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openssh's Issues

Async read of a ssh program stdio.

How do I go about this the right way? I would like to see an example such that it reads stdio and writes the data to a file in real time.

Here's my current thought process on how I might do the above.

  1. Setup a Command with stdio::piped for stdio, stder and stdin
  2. Spawn the ssh command
  3. get the stdio handles
  4. read the stdio and write to a file stream.
  5. Program exits How do I know that the ssh program is done?


The same as arc_command, but for shell.

I did this very easily via an extension trait, but it should be available out-of-the-box imo considering arc_command and arc_raw_command are there:

trait ArcShellExt {
    fn arc_shell<S: AsRef<str>>(self: Arc<Self>, command: S) -> OwningCommand<Arc<Self>>;

impl ArcShellExt for Session {
    fn arc_shell<S: AsRef<str>>(self: Arc<Self>, command: S) -> OwningCommand<Arc<Self>> {
        let mut cmd = self.arc_command("sh");

Let ssh decide its control sockets etc

Hi. I have a project where I'm trying to control ssh(&maybe sftp) from a Rust parent process, and I'd love to use your library.

However, the library seems very opinionated about passing -S etc options.

How would you feel about an API that lets ssh just do what it is configured to do, instead of forcing its hand so much? Right now, the library won't e.g. let me reuse a master connection that was opened from elsewhere.

[Proposal] Connect to ssh multiplex server directly with NobodyXu/openssh-mux-client


First of all, this crate is really awesome in that it can reuse all the ssh configuration ~/.ssh/config and features it have.
Thank you for implementing this!

After I realized that this crate communicates with the ssh multiplex server by creating a ssh process and thus having problem handle errors reliably, I have been thinking of writing a Rust crate that can communicate with the ssh multiplex server directly.

Fortunately, ssh does have a document on its multiplex protocol and I was able to implement openssh-mux-client that acts as a ssh multiplex client in pure Rust.

I have written a few test cases to make sure the

  • health check
  • session opening
  • remote port forwarding
  • local port forwarding
  • graceful shutdown of the ssh multiplex server

are working as intended, while features

  • local port forwarding
  • dynamic forwarding
  • terminating the ssh multiplex server

are implemented but not tested.

There are also two features that I didn't implement:

  • forward stdio (stdin + stdout) to remote port (not that useful)
  • closure of port forwarding (according to the document, it is not implemented yet by ssh)
  • terminating the ssh multiplex server for the ssh implementation is buggy (the server does not reply with the Ok message before it terminates).

While it is extremely likely there are bugs in my code, I think it is ready for testing.
Thus, I think it would be great if openssh-rs could add a feature that enables it to use my crate to communicate with the ssh multiplex server directly, which would help provides better error message and would avoid the unnecessary process creation.

Add `.with_args` feature to rust library

This features exists in bossy::Command here:

It is quite useful, allowing you to write this:

let kill_cmd = session.command("/root/.cargo/bin/nu").withargs([
  r##"ps | filter {|ps| $ == "surreal"} | get pid | each {|pid| kill $pid }"##,

... instead of this:

let mut kill_cmd = session.command("/root/.cargo/bin/nu");
  r##"ps | filter {|ps| $ == "surreal"} | get pid | each {|pid| kill $pid }"##,

This saves using the mut keyword and a new line, and can even be implemented trivially using an extension trait

Bug/Test failure on MacBook

On Macbook Air 2020 with MacOS 12.3.1, I got the following error when running and


---- no_route stdout ----
Custom { kind: ConnectionAborted, error: "connect to host port 22: Address family not supp
orted by protocol family" }
thread 'no_route' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `ConnectionAborted`,
 right: `Other`', tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


The test in question is no_route.

The error is created using Error::interpret_ssh_error.

