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store_attribute's Introduction

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My name is Vladimir (or Вова), and I'm a principal backend engineer at @evilmartians.

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store_attribute's People


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store_attribute's Issues

Reading store attribute with the default value populates changes


class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  store_attribute :meta, :last_updated_at, :date, default: -> { } 

 u = User.first; nil
=> nil
» u.changes
=> {}
» u.meta['foo']
=> nil
» u.changes
=> {"meta"=>
  [{"last_updated_at"=>Thu, 10 Sep 2020},
   {"last_updated_at"=>Thu, 10 Sep 2020}]}

TypeError: no _dump_data is defined for class Proc with default proc value

Found problems when caching the object, inside it is calls Marshal.dump(obj)
The problem occurs when the model has a default with proc
Here's my case

class Course < ApplicationRecord
  store_attribute :settings, :foo, :json, default: {}

c1 = Course.find(1)
c2 = Course.find(2)[:test] = 2
# Bad #=> {:test=>2} #=> {:test=>2}

class Course < ApplicationRecord
  store_attribute :settings, :foo, :json, default: -> { {} }

c1 = Course.find(1)
c2 = Course.find(2)[:test] = 2
# Good #=> {:test=>2} #=> {}

# But!
Marshal.dump(c1) #=> TypeError: no _dump_data is defined for class Proc

# However no problems with ActiveRecord attribute
class Course < ApplicationRecord
  attribute :foo, :json, default: -> { {} }

c1 = Course.find(1) #=> {}
Marshal.dump(c1) #=> "\x04\bo:\vCourse\x0F:\x10@attributeso:\x1EActiveModel::AttributeSet\...

Any ideas how to fix this?

Rails 5.1 support

Could you release a new version of store_attribute supporting the latest version of Rails?

Rails 6.1 support ?

Hello, thanks for the gem!

Currently it throws is not a string or a symbol


store :analysis_methods, accessors: [val: :boolean, val2: :boolean], coder: JSON

Validators are not working as expected on stores

Ruby Version:
Ruby 3.0.0
Rails Version:
Rails 7.0.4
Store Attribute Version:

What did you do?

use validators on store

What did you expect to happen?

validation should be effected

What actually happened?

validation not happening - atleast the presence validator is not working well


store_accessor  :store1,
store_attribute :store1, :store1_key, default: 'value'

validates :store1, presence: true

weird issue with dirty tracking on rails 7

Tell us about your environment

Ruby Version: 2.7.4

Rails Version: 7.0.0.alpha2

Store Attribute Version: 0.9.1

What did you do?

if i have a stored attribute in the database, change another stored attribute and then call #changes, the already present attribute value gets removed. see example below.

this does not happen without the store_attribute gem.

# frozen_string_literal: true

require "bundler/inline"

gemfile(true) do
  source ""

  git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" }

  gem "activesupport", "~> 7.0.0.alpha2", require: false
  gem "activerecord", "~> 7.0.0.alpha2", require: false
  gem "store_attribute", "0.9.1", require: false
  gem "sqlite3"
  gem "debug"

require "active_support"
require "active_record"
require "store_attribute"
require "minitest/autorun"
require "logger"

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :humen, force: true do |t|
    t.text :meta

class Human < ActiveRecord::Base
  store :meta, accessors: [ :social_credit, slave: :boolean ], coder: JSON
  after_initialize { self.social_credit ||= 0.0 }

class BugTest < Minitest::Test
  def setup
    meta = { slave: true }
    ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "DELETE FROM humen;"
    ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "INSERT INTO humen (meta) VALUES ('#{meta.to_json}');"

  def test_without_call_to_changes
    human = Human.first
    assert human.slave

    human.social_credit = 1.0!

    assert human.slave

  def test_call_to_changes
    human = Human.first
    assert human.slave
    assert human.reload.slave


