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persformer_3dlane's Issues



Visualization Code

Hello Author,
Thank you for the findings, I didn't find in the code the code to visualize the Openlane dataset during the evaluation, only the calculation of the precision.

Inference Speed

Great work. I could not able to find the inference speed of PersFormer. How many FPS were you able run during inference and on what device?




Questions about TF

  1. There are three coordinate systems you mention: camera_coord, vehicle_coord and ground_coord. In JSON file the "xyz" are on vehicle_coord, and the output of the model is on ground_coord, so you need to transform using "R_vg" and "R_vc". Am I right? If I am right, how do you define the vehicle_coord?
  2. What is # transformation from apollo camera to openlane camera code used for?
  3. What is the code cam_extrinsics[0:2, 3] = 0.0 used for?
  4. Could you please draw a picture to explain all the coordinate you used in the code?
    Thanks very much!

training with Apollo dataset

Thank you so much for your publication.
I tried to training with Apollo dataset (standard group in data_splits).
I got the error of no label_list.
can you give me some guide to fix this error. Thank you.

Training error

thanks for your work! I have some problems in training.
i train the model with“ python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --mod=PersFormer --batch_size=4 --nepochs=10”
However,it can’t work.

actually,I follow the installation instruction in, created virtual environment,and install cuda10.1 as“conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 torchaudio==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch”.
During the creation of the environment,i use“conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev” to solve the CUDA_HOME error,and set protobuf==3.20.1.
What do I need to do to solve this problem?

Question about F1-score / precision / recall

Thanks for the wonderful work. However, it seems some details are missing in the evaluation metrics represented in the paper. What is the standard for calculating F-score, by adjusting the score threshold to get the highest F-score, or calculating under a fixed precision, such as F-score at Precision=95%? By adjusting precision, one could get different F-scores, which leads to difficulties for comparing between different methods. Besides, could you kindly provide the precision and recall for the represented F-score in Table 4?

questions about transformations

  1. I cannot understand the details about transformations, I think the formulation wants to get E_g2c. so, why not use 'R_gv@E' instead of 'inv(R_vg)@ E @R_vg@R_gc'?

  2. which is the correct coordinate system for 3d lane points?


Question about GPU memory usage

Hi! I'm curious about the GPU usage of this model when training, because when I'm training there is a strange error

RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED when calling `cublasSgemm( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, &beta, c, ldc)`

When I use batch size 2, the error would raise at

BUT When I use batch size 1, the above line can run normally, but the error would show at

SO I think it might be the problem of the memory issues, and my GPU memory is about 12G.
Can anyone tell me how much memory does PersFormer would consume?

result visualization

hello!I want to test single picture and visualize the result, can you offer relative code? Thank you!

Error when using Apollo dataset

Hi there, thanks for your excellent paper and work. I meet a bug when I use your code to train the model on Apollo dataset:

AttributeError: 'LaneDataset' object has no attribute '_label_list'

I saw in when dataset is OpenLane the self._label_list will be inited in a function but when dataset is Apollo, there is no init. Could you offer a solution? Thanks a lot!

Questions about extrinsics in JSON files

Hello: I see in your code that the extrinsics read directly from the JSON file cannot be used directly to projecting coordinate (u; v) in the front-view to the corresponding point in BEV by (u, v, 1) = K(intrinsics)·E(extrinsics)· (x, y, z, 1), but needs to be transformed first:

Then take the inverse of it:

Why is it needed this extra transformation for the external parameter? Why not just put the transformed external parameters in the JSON file?
In addition, I would like to ask you another question. If I want to get the coordinates in the camera coordinate system, can I directly use the transformed E· (x, y, z, 1) to get the coordinates?
Looking forward to your answer ~ thank you very much

3D lane generation pipeline

Hi, thanks for your nice paper. Could you please share the code related to the 3d lane generation pipeline? This was used for the ground truth if I understood correctly?

