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patentsview-api's Issues

Strange behavior when locations endpoint is asked for fields across several groups

I noticed that the locations endpoint has some strange behavior when you ask it for fields from multiple "groups" (i.e., the groups in the fields list The example below provides a minimal example where I try to get four fields that exist across four groups. I can get them one by one (iterating over the four fields), but when I ask for them all at once I don't get any results.

# Note, you need to install the development version of patentsview for this
# example to work. Install instructions are at

# Four fields across four different groups
fields <- c(
  "app_country", "appcit_app_number", "assignee_first_name", "cpc_category"

# I get data back when I just request one field at a time
  fields, function(x) {
    out <- search_pv(
      query = "{\"patent_number\":\"5116621\"}",
      endpoint = "locations", fields = x
#> [[1]]
#>    applications
#> 1 US, 07/633146
#> 2 US, 07/633146
#> 3 US, 07/633146
#> 4 US, 07/633146
#> [[2]]
#>   application_citations
#> 1                    NA
#> 2                    NA
#> 3                    NA
#> 4                    NA
#> [[3]]
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             assignees
#> 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NA, NA, 355732, 266721
#> 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NA, 418770
#> 3                                                                                                             NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, Mitsuharu, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, Michihiro, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 382287, 400473, 424537, 424521, 223745, 31540, 228806, 449617, 89956, 154906, 312721, 224607, 362422, 26496, 319914, 388631, 151555, 91808, 435483, 336374, 393982, 395807, 14773, 268676
#> 4 Nobuo, NA, NA, NA, Katsuya, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 438500, 208580, 107932, 254267, 455621, 75677, 230390, 28244, 259040, 134943, 359304, 425372, 251726, 72364, 50779, 320071, 300279, 66679, 329152, 164075, 126024, 33651, 177375, 386925, 405566, 25355, 94566, 158880, 45188, 88534, 200166, 47321, 239233, 103790
#> [[4]]
#>          cpcs
#> 1 inventional
#> 2 inventional
#> 3 inventional
#> 4 inventional

# ...But not when I ask for them all at once
  query = "{\"patent_number\":\"5116621\"}",
  endpoint = "locations", fields = fields
#> $data
#> #### A list with a single data frame on a location level:
#> List of 1
#>  $ locations:List of 4
#>   ..$ : list()
#>   ..$ : list()
#>   ..$ : list()
#>   ..$ : list()
#> $query_results
#> #### Distinct entity counts across all downloadable pages of output:
#> total_location_count = 4

Created on 2019-11-25 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Raw assignee and location date

I see that we can get raw inventor first and last names from the API, but the raw assignee names (first, last, and organization) and raw location data (city, state, etc.) are not available. It would be great it if we could get the raw data as well for these entities. Would it be possible to add these fields? I noticed that the raw fields are available in your data dumps.


Locations endpoint throwing 500 errors

Hi -

For each endpoint except for locations, I'm able to request all of the possible fields and I get the data I would expect. When I request all of the retrievable fields for the locations endpoint, I get either a 400 or 500 error. For example, see the example request below, which resulted in a 400 error. Do you know why this would be the case? (note, we know why the 400 errors are happening, and this is not a separate issue: #29 )


POST /api/locations/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
user_agent: [email protected]
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: eb64a699-7996-5964-2b33-f630879b243a


Inventors endpoint not returning expected data

patents endpoint not behaving as expected

(This issue is happening again).

Hi, I'm not sure how many endpoints this issue is impacting, but something is definitely going on with the patents endpoint. For example, at the time of writing this issue, this request is returning no patents (though it should):{"_eq":{"inventor_last_name":"chambers"}}&f=["patent_number"]

While this request is returning results as expected:{"_eq":{"inventor_last_name":"jobs"}}&f=["patent_number"]

Note that the second request may be working b/c the query results were cached from an earlier time when the API was not misbehaving.

API hangs when trying to return many fields

Hi -

I'm the maintainer of the R package called patentsview, which provides an R client to the PatentsView API. I noticed some unexpected behavior where the API isn't responding to requests when the user is asking for many fields, especially when it comes to non-patents endpoints. This behavior is not deterministic, meaning sometimes I can get all the fields associated with the patents endpoint in a reasonable time frame, while other times I can't (though note I haven't been able to get all fields associated with the assignees endpoint at all, at least recently):


# timeout http request after 2 minutes
set_config(timeout(120), override = TRUE)

query <- "{\"patent_number\":\"5116621\"}"