Run options: -v --seed 28294

# Running:

BugTest#test_call_to_changes = D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.405408 #64486] DEBUG -- :    (0.1ms)  DELETE FROM humen;
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.405693 #64486] DEBUG -- :    (0.1ms)  INSERT INTO humen (meta) VALUES ('{"slave":true}');
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.406992 #64486] DEBUG -- :   Human Load (0.1ms)  SELECT "humen".* FROM "humen" ORDER BY "humen"."id" ASC LIMIT ?  [["LIMIT", 1]]
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.410243 #64486] DEBUG -- :   TRANSACTION (0.0ms)  begin transaction
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.410463 #64486] DEBUG -- :   Human Update (0.1ms)  UPDATE "humen" SET "meta" = ? WHERE "humen"."id" = ?  [["meta", "{\"social_credit\":0.0}"], ["id", 1]]
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.410621 #64486] DEBUG -- :   TRANSACTION (0.0ms)  commit transaction
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.411141 #64486] DEBUG -- :   Human Load (0.1ms)  SELECT "humen".* FROM "humen" WHERE "humen"."id" = ? LIMIT ?  [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
0.01 s = F
BugTest#test_without_call_to_changes = D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.414410 #64486] DEBUG -- :    (0.1ms)  DELETE FROM humen;
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.414565 #64486] DEBUG -- :    (0.1ms)  INSERT INTO humen (meta) VALUES ('{"slave":true}');
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.414959 #64486] DEBUG -- :   Human Load (0.0ms)  SELECT "humen".* FROM "humen" ORDER BY "humen"."id" ASC LIMIT ?  [["LIMIT", 1]]
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.415384 #64486] DEBUG -- :   TRANSACTION (0.0ms)  begin transaction
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.415595 #64486] DEBUG -- :   Human Update (0.1ms)  UPDATE "humen" SET "meta" = ? WHERE "humen"."id" = ?  [["meta", "{\"slave\":true,\"social_credit\":1.0}"], ["id", 2]]
D, [2021-10-07T22:00:17.415784 #64486] DEBUG -- :   TRANSACTION (0.0ms)  commit transaction
0.00 s = .

Finished in 0.011849s, 168.7906 runs/s, 337.5812 assertions/s.

  1) Failure:
BugTest#test_call_to_changes [store_attribute_changes.rb:59]:
Expected nil to be truthy.

2 runs, 4 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

What did you expect to happen?

a call to #changes should not change model state.

What actually happened?

it removes the slave column value.

BUG: v1.0.1 issues with escaped json

Tell us about your environment

Ruby Version:

Rails Version:

PostgreSQL Version:

Store Attribute Version:

What did you do?

We have a model with a json type (example below).

class TestObject < ActiveRecord::Base
  store_accessor :params, form_data: :json

What did you expect to happen?

When reading or writing to form_data, we would expect the values within to act like hashes.

What actually happened?

We're getting a lot of json values that are escaped multiple times – as many as three times.

This is causing errors in our code because the values returned are strings rather than (the expected) hashes.

Example value in db (params)
{"form_data": ""{\"user_query\":\"\"}""}
{"user_query" => ""}

I don't know what could be causing the serialization portion but the deserialization does have something strange (to me) happening. On the line below, "hash[key]" returns an transformed value for form_data "{"user_query":""}" – I would expect the raw value ({"form_data": ""{\"user_query\":\"\"}""}).

_lookup_cast_type removed in Rails 7 alpha

Tell us about your environment

Ruby Version: 2.7.2

Rails Version: 7.0.0.alpha (from GitHub)

PostgreSQL Version: 13.3

Store Attribute Version: (Latest from GitHub)

What did you do?

We've started looking at using our application at work using Rails 7 from GitHub, while using store_attribute in our models. In doing so, it raised some errors from underlying changes to ActiveRecord.

For full transparency, this is how a few of our store_attribute calls look:

  store_attribute :greeting, :title, :string, prefix: :greeting
  store_attribute :greeting, :description, :string, prefix: :greeting
  store_attribute :greeting, :video, :json, prefix: :greeting

What did you expect to happen?

The error to not be raised :) (though to be fair, it makes sense why the error happens)

What actually happened?

An error was raised (both in the browser and the Rails console)

NoMethodError: undefined method `_lookup_cast_type' for #<Class:0x00007fd1b53d5430>

I tracked it down by removing the store_attributes in our model, and things behaved like expected, when I dug deeper into the gem source I believe this is the only occurrence of using the removed method from Rails 7.