Codecog upload error

There seems to be a codecov uploading error in the CI:

[2023-03-20T13:13:27.169Z] ['info'] Pinging Codecov:*******&branch=master&build=4468562670&
[2023-03-20T13:13:27.574Z] ['error'] There was an error running the uploader: Error uploading to []( Error: There was an error fetching the storage URL during POST: 404 - {'detail': ErrorDetail(string='Unable to locate build via Github Actions API. Please upload with the Codecov repository upload token to resolve issue.', code='not_found')}
Error: Codecov: Failed to properly upload: The process '/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v3/dist/codecov' failed with exit code 255

@jonhoo Could it be some of the token you setup expired?

Password based authentication?

I am a bit ignorant when it comes to ssh stuff, but I have been looking into it a lot lately. This tool is awesome but unfortunately I have no control of how the authentication is setup in the environment that I am trying to use this. Are there any plans to support password based authentication in this crate? Is there a reason that it isn't? Or is it just something that you aren't interested in doing?


Port forwarding?

Is it possible to setup port forwarding along with this crate? I see in your source code that you're just calling the ssh command, which is perfect because then we can just add a -R 80:localhost:80 or a -L 80:localhost:80 to the ssh command based on what ports needs to be forwarded.

Would you be open to implementing that? Additionally, just out of curiosity, I see in other issues that you've not found time to work on this recently. As of today, does the library still work or are there any pitfalls in the library that prevent it from working for a production use?

Unable to establish connection on Windows 11

Using version 0.8.1, creating a connection does not seem to work when on Winodws 11.

When executing the following line of code:

let session = Session::connect(format!("root@{}", SERVER_IP.to_string()), KnownHosts::Accept).await?;

I either get the following output, no folder in root of my project and the process terminates:

Error: Connect(Custom { kind: ConnectionAborted, error: "getsockname failed: Bad file descriptor\r\nssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to UNKNOWN port -1: unexpected internal error" })

Or I do not get any output and the process "hangs" at this line.
The library then created a folder in the root of my project named ".ssh-connection***" before waiting indefinitely.

test connect_timeout does not seem to work

26 of the 27 test pass, excluding connect_timeout.

instead of resulting in a timeout, ssh seems to fail with:
"connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable"

when changing the test's host ip e.g. to the google dns it works.

Automatically cleaning up `.ssh-connectionXXXXX` on connection failure


I'm using the native-mux implementation for my project.

openssh = { version = "0.9.9", features = ["native-mux"], default-features = false }
panic = "abort"
        let session = SSHSession::connect_mux(&host.hostname, KnownHosts::Add)
            .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("{} Failed to connect to host.", host));

Sometimes I mistype the hostname and connection rightfully fails, but perhaps because I have panic = "abort", the .ssh-connectionXXXXX directory (located under the current directory) is not removed. I'm on MacOS. I have panic = "abort" because I create SSH session inside an async task, and I want the program to terminate when a connection fails.

It seems like I can set the control_directory to point at somewhere like /tmp where it doesn't really matter, but since /tmp is shared, it'll be great if there's a native way to seamlessly clean up.


How to disable .ssh-connectionXXXXX folder creation


Every time I start a ssh connection it creates a .ssh-connectionXXXXX folder (where X are replaced by random chars). How could I disable that feature, or make sure that folder is removed afterwards?

Feature Request: Implement Cancel Socket/Port Forwarding

The Session::request_port_forwarding documentation states the following:

Currently, there is no way of stopping a port forwarding due to the fact that openssh multiplex server/master does not support this.

In ssh, you can cancel port forwarding for multiplexed connections like this:

ssh -S [path_to_multiplexing_socket] -O cancel -L/R [forwarding_addresses] 

So I don't see why this couldn't be implemented?
Maybe I'm missing something. Will implement it myself if no one picks up the ticket or tells me why it won't work. :)

Shall we have an organisation of all other crates related to this one?

Currently openssh depends on a few crates maintained by me, including openssh-mux-client and ssh_format, however these crates only have one single maintainer thus the bus factor is high.

xkcd dependency img

Also, since I was the only maintainer, these crates don't get enough people reviewing the code.

Blocking wrapper

It would be useful to have a blocking wrapper around this library, for use in blocking code.
It could be built in a similar fashion as that of reqwest. It could be a feature, or an external crate.