# patents endpoint sometimes returns the complete set of fields in a timely fashion:
all_patents_fields <- get_fields("patents")
# fields being requested:
#>   [1] "appcit_app_number"                     
#>   [2] "appcit_category"                       
#>   [3] "appcit_date"                           
#>   [4] "appcit_kind"                           
#>   [5] "appcit_sequence"                       
#>   [6] "app_country"                           
#>   [7] "app_date"                              
#>   [8] "app_number"                            
#>   [9] "app_type"                              
#>  [10] "assignee_city"                         
#>  [11] "assignee_country"                      
#>  [12] "assignee_county"                       
#>  [13] "assignee_county_fips"                  
#>  [14] "assignee_first_name"                   
#>  [15] "assignee_first_seen_date"              
#>  [16] "assignee_id"                           
#>  [17] "assignee_last_name"                    
#>  [18] "assignee_last_seen_date"               
#>  [19] "assignee_lastknown_city"               
#>  [20] "assignee_lastknown_country"            
#>  [21] "assignee_lastknown_latitude"           
#>  [22] "assignee_lastknown_location_id"        
#>  [23] "assignee_lastknown_longitude"          
#>  [24] "assignee_lastknown_state"              
#>  [25] "assignee_latitude"                     
#>  [26] "assignee_location_id"                  
#>  [27] "assignee_longitude"                    
#>  [28] "assignee_organization"                 
#>  [29] "assignee_sequence"                     
#>  [30] "assignee_state"                        
#>  [31] "assignee_state_fips"                   
#>  [32] "assignee_total_num_inventors"          
#>  [33] "assignee_total_num_patents"            
#>  [34] "assignee_type"                         
#>  [35] "cited_patent_category"                 
#>  [36] "cited_patent_date"                     
#>  [37] "cited_patent_kind"                     
#>  [38] "cited_patent_number"                   
#>  [39] "cited_patent_sequence"                 
#>  [40] "cited_patent_title"                    
#>  [41] "citedby_patent_category"               
#>  [42] "citedby_patent_date"                   
#>  [43] "citedby_patent_kind"                   
#>  [44] "citedby_patent_number"                 
#>  [45] "citedby_patent_title"                  
#>  [46] "cpc_category"                          
#>  [47] "cpc_first_seen_date"                   
#>  [48] "cpc_group_id"                          
#>  [49] "cpc_group_title"                       
#>  [50] "cpc_last_seen_date"                    
#>  [51] "cpc_section_id"                        
#>  [52] "cpc_sequence"                          
#>  [53] "cpc_subgroup_id"                       
#>  [54] "cpc_subgroup_title"                    
#>  [55] "cpc_subsection_id"                     
#>  [56] "cpc_subsection_title"                  
#>  [57] "cpc_total_num_assignees"               
#>  [58] "cpc_total_num_inventors"               
#>  [59] "cpc_total_num_patents"                 
#>  [60] "detail_desc_length"                    
#>  [61] "examiner_first_name"                   
#>  [62] "examiner_id"                           
#>  [63] "examiner_last_name"                    
#>  [64] "examiner_role"                         
#>  [65] "examiner_group"                        
#>  [66] "forprior_country"                      
#>  [67] "forprior_date"                         
#>  [68] "forprior_docnumber"                    
#>  [69] "forprior_kind"                         
#>  [70] "forprior_sequence"                     
#>  [71] "govint_contract_award_number"          
#>  [72] "govint_org_id"                         
#>  [73] "govint_org_level_one"                  
#>  [74] "govint_org_level_two"                  
#>  [75] "govint_org_level_three"                
#>  [76] "govint_org_name"                       
#>  [77] "govint_raw_statement"                  
#>  [78] "inventor_city"                         
#>  [79] "inventor_country"                      
#>  [80] "inventor_county"                       
#>  [81] "inventor_county_fips"                  
#>  [82] "inventor_first_name"                   
#>  [83] "inventor_first_seen_date"              
#>  [84] "inventor_id"                           
#>  [85] "inventor_last_name"                    
#>  [86] "inventor_last_seen_date"               
#>  [87] "inventor_lastknown_city"               
#>  [88] "inventor_lastknown_country"            
#>  [89] "inventor_lastknown_latitude"           
#>  [90] "inventor_lastknown_location_id"        
#>  [91] "inventor_lastknown_longitude"          
#>  [92] "inventor_lastknown_state"              
#>  [93] "inventor_latitude"                     
#>  [94] "inventor_location_id"                  
#>  [95] "inventor_longitude"                    
#>  [96] "inventor_sequence"                     
#>  [97] "inventor_state"                        
#>  [98] "inventor_state_fips"                   
#>  [99] "inventor_total_num_patents"            
#> [100] "ipc_action_date"                       
#> [101] "ipc_class"                             
#> [102] "ipc_classification_data_source"        
#> [103] "ipc_classification_value"              
#> [104] "ipc_first_seen_date"                   
#> [105] "ipc_last_seen_date"                    
#> [106] "ipc_main_group"                        
#> [107] "ipc_section"                           
#> [108] "ipc_sequence"                          
#> [109] "ipc_subclass"                          
#> [110] "ipc_subgroup"                          
#> [111] "ipc_symbol_position"                   
#> [112] "ipc_total_num_assignees"               
#> [113] "ipc_total_num_inventors"               
#> [114] "ipc_version_indicator"                 
#> [115] "lawyer_first_name"                     
#> [116] "lawyer_first_seen_date"                
#> [117] "lawyer_id"                             
#> [118] "lawyer_last_name"                      
#> [119] "lawyer_last_seen_date"                 
#> [120] "lawyer_organization"                   
#> [121] "lawyer_sequence"                       
#> [122] "lawyer_total_num_assignees"            
#> [123] "lawyer_total_num_inventors"            
#> [124] "lawyer_total_num_patents"              
#> [125] "nber_category_id"                      
#> [126] "nber_category_title"                   
#> [127] "nber_first_seen_date"                  
#> [128] "nber_last_seen_date"                   
#> [129] "nber_subcategory_id"                   
#> [130] "nber_subcategory_title"                
#> [131] "nber_total_num_assignees"              
#> [132] "nber_total_num_inventors"              
#> [133] "nber_total_num_patents"                
#> [134] "patent_abstract"                       
#> [135] "patent_average_processing_time"        
#> [136] "patent_date"                           
#> [137] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_city"       
#> [138] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_country"    
#> [139] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_id"         
#> [140] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_latitude"   
#> [141] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_location_id"
#> [142] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_longitude"  
#> [143] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_state"      
#> [144] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_city"       
#> [145] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_country"    
#> [146] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_id"         
#> [147] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_latitude"   
#> [148] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_location_id"
#> [149] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_longitude"  
#> [150] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_state"      
#> [151] "patent_kind"                           
#> [152] "patent_num_cited_by_us_patents"        
#> [153] "patent_num_claims"                     
#> [154] "patent_num_combined_citations"         
#> [155] "patent_num_foreign_citations"          
#> [156] "patent_num_us_application_citations"   
#> [157] "patent_num_us_patent_citations"        
#> [158] "patent_number"                         
#> [159] "patent_processing_time"                
#> [160] "patent_title"                          
#> [161] "patent_type"                           
#> [162] "patent_year"                           
#> [163] "pct_102_date"                          
#> [164] "pct_371_date"                          
#> [165] "pct_date"                              
#> [166] "pct_docnumber"                         
#> [167] "pct_doctype"                           
#> [168] "pct_kind"                              
#> [169] "rawinventor_first_name"                
#> [170] "rawinventor_last_name"                 
#> [171] "uspc_first_seen_date"                  
#> [172] "uspc_last_seen_date"                   
#> [173] "uspc_mainclass_id"                     
#> [174] "uspc_mainclass_title"                  
#> [175] "uspc_sequence"                         
#> [176] "uspc_subclass_id"                      
#> [177] "uspc_subclass_title"                   
#> [178] "uspc_total_num_assignees"              
#> [179] "uspc_total_num_inventors"              
#> [180] "uspc_total_num_patents"                
#> [181] "wipo_field_id"                         
#> [182] "wipo_field_title"                      
#> [183] "wipo_sector_title"                     
#> [184] "wipo_sequence"

