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nosql-node-sdk's Introduction

Node.js for Oracle NoSQL Database


This is version 5.5 of the Node.js SDK for the Oracle NoSQL Database. The SDK provides interfaces, documentation, and examples to develop Node.js applications that use the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service and the On-Premise Oracle NoSQL Database. You can use the SDK to access Oracle NoSQL Database in JavaScript or TypeScript.



You may install this SDK either as a dependency of your project:

npm install oracle-nosqldb --save

or globally:

sudo npm install -g oracle-nosqldb


See the API and user guide documentation.


When requesting help please be sure to include as much detail as possible, including version of the SDK and simple, standalone example code as needed.


For detailed information and API documentation about using the SDK in different environments see the documentation

The following is a quick start tutorial to run a simple program in the supported environments. The same template source code is used for all environments. The first step is to cut the program below and paste it into an editor for minor modifications. The instructions assume that is stored as quickstart.js, but you can use any name you like. The quickstart example supports 3 environments:

  1. Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service
  2. Oracle NoSQL Cloud Simulator
  3. Oracle NoSQL Database on-premise, using the proxy server

See running quickstart for instructions on how to edit and run the quickstart program in different environments.

 * A simple example that
 *   - creates a table
 *   - inserts a row using the put() operation
 *   - reads a row using the get() operation
 *   - drops the table
 * To run:
 *  1. Edit for your target environment and credentials
 *  2. Run it:
 *       node quickstart.js cloud|cloudsim|kvstore
 *  Use 'cloud' for the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service
 *  Use 'cloudsim' for the Oracle NoSQL Cloud Simulator
 *  Use 'kvstore' for the Oracle NoSQL Database on-premise
'use strict';

const NoSQLClient = require('oracle-nosqldb').NoSQLClient;
const Region = require('oracle-nosqldb').Region;
const ServiceType = require('oracle-nosqldb').ServiceType;

// Target table used by this example
const TABLE_NAME = 'NodeQuickstart';
const USAGE = 'Usage: node quickstart.js cloud|cloudsim|kvstore';

async function quickstart() {
    let client;
    try {
        const args = process.argv;
        let serviceType = args[2];
        if (!serviceType) {
            return console.error(USAGE);
        // Set up access to the cloud service
        client = createClient(serviceType);
        console.log('Created NoSQLClient instance');
        await run(client);
    } catch (err) {
        console.error('  Error: ' + err.message);
        console.error('  from: ');
    } finally {
        if (client) {

 * This function encapsulates environmental differences and returns a
 * client handle to use for data operations.
function createClient(serviceType) {

    switch(serviceType) {
    case 'cloud':
        return new NoSQLClient({
             * EDIT:
             * 1. use desired region id
             * 2. your tenancy's OCID, user's OCID
             * 3. privateKeyFile path
             * 4. fingerprint for uploaded public key
             * 5. optional passphrase. If your key has none, delete this
             * line (and the leading ',').
            region: Region.<your-region-here>,
            auth: {
                iam: {
                    tenantId: 'your tenancy OCID',
                    userId: 'your user OCID',
                    fingerprint: 'your public key fingerprint',
                    privateKeyFile: 'path to private key file',
                    passphrase: 'pass phrase if set for your private key'
    case 'cloudsim':
         * EDIT: if the endpoint does not reflect how the Cloud
         * Simulator has been started, modify it accordingly.
        return new NoSQLClient({
            serviceType: ServiceType.CLOUDSIM,
            endpoint: 'localhost:8080'
    case 'kvstore':
         * EDIT: if the endpoint does not reflect how the Proxy
         * Server has been started, modify it accordingly.
        return new NoSQLClient({
            serviceType: ServiceType.KVSTORE,
            endpoint: 'localhost:80'
        throw new Error('Unknown service type: ' + serviceType);

 * Create a table, read and write a record
async function run(client) {
(cookie_id LONG, audience_data JSON, PRIMARY KEY(cookie_id))`;
    console.log('Create table ' + TABLE_NAME);
    let res = await client.tableDDL(createDDL, {
        tableLimits: {
            readUnits: 50,
            writeUnits: 50,
            storageGB: 25
    console.log('  Creating table %s', res.tableName);
    console.log('  Table state: %s',;

    // Wait for the operation completion
    await client.forCompletion(res);
    console.log('  Table %s is created', res.tableName);
    console.log('  Table state: %s',;

    // Write a record
    console.log('\nWrite a record');
    res = await client.put(TABLE_NAME, {
        cookie_id: 456,
        audience_data: {
            ipaddr: '10.0.00.yyy',
            audience_segment: {
                sports_lover: '2019-01-05',
                foodie: '2018-12-31'
    if (res.consumedCapacity) {
        console.log('  Write used: %O', res.consumedCapacity);

