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tokenizer's Introduction


A simple tokenizer, layered on top of python regular expressions ('re' module)

This is inpired by the simple tokenizer example given in the python re module, with some additional capabilities.

The Tokenizer class:

  • Keeps the regexp/token specification separate from the tokenizing logic.
  • Has simple "post processing" function capability so, for example, tokens representing numbers can have their values as int rather than str.
  • Creates a TokenID Enum for token types.
  • Provides "source string" information with each token, which can be helpful for better syntax error messages.
  • Has very simple modal capabilities if different rules should be triggered by specific tokens

There is also a TokStreamEnhancer providing:

  • Concatenation of multiple input streams
  • N-level "peek" / "unget"
  • A way to remember ("mark") a spot in the token stream and, if desired, unget tokens ("unwind") all the way back to that point.
  • Two more ways (beyond just StopIteration) to handle EOF: a one-time EOF token prior to the StopIteration, or an infinite supply of EOF tokens (never causing StopIteration).

The TokStreamEnhancer does not depend on the Tokenizer class; it can be layered onto any iterator that provides a stream of arbitrary objects.

Using the Tokenizer

The Tokenizer takes a TokenRuleSuite made up of TokenMatch objects.

Each TokenMatch is:

  • A string name. This will become the identifier in the TokenID Enum automatically created (by the TokenRuleSuite)
  • A regular expression.
  • An optional post-processing function, called a ppf

In the simplest scenario, multiple TokenMatch objects are given to TokenRuleSuite in a list. For example, to tokenize input consisting of simple identifiers and numeric values, separated by whitespace:

from tokenizer import TokenMatch, TokenRuleSuite, Tokenizer

rules = [
    TokenMatch('WHITESPACE', r'\s+'),
    TokenMatch('IDENTIFIER', r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'),
    TokenMatch('CONSTANT', r'-?[0-9]+'),

rule_suite = TokenRuleSuite(rules)

At this point the rule_suite is suitable for initializing a Tokenizer object.

The Tokenizer object

A Tokenizer is created from a TokenRuleSuite and (typically) an open file:

tkz = Tokenizer(rule_suite, open('example-input', 'r'))

Anything that is an iterable of strings works as input:

tkz = Tokenizer(rule_suite, ["first string, line 1", "second, line 2"])

The input can also be None; tokens() can take optional input parameters instead, and string_to_tokens() works directly on a supplied string.

The most common/simplest code uses the tokens() method which returns (generates) a sequence of Token objects from the input specified at initialization time:

with open('example-input', 'r') as f:
    for token in Tokenizer(rule_suite, f).tokens():
        print(, token.value)

and, given this example-input file:

abc123 def    ghi_jkl     123456

the above code will output:

TokenID.IDENTIFIER ghi_jkl
TokenID.CONSTANT 123456

Another way to say the same thing:

tkz = Tokenizer(rule_suite, None)
with open('example-input', 'r') as f:
    for token in tkz.tokens(f):
        print(, token.value)

To directly tokenize a specific string:

tkz = Tokenizer(rule_suite, None)
for token in tkz.string_to_tokens("this   is\ninput 123"):
    print(, token.value)

which will output:



The values in these examples are all strings, and that second WHITESPACE token value contains a newline. This would be more apparent using repr():

tkz = Tokenizer(rule_suite, None)
for token in tkz.string_to_tokens("this   is\ninput 123"):
    print(, repr(token.value))      # now using repr() here

Now the output will look like this:

TokenID.IDENTIFIER 'input'
TokenID.CONSTANT '123'

Post-processing functions (ppf)

It's probably more useful in this example if the CONSTANT tokens were integer values not strings. Perhaps it would also be helpful if WHITESPACE tokens were simply discarded. This can all be handled with a post-processing function in the TokenMatch:

rules = [
    TokenMatch('WHITESPACE', r'\s+', TokenRuleSuite.ppf_ignored),
    TokenMatch('IDENTIFIER', r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'),
    TokenMatch('CONSTANT', r'-?[0-9]+', TokenRuleSuite.ppf_int),

The TokenRuleSuite class provides a few handy post-processing functions:

  • TokenRuleSuite.ppf_ignored: suppresses the token. The input is matched but the token is not returned.
  • TokenRuleSuite.ppf_int: converts the .value string using int()
  • ppf_keepnewline: suppresses the token, UNLESS it contains a newline (see discussion)

With the above rules and the same string_to_token() call, the output would now be:

TokenID.IDENTIFIER 'input'

Skipping whitespace but keeping newlines

Using ppf_ignored to suppress all WHITESPACE is handy, but sometimes the end of a line has semantic meaning and needs to be visible as a token. We could write an explicit NEWLINE rule, and then change WHITESPACE to not use the 're' \s escape. However, the scenario is common enough that a ppf_keepnewline function is available for it:

rules = [
    TokenMatch('WHITESPACE', r'\s+', TokenRuleSuite.ppf_keepnewline),
    TokenMatch('IDENTIFIER', r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'),
    TokenMatch('CONSTANT', r'-?[0-9]+', TokenRuleSuite.ppf_int),

but running this leads to an error:

... some output and then ...
KeyError: 'NEWLINE'

because ppf_keepnewline assumes there is a TokenID NEWLINE but we have no rule named NEWLINE. To fix this, a TokenMatch can be created with no corresponding regexp:

from tokenizer import TokenMatch, TokenRuleSuite, Tokenizer

rules = [
    TokenMatch('WHITESPACE', r'\s+', TokenRuleSuite.ppf_keepnewline),
    TokenMatch('IDENTIFIER', r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'),
    TokenMatch('CONSTANT', r'-?[0-9]+', TokenRuleSuite.ppf_int),
    TokenMatch('NEWLINE', None)     # no regexp; for ppf_keepnewline

This fixes the "KeyError: NEWLINE" problem. The "no rule" TokenMatch entry for NEWLINE can be in any spot; order doesn't matter.

Now the output will look like:

TokenID.IDENTIFIER 'abc123'
TokenID.IDENTIFIER 'ghi_jkl'
TokenID.CONSTANT 123456
TokenID.NEWLINE '\n'

The WHITESPACE has been ignored, except if it contains one (or more) newlines, in which case a NEWLINE token has been generated. Note that only one NEWLINE token will be generated even if there are multiple \n characters in a given run of WHITESPACE. This is usually desired behavior (multiple newlines collapse into a single NEWLINE token). Or, if not, write explicit TokenMatch rules accordingly.

Any number of "no corresponding regexp" tokens can be added this way; they are often useful as sentinels or for other ppf functions.

Writing custom ppf functions

You can supply your own ppf functions. They should look like this:

def ppf_something(trs, id, val):
    return id, do_something(val)

The arguments supplied are:

  • trs :: the TokenRuleSuite object. One reason this is needed is to return a different TokenID than the one given; use trs.TokenID to get at the mapping.
  • id :: the TokenID (note: not the tokname) of the rule that fired.
  • val :: the (string) value

The function should return a tuple: (id, val) where id is a possibly-different tokenID than handed in, and val is a possibly-different (i.e., converted) value. For example, to convert float values write this:

def ppf_something(trs, id, val):
    return id, float(val)

Any exceptions raised by a ppf function will bubble out. Applications should catch these exceptions with a try/except around the Tokenizer iteration. Typically if an application wants to report better error messages it will have to manage the iteration itself (i.e., using next in a try/except) rather than relying on a for loop as these simple examples do.

To cause a token to be ignored, a ppf should return None, None

Use partial if additional arguments are needed in a custom ppf function.

Here, for example, is a ppf implementation that can be used to turn an IDENTIFIER into a KEYWORD if it matches the given keyword table:

from tokenizer import TokenMatch, TokenRuleSuite, Tokenizer
import functools

keywords = ['for', 'while', 'if', 'else' ]

def _ppf_keyword(trs, id, val, keyword_table=None):
    if val in keyword_table:
        return trs.TokenID.KEYWORD, val
        return id, val

# demonstration of using partial() for more ppf arguments
ppf_keyword = functools.partial(_ppf_keyword, keyword_table=keywords)

rules = [
    TokenMatch('WHITESPACE', r'\s+'),
    TokenMatch('IDENTIFIER', r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*', ppf_keyword),
    TokenMatch('KEYWORD', None),     # for ppf_keyword

rule_suite = TokenRuleSuite(rules)

for t in Tokenizer(rule_suite, ["in a while\n", "crocodile"]).tokens():
    print(, repr(t.value))