  endpoint = "patents",
  fields = all_patents_fields
#> $data
#> #### A list with a single data frame (with list column(s) inside) on a patent level:
#> List of 1
#>  $ patents:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  47 variables:
#>   ..$ detail_desc_length                    : chr "11598"
#>   ..$ patent_abstract                       : chr "An anti-inflammatory "..
#>   ..$ patent_average_processing_time        : chr "820"
#>   ..$ patent_date                           : chr "1992-05-26"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_assignee_city       : chr "Tokyo"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_assignee_country    : chr "JP"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_assignee_id         : chr "org_tPNZrwMT6w8Llh6MS"..
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_assignee_latitude   : chr "35.685"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_assignee_location_id: chr "35.685|139.7514"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_assignee_longitude  : chr "139.751"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_assignee_state      : logi NA
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_inventor_city       : chr "Ohtsu"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_inventor_country    : chr "JA"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_inventor_id         : chr "5082663-2"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_inventor_latitude   : chr "33.3103"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_inventor_location_id: chr "33.3103|130.5125"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_inventor_longitude  : chr "130.512"
#>   ..$ patent_firstnamed_inventor_state      : logi NA
#>   ..$ patent_kind                           : chr "A"
#>   ..$ patent_num_cited_by_us_patents        : chr "15"
#>   ..$ patent_num_claims                     : chr "9"
#>   ..$ patent_num_combined_citations         : chr "9"
#>   ..$ patent_num_foreign_citations          : chr "3"
#>   ..$ patent_num_us_application_citations   : chr "0"
#>   ..$ patent_num_us_patent_citations        : chr "6"
#>   ..$ patent_number                         : chr "5116621"
#>   ..$ patent_processing_time                : chr "519"
#>   ..$ patent_title                          : chr "Anti-inflammatory ana"..
#>   ..$ patent_type                           : chr "utility"
#>   ..$ patent_year                           : chr "1992"
#>   ..$ inventors                             :List of 1
#>   ..$ rawinventors                          :List of 1
#>   ..$ assignees                             :List of 1
#>   ..$ applications                          :List of 1
#>   ..$ IPCs                                  :List of 1
#>   ..$ application_citations                 :List of 1
#>   ..$ cited_patents                         :List of 1
#>   ..$ citedby_patents                       :List of 1
#>   ..$ uspcs                                 :List of 1
#>   ..$ cpcs                                  :List of 1
#>   ..$ nbers                                 :List of 1
#>   ..$ wipos                                 :List of 1
#>   ..$ gov_interests                         :List of 1
#>   ..$ lawyers                               :List of 1
#>   ..$ examiners                             :List of 1
#>   ..$ foreign_priority                      :List of 1
#>   ..$ pct_data                              :List of 1
#> $query_results
#> #### Distinct entity counts across all downloadable pages of output:
#> total_patent_count = 1