    // Read a record
    console.log('\nRead a record');
    res = await client.get(TABLE_NAME, { cookie_id: 456 });
    console.log('  Got record: %O', res.row);
    if (res.consumedCapacity) {
        console.log('  Read used: %O', res.consumedCapacity);

    // Drop the table
    console.log('\nDrop table');
    const dropDDL = `DROP TABLE ${TABLE_NAME}`;
    res = await client.tableDDL(dropDDL);
    console.log('  Dropping table %s', res.tableName);

    // Wait for the table to be removed
    await client.forCompletion(res);
    console.log('  Operation completed');
    console.log('  Table state is %s',;


Running Quickstart

Run Against the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service

Running against the Cloud Service requires an Oracle Cloud account. See Configuring for the Cloud Service for information on getting an account and acquiring required credentials.

  1. Collect the following information:
  • Tenancy ID
  • User ID
  • API signing key (private key file in PEM format)
  • Fingerprint for the public key uploaded to the user's account
  • Private key pass phrase, needed only if the private key is encrypted
  1. Edit quickstart.js and add your information in the 'cloud' section of the createClient() function.

  2. Decide the region you want to use and add that in the same section in the value for the region key.

  3. Run the program:

node quickstart.js cloud

If you would prefer to create a configuration file for credentials instead of modifying the program put credentials in a file (see Using a Configuration File). Then modify quickstart.js to use the file:


iam: {
    tenantId: 'your tenancy OCID',
    userId: 'your user OCID',
    fingerprint: 'your public key fingerprint',
    privateKeyFile: 'path to private key file',
    passphrase: 'pass phrase if set for your private key'


iam: {
    configFile: 'path-to-config-file',
    profileName: 'DEFAULT'

Run Against the Oracle NoSQL Cloud Simulator

Running against the Oracle NoSQL Cloud Simulator requires a running Cloud Simulator instance. See Using the Cloud Simulator for information on how to download and start the Cloud Simulator.

  1. Start the Cloud Simulator based on instructions above. Note the HTTP port used. By default it is 8080 on localhost.

  2. The quickstart.js program defaults to localhost:8080 so if the Cloud Simulator was started using default values no editing is required.

  3. Run the program:

node quickstart.js cloudsim

Run Against Oracle NoSQL on-premise

Running against the Oracle NoSQL Database on-premise requires a running Oracle NoSQL Database instance as well as a running NoSQL Proxy server instance. The program will connect to the proxy server.

See Connecting to an On-Premise Oracle NoSQL Database for information on how to download and start the database instance and proxy server. The database and proxy should be started without security enabled for this quickstart program to operate correctly. A secure configuration requires a secure proxy and more complex configuration.

  1. Start the Oracle NoSQL Database and proxy server based on instructions above. Note the HTTP port used. By default the endpoint is localhost:80.

  2. The quickstart.js program defaults to localhost:80. If the proxy was started using a different host or port edit the settings accordingly.

  3. Run the program:

node quickstart.js kvstore


The examples are located in the examples directory. There are two sets of examples: JavaScript in examples/javascript directory and TypeScript in examples/typescript directory.

You can run the examples:

  • Against the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service using your Oracle Cloud account and credentials.
  • Locally using the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator.
  • Against the On-Premise Oracle NoSQL Database via the proxy.

examples/config directory contains template JSON configuration files used to run the examples:

  • cloud_template.json is used to access a cloud service instance and allows you to customize configuration. See Supply Credentials to the Application. Unused properties must be removed from the template.
  • cloudsim.json is used if you are running against the cloud simulator. You may use this file directly as config file if you are running the cloud simulator on localhost on port 8080. If the cloud simulator has been started on a different host or port, change the endpoint.
  • kvstore_template.json is used to access on-premise NoSQL Database via the proxy. Copy that file and fill in appropriate values as described in Configuring the SDK. If configuring for a not secure store the auth section should be removed.

Alternatively, when using cloud service with default configuration as described in Configuring the SDK, you may run examples without providing JSON configuration file. This assumes that your credentials and your region identifier are present in an OCI config file ~/.oci/config.

JavaScript Examples

JavaScript examples are in examples/javascript directory. You can copy all files in this directory to a separate directory. The SDK package oracle-nosqldb is the only dependency for these examples. You may install it via package.json in the same directory (alternatively, you may install the SDK globally). To run an example:

npm install
node <example.js> [optinal_config_file.json]


npm install
$ node basic_example.js config.json

TypeScript Examples

TypeScript examples are in examples/typescript directory. There are 4 examples: table_ops.ts, single_row_ops.ts, multi_row_ops.ts and query_ops.ts. They also share some common functionality (see setup.ts and common.ts). package.json in the same directory contains scripts to build and run the examples. You may copy all files in this directory to a separate directory.