The output will be:

TokenID.KEYWORD 'while'
TokenID.IDENTIFIER 'crocodile'

Tokenizer odds and ends

Input can be pre-processed, because anything that duck-types as an iterable of strings is acceptable. For example, if backslash-newline sequences need to be elided (in effect combining two adjacent lines), that's easy to do. A built-in filter, `linefilter' does this:

from tokenizer import TokenMatch, TokenRuleSuite, Tokenizer

rules = [
    TokenMatch('IDENTIFIER', r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*'),

rule_suite = TokenRuleSuite(rules)

f = open('example-input', 'r')
tkz = Tokenizer(rule_suite, Tokenizer.linefilter(f))
for t in tkz.tokens():
    print(, repr(t.value))

If given this example-input file:


where the first line ends with "backslash newline", the output will be:

TokenID.IDENTIFIER 'foobar'

Note that the backslash/newline has been completely filtered out by linefilter and a single IDENTIFIER that was "split" across that escaped line boundary has been produced. Applications can provide their own, more-elaborate, input filters if necessary.

Multiple TokenMatch groups

Some lexical processing is modal - the appearance of a token will change the lexical processing for the following tokens. To allow for simple versions of this, a TokenRuleSuite can group rules into named subgroups. To use this provide the rules in a mapping (dict) instead of a list:

from tokenizer import TokenMatch, TokenRuleSuite, Tokenizer

group1 = [
    TokenMatch('ZEE', r'z'),
    TokenMatch('SWITCH', '/', TokenRuleSuite.ppf_altrules)

group2 = [
    TokenMatch('ZED', r'z'),
    TokenMatch('SWITCH', '/', TokenRuleSuite.ppf_mainrules)

rules = {TokenRuleSuite.DEFAULT_NAME: group1,
         TokenRuleSuite.ALT_NAME: group2}

rule_suite = TokenRuleSuite(rules)

tkz = Tokenizer(rule_suite, None)
for token in tkz.string_to_tokens('zz/z/z'):
    print(, repr(token.value))

This will output:

TokenID.ZEE 'z'
TokenID.ZEE 'z'
TokenID.SWITCH '/'
TokenID.ZED 'z'
TokenID.SWITCH '/'
TokenID.ZEE 'z'

See the code for details on naming/specifying more than two sets of rules. Note, of course, that at some point of complexity it may become a better idea to write a custom lexical analyzer rather than get too fancy with ppf functions and multiple rule sets.


A separate class, TokStreamEnhancer, provides higher-level functionality on the token stream generated by Tokenizer.

In the simplest case, if tkz is a Tokenizer object, an enhanced stream can be made like this:

xz = TokStreamEnhancer(tkz)

Any number of token streams can be concatenated:

rules = blah blah blah
tkz1 = Tokenizer(rules, open('file1', 'r'))
tkz2 = Tokenizer(rules, open('file2', 'r'))
xz = TokStreamEnhancer(tkz1, tkz2)

for t in xz:

This will print tokens from file1 followed by tokens from file2. Any number of token streams can be specified this way.

There is no requirement the underlying tokstreams be a Tokenizer or even be anything more than iterables. For example, this works just fine:

xz = TokStreamEnhancer([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
t1 = xz.gettok()
t2 = xz.gettok()
t3, t4 = xz.peektoks(2)
t2b, t3b, t4b = xz.gettoks(3)

print(t3, t4)
print(t2b, t3b, t4b)

and outputs:

3 4
2 3 4

peek and unget

In all of these examples, xz is a TokStreamEnhancer.

To peek at a token in an enhanced token stream, without "getting" it:

t0 = xz.peektok()
t1 = xz.peektok()
print(t0 == t1)

This will print True.

To "unget" (put a token back):

t0 = xz.peektok()         # peek, doesn't get it
t1 = xz.gettok()          # gets the token
xz.ungettok(t1)           # puts it back
t2 = xz.gettok()          # gets it again

print(t == t1, t1 == t2)

will print True True.