# ...but the assignees endpoint hasn't been able to return results for large
# sets of fields in a timely fashion:
all_assignees_endpoint_fields <- get_fields("assignees")
# fields requested:
#>   [1] "app_country"                           
#>   [2] "app_date"                              
#>   [3] "app_number"                            
#>   [4] "app_type"                              
#>   [5] "assignee_first_name"                   
#>   [6] "assignee_first_seen_date"              
#>   [7] "assignee_id"                           
#>   [8] "assignee_key_id"                       
#>   [9] "assignee_last_name"                    
#>  [10] "assignee_last_seen_date"               
#>  [11] "assignee_lastknown_city"               
#>  [12] "assignee_lastknown_country"            
#>  [13] "assignee_lastknown_latitude"           
#>  [14] "assignee_lastknown_location_id"        
#>  [15] "assignee_lastknown_longitude"          
#>  [16] "assignee_lastknown_state"              
#>  [17] "assignee_organization"                 
#>  [18] "assignee_total_num_inventors"          
#>  [19] "assignee_total_num_patents"            
#>  [20] "assignee_type"                         
#>  [21] "cpc_category"                          
#>  [22] "cpc_first_seen_date"                   
#>  [23] "cpc_group_id"                          
#>  [24] "cpc_group_title"                       
#>  [25] "cpc_last_seen_date"                    
#>  [26] "cpc_num_patents_for_assignee"          
#>  [27] "cpc_section_id"                        
#>  [28] "cpc_subgroup_id"                       
#>  [29] "cpc_subgroup_title"                    
#>  [30] "cpc_subsection_id"                     
#>  [31] "cpc_subsection_title"                  
#>  [32] "cpc_total_num_assignees"               
#>  [33] "cpc_total_num_inventors"               
#>  [34] "cpc_total_num_patents"                 
#>  [35] "detail_desc_length"                    
#>  [36] "examiner_first_name"                   
#>  [37] "examiner_id"                           
#>  [38] "examiner_last_name"                    
#>  [39] "examiner_role"                         
#>  [40] "examiner_group"                        
#>  [41] "forprior_country"                      
#>  [42] "forprior_date"                         
#>  [43] "forprior_docnumber"                    
#>  [44] "forprior_kind"                         
#>  [45] "forprior_sequence"                     
#>  [46] "govint_contract_award_number"          
#>  [47] "govint_org_id"                         
#>  [48] "govint_org_level_one"                  
#>  [49] "govint_org_level_two"                  
#>  [50] "govint_org_level_three"                
#>  [51] "govint_org_name"                       
#>  [52] "govint_raw_statement"                  
#>  [53] "inventor_city"                         
#>  [54] "inventor_country"                      
#>  [55] "inventor_county"                       
#>  [56] "inventor_county_fips"                  
#>  [57] "inventor_first_name"                   
#>  [58] "inventor_first_seen_date"              
#>  [59] "inventor_id"                           
#>  [60] "inventor_last_name"                    
#>  [61] "inventor_last_seen_date"               
#>  [62] "inventor_lastknown_city"               
#>  [63] "inventor_lastknown_country"            
#>  [64] "inventor_lastknown_latitude"           
#>  [65] "inventor_lastknown_location_id"        
#>  [66] "inventor_lastknown_longitude"          
#>  [67] "inventor_lastknown_state"              
#>  [68] "inventor_latitude"                     
#>  [69] "inventor_longitude"                    
#>  [70] "inventor_num_patents_for_assignee"     
#>  [71] "inventor_state"                        
#>  [72] "inventor_state_fips"                   
#>  [73] "inventor_total_num_patents"            
#>  [74] "ipc_action_date"                       
#>  [75] "ipc_class"                             
#>  [76] "ipc_classification_data_source"        
#>  [77] "ipc_classification_value"              
#>  [78] "ipc_first_seen_date"                   
#>  [79] "ipc_last_seen_date"                    
#>  [80] "ipc_main_group"                        
#>  [81] "ipc_section"                           
#>  [82] "ipc_subclass"                          
#>  [83] "ipc_subgroup"                          
#>  [84] "ipc_symbol_position"                   
#>  [85] "ipc_total_num_assignees"               
#>  [86] "ipc_total_num_inventors"               
#>  [87] "ipc_version_indicator"                 
#>  [88] "lawyer_first_name"                     
#>  [89] "lawyer_first_seen_date"                
#>  [90] "lawyer_id"                             
#>  [91] "lawyer_last_name"                      
#>  [92] "lawyer_last_seen_date"                 
#>  [93] "lawyer_organization"                   
#>  [94] "lawyer_sequence"                       
#>  [95] "lawyer_total_num_assignees"            
#>  [96] "lawyer_total_num_inventors"            
#>  [97] "lawyer_total_num_patents"              
#>  [98] "location_city"                         
#>  [99] "location_country"                      
#> [100] "location_county"                       
#> [101] "location_county_fips"                  
#> [102] "location_id"                           
#> [103] "location_latitude"                     
#> [104] "location_longitude"                    
#> [105] "location_state"                        
#> [106] "location_state_fips"                   
#> [107] "nber_category_id"                      
#> [108] "nber_category_title"                   
#> [109] "nber_first_seen_date"                  
#> [110] "nber_last_seen_date"                   
#> [111] "nber_num_patents_for_assignee"         
#> [112] "nber_subcategory_id"                   
#> [113] "nber_subcategory_title"                
#> [114] "nber_total_num_assignees"              
#> [115] "nber_total_num_inventors"              
#> [116] "nber_total_num_patents"                
#> [117] "patent_abstract"                       
#> [118] "patent_date"                           
#> [119] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_city"       
#> [120] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_country"    
#> [121] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_id"         
#> [122] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_latitude"   
#> [123] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_location_id"
#> [124] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_longitude"  
#> [125] "patent_firstnamed_assignee_state"      
#> [126] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_city"       
#> [127] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_country"    
#> [128] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_id"         
#> [129] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_latitude"   
#> [130] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_location_id"
#> [131] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_longitude"  
#> [132] "patent_firstnamed_inventor_state"      
#> [133] "patent_kind"                           
#> [134] "patent_num_cited_by_us_patents"        
#> [135] "patent_num_claims"                     
#> [136] "patent_num_combined_citations"         
#> [137] "patent_num_foreign_citations"          
#> [138] "patent_num_us_application_citations"   
#> [139] "patent_num_us_patent_citations"        
#> [140] "patent_number"                         
#> [141] "patent_title"                          
#> [142] "patent_type"                           
#> [143] "pct_102_date"                          
#> [144] "pct_371_date"                          
#> [145] "pct_date"                              
#> [146] "pct_docnumber"                         
#> [147] "pct_doctype"                           
#> [148] "pct_kind"                              
#> [149] "rawinventor_first_name"                
#> [150] "rawinventor_last_name"                 
#> [151] "uspc_first_seen_date"                  
#> [152] "uspc_last_seen_date"                   
#> [153] "uspc_mainclass_id"                     
#> [154] "uspc_mainclass_title"                  
#> [155] "uspc_num_patents_for_assignee"         
#> [156] "uspc_sequence"                         
#> [157] "uspc_subclass_id"                      
#> [158] "uspc_subclass_title"                   
#> [159] "uspc_total_num_assignees"              
#> [160] "uspc_total_num_inventors"              
#> [161] "wipo_field_id"                         
#> [162] "wipo_field_title"                      
#> [163] "wipo_sector_title"                     
#> [164] "wipo_sequence"                         
#> [165] "year_id"                               
#> [166] "year_num_patents_for_assignee"

