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federation-v2-operator's Issues

Latest build of master does not work - is there a good branch to use?

[root@ip-10-0-30-112 ~]# oc get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
federation-controller-manager-76687dcbd-hbcc8   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   12         38m

[root@ip-10-0-30-112 ~]# oc logs federation-controller-manager-76687dcbd-hbcc8
/root/controller-manager flag redefined: log_dir
panic: /root/controller-manager flag redefined: log_dir

goroutine 1 [running]:
flag.(*FlagSet).Var(0xc000096180, 0x160b8e0, 0xc000376500, 0x1479acc, 0x7, 0x14ab0bd, 0x2f)
	/usr/local/go/src/flag/flag.go:805 +0x529
flag.(*FlagSet).StringVar(0xc000096180, 0xc000376500, 0x1479acc, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x14ab0bd, 0x2f)
	/usr/local/go/src/flag/flag.go:708 +0x8a
flag.(*FlagSet).String(0xc000096180, 0x1479acc, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x14ab0bd, 0x2f, 0xc0003764f0)
	/usr/local/go/src/flag/flag.go:721 +0x8b
flag.String(0x1479acc, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x14ab0bd, 0x2f, 0xc00025df58)
	/usr/local/go/src/flag/flag.go:728 +0x69

using registry and

readme should include instructions on renaming context to consumable format

If user is primarily using OKD, their context often contains character that the CLI doesn't like.
For instance:

It would be nice to supply how to change the context to a consumable format:
oc config rename-context default/api-federific-1-sysdeseng-com:6443/kube:admin fed1-developer
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) fed1

Now the user can use 'fed1' in the join without trouble.

catalogsource is not created with current operator version

[root@ip-10-0-17-210 federation-v2-operator]# ./scripts/ pmorie
catalogsource "federation" created
operatorgroup "namespaced-federation" created
subscription "namespaced-federation-sub" created

federation-controller-manager-5fb55c99bb-4t7zz 1/1 Running 0 6m ip-10-10-132-211.ec2.internal
[root@ip-10-0-17-210 federation-v2-operator]# oc get catalogsource
No resources found.
[root@ip-10-0-17-210 federation-v2-operator]# oc get subscription
namespaced-federation-sub 10m
[root@ip-10-0-17-210 federation-v2-operator]# oc get catalogsource
No resources found.
[root@ip-10-0-17-210 federation-v2-operator]# oc get operatorgroup
namespaced-federation 10m
[root@ip-10-0-17-210 federation-v2-operator]#

e2e flake: k8s api server didn't start


  �[91mFeb  4 21:55:30.340: Error starting kubernetes apiserver: timeout waiting for process kube-apiserver to start�[0m


  �[91mFull Stack Trace�[0m
  	/go/src/ +0x143, 0x27, 0xc4206bef50, 0x1, 0x1)
  	/go/src/ +0x5c, 0x27, 0xc4206bef50, 0x1, 0x1)
  	/go/src/ +0x53*KubernetesApiFixture).setUp(0xc420718600, 0x16c5d40, 0x20e54b8)
  	/go/src/ +0x273, 0x20e54b8, 0x412708)
  	/go/src/ +0x54*FederationFixture).AddMemberCluster(0xc4207185a0, 0x16c5d40, 0x20e54b8, 0x20e54b8, 0x16a0ce0)
  	/go/src/ +0x39*FederationFixture).setUp(0xc4207185a0, 0x16c5d40, 0x20e54b8, 0x2)
  	/go/src/ +0x142, 0x20e54b8, 0x2, 0x412708)
  	/go/src/ +0x112
  	/go/src/ +0x4e, 0x0, 0x0)
  	/go/src/ +0x5c, 0x1607a10, 0x13, 0x156a6f2, 0x4, 0xc42089d468, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc420462f00, 0x1309700, ...)
  	/usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:447 +0x969
  reflect.Value.Call(0x1309700, 0x1607a10, 0x13, 0xc42007e468, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc42039acb0, 0xc42007e490, 0x20)
  	/usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:308 +0xa4*synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode).wrapA.func2()
  	/go/src/ +0x14e
  	/go/src/ +0x2b
  testing.tRunner(0xc4206ea0f0, 0x16079e8)
  	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:777 +0xd0
  created by testing.(*T).Run
  	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:824 +0x2e0
Feb  4 21:55:30.656: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on all node
Feb  4 21:55:30.656: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on node 1