Make Session function public for external calls

Currently, I have implemented a Session object myself. Can these two methods be opened for external self control calls.

Make new_process_mux or new_native_mux public .

mpl Session {
    #[cfg(feature = "process-mux")]
+    pub(super) fn new_process_mux(tempdir: TempDir) -> Self {

    #[cfg(feature = "native-mux")]
+    pub(super) fn new_native_mux(tempdir: TempDir) -> Self {

About code link ref:

Deviations from tokio

Prior to version 0.9.0, openssh had a very nice feature that it matched very closely tokio::process::{Command, Child, ChildStdin, ChildStdout}. So it was very easy to work with both local and remote commands by spawning them in a function and returning the respective stdin/stdout for the code to interact with.

Since 0.9.0, this no longer "just works". openssh::Command::spawn is now async; tokio::process::Command::spawn isn't. ChildStdin/ChildStdout are now opaque types, so they cannot be returned in the same places as their equivalents in tokio::process.

What are the reasons for these changes? And are there any straightforward workarounds? (I'm a beginner in Rust, so I may be missing something very basic.)

0.9.0 milestone

Since the 0.9.0-rc1 has been out for one month and there isn't any bug report for it, I think it is reasonable to prepare for a 0.9.0 release.


  • Update changelog #57
  • Split the breaking change in #30 as a separate PR (mainly renaming existing "SFTP" implementation to Scp). #50
  • Split the changes where improvement to local testing scripts are made as a separate PR. #51
  • If windows support is to be added in the future, then we need to make ChildStdin, ChildStdout and ChildStderr opaque wrappers instead of concrete type and only expose trait Unpin (since tokio::process::Child* is Unpin), AsyncWrite and AsyncRead. (It would be much easier if rust has stablised impl type alias). #53
  • Make Session::control_socket available only on unix or makes it return Option<&Path>. It exposes implementation details and ssh on windows does not support session multiplex, so this API would not present on Windows. #52

Is it possible to clean up the historical control_directory before creating a SessionBuilder?

Currently testing locally, the historical control_directory directory will always exist during each debugging session.


➜ ll -als
total 0
0 drwxr-xr-x  6 root  staff   192B  7 28 10:03 .
0 drwxr-xr-x  3 root  staff    96B  7 27 18:25 ..
0 drwxr-xr-x  4 root  staff   128B  7 28 09:55 .ssh-connectionpCn9J7
0 drwxr-xr-x  2 root  staff    64B  7 28 10:01 .ssh-connectionpHq9a2
0 drwxr-xr-x  2 root  staff    64B  7 28 10:03 .ssh-connectionpJp983
0 drwxr-xr-x  2 root  staff    64B  7 28 10:05 .ssh-connectionpLwp24

Sftp does not do SFTP

Instead, it is using shell commands.
This makes the tool incompatible with SFTP-only servers.

It's unclear when looking at the documentation. It probably shouldn't be called SFTP.

Support russh?

russh is a rust implementation of ssh.
It's much better than using external ssh to remove dependency on having ssh in environment and ssh also contains a lot of terrible coding practices (global states for arguments and program states) and written in C, so having a Rust implementation is preferred.

I think we could support this by having a feature and a new set of Session(Builder)::new_russh for this.

To keep backwards compatibility, I think we should make openssh::Error opaque and instead have an opaque type with Error::kind() for inspecting the error kind.

Allow to specify tmp path

It's probably not always a good idea to leave a temporary file in the working directory. Is there a reason why this is not in the tmp folder by default (std::env::temp_dir for example)?

SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable should be passed to SSH

Right now it seems that openssh::Session::connect_mux does not pass SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable to the child SSH process, breaking all setups that depend on an SSH agent.

This is exhibited by getting a PermissionDenied error when trying to establish a connection Connect(Custom { kind: PermissionDenied, error: "pin required\r\[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey)." })' while the same host does not prompt for anything when using ssh standalone.

Is there any way to set the current directory when executing command in a session

I'm executing remote commands through a Session using Session::command()

But I don't find a way to set the current directory for a given command. Even the cd command does not keep the directory changed for subsequent commands.