  endpoint = "assignees",
  fields = all_assignees_endpoint_fields
#> Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle): Timeout was reached: Operation timed out after 120004 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

Created on 2019-09-19 by the reprex package (v0.2.0.9000).

few notes:

  • I've had search_pv() print out the URL that it's requesting in the examples above, in case that's easier for you to debug. I know there are a lot of fields in the URLs and hence the example isn't exactly minimal/targeted, but I'm not sure what more I can do to hone in on what the issue actually is.
  • Previously the examples shown above were able to run in a reasonable time frame. It's been like 6-12 months since I last worked on the patentsview package, but the API was returning results for all fields (across all endpoints) pretty quickly at that time, say within 10 seconds for each request.
  • search_pv() gets the set of retrievable fields for a given endpoint by scrapping the fields from your webpage (e.g., the patents endpoint field list here: I don't think it's a matter of the wrong fields being requested, as sometimes a request will work for a given set of fields and other times it will hang indefinitely (at least for the patents endpoint...Recently I haven't been able to get all fields for the assignees endpoint).

pct_data fields not served in format consistent with other fields

Greetings -

It looks like the fields in the pct_data group are not served like fields in other groups. specifically, the fields are not put in an array called "pct_data", as one would expect. Here's an example, where you will see that the fields in other groups (e.g., the wipos and uspcs groups) are given in an array, but pct_data fields are not:


{"patents":[{"patent_id":"5116621","uspcs":[{"uspc_mainclass_id":"424","uspc_mainclass_title":"Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions","uspc_sequence":"0","uspc_subclass_id":"424\/445"},{"uspc_mainclass_id":"424","uspc_mainclass_title":"Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions","uspc_sequence":"1","uspc_subclass_id":"424\/447"},{"uspc_mainclass_id":"424","uspc_mainclass_title":"Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions","uspc_sequence":"2","uspc_subclass_id":"424\/448"},{"uspc_mainclass_id":"424","uspc_mainclass_title":"Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions","uspc_sequence":"3","uspc_subclass_id":"424\/449"}],"wipos":[{"wipo_field_id":"16","wipo_field_title":"Pharmaceuticals","wipo_sector_title":"Chemistry","wipo_sequence":"0"}],"pct_data":{"pct_102_date":null,"pct_371_date":null,"pct_date":null,"pct_docnumber":null,"pct_doctype":null,"pct_kind":null,"0":{"pct_102_date":null,"pct_371_date":null,"pct_date":null,"pct_docnumber":null,"pct_doctype":null,"pct_kind":null}}}],"count":1,"total_patent_count":1}

Patents Endpoint - text_all comparison operation is getting a "Query internal" error

Hi All,

The following patent query worked prior to the API being moved from to{"_text_all":{"patent_title":"cotton gin"}}&o={"page":"1","per_page":"10","matched_subentities_only":"false"}&f=["patent_number","patent_title","inventor_last_name","app_number","patent_date","patent_abstract","appcit_app_number","patent_num_claims","patent_type","patent_num_claims"]

Since the move, it has been getting the following error:

// 20201101101833

"status": "error",
"payload": {
"error": "Query Internal Error",
"code": "QDIS1"

simplifying the call to:{"_text_all":{"patent_title":"cotton gin"}}
yields the same error.

Please advise.

Internal server errors

I'm getting a lot of internal server errors using the POST method. An example of a query I'm trying to make is this:

url =

body = {"q": {"_and": [{"_gte": {"patent_date": "1990-02-01"}}, {"_lt": {"patent_date": "1990-03-01"}}]}, "f": ["patent_number", "patent_year", "patent_date", "app_date", "app_number", "patent_processing_time", "patent_average_processing_time", "patent_kind", "patent_type", "patent_title", "assignee_sequence", "assignee_id", "assignee_type", "assignee_organization", "assignee_first_name", "assignee_last_name", "assignee_country", "assignee_state", "assignee_city", "assignee_latitude", "assignee_longitude", "assignee_first_seen_date", "assignee_last_seen_date", "inventor_sequence", "inventor_id", "inventor_first_name", "inventor_last_name", "inventor_country", "inventor_state", "inventor_city", "inventor_latitude", "inventor_longitude", "inventor_first_seen_date", "inventor_last_seen_date", "nber_category_id", "nber_subcategory_id", "cpc_sequence", "cpc_category", "cpc_section_id", "cpc_subsection_id", "cpc_group_id", "cpc_subgroup_id"], "o": {"page": 1, "per_page": 10000}}

I also get it when I lower the number of fields. Lowering the per_page parameter helps a bit but I'm even getting errors with per_page=100 now.

Swagger UI compatibility

I reverse engineered the Swagger UI json object for the api. The problem I'm having is that the X-Status-Reason response header is not being displayed in the ui when appropriate. I stood up a copy of the service and added the code below to querymodule/app/routes/query.php to expose the response header. Could this code be added to api and would you care to add the json object and Swagger UI to I shouldn't be the only one using Swagger UI to learn the ins and outs of the api!

// Set allows headers on Options requests to keep browsers happy, especially if the browser is displaying Swagger UI
   function () use ($app) {
       $app->response()->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
       $app->response()->header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'origin, content-type, accept');
       $app->response()->header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods','GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS');  

POSTing results in error

It appears as though POSTing to the API(s) is now resulting in errors. Using the GET method results in no such error.


endpoint <- ''
body <- '{"q":{"_gte":{"patent_date":"2007-01-04"}},"f":["patent_number","patent_date"]}'

response <- POST(endpoint, body = body)
content(response, "text")
#> [1] "{\"status\":\"error\",\"payload\":{\"error\":\"'q' param is missing\",\"code\":\"RQ1\"}}"

Created on 2020-09-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Related to ropensci/patentsview#21 (comment)

API can't handle large field lists anymore?