�[1m�[91mRan 35 of 0 Specs in 21.190 seconds�[0m
�[1m�[91mFAIL!�[0m -- �[32m�[1m0 Passed�[0m | �[91m�[1m35 Failed�[0m | �[33m�[1m0 Pending�[0m | �[36m�[1m0 Skipped�[0m
--- FAIL: TestE2E (21.19s)
FAIL	21.440s
2019/02/04 21:55:35 Container test in pod managed-e2e failed, exit code 1, reason Error
2019/02/04 21:55:36 Ran for 10m25s
error: could not run steps: test "managed-e2e" failed: the pod ci-op-h8hq9j06/managed-e2e failed after 3m19s (failed containers: test): ContainerFailed one or more containers exited

Container test exited with code 1, reason Error
aged.(*FederationFixture).setUp(0xc4207185a0, 0x16c5d40, 0x20e54b8, 0x2)
  	/go/src/ +0x142, 0x20e54b8, 0x2, 0x412708)
  	/go/src/ +0x112
  	/go/src/ +0x4e, 0x0, 0x0)
  	/go/src/ +0x5c, 0x1607a10, 0x13, 0x156a6f2, 0x4, 0xc42089d468, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc420462f00, 0x1309700, ...)
  	/usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:447 +0x969
  reflect.Value.Call(0x1309700, 0x1607a10, 0x13, 0xc42007e468, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc42039acb0, 0xc42007e490, 0x20)
  	/usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:308 +0xa4*synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode).wrapA.func2()
  	/go/src/ +0x14e
  	/go/src/ +0x2b
  testing.tRunner(0xc4206ea0f0, 0x16079e8)
  	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:777 +0xd0
  created by testing.(*T).Run
  	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:824 +0x2e0
Feb  4 21:55:30.656: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on all node
Feb  4 21:55:30.656: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on node 1

�[1m�[91mRan 35 of 0 Specs in 21.190 seconds�[0m
�[1m�[91mFAIL!�[0m -- �[32m�[1m0 Passed�[0m | �[91m�[1m35 Failed�[0m | �[33m�[1m0 Pending�[0m | �[36m�[1m0 Skipped�[0m
--- FAIL: TestE2E (21.19s)
FAIL	21.440s

readme should describe host/host registration options

Currently, the readme in OKD as part of the operator includes only registering (join) an external client to the federation host. This differs from the upstream documentation. The two should be consistent.
Suggested addition to operator readme
kubefed2 join
-v 2

Error while trying to enable new types

I've deployed the operator v2 following the readme. The subscription was created and I can see the following status:

install strategy completed with no errors 

Some info about the cluster:

oc get clusterversion
version   4.0.0-0.5   True        False         22m       Cluster version is 4.0.0-0.5

The list of CRDs created by the operator:

oc get crd | grep fed                         2019-03-06T16:39:08Z                           2019-03-06T16:39:08Z                                2019-03-06T16:39:08Z                                 2019-03-06T16:39:08Z                          2019-03-06T16:39:08Z                              2019-03-06T16:39:08Z                      2019-03-06T16:39:09Z                                2019-03-06T16:39:09Z                2019-03-06T16:39:09Z                      2019-03-06T16:39:09Z

Now when I try to enable namespace (or any other type) federation I get the following error:

kubefed2 enable namespaces --federation-namespace federation-test --registry-namespace federation-test
F0306 17:56:45.126896   17083 enable.go:117] error: Error initializing validation schema accessor: Error loading openapi schema: SchemaError(com.github.openshift.api.image.v1.ImageBlobReferences): invalid object doesn't have additional properties

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Now more verbose:

I0306 17:59:12.373104   18384 loader.go:359] Config loaded from file /some/path/kubeconfig
I0306 17:59:12.374566   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:12.374578   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:12.374582   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:12.374586   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:12.966856   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 592 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:12.967844   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:12.967881   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:12.967903   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:12.967930   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.077867   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 109 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.083468   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.083535   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.083573   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.083608   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.083649   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.083649   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.083749   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.083784   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.083818   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.083937   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.083973   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.084006   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.084037   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.083715   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.084107   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.084164   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.084227   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.084248   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.084319   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.084353   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.084385   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.084462   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.084533   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.084278   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.084568   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.084578   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.084589   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.084603   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.084616   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.084618   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.084684   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.084715   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.084752   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.084878   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.084714   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.084925   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.084947   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.084963   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.085009   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085017   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.085050   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.085081   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.085113   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085261   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.085306   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.085318   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.085339   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.085357   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.085372   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085392   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.085403   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.085425   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085435   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.085522   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.085561   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085610   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.085653   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.085678   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.085719   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.085749   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.085782   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085812   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.085844   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.085876   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.085908   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085908   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.085685   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.085954   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.085969   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.086020   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.086052   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.086085   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085969   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.086298   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.086339   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.086346   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.086375   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.086396   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.086409   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.086431   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.086444   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.086466   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.086482   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.086514   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.086546   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.086579   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.086618   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.086650   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.086684   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.086725   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.086759   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.086783   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.086823   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.086854   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.086886   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.086926   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.086962   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.086993   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.086791   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087025   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087053   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087052   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087112   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.087165   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087199   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087019   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087254   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.087271   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087328   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.087363   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087493   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087494   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087517   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087541   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.087552   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087575   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087591   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.087607   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087273   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087660   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.087693   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087724   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087809   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087555   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.087845   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.087866   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087878   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087903   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087916   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087625   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087979   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.087979   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088053   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088073   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088086   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088105   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.088116   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.088158   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.088168   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.088281   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088324   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088357   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.088389   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.088389   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088540   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088574   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.088606   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.088619   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088626   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088674   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088680   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088389   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088746   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088779   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.088812   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.088845   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088881   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088625   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088920   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088943   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088954   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.088966   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088979   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.088988   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.089015   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089027   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089067   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.088997   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089143   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.089185   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.089217   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089249   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089261   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.089298   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.089330   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089341   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.089144   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089372   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.089407   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089430   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.089363   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089471   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.089500   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089530   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089568   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.089603   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.089439   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089636   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089797   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089637   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.089839   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.089858   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.089877   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.089890   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089912   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.089922   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089947   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.089878   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.090001   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.090034   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.090068   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.085987   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.090109   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.084947   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.090205   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.090220   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.090260   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.090282   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.090292   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.090328   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.090320   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.090206   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.090455   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.090467   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.090491   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.090498   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.090530   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.086241   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.090562   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.090586   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.090645   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.090147   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.090691   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.090727   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.087821   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.090760   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.090779   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088707   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.090862   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.090877   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.090810   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.090930   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.090932   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.091021   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091064   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.088913   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.091178   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.084626   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091220   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.087287   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.091258   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.091278   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091291   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.090651   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.091324   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091342   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091326   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.091388   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.088715   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091420   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.091441   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.091454   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091540   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.091581   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.091614   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.091647   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091711   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.091753   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.091784   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.091816   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.091724   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.091875   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.091906   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.091939   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.092001   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.092081   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.092145   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0306 17:59:13.092188   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.193602   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 109 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.193623   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 108 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.196581   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 112 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.196581   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 112 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.200029   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 115 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.200047   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 115 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.200679   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 115 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.200715   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 115 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.200820   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 116 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.302265   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 217 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.302951   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 217 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.303013   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 217 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.303013   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 217 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311547   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 224 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311600   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 223 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311699   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 224 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311710   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 225 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311764   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 225 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311798   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 225 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311804   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 223 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311822   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 225 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.311983   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 226 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.312080   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 225 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.312210   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 226 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.312277   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 224 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.312277   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 225 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.312280   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 225 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.316063   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 227 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.316873   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 229 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.318929   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 231 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.319088   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 231 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.319648   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 230 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.323374   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 233 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.324855   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.324941   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 233 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.324998   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.325555   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.325647   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 234 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.325942   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.326217   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.326426   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.326559   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 236 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.326629   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.326872   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.326882   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 236 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327079   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 234 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.324858   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 233 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327162   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 237 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327170   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 236 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327271   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 236 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327280   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327305   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 237 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327511   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 236 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327676   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 235 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327786   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 241 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327786   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 236 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327834   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 237 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327930   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 236 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.327958   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 237 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.328023   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 239 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.328059   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 236 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.328224   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 238 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.328294   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 239 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.328326   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 240 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.328362   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 240 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.328402   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 238 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.328427   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 237 milliseconds
I0306 17:59:13.329555   18384 enable.go:219] Found resource "namespaces.core/v1"
I0306 17:59:13.329731   18384 round_trippers.go:383] GET
I0306 17:59:13.329749   18384 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0306 17:59:13.329760   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     Accept: application/[email protected]+protobuf
I0306 17:59:13.329771   18384 round_trippers.go:393]     User-Agent: kubefed2/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
I0306 17:59:13.443960   18384 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 200 OK in 114 milliseconds
F0306 17:59:13.719715   18384 enable.go:117] error: Error initializing validation schema accessor: Error loading openapi schema: SchemaError(io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvFromSource_v2): invalid object doesn't have additional properties

Allow installing federation in cluster scope

We are planning on using this operator to deploy Federation along with Hive in production. This use case requires federation controllers to run in cluster scope instead of namespace scope.

Improve documentation in CSV descriptions

The goal of our CSV descriptions is to provide enough information and pointers to doc to give people:

  • An idea of how to choose which CSV
  • How to use federation once it's deployed
  • Links to doc

This issue captures that work.