Type::TypedStore.create_from_type(_lookup_cast_type(attr_name, was_type, {}), name, type, **options)

Here is the PR with the removal of this method from Rails:

I wasn't quite sure how would be best to fix the gem for backwards compatibility, so thanks in advance!

BUG: v1.0.1 non-typed attribute names don't include prefix or suffix

Tell us about your environment

Ruby Version:

Rails Version:

PostgreSQL Version:

Store Attribute Version:

What did you do?

We've attempted to use prefixes with non-typed attributes (example below).

class Space::TestObject < ActiveRecord::Base
  store_accessor :notes, :for_manager, prefix: :note

What did you expect to happen?

A method for "note_for_manager" to be defined.

What actually happened?

ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'note_for_manager' for Space::TestObect.

It looks like the prefix (and suffix) values were unintentionally omitted in a recent changeset.

As a workaround, providing a type to the attribute works as expected.

class Space::TestObject < ApplicationRecord
  store_accessor :notes, for_manager: jsonb, prefix: :note

Default value questions v0.8x -> v1.x

Not a specific issue, just looking to clarify why default values work like they do. Following along with #6 and #7 it looks like it should follow the Attribute API but things seem to have changed in v1.x...


class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  store_attribute :preferences, :color, :string, default: 'red'
INSERT INTO "users" ("id", "preferences") VALUES (1, '{}');

v0.8.1: => "red" => {"color"=>"red"}
User.first.color => "red"
User.first.preferences => {"color"=>"red"}

v1.0.2 => "red" => {"color"=>"red"}
User.first.color => nil
User.first.preferences => nil

An example of this in practice is if we add a new store_attribute to an existing persisted object, I'd expect the default to be set on load. Obviously this would cause the object to be marked dirty the first time it's initialized with the new store_attribute (which gets us into all the trouble we had in #23) but at least persisting would update the serialized value so that would only happen once.

Anyway, just looking for where the decision was made and why, it's making upgrading riskier!

Dirty tracking methods erroring out when used in callback proc

Tell us about your environment

Ruby Version: 3.0.0

Rails Version:

PostgreSQL Version: 13.2

Store Attribute Version: 0.9.0

What did you do?

I ran bundle update, which updated store_attribute to 0.9.0 from 0.8.1.

What did you expect to happen?

What actually happened?

After update, my test suite is failing on a model that uses store_attribute and uses dirty tracking methods in conditional callbacks;

  store_attribute :settings, :apis, :string  
  before_update :activate, if: -> { apis_changed? }

On binding and calling the method directly I get;

NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
from /home/deploy/.bundle/gems/store_attribute-0.9.0/lib/store_attribute/active_record/store.rb:74:in `block (3 levels) in store_accessor'

BUG: v1.0.1 changes the behavior of active model

Tell us about your environment

Ruby Version:

Rails Version:

PostgreSQL Version:

Store Attribute Version:

What did you do?

Our rails app includes classes that aren't ActiveRecord classes. An example is below.

class TestObject
  include ActiveModel::Model
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  include ActiveModel::Dirty

  define_attribute_methods :content

  attr_reader :content

  def content=(value)
    @content = value

  def reset_dirty_tracking

What did you expect to happen?

The behavior of class should not be changed by store_attribute.

What actually happened?

The following error occurs.

Minitest::UnexpectedError:         NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for #            lib/rails_ext/active_record_mutation_tracker_extention.rb:8:in `change_to_attribute'

It appears "StoreAttribute::MutationTracker#change_to_attribute" expects the "attributes" to be an instance of "ActiveModel::LazyAttributeSet" when it (in this case) is an instance of the class – TestObject.

Storing Array Type Objects

Is it possible to store an :array type?

The documentation says type A symbol such as :string or :integer, or a type object to be used for the accessor, but wondering if I can store arrays too. For example, something like this:

  store_attribute :details, :chapter_ids_stored, :array, default: []
  store_attribute :details, :chapter_ids_stored, :object, default: []

I'm currently storing relationship ids in Redis cache, since they are frequently used and costly to calculate. But wondering whether I could use store_attribute instead so store these ids in the actual record, then replace them upon updating the model.

I could store it as a :string converting to a comma separated list first, and then back again to an array, but would be nicer if it was possible to just store as an array. Is there a way to achieve this?

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