It "works" to unget any arbitrary object, but is considered bad practice:

t1 = xz.gettok()
s = "doesn't even have to be a Token object"
t2 = xz.gettok()

this will print the string s and cause your coworkers to stick pins in the eyes of your voodoo doll.

To peek ahead multiple tokens at a time:

t0, t1, t2, = xz.peektoks(3)

To get multiple tokens at a time:

t0, t1, t2 = xz.gettoks(3)

There is no atomicity or other semantics implied by getting multiple tokens at once vs making N individual calls.

If the end of the (last) token stream is encountered during a peek or get, the behavior depends on some of the TokStreamEnhancer arguments, so this is a good time to look at those:

class TokStreamEnhancer:
def __init__(self, *tokstreams, lasttok=None, eoftok=None):

The arguments are an arbitrary number of token streams, as already discussed, plus two other optional keyword arguments:

lasttok -- will be supplied before reaching StopIteration
eoftok -- will be supplied IN LIEU (repeatedly) of StopIteration

Specifying a lasttok is equivalent to adding a one-token stream (of lasttok) to the tokstreams argument. This last token will be returned as the last token, and the next token request after that will either raise StopIteration or return eoftok if one was given.

Specifying an eoftok is a request to turn OFF the raising of StopIteration and instead return the given eoftok, INDEFINITELY (i.e., multiple times). NOTE: This breaks the "iterator protocol" and, indeed, the TokStreamEnhancer will not allow itself to be used as an iter if an eoftok has been given.

These two arguments allow for several different ways to handle the end of the token stream:

  • If neither lasttok nor eoftok was specified, StopIteration is raised when peektok() or gettok() are called and there are no more tokens in the last of the tokstreams.
  • If only a lasttok was specified, then after the last token from the last of the tokstreams has been given out, the next token will be lasttok. After lasttok has been given out (i.e., by gettok), StopIteration will be raised by peektok or gettok.
  • If only an eoftok was specified, then instead of raising StopIteration that token will be returned, indefinitely (i.e., repeatedly) for peektok/gettok, once the last of the tokstreams has been exhausted.
  • If both lasttok and eoftok are specified, then the two semantics are combined in the obvious way.

EOF testing

no_more_tokens = xz.at_eof()

The at_eof method returns True if peektok or gettok would return eoftok if one had been specified, or would raise StopIteration if no eoftok was specified.

Conditional peek

Notionally it's sometimes convenient to combine a conditional test (usually a test on the token id) with a peek. Method peek_if does this:

def peekif(self, pred, /, *, eofmatch=_NOTGIVEN):
    """Return (peek) a token, if pred(token) is True, else return None.

    If optional argument eofmatch is given, it is returned (regardless
    of pred match) if at_eof(). Otherwise peek semantics for eof.

marking and unwinding

Sometimes in a recursive-descent parser it may be convenient to save a spot in the token stream, try to parse something, and then be able to easily unwind (unget) all the tokens back to the saved spot.

The methods tokmark and acceptmarks provide this.

To mark a spot in a stream, use tokmark as a context manager:

with xz.tokmark():
    t1 = xz.gettok()
    t2 = xz.gettok()

print(xz.gettok() == t1)

This will print True because without a call to acceptmarks, any tokens gotten within the context manager will be put back when the context manager exits.

To "accept" the tokens and stop the unwinding, invoke acceptmarks():

with xz.tokmark():
    t1 = xz.gettok()
    t2 = xz.gettok()

print(xz.gettok() == t1)

Note that the acceptmarks affects the ENTIRE tokmark context. It does not matter whether tokens are gotten before or after the accept; what matters is whether or not an accept occurred ANYWHERE within the context. All tokens in that context will be accepted and not unwound when the context exits. This is equivalent:

with xz.tokmark():
    t1 = xz.gettok()
    t2 = xz.gettok()

print(xz.gettok() == t1)

It is possible to nest contexts, though programmers are cautioned that the semantics of this start to get subtle fast. If necessary, save an explicit context variable in the WITH statement and use it for acceptmarks calls:

with xz.tokmark() as ctx:
    t1 = xz.gettok()
    with xz.tokmark() as ctx2:
        t2 = xz.gettok()
    t3 = xz.gettok()
t4 = xz.gettok()

Figuring out what tokens t3 and t4 are is left as an exercise for the programmer.

tokenizer's People


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