I am looking for something like std::process::Command::current_dir() method.

Is there any way to do this ?

Streaming stdout with stderr together

Hi! Thanks as always for the great crates (and videos).

I'm writing a multi-node command runner built around this crate (, and I have the need to stream both the stdout and stderr of commands to the user.

My take on streaming the stdout is like this:
(Basically I'm using AsyncBufReadExt::fill_buf to fetch characters.)

Now, building on top of this, I'd like to stream stdout together with stderr. I thought in theory stdout and stderr are separate, it should be safe to create a replica async fn stream_stderr(&self, stdout: &mut ChildStderr) and join them like:


but obviously this erred with the borrow checker complaining about process being mutably borrowed twice.

Approaches that failed:

  1. Failed because the field channel is private.
  2. let openssh::RemoteChild { session, channel } = process: Failed because tokio::process::Child doesn't (cannot?) implement Copy.

Would there be a way to get around this?


Connection failure depending on the current working directory

I have a code that calls Session::connect(...).await. It runs fine most of the time, but fails with "failed to connect to the remote host", when run from inside a certain directory (or its children). (I.e., the only thing that changes is the current working directory.) I don't see anything special about that directory, but perhaps I'm missing something. Any pointers on what this could be, or how to go about debugging it?

Can I use -J flag to do jumphosts?

I have a central server that is authenticated with multiple machines and I need to use it as an intermediate jump host. Is this option exposed by any chance?

Session - should Drop call Session::terminate?

Hey there! I've been looking for a project like this, it looks awesome!

I was wondering if the Drop implementation for Session should call Session::close or Session::terminate. I noticed that the tsp example has a manual session.close() in it, would it be more "rusty" to take advantage of RAII instead?

shell-escape is being over zealous.

Was trying to do a curl and notice that the args would fail. turns out the shell-escape is adding a few more single/double quotes.

try something like this and review the data structure. I think you need to use a different crate as shell-escape hasn't been updated in years.

let cmd = dbg!(session.command("curl")
.arg("-H 'Auth'")
.arg(-o 'stuff.txt')

`wait_with_output` + `native-mux` cuts off stdout output

I have code that's roughly like follows:

// …
let std::process::Output {
    } = c.spawn().await?.wait_with_output().await?;
// …
let content = &stdout;
            "daily content is {} long and ends with {:?}",
// …

The command being ran on the remote produces relatively large amount of output on a single line. When I'm using native-mux feature, this output is incomplete!

With native-mux I see:

2022-10-25T05:43:55.091989Z  WARN start_sim::live: daily content is 147456 long and ends with Some(110)

but if I change to process-mux and change connect_mux to connect, I see

2022-10-25T05:42:40.638584Z  WARN start_sim::live: daily content is 410777 long and ends with Some(10)

The process-mux is correct.

I don't have minimum reproducible example at hand but I suspect one can just create a large file (say 1MiB) on a remote and spawn cat large-file via openssh and reproduce the issue.

I tried with 0.9.7, same result.

[Question] Letting the os pick a port?

Hi!, I'm using this crate to forward a remote socket like this


I'd like to forward to to let the os pick any free port,
Is it then possible to get the port number? Thanks!

Is it possible to reboot the remote server from this crate?

For example, I need to reboot my servers before I start a new batch experiments. Is it possible issue a reboot from shell and then disconnect the local ssh handler? Also, is it possible to run things in parallel? I have tried to use things like tokio::join but it doesn't seem to work nicely here. Thx!

Username and password authetication


I saw the issue #68, and from documentation, it is not possible to use username and password for the session, only key-pairs. Would it be possible to add this authentication as this ssh2 crate did?

Thank you for your attention!