Data loader error

started training using python --mod=test --batch_size=8 --nepochs=100
and python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 --mod=test --batch_size=8 --nepochs=100

Had the following problem

Let's use 1 GPUs!
Loading Dataset ...
Discarding images:
use default sampler
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 40, in <module>
  File "", line 32, in main
    runner = Runner(args)
  File "/home/almon/personal_repos/Camera/lane/PersFormer_3DLane/experiments/", line 66, in __init__
    self.train_dataset, self.train_loader, self.train_sampler = self._get_train_dataset()
  File "/home/almon/personal_repos/Camera/lane/PersFormer_3DLane/experiments/", line 529, in _get_train_dataset
    train_loader, train_sampler = get_loader(train_dataset, args)
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

For the config:
I made the following changes:

      args.dataset_dir = '/mnt/0cb7d5a4-6618-47e1-b81a-2315ebd35b37/data/openlane/dataset/images/'
    args.data_dir = '/mnt/0cb7d5a4-6618-47e1-b81a-2315ebd35b37/data/openlane/dataset/lane3d_1000/'

  # ddp related
    args.dist = False
    args.sync_bn = False

    args.no_3d = True 

    args.proc_id = 0
    args.distributed = False
    args.gpu = 0

My dataset directory is shown below:

I tried the following debugging:

        print("===> Training set size: {}".format(len(train_dataset)))
        print("===> args: {}".format(args))
        train_loader, train_sampler = get_loader(train_dataset, args)

and returned

===> Training set size: 157848
===> args: Namespace(K=array([[1000.,    0.,  960.],
       [   0., 1000.,  640.],
       [   0.,    0.,    1.]]), S=72, T_0=500, T_max=8, T_mult=1, _2d_prob_loss_weight=0.0, _2d_reg_loss_weight=0.0, _2d_vis_loss_weight=0.0, _3d_prob_loss_weight=0.0, _3d_reg_loss_weight=0.0, _3d_vis_loss_weight=0.0, _seg_loss_weight=0.0, anchor_feat_channels=64, anchor_grid_x=array([[-10.        , -10.        , -10.        , ..., -10.        ,
        -10.        , -10.        ],
       [ -8.66666667,  -8.66666667,  -8.66666667, ...,  -8.66666667,
         -8.66666667,  -8.66666667],
       [ -7.33333333,  -7.33333333,  -7.33333333, ...,  -7.33333333,
         -7.33333333,  -7.33333333],
       [  8.13333333,  10.13333333,  12.13333333, ...,  30.13333333,
         38.13333333,  46.13333333],
       [  9.46666667,  11.46666667,  13.46666667, ...,  31.46666667,
         39.46666667,  47.46666667],
       [ 10.8       ,  12.8       ,  14.8       , ...,  32.8       ,
         40.8       ,  48.8       ]]), anchor_y_steps=array([  5,  10,  15,  20,  30,  40,  50,  60,  80, 100]), batch_norm=True, batch_size=8, cam_height=1.55, channels_in=3, clip_grad_norm=35.0, cls_loss_weight=1.0, conf_th=0.1, crop_y=0, cudnn=True, data_dir='/mnt/0cb7d5a4-6618-47e1-b81a-2315ebd35b37/data/openlane/dataset/lane3d_1000/', dataset_dir='/mnt/0cb7d5a4-6618-47e1-b81a-2315ebd35b37/data/openlane/dataset/images/', dataset_name='openlane', dist=False, distributed=False, encoder='EfficientNet-B3', eta_min=1e-05, evaluate=False, evaluate_case=False, feature_channels=128, fix_cam=False, fmap_mapping_interp_index=array([[[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],


       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1],
        [ 1,  2],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1],
        [ 1,  2],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1],
        [ 1,  2],
        [14, 15],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]]]), fmap_mapping_interp_weight=array([[[0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ]],

       [[0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ]],

       [[0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ]],


       [[0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.92307692, 0.07692308],
        [0.92307692, 0.07692308],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ]],

       [[0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.61538462, 0.38461538],
        [0.61538462, 0.38461538],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ]],

