USER Canceled user
404 00200001 RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Order not found
500 00200002 TRANSACTION_FAILED Transaction failed
500 00200003 TRANSACTION_FAILED Transaction failed
500 00800017 TRANSACTION_FAILED Balance exceeded
500 00200034 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Request timed out

Fetch refund status and details

Status CodeId Code Message
404 00200018 NO_SUCH_REFUND_ORDER Refund not found
500 00200034 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Request timed out

Capture a payment authorization

Status CodeId Code Message
202 08300103 USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED User confirmation required as requested amount is above allowed limit
400 00400035 UNACCEPTABLE_OP Total transaction limit exceeds merchant limit
400 00200039 ALREADY_CAPTURED Cannot capture already captured acquiring order
400 01103027 CANCELED_USER Canceled user
400 00400062 HIGHER_CAPTURE_NOT_PERMITTED Merchant not allowed to capture higher amount
400 00200043 ORDER_EXPIRED Order cannot be captured or updated as it has already expired
400 00200035 ORDER_NOT_CAPTURABLE Order is not capturable
400 00200038 REAUTHORIZATION_IN_PROGRESS Order is being reauthorized
400 00400064 TOO_CLOSE_TO_EXPIRY Order cannot be reauthorized as request is too close to expiry time

Revert a payment authorization

Status CodeId Code Message
400 00200042 ORDER_NOT_CANCELABLE Order is not cancelable


FOSSA Status

paypayopa-sdk-node's People


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paypayopa-sdk-node's Issues

where i can find a API Request rate limit info ?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
yes, i did not know what the limit is, so i would not do some multiple request one time.

Describe the solution you'd like
just want the API Request rate limit info

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

Ignore or preconfigure merchant ID for sandbox env

Describe the bug

The configure method requires merchantId (ref:

public configure = (clientConfig: { clientId: string; clientSecret: string; merchantId: string; productionMode: boolean;}) => {

But there is no merchant ID issued for the sandbox environment. Which value should we use?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Try to call the configure method in sandbox env.

Expected behavior

Clarify which merchant ID we should use for sandbox env.

Inconsistent naming convention and unused code

paypay-rest-sdk.ts - Pascal case and Camel case both are used when naming classes and interfaces.
httpsClient.ts - export of HttpsClient instance can be made const
auth,ts - testAuth function is not used

Unauthorized issue when QRCodeCreate call in local system

Describe the bug
I have installed paypay code from this link Then i use npm run build command to get dist folder and api key/secret key/merchant id fill in config file. Then I write code for Paypay.QRCodeCreate and its throw unauthrozied issue.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'After download the code, run following commands - npm run build and fill api keys to auth.js inside dist folder' -
  2. Click on 'run - add the code like
    'use strict';
    const PAYPAY = require('@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node');
    clientId: API_KEY,
    clientSecret: API_SECRET,
    productionMode: false,
    let payload = {
    merchantPaymentId: "my_payment_id",
    amount: {
    amount: 1,
    currency: "JPY"
    codeType: "ORDER_QR",
    orderDescription: "Mune's Favourite Cake",
    isAuthorization: false,
    redirectUrl: "",
    redirectType: "WEB_LINK",
    userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/56.0.2924.75 Mobile/14E5239e Safari/602.1"

PAYPAY.QRCodeCreate(payload, (response) => {

3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error - {
STATUS: 401,
BODY: '{"resultInfo":{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"Unauthorized request | [OPAD1D5B358A1594F32A201766E31FCC510]","codeId":"08100016"},"data":null}'

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
"resultInfo": {
"code": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Success",
"codeId": "08100001"
"data": {
"paymentId": "03492919691588616192",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"acceptedAt": 1605774970,
"merchantPaymentId": "DEVELOPER-PANEL-DEMO-ac370acd-e656-40c3-8897-9788101b37af",
"userAuthorizationId": "60fd75dd-8d9c-478f-be2a-d23030a7d35f",
"amount": {
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "JPY"
"requestedAt": 1605774936,
"assumeMerchant": "292138818089623552"

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Screenshot (53)

Environment (please complete the following information):
If applicable

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]
  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Pay pay

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Environment (please complete the following information):
If applicable

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]
  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