Feature: A new `RemoteChildOwned` struct to avoid self-ref issue

From openssh-rust/openssh-sftp-client#65 (comment) :

If it possible for Sftp to hold a session and spawn command (which means hold on RemoteChild) internally? So that users don't need to hold session, remote_child and Sftp at the same time. To avoid RemoteChild been dropped earlier than Sftp, users like opendal have to use owning_ref tricks.

openssh_sftp_client::Sftp now has a new method new_with_auxiliary to hold any data and @Xuanwo & @silver-ymz is currently using a workaround I proposed by using a Boxed future.

But I think it's still better to have a RemoteChildOwned to avoid the self-ref issue, it's pretty bad for anybody using it with openssh_sftp_client.

Alternatively, we can wait for the new proxy-mode to openssh-mux-client openssh-rust/openssh-mux-client#6 , which will enable you to use stdin/stdout/stderr while dropping Session and RemoteChild.

It will also support windows.

Unfortunately, it was blocking on tokio_util::sync::WaitForCancellationFutureOwned, so I switched to other projects and I kind of forgot it.
I will restart working on it, but it will takes quite some time before it's ready to use.

How to manager .ssh/known_hosts file.

When restarting the sftp service, SSH authentication fails. The warning logs: WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!

The detail log:

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the ED25519 key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /Users/baoyachi/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending ED25519 key in /Users/baoyachi/.ssh/known_hosts:32
Host key for []:2222 has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.
Connection closed
Connection closed.

So, how to manage ~/.ssh/known_hosts file when sftp-server restart, that authentication fails.

native-mux feature can't compile anymore

Seems it depends on openssh-mux-client which depends on tokio-io-utility ^0.6.4 which has been yanked:

A simple setup like this:

openssh = { version= "0.9", default_features = false, features = ["native-mux"] }
tokio = { version = "1", default_features = false, features = ["rt-multi-thread"] }
futures = { version = "0.3", default_features = false }

Shows the issue:

[nix-develop]$ rm Cargo.lock 
[nix-develop]$ cargo check
    Updating index
error: failed to select a version for the requirement `tokio-io-utility = "^0.6.4"`
candidate versions found which didn't match: 0.7.1
location searched: index
required by package `openssh-mux-client v0.15.0`
    ... which satisfies dependency `openssh-mux-client = "^0.15.0"` of package `openssh v0.9.0`
    ... which satisfies dependency `openssh = "^0.9"` of package `start-engine v0.1.0 (/home/shana/programming/start-engine)`

Terminating the remote command and PTY allocation

Hi! I have a long running command on a remote, and I would like to have the ability to terminate the remote process as well - in my case triggered by a timeout on the local side. As stated in the documentation, when the ChildProcess or the connection is dropped, only the local part of the connection finishes, which is consistent with the normal ssh behavior for command exec.

Now, I haven’t tried it yet with this library, but if we had the ability to enforce a PTY, closing the connection would close the remote execution as well. But, this is currently explicitly disabled through the -T flag.

I would be happy to work on a fix for this. My question is, given that this is explicitly disabled (although if I recall for ssh exec the -T is implied), what is the reason to enforce it this way? Would it be possible to have another command execution that would run it inside a PTY? Would it make more sense to just not do the -T and leave it to the regular ssh_config to make a decision on how to do it?


Piping between std::process::Command stdout and openssh::session::RemoteChild

I tried following the example provided by std::process::Stdio::piped() unfortunately doesn't work because of the following:

the trait bound `openssh::Stdio: From<tokio::process::ChildStdout>` is not satisfied E0277 the trait `From<tokio::process::ChildStdout>` is not implemented for `openssh::Stdio` Help: the following other types implement trait `From<T>`:

Short example snippet:

async fn ... {

    let source = Command::new("util1")

    let destination = remote.command("util2")
        .stdin(source) // Incorrect

    // TODO: Alterative?

What would be the correct/best way to pipe local process' stdout into remote process' stdin with this crate? Sorry if this question is too basic, I can't wrestle the compiler that well yet :)

Nested ssh session possible?

Hi, I was wondering if keeping a nested (doubly) ssh session was possible using this crate.
I need to do the following thing:

connect to server 1
from server 1, connect to many other servers, that are reachable only from server 1

I cannot do SSH tunnel with my setup.


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