       [[0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.30769231, 0.69230769],
        [0.30769231, 0.69230769],
        [0.76923077, 0.23076923],
        [0.        , 0.        ],
        [0.        , 0.        ]]]), gamma=0.1, gpu=0, im_anchor_angles=[array([13.38774168, 15.35622435, 17.98113487, 21.63719831, 27.02231477,
       35.52769327, 13.78622136, 15.8795232 , 18.69578452, 22.66332033,
       28.59283131, 38.11915612, 13.01126367, 14.86556104, 17.31749166,
       20.69604962, 25.60419655, 33.22746829, 14.20864731, 16.43872893,
       19.46730566, 23.78571073, 30.33891954, 41.04801986, 12.65504408,
       14.40463831, 16.69974282, 19.83018921, 24.31883021, 31.17829495,
       15.13430285, 17.68020515, 21.20902922, 26.37446808, 34.47194144,
       48.12916757, 11.99726763, 13.56201687, 15.58458742, 18.29213003,
       22.08213108, 27.70021836]), array([144.47230673, 152.97768523, 158.36280169, 162.01886513,
       164.64377565, 166.61225832, 146.77253171, 154.39580345,
       159.30395038, 162.68250834, 165.13443896, 166.98873633,
       141.88084388, 151.40716869, 157.33667967, 161.30421548,
       164.1204768 , 166.21377864, 148.82170505, 155.68116979,
       160.16981079, 163.30025718, 165.59536169, 167.34495592,
       138.95198014, 149.66108046, 156.21428927, 160.53269434,
       163.56127107, 165.79135269, 152.29978164, 157.91786892,
       161.70786997, 164.41541258, 166.43798313, 168.00273237,
       131.87083243, 145.52805856, 153.62553192, 158.79097078,
       162.31979485, 164.86569715]), array([ 49.95934314,  74.35227124, 105.64772876, 130.04065686,
        54.463179  ,  81.24205062, 112.10451174, 134.01977512,
        45.98022488,  67.89548826,  98.75794938, 125.536821  ,
        59.53524673,  88.39554646, 118.02173207, 137.52859198,
        42.47140802,  61.97826793,  91.60445354, 120.46475327,
        71.42127671, 102.63034064, 128.10669722, 143.35910639,
        36.64089361,  51.89330278,  77.36965936, 108.57872329])], im_anchor_origins=[array([0.65867168, 0.68308271, 0.71637048, 0.76445281, 0.84001075,
       0.97601505, 0.64653957, 0.66989249, 0.7020996 , 0.74937436,
       0.8255192 , 0.96860456, 0.67009707, 0.69539032, 0.72951963,
       0.77809521, 0.85275164, 0.98220179, 0.63363307, 0.65572118,
       0.68655705, 0.73262052, 0.80888955, 0.95956738, 0.68087574,
       0.70690103, 0.74167431, 0.7904974 , 0.86404105, 0.98744479,
       0.60518009, 0.62396225, 0.65091057, 0.69283017, 0.76699562,
       0.93386788, 0.70070079, 0.72782252, 0.76341979, 0.81220123,
       0.88315605, 0.99584901]), array([0.97601505, 0.84001075, 0.76445281, 0.71637048, 0.68308271,
       0.65867168, 0.98220179, 0.85275164, 0.77809521, 0.72951963,
       0.69539032, 0.67009707, 0.96860456, 0.8255192 , 0.74937436,
       0.7020996 , 0.66989249, 0.64653957, 0.98744479, 0.86404105,
       0.7904974 , 0.74167431, 0.70690103, 0.68087574, 0.95956738,
       0.80888955, 0.73262052, 0.68655705, 0.65572118, 0.63363307,
       0.99584901, 0.88315605, 0.81220123, 0.76341979, 0.72782252,
       0.70070079, 0.93386788, 0.76699562, 0.69283017, 0.65091057,
       0.62396225, 0.60518009]), array([0.18488391, 0.3949613 , 0.6050387 , 0.81511609, 0.18006799,
       0.39014538, 0.60022278, 0.81030017, 0.18969983, 0.39977722,
       0.60985462, 0.81993201, 0.17525207, 0.38532946, 0.59540686,
       0.80548425, 0.19451575, 0.40459314, 0.61467054, 0.82474793,
       0.16562023, 0.37569762, 0.58577501, 0.79585241, 0.20414759,
       0.41422499, 0.62430238, 0.83437977])], ipm_h=208, ipm_w=128, lane_width=2, learnable_weight_on=True, learning_rate=0.0002, local_rank=None, loss_att_weight=100.0, loss_dist=[10.0, 4.0, 1.0], loss_seg_weight=0.0, loss_threshold=100000.0, lr_decay=False, lr_decay_iters=10, lr_policy='cosine', match_dist_thre_3d=2.0, max_lanes=20, mod='bruce_persformer_2d_only', nepochs=100, new_match=False, nhead=8, niter=900, niter_decay=400, nms_thres=45.0, nms_thres_3d=1.0, no_3d=True, no_centerline=True, no_cuda=False, no_tb=False, npoints=8, num_att=3, num_category=21, num_class=2, num_proj=4, num_y_steps=10, nworkers=4, optimizer='adam', org_h=1280, org_w=1920, pitch=3, port=29666, position_embedding='learned', pred_cam=False, pretrained=False, print_freq=10, prob_th=0.5, proc_id=0, reg_vis_loss_weight=1.0, resize_h=360, resize_w=480, resume='', save_freq=50, save_json_path='/home/almon/personal_repos/Camera/lane/PersFormer_3DLane/data_splits/openlane', save_path='/home/almon/personal_repos/Camera/lane/PersFormer_3DLane/data_splits/openlane/bruce_persformer_2d_only', save_prefix='/home/almon/personal_repos/Camera/lane/PersFormer_3DLane/data_splits', seg_start_epoch=1, start_epoch=0, sync_bn=False, test_mode=False, top_view_region=array([[-10, 103],
       [ 10, 103],
       [-10,   3],
       [ 10,   3]]), use_att=True, use_default_anchor=False, use_fpn=False, use_memcache=False, use_proj=True, use_slurm=False, use_top_pathway=False, vgg_mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], vgg_std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], vis_th=0.1, weight_decay=0.001, weight_init='normal', world_size=1, y_ref=5)
Discarding images:
use default sampler
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 40, in <module>
  File "", line 32, in main
    runner = Runner(args)
  File "/home/almon/personal_repos/Camera/lane/PersFormer_3DLane/experiments/", line 66, in __init__
    self.train_dataset, self.train_loader, self.train_sampler = self._get_train_dataset()
  File "/home/almon/personal_repos/Camera/lane/PersFormer_3DLane/experiments/", line 531, in _get_train_dataset
    train_loader, train_sampler = get_loader(train_dataset, args)