"CreatePayment" is not a function

Describe the bug
When I use Native Payments and call CreatePayment method, scripts is fail.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

import PAYPAY from '@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
let merchantId = uuidv4()
let userAuthorizationId = params.get('userAuthorizationId');
let options = {
    merchantPaymentId: merchantId,
    amount: {
        amount: 10,
        currency: "JPY"
    requestedAt: 1587460334340,
    userAuthorizationId: userAuthorizationId,
    orderDescription: "Mune's Favourite Cake"

PAYPAY.CreatePayment(options, (response) => {

** Result: **

Response with status 500 in 49 ms.
Error during invocation:  TypeError: n.CreatePayment is not a function

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Chrome browser

Is it available from deno?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

I would like to use it from Supabase Edge Functions, but it does not seem to be available at this time.

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Supabase Edge Functions uses Deno, so we want to call this package from Deno.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

I tried to call deno from the following URLs, but none of them were available.

import paypay from "npm:@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node";
import paypay from "";
import paypay from "[email protected]/dist/index.js"

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

via skypack

error: Module not found "".
    at[email protected]/dist=es2019,mode=imports/optimized/jwa.js:3:21

via unpkg

error: Expected a JavaScript or TypeScript module, but identified a Unknown module. Importing these types of modules is currently not supported.
  Specifier:[email protected]/dist/index.js
    at file:///home/deno/functions/pay/index.ts:7:20

via npm

error: Following npm specifiers were requested: "@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node"; but --no-npm is specified.

Failed to load package


When I tried to use this package, it failed to load package.

Detailed stack trace: Error: Cannot find module '/workspace/node_modules/@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node/dist/src/lib/index.js'. Please verify that the package.json has a valid "main" entry


The main value in the package.json is wrong.

NPM Package "0.3.0" broken

Describe the bug

NPM package distribution is missing the lib/ directory. Therefore, the package is not usable.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a test repo like mkdir test-repo && cd $_.
  2. Install this package npm install --save @paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node
  3. Inspect the package tree node_modules/@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node/
├── dist
│   └── index.js
└── package.json

Expected behavior

The lib/ directory which is imported from the dist/index.js is totally missing.

Please Support /v2/smartpayment/qr/sessions

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I want to use smartpay in my web pages, and I found the document here:
When I use the sdk, it does not support the function, and I try to change it by myself, I can't get the success result, and there is no smartpay related part in sdk document, please help me.

Describe the solution you'd like
Support the smartpay related request in the sdk.

Describe alternatives you've considered
If the sdk support the smartpay related request, I can try to use smartpay in my webpage.

Additional context

Code comments refinement

Minor language correction and refinement is required for some code comments in auth.ts and paypay-rest-sdk.ts

How to manage the multiple shops account in single merchant account?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when
[We have a two apps like shop app and user app like Uber eats. We will be register as one merchant. We will have a multiple shops in future. Every shop will have a plan to sale food items.The user app will have a feature to order foods. How to link paypay app to our user app and shop app. What are the possible ways to get transactoins between user app and shop app with help of paypay payment integration ]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
We have a shop user app and register the shop feature in app.
How to link every shop paypay account with our shop application to receive payment from user app.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Custom endpoint url

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
In some case (e.g. testing, proxy), we need to set custom SDK endpoint but this SDK cannot set this.

Describe the solution you'd like
In python-sdk, we can set custom endpoint url with base_url option.

Describe alternatives you've considered
If you append PayPayRestSDK.setConfig interface, we can change endpoint like (PayPayRestSDK.setHttpsClient)

Additional context

Question: Is it possible to contribute to this project?


Because only developers PR's from PayPay are reviewed, approved.

If so or if there are any contribution rules, it is better to add a contribution guideline for non-PayPay developers.
This is a public repository so if it is possible, I want to contribute.

Thanks in advance.

Error code: 00400071

Describe the bug

When I try to pay ORDER_QR, it responds with error code: 0040071

Hi, I am trying Pay Pay payment service and it's SDK first time.
I have test(sandbox) API key, API secret and merchant ID.

I've installed NodeJS SDK and configured all set ups.
I've used WEB PAYMENT method.
And successfully created order QR code.

But when I try to pay it with mobile application(logged in development mode with test user)
or web browser, PayPay server responds with error code: 0040071.

I've googled this error code and searched it from integration documentation response code list,
but there is no explanation.