Use npm to install the dependencies, then you can run each example as follows:

npm install
npx tsx <example.ts> [optional_config_file.json]


npm install
npx tsx single_row_ops.ts config.json

The commands above use tsx which is installed as one of the dependencies.

Alternatively, you can build the examples into JavaScript. Then run the resulting .js files, which are created in the dist directory, e.g.:

npm run build
node dist/single_row_ops.js config.json

See package.json for more details.


Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the package for a copy of the license and additional information.

The THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES file contains third party notices and licenses.


See CONTRIBUTING for details.


See SECURITY for details.

nosql-node-sdk's People


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nosql-node-sdk's Issues

PrivateKey / PrivateKeyFile documentation

Doc in README regarding PrivateKeyFile says literally privateKeyFile: 'path to private key file or private key'.

However privateKeyFile accepts only a file path, the correct configuration prop for private key as pem string is : privateKey.

As far I have seen the only mention to privateKey is here.

I suggest to fix the description in the main README and to add an example with a mock privateKey.

WRITE_MULTIPLE: Illegal Argument: Two operations have different major paths" error

I'm trying to use the putMany (or writeMany, same problem) function to write more than 1 object row to the table.

SDK version 5.2. Running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure NoSQL table called "users", with 50 RU and 5 WU capability. Permissions set up to manage tables for the user running the script.

I can .put a record OK. I can .putMany so long as the array is exactly of length 1. Any more, and it fails with this error:
NoSQLArgumentError: [ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT] WRITE_MULTIPLE: Illegal Argument: Two operations have different major paths, first: /rP%C2%90/¨000%C2%94 other: /rP%C2%90/¨001x

Example code:

const NoSQLClient = require('oracle-nosqldb').NoSQLClient;
const ServiceType = require('oracle-nosqldb').ServiceType;
const Region = require('oracle-nosqldb').Region;
const Consistency = require('oracle-nosqldb').Consistency;

const main = async() => {

    const client = new NoSQLClient({
        region: Region.UK_LONDON_1,
        serviceType: ServiceType.CLOUD,
        compartment: 'ocid1.compartment......zzz',
        auth: {
            iam: {
                tenantId: 'ocid1.tenancy....ttt',
                userId: 'ocid1.user.uuu',
                fingerprint: '<finbgerprint>',
                privateKeyFile: '<path to pem file>',
                passphrase: '<passphrase here>',

    try {
        const res = await client.putMany('users', [
                user_id: 1,
                name: {
                    first: 'Fred',
                    last: 'Bloggs'
                contact: {
                    email: "[email protected]"
                user_id: 2,
                name: {
                    first: 'John',
                    last: 'Smith'
                contact: {
                    email: "[email protected]"
        console.log('res from putMany is ', res);
    } catch (err) {
        console.log("ERROR is ", err);



Appreciate any help here. The only reference I can find to "Two operations have different major paths" is in this Java file:

If I comment out the user_id=2 entry, it will run and insert that single entry into the table OK (so I know permissions are OK) but any more than 1 entry and it will generate this error.

Any clues? Table definition, for reference is show here:

TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'proxy' of 'this' as it is undefined.

I am facing this error while initializing my APP

version : 5.3.3

TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'proxy' of 'this' as it is undefined.
at /root/Desktop/orchestrator-SIT/alinma-orchestrator-sprint6/node_modules/https-proxy-agent/dist/agent.js:86:21
at ()
at /root/Desktop/orchestrator-SIT/alinma-orchestrator-sprint6/node_modules/https-proxy-agent/dist/agent.js:8:71
at new Promise ()
at __awaiter (/root/Desktop/orchestrator-SIT/alinma-orchestrator-sprint6/node_modules/https-proxy-agent/dist/agent.js:4:12)
at callback (/root/Desktop/orchestrator-SIT/alinma-orchestrator-sprint6/node_modules/https-proxy-agent/dist/agent.js:85:16)
at Function.writeFieldValue (/root/Desktop/orchestrator-SIT/alinma-orchestrator-sprint6/node_modules/oracle-nosqldb/lib/binary_protocol/protocol.js:165:19)
at Function._writeMapEntries (/root/Desktop/orchestrator-SIT/alinma-orchestrator-sprint6/node_modules/oracle-nosqldb/lib/binary_protocol/protocol.js:100:18)
at Function.writeObject (/root/Desktop/orchestrator-SIT/alinma-orchestrator-sprint6/node_modules/oracle-nosqldb/lib/binary_protocol/protocol.js:112:14)
at Function.writeFieldValue (/root/Desktop/orchestrator-SIT/alinma-orchestrator-sprint6/node_modules/oracle-nosqldb/lib/binary_protocol/protocol.js:223:26)

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