Greetings -

I noticed that the API is throwing errors when I ask for large lists of fields. For example, when I ask the API for data on all of the fields that are supposedly available for the patents endpoint (based on, I get a 500 error:[%22app_country%22,%22app_date%22,%22app_number%22,%22app_type%22,%22appcit_app_number%22,%22appcit_category%22,%22appcit_date%22,%22appcit_kind%22,%22appcit_sequence%22,%22assignee_city%22,%22assignee_country%22,%22assignee_county%22,%22assignee_county_fips%22,%22assignee_first_name%22,%22assignee_first_seen_date%22,%22assignee_id%22,%22assignee_last_name%22,%22assignee_last_seen_date%22,%22assignee_lastknown_city%22,%22assignee_lastknown_country%22,%22assignee_lastknown_latitude%22,%22assignee_lastknown_location_id%22,%22assignee_lastknown_longitude%22,%22assignee_lastknown_state%22,%22assignee_latitude%22,%22assignee_location_id%22,%22assignee_longitude%22,%22assignee_organization%22,%22assignee_sequence%22,%22assignee_state%22,%22assignee_state_fips%22,%22assignee_total_num_inventors%22,%22assignee_total_num_patents%22,%22assignee_type%22,%22cited_patent_category%22,%22cited_patent_date%22,%22cited_patent_kind%22,%22cited_patent_number%22,%22cited_patent_sequence%22,%22cited_patent_title%22,%22citedby_patent_category%22,%22citedby_patent_date%22,%22citedby_patent_kind%22,%22citedby_patent_number%22,%22citedby_patent_title%22,%22cpc_category%22,%22cpc_first_seen_date%22,%22cpc_group_id%22,%22cpc_group_title%22,%22cpc_last_seen_date%22,%22cpc_section_id%22,%22cpc_sequence%22,%22cpc_subgroup_id%22,%22cpc_subgroup_title%22,%22cpc_subsection_id%22,%22cpc_subsection_title%22,%22cpc_total_num_assignees%22,%22cpc_total_num_inventors%22,%22cpc_total_num_patents%22,%22detail_desc_length%22,%22examiner_first_name%22,%22examiner_group%22,%22examiner_id%22,%22examiner_last_name%22,%22examiner_role%22,%22forprior_country%22,%22forprior_date%22,%22forprior_docnumber%22,%22forprior_kind%22,%22forprior_sequence%22,%22govint_contract_award_number%22,%22govint_org_id%22,%22govint_org_level_one%22,%22govint_org_level_three%22,%22govint_org_level_two%22,%22govint_org_name%22,%22govint_raw_statement%22,%22inventor_city%22,%22inventor_country%22,%22inventor_county%22,%22inventor_county_fips%22,%22inventor_first_name%22,%22inventor_first_seen_date%22,%22inventor_id%22,%22inventor_last_name%22,%22inventor_last_seen_date%22,%22inventor_lastknown_city%22,%22inventor_lastknown_country%22,%22inventor_lastknown_latitude%22,%22inventor_lastknown_location_id%22,%22inventor_lastknown_longitude%22,%22inventor_lastknown_state%22,%22inventor_latitude%22,%22inventor_location_id%22,%22inventor_longitude%22,%22inventor_sequence%22,%22inventor_state%22,%22inventor_state_fips%22,%22inventor_total_num_patents%22,%22ipc_action_date%22,%22ipc_class%22,%22ipc_classification_data_source%22,%22ipc_classification_value%22,%22ipc_first_seen_date%22,%22ipc_last_seen_date%22,%22ipc_main_group%22,%22ipc_section%22,%22ipc_sequence%22,%22ipc_subclass%22,%22ipc_subgroup%22,%22ipc_symbol_position%22,%22ipc_total_num_assignees%22,%22ipc_total_num_inventors%22,%22ipc_version_indicator%22,%22lawyer_first_name%22,%22lawyer_first_seen_date%22,%22lawyer_id%22,%22lawyer_last_name%22,%22lawyer_last_seen_date%22,%22lawyer_organization%22,%22lawyer_sequence%22,%22lawyer_total_num_assignees%22,%22lawyer_total_num_inventors%22,%22lawyer_total_num_patents%22,%22nber_category_id%22,%22nber_category_title%22,%22nber_first_seen_date%22,%22nber_last_seen_date%22,%22nber_subcategory_id%22,%22nber_subcategory_title%22,%22nber_total_num_assignees%22,%22nber_total_num_inventors%22,%22nber_total_num_patents%22,%22patent_abstract%22,%22patent_average_processing_time%22,%22patent_date%22,%22patent_firstnamed_assignee_city%22,%22patent_firstnamed_assignee_country%22,%22patent_firstnamed_assignee_id%22,%22patent_firstnamed_assignee_latitude%22,%22patent_firstnamed_assignee_location_id%22,%22patent_firstnamed_assignee_longitude%22,%22patent_firstnamed_assignee_state%22,%22patent_firstnamed_inventor_city%22,%22patent_firstnamed_inventor_country%22,%22patent_firstnamed_inventor_id%22,%22patent_firstnamed_inventor_latitude%22,%22patent_firstnamed_inventor_location_id%22,%22patent_firstnamed_inventor_longitude%22,%22patent_firstnamed_inventor_state%22,%22patent_kind%22,%22patent_num_cited_by_us_patents%22,%22patent_num_claims%22,%22patent_num_combined_citations%22,%22patent_num_foreign_citations%22,%22patent_num_us_application_citations%22,%22patent_num_us_patent_citations%22,%22patent_number%22,%22patent_processing_time%22,%22patent_title%22,%22patent_type%22,%22patent_year%22,%22pct_102_date%22,%22pct_371_date%22,%22pct_date%22,%22pct_docnumber%22,%22pct_doctype%22,%22pct_kind%22,%22rawinventor_first_name%22,%22rawinventor_last_name%22,%22uspc_first_seen_date%22,%22uspc_last_seen_date%22,%22uspc_mainclass_id%22,%22uspc_mainclass_title%22,%22uspc_sequence%22,%22uspc_subclass_id%22,%22uspc_subclass_title%22,%22uspc_total_num_assignees%22,%22uspc_total_num_inventors%22,%22uspc_total_num_patents%22,%22wipo_field_id%22,%22wipo_field_title%22,%22wipo_sector_title%22,%22wipo_sequence%22]&o=%7B%22include_subentity_total_counts%22:false,%22matched_subentities_only%22:true,%22page%22:1,%22per_page%22:25%7D&s=