Memory Leak problem

thanks for your work! I am getting a memory leak while training.

I strictly follow the installation instruction in docs/, and train the model using the following script:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 --mod=persformer --batch_size=2 --nepochs=40

However, the memory consumption (system memory instead of cuda memory) gradually increases during training, and finally takes all the memory.

Does this problem occur with you?

Model weight loading error

We used the best trained model provided in the article for testing, but the weight of the model was loaded incorrectly. The reason seems to be that the keys of the model parameters don't match, that is, the model parameters don't match. However, the hyperparameters I used have always been the hyperparameters in the code and haven't been changed. The error results are as follows:

Query about training setting.

Hi, thanks for your sharing. I run the code for training, but do not get the results reported in your paper. Could you provide your training setting? Currently, I use your training script to train with batch_size=2 & gpu=4.

A traing problem

Thanks for your work first!I follow the installation instruction in, created virtual environment and install cuda as"pip3 install torch==1.8.1+cu111 torchvision==0.9.1+cu111 -f".
Then I run the code“python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 --mod=openlane --batch_size=8 --nepochs=100” to train ,I met a problem like this:
Could you please help me?


@hli2020 @dyfcalid @ChonghaoSima

The training code crashes

The training code crashes without an understandable error message:

proc_id: 5
world size: 6
local_rank: 5
proc_id: 3
world size: 6
local_rank: 3
proc_id: 1
world size: 6
local_rank: 1
proc_id: 4
world size: 6
local_rank: 4
proc_id: 2
world size: 6
local_rank: 2
proc_id: 0
world size: 6
local_rank: 0
Let's use 6 GPUs!
Loading Dataset ...
mean_cam_height 2.115622443531824, mean_cam_pitch 0.0
mean_cam_height 2.115622443531824, mean_cam_pitch 0.0
mean_cam_height 2.115622443531824, mean_cam_pitch 0.0
mean_cam_height 2.115622443531824, mean_cam_pitch 0.0
mean_cam_height 2.115622443531824, mean_cam_pitch 0.0
mean_cam_height 2.115622443531824, mean_cam_pitch 0.0
Killing subprocess 6040
Killing subprocess 6041
Killing subprocess 6042
Killing subprocess 6043
Killing subprocess 6044
Killing subprocess 6047
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/anaconda3/envs/persformer/lib/python3.8/", line 194, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/root/anaconda3/envs/persformer/lib/python3.8/", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/root/anaconda3/envs/persformer/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 340, in <module>
  File "/root/anaconda3/envs/persformer/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 326, in main
    sigkill_handler(signal.SIGTERM, None)  # not coming back
  File "/root/anaconda3/envs/persformer/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 301, in sigkill_handler
    raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=last_return_code, cmd=cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/root/anaconda3/envs/persformer/bin/python', '-u', '', '--local_rank=5', '--mod=FIRST_RUN', '--batch_size=24']' died with <Signals.SIGKILL: 9>.

The run command I executed is python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 6 --mod=FIRST_RUN --batch_size=24

Any idea?

How to test my own images?

Dear author,
I want to know how to test my own images if there is no ground truth value of my images?
Thanks for opensource this outstanding working!