Bundled kubefed2 produces error enabling types after Deployment

Kubefed2 in the operator has a regression of this PR:

Which produces the following bug:

kubefed2 enable --federation-namespace quay-enterprise
F0408 16:11:51.799929   16059 enable.go:112] error: Error initializing validation schema accessor: Error loading openapi schema: SchemaError(io.k8s.federation.types.v1alpha1.FederatedDeployment.spec.retainReplicas): Unknown primitive type: "bool"

StorageClass does not get created in cluster-scoped v0.0.8 deployment

Testing on OCP 4 as cluster-admin using v0.0.8 of the operator, installed with this command:
./scripts/ pmorie cluster-scoped

When trying to federate a storageclass

kind: FederatedStorageClass
  name: s3-buckets
  namespace: federation-test
      region: us-west-1
      secretName: s3-bucket-owner
      secretNamespace: s3-provisioner
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    - cluster1
    - cluster2

the FederatedStorageClass resource is created and can be seen:

# oc get federatedstorageclasses
NAME         AGE
s3-buckets   6s

However, no actual underlying storageclass is created in either of the clusters. The log had no errors as well, so didn't include, it's almost like the SC was simply ignored.

I've confirmed that v0.0.8 of the federation-controller in Kubernetes does work:

# kubectl create -f storageclass-federated.yaml created

# kubectl get federatedstorageclasses
NAME         AGE
s3-buckets   6s

# kubectl --context=cluster2 get storageclasses
NAME            PROVISIONER             AGE
default   3h
gp2 (default)   3h
s3-buckets        20s

cc: @marun @pmorie @scollier @erinboyd

kubefed2 CLI doesn't conistently deploy due to permissions on bb sleep

docker run --name=hyperfed --entrypoint=/bin/sh sleep 50000
/usr/bin/sleep: /usr/bin/sleep: cannot execute binary file

Docker log:

--log-driver=journald --signature-verification=false --storage-driver overlay2 --add-registry --add-registry --add-registry --add-registry --add-registry           └─16926 /usr/bin/docker-containerd-current -l unix:///var/run/docker/libcontainerd/docker-containerd.sock --metrics-interval=0 --start-timeout 2m --state-dir /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/containerd --shim docker-containerd-shim --runtime docker-runc --runtime-args --systemd-cgroup=trueMar 20 19:29:03 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: time="2019-03-20T19:29:03.624647909Z" level=info msg="API listen on /var/run/docker.sock"Mar 20 19:29:03 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal systemd[1]: Started Docker Application Container Engine.Mar 20 19:29:35 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: time="2019-03-20T19:29:35.278255707Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.26/containers/create?name=hyperfed returned error: Conflict. The container name "/hyperfed" is already in use by container 417f7e91ff95424870d74371090c6d297aa2d2450cea6d3e28ea834fe6d71e1c. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name."Mar 20 19:29:35 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: time="2019-03-20T19:29:35.281381772Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.26/containers/create returned error: Conflict. The container name "/hyperfed" is already in use by container 417f7e91ff95424870d74371090c6d297aa2d2450cea6d3e28ea834fe6d71e1c. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name."Mar 20 19:31:28 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: /usr/bin/sleep: /usr/bin/sleep: cannot execute binary fileMar 20 19:31:28 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: time="2019-03-20T19:31:28.766341671Z" level=warning msg="40a6297ca2bac37f78b6e8878be34e281813d9331bb13747c96e7aae6f825d09 cleanup: failed to unmount secrets: invalid argument"Mar 20 19:38:43 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: time="2019-03-20T19:38:43.597369554Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.26/containers/create?name=hyperfed returned error: Conflict. The container name "/hyperfed" is already in use by container 40a6297ca2bac37f78b6e8878be34e281813d9331bb13747c96e7aae6f825d09. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name."Mar 20 19:38:43 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: time="2019-03-20T19:38:43.598700789Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.26/containers/create returned error: Conflict. The container name "/hyperfed" is already in use by container 40a6297ca2bac37f78b6e8878be34e281813d9331bb13747c96e7aae6f825d09. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name."Mar 20 19:39:05 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: /usr/bin/sleep: /usr/bin/sleep: cannot execute binary fileMar 20 19:39:05 ip-10-0-17-210.ec2.internal dockerd-current[16920]: time="2019-03-20T19:39:05.160688484Z" level=warning msg="46e341ee13be02040726504e670616289cbf61f89142bc2c20a9c16c06e1e747 cleanup: failed to unmount secrets: invalid argument"

After changing permissions on /var/usr/sleep and renaming currently running hyperfed container, I was able to successfully use the CLI

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