My Paypay sdk configuration:

    clientId: "MY_API_KEY",
    clientSecret: "MY_API_SECRET",
    merchantId: "MY_MERCHANT_ID",
    //Set True for Production Environment. By Default this is set False for Sandbox Environment.
    productionMode: false,

My order generation payload is like:

   let payload = {
       merchantPaymentId: myUniqueId,
       amount: {
         amount: 1000,
         currency: "JPY"
       codeType: "ORDER_QR",
       orderDescription: "Order description",
       isAuthorization: false,
       redirectUrl: "MY_URL"
       redirectType: "WEB_LINK",

Could you guide me how could I pay in with Sandbox environment?
Or could you explain me the reason of error code 00400071?

I've also tried following repos and created successfully the order QR code,
but when I try to pay it, it responds same error.

Mobile application response:

Web payment response:
Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 23 04 31

Web payment error response:
Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 23 05 28


  • OS: [macOS Catalina, 10.15.7]
  • NodeJS Version: [11.2.0]
  • Browser [chrome]
  • Device: [Samsung s10, android 9]

"QRCodeCreate" method broken

Describe the bug

When I call the QRCodeCreate method, the script fails. I'm using the 0.4.0.

this.paypaySetupOptions is not a function

This is because how you exported the sdk. I guess this this refers this exported object not PayPayRestSDK.

export = {
Configure: payPayRestSDK.configure,
QRCodeCreate: payPayRestSDK.qrCodeCreate,
QRCodeDelete: payPayRestSDK.qrCodeDelete,
GetCodePaymentDetails: payPayRestSDK.getCodePaymentDetails,
GetPaymentDetails: payPayRestSDK.getPaymentDetails,
PaymentCancel: payPayRestSDK.paymentCancel,
PaymentAuthCapture: payPayRestSDK.paymentAuthCapture,
PaymentAuthRevert: payPayRestSDK.paymentAuthRevert,
PaymentRefund: payPayRestSDK.paymentRefund,
PaymentPreauthorize: payPayRestSDK.paymentPreauthorize,
GetRefundDetails: payPayRestSDK.getRefundDetails,
CheckUserWalletBalance: payPayRestSDK.checkUserWalletBalance,
Authorization: payPayRestSDK.authorization,
AuthorizationResult: payPayRestSDK.authorizationResult,
AccountLinkQRCodeCreate: payPayRestSDK.accountLinkQRCodeCreate,
ValidateJWT: payPayRestSDK.validateJWT,
CreateSubscriptionPayment: payPayRestSDK.paymentSubscription,

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

import * as paypay from '@paypayopa/paypayopa-sdk-node'

(async () => {
  const conf = {
    clientId: '5345435fsdfsr54353454',
    clientSecret: 'dgfgdfgt46435gsdr35tte5',
    merchantId: '2473982',
    productionMode: false


  const payload = {
    merchantPaymentId: '2312324',
    amount: {
        amount: 1,
        currency: 'JPY',
    codeType: 'ORDER_QR',
    orderDescription: 'Test Description',
    isAuthorization: false,
    redirectUrl: 'https://test.redirect.url/',
    redirectType: 'WEB_LINK',
    userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/56.0.2924.75 Mobile/14E5239e Safari/602.1'

  await paypay.QRCodeCreate(payload, (result: any) => {

And the results is below:

$ ts-node src/index.ts
(node:45886) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: this.paypaySetupOptions is not a function
    at Object.qrCodeCreate (/Users/keisuke.yamashita/go/src/
    at /Users/keisuke.yamashita/go/src/
    at step (/Users/keisuke.yamashita/go/src/
    at (/Users/keisuke.yamashita/go/src/
    at /Users/keisuke.yamashita/go/src/
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (/Users/keisuke.yamashita/go/src/
    at /Users/keisuke.yamashita/go/src/
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/keisuke.yamashita/go/src/
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:816:30)
(node:45886) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:45886) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Expected behavior

No errors.

Support agreeSimilarTransaction for createPayment

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I want to use agreeSimilarTransaction on createPayment.

Describe the solution you'd like
In php sdk, this parameter is supported.

Describe alternatives you've considered
If avoid breaking change, append createPaymentWithAgreeSimilarTransaction method.

Additional context

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