您好,感谢开源如此优秀的工作!请问一下怎么才能测试自己的图片呢?是必须要有图片的ground truth吗?如果没有的话怎么办呢?

BEV image resolution in m/cm

Hi, could you please let me know the resolution of your BEV image in meters? I know it is w=128, h=208, but I want to know this in meters. Alternatively, please direct me to the part of the code where I can extract this information. Thank you! :)

Question about extrinsics

May I ask whether the camera height and pitch angle used in are passed in or obtained from the camera extrinsics?

ImportError about nms


I have setup the environment successfully, but when I run "python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 --mod=PersFormer --batch_size=4 --nepochs=10" , it made an ImportError.

Could you please help me see how to solve it? very thanks!

Question about benchmark

In OpenLane 2D Lane Detection evaluation, which value of lane width and iou threshold you took to get benchmark results? 30 & 0.5 ?

Some questions about code

Thanks for your wonderful work! I have some'questions when I read the code.Could u please help me out?

  1. In 3d lane detection ,(xi,zi,visi) is the output right? In the class LanePredictionHead (Line 310 in model/networks/ ), how we get the zi (lane heigt in 3D space) in the 3D coordinate(x,y,z)?And what's the funtion of the class LanePredictionHead
  2. Where does the initial input query for self-attention come from?You say "q=v=query" in line 118 in odel/networks/ ,does the "query" equals to the"query" in line 106? If it's BEV feat map, how and where we get the bev feat map?from BEV head in line 336 in models/
  3. In the session 4.2 in the paper, what the meaning of this sentence : This process could bring some unreasonable parts into the current frame; thus, points in one lane whose 2D projections are higher than the ending position of its 2D annotation are labeled as invisible.
    what does "visibility " means and how we predict it? What' the difference between visibility in 2D and 3D?
  4. When we generate 2D lane labels, is that right we first object the point clouds of lanes from the world coordinate system to the image coordinate system ?What's the difference between 3D lane generaton and 2D lane label?
    Sorry to have so much question. I'd be deeply grateful for you reply!

where is the lane vis output tensor in paper?

thank you for your share, but I find that the github code is not consistant with paper.

such as, "Unifying anchor design in 2D and 3D. We first put curated anchors (red) in the BEV space (left), then project them to the front view (right). Offset xi k and ui k (dashed line) are predicted to match ground truth (yellow and green) to anchors. The correspondence is thus built, and features are optimized together“

the code predicting lane length using the laneatt old method, which predict the start ration, but paper uses the lane visible for each row??

training time consume

Hi there, thanks for your great work!
I trained with 4 card 3090 on Openlane dataset, set batch to 8. It takes about an hour for a epoch, I'm wondering if the time consuming is normal.



非常抱歉再次打扰你们。我尝试将gt作为预测样例来评价测试指标。具体的做法是这样的, 先将gt的格式转换成pred的格式,然后再在使用eval_3D_lane.py来测试,其中--dataset_dir的输入是原始标注,--pred-dir的输入是将gt转换成pred格式的输入。

question about output

Thanks for your amazing job!
How can i output the id of the 3D lane?
for example,if there are four lanes, the model can output lane id like 0, 1, 2, 3.
waiting for your reply~

Questions about Validation

Hello, when I use the weights you posted and use this command to infer, the error is as follows, what is the reason?
and my data file structure is as follows:
args.dataset_name = 'openlane'
args.dataset_dir = '/home/PersFormer_3DLane/openlane/images/validation/'
args.data_dir = '/home/PersFormer_3DLane/lane3d_300/'

How to train on single gpu ?

I encountered this problem when I try to train on a single Gpu, please help me,Thank you :

python --mod=kkk --batch_size=8 --nepochs=200

proc_id: None
world size: 1
local_rank: None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 40, in
File "", line 30, in main
File "/media/lee/PersFormer_3DLane-main/experiments/", line 80, in ddp_init
File "/media/lee/PersFormer_3DLane-main/experiments/", line 63, in setup_distributed
File "/media/lee/miniconda3/envs/cc/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 309, in set_device
device = _get_device_index(device)
File "/media/lee/miniconda3/envs/cc/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 34, in _get_device_index
return _torch_get_device_index(device, optional, allow_cpu)
File "/media/lee/miniconda3/envs/cc/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/", line 514, in _get_device_index
'or an integer, but got:{}'.format(device))
ValueError: Expected a torch.device with a specified index or an integer, but got:None

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