Meanwhile, this request (which only includes some of the fields shown above, doesn't result in an error:[%22app_country%22,%22app_date%22,%22app_number%22,%22app_type%22,%22appcit_app_number%22,%22appcit_category%22,%22appcit_date%22,%22appcit_kind%22,%22appcit_sequence%22,%22assignee_city%22,%22assignee_country%22,%22assignee_county%22,%22assignee_county_fips%22]&o=%7B%22include_subentity_total_counts%22:false,%22matched_subentities_only%22:true,%22page%22:1,%22per_page%22:25%7D&s=

Any idea what's up? The first request shown above used to work.

Build a client (or several)

The query language is big and serves as another heavy thing for developers to learn.

Creating some simple php, ruby, python, and/or javascript clients.

wipo bulk file and wipo_field_id search

A forum user posted that the bulk wipo file does not have any patents with a field_id of 11. The patents endpoint also doesn't return any patents for {"wipo_field_id":"11"}. ipc_technology.csv has a single IPC_code of "G01N  33/%" (note there are two spaces between the N and the 3) for Field_number 11 It should match patents like {"patent_number":["5726061","3930726"]}

1976.dat has an ICL G01N 3316 for 3930726 and 1981.dat has several IPCs for 5726061 all beginning G01N 33. I would think wipo_field_id 11 should return the same ones the patents endpoint returns from {"_and":[{"ipc_section":"G"},{"ipc_class":"01"},{"ipc_subclass":"N"},{"ipc_main_group":"33"}]} If I knew python better I'd suggest a fix for

Locations endpoint throws 400 error when cpc_sequence field is asked for

As noted here ropensci/patentsview#11 by @mustberuss:

Field validation is done in the api's executeQuery before the database is queried. It throws the 400 error since cpc_sequence is not present in entitySpecs for the location endpoint. It's present for 3 other endpoints (patents, assignees*, inventors*) and other cpc fields are present for the location endpoint.

For example, this GET request returns data:{"location_city":"Mount%20Airy"}&f=["location_id","cpc_subgroup_title"]

But this one throws a 400 error:{"location_city":"Mount%20Airy"}&f=["cpc_sequence"]

...In which your API returns the following details:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD>
<BODY><h2>Bad Request</h2>
<hr><p>HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed.</p>

lead off with a better welcome

It should inspire and equip the developer to get started as soon as possible.

Most of the current intro homepage is focused on USPTO and the program, when it should instead focus on the developer

Is the copyright notice necessary?

Maybe consider calling it User Terms? Copyright Notice is a standoff-ish term.

Consider an extra sentence that affirms that everyone is welcome to use this.

Problem with include_subentity_total_counts option

Greetings -

I'm seeing strange behavior from the API when I set include_subentity_total_counts equal to true and ask for a large set of fields. Specifically, I am getting a 404 error that says "Field name is invalid: rawinventor_key_id," when I did not include rawinventor_key_id in my field list.

The two calls shown below differ only in that the first call has include_subentity_total_counts set to false, while the second has it set to true. The first call succeeds and the second call throws the 404 error I mentioned.

First call (does not return an error. include_subentity_total_counts set to false):

POST /api/patents/query HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 92c96fdd-eecf-a546-4ff2-56557d3ff250


Second call (returns an error. include_subentity_total_counts set to true):

POST /api/patents/query HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: b15853b5-da8a-1804-1661-71fc1cc46d6e


Queries on non-patent endpoints with 'match_subentities_only' = 'false' returning error

When one uses ‘matched_subentities_only’ = ‘false’ on non-patent endpoint (particularly cpc_subsection, nber_subcategories, uspc_mainclass), the API returns a ‘500’ error. This occurs because when you use ‘matched_sub_entities_only’ = ‘false’ the endpoint is returning all data associated with the value on that endpoint associated with the patent. So, for example, if you are querying the cpc_subsection endpoint for patent ‘5116621’ it would return all the assignee/location/inventor etc information about patents associated with the same cpc_subsection id as that patent not just the assignee/location/inventors that are associated with patent ‘5116621’. Similarly, on the locations endpoint you’d be returning all the information about all the patents with the same location as patent ‘5116621’, which is also a lot of information. We have been working on exploring how we can resolve this issue, but it is not likely to be resolved in the short term. We’d recommend that you either run the query in ‘chunks’ (e.g. first with just inventor fields, then just assignee fields, etc) or that you use ‘match_subentities_only’ = ‘true’ or that you query the patent endpoint for information about a particular patent in the mean time.

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